19 January, 2025


Minorities & System Change 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

It has taken seventy-five years of self-destructive communal politics to bankrupt Sri Lankan economy and leave each of the ethnic and religious minorities to fight for a piece from a shrinking cake. True, corruption, nepotism, wasteful investments, riots, civil war, natural disasters and so on had contributed to this bankruptcy. But at the bottom of all this is the diabolic political ideology of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism, which highjacked the British gifted parliamentary democracy, and allowed promoters of that ideology to run governments without any accountability and with scant regard to the wellbeing of minority communities. The only accountability governments faced was when they went to the polls. The voters of course had periodic opportunities to throw out bad governments and install a new one expecting the newcomer to solve problems inherited from the old and lead the country along the path towards prosperity and glory. That exercise was repeated several times but only ended up in changing pillows to cure head ache without realizing that the head ache was just a symptom of a deadly cancer requiring lifesaving surgery. Today Sri Lanka is in need of a lifesaving surgery or system change in political parlour, which means the ideological edifice of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism must be removed and replaced with the ideology of secular democracy and responsible governance. This is the primary choice voters would face at the next election, be it presidential, general or otherwise.

The two minorities, Tamils and Muslims, accounting for nearly one third of total population had been the victims, although to different degrees, of ethnonationalist governments, which deliberately designed and executed policies of discrimination to deny the minorities their due share in both the struggle for and fruits of national development. While the Tamils decided to fight against this discrimination peacefully at first and violently later and dragged the country into an unaffordable long and bloody civil war, Muslims on the other hand used their commercial acumen to practice what came to be known as politics of pragmatism. Their community leaders bargained and won from all ethnonationalist governments preferential treatment to Muslims in return for that community’s support. That strategy however, remained profitable only as long as the Sinhalese feared an existential threat from Tamils, but once that threat evaporated after the civil war in 2009 Muslim support became unnecessary to maintain majoritarian rule. As a result, the future of these two communities looks bleak so long as the present system of politics and governance are allowed to continue. It was that political culture which ultimately decided how the country should be governed and it was that culture which led this country’s economy to bankruptcy. Therefore, unless that political culture is removed and replaced with a secular democratic culture there is no hope for ethnic and religious minorities to live in Sri Lanka with dignity, freedom and justice.

In response to the rise of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism the two minorities founded their own separate ethnonational parties, which only strengthened the political clout of their enemy. Although the leftists from the majority community offered a way out the two minorities jointly rejected them. Ultimately ethnic politics became the bane of this country and the poly-crisis is its outcome. This is why the next election is going to be one like no other.  The choice facing all voters and particularly those from the two minorities is only one: to support either a leader and his/her party that want to preserve the ruling system which is moribund and corrupt and which cannot be improved by polishing its rough edges, or, to bring in a new system governed by principles of secular democracy in which all citizens of this country irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, cast or sex are treated as equals before law and their respective contribution to society and rewards for their contribution would be recognized or measured only in terms of merit and no other.  Is there such a leader and party to choose from?

Of all the parties and their leaders vying to capture the presidency and government, only one – NPP and its leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) – is calling for a “social revolution” to change the political culture, its mode of governance and its model of economic management, which together means a paradigm shift. This is a revolutionary call to put it bluntly and is to be achieved not through bullets but through the ballot. Unlike in previous elections the coming one is going to take place in an environment of multiple crises. The economy of course is leading the pack but there are others such as education, health, environment, foreign relations, human rights violations, democratic freedom and so on, in all of which the two minority communities have been affected disproportionately. The solution to minority problems has to be sought from within and not from without. This is at least one lesson the Tamil community must have learnt after 2009. Similarly, the Muslims also must realize that their concept of umma or universal Islamic brotherhood is only a slogan without substance. The latest proof of this is the current tragedy in Gaza.

It is time these two minorities forget about bargaining for special concessions and privileges from ethnonational parties of the majority community and consider seriously and support the hands of NPP that is determined to end seventy-five years of divisive politics with all its evils.    

President Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) an ageing old fox in politics and aspiring to recapture the presidency is talking about ethnic compromise without explaining what that means and how to achieve it, only to appease the Tamil community. He is also doing everything under his power to attract Muslim voters. From the time he let go with a slap on the wrist a Muslim parliamentarian who was caught red handed smuggling taxable items through the VIP lounge at Katunayake, to his most recent declaration in Jaffna that everything had been done to allow Muslims who were chased out by the LTTE to return to their vacated properties, and the handover of the controversial Punani University campus to another Muslim ex-parliamentarian in between, RW is casting his net wide to recapture the traditional UNP Muslim vote bank a substantial part of it has fallen under the control of SLMC and ACMC.

It is not clear yet how many would enter the fray to oppose RW except AKD if a Presidential Election were to be declared first.  However, from a variety of opinion reckonings it appears that if the contest becomes a three or more-cornered fight AKD stands a good chance of winning. This is why there is a hectic number of meetings and discussions going on in secrecy and behind closed doors to make the contest a direct fight between RW and AKD. To that extent NPP has already won the contest. On that assumption the next presidential election could be expected to be one not between two personalities but between two political and economic orders, one representing an ageing and dying generation steeped in identity politics with its desire to retain the ethnonationalist paradigm, and the other representing a new and growing generation awakened by an integrated borderless world and craving to make integrational politics the basis for a new paradigm. That was made loud and clear at the aragalaya, which RW destroyed.

To the two minorities therefore the choice is starkly evident. Either they vote for a leader and party that advocates system change to bring about a new socio-economic order grounded in integrational politics, secular democracy and corruption free governance or vote for a champion of the old system that has kept the nation divided since independence, immiserized the economy and created a class of political parvenus thriving on public wealth. Alternatively, if the Tamils decide to boycott the election that would be suicidal.   

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 5

    Dr. Ali, You say to vote for leader or party that advocates system change. Where do you find such. These suckers are breeding families which rob and take all available resources from the nation so that there is no money to run the country. Poor men die off. The Moulanas keep extracting the dollars also for themselves. We have no leaders to chase the Moulanas excepy Fonseka who is bold. He too might be imprisoned again.

    • 9

      At election times all pols/parties give gold-standard promises/undertakings. ……… Just to clear ye heads and get even a small dose of reality ……… read the manifestos published before elections: Yahapalanaya’s, Gota’s Vistas of Splendour and Prosperity etc.

      Neither the pols/parties ……. who offer/publish them nor the public/voters who might read them don’t believe any of the crap …… it has become just customary/tradition for pols/parties to offer some crap.

      It’s a double game ……. no pol/party ever intend to carry out any of the promises. It’s just hogwash to hoodwink the voter.

      It’s not rocket science to get to the truth of what’s going to happen …….. just look for the intent/intention.

      Although his intentions might be honest …….. I don’t think AKD has a clue about running a modern economy in an ever increasing competitive world that is becoming more ruthless and indifferent. I don’t see any knowhow/talent/skill/experience in the JVP/NPP, let alone in Ranil or any other major/traditional parties. …… There is a big difference between talking and actually doing.

      If there is no fortunate accident/coincidence/miracle ……… we are doomed.

      • 4


        So, I look for little things ………. I think AKD will get rid of the perks for the Rajapkses and all the ex-presidents and their families. In a time when unbearable taxes/burdens are heaped on the average workingman who actually contribute to the GDP of the country ……. it’ll be a start to get the parasites to pay their own way.

        Every great journey starts with a small step. :))

        And for the first time since 1948 …….. the power will be in the hands of the working class – a transfer from the bogus “ruling-class” ……. who themselves were once working-class before putting on airs.

        Paradise lost …….. or gained ……. remains to be seen. It’s a work in progress.

        • 8

          nimal fernando

          My Grandma says Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) has become or talks like her grandma.
          Please refer to රාජ්‍ය නායක විදේශ සංචාර රටකට අවශ්‍යද? (Does a country need its head of state travel abroad?)
          17 January 2024.

