By Mass L. Usuf –
When will these politicians and their henchmen learn how to engage in politics respecting the rights, dignity and honour of the others? When will these people ever place the greater interest of the nation before their selfish selves? When will the supporters of these politicians take off their blinkers and see things in their real and wider perspectives? These are questions that have haunted the people of this island nation for more than 70 years, since independence.
Short of a bloody revolution, the accumulated wrath, disgust and disappointment of the people compelled the idea of the dire need of an alternative political platform. This alternative emerged almost naturally, simply with a single-minded determination to get rid of the corrupt politicians and to position the country on the path of progress.
It is in this background that the next President of Sri Lanka will be elected configuring the entire country into one large electorate. There is Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna), Sajith Premadasa (New Democratic Party) and Anura Kumara Dissanayake (National People’s Power Movement) who are acknowledged to be the main contenders. There is then among the alternative political groups the former Army General Mahesh Senanayake of the National People’s Movement and Rohan Pallewatte of the Social Democratic Party of Sri Lanka. A long list of other candidates too are contesting.
Marana Tharjana
In a country which calls itself a democracy and holds elections regularly, is it not an irony to question from the contesting presidential hopeful about ‘Marana Tharjana’ (death threats). The former Army General Mahesh Senanayake who is contesting this time has been questioned if he is prepared to face the fate of his predecessor General Sarath Fonseka. Incidentally, General Sarath Fonseka contested against Mahinda Rajapaksa as the common opposition candidate in the 2010 presidential election. He lost in the election. Soon after he was made a political prisoner according to some commentators.
There is then the story of the duo who challenged in Courts, the dual citizenship status of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, another candidate contesting for the Presidency. Gamini Viyangoda and Professor Chandragupta Thenuwara were the Petitioners for this action. What is heard through the news channels and the social media are the death threats levelled against these two persons for filing the petition. Where the hell is this so-called democracy and the unfettered right of the citizen to access the justice system?
Sinhala votes
One notable distinction in the election campaign is that all the other candidates are directing their appeal and addressing the entire citizenry of this country – Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher and Malays. However, what is commonly spoken about in public is that the Gotabaya campaign strategy is to muster the maximum possible number of Sinhala votes only. This obviously will signify only a Sinhala supported victory. This approach people say is evidenced by the several ethno-nationalist groups including organisations headed by monks endorsing the candidacy of Gotabaya. The concern is that some of these organisations which have engaged in hate, violence and extremism are alleged to have been created by Gotabaya or supported by those who are presently around him.
What Others Said
For example, in the past one headline read as follows: ‘Weerawansa Misused Public Money To Help His Journo And Monk Buddies’. “An Audit report shows how former Minister for Housing Wimal Weerawansa misused public money to help his buddies namely Iththekande Saddhatissa Thero of “Ravana Balaya” organization and Journalist at “Lankadeepa” Prasanna Sanjeeva Tennekoon. (Colombo Telegraph, 06.08.2015)
“Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa Openly Supportive of “Ethno- Religious Fascist” Organization Bodhu Bala Sena” was the title of a column by D.B.S Jeyaraj. “On Saturday March 9th 2013, the Presidential sibling regarded widely as the second most powerful man in Sri Lanka was the chief guest, ceremonially opening an institution linked to the Ethno Religious Fascist movement known as the “Bodu Bala Sena” meaning Buddhist Power Force.” (dbsjeyaraj.com).
“Gota, Israel responsible for creation of BBS”. A report in Sri Lanka Mirror stated, “Former Ambassador to Geneva Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka …….. said it was Gotabaya Rajapaksa backed by the Israeli government that was responsible for creating the BBS.” (19.06.2017).
In a column titled, ‘Gotabhaya Rajapaksa And His Bala Sena’ Tisaranee Gunasekera wrote as follows: “Anti-minoritism is the creed of the BBS, cowing the minorities its raison d’être. Igniting an anti-Muslim Black July seems to be its ‘nationally important task’. When the über-powerful Defence Secretary, the man who controls the police and the military, gives a character certificate to such a violently divisive organisation, it is not a happy portent.” (Colombo Telegraph, 14.03.2013).
Dangers of this Strategy
If this public perception is correct, it will be paving the way for a dangerous division in the already fragile social fabric of Sri Lanka. It is generally accepted that intention is judged by the action. Based on the action of working towards obtaining maximum Sinhala votes only, the implication is to shed off dependency on the Muslim and Tamil votes. Even though the Gotabaya strategists may not want these votes, there are many among the Tamils and Muslims who will still vote for Gotabaya. How this gamble will play out mathematically is a question? Previously, the votes of the Tamils and Muslims had a significant role to play in a Presidential election.
