By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“In the middle was Fear….glaring backwards with eyes like fire….upon it burned upon it burned Tumult and Murder and Slaughter…” – Hesiod (Shield of Heracles)
Why should there be a Buddhist temple in Kenya?
Neither Sinhalese nor Buddhists have a historical-footprint in East Africa. Yet there is a Buddhist temple in Nairobi, a Theravada one, with a Sinhala monk in charge of it. The temple was built by Sinhala-Buddhist expatriate workers and President Rajapaksa visited it, on his recent visit to Kenya.
Kenyans do not seem to feel threatened by this creation of an alien place of worship in their country by non-Kenyans; there are no reports of Kenyan patriots expressing their outrage with fire or stones.
The presence of a Buddhist temple in Kenya illustrates the reality of the modern world. Apart from Saudi Arabia and perhaps Afghanistan, there are no religiously monolithic countries in today’s world. The advancement of knowledge and science has opened-up the globe, enabling the religious to propagate their faiths in lands unknown to (and unimagined by) their ‘all-seeing’ founders. When people travel and relocate, they take their faiths with them. Most countries do not feel threatened when expatriates observe and propagate their own religions. In every country there are a minority of ethno-religious fundamentalists who see in such very human conduct alien invasions of inestimable danger, but, fortunately for Sinhala-Buddhists living voluntarily away from their thrice-blessed motherland, sane governments and societies keep these lunatic fringes firmly on the fringe.
Hypocrisy is a defect congenital to extremism; Sinhala-Buddhist extremists are no exception to this general rule. They see absolutely nothing wrong in propagating Buddhism, building temples or converting foreigners everywhere in the world while clamouring to deny the same basic rights to non-Buddhists in Sri Lanka.
Sinhala-Buddhists generally believe that they are a tolerant breed with an unblemished live-and-let-live historical record. The extremists see this as a weakness while the ordinary decent majority are proud of it. The historical truth is not so unequivocal, as indicated by the fate of non-Theravada Buddhism in Lanka.
Non-Theravada Buddhism flourished in ancient Lanka for three centuries: “The epigraphical, artistic, symbolic and liturgical artefacts so far found provide ample evidence for the prevalence of Mahayana in ancient Sri Lanka….from the eighth to eleventh centuries.”[i] Abhayagiriya, the main seat of non-Theravada Buddhism became a centre of learning renowned in Asia and perhaps beyond. When Fa-hien’s visited Abhayagiriya, and not Maha Vihara, had the custody of the Tooth Relic.[ii]
The Theravada monks in Maha Vihara considered the Mahayana and/or Vajrayana monks in Abhayagiriya as heretics. During their long struggle for dominance, both sects used royal patronage to advance their own cause and undermine the other’s. According to available records[iii], the first act of religious persecution was commenced by King Voharika Tissa, a supporter of Maha Vihara; books were burnt and the ‘sinful priests’ disgraced. King Gotabhaya took this religious persecution a step further by “branding the bodies of 60 monks of Abhayagiri Vihara who took vaitulyavada”[iv]
Abhaygiriya monks retaliated during the reign of Mahasen; Maha Vihara was persecuted in turn and abandoned for nine years.
The long power-struggle ended in a historical defeat for Mahayana and/or Vajrayana Buddhism when King Parakramabahu ‘unified’ the sects under Theravada dominance. That unification, by royal decree, closed Lankan doors to non-Theravada Buddhism (and thereby to the habit of intra-religious debate) completely. The fact that Lankan civilisation, apart from a few spurts, settled into a declining trajectory soon after may have been coincidental – or not; globally civilisations which focused their energies on suppressing heresies and succeeded in doing so tended to fall into stagnation and ruin, from Rome onwards. Historically there seems to be a strong correlation between religious tolerance and material progress.
It is that anti-tolerant and anti-pluralist model of unification of King Parakramabahu’s that Sinhala-Buddhist supremacists and their Rajapaksas masters are trying to impose on 21st Century Sri Lanka.
