19 January, 2025


Mixed Responses To Action-Front

By Kumar David

Prof. Kuma David

There was a big response to Rajan’s lullaby to Basil (“Over the Ocean”), Ameer Ali’s Addendum to my “A Fire has been Lit” and my “The Only Way forward for the JVP”. That’s good, people are serious about how to get together to confront a common threat and the importance of action-unity for defensive purposes. Almost all emails or phone calls, as well as Colombo Telegraph Comments were supportive. However they included a few defeatist or narrow-minded outbursts. For example: “Nothing can stop Gota’s march to dictatorship”. “I do not agree that the XYZ will be the leading force in taking the struggle forward. They will not be able to muster the public for mass agitation without the support of Patali Champika”. “Sajith is a spent force; I will not be surprised if the SJB disintegrates”; “Ranil will never go for confrontation, SF is silent”. “I don’t like to work with pseudo Marxists; without Praxis we can’t do anything”. I endorse none of these but Colombo Telegraph readers need to know of comments that discourage united action. Please, I am not talking about who the next Great Leader will be, nor the next Government. I am emphasising that defence is imperative; crawl before you run.

In one of my columns I begged: “Initiate a common discourse. All who subscribe to a few basics should be welcome. E.g.: Stop the economic collapse or resign, reverse the pardon of king-pin murderers, rescind the fertiliser instant-ban and replace it with an organic fertiliser expansion programme, repeal the PTA forthwith”. The basics will have to be agreed between the JVP, the Sajith Balavegaya, the Left, liberals, NGOs, Tamil and Muslim parties, the radical clergy and others. The JVP, Sajith or someone of credible size must convene a round table pow-wow and for heaven’s sake let there be no bickering about convenorship, chairmanship, roundness of table and such stupidities.” Champika Ranawaka must stop bullshit talk that the JVP “should drop its ideology!” Preconditions disrupt united action. What if others demand that Champika must support devolution or Sajith must abjure the Executive Presidential concept as a precondition for a minimal-action-front to forestall the Gota trend to authoritarianism?

Having got this off my chest I wish to draw attention to trends in Burma since we can draw lessons. The anti-military mass movement which in the immediate aftermath showed vigour, seems to have been cowed. People did not mobilise in millions or hundreds of thousands not enough to throw the soldiers off balance and break the army. The opposition leadership, especially Su Ki was too compromised having bummed the Generals for too long to inspire confidence in the minds of the masses. And third Beijing has pulled the rug from under the opposition and now throws in its support behind the dictatorship and the Generals.

We are in a position to avoid the first two, though there is little we can do to forestall Chinese support for a putative Paksa dictatorship. Our opposition is better organised and will not be cowed down like Su Ki. The JVP, Sajith, other left parties and I hope the Muslims and Tamils will throw in their lot with mass mobilisation against a palace-coup. (I mean a regime abrogating democracy and arrogating all power to itself). Defensive mobilisation to stop Gota-led military absolutism seems promising. Unity for defence FIRST! Who will be president down the road? Which scavenger will get which portfolio? Which rogues will replace the present rogues? Let us cross these bridges when we reach them. When a house is on fire, pull the trapped children out first! Maybe the new house owner will a good man or an arsehole; let that concern not slow down rescue efforts now. I will return to these themes at the right time; that is after any Gota dictatorship perils have been extinguished. There is time enough before the next election cycle.

Now for China. Chinese actions in respect of Burma have proved that its foreign policy criteria are no different from those of nineteenth and twentieth century imperialism. It is guided by the simple criterion “Do what is best for China”. It is spearheading restoration of the Burmese military junta into international bodies, it is steaming ahead with port and infrastructure developments beneficial to itself, and it dismisses the pleas of the Burmese opposition. Lesson 1: If a Paksa military regime is imposed on Lanka, Beijing will stabilise it and support it in international forums. Lesson 2: What if the people of Lanka fight back? What if there is a General Strike? What if the unity of the opposition holds? What if anti-Paksa foreign forces (governmental or not) throw in some weight? For sure China will then recalculate its options. Therefore, even in respect of the Beijing factor internal mobilisation is what will swing the pendulum.

Latest comments

  • 10

    Kumar david
    Stop the economic collapse or resign
    Collapsing the economy and resetting it with a new one is a part of the agenda
    All of lankas masonic politicians are involved in it so it does not matter who is in
    power they will push ahead with it.

