By Rashantha N. de Alwis-Seneviratne –
Dear Mr. Wigneswaran,
It is sad that you used your office as Chief Minister of the Northern Province to make a political speech to young sportsmen and women who are visiting Jaffna from other parts of Sri Lanka. Sports, even you acknowledge, broadens the mind, firms the body and encourages bonhomie among participants. It is also a great platform to build understanding and mutual respect. It is sad that these attributes were not central to your speech but that you chose to use such an auspicious occasion to talk about what divides people instead. You should have acknowledged that it is only after the end of the LTTE that such an occasion was possible and that it should be just the beginning of more events like this, where our youth can meet on common ground and establish long lasting bonds. Instead, you chose to vomit a harangue that marred the occasion, rather than drive home the point that it is our youth who can create a bridge between the differences and strengthen what is common to us all, as Sri Lankans. I regret also, that not once did you stress on the importance of the role of our youth in the Sri Lankan identity that we should all aspire to. You are more worried about emphasising the necessity of maintaining the identity and individuality of your people, when both are intact and very much alive.
As Chief Minister of the North, you should have spoken with more responsibility because it is easy to plant seeds of doubt in newly unfettered minds. You, more than a lot of others, know that the Northern and Eastern Youth have many challenges to face, being liberated from a life plagued by the suffocating grip of terrorism which you have chosen to ignore in your speech. The fundamental expectations of any citizen are the same and may be only quantitatively different. Why do you think that it is different for others? Northern or Eastern or Southern expectations are surely not different to one another, especially among the poor. I speak of the poor because the majority of our citizens live on the borderline of poverty. A Sinhalese peasant is a Tamil peasant is a Muslim peasant and the rich do not have an ethnic divide either. According to you, a new constitution is necessary to engender reconciliation, which is conditional on the youth obtaining equal rights and status. What are these rights that are exclusive to others and denied to the youth of the North and East? Were the rights you so obviously desire, given to the youth by a terrorist organisation that ruled these regions for decades? Did the forcible conscription of the youth and the controlled freedom of all those who resided there, give them the rights that you speak of?
Mr. Wigneswaran, reconciliation means appeasement, understanding, compromise, bringing together and so on. Do these need a written document or are they really down to us to achieve? All of these need a meeting point and there is nothing better than common ground, a strictly two way proposition that works on the physical and material plane. Freedoms that were taken away in the last thirty years have been restored to the people unless you believe that they had a better life under terrorists. To accept that, is to deny where your youth are today, where they live free from the fear of conscription, able expand their intellect and build on it. We need to reinvent ourselves but with leaders like you, there seems to be little chance of that. Mahatma Gandhi said ‘You must be the change you want to see in the World’. That sentiment should have been the message you gave the youth because sports teaches one to accept change. I have a gut feeling that you were not a sportsman, even though you went to a prestigious Colombo school.
Mr. Wigneswaran, was it really necessary to talk about a 2000 years old traditional homeland of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, at a sports event? It is like talking about the value of your silverware when you are hosting guests in your house. By the same argument, would you please tell me where the traditional homeland of the Sinhalese is? I do not believe that these statements were made for the youth from other parts of the Country at all for they are, after all, citizens of this country and do not need a history lesson or fairy tales, from you. I believe your entire speech was directed at the International Community who is sympathetic to your aspirations in the North and East. It is for the same reason that you sugar coated the creation of the dastardly terrorist group called the LTTE, by apologetically stating that, complicated political issues and activities made its creation an inevitability. Taking up arms against a democratically elected government is treason. There is no other word for it. As a man of the law, you know this very well, yet make excuses for it. The JVP also tried similar tactics against the government but thankfully, they are now part of the democratic process, one which the LTTE chose not to participate in. Their fascist agenda did not allow it but you see no evil in it or the chaos they created or the murder of thousands of Sinhalese and Muslims and other ethnicities in their quest for a separate state. You speak of relief and justice and fair play for the Tamils when none of this was available to those innocent people killed by the LTTE.
The military is stationed all over the country. If there are greater numbers in the North and East, it is because these regions were under the control of the LTTE not so long ago. A government has an obligation to protect the boundaries of a nation and how they do it is for it to decide. We have given it our mandate on such matters. There are military, naval and air force camps in strategic positions across the country. After the JVP uprisings, a similar security situation prevailed in the South but with time, camps were reduced and maintained where it was deemed necessary. The army does not stop you from trying to make your region economically sustainable. The army does not make it impossible for children to go to school or adults to engage in legal activities at work or in any other field. The army does not stop religious freedom or the free movement of people. Worry about ensuring the best conditions for the northern fishermen to operate. Spearhead the various development projects that must surely be necessary for a better life for the people. Be actively engaged in directing the youth on the right path, for they need that guidance now, while they come to terms with what freedom has brought. These should be your priority while you are Chief Minister. Your position, as with any political leader, is not an assured one and your time is limited, so please make it count in the right way. The time for cheap publicity is running out.
Sri Lanka has never stopped anyone from observing unique cultural and religious practices. People of all religions have absolute freedom to worship as they wish, where they wish. The many cultural festivals are enjoyed by all communities, as much as the different culinary dishes that abound. In this arena, it was particularly sad that a cultural dance item performed by Sinhalese students in the Jaffna campus, ended in violence. The northern students have many mental barriers to breakdown and one cannot deny that there are still those who are resentful of their southern counterparts. This is why it is important for leaders such as you, to help build bridges and not erect more fences. There are thousands of Tamil students in universities all over the country, working alongside their Sinhalese and Muslim counterparts. A reciprocal environment should be encouraged in the North and East where such a thing has been absent for decades and is therefore, an enigma. This is not the dominance of one ethnic community over another, which you speak of. It is about blending as one, when it is possible. This takes nothing away from who you are.