Where Irrationals Rule
Extremism is not the sole birthright of any one religion, race or entity. In Ceylon, Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism, founded on the Mahawamsa mindset and Anagarika Dharmapala’s Aryan-myth, flourished when Vellupillai Pirapaharan was a mere boy, wholly occupied by killing birds with his catapult.
Mahawamsa, with its consecration, living space (Lebensraum) and sinless war myths, is the Bible/Koran of Sinhala-Buddhism. Mahawamsa celebrated when Buddhist books were burnt, Buddhist centres of learning destroyed and Buddhist monks exiled, in the name of defeating ‘heretics’. Thus Mahawamsa enabled Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism in our times to develop its own version of ‘The Clash of Civilisations’, which pits ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ Sri Lanka against the ‘Christian, Islamic and Hindu worlds’.
In this version, Lankan history is an unending struggle to prevent alien races/religions/cultures from taking over this sole-home of Sinhalese and sole-refuge of pure Buddhism. Consequently when minorities try to follow/propagate their religions in Sri Lanka as Sinhala-Buddhists do in many other lands, they are seen as enemy aliens, fifth columnists conspiring with unbelievers to undermine Sinhala-Buddhist nature of Sri Lanka. And since minorities cannot be displaced geographically in this day and age without risking the dangerous charge of ethnic-cleansing, they need to be confined to their ‘rightful’ place politically. The unity of the country is dependent on the resulting hierarchy, if necessary through violent means.
Politics of exclusion, born of this worldview, became the bane of post-Independence Ceylon/Sri Lanka. It prevented the creation of a Lankan identity and led to the long Eelam war. Post-war, it is paving a path not to peace but to new conflicts, minor and major.
The mutually necessary marriage of Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism with Rajapaksa-supremacism has turned the wish-list of the irrationals on the lunatic fringe into the official policy of Sri Lanka. The dominant view holds that the long Eelam War happened because the Tamils forgot their status as permanent guests and made unfair demands on the ever-patient and endlessly generous Sinhalese. A political solution is considered undesirable because it would undermine the natural hierarchical order, paving the way for the destruction of the land, the race and the religion.
A nation/people can avoid a danger only if its existence is acknowledged.
Extremism is more than a political error; it is a psychological habit which is addictive and unbreakable, even when its ill effects are manifest. No race or religion is immune to it. Religious extremism and intolerance have been historic memes in Lanka as much as elsewhere. Our ignorance of that past reality cannot but impede our politico-psychological resistance to the toxic ideas propagated by Sinhala-Buddhist supremacists with the full cognizance and support of their Rajapaksa masters.
As historical evidence, from Justinian’s Heresy Laws through the Crusades right down to the Taliban, proves, religious intolerance is destructive and self-destructive. It addles critical faculties, fills the mind with fear and pits neighbours, friends and even family members against each other. Any country which succumbs to its deadly lure becomes an unliveable land.
“We will not walk in fear one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason”: the words with which Edward J Murrow publicly challenged Senator Mccarthy [v] should be our individual and collective response to our own fanatics; and to the Rajapaksa plan to use minority-phobia to install dynastic rule.
[i] A Search for Mahayana in Sri Lanka – Mahinda Deegalle – Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies – Vol. 22 NO. 2
[ii] A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, Being an account by the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien on his travels in India and Ceylon (AD399-414) in search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline – James Legge
[iii] For example Mahawamsa and Nikayasangraha
[iv] Three Mountains and Seven Rivers – edited by Musashi Tachikawa, Shoun Hino and Toshihiro Wada :
ela kolla / January 19, 2014
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Kalupahana / January 19, 2014
The Jarapassa family dictatorship has distorted Buddhism to DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE Sinhalaya Modayas.
Actually all politicians do this.- play the ethno-religious card to get votes. But the Jarapassa brothers have taken Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism and violence to new heights because they are scared of the crimes they have committed and worried about the war crimes trial looming in the Hague. They will one day be behind bars for all the murders and white vans – Weliveriya, Lasantha Wickramatunge’s murder included
Gotabaya is like Macbeth while Brother MahindA is Lady Macbeth,The are scared of Ghosts and TREES and cutting them down and building ugly Buddhist statues all over the place, in an attempt to cleanse themselves of the GUILT – even though the Buddha asked people NOT to worship him!~ Meanwhile they are multiplying the violence,land grabbing to build stupas and the multiplying their crimes! Hope the Sinhalaya Modayas who vote for them and think the superficial BEAUTIFICATION of Colombo is great will wake up soon to the corruption and institutional rot that the Jarapassas represent..