    • 6

      KD: Your Burma Comparison is ill informed sorry to say. After all the first families of Sri Lanka are US citizens and making economic policy to suit the biggest Rouge State in the world rather than the citizens of Lanka!
      ASEAN and UN United Nations officials are worried that US and India wants to turn Myanmar into Asia’s Syria or Libya – to de-stablize China. US has been funding ethnic armies in Burma for decades to stir up trouble on China’s border and now trying to undermine ASEAN. This is why ASEAN neighbours of Myanmar are being very careful at this time.
      KD: Please read the book “Cold War Monks: Buddhism and America’s Secret Strategy in Southeast Asia” (Yale UP 2017). to understand that the so called Burma Spring is part of the increasingly hot US Cold War on China. Also read Amar DIwakar’s reveiw in the New Republic.

      US will stage a regime change op. assassination, as it did in Haiti and also in Tanzania, where the president was murdered because he saw through the Covid-19 data hoax and numbers game..

      • 4

        KD: see this Video: Myanmar: US-backed Opposition Is Armed at Canada’s Global Research website


        • 6

          The CIA is trying to stage a Buddhist-Muslim “Clash of Civilizations” to bring down the whole of Southeast Asia – where these religious communities dominate.
          Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, way before the 2019 ISIS claimed Easter Attacks, meant to cause a “cascade” of inter-religious violence in Lanka and attack the economy.
          US is printing trillions of dollars and inflation is out of control and is the biggest debtor nation on the planet.
          Time to cut those Submarine Undersea Data Cables and let the US Dollar and stock market and imploding rogue state crash into oblivion?!

          • 5

            “Time to cut those Submarine Undersea Data Cables “
            Are you trying to commit suicide? If they cut the cable, how would you post all the garbage you write?

          • 2


            What you say is a bit true. US will certainly fund dissidence in places trying to get rich off a place like China that gives the global value of money to them for free.

            But in the first place, these places have had these unrests for a long time. Take Sri Lanka for example. Did US give the terrorists any money? No, it all came from India. Ok, much of it also came from money laundering and insider trading in the West, but US clamped down on that too, though much is difficult to control with their free liberal system.

            Let the US Dollar and stock market crash into oblivion, and a place like China will find it impossible to sustain their many infrastructure projects. For example, they will not be able to collect from US that owes it money for the Chinese commodities sold in the US. Once global trade is disrupted, globe will have to start from the scratch sans a nuclear war.

            • 4

              ramona Grandma therese fernando

              “Let the US Dollar and stock market crash into oblivion, and a place like China will find it impossible to sustain their many infrastructure projects. “

              Don’t be stupid and saw off the branch you are sitting on.

              • 3


                Yes, that is what Dinuk said – “….let the US Dollar and stock market and imploding rogue state crash into oblivion?!” And I was showing him/her what a dangerous thing this would be for all. Shame on your deliberate twisting of words. How cowardly.

          • 5


            “The CIA is trying to stage a Buddhist-Muslim “Clash of Civilizations” to bring down the whole of Southeast Asia”.

            The CIA was established on 18 September 1947.
            The first Sinhala/Buddhist riots against Muslim took place
            between 28 May – 8 August 1915.

            The Sinhala/Buddhists do not need something or someone to kick start a riots.

            ” US is printing trillions of dollars and inflation is out of control and is the biggest debtor nation on the planet.”

            Are you advising Gota to send in his armed forces to confiscate all printing machines belonging to BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING seize all dollor notes from Federal Reserve Bank, ………………..?

            Good idea however tell us how you and Gota will achieve this objective.
            Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any help.

            “Time to cut those Submarine Undersea Data Cables and let the US Dollar and stock market and imploding rogue state crash into oblivion?!”

            Another brilliant idea.
            Please cut off your nose to spite your face.

            • 5


              SJ will be enamoured by your brilliant mind.

    • 6

      Humble, you refer frequently to Freemasonry linked with Illuminati and the New world order established in the west. But our communist yuan based debt trap due to taking useless loans has a different basis. Both being atheistic will have a similar end unless some godly structure is reset with truth, justice, righteousness, integrity and other centred selflessness, in sacrificial service.

      • 3

        China is another masonic country.
        Look up on google and youtube for the photo where a chinese leader is standing with putin and bush. All at a masonic meeting wearing those silly masonic nightgowns.
        Mind you all religions are controlled by masons also. The bible calls them the false prophets which is almost all well known religious leaders today.
        This evil will come to an end when the messiah returns with his army of angels and destroys the current masonic power structure.

        • 1

          Humble, I agree with most of what you say. The sticky point is that though a Chinese leader is wearing a masonic gown, Xi P is not with these westerners, masons 33 who cannot betray other members. Xi never seen with Bilderberg/Rockefeler crowd but still wanting to be the one world leader. When we turn to China, we look away from the source that can make us debt free due to their banking empires and become foolish due to the craving for money for personal kingdom.

