By Amer Ali –
Reconciliation, or, more specifically, the issue of Tamil National Question and within which the controversial 13th Amendment, has become a political drama staged with two main actors, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (NM) and Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW). To NM that Amendment is a non-issue in the wider context of Indo-Lanka relations, and to RW it is a trump card to win the game of thrones.
13th Amendment is a nonissue to Modi because of two important reasons. Firstly, that piece of legislation was the joint product of Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress Government and President JR Jayewardena’s Presidency of SL. Why should Modi insist on its implementation and allow his political rival Congress Party to claim credit for it? Moreover, Rajiv Gandhi Government itself was pressured to work on that amendment, because of Tamil Nadu’s DMK on whose support Rajiv’s Congress came to power in Delhi. Today, DMK is not a supporter of BJP and Modi came to power without DMK backing. Secondly and more importantly, Modi sees Sri Lanka as a lucrative market for Indian investment and exports. As the second largest creditor to SL outside Paris Club, India wishes to capitalize on the island’s bankruptcy and colonize its economy with Indian capital and technology. India’s Adani Group, which is one of the principal backers of BJP, is particularly looking for Modi government to do everything within its power and influence to facilitate Adani penetration into SL. Already, and as a sign of economic subjugation, SL has decided to ditch the US dollar in preference for Indian rupee for some international transactions, and, according to Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, Indian rupee would soon become an acceptable currency in SL. On top of all this is the geopolitical factor to prevent China from deepening its economic and strategic foothold in SL through China’s One Belt One Road. Given this economic and geopolitical reality why should Modi seriously concern about the rights of Tamils and implementation of the 13th Amendment except as a diplomatic token and advice RW casually to ensure a life of “dignity and respect” to that community. That covers the entire role of NM in this Tamil drama. Even the request to implement 13th Amendment came not directly from NM but from a statement by the Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra. If TNA and other Tamil parties expect Delhi to play a more decisive role on their behalf, they would be sadly disappointed.
Modi also knows that the 13th Amendment is a hot potato to any SL president to handle, as he would have realized that in 2020 when RW’s predecessor Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited him and made the promise to implement it and retracted that promise immediately after returning to Colombo. The Sinhalese south is so dead against its implementation that Modi would be foolish to insist on it again. Thus, for all intents and purposes 13th Amendment is a dead letter as far as NM is concerned. He is now promising instead to build houses for Tamils. Does he know what happened to the houses built by Saudi Arabia for the Muslim victims after the 2006 tsunami? Sinhala Buddhist supremacists claimed for a share and went to the courts and those houses still remain unoccupied and derelict. What is the guarantee they would not be repeated the same once India built houses for Tamils?
To the second actor in the drama, RW, the National Question and 13th Amendment serve a different purpose. He is trying to use them as an election winning card in the race for presidency. With deepening controversy within the UNP-SLPP coalition over nominating RW as its common candidate, he is searching for another route to capture the throne by standing as the UNP nominee with support from minorities. With his claim as the man responsible for pulling the economy out of its economic morass he is now trying to strengthen his candidacy by wooing the support of Tamils and Muslims. The promise to implement the 13th Amendment is his bait to trap Tamil votes. He wants the minorities to cover the shortfall of votes from the Sinhala Buddhist vote bank.
When RW initially declared his intention to implement that Amendment the saffron army supported by some parliamentarians came out in protest. A couple of Mahanayakas sent him an ultimatum to give up that idea. RW then asked the legislature either to implement that piece of legislation, which is already in the statutes book or remove it altogether. It was indeed a legitimate and sensible suggestion. But the legislature decided to do neither. Then, as a token of showing his commitment he invited the Tamil leaders for a dialogue, which, as expected, ended in nothing. Now, with no pressure from Delhi and with no support from the Sinhala Buddhist majority that amendment is fated to remain in the statute book as a museum piece. Where does that leave the Tamils and the issue of reconciliation?
