By Ven. Horowpothane Sathindriya Thero –
“Bhikkhus, there are two things that lead to the decline and disappearance of the good Dhamma. What two? Badly set down words and phrases and badly interpreted meaning. When the words and phrases are badly set down, the meaning is badly interpreted. These are two things that lead to the decline and disappearance of the good Dhamma”
“Good is restraint in the body; good is restraint in speech; good is restraint in thought. Restraint everywhere is good. The monk restrained in every way is freed from all suffering.”
“He who has control over his hands, feet, and tongue, who is fully controlled, delights in meditation, is inwardly absorbed, keeps to himself and is contented – him do people call a monk ( bhikkhu)”
“That monk who has control over his tongue, is moderate in speech, unassuming and who explains the teaching in both letter and spirit-whatever he says is pleasing”
“Because he has discarded evil, he is called a holy man (Brahmana). Because he is serene in conduct, he is called a recluse (Samana). And because he has renounced his own impurities, he is called a renunciate (Pabbajita).”
Above mentioned remarkable statements and profound words of the Buddha comprehensively characterise and give an account of his disciple who completely depend on our pious devotes in the globe.
DHAMMA-VINAYA was the exclusive and peculiar word the great Master, the Guatama Buddha has pronounced and proclaimed for the reality or the truth he founded.
DHAMMA – the truth – is what he realised and pointed out as advice for all who want to get rid of suffering.
VINAYA- discipline- is what the Blessed One compassionately constituted as disciplinary codes and standards of behaviour for those of his followers who go forth from home life to take up the quest for release in greater earnestness.
In other word, what the Buddha taught us is the PATH OF PURIFICATION or PATH OF FREEDOM. Dhamma and Vinaya function together. In theory they may be individual or distinct, but in the person, who practices them they amalgamate and merge as qualities developed in the mind and character.
Unfortunately, when one reflects on and observes in both printed and electronic media what one learns, and grasps is very poignant and distressing.
We are proud to express that we had many venerable and virtuous Buddhist monks namely Late Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maithreeya Maha Rattha Guru, Late Most Venerable Agga Maha Pandita Madihe Maha Nayaka Maha Thera, Late Most Venerable Nauyane Ariyadhamma Maha Thero, Late Most Venerable Ampitiye Sri Rahula Maha Thero, and many more but they are no more now. Even though they departed from us, they have left their exemplary and worthy characters for us to follow. Even in the present, Most Venerable Agga Maha Pandita Kotogoda Dhammawasa Maha Nayaka Maha Thera is a very exemplary, virtuous, and self-effacing high prelate in our country.
So called Buddhist monks those who are uncultured and undisciplined gradually have changed and propagandized their own concepts and hypotheses in some parts of Sri Lanka.
It is disgraceful and ignominious that even corrupted politicians who have no single knowledge of Dhamma-Vinaya (Doctrine& Discipline) visit and take part of their organized events of these crooks.
Because of selfishness High Prelates in Sangha community and Law makers are silent. They never think of the present or the future generations. They always voraciously concentrate on their own political power and accumulation of wealth only.
These particular individuals who are attiring yellow colour robe have damaged and destroyed the unique character of the Gautama Buddha and his incomparable teaching by claiming that they also have become a Buddha. Some of them are claiming that they have mastered and developed superpower mental energies. Another group has been changing the original words and their meaning of the Buddha. Some of them are claiming that the Guatama Buddha was born and lived in Sri Lanka. Some of them have become henchmen and vassals of utterly corrupted so-called politicians.
The shameful and dangerous fact is that some people believe in these wrong interpretations and blindly follow those sick people.
Unfortunately, some unwise and uneducated followers flock around these crooks and scoundrels. The distinctive nature of our Sinhalese Buddhists is that they follow and embrace everything without study and investigation.
Lack of knowledge, discipline, and proper training have led to a perplexity and bewilderment. Unfortunately, our younger generation would be confused to single out and decide on the right path in the very near future.
