8 November, 2024


My Bête Noire, Gnanasara 

By Sharmini Serasinghe

Sharmini Serasinghe

When it comes to the likes of pseudo religious figures viz, Gnanasara, I refuse to dignify such with revered titles; ‘Thera’, ‘Reverend’ or ‘Venerable’ as others do. To do so, would be a downright insult to all those who are genuinely worthy of it.

As a Sri Lankan, a Buddhist and a Sinhalese, I find this man utterly and completely reprehensible, offensive, an acute source of embarrassment and an irritation; in short, disgusting!

This ‘monk’ has, single handedly denigrated the image of the few authentic and revered Buddhist monks of Sri Lanka, both past and present, and turned the mantra “Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country” into a joke. 

Shaving one’s head and donning a saffron robe does not make one a Buddhist monk. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do that and call himself Ven. Bla Bla Bla Thero. This man is nothing but a charlatan in robes and desecrating it in every way possible.   

His foster political parents; demagogues of a bygone era appeared to be enchanted by this ageing puppet’s performances back then, and seemingly gave succor to it with impunity by simply looking the other way. 

The failure on the part of the authorities back then to call a final halt to the appalling behaviour of this flagrant menace and shut him up for good, gave rise to a new breed of Gnanasara ‘s ilk. Intoxicated by his performances, they developed Dutch courage, took the law into their own hands and ran amok. I predicted this over five years ago in one of my ‘Opinion’ pieces, Courting Satan in Saffron Robes right here on Colombo Telegraph, when Gnanasara of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) first raised his ugly head! 

Then, with the political regime change in 2015 the man appeared to have been subdued but, the relief for us was short lived. The Homagama High Court drama made him erupt like a volcano and got him landed behind bars. This is where the likes of him rightfully belong, for the rest of their lives. Alas, the relief for us was short lived, again.

Upon being bailed out back then, he had to open his gab yet again and thrash all hope of him having reformed, despite being incarcerated like a common criminal. This man has no shame!

Reportedly, his public announcement upon being released was, on the need to educate Buddhist monks on the laws governing this country!!! 

By this, was this man implying that pseudo monks like him behave the way they do, as they have no understanding of the laws of this land???

Before his volte-farce on the laws of the land and his seemingly newfound respect for it, Gnanasara is on record for stating that they of the BBS would not subject themselves to the Roman Dutch law, which he deemed as ‘suddhage neethiya’ (white man’s law), and would only abide by the law of the Dhamma. 

Laws of the Dhamma!!! Does he even know what they are???

Was his performance within the Homagama High Court premises, running riot and hurling invective at the widow of Prageeth Ekneligoda, and insulting the court and court officials which ultimately landed him behind bars, his idea of the “law of the Dhamma”?

Has he even heard of the Tripitaka let alone the Vinaya Pitaka; the monastic rules Buddhist monks are required to abide by?

Then he went on to publicly request the Mahanayake Theras (who themselves violate the Vinaya Pitaka with impunity by upholding the repugnant caste system denounced by the Buddha) and the ‘white elephant’ Buddha Sasana Ministry, to include a course on the prevailing law enforcement system in the country, at the end of the Pirivena education or, in the Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Master of Arts (MA) courses, at the end of any Buddhist education in the country. 

To call this man a clown, is a compliment to him and, he’s well advised that it’s better to keep his trap shut and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt!

According to Chapter II, Article 9 of Sri Lanka’s Constitution, “The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly, it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana……..”. 

Is this how the State is giving Buddhism the foremost place, protecting and fostering the Buddha Sasana by seemingly granting carte blanch to the likes of Gnanasara, to make a mockery of it? Is he not openly violating the Constitution of this country? Isn’t this tantamount to an act of treason?

Never mind ignorance of the laws of the land or even the Dhamma, the latter which most label bearing Buddhists don’t have a clue of anyway, isn’t it basic human common sense, decency and etiquette to know how to conduct one’s self, at least within the hallowed precincts of a court house? 

The air of defiance and the obvious lack of remorse or shame displayed by this man as he  was last bailed out  a few days ago only prove, that his theatrics are far from over!!!

