By C.V. Wigneswaran –
In recent times complicated political issues and activities made the life of the people of this area precarious. The youth here therefore revolted against the Central Government and its agents due to the repressive measures they resorted to. This in turn led to a long war which took the lives of thousands and thousands unnecessarily.
*Translation of the Chief Guest Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran’s speech at the National Youth Services Council organised 28th National Youth Sports Festival held at Jaffna Central College Playground on 10.09.2016 at 9.00 am:
The officials of the National Youth Services Council, sportsmen and sportswomen who have come over from various parts of Sri Lanka to participate in this Sports Festival, other officials, my dear brothers and sisters and children,
28th National Netball competition orgainsed by National Youth Services Council in relation to the National Youth Sports activities are being held in Jaffna today and tomorrow. It is indeed a happy occasion for us.
The National Youth Services Council comes under the Ministry of National Policy and Economic Affairs headed by Hon’ Prime Minister. This Council organises cultural and sports awareness programs, “Youth got Talent” and other programmes throughout the Country in order to develop the capacity of youth to bring out better understanding and cultivate better relationship among various youth populations in the Country.
No doubt such activities are to be welcomed. But it is very essential that we must also understand our Peoples’ fundamental expectations. We have no doubt in our minds that we want to maintain the identity and individuality of our people of the Northern and Eastern Provinces at any cost and any Constitution drafted for the Country must reflect such identity and individuality.
We also have no doubt in our minds that it is only after the promulgation of such a constitution that it would be possible to engender reconciliation and goodwill. It is only when all people of this Country including its youth population obtained equal rights and status that it would be possible for them to state with satisfaction that “We are the proud citizens of this Country”. Today all of us here in the Northern and Eastern Provinces are indeed within the control and supervision of the Military and our people are fully aware of this state of affairs.
Generally females participate in Netball competitions while males play Basketball, Cricket, Soccer and other such games. Today’s Netball competition is significantly different in that males are also participating in this Netball competition.
Sports help to make the body active and healthy. It makes youth to perform their duties with enthusiasm and eagerness. Sports promote tolerance, a spirit of accommodation, brotherhood and other such excellent qualities. Therefore such activities as organized today would no doubt promote better understanding among the student population.
But I would like to flag an important matter with the youth who have come from the South here. For over 2000 years Northern and Eastern Provinces in this Country have been the traditional homelands of the Tamils. No doubt for some time many Tamils were Buddhist. (Professor Dr.Sunil Ariaratne calls them “Demala Baudayo”) But thereafter they returned back to their original Hindu Religion.
In recent times complicated political issues and activities made the life of the people of this area precarious. The youth here therefore revolted against the Central Government and its agents due to the repressive measures they resorted to. This in turn led to a long war which took the lives of thousands and thousands unnecessarily.
None resorted to this war wantingly. When people belonging to their community were arrested, tortured and killed, the youth among us could not bear it. Right in front of their eyes when they saw their aged parents, brothers and sisters being harassed, assaulted and killed during the riots of inter alia 1958, 1961, 1977 and 1983 they naturally could not bear it. Again in 1974 they witnessed what happened at the World Tamil Conference in Jaffna. Added to this standardization was introduced in education in order to prevent large numbers of Tamil students entering Universities. Youth here could not contain themselves any more. It is then that they decided to take up arms.
Many leaders of the South have referred to these incidents as incidents of the past. But how could the unfortunate parents who had lost their dear ones accept them as incidents of the past?
What relief have they been prescribed for their losses? Surely those who have lost their loved ones have a right to expect justice and fair play in these matters? What relief have the Tamil people received up to date? These are questions that loom large among our people.
Within these three days during which those from the South have come over here to reside among our student population, it would be possible that you would observe our friendly traditions and brotherly and sisterly behavioral patterns. Our youth would normally give respect to those who come from outside and treat them well as part of their spirit of traditional hospitality. They are only asking the Southern electorates to allow themselves to live independently and with dignity just like the others in the South within a united Country. But unfortunately Southern leaders seem to be pursuing a hegemonistic agenda which we find difficult to understand.
