18 February, 2025


MR Demonizes Gays Glorifies Womanizers In LG Polls Kick-Off Rally

‘If you want to have homosexual relations, do it behind closed doors on the sly, but don’t try to legalize it,’ former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday (December 4)

Rajapaksa, speaking at the maiden rally of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) targeting the forthcoming local government elections in Badulla, also glorified men who have relations with multiple women.

Rajapaksa’s comments on womanizing drew from Kumara Welgama, the party’s new organizer for the Badulla District, who spoke before him.

Welgama, after casting disparaging remarks of regional rival of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party Dilan Perera, referring to the fact that he has married several times, said that in his (Welgama’s) case, the spouse is indulgent of his multiple affairs with other women.

Rajapaksa, in turn, said that Badulla now has a new leader. He said that there was talk of the new leader (Welgama) having relations with multiple women and added that he won’t talk about all of them, but the one he married, who happened to be from Badulla.

Tellingly, neither Welgama nor Rajapaksa glorified women who had affairs with multiple women, either in jest or in all seriousness.

Latest comments

  • 8

    Is CT an a strong advocate of the LGBT movement ?

    • 3

      Curry Loving Senile Lord N
      , Lover of white van monster , Moda Ballas , The Sinhala Racists elements
      who reside in UK Paid up this fading Lord to Speak in the House of Lords UK Parliament to Deny the War and killings of Tamils I gather.
      It has now back fired miserably!
      BHC in Colombo has regected the claim of the Lord Fool .
      No one takes notice of these lazy Sods in UK I am sure.
      They suddenly pops up in the HOL when they’re paid up by the likes of the Sinhala Racists .
      The Sinhala Racists shows up at the every UNRHC meetings TO DENY , or pay this Senileman to speak in the HOL.
      The Cronies who paid this man to raise this Srilankan issue of LIES IN THE HOL OF UK HAVE GOT EGGS ON THER FACES.!!
      Hah! Hah!!
      These are the cronies who live abroad are Keeping the flame of Power hungry ModaBallas hope Alive Still.
      Very sad man from Modamulla indeed.
      They will certainly try other tricks .

      • 2

        We all love white vans. Analyst is no Tamil racist. He is just a foolish Sinhala man who Ate too many thosai and has lost his senses. He seems to love Sirisena very much and unfortunately does not like killings of Tamils including the very peaceful Prabakaran. I think he is on the track to self destructing soon. My condolences.

  • 20

    Former Prsident Mahinda Rajapaksa,

    Why not shift your focus to crooks and killers, your crooks and your killers.

    Is this the new Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Civilization you are promoting?

    • 1

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 23

      Then Wimal weerawanse become angry not having any further gay contacts with MR.

      Anyways, Karma should punish MR for abusing people this way again.

      Our punnakku eaters too would never grow up. I am not insulting HARAKAs but majority of people are really stupidier than animals.

  • 35

    Listening to the speech of Mahinda Rajakakshe , former president, is nothing but sheer wasting time and energy. All what he utters does not carry any benefits to the people or country. I humbly request the wise and intelligent people to think twice before give votes to this useless fellow.

    • 14

      That video appears to be more than three hours. No, I’m not listening to it at all since this sort of rubbish seems to be what it contains.

      Most of the rest that need be said on this subject has been said by Raj, below. There are now just 8 comments on this story.

      There was an intelligent elderly man named Amir Ali, who was writing some articles from which I learnt the word “kakistocracy”- government by the worst individuals in that society.

      Yes, one has to make very sure that we vote for better persons.

      • 1

        Sinhala Man,

        Just listen to what Mahinda Rajapaksa said.

        The crowd was not that big, not that much noisy, and he did an interesting comment about Aluthgama and Gintota, and are they going to blame him for Gintota,

        Mama Dena Gathimi MaMa Seka Kalemi….I came to know, and I suspected.

        Was Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cronies are behind Gintota as well?

        Clashes in Gintota — I don’t agree with IGP’s statement: Sagala
        2017-12-05 19:02:37


        Responding to a question asked in Parliament by Chief Opposition Whip Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayake said today he was unable to agree with the IGP’s statement that the police had failed to stop the violence that erupted at Gintota recently.

        “I don’t know whether the IGP made such a statement, but if he did we cannot agree with it. The police and the security forces acted with responsibility to bring the situation in Gintota under control,” the minister said.

        He said as a long-term measure, an inter-religious committee would be set up in the area to maintain peace and harmony among all the ethnic and religious groups in Gintota.