This is the urgent and vital appeal for wise, educated and individuals who respect and devotedly follow the original teaching of the Buddha to eradicate this perilous virus and disgraceful activities from pure land of Buddhism which has propagated the authentic words of the Gautama Buddha around the globe for many decades.
chiv / May 25, 2020
Venerable Sir, Thank you so so much. It is indeed consoling and comforting, to know true followers like you still exist. .
leelagemalli / May 25, 2020
Rev Sir,
thank you so much for your great article which will definitely help the masses to differentiate today FAKE buddhism with true teachings of buddhism. Buddhagama monks in media today deliberately are no different to Superstars. They are highly demanded invitees on a sizable gauge. They are in other words modern business men hidden behind the SIVURA.
I was surprised by watching a video clip of COLOMBO KOTUWE hamuduruwo and his hatreds being spread on some srilankens, just because they did not want to quarantine them in the camps.
I think it is high time the kind of pseudo monks be punished by SANGA SABHAWA. This monk has become a joker in SOCIAL MEDIA. He is funded by srilankens migrants in Korea, Italy and Dubai. These men are real good examples proving that they have entered to MONK HOOD in order to live up their fantasies on the cost of the people.
VINAYA injection would be the need of the hour than anything else, even going beyond to a COVID 19 vaccination.
I thought our people would have learned a lot after 30 years of brutal civil war. But people behave as if they are all suffering from selective amnesia on today politics.
old codger / May 25, 2020
As the Ven. Sathindriya says, so-called monks are prostituting Buddhism in this country. But is it not true that these monks are only a reflection of the society they come from? Most are separated from their parents as children, and grow up frustrated and bitter. Is it strange that some advocate racism or justify murder?
Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of our society, starting with the caste hang-ups of the Sangha itself.
A few hundred years ago, the Sangha had to be renewed. It’s time to do it again.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
Dear Old codger,
thank you for your valuable comments. It is indeed a 100% refelction of today’s society. Society is in deterioriating levels as of today – they dont respect anyone but are made to be blind followers. See how could that WALAMPURI man and other astro men became the untouchable wealthy men in sl society, thanks to Rajakashes and their hench men. Media owners should be ready to bear the blame to 80%. No media ethics at all, but we are fallen to the levels only RATEs decide the truthfulness of the news spreads. Any bitch’s sons being invited to TV discussions rounds easily become people darlings.. ha ha.. that is how Wimal weeranwase or th ekind of men became so called unbeatable politicians in today s society.
And the problems related to child molestation in temples run as calculated high crimes. As is the case with any other bodies there are also various child protection institutions in the country – none of them are powerful enough to the do thei rjobs properly.
.I think those CHILD monks would NOT agree with becoming a monk if they would have been informed about the child molestation of the temples across the country.
Eagle Eye / May 26, 2020
I am wondering why these ‘Koti’ and ‘Regime Change’ mafia who got defeated are so much concerned about protecting Buddhism in this country. Is this a genuine attempt to save Buddhism or an attempt to tarnish the image of Sinhala Buddhist monks who have become a pain in the neck of ‘Separatist’ Dem Malu and ‘Regime Change’ mafia?
old codger / May 26, 2020
According to Buddhist doctrine, everything is subject to change. This applies to monks too. Does anyone remember Gangodawila Soma, who I believe at one time ran the same Vihara in Australia that Ven. Sathindriya occupies now?
He started out as a crusader for pure Buddhism, morphed into an anti-christian and anti-Muslim racist, and met his end pursuing a fake doctorate in Russia. He was the villain who set the current trend among the Sangha.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
I believed in that, but not seeing that Rajaakshes are changing a bit for the betterment of the nation as is the case with MOST KNOWN Eagle Eye – I became little bit disspointed today than few years ago.
I think it is no right poor parents to offer their SONs to today’s MONKHOOD/Sangahood clearly knowing that 80% of temple living monks molest those young ones as predators are offered their prey for free. Nothing will put them down or reveal the truths about the ground realities of such crimes. If a child would have been raped abused, he would not become a healthy citizzen in his future. That Sudhantha Thero, now covering his both shoulders with SIVURA is reported to be a POLICE constable before he became a Buddhagama monk (I dont name these monks as “buddhist monks” having their ground realities closely). He had been caught by some unsolvable criminal records, and later has entered to BUDDHAGAMA monkhood.