If you are seeking the right to self determination, perhaps you need to change your position and not use arrogance as a lever. Perhaps if you show the government by deed, that you are sincere in your efforts to be part of Sri Lanka truly and stop playing to the gallery, your wishes will come true. If you expect apologies from the Sinhalese, then you should show the way, since there are more of us to convince of your sincerity. You should desist from bringing useless resolutions in the NPC, against the governments of Sri Lanka, for genocide and the amalgamation of the North and East. You should talk for a united Sri Lanka, as a Sri Lankan and not as though you were a lackey of Jayalalithaa. You should give the rest of the country the confidence that you are genuinely committed to the common good of the country and not only the people of the North and East, who, by the way, populate more of the Western Province than the ‘traditional’ Sinhalese now. I believe that it is people like you who are a barrier to forging a Sri Lankan identity because your own identity is more important. And would you please stop bringing South Africa into the picture? The majority in that country, who were the indigenous ‘Black’ people, suffered generations of abuse at the hands of a handful of ‘white’ Boers, so how does that fit in, as a comparison? The mind boggles!
Please rewrite your speech to the Sinhalese youth and tell them that sport is a meeting ground and a platform to build long lasting friendships that will remove these mental barriers. Tell those poor children who had to listen to your rigmarole, that there will be many such events in the North and the East where their participation will be looked forward to, as much as the Sinhalese youth would surely welcome ‘your youth’ with the same hospitality. Tell all of them, that the future is in their hands and that together, they can be a formidable force. Our children are wonderful. Let us give them a chance. They do not have to give up their cultural and ethnic identity to do this.
cholan / September 15, 2016
There is no need for Mr.Wigneswaran to write and re write his speech and waste his time .
LTTE never jumped from sky in one day….
it is your great grandfather ..grandfather..father ..and you all created Tigers..
remember what happen to Tamils in South from 1956 -1983 ?
Do you think Tamils will shut up and worship you the cowards ?
First accept this …
Full stop
Antany Peter / September 15, 2016
Sri Lankan Tamils’ problem was sorted long time ago, but the Tamil leaders weren’t smart enough to accept it. Tamil leaders always end up in wrong side, and look for ways to create disasters not solutions. When G G Ponnambalam was the leader Sinhalese generously agreed for 40:60 solution even though Tamils’ population wasn’t 40% at that time. But Tamil leaders rejected it. Later on decided to take arms from New Delhi to kill their fellow countrymen. Then the second opportunity came through Indo-Lanka agreement. Again Tamil leaders rejected the good offer, but decided to listen to the West, and turned their guns towards their fellow Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese and Indians.
If Tamil leaders have little brain, little love for their motherland and people they would have found a solution long time ago. Tamil leaders are the least when it comes to honoring smart people. Tamils don’t know the value of unity, the foreign powers can do wonders among Tamils because of their divisions. Jealousy is eating Tamils. Tamils would do anything to undermine their fellow Tamils, even if they have to join with foreign powers. I have been living in Jaffna since last August. I have been to many public events. Indian High Commission and the Westerners are the VIPs for those events, but not smart Tamils or Sinhalese. Therefore, sharing power with Tamils is sharing power with foreign powers; this will lead to disaster. Literally the government has to be on its knees to please the foreign powers; if it shares power with Tamil leaders.
Tamil leaders talk a lot about democracy and human rights, but they hardly value democracy or human rights. Where were those Tamil leaders, including the diaspora leaders, the Western leaders, especially the UN leaders when the Tamil armed groups were mercilessly gunned down each other group members; and assassinating political leaders and intellectuals far more than any other terrorist groups in the world? Tamil leaders do not act as they live among the 21st century humanity. Last forty years Tamils have avoided smart Tamils and gone backward. Generally speaking, Tamils can’t handle smart Tamils. This is why they have ended up in this sad status even though Tamils are five times in population in the world than Sinhalese. I have found that changing Tamil leaders’ useless ideology is like straightening a dog’s tail.
It is not easy to make the following statements as a Tamil, but I would like to be honest with myself and others. Sri Lankan Tamils are the most dangerous creatures in Asia. They are the least when it comes to valuing democracy, human rights or unity. Tamil leaders just blindly support foreign powers for their own benefits. They do dirty politics for their own perks and benefits. That is why Tamils have nothing after thirty years of brutal war. Therefore, I have urged the Sinhalese leaders and the other Asian leaders to watch diaspora and Sri Lankan Tamil leaders’ moves carefully; because, Tamil leaders have the ability to destroy Sri Lanka and South Asia, as they have done for the last three decades. The West has an intention to use Sri Lankan Tamils to dominate Indian Ocean and South Asia; as it has been using the Jews to dominate the Middle East.
Tamil leaders are for foreign leaders, but not for their own intellectuals. Tamils for Obama and the other Tamil leaders have done nothing when I had alerted that they were in the wrong path. My articles and comments never published in the diaspora’s media or in the mainstream Tamil media. Tamil leaders have done nothing to me when I suffered for exposing the hardships of Australian and Canadian Aboriginal people. Nobody raised their voices when the Australian government deleted my citizenship due to my writings about the struggles of Australian aboriginal people. They never said a word when the Canadian government put me in a prison under false accusation when I exposed the First Nations’ hardships. Not a single leader felt sorry for me when Nazi Germans stopped me from attending my mother’s funeral in Sri Lanka due to my writings.