We have been discussing these matters with the Southern political leaders for many years. But there had been very little progress. What is given by one hand is taken away by the other hand. It is the same drama that is continuing to take place.
Many an International leader and/or their representatives come over here to see us. We share our problems with them. We tell them we are not pursuing the path of separation. We speak of our right of self-determination within a united Sri Lanka. Considering what has taken place in other countries in recent times many of them agree with us with regard to our reasonable demands.
If we ask for the right to live in dignity on our lands in the North or East the Southern political leaders state that we are pursuing the path of separation. Such statements trickle down to the rank and file of Sinhala people also. They refer to us as extremists. That makes them feel antipathic towards us.
Therefore we would like to talk directly to the Sinhala youth here today in order that they will carry our message to their parents. Please discuss us with your parents. Please discuss us with your friends. Please discuss us with your neighbours. Please tell your dear ones what is necessary is that all of us are able to live with goodwill and understanding. Please tell your people it is wrong for one community to try to dominate another community. It is necessary for each one of us to feel that we are sovereign in our country. It is only then there would be peace and goodwill in this country.
South Africa solved their constitutional problems and then set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Here in Sri Lanka continuing to station the Military amidst us without solving our political problems, the Government is trying to indulge in the reconciliation process. This is like a person who stands outside at the side of a well entering into an agreement with another fallen into the well. We have to examine whether the person who had fallen into the well has the freedom to enter into any agreements voluntarily. We feel that only after bringing such a person out of the well that a proper agreement could take place in dignity and equality. Political empowerment is therefore necessary.
The youth are the back bone of our country. There are many things that youth can accomplish if they decide to do so. Therefore I make a request of all of you to understand our predicament, our needs and priorities in order to help every one of us to live with dignity and equality and as equal citizens of this country.
Let me next come to the National Youth Services Council. The Council is striving hard throughout the Country to work for the development of our youth, to make them good citizens, valourous youth, men and women bent on living as siblings. They have set up National, District and Regional bodies plus Youth Committees at different levels and working through them. So long as political considerations do not motivate these bodies they are to be welcomed. If political or party affiliations are introduced into these bodies you can be rest assured harm will befall them.
We are not aware of the extent and scope of the activities of the Council in the North. But we are aware that they are taking steps to construct a Cultural Centre in Kopay on a 5 acre block of land to develop the arts and culture of this region. Many a traditional dance and musical form has been abandoned in recent times. It is necessary to identity them and at least document them for the benefit of our future generations. Next week a cultural programme has been organized in Batticaloa to stage abandoned and forgotten social, musical and dance forms in order to re-introduce them to the public.
Our children have a natural aptitude for music. But they lack oriental and western Music colleges to study music properly and professionally. They also lack schools to teach the students instruments of different kind. The Council could examine their possible contributions in this regard.
It is the student period which is ideal to obtain fitness in any field. Unless our youthful days are spent on mastering various arts and crafts it would be foolish to regret later. The period from infancy to youth has been found to be the most sensitive period which could affect the character building of our children. If children are not properly channeled during this period they could be introduced to such negative habits such as alcoholism, Drug use, street fights, violent behaviour and use of dangerous weapons. Because some of our children receive allowances from abroad from their kith and kin many of them ignore education and discipline. Theirs is the formative age. They might be influenced by the Cinema to indulge in negative activities not realizing they are detrimental to themselves as well as to the Society.
The teenage period must therefore be channeled properly teaching them during that period their school curriculum as well as extra-curricular matters such as arts, fine arts, sports, scouting and other useful activities. If our children are bound to these activities they will have little time to consider negative ways of behaviour. I have no doubt the National Youth Services Council will strive hard to formulate the necessary plans in this regard and implement them in due course. Let me conclude requesting our youth present here to share our views on political aspirations with their dear ones back home. Let me wish you a successful sports festival today and tomorrow.
