By Feroze Shamsudeen –
A recent holiday back to my (once) beautiful Sri Lanka proved to be a journey to hell. I wanted to cherish the dreams of my childhood in what was once the paradise on earth but had to return to my second home deeply disappointed and angry.
My childhood seems like tales from a fairyland. Sri Lanka has changed. Racism, violence and hate have become the norm in Sinha-le Sri Lanka. The Tamils have been crushed and humiliated after the brutal war victory and now it’s my community, the Muslims that are targeted. No one trusts each other in Sri Lanka anymore. Children no longer play cricket on the streets, TOGETHER. They are ethnically divided even in sports. 20 years seems like two centuries, to come back to a land that was once heaven on earth.
The much-hyped government of good governance that was elected in January 2015 with the promise of peace, tranquillity, and dignity to all Sri Lankans has become a pawn in the games played by some extremists. These include some saffron robed racist bigots who probably are on a paid mission to bring back the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to power. A left over suicide bomber of Velupillai Prabhaharan may be needed to settle this threat once and for all for the 6.2 million voters.
Maithripala Sirisena, the current president could have stepped in where Mahinda Rajapaksa failed to be the bridge between communities after winning the protracted civil war, which liberated the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. I see Maithripala playing the racist card and hoping to become popular. In my opinion, he is turning out to be the greatest racist of them all when he got Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe to elevate the sadist Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero to the same level as that of the Mahanayakes in meetings at the presidential secretariat. My guess is, he would soon outdo the Rajapaksa dynasty. What a sad end to the promised Yahapalanaya.
The once respected Mahanayake’s too have started prostituting in politics probably fearing a threat to their comfort zones. They too want this land for the Sinhalese. The saffron politics is becoming a tornedo. Ashin Wirathu, the face of Buddhist terror has already paid a visit. Aluthgama, where my aunt lost everything seems a precursor. The international Islamic Terrorists, like ISIS, Al Qaida, Taliban, Boko Haram etc.. will soon be at our doorstep at the invitation of some bloody extremist Muslims. The saffron brigade is opening the doors for them that could lead the country to another 50 years of armed conflict.
The Wattalapam loving neighbours I grew up with are no longer our friends. The school that I attended is as strange as it could be, because they would no longer take any from my Muslim community. The mosque that was part of my childhood does not welcome me any more because it has been taken over by a few fundamentalist ideologists, the females in my extended family I knew so well will not speak to me anymore, because they have been forced in to exile behind a black veil by their fanatical men. Religiosity or at least the outward appearance of it seems to be visible everywhere amongst my Muslim community. The mosques are fuller, but there seems to be no serenity, the women are well covered but seem to expose their nakedness in humanity, our children are segregated, most of them schooling in exclusive Muslim schools or the so called International schools set up by rich illiterate businessmen. The kids in these schools have no opportunity to be friends with kids of other ethnicities.
What has gone wrong with my beautiful country? I forgot my dream holiday and started talking to my once brothers and sisters from the different communities. I realized that quite a few of them do not believe that I belong to them anymore. My 20 years in greener pastures have deprived me of my country, culture and traditions. I started believing that I am an alien in my own country.
I started loafing around in the Malls of the new elite shopping centres that have sprung up during the last 20 years. Many of the window shoppers were Muslims, easily identified with their Islamic clothing covering their ever-emerging bulge. I was wondering whether I was in a mall in Dubai. I soon realized that the only entertainment these women have is window-shopping in their spare time? There was the conspicuous absence of the Mullah clothed Muslim men, but there were plenty of good-looking Muslim boys in designer clothes and flip-flops, flirting around with young women. I couldn’t figure out whether they were after the Muslim girls or not as their eyes were set on scantily dressed women. Most of them spoke English with a foreign accent convincing me that they were the kids of the nouveau riche Muslims who have attended international schools. They probably have left their traditional shop keeping and are ready to leap into the corporate world of entrepreneurship.