          AKD is going ga ga.
          Why does the head of state visits abroad?
          It appears he didn’t even know the basic facts, the country is bankrupt, his former allies Rajapaksa clan caused it, therefore the present head of state is going around with his begging bowl.

          Yet the clan believes it is their clan rights to rule and ruin this island. Don’t forget once JVP was part of Clan’s cheer leaders until it was brutally sacked by Mahinda.

          Sinhala_Man is yet to tell us how JVP’s budget is balanced annually.

          • 7

            Dear NV,

            “Sinhala_Man is yet to tell us how JVP’s budget is balanced annually.”
            Please don’t endanger our SINHALA_man deliberately. He is good at providing loads of irrevalent links leading to AKD-deyyo’s public speeches.

            His judgemental idiosyncracies made me and oLD codger criminals of unknown nature. Main reasons, we dont treat them with “SADU SADU” slogans. In the same time, he has been fighiting for a better future for the nation ? Is not that not paradoxial ?


            • 4

              Minorities and their lives matter. However, the Sinhalese majority parties will only assert their worth when their elections are approaching. self proclaimed to be clean, JVP-NPP trickfully dont even mention it also seeking hidden voter gains.
              Polarizing slogans from election campaigns could not be overlooked, for example shortly before “ONE AND ONLY GOTA’s ELECITION was in the air”. I remember how ALI SABRY gave public speeches that if they rejected “ballots” for GOTABAYA, they would face the unexpected, which meant destroying their lives. Who are these minority leaders? They are the mercenaries of racist Sinhalese leaders. These selfish games are not unknown to the general public, but our general public is almost “indifferent” to everything and everyone due to the lack of fact-based knowledge.
              They also misused it on the internet, in the mainstream media and through all other means to create a false perception about Muslims, remember? It is clear to everyone, especially if you study the country’s election campaigns in recent years.

              tbc ->2

              • 4


                Sri Lankans living abroad know this all too well, as they are a minority outside the country in which they now live.
                Supporting Sri Lankans from their diaspora can help their families overcome their communal mentality.
                I have been trying for a long time but it is very difficult, but we must not give up so easily. It is relatively difficult to not only change the mindset of the community but even introduce new systems among our people. They are unique in their own way of thinking, and if a new world opens before them, their thinking should be changed with a paradigm shift. Media should play the main role, however, with lanken media being the most selfish in recent times, I dont see the light at the end of the tunnel in this regard… it is the media which can speed up the real change.
                Shortly before November 2019, Dr. Safi was completely isolated from the Pediatric Obstetrics Department of the Kurunegala Hospital and was accused of harming 4,000 mothers who underwent surgery at the clinic.
                Rajapakse racists created this myth to mislead the nation. MBBS holders like Channa Jayasumana spearheaded the project and worked to make common people disabuse the myth.

          • 1

            Dear Native Vedda,

            You ought to know, by now, that I know nothing of Economics. If I did, I would have got somewhere in life.
            Please spend some hours listening to those in the NPP who know Economics, and usually speak in Sinhala. I do listen to them, and give you links.
            Now who has written this article? Dr Ameer Ali who has got a PhD in Economics, is older than me, but can’t understand Sinhala. He’s from Kaththankudi, from where the imbecile Easter Bombers came. I think it is now generally admitted that the people who benefitted from that tragedy were the Rajapaksas. So, we do have odd situations like Dr Nalinda Jayatissa (MBBS) making reference to Economic Affairs, as well as other aspects of the struggle for power, in interviews like this in English:
            Panini Edirisinhe

            • 2

              Dear Panini – Funny how Dr Nalinda Jayatissa (MBBS) starts by saying that bancruptcy is not limited to economy but is in fact in all domains that he mentions there in the interview. Let me warn you, Dr. Jayatissa is one morally banckrupt individual, and opportunist and a cussed human being, that has now values, morals or ethics. An imbecile and an opportunist himself. NPP is better without fellows like him.

            • 1


              Thanks for the link.
              He is not serious is he?
              Why does not he spell out how he is going to reform country’s economy, legal system, …… He is not talking about syphoned off wealth parked outside the country, ….
              He is not giving assurance for people to stay back nor is he guaranteeing people their life and wealth if they returned. Nepotism is part of our culture, hence he has not told us how he is going eradicate it.

              At least NPP now got the b***s to discuss Social Democratic policies in the open.

              However we want to hear NPP’s economic policies from JVP old guards who were partly responsible for ruining the country. If elected, these old guards are ready to declare martial law the next morning.

              • 0

                This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

                For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

              • 1

                He was an MP who did not have much practical knowledge about Sri Lankan politics.
                If this man is to be the future health minister. gOOD luck to this nation..
                …alas, He is a teenager in politics so almost anything can go wrong.
                They are always good at speaking from the side of the opposition. I am very pessimistic about the dreams of JVP-NPP. But I have no hope for their victory today.
                I tell you if they really want to win the election they should come forward and study the society full of different thinkers. That is why different political parties represent the country and the nation inside and outside the parliament. So building some sort of consensus must be a pre-requisite for the JVP to gather more supporters.. Just because the poll numbers are up, doesn’t mean they will become the ruling party at the end of the year.

  • 10

    Dear Dr. Ameer Ali,
    We all know that the coming Presidential election is going to be very competitive and challenging. The contribution of minorities could be a deciding factor even though the minorities have not been directly involved in the competition. Your main focus of this article is that the minorities should vote for NPP lead by AKD. Presidential power is like a man or woman becoming a monster god and no one is willing to leave that status easily. So, what is the plan of NPP if AKD become President?

  • 20

    “Muslims” of SL unlike those in Tamil Nadu (TN) do not consider themselves as Tamils FIRST. Had the did so the minorities would have been in better shape. The muslims benefited from the Tamils bashing by SBF( Sinhala buddhist fundamentalists).
    Muslims in the Eastern province were incorporated in to Government Home Guards to massacre the Tamils. Muslims PRAGMATISM is what is called “Thoppi Piratees:”
    There is NO NEED for any more commissions such as the Truth & reconciliations.
    We need to see actions. Reduce the Defence forces in the North and East; Stop them dabbling in agriculture and tourism business. Let the locals get involved; sell the ventures undertaken by armed/air/ navy/ forces. Release all the political prisoners; Develop the Palaly airport so that bigger planes can land.

  • 4

    “The two minorities, Tamils and Muslims, accounting for nearly one third of total population…”
    Wonder from the author got this data? According to 2012 census, minorities accounted for one fourth of the population, not one third. Has this composition changed since then?

    • 0

      From *where

    • 7

      2012 census may be not accurate, 2’5 years after end of war and still displaced from Permanent residences in North and East, not returned to permanent address from overseas and India especially!!

      • 0

        Mahila – So from where did Dr. Ali got the information? Does he work for the dept. of immigration and emmigration? Did he keep a personal account? He has a PhD I presume, if one is quoting such figures, especially ones that contradict official figures, it is I presume common decency to quote the source, which he hasn’t. I have never seen any one else make such a claim.

    • 2

      You’re right, Ruchira, but this subject is much more complex than appears at first sight.
      I’ve looked at this:
      There is a census underway right now: I’m going to return my form today (in a few hours) to the Grama Niladhari. No, I’m not late, although the form is only in Sinhala and Tamil. No English, never mind. And it is referred to as the census of 2021.
      Yes, according to the 2012 statistics as given in the link above, the Sinhalese are 74.90% – so the balance are “minorities”.
      However, Buddhists are given as 70.10%.
      There is a common assumption that all Buddhists are Sinhalese. For both “ethnic groups” and “religions” negligible numbers are given as “others”. I’m not even looking at other countries – it becomes cherry picking.
      This is a risky article to write, but at least the author’s tone is all right. As I write, there are only six comments to be seen.
      Lastly this form asks only for six details:
      Postal address, name. gender, Date of Birth, National Identity Card Number, and Telephone Number.
      That’s all for now.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 0

        SM – What is so complex? There are numbers published by the dept. of census and statistics. If one is defining minorities differently, one must state so. Even if you take 70% Buddhists as the majority, minorities only accounts for 30%, not one third. He is Dr. Ali – I presume he has a doctorate. One would expect for someone from such an academic background to do better.
        I liked Colombo Telegraph for the diverse opinions that they publish, but now I am beginning to doubt the validity of the information published and claims various authors make, without providing proper sources or contexts or any qualifying statements to their claims and information given. It looks like anybody can claim anything and get away with it – spreading misinformation and disinformation. Disappointing.

