15 February, 2025


Parithy – Head of LTTE’s Nediyavan unit in France was attacked

By Colombo Telegraph –

Latest news on the situation in Paris reveals that Parithy, head of LTTE’s Nediyavan unit in France was allegedly attacked by LTTE’s Vinayakam unit yesterday. He was admitted to Paris hospital and under critical condition in intensive care unit.This is happened outside Tamil Coordinating Centre in Paris.

Sources close to Nediyavan told Colombo Telegraph that Vinayakam is now closely working with Sri Lankan Government. Vinayakam group members were not available to comment on this matter. Nearly 13 members of Vinayakam faction is wanted by INTERPOL. Click here for Vinayakam and others click here.

French Police raid Tamil Tiger offices in Paris in 2007 where 17 Tiger suspects including Paris head Parithy arrested

(Colombo Telegraph France correspondent)

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  • 0

    very good, now they will get eelam in france.

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    Keep fighting. Keep fighting. Keep fighting. Keep fighting. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Don’t give up

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    where ever they go Tamil Tigers kill themselves and damage the good name of Tamils.in UK I have seen a Tamil shouting obscene words at a bank teller just because she refused to pay a check because his name was wrong in the passport.Another time I watched a Tamil was argueing with a supermarket manager for not having lsted items after a sale and he was alsoswearing at him.This is really disgusting.I dare say these Tamils destroy the good name of Indians too.

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      Ashok, what did you expect from the tamils. they are the lowest of the low.

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        Don’t insult Tamils. LTTE is not Tamils okay.

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    France, Canada, UK, USA, Australia, Norway – all of them are getting a taste of Tamil crap that Sri Lanka had to bear for centuries. Best of luck to you!

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      Canada, UK, France, Norway supported the Tamil fighters thinking that they were ‘an oppressed minority”. In reality, the fight was led by upper caste Tamils wanting to maintain their caste power over the depressed castes. They use violence to maintain their caste structure. They will do the same in foreign countries where they expect special status..

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    Norway supported LTTE terrorists because they were promised to get Trico port.

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    Northern Tamils (not the Eastern Tamils or hill country Indian Tamils) were favoured under colonial rule and they just cant understand democracy, where they will have to compete on merit to achieve their goals, instead of continuing to be the most over priviledged segment within the minorities anywhere in the world. This time they were trying to get through Norway, what the Portuguese, Dutch and British gave them.

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    Tamils, Tamils, Tamils … ah …

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    Please let us be fair- not all Tamils are of the criminal calibre of the LTTE mafia. Some Tamils supported the war/LTTE for the sake of pride of language/ culture…every Sinhala should be able to understand that even if we dont accept the methods. Some looked the other way but felt bad of the methods…some didn’t care about the ‘niceties’ and wanted only the end result of a ‘place’ of their own…some helped under duress… some escaped it all and vanished abroad or to other parts of SL…there are all shades of Tamils, as us Sinhalese.
    Let us work with their moderates – we have after all lived together 1,000 with them, well or ill – we share so much of our common heritage.
    Europe and US also have long histories of war among them – now Germans/English, French/German,etc are bringing up children together …
    Is that impossible for us?
    Let us give us both communities a chance to come together – otherwise the church and the western powers will take the country over and neither Sinhal Buddhist or Tamil Hindus will have a country of their own…

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