Athana Methana Natana Rathana and highly aggressive Ghansara, Maedgoda Abeythissa should have their own stories them to act their roles in the society today. Maedagoda Abey is proved to own supermarket buildings and lot more assets to him. His ape-deke-potha issue was beyond all comphrehension but for some reasons, he stood against.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
The man whose Youtube talks that I have given you links to about six comments below this, Yuval Harare, believes strongly in the good that Vipassana Meditation can do, so that ought to make him reasonably acceptable to Sri Lankans.
I knew nothing of him until three weeks ago, until a friend sent me some links.
One can never be sure about how mad some people can get about the most innocent of comments!
SJ / May 26, 2020
Gangodawila Soma took advantage of public resentment of the Buddhist clergy, which is rarely said in the open for fear of repercussions.
Alongside his campaign for pure Dhamma there was attack on Christianity and Islam all along. It was subtle initially and once he established himself as a visionary Buddhist of sorts he showed his true colours.
old codger / May 27, 2020
I too once thought Soma hamuduruwo was for real.
I do hope another one is not trying a repeat performance.
SJ / May 27, 2020
I think that you have little reason to doubt this priest.
The man has a good reputation in the community at large, and his message emphasizes tolerance.
There are quiet a few like him who get little publicity.
Soma was aggressive all along.
I had very early doubts about him which were shared by my then SB colleagues.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2020
This particular UDARA in the VIDEO is said to be FACE book freak.
Ajith / May 25, 2020
Dear Ven. Horowpothane Sathindriya Thera,
I am not a Buddhist but I love Buddhism. I read your thoughts from your heart which is necessary at this time for the beautiful Srilanka. Unfortunately majority of the civilian Buddhists in Srilanka will not get these true understanding of Lord Buddha’s teachings because they are kept in dark with powerful propaganda by selfishness High Prelates in Sangha community and Law makers.
A revolution is urgently need in Srilanka among Buddhist Monks who do not bother about saving the future of Buddhism in this island. It is sad that selfishness of few Sangha community and lawmakers destroy have already destroyed the peace, harmony and unity of the people and future is bleak. Hope your thoughts reach every one in Srilanka!
Champa / May 25, 2020
Boralle Sirisumana, who is a total disgrace to bhikkhuhood should have been arrested the moment his video was out.
No mercy should be shown to any yellow robed man who disgraces Buddhism with malicious intent.
Rulers have no regard for Buddhism or they have no guts to protect Buddhism from being discredited. Otherwise, Boralle Sirisumana should have been in jail by now.
Same inaction goes with the Most Venerable Tri-faction Chief Prelates. They have no backbone to remove Boralle Sirisumana from bhikkhuhood.
Yellow robed men like Pitaduwa and Dambara Amila who live sinful lives totally against Lord Buddha’s teachings were not expelled from bhikkhuhood.
Kotuwe Podi Haamuduro, whose sermons are full of salacious innuendos and double-entendres, is allowed to corrupt the minds of the younger generation in the name of the yellow robe.
The latest is Boralle Sirisumana!
In the run-up to the Presidential election, we saw “a set of Naga Eye Balls” being “appeared” in Kelaniya Temple.
Now, “Naga Buddha.”
The Most Venerable Tri-faction Chief Prelates should be ashamed of the state of anarchy in Buddha Sasana in Sri Lanka.
If they are unable to guide and discipline 15,000 monks, how could they guide the country, its rulers and 15 million laymen?
leelagemalli / May 25, 2020
Yes Champa- thanks for your valuable comment -, who thought that an era would be dawn where B monks become ultra jokers ? I agree wiith you more.. it is all because of the dead silence of 3 nikaya monks and their sloth like behaviour. They just enjoy it not caring the maintenance of the buddhism in the country.
It is really sad how it has turned out to be. Each time visiting srilanka, I was used ot pay a visit to Kelaniya temple which is believed to be one of the most sacred places for the buddhists – unfortunately, today, it is caught by a place for the jokers. Incumbent chief monk – cheewaradariya should be made responsible for the mess. They each of them enjoy smart phones today as if LAY people do… They sit long in front of the TVs which telecasts teledrama series (Koluwe manamala hamuduruwo).