Thank you.
max / September 13, 2016
Dear Tamil, Sinhala, Muslim, Burger, Malay, Vedda youth in Sri Lanka.
Beware of this stupid politician. His venomous ideas are dangerous than the murderer Velupillai. Having been brought up in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, among Sinhala, Muslim, Tamil, Malay, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu students and rose up to a supreme court judge in his professional career, he now is preaching all sorts of separatist, terrorist ideas to Tamils in his native home town and across the world.
Over 3 generations have lost their youth because of Tamil leaders like him and they have not learnt lessons and wish to take more generations to peril because these old men have nothing better to do than spew venom from their racist mouths. It is sad that there are Tamils to cheer them and most of these Tamils and some Sinhalese are those who make hay from seeing people in peril… they should all be ashamed of themselves… they are a disgrace and far worse than even Prabakaran. At least the man remained in the jungles .. these lot enjoy all perks and privileges and want to send others into the jungle.
So, be mindful. Take what he says from one ear and throw it out from the other ear.
Sarwan / September 15, 2016
I disagree with your venomous and personal attack on Vigneswaran to divert from the issues he has raised.
Usually, hatred and racism in a person makes him to avoid the issues and address something else. I observe that in your response.
Check and see the following;
1. Is calling for unity of all citizens wrong?
2. What is the “hay making and peril” in his spe4ech?
3. Is talking about the aspirations of Indigenous Tamils shameful?
4. Is asking for Federalism, asking for Separation?
5. “3 generations lost their youth” because of Sinhala Buddhist
extremism from the southern leaders and not Tamil leaders.
Naman / September 14, 2016
People like Max are the cause of all hate violence etc etc in Sri Lanka.
The CVW message is simply sensible reasonable one.
Sinhala_Man / September 16, 2016
Possibly I have studied as little of Marx as you, but what i I believe is that Marx was a decent but harmless drudge of a philosopher.
The evil came mostly with Stalin. Reading such stuff is heavy; try this delightful parable:
Marx is “Old Major” there.
It’s available in many formats; you’ll probably read it in an hour!
Antany Peter / September 15, 2016
Sad to see an educated gentleman who brought up in Colombo among Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Christian students; and also rose up to a supreme court judge in his professional career is preaching negativity to the future leaders.
This will happen to anyone, if they don’t choose their friends carefully. I have been living in Jaffna since August 2015. But I gave up many Tamil friendships; because I want to keep my mind occupied with knowledge and pure thoughts. ‘Better to be alone than in bad company.’
Sri Lankan Tamils’ problem was sorted long time ago, but the Tamil leaders weren’t smart enough to accept it. Tamil leaders always end up in wrong side, and look for ways to create disasters not solutions. When G G Ponnambalam was the leader Sinhalese generously agreed for 40:60 solution even though Tamils’ population wasn’t 40% at that time. But Tamil leaders rejected it. Later on decided to take arms from New Delhi to kill their fellow countrymen. Then the second opportunity came through Indo-Lanka agreement. Again Tamil leaders rejected the good offer, but decided to listen to the West, and turned their guns towards their fellow Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese and Indians.
If Tamil leaders have little brain, little love for their motherland and people they would have found a solution long time ago. Tamil leaders are the least when it comes to honoring smart people. Tamils don’t know the value of unity, the foreign powers can do wonders among Tamils because of their divisions. Jealousy is eating Tamils. Tamils would do anything to undermine their fellow Tamils, even if they have to join with foreign powers. I have been living in Jaffna since last August. I have been to many public events. Indian High Commission and the Westerners are the VIPs for those events, but not smart Tamils or Sinhalese. Therefore, sharing power with Tamils is sharing power with foreign powers; this will lead to disaster. Literally the government has to be on its knees to please the foreign powers; if it shares power with Tamil leaders.