In the absence of the Mahanayakes and the State’s seeming inability to have this man disrobed, I ask the ‘legal eagles’ out there, does a citizen of Sri Lanka like myself, have the right in the eyes of the law, to demand him to be disrobed?

Latest comments

  • 36

    well said ,very few will have the guts to call a spade- a spade

    This Gnanasara is a disgrace not only to the buddhism but to all peace loving srilankans and to the nation

    • 3

      NADARAJA: Are you POPE to decide on that ?

      • 10

        He sure cannot be the Ven Annunayake who looks up to Hitler than the Buddha.

        • 3

          And life has not been devised by morality: it wants deception, it lives on deception – but wouldn’t you know it?

          Human, All Too Human

          Copied directly from wiki ………. dunno what it means……… perhaps ye do

          Here I am, beginning again, doing what I have always done, the old immoralist and birdcatcher, ………… speaking immorally, extra-morally, ‘beyond good and evil.’

    • 2

      What is wrong with Gnanasara? He is foreseeing something that others aren’t. He is not tolerating while others are.

      • 2

        What is he “foreseeing”? What is he not tolerating?

  • 24

    I believe that if the law of the land was applied to all citizens without fear or favour , persons of his ilk would have no role to play in Sri Lankan public life. The totally inept and corrupt political system in place today has enabled him to establish a massive following among the masses.

    • 10

      The Oracle

      “The totally inept and corrupt political system in place today has enabled him to establish a massive following among the masses.”

      So are you saying we have 21 million stupid gullible people hence the corrupt political system has enabled the saffron clad thug to establish massive following of the masses?

      If that is the case why don’t we disenfranchise the lot (21 Million Gullible) and let Rajapaksa clan and cronies rule this island forever.

      • 0

        Sinhala Buddhists are a gullible lot. They believed the wanda pethi story in food and clothes.

  • 2

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    • 6

      Stinking edwin rodrigo

      Have you had a bath?
      Ask Taraki to scrub clean you.
      My advice to you is don’t sleep with Carcass.

      • 4

        The advice coming from an animal highly experienced in sleeping with carcasses has to be taken seriously. But I have my misgivings about it. Perhaps the carcass that you slept with was not really a carcass but someone pretending to be a carcass. Perhaps the ‘carcass’ considered another session with a Kalaveddah would be worse than death and pretended to be dead.

    • 3

      OK. As they say, there is more than one way of skinning a cat. So I will put it this way. Layersons persons should not decide whether a monk is genuine or not. It is the responsibility of the concerned Sangha organization to do that.

      All monks alive today are normal people and there are no Arahaths among them. Therefore, they are not perfect.

      As an example, before we worship our parents, do we consider how good they are? No. We worship them not for their lifestyle but because they gave us life and brought us up the best way they can. It is so when we worship a monk too.

      However, the choice of worshipping another lies with the person who is supposed to worship and it is not right to force anyone to do so or not to do so.


  • 1

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  • 11

    Whoever opposes , the Most VENOM ; Gnanasaraya will contest next presidential election…. Alas .. Hitler is going to reincarnate…..wearing kaavi redda ..

  • 20

    The pretty lady is spot on . These are the real Buddhists of our nation with beautiful culture and heritage. We don’t need any bluffing balu theros like this nutter to destroy Buddhism this country
    Hitler has created so many slimy sevalayas like this, greece yakas etc. God bless Srilanka

    • 2


      The Dhamma can never be destroyed as long as mankind exists but, Sinhala-Buddhism which encompasses all that goes against the Dhamma, will!


  • 6

    Sharmini Serasinghe – he is well liked by the Sangha and the politicians……so you are in a sticky wicket here, borrowing the cricketing term.

    One option is to bring back the LTTE ?

    • 5

      One option is to bring back the LTTE ? – Rajash: A good way to earn some money for the rent when you live overseas.
      Bad Bad..Bad LTTE. they screwed up NGOs.

    • 4

      Unless you have a factory that can create LTTE don’t expect even a similar group for another two scores of years in the minimum as the North lost two generation of youths. Its sad but that realty.