    • 6

      Tamils and Muslims are ‘Tamil speaking people’ of Sri Lanka. The enormous difficulties they face in dealing with the state machinery in Tamil language have to addressed. Their differences in regard to gods they worship is an issue among themselves which the Sinhala speaking majority can’t be bothered about.


      • 8

        Tamil speaking people must unite to win their language rights.


        • 8


          Good to hear from you,
          Will you be travelling to Middle East in order to serve Western Interest?
          Israel helped you to win your pathetic patriotic war. Aren’t you going to reciprocate it?

        • 1

          Am only too happy to show my agreement to your sentiments!!??

      • 0

        Soma – no disagreement there.

    • 6

      Go back to 1881 or before the 1948 census instead of 2012.

      • 1

        Ajith – “Go back to 1881 or before the 1948 census instead of 2012.”
        For what? He isn’t talking about the past. Is he?

        • 4

          Past is important to understand to find out to the Past. Do you know how the population of Tamils in the North East was reduced and how the Sinhalese population increased in the North East. The population of Sinhalese in the Country increased from 66% in 1881 to 75% now whereas 33% of minorities reduced 25%.
          Do you think it is natural growth?

          • 1

            Ajith – I do not know what caused the demographic changes you have mentioned. But that’s not what Dr. Ali says here noh? My querry was in relation to what he has said – not what happened in the past which may be of relevance, but he doesn’t bring it. Since you brought it up, what caused the changes if not natural growth?

            • 3

              I have had a thorough look at the paragraph in which Dr. Ali mentioned nearly two-third of the population of minorities Tamils and Muslims had been the victims of ethnonationalistic governments (UNP, SLFP), which deliberately designed and executed policies (Sinhala only, special status to Buddhism, Colonisation of Sinhalese in the North East, language based standardisation, 1958,1962, 1977,1981, 1983 riots, burning of Jaffna library etc.etc.)
              I am sure you are a well educated person to analyse and understand what happened to the Tamil population.

            • 0

              What happened in 1881?

              • 0

                To my knowledge the first census of Sri Lanka that gives details such as ethnicity. Do you know any other population distribution statistics published in Sri Lanka before 1881?

                • 0

                  Ajith – Could you read author Ameer’s statement and tell me if he is referring to past or the present before anything else.

            • 2

              Do you want to know history?
              Scrap frivolous bickering and read something serious.
              The late Sudharsan Seneviratne is one for archaelogy. Prof K. ndrapala is another.
              They transcend parochial thinking.

              • 2

                SJ – Thanks for the suggestion. Ameer I thought refers to the current demographic composition by ethnicity in the country, hence my original querry here, asking from where he got the information which was the only information sought untill someone decided to turn it into a frivilous argument of history that seem to hold and preoccupy most here. So no need to resort to equally frivilous bickering in response.

            • 0

              (Part I)
              He is talking about progressive Manipulation of the Demographics – from the time of 1931, Donoughmore Commission and Dominion Status, Acts, Commissions and Omissions of those in Power – you know who as it would take too much effort on my part to do that!!! Suggest, you read up history or find an archive where you could access News publications from that time!!!
              1881 is significant and details this country’s population distribution and demography at the time (or at least close to) the time of ceding to the British Crown, which is invaluable to this conversation!!!
              Post 1831 saw variance, but post 1950 and especially 1956 language policy – Sinhala Only – brought the inequities being thrust on the Tamil speaking Minority (Tamil Speaking as it pertains and relevant to Language usage and none other division – Hindu, Catholic or Islamic faith Categorisation, which is MISNOMWER)!!!
              1958, 1977, 1980, 1983 and finally the War made structural INDENTATIONS on the demographic structure!!!???
              Its BEST you READ HISTORY FROM ARCHIVES and understand the reasons, actions, reactions and so forth than from third parties, as you may draw your own conclusions and independent view!!!??

            • 0

              (Part II)
              That process may be better, in arriving at a Genuine Impartial Understanding of the current Point! It would certainly avoid, contentious and expression of ill-feeling as follows:
              “I liked Colombo Telegraph for the diverse opinions that they publish, but now I am beginning to doubt the VALIDITY of the information published and claims various authors make, without providing proper sources or contexts or any qualifying statements to their claims and information given. It looks like anybody can claim anything and get away with it – spreading misinformation and disinformation. Disappointing.”
              As far as am aware CT is a forum to have free and fair discussion of learned and it is presumed participants are agile and sufficient intellect to seek the Bona Fide of any and all claims made herein, and haven’t any with other persuasions actively participating as such!!!
              In concluding, may also add, Sri Lanka Bureau (Or Department) of Census and Statistics is a government body and is under control of Politicians who don’t know the difference between their Arm and Arse, let alone Census and Statistics!!! Or even counting, sure 50% of MP’s wouldn’t know the Numeracy difference – meaning number of Zeroes superseding,

            • 0

              (Part III)
              Demarcating “difference between One Billion and Million”!!! Dudes!!! They implant unnecessary irrelevant questions in the questionnaire and the analysts too ill-educated and employed by MP’s CHIT system tend convolutes the final Result due to their ignorance inferences AND NOT FACTS!!!
              Census and thus the statistics is IMPERFECT, EVEN THOUGH count was near perfect!!!
              Sinhalese 74.10% and Buddhists 70.90%!!! There are other religious denominations in the Sinhala Community – Roman Catholics, Church of Ceylon, Methodists etc and THEY ARE NOT MERE 3.2% = 3.2% of 20.0 Million = 640,000 Sinhalese of Denominations other than Buddhists!!!
              Hope at least ANCL archives would help in your persuasion in seeking the truth!!!
              There are three kinds of lies: LIES, DAMNED LIES, and STATISTICS! (Benjamin Disraeli 1804-1881)!!?

        • 0

          (Part I)
          He is talking about progressive Manipulation of the Demographics – from the time of 1931, Donoughmore Commission and Dominion Status, Acts, Commissions and Omissions of those in Power – you know who as it would take too much effort on my part to do that!!! Suggest, you read up history or find an archive where you could access News publications from that time!!!
          1881 is significant and details this country’s population distribution and demography at the time (or at least close to) the time of ceding to the British Crown, which is invaluable to this conversation!!!
          Post 1831 saw variance, but post 1950 and especially 1956 language policy – Sinhala Only – brought the inequities being thrust on the Tamil speaking Minority (Tamil Speaking as it pertains and relevant to Language usage and none other division – Hindu, Catholic or Islamic faith Categorisation, which is MISNOMWER)!!!
          1958, 1977, 1980, 1983 and finally the War made structural INDENTATIONS on the demographic structure!!!???
          Its BEST you READ HISTORY FROM ARCHIVES and understand the reasons, actions, reactions and so forth than from third parties, as you may draw your own conclusions and independent view!!!??

          • 0

            Mahila – Thanks for the suggestion and before coming up with various recommendations, kindly read my original comment made in the context of what the author Ameer has written and see how reading history is going to help answer that. Have a great day!

  • 6

    Dr Ali
    ”..new and growing generation awakened by an integrated borderless world…” Could you explain please. What do you mean by an integrated borderless world? I thought, particularly, developed countries are very tough on borders. Aren’t you aware economic migrants & refugees other than those in certain categories are turned back? Most from SL are temporary migrants on work visas to slave in the middle east with no worker rights. Will the NPP address this?

