19 February, 2025


Mr. Kerry, I’m Perturbed And Saddened By Your Human Rights Report On Me

By Douglas Devananda

Douglas Devananda

Mr. John F. Kerry
Secretary of State,

U. S. Department of State,


Dear Sir,

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012 – Sri Lanka

I, Douglas Devananda, Member of Parliament and the Cabinet Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development in Sri Lanka wish to bring the following with regard to the contents in the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012 under the caption Sri Lanka, which was transmitted by the Department of State to the United States Congress in April this year.

I am also the Secretary General of the Eelam Peoples’ Democratic Party, popularly known as EPDP, which is a recognized political party by the Commissioner of Elections of Sri Lanka. In the 1970s and 1980s I have been in the forefront of the struggle to win over the rights of the Tamils in the country. After the Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987, which paved the way for the 13th amendment to the constitution and provided for the devolution of powers to the provinces, I fully endorsed it and along with several other Tamil Groups joined the Democratic Mainstream of politics in Sri Lanka.

Since 1994 I have been elected as a Member of Parliament without a break by the Tamils and I have been a Cabinet Minister for the last 13 years under various heads of Government. Today I am in the rank of a longstanding Minister in the Cabinet. In the last general elections held in April 2010, I got the highest preference votes out of all the Tamil Members of Parliament elected to Parliament from the Northern and

Eastern Provinces in Sri Lanka. My party, EPDP, has three elected representation from Jaffna Electoral District out of nine elected representatives.

I am perturbed and saddened by the contents of the said report which inter-alia states as follows:

“Although the number of killings associated with progovernment paramilitary groups declined from previous years, there were persistent reports that the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), led by Minister of Social Services and Social Welfare Douglas Devananda, engaged in intimidation, extortion, corruption, and violence against civilians in Jaffna. For example, on March 4, EPDP member Kanthasuwamy Jagadeswaran sexually abused and killed 13-year-old Jesudasan Lakshini. On March 16, the Kayts Magistrate Court remanded Jagadeswaran to Jaffna Prison.”

“Unknown actors suspected of association with progovernment paramilitary groups committed killings and assaulted civilians. There were persistent reports of close ties between progovernment paramilitary groups such as the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) and government security forces. Whereas these groups served more of a military function during the war, often working in coordination with security forces, they increasingly took on the characteristics of criminal gangs as they sought to solidify their territory and revenue sources in the postwar environment.”

Nongovernmental Impact: Progovernment paramilitary groups and gangs affiliated with political parties inhibited freedom of expression, particularly in the north. Members of the EPDP reportedly were involved in harassment and intimidation of journalists in Jaffna.”

You have stated in the preface to the report that when you served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, your colleagues and you depended on these reports for an accurate assessment of human rights conditions around the world and that they are valuable to those in the State Department and other Federal Agencies who carry out U.S. foreign policy as well as to members of Congress, etc.

But such a valuable report for precise study refers to me as the “Minister of Social Services and Social Welfare”. I am the Minister for “Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development” since April 2010. This will give you an indication as to how reliable the information provided by your subordinates to you.

I also wish to draw your attention to an incident that you have used to corroborate your assertion that the party led by me, EPDP, is engaged in intimidation, extortion, corruption, and violence against civilians in Jaffna. You have cited the rape and murder of a 13 year old girl in March 2012 by a person in the name of Kanthasuwamy Jagadeswaran in Delft. You have categorically stated him as an EPDP member. I am hand delivering a copy of this letter to your Ambassador in Sri Lanka along with a certified copy of the 112 pages proceedings of the case in the Magistrate’s Courts in Kayts courts with regard to the rape and murder of Jesudasan Lakshini. This document contains the report of the police, the evidence led by the police and the proceedings in the magistrate’s courts. On perusal of this document you will find that neither Kanthasuwamy Jagadeswaran identified himself as an EPDP member nor the law enforcement authorities nor the evidence relevant to this case affirmed that the said suspect was a member of my party, EPDP. You have not only emphatically referred to him as an EPDP member but also cited this fabricated story as a case in point to substantiate the other unfounded allegations against me and my party.