Racist Hate Campaigns
With the mercury of the election fever rising, the most common and well-known method of campaigning is taking root. Creating fear psychosis in the spheres of national security, threat to Buddhism, the eradication of the Sinhala race and the reason for all these – Islam and Muslims. “We must fight extremism and eliminate extremism from this soil.” The stereotypes seen elsewhere globally against the Muslims is in currency today in Sri Lanka.
There may be some truth in what Dayan Jayatilake said that Israeli’s are involved. In fact, he also referred to several other matters and said, “I have written proof of this, and my friends also have written proof of this in case something happens to me…..During the period of 2008-2009 there were many delegations which visited Israel by top Defence Officials. Minister Champika Ranawaka was also once there but that is no surprise.” The most startling statement he mentioned was as follows: “The Defence Ministry and the Foreign Ministry is Israeli occupied territory.”
Bottom Line
Bash the hambayas, harass them, terrorise them, make the entire Muslim community look like terrorists. The recent shameful, despicable and shocking diatribe against the Muslims by Gammanpila’s party stalwart stunned the moral sense of not only the Muslims but also of the Sinhala people.
It is only within your diktat Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa to prove the public perception as wrong. Irrespective of who becomes the next President, we citizens want a President for the entire country and for all its people without any distinction or discrimination. A strong message to your supporters to stop unnecessarily indulging in the pastime of ‘hambaya’ bashing officially or unofficially, directly or indirectly will be helpful. You will be depriving yourself of the trust and confidence of a large section of the minority communities. The Tamils and Muslims love this country as much as you do.
Take a cue from the other candidates, they or their supporters do not indulge in this pastime of bashing the Muslims or ignoring the other minorities.
lankan / October 10, 2019
Muslims too must understand their limits and limitations. They should respect the sensitiveness of all other culture. You can not blame all for Sinhalese for this chaotic situation created by some Muslim politicians. Who said Muslim congress is good for us in Sri Lanka? this has done more harm to Muslim than good. What Muslim congress or Richard Party has done for Muslim or to this nations. except accumulated money and wealth for family.. Look at wedding of two daughters of Rauf Hakeem. Did not come from rich family but accumulated wealth from public money? Consider Richard he was a refugee from North? Now he is super rich? where did all money come? likewise all other politicians too. But our Sinhalese politicians buy them with money. All are partners in looting public money. That is why we need JVP or Mahesh Senanayake to rule this nation
nimal fernando / October 10, 2019
There are so many internet-savvy new young voters out there ………… the battle is won in the web space. Ranil and the UNP old-guard is woefully out of date and out of touch with technology and modern tools of propaganda.
To their credit the Rajapakses always have excellent representation/troops roaming the social media ………… and mainly spreading misinformation.
Sajith has to marshal his young troops and take the fight to the Rajapakses. There is no need for lies just hit hard on the truth that’s already out there and everyone knows ……….. of all the murders and robberies ………. and create doubts in people’s minds.
Peel off Gota’s soft, cuddly, cosy, soft-spoken lovable mask and expose him for the deranged serial-killer he is.
Put the fear of Mahasona in the people ………. scare the crap out of gullible true believers.
Ranil should be seen not heard ………. every time he opens his mouth UNP-side loses few votes …….. After 150 years in politics he doesn’t still know how to speak to the Lankan voter. He would have made a passable cricket commentator for old ladies.
Hope ye guys there can prevent a Kim Il Jung-esque Lankan 4-generation dynasty!
At least Kim Jong-un is a smart guy with a hip haircut …….. Rajapakse clan is too damn ugly ….. and dumb ……. and backward …… don’t wanna see them on TV every day.
Yonag / October 10, 2019
Mate, I could not help laughing after reading your comments. Its funny but true. As a nation we are so screwed its beyond belief. Whether its choice A, B or C its like a Hobson’s choice. The new Whatsapp generation couldn’t really care a ‘F’ about politics. All they want is to look cool and earn easy money. With that attitude I’m not sure how they’ll vote.
jayt / October 12, 2019
Pm was good before, but he became sworn enemy of Sinhala buddhists in 2015. He did carry out conspiracy against lanka Buddhists majority by joining hand with foreigners mainly after 2015.