My Biryani and Watalappam loving Sinhala “uncle” next door is now a big racist. He sees us Muslims as Islamic fundamentalists or extremists and feels that the Arab world has financed us to colonize Sri Lanka. He thinks that my Muslim sisters are breeding children like rabbits and not registering their births even though his daughter and my sisters have only two kids each. He thinks my brother has multiple wives, as he has never seen my sister in law’s face. She even covers her eyes with a net veil, a real ninja for sure and my bloody brother can take any women along the streets in that attire. My neighbours do not have access to our house as they used to when my father was alive because of the fundamentalism of my brother. Their late night political discussions with strong cups of coffee would never come back to our generation. We have become distant and lost.
I was bored, depressed and angry for coming home. I pulled out the duty free scotch that I bought for my eating-drinking uncle Farook and forced myself for dinner with this lovable character. He has three beautiful daughters who I believe are to be amongst the best human beings, but they are still single past their 30s. Their mother died some 10 years back of cancer, and my uncle who was a devout husband hit the bottle more by the day. For my Muslim community, he doesn’t belong to the current day Islam, so it would be difficult to find Muslim suitors for my beautiful cousins.
I opened the bottle of scotch for him (I am a teetotaller) and asked, “what’s all this racism that has set in”. He said, “BULLSHIT, the Sinhala Buddhists are probably the most humane race on earth. Its all because our buggers in Mullah clothing and women in Ninja dresses. Just look at your sister in law. That is the curse that has befallen us. It’s these Mullah buggers who have made all these ‘ableeq’. Almost every one of them has more than one wife and they want to hide them behind the bloody face cover called Niqab. The eyes of these buggers pop out at the sight of a Redda Hetta Manike, but want to hide the faces of their women. The mafia called ACJU headed for the last 21 odd years by the biggest extremist of them all, Mufthi Risvi is the biggest despot of the community. There is probably no other Muslim despot who has ruled his kingdom as long as this sadist. They dabble in everything Muslim from halal food to pedagogy but don’t know Islamic governance. This bugger has not been chosen to lead by Islamic principles but by ballot fixing and bribery. They are the cause for all our problems in Sri Lanka. They are the ones who are taking our Muslim community to the Stone Age. This has triggered off violence against us, the traditional Muslims. Yes, that is what this new Anagarika Dharmapala – bloody racist, Gnanasara calls us, Traditional Muslims.
The fourth glass of scotch brought back the history of the contemporary Muslims. Now, with a slight stammer, my uncle Farook started. “You remember, Uncle Somasundaram from 36th lane? He was also a good friend of your father. He phoned me from Canada and asked why our f… mullahs went to Geneva against the Tamils. You see, that Risvi and his Mullah lot were kissing the ass of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the brother of Mahinda Rajapaksa. All these fellows were taken on a luxury trip to Geneva for the Human Rights session to support the Sri Lankan Government. He was given a duty free car permit to import a luxury vehicle. The Tamils, curse us from that day onwards because we betrayed them and supported the genocide of over 300,000 Tamils. Gotabaya also played the Buddhist extremists against the Muslims and since then, fellows like this stud, Gnanasara started dancing to the tune of Gotabaya and his bunch of murders. Our Mullahs are accused of getting millions by John Keells Susantha and the Chamber of Commerce to give up halal. That CIA agent, Millinda Moragoda was behind this. Risvi demanded and got millions as compensation to support his Mullahs who would be out of work at the Halal unit.
They are the ones who support him to lead this Muslim religious mafia. This Mufthi bugger tried kissing Ranil’s backside, but Ranil has better men. Now he is supporting Mahinda Rajapaksa to come back to power, so that he would be showered with more privileges and probably another duty free permit.
He is also leading the division of Muslims by objecting to the reforms proposed to the Muslim Marriages and Divorce Act. Our Colombo ladies claim that they have been fighting for this for over 30 years. Quite honestly, I don’t care a damn about some of these loose women who want to be on top of the men, but by doing this, Mufthi is distancing the Muslims from the UNP, claiming that the UNP is working to an Israeli/Western agenda. Mahinda Rajapaksa, the racist might get back on the saddle.