      • 1

        Burt – I know…and I don’t want another armed struggle…….this is a sarcastic comment for our Sinhala Buddhist Racist…..the Ganasara’s of this world were lying low….during the LTTE time

  • 12

    The problem is the spineless Heads of State and the Judiciary, to some extent. I heard that it is MY3 who personally aw to it that, this moron of a monk be granted bail on Friday, for fear of losing his Sinhalese vote base further and the Judiciary also caves in. If all the accused are allowed to file for appeal and granted bail, where does the law and order situation go. May be this is the reason why, even the Police had to take the ultimate role of justice by shooting to death the criminals.

    This country of ours has gone to dogs is an understatement, it has gotten worse than that and to top it all is the Maha Sangha tacit approval for all these thuggish behaviour of a rogue of a monk who even was charged for drink driving. Now we have an edict by the Sangha to hand over the reins to a Hitler.

    How low and bad can things get in the land of our Native Veddhas. Where are all the right thinking men and women of our country, my word I can go on and on.

  • 13

    Sharmini; Good to have you back on CT again!

    Is there a process whereby This Gnanasara can be condemned to a ‘Pissang Kotuva’?
    Sorry, Mental Hospital?
    That seems to be the most suitable venue for Him!

  • 15

    Well said; same with any religion. White racist so called Evangelical Christian leaders also fall into this genre. They are into the prosperity gospel and accumulating wealth. They are charlatans who run TV shows and collect money for their mega churches by preying on the insecurities of Americans. Damn bunch of frauds who are exempt from paying taxes because they claim to be religious institutions. Just wearing a robe, a cloak and a collar etc doth not make a holy person or a spiritual leader. Somarama was an assassin. Look at the number of Catholic priests who were pedophiles covered up for by the Church itself for so long in Ireland, US, Australia and so many many places. No o one knows if they keep silent in Sri Lanka and India too. The systemic cover up of those pedophiles was appalling. Thanks for this very different view.

    • 0

      MANO RATHWATHTHE: I wrote in more than one place. either SOMARAMA or BUddhaRakhitha di dnot invole in any murders It is WAs OZZE KOREA. IT was carried out by a foreign country via the church. there is evidence to that. Read my comments else where.

    • 0



      You are spot on but, I believe that Buddhists of Sri Lanka need to get our house in order before we dare throw stones from glass houses.


  • 9

    Absolutely agree with you. It was SWRD in 1956 who “let the genie out of the bottle”. Believe there are 15 Buddhist Priests in Prison at present, not sure for what crime. The robe which should be sacred is utterly abused. Anyone can shave their heads, get into a saffron robe and commit crime. Race riots over the years have seen this in broad daylight. Politicians dance to the tune of the Maha Sangha. Is this how the state protects and fosters the Buddha Sasana. The Maha Sangha are getting too big for their boots (or slippers) and no Political leader will have the courage to clip their wings. Governments in future will face huge problems to control the Maha Sangha who will dictate how the country should be run.

    • 4

      Maha Sangha who will dictate how the country should be run.- they govern the country already by proxy…even the cricketers are not sparred….they get this stupid blessing form the men in saffron robe….and ever since they have been losing all the series and worlds cup matches.

      everything the men in saffron at the Sangha touch goes bad….including the country, the economy, etc etc

    • 0


      It was the JHU that let the latest “genie out of the bottle.

      Politicians dance to the tunes of the “Maha Sangha” who themselves are guilty of violating the Vinaya, by practicing all that goes against what the Buddha preached. Hence the State and its Constitution are protecting these Sinhala-Buddhist racist and caste conscious “monks”, not the Dhamma.

      As you correctly say, no government will have the courage to call the Maha Sangha to book so, it’s up to the moderate Buddhist laity to unite and do so.


  • 12

    Several Christian clergy openly supported LTTE terrorist outfit. Has the Church taken any action against them? Supporting terrorists is much more serious than threatening someone. No one talks about these ‘White Clad Black Belt’ holders.

  • 8

    It is sad that Sinhala/Buddhism has come to define Good Buddhists, as those offering Flowers and Gilanpasa in the accepted Manner, and repeating all the Gathas with the correct Accent!

    Sinhala/Buddhists believe that Dana means offering Food to Monks!
    Don’t Shramadana, and other Ways of Giving, Fall into this Category?
    Sila and Bhavana seem to Fall by the Wayside!