Germany was bombed and destroyed by the Five Eyes twice; but Germany stopped me from attending my mother’s funeral because I exposed the Five Eyes’ double standards. This is call evolution, even Nazis know the power of unity. They know that they have to stick together to undermine the billions of Asians. However, Sri Lankan Tamils don’t understand the value of unity even after their long suffering for more than three decades due to the Asia’s longest brutal civil war. This is really sad news, not only for Tamils, but for Sinhalese and South Asians. Therefore, I believe that Tamils need to be educated the value of unity from primary school children to political leaders before thinking about devolution of power. If the government shares power now, it will be like giving bunch of flowers to monkeys.
Do you see evolution in Tamils who conducted the Asia’s longest brutal civil war for more than three decades? Do you see evolution in Tamils who assassinated far more leaders and intellectuals than any other terrorist organization in the world? The answer is no; therefore, forget about devolution of power for Tamils. Don’t even think about federalism. Tamils are still under the firm grip of foreign powers which transformed young Tamils as ruthless terrorists in the world. Tamils are still faithful to foreign powers. Therefore, giving power to Tamils is giving power to foreign powers. If we give power to Tamils surely we will lose our trump card as a country located in the strategic Indian Ocean.
The Tamil leaders are not smart enough to find a solution. Therefore, Tamils won’t find a solution. It doesn’t matter whether Tamils cry to Indians or the Westerners; there won’t be a solution. You will get zero answer; if you multiply anything by zero. Likewise, Tamils will get zero results, if they continue to multiply their votes to elect foolish leaders. Tamils won’t go anywhere by avoiding smart Tamils; they will continue to go backward. Tamils have achieved nothing by conducting the Asia’s longest brutal civil war for three decades with the help of the foreign powers. Tamil leaders don’t learn, but blindly follow the foreign powers. Therefore, Tamil leaders need to be watched and guided carefully; instead of sharing power.
Lanka Watch / September 16, 2016
Antany Peter – You have spoken lot of rubbish with no meaning in it. Since state council days, the Tamils were fighting for their rights, because British made a mistake by combining the Sinhala areas and Tamils areas into one unitary Ceylon,instead of devol-
ving power sharing to the Tamils,like what India did before they accepted Independence as Tamils & Singhalese had separate Language
and culture and kingdoms at the time colonialism started. India had 16 linguistic separate states ready when independence bell rang in India. Great Indian leaders like Ghandi, Nehru & Patel knew as to what would happen if India remained a Unitary state and not a federal state.
Sensing division at a latter stage, Ghandi & Jinnah decided to separate even Pakistan from India which was a sensible move, which saved lives and calamity and today India is rich and a regional power because their past leaders had leadership qualities
and thought of the future while our leaders slept. Pls Go back to the history books on Lanka and you will know that Singhalese and Tamils had separate kingdoms and at least you could remember the Elara/Duttu Gemunu encounter at Anurathapura.
If you are old enough, you would have known about Banda-Chelva,
Chelva-Dudley CBK/Tulf and several other pacts signed with the past governments and same abrogated before the ink dried on those agreements giving flimsy excuses. The best of them was the B-C pact in late 50s and if that legislation was implemented, Sri Lanka would have been another ‘Singapore’ today but SWRD gave into threats from Buddhist clergy, shamelessly and even apolo-
gised to Chelva, the revered leader of the Tamils that he could not keep the promise, So Antany, who were the culprits here ?.
It is now an admitted fact that the leaders of past successive Govts. cheated on the Tamils on their demands for sixty years and created the monster Ltte by the disgruntled Tamil youths who were deprived of employment and average Tamil students could not enter UNIs due standardization policy introduced by Srimavo Govt.and the rest is history of loss of lives and destruction.
Narathar / September 15, 2016
“The army does not stop you from trying to make your region economically sustainable. The army does not make it impossible for children to go to school or adults to engage in legal activities at work or in any other field. The army does not stop religious freedom or the free movement of people”
Sri Lanka, underworked army runs resorts, shops, salons and travel agencies
After the end of the war with the LTTE, 300,000-strong armed forces don’t have enough to do
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
she will not reply to your post.
jim softy / September 15, 2016
Over and over again, wigneswaran has shown the general Tamil -psyche. What ever sinhala people do to them, they simply do not notice any of thse because of the simple reason that their feeling of race superiority and the need to build a homeland i Sri lanka.
when he talked about the race identity to youth, that simply shows what a clown wigneswaran he is. Which clown preaches how great he or his tribe is when some visitors come to your home ?
Is the same youth, mostly sinhala soldiers, that liberated the land from LTTE, saved three million hostages, and they never recognized their hard work. but, he went that low to preach how big his house when some young ones came to his house.
when LTTE were hammering these people all these high Tamils were obedint dogs and listening to the master.
Sinhala politicians are mostly ignorent, uneducated and dishonest, so do not have any idea about what they should talk or not. they always talk about national question and reconciliation.
Tamils think they are the that brillient genetic stock as portrayed by British colonial master. they expect the govt to give it for them when british did not give them what they expected. they are trying to get it now. It is rerqauired to understand reconciliation that they asking is federal solution. Other than, if Tamil live or die, politicians will not care. Only the politician live fmaboyant lives at the expense of the majority.
Starting from SWRD they have already acheived a lot. Now they are in the last phase of it. On the othad hand, theere people people who are becoming far beyond assertive and fighting for their rights.
jim softy / September 15, 2016
Mr. Wigneswaran, reconciliation means appeasement, understanding, compromise, bringing together and so on. Do these need a written document or are they really down to us to achieve?
If we are trying to teach Tamils what anything is it is us who are stupid.
Tamils know exactly what they want so, rewrite the history. when SRWD di dnot enact sinhala only ac, that was the beginning of their first win. Since they have achieved a lot.