        Meanwhile, Mr. Dissanayake condemned the government’s move to downsize the presence of security personnel in the area, at a time when it had been disclosed that a certain political group was attempting to create trouble by spreading hatred among ethnic and religious groups.

  • 13

    i agree no public homosexuals. what a person does inside his abode, is his business.

    • 1

      Where is “inside his abode” ? Somewhere at the back in an orifice where the sun never shines ??

    • 1

      Public homosexuals? What the hell is a public homosexual??? ?

  • 4

    Monks should come up and strongly say no to homosexual in Sri Lanka.. it is against nature and human civilization.
    It must not be legalised in Sri Lanka at all ..
    All religions prohibit it ..

    • 12

      Singhalese pundit: the way you write the word Singhalese proves you are not Sinhala. It is like if you were asked to pronounce the word BALDIYA. It is christianity which has a problem with Gays and Lesbians. Buddhism has ni problem with weired sexual practices as long as it is inside the bed room. It is public information that some ministers in the Sri lankan Cabinet are Gay. but, no one tries to peep in to their bedroom. Even now, there are gays, lesbians, and others in Sri lanka. I know a suspecting transgender – male. who was married and had children too. The western problem is mostly religious. Now, they want political rights. In Sri lanka’s case they want to increase the number of male prostitutes who hang around at street corners (intersections) and to make love in open and not in the bed room. They also want rights to marry, divorce, adopt children which is simply behaving like naturally married couples. They also wants copules Tax rights. that is couples pay less. Should the govt approve or the so-called democracy or lack of discipline or anarchy is important than the centuries old Sri lankan buddhist culture. Should we sacrifice that because some westerners want their way.

      • 2

        Jim Softy. There were reports of two young priests being treated for bleeding from the rectum as a result of Sodomy.

    • 18

      “Monks should come up and strongly say no to homosexual in Sri Lanka.”

      Monks and priests are the biggest homosexuals! ……….. Ask any Abbitiya…………..

      In true SL fashion, are you asking them to come out and stand against themselves?

      • 3

        nimal fernando.

        “In true SL fashion, are you asking them to come out and stand against themselves?”

        Lets find out from Jim Softy, who has good knowledge of beach boys.

      • 6

        Nimal Fernando

        You are correct about monks and priests , many are being charged for child/boy abuse in religious boarding schools and orphanages in many parts of the world , particularly the west. Hundreds of cases in Australia too . It is said a very a powerful organisation head quartered in Italy is involved in a massive cover up operation .

      • 1

        NAtuve Vedda: were you an Abiththaya ?

        • 0

          Jim softy the dimwit

          “NAtuve Vedda: were you an Abiththaya ?”

          Unlike you, I am happily married therefore I need not to carry other’s b***s for my three meals.

    • 3

      Singhalese pundit.

      Surprised to hear that there are pundits among the Singhalese. Anyway, there are monks who specialize in boys, just like the Catholic priests, who are after alter boys, and Ulama who are after 9 year-old girls.

      Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa


      She sent her grandson to school with the idea of providing him with proper education to make him a good person. The Buddhist monk in charge of the temple asked her to send the child to the temple and she sent him there because they were poor. There was no possibility for them to pay the money for tuition fees. That was the reason why they sent the boy to the temple school.When the child began to refuse going to the temple school so adamantly, grandmother had to look for the reason. It was then only that she discovered that the child who was sent to learn good behavior, ethics and Buddha’s Dharma from the monk had in fact been abused by the monk.

    • 3

      Monks are the biggest practitioners of homosexuality – They practise Sodomy.There was a case filed recently connected with the temple at the Matara end of the Expressway.One of the guys who came to parliament, a man whose face appeared with the fracas involving Burmese Rodigas was punished by the courts for sodomy.

  • 5

    “MR demonises gays, glorifies womanisers at……………..”
    If in fact MR said this, it is a straight crib off Trump.
    What next? Disfranchising Muslims? Encourage genocide of Rohingyas?
    MR Chinthanaya ~ “If you want homosexual relationship, do it on the sly behind closed doors, don’t try to legalise it”
    MR lemma: “Do not keep your loot at home”

    • 4

      Yes he trying to pull a “Trump”. New fad in gutter politics.

  • 16

    What a statement to make in public. I suppose, reading between the lines, MR is suggesting that everything unacceptable (to society?) is OK behind closed doors. So does that apply to corruption as well?

    I suppose this bunch of yobs glorifying illicit sex (aren’t they displaying their lack of respect for females?) think it’s macho to be a womanizer & does not need to be behind closed doors. Homosexuality in SL has been practiced behind closed doors for generations (I am sure there are ‘abithiyas’ & alter boys who will agree with me) but this is the 21st Century & people are aware & accept their sexuality. If the subject is unacceptable, don’t bring it up. It’s not a political reform to be broadcasted in public.