    Mara and His Goons set the Fashion, that the more ‘Pirith Nool’ One tied on One’s Wrist, the better Buddhist, One was!
    Buddhism is fast Reverting to All that the Buddha Rejected!

    His Message was:-
    “Those who recite Many Scriptures, but Fail to Practise their Teachings,
    Are like a Cowherd Counting another’s Cows”
    – The Dhammapada Verse 19.

    • 1

      RAtionalist: That dhammpada verse is for Sinhala buddhists who read quran and for you protestants.

    • 1


      What you say is absolutely true.

      What is practiced by most Sri Lankans under the Umbrella of ‘Buddhism’ is nothing but a blend of Hindu cultural, ritualism, idol worshiping and symbolism that bears no resemblance or has no relation whatsoever to the Buddha’s Dhamma.

      In fact, all these practices though may be deemed harmless, go against all what the Buddha stood for. However, these practices have sapped the essence of the Dhamma and that in itself is harmful to the Buddhist.

      The reason for this is that, the majority of those in this country who label themselves ‘Buddhists’ are those who were born to Buddhist families. Therefore they did not become Buddhists through an understanding and conviction of the Buddhist doctrine but were simply ‘born Buddhists’.

      Buddha’s teachings viz. the Dhamma in its pure form, is too deep and complex a philosophy to be understood by the average, undisciplined and uneducated mind, including those who call themselves Buddhist monks; its teachings, therefore, are greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted by ‘born Buddhists’.

      Thus a majority of those Sri Lankans who label themselves ‘Buddhists’ and practice it as a religion do so, with their own perception of it or simply because others did it before them and continue to do it; follow the herd instinct!

      ‘Buddhism’ as practiced by most Sri Lankans is a ‘religion’ that satisfies the simple minded majority of, a basic human need; divine assistance in the hour of need.

      The root cause of this phenomenon is that Buddhism has no God to appeal to in times of crisis as in other faiths. The average human being needs a supernatural power to cling and look up to when faced with a crisis, and in this regard, the Dhamma fails to deliver.

      Hence, the conversion of the philosophy of the Dhamma, into a ‘God Buddha’ worshiping religion!

      • 1

        It is obvious from this Sharmini, that you know very little about the Dhamma.

      • 2

        Your last Sentence, makes me Think that the ‘God Buddha’ was invented a long time ago, when Buddhist Monks were concerned about the vast number of Lazy Sinhala Buddhists, converting to the Easy Religion of Christianity, where the Hard Work was handed over to ‘Someone Up There’!!

      • 0

        Sharmini Serasinghe “What is practiced by most Sri Lankans under the Umbrella of ‘Buddhism’ is nothing but a blend of Hindu cultural, ritualism, idol worshiping and symbolism that bears no resemblance or has no relation whatsoever to the Buddha’s Dhamma. “

        Sharmini – not sure why you are dragging Hinduism here. If you want to criticise the modern day Buddhism as practiced in Sri Lanka do so without dragging other religion in to the “Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist mud.”

        Hinduism is a liberal way of life. Hindu priest don’t go about attacking Buddhist Temples etc

        in fact it is the Buddhist who taking over the Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka and injecting Buddhism in to all these temples. The famous one being Katragama. now they are targeting Nallur Kandaswamy Temple and Koneswaram temple in Trinco.

        with due respect to you …You are not qualified to talk about Hindu religion

    • 2


      “Buddhism is fast Reverting to All that the Buddha Rejected!”

      Isn’t it Sinhala/Buddhism bordering on Fascism?

  • 5

    he is as disgraceful as tamil separatist and muslim fundamentalists

    • 1

      Why don’t u stick to the Sinha lad and leave the Muslims alone

  • 5

    Failure by authorities has let situations leak to this extent. High time rectification measures are instilled to all Buddhist clergy to toe the line of discipline that is needed to up keep the dignity of the Buddha sasana. In this respect other relegions are not faulting like our Buddhist monks who are seen acting at whim & fancy : thus needs to be curtailed to maximum.

  • 2

    No they must be worshipped especially by women on heat.When they bend and worship, they touch the big toe and that will decide her fate.If the man says Upasaka amma see me tomorrow, she knows the her day is nmade and not one day many a day if she is good on the bed.