From the time of the Federal Party’s satyagraha campaign in 1950s to the July 1983 pogrom followed by a twenty-five years civil war ending in 2009, and right through to the anti-Muslim riots of post-2009 almost one-third of the country’s citizens had remained virtually disconnected with the main currents of development in this country. Underlying this disconnection is a political structure and a political culture built on the edifice of Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. The supreme objective of this hegemony is to claim ownership over the entire country, which would invariably reduce all non-Sinhala-Buddhist citizens to second class status. To the hegemons, concentration of minority Tamils and Muslims in two of the nine provinces has become an eyesore. Hence, their relentless efforts to change this unacceptable demographic topography and make it reflect the cultural hegemony of Buddhism and political hegemony of Sinhala Buddhists. The archaeological excavators, delimitation commissions and security forces are assisting in this mission. Until that goal is achieved there is no hurry for any reconciliation. RW’s enthusiasm is just a political drama.
However, this argument is valid only as long as the edifice on which the present political structure and culture remain untouched. The situation would change as soon as that edifice cracks. Sinhala Buddhist majoritarianism is that edifice on which the current political structure and political culture are modelled. These models have promoted competing brands of ethnoreligious nationalism, corrupt governance and economic ruin. Reconciliation and national unity, two vital elements to build a vibrant economy, are impossible to achieve unless this edifice is destroyed. And this is where the aragalaya demand for system change becomes relevant. Although the aragalaya youth seem to have gone to sleep that demand is still alive, and among all the political parties it is only NPP that is championing that change. Reconciliation cannot be forced upon from outside, and it has to come from inside out of self-realization and change of hearts. But the system remains a stumbling block for that to happen. If RW is serious about reconciliation he should first apologize to the Tamils publicly for what the UNP government did to them in July 1983. Without that his dialogue with Tamil leaders and meetings with other parties are only a drama. No wonder that NPP is keeping away from this tamasha.
*Dr. Amer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia
Naman / July 25, 2023
“If RW is serious about reconciliation he should first apologize to the Tamils publicly for what the UNP government did to them in July 1983. Without that his dialogue with Tamil leaders and meetings with other parties are only a drama.”
It’s high time Sinhala leaders especially UNP leadership apologise to the Tamils. But they do expect law and order be applied equally to the entire nation
The defence establishment in Northern and Eastern provinces needs to be drastically reduced
Police and Land powers should be with the Chief Executive of the provinces &Governors role abolished
Kanapathy Varunan / July 27, 2023
It is not a Tamil Drama but a never-ending Tamil TV serial originating from India, where due to its length actors are changed. But they play the same part with the same vigor, yielding nothing.
Svenson / July 28, 2023
“If RW is serious about reconciliation he should first apologize to the Tamils publicly for what the UNP government did to them in July 1983. Without that his dialogue with Tamil leaders and meetings with other parties are only a drama.”
Why? Do you think the Tamil leaders are going to apologise for what the LTTE and TNA (its representatives in parliament) did to the Sinhalese, Muslim and Tamil people?
1983 was bad but what the Tamils did to innocents for 30 years was far worse.
SJ / July 25, 2023
“Moreover, Rajiv Gandhi Government itself was pressured to work on that amendment, because of Tamil Nadu’s DMK on whose support Rajiv’s Congress came to power in Delhi.”
At the time of the 13th Amendment the AIADMK was still in power in Tamilnadu, and the DMK-INC alliance came about only after the Presidential rule ended in 1989.
MGR was kinder to the LTTE than Karunanidhi at the time, and played a role on persuading Prabakaran to cooperate with the Centre.
History seems a rather weak subject for the author.
Anpu / July 26, 2023
“History seems a rather weak subject for the author.”. Are you strong in everything? Why don’t you write few articles to inform us about history?
SJ / July 26, 2023
The man is writing falsehoods as history, It is not my strength that matters but awareness of the facts that matters.
If you are hurt by what I said there is little I can do to help. My writing anything will not heal the sores of prejudice.
( BTW, I do write where it would be useful.)
Native Vedda / July 26, 2023
“MGR was kinder to the LTTE than Karunanidhi at the time, and played a role on persuading Prabakaran to cooperate with the Centre.”
However Premadasa thought otherwise,
“MGR the bad uncle who spoiled innocent (baby) Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabaharan”.
SJ / July 26, 2023
So you think that Premadasa was correct in his assessment!
Was not the same Premadasa even kinder than MGR to VP at one time?
RBH59 / July 25, 2023
Modi-Wickremesinghe Tamil Drama
Till election all are on right path after election different story.