          • 3

            Nobody becomes the leader of any nation unless they are a mastor mason. Infact i will go one step further and say they wont let you become the ruler of a country unless you have the genetics of a fallen angel (aka demon).

            • 0

              Humble, Appreciate what you say, but where the lines are drawn to reconcile and restore the junk DNA in leaders is a complex topic. After all it is the righteous remnant that can heal the land and hence nations will need to come to the light as sheep nations. Freemasonry is forbidden in Communist China and the lodges are in Taiwan. Also Xi version of being No.1 is different from say a version practiced in an American Chinese community. In the final analysis, the positive energy released in a righteous and just society which is restored according to original purpose will be tangibly visible and would be sought after when money and all else fails and the battle will be won.

        • 6

          Now you make me suspect that the universities comprise a masonic outfit.
          Look at the horrible black pieces of cloth that people are wrapped in when they parade for their induction ritual.

          • 2

            I suspect H is confusing Masons with masons, you know, the kind that deals with bricks. They make a lot more money than mere Masons.

            • 1

              Freemasonry was created by a man named hiram abiff who was a stone mason and architect who worked under king solomon. Hence why you see the term ‘mason’ in ‘freemasonry’.

              • 0

                (From WEikipedia)
                Hiram Abiff (also Hiram Abif or the Widow’s son) is the central character of an allegory presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry.
                The tale of Hiram Abiff as passed down in Masonic Lodges underpins the third degree. It starts with his arrival in Jerusalem, and his appointment by Solomon as chief architect and master of works at the construction of his temple. As the temple is nearing completion, three fellowcraft masons from the workforce ambush him as he leaves the building, demanding the secrets of a master mason. Hiram is challenged by each in turn and, at each refusal to divulge the information, his assailant strikes him with a mason’s tool (differing between jurisdictions). He is injured by the first two assailants, and struck dead by the last.
                H thinks that freemasonry has a millennia long tradition.
                So pathetic is our sense of history that cannot tell fact from fictitious fable
                Even more so is the want of humor among people that take themselves a little too seriously.

          • 2

            Yes the university graduation outfit is masonic in nature.
            Does not mean every graduate is a freemason. Many of them are unknowingly participating in a masonic ritual (but mind you the university senior staff, management and owners are definitely masons).
            The covid mask wearing is also a masonic ritual forced on the public world wide.
            Most dont realise the occult nature of wearing the mask and it has nothing whatsoever to do with protection from a virus.

            • 0

              Humble, You are often seeing FM everywhere. The university graduation cloak is only hired for that day and returned. Majority who wear it are sinhala speaking and will be confused if you ask about FM. The Galle Face FM HQ is fairly selective for the elite which have now dwindled. May be professionals but not politicians whose past time is drugs and immorality. It is not the ritual but the wicked heart that needs elimination.

              • 0

                Don’t be a spoilsport because H has funnier narratives than you.

            • 1

              I like this piece of satire by you.

  • 9

    Interesting to see kumar david using some vulgar language in the article.Yet if we post such words in the comment section, it will probably get banned.

    • 3

      The ones who want the law to apply fairly dont see the need to do so themselves. its a I scratch your back and you scratch my back site where a few elites pander to their own. just like the Paksas do with Duminda.

    • 6

      Apologies. Allow me to substitute “scoundrel” for “a***h***”.

  • 11

    As citizens, it is our right and our paramount duty to point a finger at the wrong of our elected servants who run the country on our behalf. As with any other regime, there are wrongs of this one, some are terrible. As I commented before, we can form a broad front and perhaps topple this present regime like what was done in January 2015. What next? That is an important question having learnt the lessons of the past of electing yet another Government that does not listen to the heartbeat of the people and what mattered to them was their kitty and the cronies. Prof Kum talks of crawling before you run and to forget what next. One must build a front that is committed to build a people centric framework which no other succeeding government can alter so that the will of the people will always prevails. Otherwise, it will be another “Yahapalanaya” with a different brand name. My catchphrase is “think before you leap”.

    • 7

      ‘As citizens, it is our right and our paramount duty to point a finger……’
      I think we should point more than one finger at these scoundrels.

      • 1

        Dear Paul;
        By all means point all the fingers in one’s hands and as well as the toes in the legs, if the chaps who get elected from our vote do wrong. Don’t let them go scot free.