Most that are seen on TV screen today are not real good monks.
1) Madagoda Abhayathissa and his business are public secret
2) That paradise bird- Samantha Badra behaves as if he is no second to a tribal leader in an african village. He has the audacity to share the world that he would eat only his choice of rice being sowed by his slaves in that Mahamewunawa. Thanks to stupid wealthy women – these men hidden behind the robes seem to be living up their hidden propensities.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2020
Please see how this monk behaves in this video
Simon / May 26, 2020
leelagemalli: This “Kelaniya Temple” was “desecrated” as far back as 1958, when the then incumbent “Chief Preist”, “Buddharakkitha” along with the “Chief Daikava”, the then Minister of Health Mrs. Wimala Wijewardane (you perhaps know her relationship with Buddha Rakkitha) and few others “PLOTTED” to assassinate the MEP Prime Minister, Late Mr. S.W.R.D.Bandaranayake. The reason for the “Decision” to assassinate the PM was “Political”. From there onwards, this “Kelaniya Temple”, up to the arrival of a “Cobra” (Nagaya) with Buddha’s relics from the waters of Kelani river during the last Presidential election remains a “Desevrated” venue. .
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
Thanks for writing about that with restraint. Despite what happened there in 1958, many who go there (possibly ignorant of the fact) genuinely come away as improved persons.
It may be best to stop there. But do I believe that Gauthama Buddha ever visited Kelaniya, no I don’t, but it’s best to be harmlessly quiet about this.
However, with all the media telling us what horrible things the LTTE did, I think that we must teach our children a more balanced history of our land – which must include that Buddharakkitha episode.
We want our children to have pleasant experiences, but here in Uva, what Brownrigg did in 1818 must also be sufficiently known for us to realise that all groups and faiths have skeletons in their cupboards.
I notice that you type fast: typo for “desecrated” – c and v are next to each other on the keyboard.
Simon / May 27, 2020
Sinhala_Man: Thank you for pointing my typing mistake. I pointed out this “Buddharakkitha” case; in order to show how these so-called “Buddhaputhras” behave when they become “King Makers”. Just take a look at all these “High Priests” occupying the “High Seats” in the name of the “Buddhagama” are “Camping” with unscrupulous vagabonds in the political field. Shouldn’t they be exposed, for our younger generation to understand how and where we are going wrong? I know, it is a “National Need”. Thank you again.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
Thank you Simon Mahathhthayo… last time though I usually entered to the temple premises (last February ) searching for beggars that are really in need of a rice packet, I never had the thoughts in my mind to kneel down before any HAMUDURUWOs… even the incumbent monk of the temple tied me a pirith noole on my leftwrist few years ago. But to tell you, when I saw the chief monk strolling down the place, I did not have the respect to go and talk to him, all that NAGAYA story gave the feeling not to respect the kind of monks again. Anyone can set a lie to air, but those who as JOURNLISTS, it is up to them to reveal the truth. Gate keeping soldiers added me that lacks of gullible people turned up to worship – fake RELICs can you imagine ? The sender that misled the people are still in action even going beyond their limits… DERANA TV – Media owner is from Galle – Dilith Jayaweera.
So do I today with BUDDHAGAMA monks ( I dont call them buddhist monks becasue they have shown the other way around than real buddhist monks).
As one who engage himself a lot in some sorta of charity work also in SL, I now focus on the elderly people in homes and animals – they are according to me really in need.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
Dear leelagemalli,
I’ve just placed a comment below that article.
I’m sure that it is a problem that one section of our society doesn’t understand what another section means, in precise terms. You clearly appreciate now that Champa is extremely serious about certain subjects – and reliable.
Champa, there are many Boralle Sirisumana videos. Which of them do you mean? This, especially the latter part?
I think that you know that I have been consistently maintaining that you have a major role to play in shaping opinions in our society. Why not an article or two?
I don’t think that you want to disclose your identity the way I do. We’ve had people lik Grusha Andrews and Vishwamithra writing many articles with nobody knowing who they are. That’s not really cloaking yourself in Anonymity.