    In this age, do we really need such uneducated morons running the country when they have publicly, amply displayed their intolerance, stupidity & coarse behavior, unbecoming of a person to hold a high office. We need people with refinement in high offices, not screaming bigots but I wonder if the average person on the street will accept that.

    • 2

      “In this age …….”

      Considering majority of his supporters are Sinhala Buddhists they should be able to answer.

      In real news that is being ignored:

      “”There are a number of women like me who are subjected to molestation by employers in Saudi Arabia. They are suffering. It is only thanks to the Mawbima newspaper and other media that I managed to return to Sri Lanka alive. Those who have a love for their lives please do not go to Saudi Arabia as housemaids,” said, 37-years-old Nilanthi Karunaratne.

      Karunaratne, a resident of Halpathota Pedru, Baddegama, who went to Saudi Arabia as a housemaid, managed to return to her motherland, due to the intervention of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Saudi Arabia, after facing untold sufferings. “‘The revelations made by my husband and two children were published by ‘Mawbima’. Minister of Justice Thalatha Atukorale who saw this intervened, and thereafter the Sri Lankan Embassy took me from the house where I was working to the Embassy. I was in a safe house of the Embassy for three months. The officials took legal action and got me the salaries owed to me. “My husband is a labourer. I went to the Saudi because I wanted to build my house and to educate my children. Since the day I went to work, I had to face severe hardships. They did not give me food or drink. What remained in the pots and plates I washed was my food. They hated me. Every time they saw me they beat me. My whole body is full of bruises. My ear bled when I was hit on one occasion. There are times when I was burnt with cigarette butts, and even hit in the stomach with broomstick. When they go out they lock me in the lavatory.”

  • 7

    He too must follow Donald Trump and teenage molester, the Bible-Thumping, Anti Gay Ten Commandments Roy Moore who is a good christian and will be elected in the great state of Alabama on Dec 12th to the US Senate despite his predilection for young teenagers to grope and being banned from Malls and High Schools. Trump has 14 accusers he has called Liars. So welcome to Trump’s America. US Embassy has katey pittu now with the 180 Degree turn in policies and behavior and attitude towards women starting at the top with a Cad Billionaire who loved to talk about groping pussy and has 14 women accusing him of impropriety. We are now in a World where Men are Men in the USA and Bible-Thumping Christians can molest girls if they like as long as they are anti-gay. Also Vice-President Pence hates gays too. And he will become President in 2024

    • 0

      Katul Eshap: It is your culture. bill clinton, now Trump. Just check statistics about all others.

  • 10

    President Trump and Mahinda Aiya will be great together. They can talk about groping pussy.

  • 12

    Womenizers cannot find fault with womenizers. Birds of feather flock together.

  • 17

    it is well known that 90% of Sinhala Buddhist Monks are homosexuals. Consult small “samaneras” to verify this.
    MaRa is a well-known womaniser and rapist. In 1980s during Premadasa’s reign of terror and JVP violence, MaRa solicited sex from girls from families affected to appear as a HR lawyers. So MaRa has a reason to justify his lovely practice of keeping multiple women. Ask Mervin Silva, Malini F. and dual citizen actress who provided girls and women to satisfy this brute – so called MaRa.

  • 7

    Dear JS.
    You always do not like my writing.
    Do you think that Buddhsim support homosexuals ..
    What is the evidence for that.
    I do not think any religions will support it .
    It is modern social phenomiom of western culture and western civilization.
    I agree with you it is a personal freedom of people we can not interfer with it but ..
    No religion support it at all.
    Ok but you have right to believe not not believe as you have right to be homosexual not not .
    But I personally think we Sri Lanka need not follow western culture .Why you take bad side of western culture .take good side of western culture..
    You always pick me up for my race.
    Sinhaha man does not have blue blood ..
    All human races are same.
    You are like Bramins who divided Hindu community in cast system.
    Have you got any inferiority or superiority complex ..
    When you die you will see with blood is blue and which is red .
    So ; now let all Sri Lankans live in peace.
    Stop writing nonsense .
    Write something good

  • 14

    There are far more important matters to look into, including prevention of attacks on minorities (Aluthgama happening under this man’s governance), and the many cases of corruption under the Rajapaksas. The Sri Lankan people are missing a lot of money.

    Leave the gay community alone. We don’t need power hungry presidents showing their homophobic tendencies.