Senerath K / January 19, 2014
The only way for this rogue regime lead by the deep south southern criminals is to make a racial and religious issue to show that they are the protectors of Buddhism. Thus they can hoodwink majority village idiots.
When the sagatha/poverty regime of Sirima in power these same buffalos screamed ‘Seeni nethuva Tea/The` Bonnam – Miris nethuwa Hodhi kannam, Methini apita kiyanawanam – Piduru wunath api kannam’. That’s the brain that our Sinhala Buddhist Meeharak got.
We still got plenty of those buffaloas around.
gamini / January 19, 2014
These ‘Sagatha Buggers’ in Satakeys are the CURSE of this Nation, Fawned and Spawned first by the Mother and then by the daughter in power.
Senerath K / January 19, 2014
Gamini, First by the English educated Father who made a few generations ‘frogs in the well’ becuase of his stupid language policy. Banda preached his followers to study in Sinhala while his own dumb children admitted in english medium. Our ‘Sagatha (SLFP) Buggers’ eccepted it because of their ‘mad’ jaathialaya’. Then the Mother from Kitchen to Temple Trees. Also hailed by our same ‘Sagatha (SLFP) Buggers’ as if he had invented something unique to the world or had done some wonders. The woman absolutely done nothing to the country or people apart from mixed everything up and screwed up and f* up totally. Then the so called Devadoothikawa’ ( :) according to some SLFP support then journalists) came to power and thats it. After Banda curse now we have to put up with Jarapakeer curse. This land is cursed. We badly need the Ceylon back. Then we all can sing ‘hela kaathika abhimane’.
Dinuk / January 19, 2014
Many thanks Madam Thisaranee. Please write and expose the corrupt and criminal crook Maithreepala Sirisena who has not still brought the national drugs policy billm and his brother who have land grabbed reservation land of Parakrama Samudra and illegally built a massive hotel named SUDU ARALIYA on reservation land.
Today the Parakrama Samudra tank is NOT allowed to fill up and the farmers do no get adequate water in the dry season because the hotel Sudu Araliya that was illegally built on State owned resvaration land would get flooded.
Farmers livelihoods are being sacrificed so that corrupt politicians and their brothers and sons may make money from tourist hotels built on stolen lands. This is true of Basil Jarapassa who has stolen acres of land in Passikudha in the WP as well to build a massive hotel..
The rot of this regime is deep indeed and trickling down. Prime Minister and his SON are accused of drug smuggling from Paki where Nimal Siripala is now trying to expand trade because there soon may be sanctions from the EU and USA which are Lanka’s biggest trade partners.
Also Maithreepala Sirisena who has not still tabled the National Drugs Policy Bill. This corrupt bugger, Sirisena wants to be the next PM and is a huge crook as is his brother. Today the farmers of Pollonnaruwa are protesting about the corrupt Minister of Health who has yet not brought out the National Drugs policy bill, Maithreepala Sirisena, whose brother has built a massive Hotel called Sudu Araliya on Parakrama Samudra water catchment reservation land that was grabbed from the State. After the recent rains the gates of the Parakrama Samudra were opened to let out water which the farmers will need in the dry season, because the Sudu Araliya Hotel which is illegally constructed on reservation land would have been innundated due to the recent rains. It is the farmers and the sick who have to by substandard drugs flooding the country because of a proper drugs policy that suffer as a result of the CORRUPTION of Maithreepala Sirisena and his brother. These politicians are the scum of the earth. Sudu Araliya Hotel and all the others built on Parakrama Samudra reservation land should be take over by the state to which the land belongs and shut down. so that the tank may be filled and farmers may have water for agriculture during the dry season. The Rajapaksa brothers are the tip of the iceberg of CORRUPTION that has trickled down and seeped into every nook and cranny of Sri Lanka.
ron / January 19, 2014
Dodo / January 19, 2014
Many thanks Thisaranee! Good one. Please keep writing..