  • 2

    Good as Pork meat

    • 0

      you mean Pork Choppe?

  • 8

    Best piece of writing so far I ‘ve read about this thug..i do not like to call him monk. If he is a monk he would not behave like this..
    This writer is so creative in eliciting his action

  • 3

    SO, this is the strategy to devide the Sinhala buddhist vote ? who will be the common candidate supporting the civil society and NGO/INGOs this time ? Ranil the Lichchavi King from anglican Land.

  • 1

    Based upon your opinion ,you have Penned it well.

    But what we sometimes fail as responsible individuals to understand is that everyone has their own heroes ,and he is one for some .

    What is wrong is to generalise Buddhism &,The Monkhood as a whole ,like what’s happening with the Muslim community worldwide .

    By doing so one side you are giving the person unwanted attention and on thee other end even the ones who are against such extreme ideology tend to join the club

    Most Muslims ,especially the young are today very frustrated ,because they are at the receiving end of what the extremist are guilty of.
    They are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea ,

    Now a new Terror group had be arrested in time , in France they were to kill innocent Muslim Civilians ,had that happened ,can you imagine the repercussions!

    What is required is for the true Monks and true followers to spread the word of tolerance.

    That is all what is needed ,if one can not live in tolerance ,he or she will live each day as hell within .

    A Muslim. Should be able to sit next to a man who eats pork and tolerate it ,a vegetarian should be able to sit next to a beef eating Muslim and be able to tolerate it .

    If that is not possible then create cantons and let each different group decide their lifestyle.

    The biggest lie to feed people with is that federal system leads to separation ,to take one incident like Spain and deny the successful ones like Switzerland, it is to make milking Cows out of the mass.

    If we can’t do that then yes , like The Ven.who asked Gota to become Hitler ,would become a reality.

    Only a Remake of a Hitler can achieve that wish ,where everyone must be subdued or eliminated.
    That is the raw truth .

  • 6

    I agree with you Sharmini. It is interesting to note the times and periods when he is active and when he is inactive on the political arena. There’s an un-nerving pattern in it. Sometimes he’s not to be heard or seen, but at others he’s everywhere riling people up.

    He is nothing but a puppet who is being used by some master to stage manage crises and create chaos at opportune political times for the master and his henchmen to take advantage of people’s emotions. He does this regardless of the short – or long-term consequences of his actions.

    There are many like him – majority being buddhist monks, but also catholic priests and muslim clerics also follow the same patterns.

    These people do not deserve the traditional respect accorded to them by the masses. Their actions should be called out and when illegal they should be punished and disrobed.

    Our island is a multi-religious nation. We need to preserve that diversity if we are to stay one nation.

    • 0

      Who is the puppet master?

      The above might give you some indication.

    • 1

      sinhalese buddhist

      “He is nothing but a puppet who is being used by some master to stage manage crises “

      Does it matter who manipulates him for political advantage as long as the law is being applied equally to all citizens. The Mahasangha if genuinely Buddhists should have thrown Vinaya book at him long ago. They are cool on Hitler.

  • 5

    Gnanasara is a narcissist. He has boundless ego and gets satisfaction from media coverage. . He can out-foul-mouth anyone. He can come out with descriptions of degenerate sexual activities which will make one wonder “How the hell does he know these!”
    In French, Bete means beast and Noire means black.
    Sharmini Serasinghe: You remember not long ago Muslim shops were set on fire. Accidently or otherwise Gnanasara was nearby. He was on the run i.e. a fugitive. Some big names harboured him. If Gnanasara is Bete Noire there are several Bete Noirest Noire around.

    • 1

      K. Pillai,

      ‘Bête noire’ in the context I have used it means, a person that one particularly dislikes.


  • 3

    I do consider Sharmini a closet racist but as this topic had little or nothing to do with minorities but the harm to Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhists she has penned some sense.

    Constitutions are built with one of the guiding principles of “One Person One Vote”. This emphasizes that every person is treated equal in the eyes of the law and justice. So when the constitution it self says :

    “According to Chapter II, Article 9 of Sri Lanka’s Constitution, “The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly, it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana……..”.

    It is discriminatory and makes everyone other than a Buddhist a second class citizen. If this was stated for a minority race or religion it could be justified as the state it trying to protect against extinction of that race or religion and I don’t think any race or religion meets the threshold.