    I agree with you in your message but I am particularly interested in knowing more about the ”model of economic management” but so far, I have not been enlightened. Also, another question I have asked is the role of the ‘Bhikku Front’. Does it exist, if so, doesn’t it contradict your view of buddhist monks’ participation in politics?

    • 2

      //new and growing generation awakened by an integrated borderless world…” Could you explain please. What do you mean by an integrated borderless world? I thought, particularly, developed countries are very tough on borders.//
      You are 100% right.


    • 0

      Raj UK,
      “”..new and growing generation awakened by an integrated borderless world…” Could you explain please. What do you mean by an integrated borderless world? “
      He is probably referring to the information superhighway, not to any of the physical borders you refer to. In other words he isn’t referring to migration of any sort.

      • 0


        Thank you for enlightening me.

        OK, we have an IT savvy young generation who are up to date with social media but ”craving to make integrational politics the basis for a new paradigm” still puzzles me which is why I made a sarcastic comment. They maybe well informed by Facebook, TikTok, etc, in fact, the NPP is making good use of YouTube, broadcasting their speeches but the younger generation may be naive to be impressed just by 21st century communication tools. Whether the message is communicated by the digital media or plain old fashioned news media, rational thinking is important. People should broaden their minds with the information available on the ‘superhighway’ but be aware that there is ‘fake’ news too.

        I am aware there are opportunities for young IT people in UK with temporary work permits or working in Call Centers (an opportunity dominated by Indians) but this needs to be developed. Anyway, I was wondering if the NPP would fight for the rights of migrant workers to the Middle East who are being abused & exploited with harsh conditions & poor pay, an anomaly that has been ignored even though it is these migrants who contribute substantially to out FOREX reserves.

        • 1

          Sorry, ‘our Forex reserves’. Please excuse the spelling

          • 2

            Hello Raj, SM will tease you with some comments about this spelling. That would be fodder for his time wasting ways…..
            Whenever I start typing (I am returning home from a business trip), I always dread thinking of SM and his pranks. If something comes up, he starts adding completely irrelevant links. I think JVP-NPP has recruited him for that task in CT and other forums. Otherwise, he has already become an easy victim of JVP propaganda.

  • 7

    Most Sri Lankans will still keep voting for either of the two sides of the same dud coin each time. They are cursed and destined to embrace evil while avoiding the good. No lessons have been learnt, and even on this forum, they still talk about one person who will save them, like a messiah. No, it takes a grassroots level movement that is committed to change, who are genuinely interested in developing the country, educated and sincere. Otherwise they can become beggars (rapidly on their way) with carrots Rs 2300 a kilo and beans Rs 1400 a kilo. They can continue to say “karumey” and beg on the street in the years to come after choosing their oppressors as their saviours each time.

    • 1

      Dear Readers,
      Unfortunately, even today, JVPs don’t do their homework very well.
      Their behavior is not yet mature enough to succeed in the next election.
      I have no idea if the miracles make it like “starling murmuring” in terms of gathering all the good people together.

      Knowing that most people in this country have next to zero knowledge about the facts and how to use ballots, I think they should address the issue more broadly than they have so far.

      Besides, We don’t have much time ahead (about 8 months) to guide them properly and it is not enough. Instead of continuing with fairy tale style stage presentations, JVPs should do better to rebuild the mentality of the rank and file especially in the rural corners.
      It is reported that 70% of the voters (16 millions of elegible) are scattered in the rural corners of the country. Most of them will never change their dark mindset about former JVP killing tactics. If the AKD-led groups are intelligent or predictable, they should do whatever they can to erase that evil information set in people’s conditioned psyches.

  • 2

    Amir Ali- Too much Muslim
    Less Sr Lankan
    But NPP will win from SriLankan votes
    Not from Mulim or Tamil votes but by Tamils and Muslims who votes as Sri Lankans.

  • 2

    Raj-UK, When the “Bhikku Front’ do politics, others have to do the bhikku role leading to utter confusion. Why not each stick to the role they already have so that only new things need to come forth. Eg. Ranil and Sagala can set up new combinations in Uganda that were not there earlier. They can reside there so that we can have some peace at least in that aspect. If Moulana goes fast, there is hope that Sri Lanka can be a blessed country again.

  • 7

    System change ? Religions to go on ! Even more fundamental ( as interpreted by idiots ) !

    • 3

      deepthi silva

      “Religions to go on ! Even more fundamental ( as interpreted by idiots )”

      Can you clarify what you were trying tell us?

      • 1

        I will not lower myself ! Why don’t you come out with more filth

        • 2

          Further ?
          I thought that most of the time what you feel is low because most of it seems irrelevant to most of us. I’d say a 70 year old woman who claims to be a former doctor should do better. Professor Deepti Silva What is wrong with you?

  • 7

    The problem with the non-majority politicians in the country is that some of them are double agents. They show one face to the public they represent and another positive face to some political leaders of the majority political parties for personal benefit. Gajendrakumar and Wigneswaran are such politicians. They both are, in actual fact, agents of Mahinda for the personal benefit they get from Mahinda and show an anti-TNA face to Tamils. They do not believe in unity for a common cause, suppressing their personal ego. Similarly, we saw some SL Muslim Congress MPs and upcountry Tamil politician Radhakrishnan acting like monkeys, betraying those who voted for them and jumping onto the lap of another party for personal gain. These ones should be voted out in the next general election.

  • 4

    Coming from a Muslim this whole article stinks of unadulterated hypocrisy.
    Muslims in Sri Lanka must enjoy the same level of equality which the non Muslim minorities are allowed in Muslim majority countries.


    • 4

      When in minority they preach ‘secular democracy ‘


      • 7


        “When in minority they preach ‘secular democracy ‘

        I can see there is no shortage of petrol and your masters are destroying a large part of Muslim world.

      • 0

        Soma ,

        Just as when in majority Sinhalese practice ‘ racist democracy ‘ ?

      • 0

        Soma – “When in minority they preach ‘secular democracy ‘”
        So true. In support of a separate Tamil state.

    • 0

      Yes they were treated equal to Tamils Alutgama…

    • 3

      “Muslims in Sri Lanka must enjoy the same level of equality which the non Muslim minorities are allowed in Muslim majority countries.”
      Such as Turkey, Albania, Indonesia or malaysia? Always look on the bright side.
      BTW, it seems Indonesia has nudist beaches, while we can’t even wear a shirt with a ship’s wheel on it. Don’t you think some varieties of Islam are more liberal than some varieties of Buddhism?

      • 0

        OC – Also in Indonesia: “An Indonesian court has sentenced a woman to two years in jail for posting a viral TikTok video where she said an Islamic phrase before eating pork.”
        “Lina Lutfiawati, 33, was found guilty of “inciting hatred” against religious individuals and groups.”
        Having beaches for nudists may not be such a hallmark of liberalism, that you seem to think prevails in Indonesia in a better form.

    • 3

      For anyone who closely studies Sri Lanka’s history going back nearly 7 decades, Sri Lankan Muslims and some Tamils are easy rent for the major political parties. ALI SABRY and Duglas Dewananda are clear examples.

      They betray their soul for money and other selfish gains. Right now, even though “Allahu Akbar” is spoken loudly several times a day, the real drug dealers are the Muslim families in and around Colombo, the ONGOING YUKTHIYA Police raids reveal. it these days. They are not different pseudo-Buddhists in the Lankan spotlight. I really don’t think so, it mainly depends on people’s “poverty levels”. It is just the conditioned mind set of srilankens.

  • 2

    ‘ Majoratarian rule’ is bandied as something unpalatable.
    I thought that is the definition of democracy.
    Even to allow a minority rule is a majority decision.
    I can’t see any way out of that, logically.
    Show me a place where minority rules over majority.