I trust this fact will give you a clue to assess the reliability of the information furnished by your subordinates for the preparation of this report. Also I take this opportunity to request you to provide me with the evidence you have concerning the alleged allegations you have made against me and the party I lead, EPDP, in the report under reference.

The media has already caused irreparable damage and defamation to my standing and reputation by publishing the contents of this report.

Further, for the last few years your State Department as well as other various US authorities was giving false and unsubstantiated information or allegations totally discrediting the image of the party, EPDP, and me in spite of the fact that I have been continuously democratically elected to Parliament and function as a responsible Minister in Sri Lanka. Based on these false allegations leveled against my party and my activities most of your officers and diplomats have been persuaded to form a biased and adverse opinion regarding the EPDP and my political activities.

I regret to note that most of the diplomats or delegates from the US visiting Sri Lanka never attempted to seek our point of view or sought clarification regarding allegations leveled against our activities; instead they rely on the information furnished by parties who have vested political interest to tarnish our image and public support.

I am bringing these facts to your information with the firm conviction that you would take necessary steps to undo the irreparable damage caused to me by publishing the contents of the report referred to above. I am also forwarding copies of this letter to the Foreign Affairs Committees of the US Congress and to the media.

Yours sincerely,


Douglas Devananda, MP

Secretary General,  E.P.D.P.

Minister of Traditional Industries and

Small Enterprise Development.

Copy: 1. U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

2. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs

            3. Ambassador for USA in Sri Lanka

Tr/DD/Da – 29.05.2013 – 09.22 a.m.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Was this written after the invite for the China trip ?

  • 0

    Not alone Minister Douglas, me too Mr.Kerry !! For, Minister Douglas means;

    1.Exemplary model
    2.Extraordinary teacher
    3.Wonder worker or source of benevolent power
    5.A life often refusing material attachments or comforts
    6.Possession of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.

    Mr.Douglas is one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness, and therefore Mr.Kerry, you are kindly requested to convoy this message to the Pontiff so that he shall beatify him as a saint (never mind the fact he is a Hindu by Religion)

    • 0


      I have a few questions on his life and time as a graying failed revolutionary. I am told he started as a young revolutionary and now slowly fading away as a reactionary. How far is this assessment true?

      Did Douglas

      found EROSE and arrange arms training for his cadres in Palestinian camps?

      found EPRLF?

      found EPDP?

      What does he stand for now, a separate state, merged North East Provincial Council, Socialist Republic of Eelam,……workers of the world unite, …Palestinian right to separate state?

      Does he still feel important even after the demise of the LTTE?

      How many times did he switch his support to different parties?

      What was the total number of votes caste in each elections for his party?

      Why doesn’t he visit India?

      Has he given up on devolution package?

      Has she stopped leading the Northern fisher folks into a war with South Indian trawlers and take on the Indian Navy?

      Once he wanted to be the chief minister of North East council. Does he still aspire to be one in the merged Council?

      Does he still believe in the liberation of Tamil Dalits or treats them as vote bank?

      Is he still friends with Dayan? If so why?

      When is he going to retire from Tamil politics?

    • 0

      Dear Maamanithar, hahahahahaha….I have never ever come across a naughty man of your nature….hahahaha…..

    • 0

      Forgot that he is the Tamil Merwin

  • 0

    Please read in the last lines as….convey instead of convoy.

  • 0

    We are indebted to the Hon. Devananda for bringing to light what Senator Kerry had to say about some of his crimes against humanity which otherwise some would not have known.

  • 0

    Ha ha nice, only Rajasingham Narendran will believe you Douglas !

    • 0


      If I ever run for an elective office, I will offer you the skies to be my Publicity Manager. You are a million times better at lying than Goebbels!