Rajakses on other hand were far more better. They at least did not conspire against Sri lanka. I won’t criticize them of killing tigers, killing crooked journalists who were anti Sri lankan ant Buddhist. Any country kill them. when join enemies. it is natural ..state kill them.
Also, I have to admit good part of Rajapakses , even without Western support, Rajapkses did good in economy and protected sovereignty of Sri lanka as they can.. Anything what happen in the war, they cannot be charged.
Radical Ideas / October 13, 2019
First and foremost, the most crucial thing to do by the common man and woman is to identify the agenda behind the selection of individuals and groups who are never failing to produce evil corrupt figures and their family members as the national leaders whom were marketed as the ONLY ELIGIBLE group of people to become the rulers and the masters of the system. Vasudeva has recently spelt out this “Special Status” which he, as one of the slave minions, has accepted this phenomena and did not have any shame in delivering a public statement about it as a WARNING and a REMINDER to the ordinary folks and the general public who dont have much technical know-how about the deceptions that this selected few would be doing behind the scenes. The GOVIGAMA MAFIA Ruling Elite families are that exclusive band of people whom have been selected by the world power (Judeo Christian Alliance) in the establishment of the 300 years old Zionist Masterplan – The New World Order. Govigama Elite families are the direct Agents who implements the agenda locally. Its a very serious assignment.
Amarasiri / October 10, 2019
Mass Usuf,
Gotabaya Rajapaksa went to Singapore for medical check up and treatment. God willing he will be cured, or God willing, he will die. Does God care one way or the other? Please ask this question from the Wahhabi Salafies and their clones in Sri Lanka.
Leonard / October 11, 2019
“God Delusion” would be a good read for all religious zealots.
PARAGON / October 10, 2019
it is an open secrete that HAKEEK AND RISHARD and all other muslim leaders made money using their political power.they did not do this without the knowledge of the ruling party leaders starting from JR,PREMADASA,CHANDIRIKA,MAHINDA,RANIL AND MY3.THE SO CALLED SINGALA WEERAYAS ALSO MADE BIG MONEY MORE THAN MUSLIMS BECAUSE OF THAT THEY CLOSED THEIR EYES AND LET MUSLIMS ALSO TAKE THEIR SHARE- POOR TAMIL LEADERS THEY ONLY GOT DUTY FREE CAR PERMIT.this type of making money will go on even under GOTHAYA OR SAJITHAYA WHO EVER COME TO POWER.
IQ / October 10, 2019
Well said Paragon! The Isle will be pool to these looters. They loot in the name of all the deities and the citizen looks up and rolls the toungue!
Good Examples are the Two Wedding Carnivals of Rajapakse clan and Rauf Hakeem’s Daughters ‘s.
Dilkie / October 10, 2019
Surely we need to eradicate the 225 and their cohorts, lackeys. Vote for an Independent.
We don’t want disruptive racist Party Baggage. An Independent President is the need of the hour.
Let’s all Work towards it.
Backlash / October 11, 2019
It is time Lankan Muslims abandon their Goebellesque strategy that
a lie – repeated a thousand times – can become the truth. The indisputable fact is the vast number of them came here from the Coastal areas of present Tamilnadu, in continuous waves, during the Dutch and British times – to man petty trading throughout the land, initially. This is what Badiudin Mahmud and his delegation to Madras in the 1983s, Fakheem Nana and his gang and many others in recent times to South India have pleaded.
To insist falsely, day in and out, they came here a THOUSAND years ago is laughable. Lorna D twisted history – probably after a good Buriyani feed to a captured audience of local Muslims. And, she may have had an axe to grind with her Tamil husband. BTW, how come men like Robert Knox, Leonard Woolf et al missed to mention “the presence of a large number of the Muslims” in their memoirs.
This is not to say the Muslims have no place in this country or not entitled to the protection of the laws here. They are entitled to a peaceful life anywhere in the Island and freedom of attack of their persons, property and livelihood – now sadly denied to them in reality
Mohd / October 11, 2019
Very true lankan. At present, Muslims are the worst community in SL. Just visit a Muslim populated area and you will know it better. Selfish people never thinks of others (including Muslims). Sometimes when I visit Muslims areas, I think to myself, Sinhalese are right, and they do need to keep these people in control.
niro / October 11, 2019
During the run-up to the American elections the Trump campaign realized he didn’t have the time to win over black and Latino votes. From there on the entire strategy was based on winning the white male vote. This worked. Elections are a numbers game.
soma / October 10, 2019
A word of advice to my Muslim brothers and sisters:
At this juncture of your history , after what your Wahabi brothers did to us, you need the goodwill of ALL the Sinhalese to move forward. Do not swallow the poisonous UNP propaganda that Rajapaksas are anti minority and risk antagonizing majority of the majority.
soma / October 10, 2019
If Tamils and Muslims en bloc are going to vote for one party the Sinhalese should vote for the other party. Muslims should be encouraged to refuse them being treated like cattle by their political masters and think like self respecting individuals. If I am a Muslim community leader conscious of their welfare I would advise them to vote freely between major parties, JVP and Muslim Congress.