    • 3

      Rishi Sunak PM of Uk Indian origin of Hindu

      • 4

        Not only that king is christian PM is Hindu mayor of London is Muslim elected twice I heard

        • 0

          kugan2 – Here’s a list of past Mayors of Colombo: https://www.colombo.mc.gov.lk/past-mayors.php

          • 1

            You are wasting your breath on prejudiced minds.

            • 0

              SJ – I know. Must invest my time more wisely. Perhaps elsewhere.

    • 2

      ” Majoratarian rule’ is bandied as something unpalatable.
      I thought that is the definition of democracy.”

      Do you know what happened on 14 July 2022 to a president who was elected by majority of the majoritarian Sinhala/Buddhist (as Dayan desired)?

      Now you have at least three square meals a day, burb quite often, …….. maybe due to Indian Basumati, ….. it is reasonable to expect stupid questions from you. On the other hand tell us how a failed leader without support in the parliament managed to become the president replacing a very stupid person?

      Why didn’t the stupid person smash Aragalaya protest?

      Are a supporter of Himalayan Declaration?

      Can’t his daddy find Namal Baby a proper job?
      Do you think until Namal Baby is crowned as the president he will not stop jabbering?

    • 3

      “Show me a place where minority rules over majority.”
      You asked for one, I give you two, not that I am in favour.🙂🙂
      Bahrain, Rwanda.

    • 2


      Did you hear a Chinese South Asian province called Langkang? There are only five or six families who rule the rest of the population, under the name of “democrazy”. Are you from the Ratwatte family or Stephen family, anyway?

      Don Stephen fooled the British Suthu Modayas that if they include Tamils’ harbor Trinco into their Langkang nation, then they would get it to lease for military operation. Britain did it. Tamils under the name of freedom became subjects of the new masters, the Sinhala Buddhist. The British returned to England empty handed. These Sinhala Buddhists are, for 2500 years, the native Tamils who converted into a new race, by changing their religion(voluntarily) and then the language. A “democracy” is not what the Kandy Ayatollahs declared as is. It is defined with fundamental rights and individual’s and communities’ sovereignty. It is the failure of Sinhala Buddhist to understand that only they voluntarily became “Greater China ”. Citizens. Isn’t it why the whole Sinhala Buddhist community is now forced to lick President XI Jinping for loan restructuring? Otherwise, If the Sinhala Buddhist had known the trades like Politics, diplomacy, economics, now the many countries would have been licking them from the point where Britain left in 1948. Watch Bangladesh, though not a miracle of Asia, from the state West Pakistan let them in 1972, Langkang has been made beg from them.

    • 3

      Why still hanging on foolish pride and jumping in the Red Sea to seek animosity with Muslim community. They may be a minority in Ceylon, but in the world, they are close to 2 billion. After all Colombo Media is writing because block in Red Sea, Colombo Harbor income shot up by 60%. Wow! In the past, OIC saved Langkang on many issues, including defeating Canada’s 2009’s resolution in UNHRC. Now the IMF wants to give you a loan for fighting the Red Sea. What are you going to do after November? Remember? In the November 2020 election you all served Kribath and fired crackers all over the country for the victory of Donald Trump? After all, the Obama Government’s State Secretary John Kerry forced UNHRC to tear up their resolution which was naming 42 Old Rowdy Royals gangsters as war criminals, and he forced UNHCR High commissioner Prince Zeid to resign because Zeid wanted to have that resolution passed. What is your plan this November, because John Kerry is resigning his Environmental Secretary position to get deeply involved in the November 2023 election. Last time he was offered the Nobel Prize for one of the War Criminals listed in the UNHRC resolution, the White Flag Murderer. He is going to come back to Langkang and offer Nobel Peace Prize for Evil, this time for fighting in the Red Sea.

  • 3

    Minorities & System Change is the title of this well argued essay.

    The Main reason for the non Resolution of the National Question has been the Thattu Maaru governance for over seven decades and the consequent treatment of the minorities.
    So, the question is simple.
    Should the minorities continue to travel in the same direction and vote in the same mindset of politicians with only cosmetic changes or go for a total over haul of the System under the auspices of a system change?
    The answer is pretty simple. Would the bickering Tamil political Parties weigh the options and advice their electorate or take the bus to an unknown destination? Or totally miss the bus?

  • 5

    Dr Ameer Ali wants the Tamils to vote for the JVP/NPP. But Tamils will be extremely wary of voting for the JVP/NPP combination. The history of JVP shows it is no different from other die-hard Sinhala racist parties.

    On the question of devolution of power, the JVP has opposed any power-sharing between the Centre and the peripheral. If there is any devolution of power then it should be at the District level and not at the provincial level, though it marauds itself as a Marxist party parading the sickle and hammer flags.

    Wimal Weerawansa and Somawansa Amarasinghe both stalwarts of the JVP were wolves in leopard clothing. They were Sinhala racist supremacists no better than the likes of Sarath Weerasekera and Udaya Gammanpila.

    It is the JVP, not the UNP or SLFP that went to the Supreme Court to annul the temporary amalgamation of Northeast provinces. There is no rational explanation for going to the courts except racism. In fact, the founder of the JVP Rohana Wijeweera was in favour of a federal structure for the Northeast.

    Again the JVP resigned from the Chandrika Govt on 16 Jun 2005 protesting against PTOMS. The PTOMS was signed on Friday 24th June 2005 and came with an AID PACKAGE OF 3 billion to help Tsunami victims.

    • 1

      Dear Thanga,
      You are right about the history of the JVP. They were not racist. I don’t know much about Marxism, but followers of old Karl, whether their manifestations as rulers were followers of Stalin or of Trotsky, were never racist.
      They were opportunists. In Sri Lanka, the opportunist par excellence is regarded as SWRD B. That is something that we must re-examine. I hope to do that during the next day or two.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

      • 6

        “Wimal Weerawansa and Somawansa Amarasinghe both stalwarts of the JVP were wolves in leopard clothing. They were Sinhala racist supremacists no better than the likes of Sarath Weerasekera and Udaya Gammanpila.”
        Do you now not even understand English?
        Here is a piece by Lionel Bopage, a JVP founder member. READ IT :

        • 4

          SM is used to criticizing everyone’s opinions like a champ, but what happened to his current opinions is no different than when he was a teenager.

          It was not long ago that I could not see why we in Europe and many Asian countries were given concessions regarding oil price reduction by 1/3 at the beginning of Gota’s government, however, Gota and his men just ignored it further.

          There SM said “Let the government increase their state revenue”: however, by the end of the Gota era, he had emptied the treasury and been thrown out of the presidency by the agitators. Nothing, if anything, comes from this self-proclaimed ex-teacher. I am dumb. Even he does not know the extent of the tortures commited by JVP during the barbaric era of 89-92 (Those were the worst days in my entire life…. even after 35 years.. I am still traumatised by that brutal killings)

          .. It is indeed a brutal past.As human beings we can forgive them, if they have improved by a high degree. But what has been done until today.? .

          . Have they improved just because they put the same wine in the “NPP” bottle? It’s like talking to a barber, isn’t it?

        • 1

          Old codger – “…were wolves in leopard clothin…” – You mean sheep in wolves clothing….? ;)

          • 3

            I didn’t write that. It was a quote from Thanga’s comment.