Sri aligning with india to show all are in good direction until the election. Ranil will invite rejection from india will follow a different direction. Like The cuckoo bird is known to lay its eggs in the nest of other birds, where the crow takes care of her eggs and her young ones and rejat
old codger / July 26, 2023
“Even the request to implement 13th Amendment came not directly from NM but from a statement by the Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra.”
A rather curious piece of hair-splitting by Dr. Ali. Would the Foreign Secretary act on his own, without instructions from Modi?
Be that as it may, Indian foreign policy doesn’t change with governments. We can see that today in India keeping its distance from the US about Ukraine while using it as a foil against China.
What is more obvious is that Dr. Ali is simply promoting the JVP’s take on 13A, namely that it is an Indian imposition. And of course, like the JVP, he sees the use of the Indian Rupee as a threat to our sovereignty. If that is so, isn’t using the USD also a threat? Typical JVP chauvinistic double-speak.
Sinhala_Man / July 26, 2023
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
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nimal fernando / July 26, 2023
Now you have put this here …… for everyone to see. ….. You are like a little kid who has gone on his first trip and wants to keep a running commentary. That’s fine. …… OC will be waiting for the next instalment with bated breath: for him, it’s getting more interesting than chasing gals. :))
But my advice to you is, keep your mouth shut. ………. Open it only to say yes or no, even that, very carefully. ………… Keep the mouth shut and just smile.
You have an incredible gift for rubbing people the wrong way – to put it mildly!
If you open your mouth, you’ll cause one mighty family brawl ……. and the family trip will end up in disaster.
And you won’t see some of your relatives/family again.
old codger / July 26, 2023
I don’t suppose your son-in-law’s cousin, who is a rich professor in Pittsburgh, has a great-aunt whose best friend’s husband’s brother attended a school quite close to the place where the 13th Amendment was drafted 100 years later?
leelagemalli / July 27, 2023
Now it is becoming clear that Sinhala-man is not only interested in our IDs but also excessive information about his relatives. That looks like an addict for him. As for me, I have paternal cousins everywhere scattered around the globe. Surprisingly, I dont know even their names.
Further to this, I wonder how this amazing creature (sinhala man) finds time to hang out with such gossip.
He probably worked on a subject based on “gossip and hero worship for his main thesis”.–
Btw, what happened to his recent visit to JVP headquarters ? Did they throw stones at him `? or drove away as Aragalaytes did it to GOTA ?
It seems he deliberately avoided the information based on what he really experienced by visiting JVP cave.
Native Vedda / July 26, 2023
Ranil invites all party leaders for a All Party Conference today.
Sunil Handunetty said JVP is not going to attend this conference because they are opposed to 13th amendment and provincial councils.
Alright we can understand it is JVP’s political position.
1. Then why doesn’t the party attend the conference and state its position to rest of the attendees?
2. If the party is genuinely opposed to 13th A and Provincial Councils why does it field candidates at provincial elections and send elected members to provincial councils ?
Don’t you think this JVP’s political/philosophical is one of the biggest hypocrisy than Annagarika’s Sinhala/Buddhism?
Kanapathy Varunan / July 26, 2023
How can Tamils trust India? They were responsible for the annihilation of the LTTE/Tamils. If India did not intervene today we would have a better status for the Tamils- at least a full pledge of Federal State. Modi thinks Srilankan Tamils are ‘modayas’ to depend on him. His interest is to obtain a few seats in Tamil nadu in his support by hook or by Crook. It is a pity that Thiruvalluvar too has been dragged into politics by MODI hoping to satisfy the Tamils. Tamil politicians have lost their equilibrium and holding into the last straw Modi.
Douglas / July 27, 2023
Dear NV: Do you think or advocate that the President need all party consent to implement a provision in the Constitution? Isn’t the President to decide on the implementation of the subjects stated in the “Schedule” to the “13A” to be devolved to Provincial Councils?
What do you think of this very President when he was the PM in Yahapalanaya who suspended the Provincial Council election? It is now more than FOUR years since those PCs were dissolved. Wasn’t Wigneswaran the Chief Minister then? Now why he and others who attend this meeting with the President DEMAND to REINSTATE by way of holding elections to those defunct PCs and other Local Bodies? Aren’t they in the “Hora Police” game?
Native Vedda / July 29, 2023
“Do you think or advocate that the President need all party consent to implement a provision in the Constitution?”
There weren’t much powers granted to Provinces in the first place.