Please translate and publish widely in the Sinhala language since it is those who vote for the corrupt and criminal Mahinda Rajapaksa family that need to know the truth that you write about!
John / January 19, 2014
“..Kenyans not..threatened by ..Buddhist temple…”
Because it’s not supporting terrorism, division of country or engage in unethical conversion.
Lankan / January 19, 2014
Unethical conversion, really? And I suppose you have proof of this much maligned word.
Native Vedda / January 19, 2014
What is the difference between unethical conversion and an ethical conversion?
Paul / January 19, 2014
Here are just two of many. These vultures are preying on the poor, the sick and the vulnerable all over Asia. Tigers only wanted our bodies but the evangelists want our souls.
Native Vedda / January 19, 2014
ela kolla
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
― Gautama Buddha, Sayings Of Buddha
Buddha was neither a Sinhala/Buddhist nor was he able to speak Sinhala.
He was not born in this island.
ron / January 19, 2014
PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!
Thiru / January 19, 2014
This thana kola eating ela kolla doesn’t give up. When is he going to realize his madness? Of course, mad people don’t realize that they are mad.
ela kolla / January 20, 2014
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Thiru / January 21, 2014
ela kolla,
We miss your views, please stop using expletives or somethings like that, and get your message across to us. We love to hear them for we need different opinions here.
I hope you are not using a language other than English!
ela kolla / January 19, 2014
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mike / January 19, 2014
Moda ela kolla!
Native Vedda / January 19, 2014
You should train yourself to be able to read what is not visible in ela kolla’s comments.
This art is what Senarat Paranavitana called interlinear inscription.
I do hope you master this art in no time.
ela kolla / January 20, 2014
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Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
ela kolla
I hope Mike would master your interlinear inscriptions.
ela kolla / January 20, 2014
buru mike
fonseka / January 19, 2014
Aayubbowewa maharajanani……….
Thiru / January 19, 2014
Mahavamsa minded mad Mahinda mafia must be brought to an end soon.
gamini / January 19, 2014
What a False Showman this SOB, MR is? Can not see a child in Public, he wants to fondle and carry for the camera. Jacks up Duty on Milk Foods of Infants and allow Duty free Lamborghinis, Maseratis for his Offspring to enjoy holding Night Races.
mike / January 20, 2014
I agree, this bugger is a “specialist” in patting any childs head. Lasantha got a different kind of pat on the head and all what this SOB had to say was “Oluwatade Wadunay”???
Paul / January 19, 2014
The Christians demand freedom of religion so they can spread the religion of a Vatican dictatorship.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
“The Christians demand freedom of religion so they can spread the religion of a Vatican dictatorship.”
If your religion is democratic, humane, address social and other needs of the people, rationally convincing and void of any political machination or intentions, people certainly would accept.
You need to worry only when your religion intent to impose theocracy.
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
Now in Sri Lanka, It is Evangelical christianism that is fighting for the turf.
Evangelical church is the Wahabism of Christianity.
Even the Catholic church is fighting to survive from the anglican and Evangelical churches.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / January 19, 2014
It would seem rather unfortunate that the combined effects of political expediency, gullibility, insecurity, opportunism, ignorance, frustration, jealousy, dependence on political patronage and poverty have resulted in mistrust and ill-will among the ethnic communities of Sri Lanka.
I would like to suggest that inclusivity and accommodation, compassion and good-will be given a chance, so that parasites posing as saviours will be forced out of the equation.
Douglas / January 20, 2014
You don’t seem to understand the difference between “CONVERSION” and “ACCEPTANCE”.
True there are Buddhist organizations and temples in foreign lands. But can you point out any of those institutions or clergy accused or engaged in “CONVERSION” of those native in their countries. I don’t think you can name at least one such country where Buddhist organizations are functioning. But on the contrary there are very many natives in those countries who learn first out of curiosity and then experience in their day to day activities, finally decide on their own volition to “FOLLOW” the Buddhas Teachings as a way of life. In Sri Lanka too the Buddhist Clergy or any Organization are not involved in such a thing called “CONVERSION” of people from other faiths. That is a fact and you cannot refute it or point finger at them.