  • 7

    David Kumar: Please stop this campaign for a “Common Front” of “Opposition”. Are you out of your mind to suggest “JVP/NPP” to come to an “Alliance” with “SJB” led by another “Moran” like “Sajith”. Please listen to the speech made by AKD in Parliament on the “No Confidence” motion against Minister Gammanpila. Who, in proper senses and political maturity would ever think of such a “Joke” as a “No Confidence” motion on MInister, who continuously said that he was not alone in making the decision to put up the fuel prices? Now see what happened at the end. That “No Confidence” turned out to be a “Confidence” vote with a large majority. We are not interested in just “Defeating” the Government, but more “INTERESTED” in bringing in a “Politically Matuared” and a “Responsible” and “Accountable” Government, that can put our house in order. So you would see a “Big Difference” between what you want to do and what we as citizens want to do.
    If what you suggest “An Alliance” with Sajith led SJB and AKD led JVP/NPP comes about, that will be the END of JVP/NPP.. Who knows, it could be your “GOAL” too. Please “LEAVE” this “MATCHMAKING” business and let “JVP/NPP” decide on their future.

    • 1

      Dear Simon,
      I’ve looked twice at what Professor Kumar David has written. I see no evidence of his suggesting anything as formal as “an Alliance”. What he is calling for is an end to bickering and rivalry among those who are striving to oppose the march of Double-Paksas towards establishing permanent dictatorship.
      There are guys like Dayan Jayatilleke (known quantity) and now (anonymous) “Humble” trying to draw red-herrings across our path. Dayan is clever enough to say things that are valid.
      A few months ago, some commenting here were trying to demonise Guneratnam’s FSP. That should stop; we must focus on the common enemy. To do this, there’s no need to form alliances.

    • 2


      Irrespective of whatever AKD says or acts upon do you think the hardened ultra marxist/communist/ …… old guards allow him the freedom (beyond party line) to act with different sets of liberal values?

  • 4

    Go for it Sri Lanka.

  • 10

    Who is Champika to tell JVP to “drop its ideology”? At least they have an ideology. All what Champika and his ragtag faction have is some half-baked ideas about ‘heritage’ and ‘taking the country forward.’ People have had enough of that nonsense already.

  • 8

    KD , though you do not admit but the article itself is a desperate attempt in stopping Rajapaksas. You call those few realist as defeatist and narrow minded but remember these crooks were elected by our very own people and it may be the reason in Burma too to certain extent. ( history of supporting such juntas).But before you accuse a few of us as narrow minded why don’t you give us a parallel where a so called highly literate country having 70 years of family dynasties , two insurgencies 30 years of internal conflicts , Easter mayhem and yet electing a whole family to power. I am not sure how things are rationalized in political or engineering science but in medical world we explain it as in causative factors, pathology, triggering or exacerbating causes,symptomatoloy treatment options, benefits/ risks and finally prognosis. As physician we give hope but that does not mean being unrealistic. I find it offensive you calling such views as narrow minded. KD it is the immoral public who gave absolute power to those amoral and called it patriotism. Accept the fact.

    • 4

      KD what a coincidence.Today’s artvle by Dr. Suren. S explains the problem in a way I had mentioned above. Looks like you too are caught up in “Stages of Grief” and you still are BARGAINING. Consider the few of us, narrow minded as fortunate to have had CLOSURE so that we can move on with our life.

  • 7

    Dear KD.
    My comments here in good faith !!
    The way there are adverse reactions to anti govt. journos, I hope you will not be charged under the PTA for advocating civil unrest and “rebellion” !!
    …….. Preconditions disrupt united action……..
    True in theory but in the long run, in actual working coalitions, they have short lives, with or without preconditions.. The persons who go for this type of arrangement are not really driven by national sentiments but just craving for some situation in order that they can come on top of the heap. Not only in SL, even abroad coalitions have not stood the test of time.
    ……… guided by the simple criterion “Do what is best for China”………
    I am indeed surprised at this. Every country does that – it is a universal truth – so why single out China. May be Japan is nearest to some country without too “MUCH” altruistic motives in aid giving. But in a way even they give aid so that purchase is from a Jap company, so in effect they are only subsidising their economy.
    ……..Colombo Telegraph readers need to know of comments that discourage united action……
    If the comments are in good faith, why discourage. If the comments are disruptive, so be it. Yet open discourse is an essential element of democracy.

  • 2

    Winning a subsequent term is hard work for SL presidents.

    Only JR, CBK and MR have ever won a second term as incumbent.

    JR won in 1982 thanks to the burning of a public library in the north a year earlier.
    CBK won in 1999 thanks to displacing over 150,000 people in operation Jeyasikru and sympathy vote after Tamils bombed her.
    MR won in 2010 thanks to his killing of 40,000 Tamils in 3 months and displacing 300,000 Tamils a year eariler.