Whatever meagre powers allocated to the provinces have been taken away subsequently.
The crooked politicians and their official functionaries know how to short change the people and provinces.
This is not just to deprive the people democracy, politicians themselves made themselves the prisoners of their own competitive racism. By destroying 13th Amendment clever dicks among the Sinhala/Buddhists (don’t have anything to do with Sinhalese or Buddhists) foreseeing the destruction of Indo-Lanka accord.
The delaying tactics would not only bring grief to people but also would incur wrath of Hindia.
When we are determined to self destruct ………. even nimal fernando can’t stop it.
Sinhala_Man / July 29, 2023
Dear Native Vedda,
I’m not a politician; some necessary political decisions are beyond my understanding. However, if there is actual deception and cheating, and if decisions are reached with selfish personal motives, I will object, even stop supporting.
However, that is not the case here.
1. Ranil Wickremasinghe is not sincere in what he’s doing. The NPP is right not to attend. Their position has been made clear before now. Ranil wants unnecessary statements to be made by Political Parties. In this instance if they come out strongly in favour of Provincial Councils, they will lose support among Sinhala Speakers. On the other hand, opposing Provincial Councils must be seen as racist denial of Tamil Rights.
2. I’m not sure when Provincial Council elections were last held. Certainly, I could Google for the information. I won’t waste time on that. I don’t think that there are any functioning Provincial Councils. I think that if any serious elections are fairly conducted in any part of the country, the NPP must contest them, although I feel that they will not fare well in Minority-dominated areas, for reasons which are complicated.
Sinhala_Man / July 26, 2023
Dear All,
It is now 22:10. I was very tired after a trip to Yala) when I submitted the comment that a moderator has removed; it looks as though a few have seen it, from the comments that it has attracted.
I had been mulling this important article by Dr Ameer Ali, and I must have drawn attention to the plethora of comments on his previous article:
However focussing on this article which deals with the 13th Amendment: Ameer says, “The promise to implement the 13th Amendment is his bait to trap Tamil votes.”
I agree. We must have nothing to do with setting traps for others. This 13th Amendment was imposed on JRJ, and always evoked negative knee-jerk reactions from the average Sinhalese. Most Tamils and Muslims passionately desire decentralisation of the administration so that the majority community will not impose hegemony throughout this island.
Ranil Wickremasinghe is the interim President who has done well to get rid of queues. But at what cost to the poorest people? The only way to assess is to conduct elections; and Local Government Elections are a legal requirement.
Sinhala_Man / July 26, 2023
Whilst thanking nimal fernando for well-meant advice, and telling old codger that I cannot work out whom he means, I must tell NV that I have, today, drawn the attention of Jagath Basnayake at the JVP Head Office to Dr Ameer Ali’s articles. The JVP reaction has been positive, but the ball is now in my court.
Sunil Handunnetti has always been suspicious of Indian moves, but not my business. I’m not a member of the JVP, although I support the NPP. I have heard AKD state clearly that he is not opposed to the 13th Amendment. However, all should boycott such discussions at this time. It is not for Ranil to take action on issues that will have long-term effects unless he obtains a mandate from the people. The general perception, even of Ranil-admirers like “leelagemalli”, is that Ranil is propped up in Parliament by the Rajapaksas for whom we have no respect. He could now dissolve parliament if he wants to. Let him do so.
The Presidential Elections cannot be held until October 2024. Amend the Constitution and hold it? OK, although I don’t like all this Constitution-tinkering.
What hypocrisies we see!
leelagemalli / July 27, 2023
Dear Readers,
If the JVP misleads the nation further, , Sri Lanka will not open to the world.
It is as clear as the sun and the moon.
They criticse almost everyone for no good reason. Practical politics is far from their focus. Gota got elected to deliver, but he failed to even settle COOKING gas issue, let alone, balance the sinking economy.
Anura Kumara’s Siamese twin Wimal Sakkiliwansa was with Rajapaksa to bully this nation. What are the results for the people today? People are dumbfounded. Sinhala Buddhist racists like Mahinda Rajapaksa indulged in his self-indulgence with poor people’s tax money. I have no hope for this stupid nation. My concern is for our youth.