            • 0

              OC – Noticed now. :D

    • 0

      “It is the JVP, not the UNP or SLFP that went to the Supreme Court to annul the temporary amalgamation of Northeast provinces.
      Is that your argument that the UPFA immediately fired Lemon Puff from the government for that act? Isn’t it people like you now keeping the Federal Party leaderless? If you were ever a supporter of TNA, you could not such easily forgotten that Sampanthar Aiyya many times reminded Old Rowdy King that the court verdict was only on technical ground of merging, but not about 13A, so Old Rowdy King should fix the technical problem clear the path of the 13A’s implementation? “Eaithenirukka Ampai Novanen”? Because of bogus politics! How Sumanthiran MP wants to become the president of FP? It was the same way Old Rowdy King kept Lemon Puff to wash his dirty laundry. Lemon Puff won only one. But 6.9 M Sinhala Buddhists gave 145 seats to the Old Rowdy King. Who is the one really benefited by Sinhala Buddhist Racism?
      ” As the economy stabilizes, Wickremesinghe’s prestige has grown. Perhaps, if he truly desires, he can, as he said on July 26, bring all political parties together for a consensus on the national question. However, his past and present political behavior tells us that this is not the path he would take. – The Diplomat-Rathindra Kuruwita

  • 4

    Dr. Ameer Ali’s first half of the article is spot on. But the contents in the 2nd half are questionable. In his eagerness to canvass for NPP and AKD, he is blatantly blowing their trumpet. Yes, there has to be a system change or course correction, for this battered nation which was forced into bankruptcy by both mainstream parties. But then in each election the majority voted with their hearts not heads. They fell for sensational promises by the pseudo patriotic politicians who promised to restore the country’s pride that had been robbed supposedly by minorities! Half bottle of arrack and a rice packet is thrown to the voters to seal the deal. Remember these are the people who trusted Srimavo to bring rice even from moon. These are the ones who voted for Sinhala only policy, while Bandaranayake’s have educated their children in Sorbonne and Oxford! The result is still many men and women are unable to compete internationally due to their limited knowledge as a result of lack of English proficiency. Now Ameer Ali says the minorities (also the majority), should vote for NPP! Have they ever spelt out what their solution is to resolve the ethnic issue? Will they publicly declare in their manifesto how they are going to resolve the issue?

    • 1

      Dear Wiraj,
      We must not fall for pseudo patriotic politicians.
      Let us embrace a genuinely patriotic politician – one A.K. Dissanayake and his merry band of honest followers. The moment the NPP forms the government, the ethnic issue will recede into the background. That doesn’t mean that it’ll be solved for ever and for ever, Amen.
      We will struggle on the Economic Front for many years, but the people will see a difference. No more stealing!
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

    • 0

      Wiraj, You want to know how to resolve the issue. Legally imprison the Moulanas who robbed and murdered in this country. Then and then only can this nation have some hope of a future

    • 3

      I think we should not put the blame on Ms B or any other politicians that ruled the nation immediately after the independence was granted to the island nation. Actually historans and other professionals should enlighten the people with the facts.
      Today s generations just run after any unsubstantiated information with emotions. Facts are being eroded out of the mind set of the average.I think that has lot to do with the new information technology and its revolution with quick info about many things. Human brain if things found by more efforts, let them time to think, while easy gains of info would not have respect and value. So the youth are not grown enough to see them balanced either.
      . Those days, the rise of sinhala chaunism was multiple times more than we experience it today.Colonial hatreds were stronger than the levels that are thinned away over period of time as of today.


      • 1

        “Those days, the rise of sinhala chaunism was multiple times more than we experience it today.”

        What Sinhala chauvinism? I had a Tamil tuition master in Colombo, both of the daughters were in university. The tuition master spoke good Sinhala and made sure his daughters also spoke it. The ethnic conflict was created by a handful of Northern Tamils like GG Ponnambalam who demanded 50-50 equal representation in the Parliament. In which country does a minority get 50% representation? In 1972, SJV Chelvanayakam signed “Vaddukodai Resolution”, demanding a separate Tamil state. This was 11 years before July 1983. The Jaffna Tamil politicians were opportunists, when they could not get their way, they encouraged militancy (EPRLF, LTTE, etc.). Dr Jeykill and Mr.Hyde.

        • 3


          Are you real?

          “In which country does a minority get 50% representation?”

          In which country where majority people suffer from Minority Complex and paranoia?

        • 0


  • 3

    “But at the bottom of all this is the diabolic political ideology of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism…”

    So far, Sinhala Buddhism has not produced any suicide bombers.

    “To the two minorities therefore the choice is starkly evident. Either they vote for a leader and party that advocates system change to bring about a new socio-economic order grounded in integrational politics, secular democracy and corruption free governance”

    Sri Lanka is much more secular than Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and certainly all of the Middle Eastern countries. Speaking of integration, Sri Lanka let the TNA openly advocate for separatism in the Parliament while the civil war was going on. That is the equivalent of UK allowing ISIS to have political representation in the House of Commons. The author must know that Muslims served well in the army while Tamils occupied high places in the government. Unfortunately, most of these Tamils were assassinated by thugs from their own community. It is up to the minorities to integrate themselves into mainstream politics again, while preventing extremists from hijacking the process and advocating for separatism.

    • 1

      “In response to the rise of Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism the two minorities founded their own separate ethnonational parties, …”
      You forgot to address 👆

    • 4

      You are a comedian, Lester. You didn’t know that Tamils were not allowed to participate in the last two constitutions because they were talking about internal self-determination. During JR time, all TULF members were fired from parliament because they refused to take oath which insisted on denouncing Tamil land. Amirthalingam was removed by NCM, because was asking for self-determination. There is a whole 6th amendment inside the constitution that anybody talking about Tamil country has to be imprisoned. During Yahapalanaya time, FP’s president Mavai was sued by a team of lawyers of your class that his PC election manifesto had advocated internal self-determination, so he had violated the 6th A. The court explained to the Modaya lowyers that Federalism was not separation. Your man Deal Dasa has unleashed the Operation Kuyukthi. You are hallucinating that you have reached the British Government’s perfection in recognizing freedom of speech, while practically their parliament reached that high stature without a constitution. Aren’t you the guys goes to the moon to import rice and creates Wonder of Asia out of a beggar Modayas’ country?

      • 1

        “You didn’t know that Tamils were not allowed to participate in the last two constitutions because they were talking about internal self-determination.”

        You call separatism as “self-determination.” LTTE was only interested in separatism, never devolution or federalism. That is why they put a bullet in Amirthalingam’s head, another one in Yogeswaran (later the wife also), another in Tiruchelvam, blew up R Gandhi, and gave CBK a glass eye. After all that, can you tell the audience LTTE was interested in “self-determination” only? We can agree, someone like MaRa will never give any power to Tamils, not even a district council. MaRa came in 2005, war began in 1983. MaRa gave the final treatment for the terrorism cancer, strong chemotherapy. CBK, Premadasa, JR, these people only offered sugar pills to conman Velu.

        “During JR time, all TULF members were fired from parliament because they refused to take oath which insisted on denouncing Tamil land.”

        Have you heard of something called “sedition?” It is a crime in most countries.

        • 4

          Lester, the Jester,
          Self-Determination is not Separatism!!!
          It’s a Modality to Identify ones’ Self and Individuality which is guaranteed in the constitution – “Freedom of Thought and Association” – Basic Liberty of Sri Lankans to pursue – a process to enhance their Individuality in a Unified Country and Nation!!!
          You will very soon find this as real happening in the very near future, in a state presently in great turmoil due to extreme policies pursued by them for past 75 years!!!???
          YES, they are young as Sri Lanka’s freedom from British Colonialists, but due to their Machination’s to access a process of exit from their Imperialist Colony, when INDIA was lost Jewel in the Crown!?

        • 2

          “You didn’t know that Tamils were not allowed to participate in the last two constitutions because they were talking about internal self-determination.”
          You call separatism as “self-determination.” LTTE was only interested in separatism, never devolution or federalism “

          Come on Lester, read my comment please, before attempting to answer. LTTE never went to the assemblies, those were composing the 1972, 1978 constitutions.

          “We can agree, someone like MaRa will never give any power to Tamils, not even a district council. Thank you. Sinhalese are done with him, and he said he would not stand for presidential election anymore because he is done with Sinhalese. The current competition appears to be between Anura and Valaiththodam Jr. You and your man are, even without a knockout, out of the ring. Your brave talks are not raising any dust in the Langkang election (if one will be conducted in the near future). We are only waiting to buy a one-way ticket to the Old Rowdy King to Hague, Scheveningen, not negotiating for Self-determination or a separate country.