PROUDMAN / September 15, 2016
She is at it again. [Edited out]
PROUDMAN / September 15, 2016
What is the saying ” you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”
The speech is meant for the youths and not for old gags like you , who are only interested in racial divide. Th e youths of the south are ignorant of the real issues of the youths of the North and east because hags like you and your idol DJ have been writing utter rubbish to pollute the minds of the young ones. Read the comments that roused Mr Wigneswaran’s article, then you will see what is what. The best think you can do to the youths of SRILANKA is to take a back seat and let them have a say. You along with mahinda and DJ etal had you chance and all of us know what you did. So please keep out.
double standards / September 15, 2016
very good reply – but its impossible to change a racist tamil mind- which is very unfortunate fr sri lanka – future looks bleak with these types of racists ruling the north
soma / September 15, 2016
Double standard
Future looks what it has always been to Tamils. It is their genetic disposition to feel gloomy, their democratic right in this free society. As for we Sinhalese we are 75% and carry on regardless.
Native Vedda / September 15, 2016
double standards
“but its impossible to change a racist tamil mind- which is very unfortunate fr sri lanka – future looks bleak with these types of racists ruling the north”
All right let us send some seasoned racists from the south, come to think of it there is already a large contingent of them are permanently stationed in the North.
Why worry now?
Lets find out from the child Irathinavalli.
Burning Issue / September 15, 2016
double standard,
It is not a surprise that when one stands on a racist platform that is consumed with chronic insecurity, everything else will seem bigoted! First you need to accept that the post-independence Sri Lankan state is founded on the Sinhala Buddhist Racist platform. Basically, the government, the state machinates, police, and the security forces practice institutionalised racism. You need to see within you and within your community first before you start accusing others of racism!
It is not up to CM Wiggie to write to the Sinhala youth; it should be up to the Sinhala intellectuals to teach righteousness to the Sinhala youth! It is still the case that,the Sinhala children are being inculcated with mythology and a sense supremacy!
you can fool some people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time! NV, whose quote is this?
Native Vedda / September 15, 2016
Burning Issue
“you can fool some people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time! NV, whose quote is this?”
Actually its not my quote, a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
soma / September 16, 2016
Burning Issue
But you have been trying to fool all the people all the time by various permutations of combinations of Tamils, Tamil Speaking People, Tamil Nation, Ealam Tamils, Eazam Tamils etc etc without telling us is it only the Hindu and Christian Tamils in the North or all Tamil speaking people in the island irrespective of their religion or the date of arrival.
You are in a catch-22 situation. If it is the former the numbers are less than 5% and it it is the latter they are scattered all over the island – no pundit can think of a devolution model.
Burning Issue / September 16, 2016
There is nothing to fool anyone as regards to Tamil right to safeguard their identity and geography. The Tamils should have the same right as the Sinhala. You Sinhala governed for 60 years with numerical superiority and used that advantage to cultivate everything to your whim and fancy. You did not build a nation but built a Sinhala Buddhist racist state. It is on this premise that the Tamils have been compelled to safeguard their aspirations. There is nothing to hide or fool anyone; do you get it?
CBK recently delivered a speech where she has called for a federal structure of governance with semi-secular constitution! What does that tell you? Just pay attention to the term “semi-secular” constitution. You guys are incapable of giving equal rights to all the citizens regardless of ethnicity, colour and creed. Please, for your own sake, do not prevaricate or mask the truth. you want the minorities to assimilate or toe your line or put-up and shut-up. This is the message to all the minorities! You Sinhala have no ground to stand on and preach others about racism, a nation or being patriotic.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / September 16, 2016
“Burning Issue”
Truth is hard to digest but you villagers have ruined the country and continue to do so by sitting on ass after killing the elite of colombo who could have helped- just like ISIS.
“”“Buddha said that everyone is equal. So why are we against giving equal rights to everyone in the nation?. Our effort is to compile a constitution which gives priority to Buddhism and gives equal rights to all other religions and at least try to convert Sri Lanka into a semi-secular state even if we are unable to convert it into a totally secular state,” she said.””
As always Radala must have a sinhala buddhist state like the Tsunami funds. You like it?
South Africa is a dead duck after independence, India is still at loggerheads after the forced constitution and stupid Gandhi dynasty.
Nepal is still in Indians jaws. Nigeria is still having gurella warfare islam vs christians.
She has turned to be spin doctor and Tamils assisted her by voting MR2.
She wan’ts extension of her dynasty that started sinhala buddhist state to ruke the nation for life.
Where did watti ammas father come from? The Portuguese brought them from Banda islands the islands of nutmeg.
you idiots have ruined all chances of freedom and keep on ruining it.
all you need is trump and 20 million will shit in their ambudes.
Trumps biggest funder so far is Shalli kumar the Chicago industrialist.
Fing TGTE has on balls just a village commissioners son while the present has placed many tamils in importnat positions internally and externally to do the shape shape shape. no one including india would trust tamils of north because you always fight for the Sinhalese against the helper (first IPKF then murder of Rajiv) now voting MR2 (BTF/GTF fishermen in need of diplomatic passports).- its like husband and wife quarrel. The country would make you thota kattu like in the hills is her plan to hold onto the canine relic. then like calling rajapakse king you call the watti amma a queen.She has friends at UK who are cool millionaires thanks to her.
soma / September 17, 2016
Burning issue
Tell us at least the the percentage of ‘Tamils’ out of total population a ‘political solution’ is sought for.
Burning Issue / September 17, 2016
You worry too much about the Tamils you can always drive them out of your areas if you like! Where people chose to live is their choice; this does not infiringe on the democratic right for Tamils to assert themselves.
You cannot guarantee equal rights; you cannot guarantee secularism; you cannot guarantee language rights then what are you saying? I suggest that you get a grip accept that the Sinhala have missed the boat!