. Whatever investment flowed in, the groups led by Wimal Weerawanse led groups always considered them as “Western conspiracies”. Vietnam and the Ethiopians have agreed to open their countries to the world, however, it will take decades for the stupid hegemon Sri Lanka.
Btw, in the last 24 hours how can Bandarawella or Sinhala man (don’t know Sinhala) brag about his yala trip and their food etc? Maybe it was too much for him?
At least this kind of break will teach him to behave properly. I hope he finally answers our long unanswered question about the murderous JVPs. .
Sinhala_Man / July 27, 2023
“leelagemalli”, what does this sentence mean?
“Anura Kumara’s Siamese twin Wimal Sakkiliwansa was with Rajapaksa to bully this nation”?
What is a “Siamese twin”? The name of the second person named in the above sentence is surely “Wimal Weerawansa”, a man with whom the JVP parted company many years ago. I never liked him. There now is almost nothing in common between him and the JVP. On the contrary, Weerawansa seems to have consistently supported Ranil Wickremasinghe for the past year; before that the Rajapaksas.
The Rajapaksas have also consistently supported Ranil W. for the past year. In fact, Ranil W, could never have climbed into the Presidency without help from the Rajapaksas, and continues to rely on them to stay in power. Please start explaining how and why you support all this
About the JVP’s past, I have answered as comprehensively as I can
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
leelagemalli / July 29, 2023
Dear Readers and estranged SM,
I am surprised but forced to believe that, SM, you are etenrally shameless.
Not long ago, a week ago for the last, how many times we asked you to answer our long-awaited questions about JVPs. But not a single word about that however to come with silly questions which are obvious to anyone with some sanity ?
Or abuse the CT web space for your bragging stories about your children’s vacations? or your rich siblings’s show off life styles ?Why on earth do senior people of your nature not see it right atleast in later life?
I am forced to research on SINHALA genetics further and see if there are specific genes that are inhibited in them.
I don’t support VICTOR IVON but he raised a good question last week.
If the JVP cannot join hands with the other opposition in this country to stand up against the politics of the Rajapaksa and Wimal Weerawansala, how will the JVP be able to win the hearts and the minds of the people who are still loyal to the medamulan dogs?
My German teacher wrote something memorable on the blackboard, “Thinking is a hard work”. It reminds me every time I force myself to read your funny comments.
Sinhala_Man / July 29, 2023
Dear “leelagemalli”,
You tell blatant lies. You quite well know that I’m a fluent speaker of Sinhala.
I have acknowledged that I almost never write. Tell me why I should start writing.
It’s you who’ve been telling us vaguely about your travels, and your cousins with PhDs. You were asking me to go as a refugee to my sisters; in my old age you were asking me to teach. What I have told you is verifiable. Very little of what you say can be verified.
In demanding elections, the NPP is working with other groups. They must compete separately in elections, especially because representation is proportional. After elections are over, all will have to takes stock.
Sinhala_Man / July 27, 2023
Fortunately, I decided on a word count at this time. Some of the things that I had typed in already appear below. There’s much more to ask, but I don’t think that I can do so here and now.
There are allegations about the conduct of the government in suppressing both Tamil militants and the JVP militants. That includes Batalanda, where, according to a report that has been published on Colombo Telegraph Rani was involved. Why don’t you answer on Batalanda?.
There are many other questions that I have yet to ask you, about the free Sate Education that Ranil and you enjoyed. You made false claims about their unavailability to Ranil especially. By your time, there may have been less.
The questions that I have yet to ask, have to be carefully thought out. They will take time, and also correctly placed. For you it looks as though truth doesn’t matter; anything goes!
Mahila / July 27, 2023
(Part I)
You may have a point therein and GOOD indeed!!!???
No need to tinker with the constitution, which has been done 22 times or so, without resolving anything material to the common Man and citizens???
All has been a perfidy and to resolve, egos of aged politicians Aggrandisement at its best, but nothing else!!!???
any amendment to the constitution on the suffrage would require (Sure the Supreme court would uphold that as a necessity) that for such amendment!!!???
we could go on that Path, or alternatively take a slight deviation to achieve the same end result, by a less evasive Procedure???
The President has the right still as ‘ACTING-IN-LIEU’ of Gota’ incomplete term, to that NON-BINDING REFERENDUM PROVISION, AVAILABLE TO THE PRESIDENT IN OFFICE, w/o being affected by his ‘ACTING PART OF THE PRESIDENCY,’ which he has “up to now done well”!!!???