  • 2

    of course he will glorify womanizers as MR [Edited out]
    if MR glorifies womanizers then poor sumanaya (K A Sumanasekera) will be left out as he is just a hand tennis and pocket billiards player :)

  • 2

    TRUMP- APPACHI “gay” ……abaahvaya! RIP (Rest In Piss) maha rajano.

  • 0

    Battle against discrimination and social exclusion !
    Thanking everyone who supported to be part of the Townhall organised by #TheObamaFoundation to raise the Concerns of Transgender and Sexual Minorities. Yes our issue matters before Mr President Barack Obama.
    About Hug ! Akkai asks, Obama agrees, finally didn’t happen ! You people are here to hug me :)

  • 3

    Mara for once preaching what he practices.

  • 1

    Guys Our Policy is not about Buddhism, Sinhala, Sinhala Culture, LGBTQ, women, Tamils… … but it is only about whichever the policy that can win the election. Don’t’ be rattled by these speeches (, which don’t understand & have no time to listen). They did everything to Muslims in Aluthgama. Now they have hired a Muslim woman to import a car on her name. (If you ask Lateef or Hilmi, they will clean everything and make it fresh and shiny-ridiculous show masters). For Chandra Jayaratne, it is not CB Emil’s case. What kind of anti-women policy is that? Unfortunately (or fortunately) there are indication Joint Comedy Club cannot win UNP unless it come under New King. True we all long thought by Ranil’s unlimited impunity, people are deprived, tortured and humiliated than the previous tyranny rule. But now the weather cock is flipping its tail to the other side. So up to election these comedians will be putting up lot of show. Then, they will decide at the last minute how to take SLFP on their side.

  • 5

    The murderer Rajapaksa is back at his old game of sweet taking his way .But the people know who the This Vasalaya and Sevalaya ,the bugger is.,by chance he comes to some position the whole Medamulana clan of rapist pimps murderers would be back,this time permanently.

  • 4

    I have great respect to MR for winning the war. However his post war rhetoric has been atrocious.

    As former head of state we expect dignified speeches. But unf ortunately No substance on develeopment policies etc in his speeches. Just playing to the gallery.

  • 2

    There is a big difference between stating your views on homosexuality and “demonising” it. I wonder who inspired this. Ranil or Mangala?

  • 3

    If this is how the SLPP is going to run their campaign then SLFP, UNP, JVP, TNA, etc, have nothing to worry. SLPP will dissappear into the history books just like many other irrelevant parties.

  • 1

    Nimal… it was the wise voter who brought Bond looters to power and unable to act against Rogues…………………

    Whom shall we vote for next ?

    • 1


      It was VP who helped Dr Mahinda (LLD) win the 2005 elections. It was VP again won the 2010 elections for Dr Mahinda (LLD) by losing the war.

      • 0

        That’s the only good thing thatVP did and he was well rewarded by Dr Mahinda who sent him for further studies to the next world. Sirisena should also be similarly rewarded for the great work he is doing like bond scams,racketeering in warships that are useless, rice frauds,and making the country a living hell.

  • 1

    Come, come all you corrupt, mercenary swindlers who helped me bring this country to what it is today to have a whale of a time kfcuing all the poor helpless women and girls in this country as I, my siblings and offspring have been doing all these long years.

  • 3

    The Great Liberator has been converted to the Mervyn Silva Principles of Marital Practice – give the wife one, give the neighbour’s wife one as well. Remember? And what about the time Kunuharapa Mervyn offered to ‘marry’ that nice lady from the UN (and give her one)?

    Has the Great Liberator just about given a back-door approval to our local Bum Boys?

    The rest of the world looks on in amazement.

  • 4

    If Rajapakse makes it in this election these are Sign of things to come.

  • 3

    Zero Civilian Casualties.
    I do not know whether to laugh or cry!

  • 3

    Let us march forward . Very soon we will be the only country left out having these anti human laws in our books. India has summoned courage to stop Talak divorces.Very soon the world will have a third gender recognized.Homos have come here to stay and why not we give them legality without waiting for another fifty years. We are a nation of people geared to postpone matters. We have been dispensing ethnic justice in small measures taking time which resulted in a devastating 30 year.

  • 1

    So demons are demonized, what’s wrong with that? Love anyone you like, be affectionate to anyone you like or be fond of anyone you like, but waste- product- outlet romancing is disgusting, wrong, unnatural, unscientific, etc. And don’t think that everything ‘suddah’ does is right. There are historical reasons why ‘suddahs’ practice this and the other thing that had been going with it……….

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