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 15, 2016
Another rant from a racist. Please note that every High Commissioner in UK, who attend the Festival of Cricket as chief guest, have been making political speeches. The worst culprit was Dr. Chris Nonis who made political speeches in all social and cultural events when he was serving in the UK. In 2013 when I was President of Festival of Cricket I told him not to make any political speech and he abided by that, but the following year he went back to his old style praising Rajapakse and the government which made some Tamil youths angry resulting in a fight, that cost us heavily. Has anyone told these ambassadors not to mix politics with sports and other events.
I agree that no one should make political speech in a sporting event. The attack on NP Chief minister is due to racist reasons, because no Sinhala politician making political speech in a non-political event has been told that. All the problems mentioned would have not occured if there was no racism in Srilanka. NP Chief minister is articulating the demands of Tamils loudly and clearly and Sinhala racists who are not happy with it are crying foul. Tamils need justice and truth and if Sinhalese are not prepared to concede, then there is no point of talking about a united Srilanka. Peace and reconciliation cannot be brought about by silencing Tamils by force.
Srilanka armed forces are a murderous racist outfit consisting of 99% Sinhalese. They are not in northern and eastern provinces to protect the country, but to subjugate Tamils. You cannot expect a person to sleep in peace in his house when he knows that those who murdered his family members are roaming freely in his back garden. Time has now come to liberate Tamils from Sinhala terrorists in the armed forces, parliament, public service and among civilians. Tamils should live in Srilanka as first class citizens in safety and dignity ruling their homelands without Sinhala interference. Please address this reasonable demand without making such racist diatribe.
jim softy / September 15, 2016
In Sinhale, the word Tamil itself is Racist.
Because, Majority Language is Sinhala. Different South Indian tribes talking slightly different dravidean languages are uniting under the theme “Tamil” to claim Homeland in Sinhale. Every where else in the world, they are obedient employees doing what ever available amd talk in Tamil even in their home.
tatcher / September 15, 2016
“In Sinhale, the word Tamil itself is Racist.”
You are still the southern monky and not a homo sapien.
Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)
Skull: usually Dolicephalic, a small minority are Brachycephalic.
Forehead most often high, little supraobital development.
Face: Leproscopic (to a much lesser degree than the Caucasion), Prognathism common in most Negro populations.
Nose: Low & broad in root and bridge with characteristic depression at root.
The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world, according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American.
soma / September 16, 2016
“Tamils should live in Srilanka as first class citizens in safety and dignity ruling their homelands without Sinhala interference.
To initiate a solution all Tamils (Tamil speaking people) who are presently exceeding 50% in numbers should be encouraged to move into “their hommelands” There is absolutely no way you can have your homelands for yourself while occupying our homneland(our homeland = Sri Lanka -your homeland). We will never agree to this crafty formula of “North AND East for us AND the rest for all of us” which is downright hypocrisy and naked aggression.
soma / September 15, 2016
A great write-up. Time we called spade a spade. This hate mongering avatar of Prabakaran must be exposed what he really is, what his real game plan is. A permanent alienation of future Tamil generations from the Sinhalese, this devil believes will lead to his Ealam.
There is a simple answer to this *******: Get the hell out of Sinhala areas(Sinhala areas, as defined by Tamil racist [Edited out] is Sr Lanka minus ‘their’ exclusive areas.) Let every Tamil racist [Edited out] understand that there will never be an Ealam while majority of Tamils occupy Sinhala areas.
cholan / September 15, 2016
@Soma [Edited out]
Tamil in the south have bought lands and houses at their own expenses…got it?
The have money so still they are buying …it is not your business.
But Sinhalese are being colonized in North-East by Sinahala government
Above all they now contract Buddhist temples in 100% Hindu areas.
Stop barking from London and come and fight yor your rights …if you have back bone coward?
All you runway fearing of Tigers …
So now Not only the Sinhala government but also Modayas in overseas paving a way for LTTE part -2 thanks
Sinhalese will never ever sleep peacefully till Tamils are in peace.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[There is a simple answer to this *******: Get the hell out of Sinhala areas(Sinhala areas, as defined by Tamil racist [Edited out] is Sr Lanka minus ‘their’ exclusive areas.) Let every Tamil racist [Edited out] understand that there will never be an Ealam while majority of Tamils occupy Sinhala areas. ]
Get the hell out of Vedda areas (as defined by Snhala modaya racists [Badly Edited out] is Lanaka minus Bengal. let every modaya racists [Badly Edited out] understand that there will never be an Sinhala only while majority of Hybrid Modaya infiltrators occupy Vedda areas.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 16, 2016
In UK there is no Sinhala racism. All Sinhala racists are living like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs. They only practice racism behind close doors for fear of being put into jail. No Sinhala racist will dare to assault or even abuse a Tamil in UK for fear of falling foul of law enforcement authorities. If this is so why only Sinhala racists in Srilanka are being allowed a free ride to abuse or even assault Tamils. This is due to the Governments in power giving them impunity for the sake of votes. I challenge these Sinhala racist veerayas in Srilanka to come over to UK and show your might. I assure you that you that Tamils in UK will give you the proper treatment.
rabbi- la / September 15, 2016
“”Instead, you chose to vomit a “”
comment: The class of a bigot from wayside residence in the outskirts of colombo living on the grace of passa’s stolen loot.
“” The majority in that country, who were the indigenous ‘Black’ people, suffered generations of abuse at the hands of a handful of ‘white’ Boers, so how does that fit in, as a comparison? The mind boggles!””
The north is all about `brown boars and bacon` to keep the brown boar army stamping on the indigenous population. Truth is the daughter of time not authority-F.B.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Native Vedda / September 15, 2016
Rashantha N. de Alwis-Seneviratne
Its you again.