      • 0

        I am not lying, the people know who is and who is not !
        When are you going to stop prevaricating and reveal the deal that let you in as part of the diaspora group into the Vanni?

        • 0


          Why don’t you reveal the deal of which you seem to know more than than I do? I may yet learn something!


      • 0

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        “If I ever run for an elective office”

        You should.

        “I will offer you the skies to be my Publicity Manager. You are a million times better at lying than Goebbels!”

        “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

        Can’t you find a better spin doctor to take charge of your campaign machine if and when you decide to run for office? Lot of the commentators would love to campaign against you which would make you a formidable candidate and should win you the election.

        In case if you can’t win them join them.

      • 0

        If the people elected you to the office/ governance,

        Would you act the same way like M Rajapassa, Gota Rajapassa or our loving Minister Douglas Devananda?????????????????????.


  • 0

    “irreparable damage caused to me”- What about the damage you have caused ?

    • 0


      “What about the damage you have caused ?”

      Tamils and Sinhalese cause damage to themselves. They don’t need help from others.

      Since Douglas shares Tamil DNA, he is no different to other self destructive Tamils nor is he different to self destructive Sinhalese.

      All in the family.

      • 0

        haha thats a very nice response! both are to blame ! yes sir!

  • 0

    Douglas Devananda

    You assert that you are still the Secretary General of E.P.D.P. which should make all the Tamils (Tamilnadu, Sri lanka & Diaspora) proud.

    Could we have the number of votes that your party obtained in each elections held since early 1990s.

    As a proud Tamil Minister of Sri Lanka you should be visiting Tamilnadu frequently to mend relations between the state and Sri Lanka. It appears you haven’t paid a visit to South Indian temples for quiet some time.


    • 0

      Please keep us informed when he has any plans to visit Tamilnadu. People will be waiting for him to garland…

      • 0

        manisekaran thangavelu

        “People will be waiting for him to garland…”

        Seriously, I hope you don’t mean Dhanu style garland.

        • 0

          There are other ways, our women know to garland “persona non grata”

    • 0

      TNA has been doing that.

  • 0

    What do you expect from the USA? Truth and justice? How many weapons of mass destruction did Pres. Bush find in Iraq?

  • 0

    The criminality of a so-called Cabinet Minister cannot be known from what
    Mr. Kerry or Wikipedia but the very people living around him in forlorn
    Jaffna. Only a Commission, by a future Govt. will can nail this man.

  • 0

    Ha Ha Mr Douglas Devananda – You are now complaining to the
    US Government about adverse references to you by their
    Human Rights Report.

    You say they are wrong. You sang the same song when the
    Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) also made
    strong references against you. You said they were wrong and you
    would go to Courts. You never did. Will you do that now in
    the US.

    I don’t suppose you could do in the US what you failed to do in
    Sri Lanka. You are clever at repeating old stories. Here is a
    challenge for you.

    Can you say publicly who was paying you and your organisation
    every month? Was it not the State Intelligence Service? Were you
    not telephoning them whenever the payment got delayed.

    You even paid a part of this money for one or two SIS officers
    to have weddings in five star hotels in Colombo.

    Douglas – you are living by selling the Tamil community and now
    what is left of it. You are neither a leader nor a follower. No
    one knows you better than President Mahinda Rajapaksa. This is
    why none of them want to make you the Chief Ministerial candidate
    at the Provincial Elections to the North.

    You plus point is that you are one of the few living “terrorists”
    trained in camps in the Bekaa Valley by the Palestine Liberation
    Organisation (PLO). You were recognised for this when PLO leader
    Yasser Arafat visited Sri Lanka in the 1970s. You put this training
    to good use to survive LTTE attacks 13 times.

    Sinhalese, Tamils and even Muslims in large numbers do not have any
    respect for you. You will die a sorry figure, someone who had betrayed somebody at sometime.

    • 0

      Palaya Kathai

      “You will die a sorry figure”

      Politically, he is a dead man walking.