Why not use that provision to check whether they (“SL Voters”) approve of the 13th amendment already a part of the Statute and constitution in FULL, INCLUDING importantly, LAND and POLICE POWERS!!!???
If negative, then abolish it totally from the statute by a 2/3rd Majority, complying with Constitutional provisions!!!????
Mahila / July 27, 2023
(Part II)
The matter ends there and then the voters are accountable and responsible for that ACTION AND ANY AND ALL CONSEQUENCES!!!??? And not RW, His western Cohorts or Imperialists colonists, Indian hegemony, or Chinese ‘Silk Route venture’!!!??
Bigger question is whether AKD/NPP would go alongwith plan, but importantly, WW, UPG, VN and GLP would like to tread that path!!!??? Because, some self-interests of these noble men would be challenged and compromised as recognised ‘Movers and Shakers’ of the Political Firmament!!!??
They may Fuse-Out, totally from being in LIME-LIGHT anymore POST such REFERENDUM!!!???
Simple Mr Watson!!!
Cowards and Self-Serving!!!??
old codger / July 27, 2023
“Sunil Handunnetti has always been suspicious of Indian moves, but not my business. I’m not a member of the JVP, although I support the NPP. I have heard AKD state clearly that he is not opposed to the 13th Amendment. “
Sunil H is the real face of the JVP, along with all its union leaders who oppose anything positive. The JVP from its inception has been anti-Indian. AKD and the NPP are only crowd-pleasing puppets of the real JVP.
If by some misfortune, the JVP comes to power, how do you think India will react?
Sinhala_Man / July 28, 2023
Dear Unidentifiable old codger,
I find it incredible that you should pose as a guy who knows “the real face of the JVP”.
When I think of Handunnetti I always tend to take into account his background, the people whom he grew up with. It so happens that owing to his then living in the building that is now the Colombo District Office of the JVP in Maharagama, only about 200 yards from where I;m now sitting, I met him before any other of today’s JVPers – about ten years ago. I realised his limitations even then, but I also admire the man for his sincerity, hard work, and honesty.
Please stop bugging me. You see only the warts on any JVPer; I respect the good qualities that many of them have.
I’m not answering hypothetical questions posed by unidentifiables, preceded by oracular statements.
old codger / July 28, 2023
“I’m not answering hypothetical questions posed by unidentifiables, preceded by oracular statements.”
As a self-described “serious commenter” , you should be making decisions based on available evidence, not running away from the truth by saying “Sunil Handunnetti has always been suspicious of Indian moves, but not my business. “.
Unlike you, I was in the country during both their insurrections, and saw the damage they did.
“sincerity, hard work, and honesty.” are no excuse for xenophobia, extremism, and duplicity.
Native Vedda / July 28, 2023
old codger
“Sunil H is the real face of the JVP, along with all its union leaders who oppose anything positive.”
You mean Sunil is one of the reactionary old guards whose responsibility is to drag JVP back to the stone age.
“If by some misfortune, the JVP comes to power, how do you think India will react?”
Remember if and when it becomes necessary (like in 1970s Bangladesh and 1980s Sri Lanka) India will start receiving refugees from Sri Lanka. When Premadasa Udugampola, Thadi Priyantha, ….. Gota’s death squad, Sarath’s death squads, Green Tiger were very active about between 1987 and 1991 about 1,000 members of JVP swam back to their mother country India, including Somawansa.
I do not think if Sinhala Buddhists swarmed South India Delhi Sultanate won’t bother too much.
Native Vedda / July 28, 2023
“Sunil Handunnetti has always been suspicious of Indian moves, but not my business.”
He has consistently been a racist, will never allow AKD to reform JVP’s core irrational values. Sunil still committed to Rohana’s 5 lessons, one of which claims upcountry Tamils being 5th column.
Sunil must be believing (trusting) Chinese moves.
The voters can see through vanity of JVP’s double standards.
soma / July 28, 2023
I am opposed to full 13A as it grants Land and Police powers to Sinhala majority provinces. It would be favortism and thuggery legalised.
soma / July 28, 2023
I don’t think Muslims in Tamil majority provinces and Tamils in Muslim majority provinces would like it either.