However this is not true with other religions, specially with regard to Christian faith. We in Sri Lanka know very well the “METHODS”, “TACTICS” and such other “UNDERCOVER” activities conducted to “LURE” the people of other faiths. Those “METHODS” are too many to describe here and with such “LURE” quite a large number in cities and villages do adopt a different faith. They have deployed agents with “handsome rewards” offered to organize faith meetings in selected homes and the targeted gatherings are mostly from the economic backward categories or those with unattainable goals in their life. This methods of LURE is called the “CONVERSION”.
Also remember there is a “undeclared turf war” between different “sects” of the same faith to “INCREASE THE FLOCK”. So among them there is a “hidden agenda” beneath this “CONVERSION”.
This is what has given rise to all this “TENSION”. So better, first understand the “BACK GROUND” to the problem before raising the accusing finger.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
“True there are Buddhist organizations and temples in foreign lands. But can you point out any of those institutions or clergy accused or engaged in “CONVERSION” of those native in their countries.”
Yes dear boy in case if you have forgotten, it happened in my own ancestral land some 2,300 years ago. According to Mahawamsa, Mahinda converted Mutasivas’ son Devanampiya Tissa and in turn he converted the entire population to Buddhism perhaps over night.
kali / January 20, 2014
Douglas Devananda,
You really are talking rubbish. We didn’t have a religious war in Sri Lanka only Ethnic War until the Monks and BBS under the patronage of Gotha turned into a Religious War.
It is the support and patronage enjoyed by the Monks & BBS who are emboldened by this support have brought this tension. So you better understand the BACKGROUND before talking rubbish.
K.A Sumanasekera / January 20, 2014
Poor Kenyans are not safe even in their Supermarkets and Shopping Malls any more thanks to the animosity between the Muslims and the Christians created by Ms T’s own friends..
How can they have time to think about one Theravada when they are now in the same boat as the nearly 18 Million Lankan Theravadas prior to 2009.
Ms T should ask for Asylum in Kenya.
Fathima Fukushima / January 20, 2014
Don’t worry Wahabi teachings are fast spreading in SL.
Soon so called Muslims in SL (actually they are more Hindu than Muslim) will feel the pinch.
Then the rest of the Hindus.
If minoraties are so unsafe in SL that is a big opportunity to convert them to Islam.
Anyway Islam is the largest minority group in SL already. Not Damn-ill.
Piraña / January 23, 2014
Fart Fucku
Angoda hospital seemed to have failed you as you are still hallucinating.
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
TG is writing with Sinhala-buddhist Hatred and JEALOUSY against Rajapkses.
If TG is not ignorent and is not uneducated, should know that when people migrate their culture also migrates.
But, the christianism is not like that.
Their only objective is CONVERSION.
If TG compares this situation to that OF Sri Lanka, TG is reminding what happened at the time of the Colonial migration which brought
JESUIT priests.
BBS Rep / January 20, 2014
All this ire against the Rajapaksa clan is misplaced.
We brought the monstrous Rajapaksa clan to power and we have to put up and shut up.
PS – Getting rid of the Rajapaksa clan will not bring about a dramatic and serendipitous change to politics in Sri Lanka. When the era of this clan comes to an end it will be replaced by a new equally devious, ruthless and opaque clan. Just get it will you.
kali / January 20, 2014
BBS Rapper:
You are a sensible man. I agree with you when you say Getting rid of the Rajapaksa clan will not bring about a dramatic and serendipitous change.
To prove your point you have to look back over the last 64 years and beyond. The hatred and enmity towards the Tamils have continued unabated which will never change and MR is not the only person guilty of this but he is the most Extreme a Born RACIST.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
Two issues needs to be done:
Restructuring the state and restoring democracy to all people should be the long term objective if you really want to see tangible changes.
As you say regime change alone would not be enough nor would a theocracy of BBS saffron clad thugs restore democracy.
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
Ms TG is confused with the movement of the culture with the migrants and spreading of the faith via conversion.