“I regret also, that not once did you stress on the importance of the role of our youth in the Sri Lankan identity that we should all aspire to.”
You have many other issues that you should be regretting. Lets not go into that just yet.
I have asked umpteen time before and allow me ask you this once again.
Could you define what you believe to be the unknown, unexplained, unidentified, … abstract concept of “Sri Lankan identity”.
Please do take your own time as I have all the time in this world.
“Mr. Wigneswaran, reconciliation means appeasement, understanding, compromise, bringing together and so on.”
It is not surprising coming from you.
So the victims are expected to appease, understand and compromise as if corrupt, crooks, war criminals, … racists, bigots .. have no responsibility to right the wrong.
Scientist do believe in selective memory. They claim that long-term suppression of a memory is certainly a way of permanently erasing it. I envy your ability to suppress and erase events completely from your memory.
I wish I too enjoyed bit of amnesia and/or selective memory.
jim softy / September 15, 2016
Dumb native veddo:
You are talking about Tamil ?
So the eternal victims are expected to appease, understand and compromise as they are corrupt, crooks, war criminals, … racists, bigots .. have no responsibility to right the wrong.
rajash / September 15, 2016
Rashantha N. de Alwis-Seneviratne – agree with you that sports events should not be used as a political stage.
but these days Mahinda exploit the Buddhist temples to make political statements. so does Muslim Mosques and the Christian/catholic missionary controlling Uduvil Girls School
but the issue at Uduvil is not confined to a small village.
Its part of the greater Globalisation.
known as corruption
jim softy / September 15, 2016
Tamils are always victims.
Everything that Tamils do has a meaning and is correct.
That is how it is always.
Chanaka de Silva / September 15, 2016
Instead of inciting the tamils to riot, Wigneshwaran should tell them how to behave. Last Saturday on the train 5.55pm from Kalutara to Colombo in the 2nd Class carriage students from Kilinochchi were travelling with their teacher of coach. He was completely indifferent to the behaviour of these hooligans. There sitting on seats with their knees spread and not allowing Sinhalese passengers boarding to sit. The Sinhalese in the south are bending backwards to accommodate them and this is how they are taught to reciprocate.
What I see is they are being primed for another war by the present set of politicians.
If that is not the case is it that they do know how to behave any better?
Siva Sankaran Sarma / September 15, 2016
You can take We Thamizh out of the jungle but… :D
Jeya / September 15, 2016
It is easy for the Sinhalese to preach to a minority Tamil leader that he must believe that a sporting event is going to build unity among the ethnic rivals of almost 70 years. Tamils have suffered discrimination after discrimination in the hands of Sinhala governments. Starting with Disenfranchisement,deprivation of jobs through Sinhala Only,Standardization of University admissions,Abrogations of DC pac,BC pact etc. To top these discriminations there were number of pogroms and assaults on innocent Tamils year after year. In the infamous 1983 pogrom JR jayawardane refused to declare emergency for 4 continuous days of slaughter and carnage .
This is how the Sinhala racists created LTTE out of innocent Tamil children. Now Rashantha Seneviratne is preaching to the minorities how to achieve reconciliation. What is more ,she is crying for the Tamils killed by LTTE.. Where was she when Rajapakses kidnapped ,tortured,raped and slaughtered Tamil civilians.
What a hypocrite !!.
Richard / September 15, 2016
Dear Madam,
You are after all reigning in a powerless and a namesake CM. You may not know he is not in a position to make good decisions for the people who elected him to the position. You may not know it is the Governor and the Army occupying the North are the major decision makers for the people who elected him. The military in this case has hijacked the economy of the people unlike after the JVP insurgency. The international community is now well aware of the reason for the present situation in the Country as well as the reason for the plight of the people in this province. You may also not know that from the time of independence it was not a Tamil majority Government that created violence and looted the Tamils first from the South and later from other provinces and now continuing in the North and East. Your superiority mindset as developed and prevailed in the majority community makes you feel fit to reign in this Tamil fellow who got a chance to speak some of the true feelings he has as a powerless Chief minister. It is very remote he can ever make decisions that will affect the children or the future generation of the people of your concern. It is the decisions made by the majoritarian Governments that affect the future of the Country as a whole as you too see the results today. As he was a senior Supreme court judge he knows how to talk to children and did not bring up all the terrorist issues you are whipping up just to spite him.
jim softy / September 15, 2016
You people are a nuisance.
Why don’t you think about moving back to Tamilandu ?
take_that / September 15, 2016
jim softy ,
“Why don’t you think about moving back to Tamilandu ? “
Beggars of a nation with third world attitude of the mongrel!
lankawe a pretty jammed with poor people and stray dogs wandering around streets, witch doctors – the country gives us the creeps.
Only India will take back the island that settler Harry Truman the
un-elected bomber gave away in disgust.
You have just a decade more….the shark will swallow the island that is living on borrowed feathers of the crow. US$$60 billion in debt.
Rohan / September 16, 2016
Orissa and Bengal, even the Pandya Kingdom?
Where else the Sinhala people originated?
Oh, there are Kerala origin as well.
Rohan / September 15, 2016
/You should have acknowledged that it is only after the end of the LTTE that such an occasion was possible and that it should be just the beginning of more events like this, where our youth can meet on common ground and establish long lasting bonds. /
Ha! LTTE had a lot a Sinhala workers in Vanni during their prime. They had Sinhala waiters in the restaurants run by the LTTE front organisations.
The move between the ‘races’ DID not happen after LTTE’s defeat, but after Mahinda’s defeat.