Nathan / July 28, 2023
Although you were hibernating for long, you haven’t shed your skin!
old codger / July 28, 2023
Soma doesn’t deserve to be called a snake.
Nathan / July 28, 2023
old codger,
Not every snake is venomous.
Native Vedda / July 28, 2023
old codger
Please watch this clip (in English) and learn from Ranil how to speak with a forked tongue.
Basically Ranil was lying, wanting to wriggle out of his difficult situation that he created.
nimal fernando will enjoy it.
old codger / July 28, 2023
If there’s anything Ranil excels at, it’s convincing normally competent people that they’re incompetent. Gota was good at convincing 6.9 million that he was competent.
Native Vedda / July 29, 2023
old codger
“If there’s anything Ranil excels at, it’s convincing normally competent people that they’re incompetent. “
Do you feel Ranil is wasting the last chance he was given to put this island on right path? He acts like a typical Sri Lankan, showing the world and proving to himself that he is clever, … Haven’t we seen too many of this kind of people and leaders in our life time?
Where is Nimal the nihilist?
old codger / July 29, 2023
“He acts like a typical Sri Lankan, showing the world and proving to himself that he is clever”
He should know that he can’t keep leading people like Sumanthiran up the garden path more than once or twice. Actually, I can’t see why he can’t implement 13A without making such a drama of it. Isn’t it already in the constitution?
Nathan / July 29, 2023
old codger,
Why is such a simple truth, ‘Isn’t it already in the constitution?’,
coming to the table, when Ranil has already pointed it out as a part of the constitution, and if they were not to be implemented, legally, parliament needed to abolish them, with a 2/3 majority.
Native Vedda / July 28, 2023
“It would be favortism and thuggery legalised.”
Even without police powers thuggery is seen, tasted and being practiced everywhere.
Will police powers given to Sinhala majority provinces make any difference?
A drunken Minister threatened political detainees at Anuradhapura prison.
A half naket Saffronista was caught on camera with a half naked child and a half naked women in his room. Tiran ordered the immediate arrest of those who entered the room. Nothing has happened to the Saffronista..
A few days ago a bunch of men and women were remembering the victims of 1983 July pogrom peacefully. Four thugs disrupted the gathering. Police dispersed the peaceful gathering instead of four of your mates who were being nasty to them on the street.
Why worry?
Native Vedda / July 28, 2023
If you think police powers will be seen as favouritism and thuggery legalised, why don’t you lobby the government to treat each Province asymmetrically?
soma / July 28, 2023
Thuggery can be met with superior government forces if and when necessary.
But Land powers in the hands of these corrupt rascals is the real dilemma where corruption, discrimination and favoritism will be in full display. Combine that with police powers , there could be real fireworks and even mini wars.
If land powers entail ownership of natural resources there will be inter provicinial conflicts as well as between the centre and the provinces.
If land and police powers were devolved to provinces minorities would be walking from province to province.
This asymmetric thing is a complex equation. Suggest that and you can see yellow robes raised showing full apparatus.
If I were a Tamil I would strongly oppose Land and Police powers to Sinhala majority provinces.
Native Vedda / July 29, 2023
For a person whose life revolves around certain unrealistic, imagined, … precepts, and grown accustom to lies and has blinkered view of people, regions, religion, perverted ideas of sovereignty (whatever that maybe), claims to exceptional rights over humanity, and believes in might is right, democracy is simple majoritarian rule, … who comes from a bunch of people who cannot see beyond their nose, I understand your concerns, pain, distress, … frustration, also your habit how you lot poke your eyes with your own finger and then blaming those who live around you …. … far away places , countries, … Aliens from outer space,. paranoid and desperate, ….
“Thuggery can be met with superior government forces if and when necessary..”
As it is the police, STF, army, Navy …. protect thugs, drug smugglers, land grabers including saffronistas, and seem to rejoice when victims are from numerical minorities, … involved in profiteering from illegal activities, … even kidnapping for ransom, …. Therefore people should have local democratic control over those gun-toting trained to kill forces, ….
Even in recent video clips we have seen how the police took the initiative to disperse peacefully remembering people, how senior police officers organised and protected Mahinda’s thugs, …..
Tiran must be doing a very difficult Job ….
Now you tell me whose idea was it to arm the police to its teeth with AK 47, …. guarding a civil function, ….?
