10 November, 2024


MOD Sri Lanka response to Meena Krishnamoorthy's allegations

By Colombo Telegraph

 “Story of Meena Krishnamoorthy is crucial to war crimes submission. She is one of just three Australians who were in the conflict until the end”, said Australia’s “7.30 Report”, the nightly current affairs program of ABC. The program aired on Tuesday, October 18th.

Ministry of Defence response to her allegations saying “Meena was an LTTE cadre who is portrayed in the documentary as a civilian Australian national who had come to Sri Lanka during the war to learn Tamil which happens to be her mother tongue.”

“A number of defence personnel and political commentators are of the view that it was diabolically fabricated and designed as propaganda for the defeated LTTE terrorist outfit. Sri Lankan military has information to prove that she was a LTTE cadre who served in Castro’s office and that she had undergone military training.

Defence Intelligence sources said they believed that the documentary had been produced aiming at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Western Australia, from October 28.

Military sources have found all the details of the so-called eye witness proving Meena was not an innocent civilian but an identified LTTE cadre who actively worked for the terror outfit. At the final phase of the humanitarian operation by the Sri Lankan forces, she had managed to get shelter at an IDP camp in Vavuniya and later had left for Australia as she had connections there.” MOD further says.

Related news; watch ABC 7.30 report Tuesday, October 18th.

See also; A diplomatic dilemma of the Sri Lankan kind by Bruce Haigh

Watch video for further details.


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  • 0

    She is telling the truth, MOD twisted the fact, please listen both the allegations and the reply again and again!

    • 0

      LOL. What a pathetic loser.

  • 0

    Many hard core LTTE terrorist now in Ausstralia.

  • 0

    It is the evidence that she has that matters and not her intercedence. At every turn MOD has to run down any
    one coming up with evidence as LTTE propaganda. This does not serve Justice – if they believe in it!

    Those giving evidence are prepard to be cross-examined by an Independent party and counter-propaganda
    of MOD at this stage makes things worse

    • 0

      “intercedence” by an avowed LTTE terrorist – for what? To set in motion a program to carryout horrific terrorism in Sri Lanka for the next 30 years? LOL! I believe MOD is doing a real good job at exposing these so called “innocent Tamil civilians” who are supposed to have witnessed shelling by SLA – as when you did deep, the claims are from none other than hardcore LTTE terrorist SCUM!

      • 0

        Thats what so brilliant. If they saw, lived through these non-stop rains of artillery and everyone around them was dying how did they manage to survive? Did they’re Western passport/refugee status papers provide a shield? HIkz.

  • 0

    There appears to be a pattern of how these people pop up just before vital and crucial meetings . She was planted before the commonwealth sumit . The other Damilvamykumar for channel 4 appeared just before the UN Summit . what is the next venue to be targetted by the defunct LTTE trying a hard fought out battle for revival ? watch out for the next sequel before another global meeting of heads of countries. Very interesting for naive and gullible people .

    • 0

      Truly! Only the “Tamil vote hungry” corrupt western governments and their politicians (such as Stephen Harper, the PM of Canada where a large Tamil refugee block exists) choose to ignore this fact, but I hear Russia and China (UN Security Council members) have been apprised of this fact by GOSL and they have seen through the plot!

  • 0

    Truly I personally Knew some of peoples in very rich in the country gone to western countries and Australia seeks asylum for their life is in threat. and they claim they never come back to born country. After the bogus case is ok. Visiting on holiday to Sri Lanka and collecting all incomes and returns to destination.Why They get everything free from the asylum supports. they richer then the westerners. west governments do not know this games.

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