For a start, could you please clearly explain your views in relation to one of these videos? It would certainly help people like the Hoole brothers who are trying hard to understand what the country needs right now?
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
Dear Champa & leelagemalli,
I think that I did something dangerous yesterday by ignoring some unacceptable in some of those Youtube videos on Buddhism. The tone and approach were all wrong. When Champa speaks in terms of certain things being “salacious innuendos and double-entendres”, I think it is clear enough what she means. To be more explicit would actually be vulgar. However, it is true that getting ourselves into the 22nd Century is not going to be easy. Now that is a long way off, but my great-great-grandchildren will have to survive there, and we’d better start shedding some of our blinkers right now. For that we have to educate, without necessarily knowing some of the details that don’t really matter.
We are too much consumed by the political sides that we are on. I was trying too hard to defend every little action of Jeevan Hoole. Anybody can make a mistake, and he made a mistake in taking his daughter to the Election Office. That was only a “mistake” – which possibly he will not acknowledge because some make it out to be a criminal offence. So we blow out of all proportion.
Simon / May 27, 2020
Sinhala_Man: If I am not misinformed, Hoole’s daughter went into quarantine at a “Jet Wing” hotel and after completion of the said period, she was issued a “Certificate” by two “Authoritative” persons, (1) Army Commander Mr. Shravendra Silva and (2) Dr. Jasinghe. She has paid Rs. 172,000.00 to Jet Wing for her stay at the hotel. Isn’t that “Certificate” a “Visa’ to go about the country? If these “FACTS” are true, the only mistake would have been to “Enter” a different “District” and a “Public Office” without going through the required “Protocol”. Even in that matter, what were the “Security Personnel” at the EC office doing at that time? The answer, I have for that question is: the “SLAVISH” mentality of Law Enforcement agents “The Bosses can break the Law”.
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2020
To be brutally honest about this, it would have been sensible for Hoole to have been extra-cautious and not taken his daughter to his office.
My admiration for his courage and honesty are unqualified. It is absolutely correct to say that in any inquiry that Certificate will hold good. Upto now, the money said to have been paid to the Jetwing Hotel has been mentioned as 3K more – the difference seems insignificant, but I don’t want to leave that uncorrected.
Putting all that aside, I find it strange that two people at the very top of their services should have personally signed something as “routinely” issued as a quarantine clearance certificate. I don’t want to build a conspiracy theory on that – there are far too many of those.
Once there seemed to be a possibility of embarrassing Hoole, there certainly was a conspiracy to humiliate him to the maximum. That was disgraceful. I regard him as a man of the highest integrity, but a bit brash. He is a man who must be honoured, but he is human.
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2020
However, I think that we must be both honest and committed. You sound an extremely honest man. Why don’t you contact me – it is not difficult to get my details. In case of difficulty, please tell me so, right here. We cannot afford to be sitting on the fence when there are obvious conspiracies going on.
These comments are inconspicuously placed. I don’t want the political types seeing them, but if I’m inquisitioned – well, I’m prepared. Nothing will be denied. It is not the case that one is usually so open. I told you that “a friend” sent me that link to Yuval Noah Harari just three weeks ago. I won’t reveal the friend’s name. I don’t mind the “risk”. I’m an insignificant retired guy. What’s so sensitive? Well, Israel. Not many realise that there are “two Israels” – I think that you’ll understand. And this man is gay. That is a subject whose serious discussion is taboo in our society. I won’t want Jeevan Hoole seeing it! He’s too Christian! I’ve found this man, Harari, talking about COVID-19 in three videos. Here’s the first:
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2020
The other two videos have been made three weeks later.
I think that Sri Lanka has messed its approach to the virus. Not deliberately. Gota, a military man, possibly thought that was the way to do it. I’m fearful of what will happen when we relax restrictions. Not of my personal “death”; I’ve already approvingly quoted David Goodall. It is the havoc to the Economy, to the lives that young people deserve.
However, mixed up with it is the desire to ensure (manipulate is the more accurate word) an election victory for the SLPP. Patronage politics is so ingrained that people will not put up a fight against it. I want this nightmare to end!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 48 3111 444V) paniniedirisinhe@gmail.com
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
I made a happy discovery now:
Some others also have seen that balanced article.