Don’t disappear.
There are too many in this island.
old codger / July 28, 2023
I have a suggestion for Ranil. Grant police and land powers only to the Uva PC.
Mahila / July 28, 2023
You seem to recognise the current ‘ABUSE, FAVOURISM AND THUGGERY’ by Police and also Land allocation!!!??? So, the Government (Central) is doing that part!!!???
Then don’t give those powers to those provinces, where Sinhala Is Majority and give it to the 2 provinces that aren’t Sinhala majority. because presently there is ABUSEM, NEPOTISM, FAVOURISM AND CORRUPTION is prolific in North and Eastern Provinces!!!???
Governance and executive Power by Central and Devolved councils are best done, based on facts, THAN based on “what one thinks!!”???
In other words, you seem to wish that devolution to be Asymmetrical, than being Symmetrical as the greatest dramatist, charlatan and comedian politician of the 20th century Sri Lanka ever produced!!!???
Junius (‘Dicky’) Richard Jayewardene THOUGHT, much to the chagrin of all other stakeholders (including India’s original proposal) who wanted only 2 units (whether it was Regional Councils SWRD or Provincial or ‘Kitchen’ councils)- One Sinhala Dominated and the other Tamil Dominated to serve the needs of differing 2 communities in country!!!???
Now clearly see what CLOWNS AND COMEDIANS do when the go by “once thought or thinking” than preferably ascertained wish of sovereign people!!!???
How much wasted 9 PC’s instead of two!!!??? MONUMENTAL SACRILEGE!!!!???
soma / July 28, 2023
You are counting Muslims to Tamil side?
soma / July 28, 2023
Was ‘two’ a typo?. Or you meant ‘three’?
Mahila / July 29, 2023
Two is the one meant to!!!
The politicians would love more??? Because all goodies and freebees that come along with it???
All Sri Lankans like freebees???
They will try and get a HEADACHE if offered free, and thereafter pay the last penny they have in possession to PAY and BUY PANADOL!!!?
Mahila / July 29, 2023
Muslims are category following the Islamic Faith or Religion and definitely, is not a RACE?? As much as Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism IS NOT!!!???
we have to make a fundamental decision on classification before we plan anything!!!
If Race is the basis, then there are the Sinhalese and Tamil – 2 Regional Councils
consisting of FIRST, Sinhalese, Buddhists (SB), Sinhalese Christians (SC + all subdivisions), Sinhalese Muslims (Depending on whether the CAP is in place or not??), Sinhalese Atheists???
The 2nd council consisting of Tamils Buddhists (if any amongst the living from Bauda)
Mahila / July 29, 2023
The following part didn’t upload. Hence separately
The 2nd council consisting of Tamils Buddhists (TB) if any amongst the living from “BAUDA DAMALU” of middle ages, Tamil Hindus (TH), Tamil Christians (TC) – SC + all subdivisions, Tamil Muslims (TM), and ofcourse Tamil Atheists (TA), goes without saying all Tamils from time immemorial whether recent or ancient arrivals immaterial!!
That’s as simple as that Mr Watson!!???
Politicians like to confuse the uninitiated and un-emancipated voters and bring about confusion!!!
Self- serving types, to get elected, charlatans!!! Voters, if they are wise, should ignore these scumbags Best for the voters and to the country at large!!!
soma / July 30, 2023
I think you and me have to wait until a referendum is held on unification of Notheren and Eastern provinces to sort out this issue of two or three. I wish to see the results of this referendum before we talk about devolving Land and Police powers.
My main worry is the fate of minorities in each province , particularly in Sinhala majority provinces.
soma / July 28, 2023
I expected the dire circumstances would mellow the harsh opinions of CT permanent residents to some degree and put myself on the observation mode. The urge to speak truth got the better of me.
Nathan / July 28, 2023
To tell you the truth, truth flows free; never urged!
soma / July 29, 2023
On CT truth is processed.
Nathan / July 29, 2023
On CT, Truth is a Process!
Nathan / July 29, 2023
Not that I don’t get your pun.
old codger / July 29, 2023
Good one!
Native Vedda / July 29, 2023
On CT truth is processed.
Comment is free, but facts are sacred.- C. P. Scott
Therefore feel free to keep commenting.
soma / July 30, 2023
Facts are cherry picked to suit the comment.