/was it really necessary to talk about a 2000 years old traditional homeland of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, at a sports event?/
Not necessarily in a sporting event, but it is good for young Sinhala students to know the history. They should know that the Tamils are not bloody kallathonis, but they have equal (at least) claim on the island, unlike some of your chauvinistic friends try to portray.
/After the JVP uprisings, a similar security situation prevailed in the South but with time, camps were reduced and maintained where it was deemed necessary. /
Then, why Sinhala rebels were called ‘extremists’ and the whole young Tamil population was called and treated as ‘terrorists’?
/The army does not stop religious freedom or the free movement of people. The army does not make it impossible for children to go to school or adults to engage in legal activities at work or in any other field/
Tamils were not allowed to go to temples in a large large areas of lands which were demarcated as ‘security zones’. Not restricted free movement of people? What are you smoking, maam?
/Our children are wonderful. Let us give them a chance. /
I am glad that you are just a small time player with a tiny circle of influence. Thank God, our children are far away from you.
Non PhD / September 15, 2016
Madam Rashantha N. de Alwis-Seneviratne ,
What is your message to the youth of South ? Are using your knowledge of SriLankan political history from 1947 todate and your wisdom gained as an educated mother and a smart patriot ? I dont think so.
You are stirring up emotions and bashing or punching Wigge below the belt ? It reminds me of how the SL forces or the police burnt the Jaffna library.
Anyway the book the road to the Nanthikadal by the retired Army top offical reveals the involvement of China, India, US and many others.
Since 1948,if the Sri Lankans are united and solve the political issues there is no need for foreign powers or UN to involve.
lal / September 15, 2016
Tamils should learn to assimilate and not preach racism to their youth as did Ponna bothers, Chelva, Sunda and finally the murderous racist Praba. They have achieved nothing exccept misery for Tamils. Ms Rashantha has made good suggestions and, she knows not to punch Wiggy below his belt. There is nothing there to punch.
Punchiburampi / September 15, 2016
To tell you not only tamils….
Last night I happened to watch a discussion on constituional changes being made to the prevailing one thesedays.. the was telecasted on Derana; invitees have been Dr Dewasiri (Historian), UNP minister (Jayamal or someone), Udaya Gonmanpila (MP), Sumanthiran (TNA MP),And another journalists or someone who has no title.
However, the outcome made it very clear that Udaya Gonamnpila the like fractions further made every efforts to widen the gap than adding appropriate wording to run the discussion to an acceptable nature. This is how some sinahalyas have been even today AFTER 30 YEARS LONG WAR IS OVER…
I believe, there are good educated men in this society – among them Dr Dewasiri is one of the professionals to have studied it well. Udaya Gonmanpila or the like can only hurt the festated wounds of the tamils and sinhala folks instead of coming to a resoultuion.
These men too have to work very hard on their stands -not thinking further that we the majoratarians should always be given the first place and then the Tamils, Muslims Burgher or others… We should all be equal to a new conssittuion if we were born to this country. No matter what colour, Religion, race we are inherited.
Native Vedda / September 15, 2016
“However, the outcome made it very clear that Udaya Gonamnpila the like fractions further made every efforts to widen the gap than adding appropriate wording to run the discussion to an acceptable nature. “
Actually, Ganapathipillai was invited to provide some Comic Relief to the participants and viewers.
Native Vedda / September 15, 2016
lal loo
“Tamils should learn to assimilate”
Don’t you think it would be prudent for Sinhalese to assimilate with South Indians where there is a huge market (250 Million)?
“They have achieved nothing exccept misery for Tamils. Ms Rashantha has made good suggestions and, she knows not to punch Wiggy below his belt.”
I read crocodiles shedding tears in these pages.
Ajith / September 15, 2016
I don’t know who you are Rasantha but it is very clear that you don’t like Sinhalese youth knowing the truth about your political leadership blood thirsty politics. It is true that Wigneswaran’s speech should be translated into Sinhala and distributed to all Sinhala people. Continued denial, continued lies are the biggest enemy for reconciliation. You should tell you sons and daughters how your leadership encouraged the violence against innocent Tamils who peacefully lived in neighbourhood in in 1958, 1961, 1970, 1977, 1983. You must tell the nature of violence which included burning of children, mothers, grandfathers in the streets of Colombo and other parts of the country before LTTE. You must tell how your prison officers and prison mates drilled an eye of another Tamil prisoner. You must tell how a child of 15 was murdered under captivity. You must tell how our Naval forces butchered passangers in a boat. ……………
If you allow those kids to know the truth then will understand how brutal parents you are to do all this sort of unhumane crimes.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[It is sad that you used your office as Chief Minister of the Northern Province to make a political speech to young sportsmen and women who are visiting Jaffna from other parts of Sri Lanka.]
before that you ask your modaya Theros and modaya politicians and barbaric army who are misusing their position and offices.
Then only you may try to confront.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[The majority in that country, who were the indigenous ‘Black’ people, suffered generations of abuse at the hands of a handful of ‘white’ Boers, so how does that fit in, as a comparison? The mind boggles!]
He has every right to compare the hybrid Sinhalese with white boers who are infiltrators, suppressing weaker people, claiming and enjoying everything, as it is their own land.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[ I have a gut feeling that you were not a sportsman, even though you went to a prestigious Colombo school.]
you too not a sportswoman.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[Mr. Wigneswaran, reconciliation means appeasement, understanding, compromise, bringing together and so on. Do these need a written document or are they really down to us to achieve? ]
Before advising Mr.Vigneswaran, pl preach the same to your modaya army, police, modaya Theros, modaya Government, and modaya political parties.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[Your position, as with any political leader, is not an assured one and your time is limited, so please make it count in the right way. The time for cheap publicity is running out.]
exactly, your modaya Rajapaksa babe is the classic example.