TG should understand mullahs and Jesuits priests going around converting against one Buddhist monk completing the needs of SriLankan migrants.
Write CRAP ARTICLES because TG [Edited out]
yash / January 20, 2014
truth is christian used tsunami and war to convert budhist and hindus without shame.30000000 gods seen this evil drama and start punishmant.gods in south always diffarant from other gods..they do not now forgiveness….same 1818 defeat sinhala budhist never froget how christian and catholic act in 1998-2003 period..
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
TG is writing for the Church.
As a Sinhala – she wants Sri Lanka to be a christian country.
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
TG is criticizing Buddhists.
christianity has over 41000 different sects. Some are polygamous cults.
Spring Koha / January 20, 2014
One can see the passion in our Buddhist priests, hurting at the thought of losing even a single soul to worldly incentives that MIGHT come the way of a poor man or woman. Nothing like a bit of COMPULSION to keep someone a Buddhist.
crazyoldmansl / January 20, 2014
“Extremism is more than a political error; it is a psychological habit which is addictive and unbreakable, even when its ill effects are manifest.” See I told you this. Now at least I hope that you see that it has to go the way that VP went.
Safa / January 20, 2014
The boundaries and limits of Buddism being changed to suit the whims and fancies of monks and people?
Pressure mounting on govt. to legalise ganja – Minister Jayasena
Parliament Affairs Minister Sumedha G. Jayasena says everybody including Buddhist monks in her electorate demand that ganja(cannabis) be legalised.
Addressing a public meeting on Saturday (18) to mark the opening of a rural electrification project for the benefit of 320 families in the Saragama and Helmulla areas in Siymbalanduwa, the minister said it was difficult to find a person who did not grow ganja in Thanamalwila area. “Even Buddhist monks of the area demand that ganja be legalised. These Bhikkhus come to us and request that laws be amended in Parliament to remove legal barriers to allow free cultivation of ganja,” she said.
Strawberry Dosa / January 20, 2014
This article represents the same sentiments of Jaffna Bishop Sawundranayagam and Mannar Bishop Rayappu have declared about Chemical and Biological weapos being used by GOSL security forces during war against their LTTE buddies who were sponsored by Vatican and the Christian Church. Now the figure has risen from 40,000 to 140,000!
Tisaranee’s writing always reflect anti-Buddhist sentiment in between the lnes and in the context.
Why don;t you write about the crimes against humanity and genocide caused by the US UK and France, when they forcefully invaded Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent unarmed civilians?
Why don’t you as a Journo bring to light about USA’s use of Depleted Uranium Shells during invasion of Iraq, exposing civilians and US military to harmful levels of deadly ionizing radiation and push for lawsuit at International Criminal Courts? Did you know this radiation has billions of years of half life and will effectively and degeneratively eliminate Iraqi population over a limited generations?
Vatican’s and Illuminati’s prime objective is to cause dissension among stable political systems and cause chaos for better outside control. Church invests heavily on mainstream media and journalists. They are required to write using church-invented new vocabulary: “human rights”, “freedom of speech”, “Freedom of religious faith”, “Credibility”, “Genocide” and “crimes against humanity”..
Think again and see who has violated every one of these to the maximum extent unfathomable by our minds? It is the Christian church and itsholy wars or Crusade wars.. From invasion of Asia, south America, North America, and south pacific nations, billions of non-believers who refused to convert to Christianity were massacred en masse… have we forgotten that? What poppycock are you preaching to us now?
kali / January 20, 2014
Strawberry Pukkai,
You are talking rubbish mate. Are you trying to justify the Crimes Committed by you lot by saying there are other Criminals in the World so why pick on us . By saying that you admit you are a Criminal.
JimSofty / January 20, 2014
Christianity is a business enterprise all the way. Now Church priests are establishing TRADE UNIONs.
Only in Asia, Priests are ignorant.
“A group of United Church ministers in Ontario has joined Canada’s largest private-sector union.
Clergy have launched Unifaith, a community chapter of Unifor, which has more than 300,000 members.
‘The institutional church was not able to do much for us.’