    If any Buddhist wishes that TRUE Buddhism flourishes in Sri Lanka they should support a new constitution that treats all citizens equal, centers on governance of the country and seperates religion from politics and also bans people in religious vocations actively involving themselves in politics.

    • 2

      Gotabhaya has given a fantastic response to those dumbitiots who are making a big thing out of the monk’s sermon. He said alms giving was a private affair and the monk gave a sermon. He said only intelligent people can grasp the meaning/message in the sermon and those who criticize should listen to the whole sermon instead of picking a piece out of that and try to make a big show. President addressing a meeting told he will never allow a dictator in this country. Who the hell is he to decide that? It is people in the country who decide the kind of ruler for the country. If the people think they need a strong leader/dictator to take the country out of the mess created by ‘Yahapalana’ Government, so be it.

  • 2

    Shaving one’s head and donning a saffron robe does not make one a Buddhist monk – It is the sAme thing. Just saying I am buddhist and sinhalese doe snot make eithe rof them.

    Just BS

  • 3

    A picture is worth a thousand words. What is a video worth???

    Buddhism redefined in Sri Lanka.


    • 3


      Thanks again.
      Have you noticed the saffron mob tends to imitate Nazi Salute.
      Have you also noticed how much hatred in their faces?
      Good example of Sinhala/Buddhism.
      Again the policemen were being humiliated.
      Where was STF?

    • 2

      Eventually the STF was brought to deal with the saffron and other rent a mob. Why was STF reluctant to use firearms?

      Have you seen Taraki, Helass, somass, shenal, sach, ………………. among the mob?

      • 2

        “Eventually the STF was brought”

        And What did they do? They were pussy footing like a bunch of fa–ts.

        They really dint have to use firearms, they could have used pepper spray or beat the crap of the monks leading and the others would have fallen in line and then arrested the whole bunch.

        I have not seen this type of behaviour from religious personnel in person or video in any other country or religion.

        • 2


          “I have not seen this type of behaviour from religious personnel in person or video in any other country or religion.”

          That is why I prefer/chose to call them saffron clad thugs or saffron mob.
          Please do tell us if there is another better way of calling them other than saffron clad thug or saffron mob.

  • 2

    Here is a party that the Sinhala Buddhists could support.

    ‘Only ministers under influence of drugs can condemn killing of criminals: JVP”

    These are the same guys after two failed uprisings called Tamils terrorists. :)

    • 3


      Hypocrisy runs right through the JVP.

  • 1

    His Holy Highness, Most Venerable Gnanasara thero doesn’t care what useless traitors think of him.
    REMEMBER, Buddhist have a right to defend themselves, their heritage, their faith and their country- Sri Lanka.
    If you want to listen to soothing ‘dharma deshana’ then there are plenty of other monks for it. Great Gnanasara thero’s assignment is to save Sinhala-Buddhist country from invading cunning 4 million Muslims. He’s almost successful in his endeavor.[edited out]

    • 6

      Quoting from the post above.
      “he’s well advised that it’s better to keep his trap shut and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt!”
      The above goes for you too.

      “Buddhist have a right to defend themselves”
      As a Buddhist what was he defending by attacking the widow of Prageeth Ekneligoda?
      “their heritage”
      Can you please state what is their heritage and what part of it is threatened?
      “their faith”
      Do you even have a clue of what Buddhism teaches? How is their faith threatened?
      “their country”
      Buddhists could be a majority but the country does not exclusively belong to them. I am shocked to realize even with free education this is what Sri Lanka is producing.

      “Great Gnanasara thero’s assignment is to save Sinhala-Buddhist country from invading cunning 4 million Muslims. “
      Don’t you think you should first stop your women going to Muslims homes to be servants? Within the country without Muslim businesses how many Sinhala Buddhists will be without a job.

    • 7

      John – “His Holy Highness, Most Venerable ..” my foot! You must be sniffing and also washing Gandasara’s underwear!

    • 2

      Ven. John Thero,

      You are absolutely correct.

  • 4

    Where was this Buddhist Monk when the LTTE was fighting for a separate country in Sri Lanka.

  • 1

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  • 1

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