In a sense our agonising over this COVID-19 is because of something that we are not accepting as part of existence: Death!
Thanks for wishing me many years more of existence – and you are justified in fearing that my life-style doesn’t show perfect balance! Sleep and even regular mealtime. Well, I make up for that by being otherwise reasonably sober! We feel insecure when we find guys doing this sort of thing:
Just now I was happy to see a photograph of him as a young man!
Anyway, I’m on to something even more controversial! That Anglican Bishop whom I was so critical of has retired, and they’ve got to select a replacement. Some of the guys who may replace him even talk about the ideas about a man like this as being worth finding out about:
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2020
You’ll like what he says here – and what he says about Buddhism, in other places (I haven’t explored enough). He’s also a vegan.
However, when you come to this, you may be shocked:
In our society, it is bad enough for me to quckly say that I’m not that way inclined, but his approach is surely the very opposite of what we have agreed to condemn in some of our monks.
I think that I must also add explicitly what you already know: that my upbringing was Christian, but I know that we have to change all these religions. Which one most: Islam, I think! I hope no Muslim sees this. Ninety-five percent of them will get mad.
As for Harari, he says that he has no worry about Swedes coping; his concern (genuine, I’m sure, is for Bangladeshis, especially garment makers). There also are concerned references to Sri Lanka.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
Thanks to Mr SM, your wisdom finally opened my eyes. But my skepsis is still there. I saidit several times, you and the few I like most could make a real change in srilanken society. We need lot more retired seniors of your calibre in order to improve the awarness of the people.
I truly respect Champa today more as a SERIOUS sort of COMMENTER to this forum.
Mr Sinhala Man, you can be among the few I respect most on this page. I sometimes wonder the manner you risked yourself for doing good to others. Your pen is much more stronger than you ever think.
I also love Native ‘s and that of JS. I usually wake up by reading all of your valauble comments. But Iam afraid, free times I have got to do is very little Mr.. so that I can myslef be busy with the loads of my job related issues 7/24: I travel a lot though I am currently on hold by the current crisis. And I am a very thoughtful person by nature. We were supposed to be in Seatle in June, but we had to put off the appointments without further notice.
Champa / May 27, 2020
Thank you for your comment.
Writing an article requires time and patience.
I will try. Thank you.
About videos. Sorry. I don’t want to attach their links for obvious reasons. The government should request the youtube.com to remove all offensive videos that give wrong impression about Buddhism. The problem is, politicians don’t follow Buddhism. They only act. So they don’t care.
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2020
Thanks, Champa.
You have the capacity to write that article. An article that affirms Sinhala Nationalism honestly and decently. It’s a very great need. Yes, I can see why you didn’t want to attach those videos.
Such an article will be quite different from what I would write; I know that although I live as a simple villager, my outlook is too “Europeanised”. Ironic, since I’ve never been out of Asia, and I’ve not made money.
I’m sure that you know how to submit the article to Uvindu K.
In case you don’t, please save my e-mail address which appears on this page.
A person like Rajan Hoole respects you quite well. I’m sure that you have nothing against a guy like that.
Champa / May 28, 2020
Names or positions don’t matter to me.
I attack people’s opinions, decisions and actions that are against my principles.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
Need of the OUR WOULD BE- if anyone would rethink – INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM – by giving them a chance to develop themselves going through ADVANCED courses.
Invesitgative Journalism is restrict to RAJAPKASHES baised media coverage in current day srilanka. I REALLY dont know why the journos of the day are fallen to that obsequeoius to that family ?
Is that becausue of THE THREAT being exercised on them ? If they are filled with fears, why to become JOURNLISTS ?
And anyone holding a camera or raise a question should not be called as JOURNOS…
Eagle Eye / May 26, 2020
I agree. Same should apply to White Robed or Half Naked men who disgraced their religions by directly or indirectly supporting terrorists who wore suicide jackets and blew up civilians into pieces. None of the Buddhist monks fall into that category.