– Rev. Jim Evans
“A large number of colleagues are aware of issues of workplace bullying, isolation and desolation for those serving in their vocation. This has been an ongoing concern for us for many years now,” said Rev. Jim Evans, Unifaith’s interim president. “We’ve looked at various ways to address what could happen in terms of advocacy and professional development for those who are indeed in desperate circumstances.”
According to Evans, he and volunteers from the United Church have spent a decade educating colleagues in self-care and social unionism, communicating with church people across the country, and researching concerns regarding benefits, pensions, church closures and other issues.
“The institutional church was not able to do much for us,” Evans said. “They could pray for us, but in terms of providing effective, approved accountability to uphold the values and policies of safety and job security and protecting [us] … from workplace violence and harassment, it was very limited.”
Nora Sanders, the general secretary of the United Church of Canada, said church membership has declined by about 20 per cent since 2004 and that between 50 and 60 churches are closing every year. All of that is affecting job security for the clergy.
“So I suspect the issues this group has raised are part of a bigger picture that’s under review in our church right now, of our structures and how we do our work to make sure our resources are focused on the work of faith,” she said. “
kali / January 20, 2014
Jim Sooty,
You Ignorant Idiot you don’t know what you are talking about when you say that Christianity is a business enterprise all the way.
Every religion does it and if you want proof go to the Small Hindu Hindu Temple in Wellawatte Beach side owned and managed exclusively by a Buddhist Sinhalese Lady no doubt as a Commercial enterprise. So don’t talk rubbish.
kali / January 20, 2014
Why go that far to Kenya to see the Hypocrisy of the Sinhalese Buddhists. Where is Mahabodhi situated it is in a Foreign Land closer to home. But when it comes to religions other that Buddhism in Sinhala Lanka the Monks supported by BBS who enjoy the patronage of Gotha & MR are intent on destroying Temples , Mosques & Churches.
MR goes to Mahabodhi to pray and to prove a point that Extremism is not the sole birth right of any one religion King Mahintha presided over the bombing of Mahabodhi by another religion ( although we all know it was the work of RAW but blamed on the Muslims ) which never happened before.
It is not the fear factor that drives the Extreme Buddhists ( Monks) to destroy places of worship of other religions but PURE HATRED. This hatred which is like the Inborn Errors of Metabolism is in their Gene.
Where Irrationals Rule
Extremism is not the sole birthright of any one religion, race or entity. In Ceylon, Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism, founded on the Mahawamsa mindset and Anagarika Dharmapala’s Aryan-myth, flourished when Vellupillai Pirapaharan was a mere boy, wholly occupied by killing birds with his catapult.
When the Sinhalese first unleashed their assault on innocent Tamils in 1958 Prabakaran was only 4 years old and couldn’t even lift a Catapult to kill Birds.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
“Mahawamsa mindset and Anagarika Dharmapala’s Aryan-myth, flourished when Vellupillai Pirapaharan was a mere boy, wholly occupied by killing birds with his catapult.”
The simple truth of the matter is he shared his gene and psychopathic mind with his Sinhala speaking brethren Gota.
Just like your Sinhala brethren you gave open cheque to the Tamil version of Gota.
kali / January 20, 2014
Stop talking rubbish. You have gone from MAD to WORSE.
For your information GOTHA is a Born Racist where as Prabakaran was turned into a Freedom Fighter by the Sinhalese Atrocities you included.
Native Vedda / January 20, 2014
“For your information GOTHA is a Born Racist where as Prabakaran was turned into a Freedom Fighter”
Freedom fighter??
Freedom to kill anyone and fighter who hated his own people and others.
Another myth and a Tamil Mahawamsa in the making.
Priya Ragavan / January 22, 2014
Who created Prabaharan? Disenfranchisement of 1.5 million upcountry Tamils(many are third generation),Unemployment for thousands of Tamils due to Sinhalees as official language, Discrimination through “standardization, Repeated pograms and murder of several innocent Tamil men women and children,Army occupation of north from 1958 long before Tigers existed,and many other overt and subtle discriminations against Tamils eventually gave rise to armed struggle. Even then Prabaharan fought a conventional army and not the public.
Insurgency is the price you pay for minority phobia. Tisaranee is right