    What will Gota do to win a second term?

    (MR failed to do anything like this in 2015 and lost. Sirisena did nothing like this and he was out.)

    • 1

      MR did not kill 40,000 Tamils or displaced 300,000 Tamils. LTTE killed and displaced Tamils. MR won in 2010 because he had the spine to face deadliest terrorists in the world who bragged that they cannot be defeated militarily and give them a humiliating defeat that other leaders failed to do.
      “MR won in 2010 thanks to his killing of 40,000 Tamils in 3 months and displacing 300,000 Tamils a year eariler.”

      • 7

        Eagle Blind Eye

        “MR won in 2010 because he had the spine to face deadliest terrorists in the world who bragged that they cannot be defeated militarily and give them a humiliating defeat that other leaders failed to do.”

        Don’t be stupid.
        Day by day you are rapidly turning into a moron.
        It was your brother the psychopath VP who won two elections and one war for the clan.
        Both Mahinda and Gota gratefully acknowledged without Hindian support they would not have won the war.

        You are not only a moron but a moron suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

  • 5

    I take this opportunity to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters “EID MUBARAK”. Though I am not a Muslim, today my family and me visited my friend (who I consider as my own brother) and had a meal with their extended family members. I am grateful for such opportunity on their special day. Yesterday it was his brother’s house where they invited all the doctors from hospital.

  • 0

    It looks better (while reading) and sounds better (while pronouncing), if you spell it as “Ass****”

  • 5

    “I endorse none of these but Colombo Telegraph readers need to know of comments that discourage united action.”
    One is damned if one dares to dissent.
    There are many instances of united fronts against a common enemy.
    However, united fronts do not fall from the sky or bloom out of some bright idea.
    We were once told that Getting rid of Mahinda will cure all ills. There was some kind of mobilization around the ‘single issue’ of ending the ‘Executive Presidency’. We know well how ending the Executive Presidency ended up.
    United fronts have to be based on a common goal and a common programme. It requires finding the best common denominator to achieve the broadest possible alliance.
    A united front cannot have persons or groups with a secret agenda. The aims must be clear at the very outset and once agreed shall not be tampered with.
    If there is a proposal for a united front which is even half way along the above, and someone pours cold water on it, there is cause to complain.
    Some of us have first hand experience with left alliances that were ditched to serve personal gain.
    Are we not counting the chicken even before the eggs are laid?
    Let us do some serious homework before we call upon the people to mobilize.

  • 5

    I was reminded of Bob Dylan’s lines of 50+ years ago.
    Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen
    And keep your eyes wide, the chance won’t come again
    And don’t speak too soon, for the wheel’s still in spin
    And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
    For the loser now will be later to win
    For the times, they are a-changin’
    I like the lyrics even more today for being more open to interpretation.

  • 0

    Prof. Kumar David

    What I say below may not have a direct relevance to your article but, I believe, it is something that Sri Lankans must think about.

    It is about Foreign relations, with 2 of the brothers being U.S. citizens. Uncle Sam must be already having his plans and perhaps, the plans are already being tried in a secret way to counter the Chinese. Well, the US citizens have little choice but to give in to Uncle Sam’s pressure tactics. But will the rest of the Family follow suit or resist Uncle Sam? My guess is good as yours, but that will most certainly be a testing time for the Family with unforeseen consequences.

    Shouldn’t this be a factor to consider when considering plans regarding the future of Mother Lanka?

    • 0

      I agree that Unclr Sam’s dirty tricks know no bounds,
      But you may be reading too much meaning into brothers with US passports.
      On the other hand, one may wonder if the real plan is to bankrupt China by getting the two US passport holders to persuade China to keep lending to Sri Lanka until China goes bankrupt.

      • 0

        People should stop worrying excessively about Mother Lanka.
        She is a great survivor.

  • 0

    Prof KD, This action front of multiple leaders of mixed views if they agree to some basics, could do wonders for our beloved nation. Any suggestions of policy could be put forward to the collective round table and if there is no agreement, then an open vote with a simple majority could decide. As all are leaders in their own rights, and the difficulty of nominating one among the many would be immense, is it possible to agree beforehand that the one who polls the highest number of votes from the citizens would be the leader. If a tie, let a vote be taken amongst the round table and a simple majority could decide on leader. No vote buying or money mania allowed, but need to learn to live within the income each gets from parliament. Bankrupt the druggos and save nation. This will attract help from the rest of the world with deep inner satisfaction.

  • 2

    Kumar David should write an account of what China is doing in “Burma” and fit it with what imperialism did in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
    Is imperialism any better now?

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