Quote “No mercy should be shown to any yellow robed man who disgraces Buddhism with malicious intent.” Unquote
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
why not you observe sil the way BUDDHAGAMA buddhists are upto ? or start licking the bo tree to the very same manner MAFIA BOSS is used to do in Srilanka ? More you lick the bo tree, wider you would be able to outreach … given that the people reamain punnaku drinkers forever.
That can perhaps work as an eye opener to you for sure.
Besides, before being born, do anyone of us plan where to be born ? So why not you think of this let alone today ?
Mr SM, Mr JS, My self are all tamils for you, but we are all born to sinhala families and later became true srilankens. Get your facts right before attacking unknown ones this way.
Champa / May 27, 2020
Eagle Eye
I did not say Buddhist monks.
I said yellow robed men.
There is a big difference between the two.
Yellow robed men are ruining Buddhism while Most Venerable Chief Prelates of Tri-faction are busy praising and preaching rulers.
old codger / May 27, 2020
“None of the Buddhist monks fall into that category.”
So you have never heard of Somarama , his pal Buddharakkhita and his girlfriend, who between them shot the Prime Minister?
Where do you live, my dear Eagle?
Raj-UK / May 25, 2020
A refreshing view from a true Buddhist monk. It is time the Mahanayakas also joined in reformed Buddhism in SL. The disgraceful thugs in robes should be banished & all monks should be reminded that their primary purpose is to provide spiritual guidance & not dabble in politics, even for the greater good, therefore, active participation in politics should be discouraged. In Buddhism, everyone is equal, there should be no religious & racial hatred, anyone breaking this fundamental principal should not be tolerated.
SAM PANDITHA / May 25, 2020
A very good article. Hope other chief prelates follow your advise. We see many crooked monks just putting the yellow probe. You become a monk giving away earthly things and to meditate and see Nirwana. How many of the monks meditate 1 hour a day? I would say less than 1%. Many monks have cars and vans, big bank accounts and many have jobs as teachers. Monks should not engage in politics. There are many monks, their main job is to engage in ;politics and give voice cut. What happens to all the money collected in temples. Do we spend them for social service or helping the poor,We blame other religions trying to convert Buddhists. Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus use the temple donations for poor people welfare. Buddha preached there is no cast, or race discrimination. Ours call them selves “Sinhala Buddhists”, but there is big business of our “tourist monks” who build temples in foreign countries where there are Sinhala expatriates. Vinaya rules say monks should shave their heads. How many do that. Even the “Sidhu” TV program had the actor monks with shaven heads. Now the TV monks have hair on their heads. How many monks practice no dinner. Most monks we see on TV have double chin and overweight.
Unless we take some serious action to revive Vinaya rules- there wont be any Buddhism left in Sri Lanka.
Ajay / May 25, 2020
Venerable Sir,
You utter the true words of the Buddha. But unfortunately, it’s like casting pearls before swine. By that I mean the corrupt Sri Lankan Buddhist monks and their misguided followers who are menacing the whole country. What is prevailing as Buddhism in Sri Lanka is both genuine ignorance and willful distortion. This is the result of the poisons identified by the Buddha as the three Kleshas – greed, hatred and ignorance. The great teaching has been reduced to a political ideology of racist supremacy, cultural fundamentalism and supernatural mythology. What a shame. But at the same time, it cannot be denied there are still many noble monks and true followers of the great teaching in the country. But unfortunately they’re in the minority and are powerless to act – just like the oppressed ethnic and religious minorities in the country. Until the self-styled “sole-inheritors and propagators of the Buddha” realize they’re causing colossal and irreversible damage to their religion and country – there’s no hope. First step is to realize they’re not propagating anything good, but only perpetrating extreme ultra-right nationalism, jingoism, racism and downright violence. Needless to say, these are the evils from which the compassionate Buddha struggled so hard to save humanity. These greedy “Buddhist” monks and their fanatical followers are not propagators – they’re perpetrators. No wonder it is difficult to distinguish them from the social media perverts.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / May 25, 2020
Taking a cue from the parasitic political class, the Buddhist clergy, or a very significant section of it in Sri Lanka has perfected the art of exploiting the gullibility of followers. There are many people who shave their heads, don yellow robes and enter a life which gives them lots of free food, free accommodation, preferential treatment when sick, preferential treatment in public conveyances (their leaders get to ride in luxury personal vehicles) and most if not every pleasure ordinary people aspire to, like alcohol, women (or sex with other juniors) and even businesses and personal income. There is no investment in years of hard studying or passing of exams, no need to rise early and catch a bus or train to go to work daily, 9-5 or gain experience to work in some way. With no stress or hardship, these people enjoy a level of comfort that most lay people will envy. It is some sections of this lazy class of exploiters who resort to various scams and trickery to keep the fools in awe. They advocate practices that the Buddha has never taught. They entrap the people in various mythical mumbo-jumbo that have no place in the noble dhamma and perpetuate these scams. It is a shame that everyone seems to tolerate these people and allow the humbugs to continue with impunity.