Richard Kaz / October 11, 2019
the reason Tamils and Muslims vote in block for ‘ethnic’ parties is because the major parties in Sri Lanka do not represent them and do not have their interests at heart. For Tamils, this has been the case since independence, so can you blame them for voting the way they vote? No!
Roman Leslie / October 11, 2019
Soma same applies to Sinhalese. Stop being the CATTLE
Nosey Parker / October 10, 2019
Despite the fact that the recent senseless slaughter of hundreds of innocent civilians was carried out by a group of brainwashed Islamic extremists, no right thinking citizen would condone the comments of this fringe ‘politician’ .
D. P. / October 10, 2019
Mass L Usuf,
As an atheist I have no interest in anything to do with religions or relate activities but I believe that the minority leaders mostly Hindus & Muslims are making a mistake by concentrating too much on BBS. GoRa may have facilitated the inception of the BBS with the intention of weakening Jathika Heala Urumaya (JHU), but, as I understand, JHU no longer exists either in its original vigor or as a racist political movement while BBS also has limited its ant-Muslim activities only against Jihadism.
The real threat to ethnic reconciliation the are other various S/B extremist organizations such as Medagoda Abhayatissa, Ravan Balya etc which also try to manipulate racism to create volatile situations to help MaRa politics. They are the real S/B supremacists who don’t tolerate the economic & political gains of minorities. I personally believe that the economic & political gains by minorities great achievement in SL democracy and therefore viewed as as positive sign social progress but there is a tendency among old guards to look at such waves of social changes with suspicion.
This phenomena is not new but in this world of rapidly changing population structures, a new wave of protectionism can be seen rising encouraging such politicians (Trump) & policies (BREXIT) to take the center stage. I believe that there is an urgent need for SL political leaders of all races – S/B included – to understand this developing social reality in order to keep ethnic reconciliation a possibility.
Salim / October 11, 2019
I think that some of the S/B racists have been reined in by the Rajapakses to be released after the election. I can’t believe the deadly silence of the BBS, Rathan Thero et al.
Amarasiri / October 10, 2019
Mass L Usuf,
If Gotabaya Rajapaksa is counting on Para-Sinhala Para -“Buddhist” voters only, he needs to get, over 70 percent of the Sinhala-“Buddhist “ voters. The mean IQ of the Para-“Buddhists”, is 79, and requires approximately every Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” with IQs below 96 to vote for him, assuming none of the other Paras vote for him. This is unlikely, and the math indicates that because there are three other Sinhala- Buddhist candidates, and there are many Para-Sinhala with common sense, intelligence and ethics, despite the expression, Sunhalaya Modaya, Sinhala are fools.
The math analysis indicated that Gotabaya Rajapaksa will not get over 50 percent Votes.
If Gotabaya gets more than 50 percent of the votes, then there is validity to Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists “ are Modayas, fools.
Now the Sri Lankan Muslims are grater fools to adapt the Wahhabi Salafism that follows the Devil, Satan, Iblis , per prescient Hadith of Najd, and make it a living Hell in this life and In the Hereafter, The After Life.
Eagle Eye / October 10, 2019
‘Kewum Kana Sinhala Modayas’ with low IQ managed to defeat the so called deadliest terrorist organization of the descendants of Malabari coolies brought by colonial parasites.
After Moda Sinhalayo buried ‘Eelam’ at Nandikadal along with Prabhakaran, now Sukandiram is trying his best to get the ‘Demand of the Tamils’ by creeping that into the New Constitution. Sinhalayo with low IQ will defeat that too.
R. Varathan / October 11, 2019
EE/HLDM – Your continuous provocation and your deliberate lies that the Sinhala side, lead by the Armed forces – defeated the “deadliest terrorist organisation etc etc” has lost its shelf-life. With your savvy of international affairs please have the decency to admit VP/LTTE were finished by the Western Powers and India after nearly 30 years of fighting. These powers came to the conclusion they (LTTE) were becoming too big for their boots. I do not disagree. Without these, remember VP’s rag tag army of podians overran the well fortified and vastly resourced Elephant Pass Camp – despite a 30:1 advantage. No less a person than Aiyo Sirisena, in different words, admitted recently most Sinhala political leaders then came to accept the reality the Tigers will prevail. The Gamaya further went on to concede these Sinhala champions were planning to leave the country.