          • 1


            Anyone who signed the “Vaddukodai Resolution” is guilty of treason and sedition. These crimes are punishable by death or life imprisonment in most countries. Do you know why Jon Snowden is hiding in Russia? Anyway, the last line of VR is interesting:

            “And this Convention calls upon the Tamil Nation in general and the Tamil youth in particular to come forward to throw themselves fully into the sacred fight for freedom and to flinch not till the goal of a sovereign state of TAMIL EELAM is reached.”


            The last line is essentially a call to arms. VR was signed on May 14th, 1976, at which time Velu was 22 years old. So, there is absolutely no doubt that TULF endorsed armed resistance as a means to an end. Velu had personally assassinated Duriappah on July 27, 1975, so all the pieces were in play.

            • 2

              “Do you know why Jon Snowden is hiding in Russia?
              Lester, Common-sense and logic are millions of light-years away from you. Give it up. You cannot understand this subject. When Snowdon stole US defense secrets, he was a CIA employee, under oath. He was a US citizen living in US and committed the crime on the land of USA. According to the international arrangements, he committed a crime in the land of the US, and he is not a refugee of UN- Geneva convention, so Russia has to return him to the US. No people who signed Vattukotai conventions are voluntary Langkang citizens. Langkang citizenship was enforced on them by occupiers after the Soulbury constitution, which they subscribed to, went dead, once the secular Dominion Ceylon became Sinhala Buddhist Socialist republic, for which Tamils refused to subscribe. Vattukotai signatories are all Tamil Eelam citizens. Sinhala Buddhist Langkang did not get their mandate to punish them with the Sinhala Buddhist laws. They free secular Tamils. They were denied their freedom by the occupying Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists like you. Now in the process of putting something in your head we come through 360 degrees. It is suggesting that your puny head, without understanding it, you are going to restart from the point you started this conversation. If you start again at 0 degrees, you have to reply to you.

          • 1

            “LTTE never went to the assemblies…”

            Right, so you admit, LTTE was never interested in the political process. Negotiation, other than a short-term ceasefire, is impossible. LTTE can only be compared to Nazis and ISIS. Not a group like IRA/Sinn Fein, who were once terrorists but gave up their arms to join mainstream politics. The majority community had no choice but to elect hardliner Mahinda in 2005 to end the fascism by LTTE. You still think Velu had a great victory because the country went bankrupt in 2022, “kavum kanda yodaya.” What had to be done in 2009 had to be done. Not a “war crime” but a necessity. Now Israel is trying the same thing; eliminate the top leadership of Hamas and the junior members will fold. Anyway, Sri Lanka is now moving toward the left. It will be a democracy, similar to before 1983 and Executive Presidency. The only obstacle since 1983 was Velu and his criminal organization.

      • 2

        Aptly stated “lowyers”, NOT Lawyers!!!???

        • 4

          The so-called lawyers who behaves like a “lower” should be held accountable for the chaos in Sri Lanka. No doubt Mahila Bro

    • 5


      “So far, Sinhala Buddhism has not produced any suicide bombers.”

      True however it has produced many psychopaths among Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamil Saivaites and many masochists among Sinhala/Buddhists too. The practice of Masochism was temporarily brought to an end on 14 July 2022. It appears the people are accustomed and addicted to it and enjoyed tremendously in the past 75 years.

      It would take Himalayan efforts to teach the Sinhala/Buddhists to unlearn addiction. On the other hand those who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity (between 1971 and 2009) living and dying without any remorse.

      • 1

        “On the other hand those who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity (between 1971 and 2009) living and dying without any remorse.”

        Were you there to personally document the war crimes & crimes against humanity, or are you quoting from Sooka diaries? Try to meet a few real soldiers, if you want to know what actually happened.

        • 3

          NO, I would like to see the diaries of ‘Merv the Perv’ who was seeking the Hand of Navi Pillai, in trying to fulfill the aspirations of the Master Mind and The Messiah, to send her off shores, like what he did to the UNO, Red Cross and others so “HR VIOLATIONS GO UNDOCUMENTED”!!!???

          • 0

            Anybody who wants to see other people’s diaries, usually kept for documenting private thoughts, is a perve imo.

    • 4

      Lester the court Jester living the good life somewhere in London. You really are very pathetic. ” SO far, the Chingkalla Buddhists have not produced any suicide bombers”. Not they did not, as they did not need this, as they produced thousands lot of looters, (small scale and large scale looting the state for billions of dollars) rapists, arsonists, racists, liars and religious extremists/ bigots and lots of story tellers, like the ones who wrote Mahavamsam about a lion raping some damsel somewhere in North India, or the present day so called historians from the so called fake Archeological Department, concocting all sorts of fairy tales to destroy ancient Saivite temples in the north and east and covert them to Buddhist places of worship or claim ancient Thamizh Buddhist archeological sites in the north and east as Chingkallam. They do not have produce anything as all these Chingkalla looters, rapists, killers and ethnic cleansers, are all given open support by the racist Chingkalla armed forces/police and the Chinkgkalla state, politicians, elite and clergy Buddhist and even Christian to commit all sorts of atrocities on the island’s Thamizh openly, all in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism.

      • 3

        So why are suicide bombers needed as they are allowed to openly do all the bombing, raping, looting, ethnic cleansing and commit war crimes on the Thamizh without any impunity by the Sri Lankan state. Yes the Thamizh occupied high positions in the government, when before independence and soon after until the 1960, this was due to merit, capability and due to their western education, which most Chingkallams, did not want to down south, as the Buddhist monks and their feudal aristocracy discouraged. The British did not favour the Thamizh but had to recruit them as they were hardworking, efficient and had the required qualifications, that most Chingkallams other than the Christians or from westernized rich upper-class families lacked. If the British had favoured the Thamizh we will not be in this current position. Due you find any Thamizh in any high government position now. The Muslims served well in the army and were recruited, as they needed these turncoats to spy on the Thamizh and do their dirty work, like the Islamic home Guards in the east. Now after the war they are hardly recruited and most of the Muslims recruited were not the Sri Lankan Thamizh Muslims or Moors, but Malays, who even behaved far worse than the Moors (Muslim Thamizh) towards the Thamizh. Get your facts and story correct.

        • 2

          Sorry with impunity and not without.

      • 0

        Siva Sankaran Sarma,

        You are missing the main point. Even if SLA killed 500K Tamils (hypothetical), they never went after Tamil intellectuals. Answer this: buggers holding white flags at Nanthikadal – were they professors or thugs? We can agree, Sri Lanka Army killed many innocent Tamils, mostly unintentionally, as part of normal warfare. But only LTTE killed the intellectuals. Thugs and other criminals. can be produced easily within one generation. Producing intellectuals takes much more effort, usually several generations. Look at Brahmins and Jews, they are clever because of generations of careful breeding. By the way, Sarma is a nice Sanskrit Brahmin last name. I had a statistics professor (Kerala) named “Sharma.” Must be “sarma” is part of the 40% contributed by Sanskrit to Tamil.

        • 1

          I like Shawarma, Chicken Shawarma to be precise, but that’s an Arabian cuisine if I am not mistaken.

    • 2

      “That is the equivalent of UK allowing ISIS to have political representation in the House of Commons.”
      Sorry wrong analogy!!
      It’s like allowing IRA to have political representation House of Commons!? ISIS foreign to The UK!!!

    • 2

      “So far, Sinhala Buddhism has not produced any suicide bombers”
      WHAT FOR?? WHY???
      They have the tri-forces and Police 96% SB!!!??? Then why Suicide Bombers??? For what purpose??? Superfluous thought?? Meaningless!
      The above 2 SB organisations doe amply to NEGATE having Sinhala Buddhist Suicide Bombers!!!??? No need to duplicate Process!!! Self-defeating!