Ravi-Telugu / September 15, 2016
[If you are seeking the right to self determination, perhaps you need to change your position and not use arrogance as a lever.]
Dear Rashantha N. de Alwis-Seneviratne, have you ever questioned Sinhale modaya politicos and modaya Theros who are doing the aforesaid allegations allegedly doing by Mr.Vigneswaran?
Be impartial before questioning Mr.Vigneswaran.
Selective accusation is bad ab initio.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / September 15, 2016
Looks like Ravi-We Thamizh has got his panties in a bunch – clearly the truth hurts :D
Ravi-Telugu / September 16, 2016
I will offer those panties to fake Siva Sankaran Sarma free of cost and teach him why should he use it
jim softy / September 15, 2016
Wigneswaran like people, LTTE rumpr all over the world, TNA like tribalisrs can make exoritant claims because Sri lankan political leaders are arrogant and dumb people who only know how to destroy the country.
If SWRD brought the Sinhala only Act to action and gave some years Tamils to learn sinhala by now we should have been Ok.
Overseas educated dumb children of politicians screwed the country, they are doing even it today, more are waiting in line.
Now, Sri lanka is another Kerala. Tamils, christiand and Muslims are governing Sinhala people.
Ravi-Telugu / September 16, 2016
[Now, Sri lanka is another Kerala. Tamils, christiand and Muslims are governing Sinhala people. ]
I love Kuveni’s curse. They deserved it.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / September 15, 2016
Several individuals have to keep their mouths shut in this country, at this juncture- Mahinda Rajapakse, Dinesh Gunwardena, Wimal Weerawansa, Dayan Jayatileke, G.L. Pieris, Ananthi Sasitharan and Shivajilingam.
C.V. Wigeswaran, should of course do more as Chief Minister and talk less about matters that are not associated with his portfolio.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Richard / September 15, 2016
Oh Dear Author and all participants,
This is called a Sri Lankan forum!! Can any of you show a similar racial bashing forum allowed in any other Country. This is a Country full of racists with impunity. There is no chance for the truth to be taken seriously and remedied within Sri Lanka. You all are proving over and over again there is an urgent need for an outside force to reign in true democracy. The UN giving a chance to help your Country to gain back some respect in the world is not sending any message to you all. Do any of you know the priorities for any Country to come up from a rolled down situation? First of all why can’t you all think a little why you are like this today? Try to be real, and friendly to support those responsible to usher good implementation to reverse the bad history to good history for your future generations to do well.
jim softy / September 16, 2016
YOu are a Tamil Scoundrel who is preaching crap. Most probably a pastor because they are good at preaching thinhs that they never do.
Sellam / September 15, 2016
Majoritism speaks dear Rashantha.
Mr.Wigneshwaran belongs to the affected disillusioned enslaved race in Sri lanka. He speaks for peace and equality among all races and for the good of the country but your article speaks of hatred and subjugation. You allowed it to burst once and do not allow it to burst again as Sri lanka cannot bear the consequences.
jim softy / September 16, 2016
Majoritism speaks dear Rashantha.
Over 10% Telugus in Tamilnadu are neglected.
Only thing Sri lankan Tamils don’t have right now is monoethnic tamil enclave and their own military.
Ravi-Telugu / September 16, 2016
[Over 10% Telugus in Tamilnadu are neglected]
you are wrong. Telugus are well Treated, honoured and secured by Tamils. Now Tamil becomes almost their mother tongue.
Eg. GD Naidu, Veera Pandiya kattabomman.
jim softy / September 17, 2016
you are wrong. Telugus are well Treated, honoured and secured by Tamils. Now Tamil becomes almost their mother tongue.
Why it is not good for Sri lanka.
Every Tamil speaks sinhala ?
Ravi-Telugu / September 20, 2016
[Why it is not good for Sri lanka.
Every Tamil speaks sinhala ?]
you should speak only in Veddha language.
Richard Kaz / September 16, 2016
The Chief Minister was elected by the people of the Northern Province and represents the views of the people who voted for the NPC. How many votes did this author get in any election to give her the right to ask the CM to re-write his speech? What arrogance!! Another classic case of a Sinhalese telling Tamils what they should say, how to behave etc.
Priya / September 17, 2016
Dear Rashantha,
We would like to see some thing more refreshing from you. This is just a reflection of Sinhala majoritarian mind set of “We are always right it is you who has to change”. If Wiggy was like that it is good to analyse why he was like that.This is a man who was educated at Royal Collge and lived his entire life in South. Furthermore he has grand children who are half Sinhalese.The only way to understand their sentiments is by putting your self into their shoes.If you are a mother who has lost a son or husband due to the brutality of was can we expect the same sentiments as you expect to see .Can we come out this box and see the situation in more open mind and a heart.True enough we were battered by rutheless LTTE for decades.But their plight is much verse.Unless we are prepared to acknowledge that and prepared to listen to their grievences they will not listen to us .We are going to face another dead lock and it will only pave the way to the extremists again.We will have to strengthern the moderate Tamil leadership and share power with them to keep the country intact.Otherwise country is running the risk of being divided one day as we may not have answers to a future seperatist movement.
anu / September 18, 2016
the CM speech delivered to the youth demonstrate his weakness and creating distance for reconciliations among youth of this country and this is another endorsement to his bankruptcy political career.
there is a saying ” everything begins at home” and this kind of speech only aggravate the reconciliation process and therefore, all Sri lankan get united and keep irresponsible politician away who thrive on other miseries.
Native Vedda / September 19, 2016
“there is a saying ” everything begins at home” and this kind of speech only aggravate the reconciliation process”
Read the news:
“Police Officers Suspended As 33 Year Man Dies While In Police Custody.”
You should approach the IGP demanding him justify of