Repairing the KKS Airport, Port and the railway infrastructure to the North won’t do. The living standards and Quality of Life of the Tamils in the North should be enabled – as a matter of urgent priority. Hardline Sinhalese, consumed of congenital anti-Tamil hatred – in the clergy, the Police/armed forces and civil society have to come to terms the lot of the Tamils in the NEP should not be further delayed. What the Muslims did, out of sheer desperation, last Easter Sunday is only a warning. If the Tamils are pushed to the wall any further, the consequences can well be unthinkable – to say the least.
This, Sir, is not a threat but a statement of the unbearable feelings of the Tamil Nation.
R. Varathan
Eagle Eye / October 11, 2019
“With your savvy of international affairs please have the decency to admit VP/LTTE were finished by the Western Powers and India after nearly 30 years of fighting.”
If the Hindians did not interfere by dropping ‘Parippu’, Moda Sinhalayo with low IQ could have eliminated Malabari terrorists long time ago. The ‘Karma’ of doing that crime to Native Sinhalayo gave the right punishment to the guy who was behind that. All these ‘International’ guys that you are talking did not come and fight on the ground to eliminate Malabari terrorists. That was achieved by ‘Ranaviruwo’ of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.
As Native Sinhalayo, we would like to give a warning to ‘Koti Diaspora’ and Wahabi Muslims. Do not push Native Sinhalayo against the wall. If they do so, the consequences will be really bad.
Richard Kaz / October 11, 2019
Sri Lanka would have NEVER defeated the LTTE by themselves, get real! The incompetence of your politicians is all around for you to see, do you think this same group can win a war on their own??
Native Vedda / October 11, 2019
Richard Kaz
“Sri Lanka would have NEVER defeated the LTTE by themselves, get real! “
VP defeated the LTTE with the support of Hindians and Americans.
Did VP ever have the interest of the Tamils in his heart when he first started killing Tamils in the 1970s and continued still his demise in the hands of the many so called Single Handed Generals?
He did protect the sovereignty (whatever that is) of this island from Hindians for and on behalf of his Sinhala/Buddhist brethren. I cannot remember a single incident in which he promoted or protected Tamil interest, their dignity, their life and property, ……………………
He made many people rich on both sides of the divide, ……………………. finally the Rajabaksas became very very rich from gold and cash captured in the Vanni.
justice / October 13, 2019
“Malabari” coolies were taught lessons which they will never forget:-
Salim / October 11, 2019
“Now the Sri Lankan Muslims are grater fools to adapt the Wahhabi Salafism that follows the Devil, Satan, Iblis , per prescient Hadith of Najd, and make it a living Hell in this life and In the Hereafter, The After Life.”
99% of the Sri Lankan Muslims have not adapted any of these extreme positions. The 1% are those who have been influenced by those countries who are intent on creating trouble in any country that is peaceful, to further their economic interests. Otherwise why April 21?.And why Catholics with whom, Sri Lankan Muslims have never had an issue?
We Are Sri Lanka / October 10, 2019
All peace loving Muslims
Please refrain from voting UNF who aided and abetted the Easter Sunday Bombings
UNF will never bring peace to Sri Lanka
Sally / October 13, 2019
They should also curse those para racists who terrorized the innocent Muslim civilians, burnt property and harresed.
Also all those who massacuref after the previous elections where the new party won.
Also don’t forget Dr. Shaffi who was falsely put behind bars during fasting.
Be wise and know who the culprits were.
We Are Sri Lanka / October 10, 2019
All peace loving Muslims
Please refrain from voting UNF who aided and abetted the Easter Sunday Bombings
UNF will never bring peace to Sri Lanka
Please cast 1st and 2nd preference to any other political party other than UNF
Noor Nizam / October 10, 2019
Mass L Usuf.
Why are you only writing about what the Sinhalese are doing to the Muslims, but you fail to accept the reality of our Community and expose them?
The question is WHY the Muslims are “BASHED” ? The Sri Lanka Muslim Community, YOU and its POLITICIANS should stand before a “MIRROR” and ask the question WHY? Let us face REALITY and the TRUTH (YATHAARTHAM).