  • 1

    You are one of writers who writes sensible articles and comments. Grass roots need to be mobilised so that they will chose genuine patriotic people to become the law makers ie parliamentarians, PM/ President of SL. instead of talking about elections, why not have a NEW constitution be passed by REFERENDUM

  • 3

    Part 1
    The author, in his article, liberally uses the word “System change” without describing what kind of change he wants. It is not good to use catchy phrases to give the impression that once the “system change” is in place then every one of us are in seventh heaven. The action of young men to use that word especially during “Aragalaya” times is one thing but a learned man and a working academic like the author using the word leaving it to the imagination of readers is not acceptable. Secondly the author speaks in terms of electing a person or a group who would bring about this system change. The politicians here know that getting electoral power means a full five-year Christmas holiday at the expense of the people and to squander the economy. Lesson number 1 is that representative democracy of electing public trustees to govern the country on behalf of the people has become a farce. The people, as guaranteed by the constitution, who have inalienable sovereignty must have the inalienable right to recall any official, elected or otherwise, through a referendum. This empowerment is the first and foremost “System-Change” I look for.

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    Part 2
    The collective legal voice of the people is through a referendum. The quirk in our constitution is that only the President can call for a referendum. Even the Parliament is bereft of that right and so are the people themselves. The legal voice of the people cannot be heard, say in important policy matters. Throughout the 46-year existence our Constitution was tinkered with whenever the fellows had their two thirds majority, exceptions being the 17th and the 21st amendments. In the US, throughout its existence of about 340+ years, again there were only 27 amendments ratified. It is high time that amendments to our constitution should only be possible through a referendum after passage of a two-thirds majority. The executive presidency in this country has untrammeled authority in many areas. In my view our presidency must be converted to one directly elected by the people, without the participation of political parties, and the president should be ceremonial and custodial, the latter term means that he oversees security and state assets. He should be the “second key” to safeguard many aspects, including the appointments in which party politics is not involved. Examples? Singapore.

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    Part 3
    If one looks at it there are quite a lot of systemic changes that ought to be made. I have just suggested quite a few but profound changes. In my view some of the big illnesses currently prevailing in the “System” can be remedied with suggestions I make. Having learned bitter lessons leading to serious shortages, the concept of electing trustees who are trusted for five-year terms and leaving things in their “good hands” must change. The eternal threat of recall and review of action by the people is likely to bring about a better performance of our trustees. Most of us say that rule of law must prevail. I would go further to state that the rule of decency must prevail. If there is the rule of decency, then there is rule of law but not vice versa. To put a long story short, I maintain that the entire society must be awakened to put an end to this feeling that so-called minorities are marginalized. The election of Mr, Tharman Shanmugaratnam of Singapore as President is a shining example. A “Chinese” thumping majority elected a man whose father is described as Ceylon Tamil Hindu by Wikipedia.

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    Ground reality is there is no need to die on the cues for gas nor fuel
    But carrots and the leaks ginger etc are all about more than Rs 1000 but it’s cheaper to get it from Toilet Nadu like chicken and the eggs.
    But still core mind haven’t changed at all SB flocking to North to see how they won over the war and finding stones to build Viharayas to make it as fully Holly Buddha land
    Options for minorities to seek Saudi/Toilet Nadu nothing won’t be changed in this pride land

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    NPP is THE only political organisation that could bring Law and Order for the Country as a whole. Whatever its past in the form of JVP, WE should take it as PAST and past for good. We. could wish/trust NPP to bring the EVIL doers to JUSTICE . The current and past rulers have been BAD role models for the SL youngsters. Teaching them crooked ways to get wealth. The money they have obtained needs to be returned to the National Coffers ASAP

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      Naman, How do you get this robbed money except by taking legal action and imprisoning those who robbed. Who will do this for the nation. All talk but no action.

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    “Although the leftists from the majority community offered a way out the two minorities jointly rejected them.”
    Not accurate.
    The left movement had proportionately strong support among Tamils and Muslims at one time.
    The CP & LSSP had as leading theoreticians Tamils well into the 1960s. Tamil journals of rival factions of the CP in the 1960s were edited by Muslims.
    The author’s research could be lacking at times, but he plays a straight bat

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    Colombo Media bragged that Peter Breuer, IMF Chief Project Officer for the EFF, after evaluating the recent progress, in his final report hailed Evil’s achievement that Langkang surpassed the revenue target, had built a strong exchange reserve and contained the inflation. But in the same Colombo media, I read in today’s news that supermarket & essential goods are up more than 45%. May I know in which account Peter Breuer accounted for this price increase if he says that inflation is under control? If the Evil administration has enough reserves, why is Evil not opening the imports or even not paying the loans. Didn’t last month Harsha say this reserve itself is only a loan receipt. How did Peter miss that? Two weeks ago, in parliament, Ex UNP VP, Kabir Hashim said that the EPF and Evil’s Monster Child VAT18 are not requested by the IMF, but Evil did it on its own and blamed IMF. Yesterday the news was talking about Old Rowdy King’s golaya, the Central Bank Cabal that no creditor country has yet agreed for any kind of haircut. He says that as per his friendship with CB employees, none of them feel Evil can muster even a penny as reduction on the loans.

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    Anybody reading Peter Breuer’s report knows that he is mincing words, choking, and stammering in the entire report. That could be because his bosses in Washington want to give Evil a loan even if he has not fulfilled any conditions of IMF and save Evil from the riot they are foreseeing. But Poor Peter could not find any strong evidence in Langkang that can strongly support that decision. That is not all what the recent development. Ravi Karunayake, the Yahapalanaya Finance Minister said that he too negotiated loan with IMF. If the people could not bear or tolerate the IMF conditions, they can be reversed. Now only Prasanna Ranatunga, Deal Dasa, Tiran Ally, Communist Denish and Rowdy Royal Playboy Minister are the only people supporting the Evil Emperor, out of the 145 people elected in the Slap Party Coalition. What the NPP has to make the masses understand from this is that the IMF is not loaning in a useful way to people, but it wants to keep Evil on the chair hoping to use him to chase out China. China is the world No.2 economy. China need not be chased out. Almost all Western countries major trading partner is China. Instead of borrowing from China for white elephant projects and commission receipts, China can be made to do useful projects, like it is doing in western countries.

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    If Langkang wants to buy Chinese veto in the UN to save the crimes Old Rowdies committed, Langkang has to sell Hangbangtota and Colombo Pong Cing to pay for that. If the Langkang wants the Old Rowdies to face international justice and they want the stolen money returned, then there is no cost for them or need not to sell any part of the country.

    It is not the economy or finance that needs to select the future government for the Sinhala Community. It is common-sense politics, which has to be used by them to select their next government. The question for the Sinhala Community is “Do you want more loans from China and IMF to import Poop, Defender and foreign label Whisky and wine or do you want your locally produced rice, parrippu, vegetables and fish. Thus use your past 75 years’ experience and pick your party that will provide you with what you want. If you want Defender, BMW and Benz you vote for the UNP-SLFP (Slap Party) Union else if you want groceries and a home to cook and eat it and rest, you vote for NPP, and we will be with you until you get it.” Sinhala Community is no longer left with any other choices to select.

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    Within 60 years of freedom, they spent their powerful election weapon of “Anti-Tamil slogans”. Last 15 they kept firing their victory cannon over LTTE. In this election the UNP-SLFP is empty handed and with no weapon to fire to get a dominance place in the election. The IMF Modayas understand nothing, and they hope by giving a $330M installment to hire the Rapist Navy to fire at Houthi Rebels in the RED Sea, they can stop the riots and can keep the Evil Emperor as the Langkang president. Rowdy Royals wants to copy NPP and want to have 3000 meetings to teach the masses. Let them spend some of the stolen money on Biryani and arrack for people to go to their parties. But make sure all the people going for the Biryani, arrack party meeting will be going there with their own questions to ask from rowdy Royals. Protect the people from being brainwashed by doping them. If the people are learning anything from those meetings, people will come back and vote for the NPP.

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