      He is a victim of political tokenism which MR knew how to exploit, another condom in MR’s exploitation.

  • 0

    Who is this murderous thug trying to convince/impress with his nonsense?
    Just as his boss has a category of “Senior Ministers” another category should be established to cater to the Devanandas of his government. Perhaps, “Ministers Charged With, Guilty of or Convicted of Capital Crimes?” Devananda could be made the boss of this lot in recognition of his contribution to mayhem and murder in general in Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      Aney Apochchi!

      “Devananda could be made the boss of this lot in recognition of his contribution to mayhem and murder in general in Sri Lanka.”

      Don’t insult Mervyn Silva.

      • 0

        Native Vedda:
        How about a compromise and we have them share the position?

        • 0

          Aney Apochchi!

          A compromise would be to send all descendants of kallathonies back to their ancestral homeland, Tamilnadu/Bihar in India. This is non negotiable.

  • 0


    • 0

      Oh only mohamed fazal was around Martin Luther King Junior’s time.

    • 0

      Mohamed fazly ilyas, you shall remain a parrot until the end of the world.You shall be proud to repeat something that has been written 2000 years back. You shall never ever think of looking at the world from a different perspective.For,a soldier in a military regiment and a blind follower of a Religion – both fall in the same category of ”Milton’s laymen” called ”There is none to ask why ,but to do and die”!!.

      We, in a way have to thank you Mr.Mohamed, for, you have accepted that your boss Douglas is a prostitute (of course according to your scriptures), You expect others to let him continue his rape and rampage in the Jaffna society until a holy man of your calibre or MR (the holiest) intervene!!?

  • 0

    Kerry has been bought over by Diaspora Votes !

    • 0

      Good thing Jesus Christ isn’t around because you’d accuse him of being “bought with LTTE money” as well when he chases the money lenders out of the temple!

    • 0

      Roll out the Standard Response.

  • 0

    Mr. douglas Devananda:

    I think USA is trying to use Tamils, I mean tribalist tamils, in order to achieve their goals in that region.

    • 0

      Are the American’s also using Gota and Basil and Sarath too as Green card holders for their design on SRi Lanka. Get a life Jimmy! with your psuedo anti-imperialism?

  • 0

    What nonsense! Douglas would never do anything against human rights. In fact he makes being human.. feel right. He only took up arms because everyone else was doing it at that time. It was a passing fad. He all about democracy now. He is loved in his Kayts constituency as a upright and honest person. Where o where did John Kerry get misinformed? It’s simple baffling!!

  • 0

    This Douglas donkey is a murdering criminal who is nothing but a paid running dog of the government in power. It is a shame that this evil demon is alive today to cause irreparable damage to the Tamils of Sri Lanka. People in Sri Lanka, especially in the north know about his corruption, his thuggery and about the murders and threats with which he conducts business in Jaffna. The country got rid of Prabhakaran but Douglas lives to terrorise and damage the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. Nobody, including John Kerry is going to give two hoots about his crybaby complaint.

  • 0

    What is the purpose behind writing a letter like this?

    Gota, SF and all other green card holders dumped their money in US and need US mercy to enter their country

    But for Douglas?

    No one in this world believe him and he does not have any reputation at all

    By the way who helped him to write a letter like this? Pottinger?

    This mourning tamil corrupted man has too much to die and too less to survive

    Lets wait for his half value period!

  • 0

    Sadly the Americans once again shoot themselves in the mouth. I am not saying Sri Lanka’s record is spotless or that Douglas is innocent but the US would be on stronger ground if they faced their own human rights abuses.

  • 0

    Douglas will be a name etched for generation of tamils as one who lived off selling a community’s interest for personal wealth and power!

    What happened to this man who was once a revolutionary but now a kind of Mugabe/Idi Amin figure is certainly very sad? It reminds you of the worst form of Prostitution for power.

  • 0

    Mr. Kerry, I’m Perturbed And Saddened really Dug BBS [BLOOD BULL SHIT]

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