We Muslims are known for NOT leading the Muslim (Islamic Way of Life) bestowed by our belief and FAITH.
We are (especially) the POLITICIANS) are NOT UNITED.
Our dealings are NOT CLEAN with other Communities.
We have BETRAYED the political leaders of the country who are so much loved by the MAJORITY SINHALA PEOPLE.
We are ARROGANT and EXTRAVAGANT in our day to day life.
WE are OPPRTUNISTIC, especially in POLITICS. Our Muslim Politicians have back-stabbed the most loved Sinhala leaders like the former President after STOOGING to him and his siblings and politically destroyed them which the Buddhist, especially the Monks despite.
We will “buy” anyone by our ill earned money power to get our things done, even against our community and its members.
We practice the CULTURE of SMUGGLING and dealing in DRUGS as normal business though it is banned in ISLAM, and we think going to Mecca (making UMMRAH) purifies us from those SINS.
The Bodu Bala Sena and the Anti-Muslim, Anti-Islam Buddhist Monk was made use by our Muslim unscrupulous POLITICIANS and Muslim businessmen to defraud the Haj Quota allocations few months ago.
Gamini / October 10, 2019
It may be some have short memories? Think of how the country was governed during 2010 to 2014 and compare that against how it was governed during 2015 to 2019. The difference is quite a contrast. Decide then on your own preference of governance. If you wish for the 2010 to 2014 style (white van, dictatorial, family rule culture – dark era) vote for NGR. If you prefer the 2015 to 2019 style (freedom of expression and democracy to flourish including judicial independence), vote for SP. It’s that simple as realistically only one of those two will be President elect on Nov 17, 2019. If your preference is to vote for anyone other than these two, indicate who your second preference would be (preferably out of the two main contenders) in your ballot paper. Then you can be rest assured that your vote will be counted in determining your next President. That’s true Democracy in action. No compulsion, no intimidation, no vote buying / rigging!
Sri Lanka belongs to ALL communities who legitimately call themselves Sri Lankans. There are those who wish and want SL to belong to Sinhala Buddhists only (some such individuals live a comfortable life in western democracies enjoying all the freedoms and rights afforded to them in such countries). That is a fallacy. There are those who would capitalise on those sentiments for their own selfish (political) gain. It’s clear NGR and his Group play this racist card at times of elections to further their own political ambitions for selfish motives. Voters, please vote sensibly, putting the Country before Self!
Eagle Eye / October 10, 2019
A large majority of people prefer 2010 to 2014 style because people had confidence on national security. ‘Yahapalana’ Dumbos completely ruined that. White van, dictatorial family rule culture are sheer BS. Only Colombo Toiyas, some NGOs and Civil Society Organizations thriving on $$$$$s want freedom of expression, democracy and Human Rights. These damn things do not put food on the table of ordinary man.
The Royal Gang of the Yahapalana Government ruined the economy. Economy that was growing around 7% in 2014 has come down to less than 3%. The only business that has thrived under this Government is Drug Business. Sajith should share the responsibility for all the mess created by ‘Yahapalana’ Government.
Ralph / October 11, 2019
Leadership means taking calculated decisions. Take risks. And push forward to achieve the targets set.
It was necessary in 2015 to do this aggressively; and Ranil failed. He did not take the bull by the horns and push the economy forward. He did not look at the pluses and was too frightened of the minuses.
I am hoping that Sajith will be different.
Roman Leslie / October 11, 2019
Blind EAGLE you and Soma does not become large majority
Hussain Ahmed / October 10, 2019
All the Muslims in the country must vote for Sajith. As a peace-loving Muslim, I request my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters to vote for Sajith, as so much of hatred and venom is unleashed towards Muslims from Gotabaya’s campaign. However, Sajith is carrying out a campaign which underscores the importance of ethnic harmony and peaceful coexistence among the communities.
Amarasiri / October 11, 2019
Hussein Ahmed,
There is no reason for the Para-Sri Lankan Muslims to vote for Para- Gotabaya, the American, as no documentation files have been presented , that conclusively showed that Gotabaya regained his Sri Lankan Citizenship.
In fact there is no reason for any Sri Lankan to vote for Gotabaya unless this is conclusively resolved. Only the low IQ Paras, whose mean IQ is 79, will vote for him. Based on the election results, one can estimate the IQ of those who voted for him.