Tamil leaders talk a lot about democracy and human rights, but they hardly value democracy or human rights. Where were those Tamil leaders, including the diaspora leaders, the Western leaders, especially the UN leaders when the Tamil armed groups were mercilessly gunned down each other group members; and assassinating political leaders and intellectuals far more than any other terrorist groups in the world? Tamil leaders do not act as they live among the 21st century humanity. Last forty years Tamils have avoided smart Tamils and gone backward. Generally speaking, Tamils can’t handle smart Tamils. This is why they have ended up in this sad status even though Tamils are five times in population in the world than Sinhalese. I have found that changing Tamil leaders’ useless ideology is like straightening a dog’s tail.
It is not easy to make the following statements as a Tamil, but I would like to be honest with myself and others. Sri Lankan Tamils are the most dangerous creatures in Asia. They are the least when it comes to valuing democracy, human rights or unity. Tamil leaders just blindly support foreign powers for their own benefits. They do dirty politics for their own perks and benefits. That is why Tamils have nothing after thirty years of brutal war. Therefore, I have urged the Sinhalese leaders and the other Asian leaders to watch diaspora and Sri Lankan Tamil leaders’ moves carefully; because, Tamil leaders have the ability to destroy Sri Lanka and South Asia, as they have done for the last three decades. The West has an intention to use Sri Lankan Tamils to dominate Indian Ocean and South Asia; as it has been using the Jews to dominate the Middle East.
Tamil leaders are for foreign leaders, but not for their own intellectuals. Tamils for Obama and the other Tamil leaders have done nothing when I had alerted that they were in the wrong path. My articles and comments never published in the diaspora’s media or in the mainstream Tamil media. Tamil leaders have done nothing to me when I suffered for exposing the hardships of Australian and Canadian Aboriginal people. Nobody raised their voices when the Australian government deleted my citizenship due to my writings about the struggles of Australian aboriginal people. They never said a word when the Canadian government put me in a prison under false accusation when I exposed the First Nations’ hardships. Not a single leader felt sorry for me when Nazi Germans stopped me from attending my mother’s funeral in Sri Lanka due to my writings.
Germany was bombed and destroyed by the Five Eyes twice; but Germany stopped me from attending my mother’s funeral because I exposed the Five Eyes’ double standards. This is call evolution, even Nazis know the power of unity. They know that they have to stick together to undermine the billions of Asians. However, Sri Lankan Tamils don’t understand the value of unity even after their long suffering for more than three decades due to the Asia’s longest brutal civil war. This is really sad news, not only for Tamils, but for Sinhalese and South Asians. Therefore, I believe that Tamils need to be educated the value of unity from primary school children to political leaders before thinking about devolution of power. If the government shares power now, it will be like giving bunch of flowers to monkeys.
Do you see evolution in Tamils who conducted the Asia’s longest brutal civil war for more than three decades? Do you see evolution in Tamils who assassinated far more leaders and intellectuals than any other terrorist organization in the world? The answer is no; therefore, forget about devolution of power for Tamils. Don’t even think about federalism. Tamils are still under the firm grip of foreign powers which transformed young Tamils as ruthless terrorists in the world. Tamils are still faithful to foreign powers. Therefore, giving power to Tamils is giving power to foreign powers. If we give power to Tamils surely we will lose our trump card as a country located in the strategic Indian Ocean.
The Tamil leaders are not smart enough to find a solution. Therefore, Tamils won’t find a solution. It doesn’t matter whether Tamils cry to Indians or the Westerners; there won’t be a solution. You will get zero answer; if you multiply anything by zero. Likewise, Tamils will get zero results, if they continue to multiply their votes to elect foolish leaders. Tamils won’t go anywhere by avoiding smart Tamils; they will continue to go backward. Tamils have achieved nothing by conducting the Asia’s longest brutal civil war for three decades with the help of the foreign powers. Tamil leaders don’t learn, but blindly follow the foreign powers. Therefore, Tamil leaders need to be watched and guided carefully; instead of sharing power.