Eagle Eye / May 26, 2020
Lasantha Pethiyagoda,
Does Angara Dangara Dem Mala Am Mila who took Rs. 90,000.00/month to promote Leetro Buddhism also fall into this category?
old codger / May 27, 2020
There are so many charlatans nowadays that even the genuine monks come under suspicion.
Simon / May 26, 2020
Ven. Sir: I really appreciate your opinion. One more suggestion: First try to get rid of the prevailing “NIKAYA” system which is based on “CASTE”, which goes against the very root of the Gauthama Buddha’s Great Teachings. Remember how he “Buddha” defined the “UNTOUCHABLE” (Lower Caste “Suddra”) during his time. That teaching: “Kammanna Wasala Hothi, Kammanna Hothi Brahmano”. So this “Nikaya” system in Sri Lanka (I believe you too belong to one among many of those) is a MUST GO.
Sugandh / May 26, 2020
Do you prefer to strengthen the Buddhist theocratic aspects of our constitution or keep religion entirely out of politics?
Religious fundamentalism underscores the policies of governance in a religious state/theocracy. Freedom of speech is the first right to be restricted in such states. (Ranjan Ramanayake can attest).
Seems when politics is entirely or heavily coloured with (mono)religious agendas in a multiethnic landscape, the religion takes the brunt of the indignity. The clergies become frontline political activists and lobbyists; any good that can come of a religion is weakened; misinterpretations that serve the agendas become popular.
Organized religions alone, whether in a theocracy or not, can be and often are divisive.
Isn’t religion better left entirely to the category of “individual rights and freedoms”?
Eagle Eye / May 26, 2020
Even Buddha’s time there were cult groups. This is not the first time such things happened in this country. Long time ago, I think in 60s suddenly a group called ‘Thapasa Nikaya’ appeared. They were walking all over the country sleeping in open places such as cemeteries. Some Sinhala Buddhist dong kees got crazy and went after them. Suddenly they disappeared. Later it was revealed that they were funded by a foreign organization. Even now, there are foreign organizations buying ‘Kaha Sivura’ to tarnish the image of monks and Buddhists. So have to take what this monk is saying with a pinch of salt. This also could be a result of oiling the palm with $$$$$s.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2020
how do you know it ? Were you existent also in that period ? We dont need to talk buddhism based on true teachings of buddha .. so long BUDDHAGAMA BPs ruin our nation by abusing the place given to buddha philosophy.. actually the philosophy alone is great but that is not existent in sl:
My gosh, the torments you may have made by your existence in buddhas times should be even more cruel.
old codger / May 27, 2020
“My gosh, the torments you may have made by your existence in buddhas times should be even more cruel.”
You said it, Leela. Now we know what makes EE tick.
SJ / May 27, 2020
The Buddha reportedly had effectively handled persons much smarter than EE.
So, do not lose sleep over it.
kali / May 30, 2020
Venerable Ven. Horowpothane Sathindriya Thera
The Lord Buddha was born in 623 BC in the sacred area of Lumbini located in the Terai plains of southern Nepal:
So the Buddhists claim to Sri Lanka is a World away from reality.
*** You message is a breath of Fresh Air in Gotha Lanka . But sadly in Gotha Lanka you are a rare breed and a tiny minority so you are not going to force any change.