In addition there is no reason for the Muslims and Tamils to vote for Gotabaya, as his strategy is to use Buddhism to his advantage, corrupting Buddhism and Insulting Buddha, with all that hatred and racism, to get the low IQ Para- Sinhala Modayas, fools, to vote for him. He needs 70 percent of the Sinhala-Buddhists, to vote for him.
This election is also a test of the stupidity and racism of the Para- Sinhala Para-“ Buddhists”.
PS. All are Paras EXCEPT the Native Veddah Ahethho confirmed by my-DNA studies, in the Land of Native Veddt Aethho.
deshapremiya / October 10, 2019
Usuf Sahodaraya,
Why are you scared to caption this title correctly in this article. The caption should match the reality of ” Tharjana, Bashing and Ethnic ‘Muslims’, and all other minority cleansing. Sahodaraya, call a aspade a spade. This Gootabaya MINNIMARUWA will not be a threat! We will not allow a psycopath of this nature to even come close to the finish line. The man will be finished off and laid to rest in his proper place. American Purawesiya who is American CIA charra-purshaya will descend to his rightful place six feet underground or onto a funeral pyre to be grilled.
Manel Fonseka / October 10, 2019
Not even “come close to the finishing line” ….How I wish I had your certainty.
K.Pillai / October 10, 2019
Surely Mass L. Usuf should have realised by now that the questions he poses in first paragraph will not penetrate the damn lot who project Gnanasara Thero as an Angelic Hero whose ultimate aim is “A Sinhala-speaking Bodu Bala Sena_Buddhist country”.
Amila / October 10, 2019
All should get together and defeat the extremist group ‘ rajapaksha’s ‘ who are creating problems time to time.
People should expose the mask of gota. These are some more reasons why he should be kicked out.
70plus person without any political experience. Not even contested for a local government election.
70plus means not healthy at all. Even during election he has gone to singapore for mental treatment.
He is not going to get medicine from local hospitals means they don’t trust local doctors.
His wife is an american. So is his son. This will put national security and sovereignty in grave danger.
Said to be a vegeterian but responsible for killing and all missing persons during last regime. Hitler too was vegeterian and he was the mass murder of jews. If gota wins he may eliminate all minorities specially muslims and tamils as he hates both factors.
He did almost all things forcefully so he will not care about law and order.
Journalists will be in grave danger
A close ally of Kudu Duminda. Drug dealers will love to have gota. So if you are against illegal drugs and loves your kids. Should vote against gota.
Never trust a parashuteman as they will just come and go.
No proper plan or policy
Eagle Eye / October 11, 2019
“All should get together and defeat the extremist group ‘ rajapaksha’s ‘ who are creating problems time to time.”
Don’t talk BS. Is eliminating Malabari terrorists and restoring peace to all communities a problem created by extremist group Rajapakses? Peace loving people in this country who do not want Malabari or Muslim Wahabi terrorists to raise their heads should vote for Gotabhaya.
Sajith was sitting comfortably while his bunch ruined the Intelligence Service and humiliated ‘Ranaviruwo’ and allowed Wahabi Muslim terrorists to thrive.
Real Revolutionist / October 10, 2019
It is clearly visible that both major blocks (UNP/UNF or SLPP/SLFP) are corrupt.
They’re making every attempts to whitewash themselves but nobody is there to believe them.
People with ethical political minds know that so they can’t vote for them.
The only alternative people have is AKD but his party doesn’t have enough ground support because of their controversial existence in politics since 1970s.
However, If minorities can strengthen AKD it will be helpful in the long run to the country.
Muslim community has an inappropriate social behavior & is bit incompatible with Sinhala community but being with a party made up of down-trodden people they’ll be able to adjust to the situation.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / October 11, 2019
Don’t ever forget. The 1983 Black Riots occurred while the chief opposition was a Tamil Party. If Muslims think they can use their vote to our disadvantage they couldn’t have been more wrong.
In fact, on election day Gotabhaya Rajapakse should instruct the forces to take control of the country. The ballot boxes should be burnt and a military takeover must commence. The only institution that is patriotic and the Minorities haven’t been able to infiltrate is the Armed forces. They are the only ones who can save the country from Islamization.
Kugan / October 11, 2019
rtd shamal
What is it got to do with 83 riots and Tamil party.if it’s in govnt then that might be s issue,after all they were opp.
Don’t threaten the muslims let the individuals to decide,
What a insult for the other insinuations or individuals there are so many of them work hard for the govnt bring the revenue to pay for your wages and perks.
justice / October 13, 2019
Rtd.Lt. R.S.Perera:-
You are referring to only ONE riot – read about the rest.
Kugan / October 11, 2019
Two rtd senior customs officers in police custody all because former def sec asked them to release the ceased 8 kg gold off jaffna sea to build sacred place.
Everyone is scared of this thug,he intimidate threat abuse .they just carried out the orders from dictators family.
Now the case is he don’t have authority so you shouldn’t released it.
Another case where they divert the passenger plane to Singapore to pick his bro in law when he was a CEO .
All because they killed VP then becomes Dutta Gemunu and take.the whole country for a ride.
As far as Tamils concerned it doesn’t make any difference who ever becomes prz.
soma / October 11, 2019
Mr Hussain
A word of advice to my Muslim brothers and sisters:
At this juncture of your history , after what your Wahabi brothers did to us, you need the goodwill of ALL the Sinhalese to move forward. Do not swallow the poisonous UNP propaganda that Rajapaksas are anti minority and risk antagonizing majority of the majority.
shankar / October 11, 2019
you wanted to chase all these people from sinhala majority areas into their own homeland and get rid of the pests for good,but now they have become your brothres and sisters before a presidential election you know gota will lose without their vote.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2019
Being a clever dick soman believes he has clear, democratic and just principles to build a prosperous country. However, his sole intention is to convert this island into a mono ethnic Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto.
I have agreed to give him a ten square mile land in the deep, deep. deep South to realise his fascist dream. The only condition is that he relocates all fellow Sinhala/Buddhist fascists such as Eagle Blind Eye, Weerawansa, Dayan, Champika, Mahanayakas, ….. to the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto.
Siva / October 11, 2019
In most countries this “bashing” you have mentioned take place when extremist go as far as to severe heads of “white men” and let 5-year old kids show them off. In Sri Lanka, for example, animal cruelty (eg. gava gathanaya) and Willpattu land clearance etc. have created some friction. Then the Easter bombing…. the list goes on.
So, look within first before you take this “bashing” line.
Agree, we should work towards one Sri Lanka for SRI LANKANS.
Ralph / October 11, 2019
Leadership means taking calculated decisions. Take risks. And push forward to achieve the targets set.
It was necessary in 2015 to do this aggressively; and Ranil failed. He did not take the bull by the horns and push the economy forward. He did not look at the pluses and was too frightened of the minuses.
I am hoping that Sajith will be different.
Hela / October 11, 2019
” ignoring the other minorities”………I would say it is occurring the other way around. It is the minorities who have shunned GR. After shunning him they cannot complain if and when GR gives priority to demands of his support base who brought him to power if that occurs. Because it is YOU the minorities who decided to exclude yourselves. GR carries the largest Sinhala vote base. It is imperative minorities constructively and positively engage with the leadership of this vote base for their own self interest if not for anything else. Take the case of Gammanpila’s party stalwart. As I understand it was the people like lawyer Ali Sabri whose intervention helped PHU to get the person concerned to leave all that person’s party positions. The writer has not acknowledged the swift reaction by GR campaign in this instance because it would go counter to his demonisation of GR. People like Douglas Devananda, Muzzammil, Athaulla etc understand the folly of the minority strategy vis a vis GR. But they themselves will not be able to do much if they are not backed by a significant minority vote base.
Ranjith(SPRRW) / October 11, 2019
Fierce criticism or bashing is very much needed when recent activities of Islamist terror by Saharan & the clan is concerned. If that trend continue bashing may not be enough but terror for terror may be the reality. Doctrine final goal is to make whole world adhere to their so called almighty Allah or [edited out]. One way of achieving this may be killing of all non-believers as far as people like Saharan are concern. As such others must be resorted to terror for terror tactics and wipe out Islamism from planet with its apologist . That is only sensible thing to do. Otherwise whole country will be yet another Syria or Iraque. [edited out]
Yankee Cohen / October 11, 2019
Why does the Muslim perspective on Sei Lankan political and social life (of Usufs, Lathiefs ans Ameer’s) always pretend to be the most virtuous, righteous and honest?
If only the sound of bombs did not drown their hypocritical, scheming voices!
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / October 11, 2019
Yankee Cohen,
That is the true nature of a Muslim. If you expected anything better than that, it’s your fault not theirs.
Joeseph rajah / October 14, 2019
Sri Lankan’s cannot think logically.
1. They elected SWRD founder of racism and socialism.
2. They elected Srima who never went to university and did not pass GCE OL stayed on Line for 2 hours for one pound of bread. Majority are low IQ people.