I agree, we must bring reforms against polygamy and child marriages. You know, uncle Deen’s daughter from Mount, Sherine? One of these fellows got a big dowry and the house. He was married to her for 5 years and they had three children. Then, one day, he had told her that he is getting married again and left. He didn’t even divorce her. This girl has no one now and no alimony or childcare allowances. All what uncle Deen possessed was given to this bastard. Some of these Mullahs want to marry girls as young as 12 years old. Bloody perverts! Those days, they used to abuse all the young boys in Madarasas like what Ganansara types do in Buddhist temples, but now they have got the taste of young pu…..! They can have fun legally for a few years with some young blood, give them a few babies and leave them in the lurch, as the Muslim women do not have rights to ask for alimony or even a divorce. The fundamentalists control the Quazi system and they are all males. No women can complain about her sexual needs or impotency of her husband. A man can just throw out his wife by saying “TALAK” three times. So our fellows can take many wives, and throw them out as and when they want. So, they want to keep these archaic traditions that are not truly Islamic. Islam has placed the Muslim women at the highest pedestal, but these mullahs misinterpret and treat them worse than slaves. That is the curse that has befallen the Muslims in Sri Lanka. We lost our peace and the friendship with the Buddhists. We lost our Sinhala neighbours because of these religious bigots.
How about this new fellow Ganansara? Oh, forget him. He is a politician and modern day mercenary like any other opportunist. I hear he is an eating drinking man like me. He was fined Rs. 10,000 for drunkard driving. Imagine a man in cīvara, drunk and driving! I also hear he has a women and child in France. He cannot be as bad as we hear. He doesn’t want to live in the temple and behave like a traditional hamuduroo. He wants the life of a Mahanayake with luxury vehicles, public and political recognition and above all lead a good life – wine women and song. See, I have this fellow dancing in my phone, which is also on YouTube.
He has chosen to incite hate against the Muslims like Anagarika Dharmapala, SWRD Bandaranaike or Cyril Mathew because that will keep his coffers filling. Our fellows have fallen in to his trap. He is a smart ass who knows what to say when and where to incite hate. He has also managed to split the Muslims by calling them traditional and new Muslims. The divided Muslims are providing him the ammunition to fire all around. There was a Muslim Hajj operator who went and complained to him because some Muslim minister bugger had played out his Haj quota. What a bunch of hypocrites. These Muslims are the ones who are divided on ideology and are funded by the Wahabi Islam from Saudi Arabia who are forcing archaic values. Now, the Shia’s also have come in with the support of Iran to propagate their brand of Islam. We had the Borah’s who are Shias but now we also have Sri Lankan Shia Muslims.
Tragedy stuck the Farook family, Uncle Farook died two days later. I probably lost the last logical Muslim I knew. He got a Muslim burial at the Dehiwela cemetery in an unmarked grave and no one objected. I am not sure what caused his sudden death, as he looked hail and hearty. But one thing is for sure; he was very uncomfortable with the extremist Islam he was seeing amongst the Muslims. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him a decent place in heaven, because he was a good human being with a huge heart.
I am not sure how many more of “Uncle Farooks” are still alive in the Sinhala, Hindu and Muslim communities. They are a dying breed that love this country and will not compromise on the principles of humanity and justice. What can we do, other than try to follow in the footsteps of the dying breed of uncle Farooks that would bring mutual respect amongst all religious and ethnic communities in this pearl we call home, Insha Allah. I have decided that I shall not return unless the Muslims reconcile with our Buddhist brothers and sisters. Ma‘a Assalama.
Shenal / October 12, 2017
The writer is threatening the Sinhalese community in the guise of ISIS terror. I say, bring the Muslim terrorists here. They will learn a valuable lesson just like Prabha did. No intimidation can make Sinhalese weak but only stronger. If Muslims and Tamils need to live peacefully they should first learn to respect the true natives of this island first.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
“No intimidation can make Sinhalese weak but only stronger.”
But only stronger in their capacity to be stupid.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen
“Its all because our buggers in Mullah clothing and women in Ninja dresses. Just look at your sister in law. That is the curse that has befallen us. It’s these Mullah buggers who have made all these ‘ableeq’. Almost every one of them has more than one wife and they want to hide them behind the bloody face cover called Niqab. The eyes of these buggers pop out at the sight of a Redda Hetta Manike, but want to hide the faces of their women. The mafia called ACJU headed for the last 21 odd years by the biggest extremist of them all, Mufthi Risvi is the biggest despot of the community. There is probably no other Muslim despot who has ruled his kingdom as long as this sadist. They dabble in everything Muslim from halal food to pedagogy but don’t know Islamic governance. This bugger has not been chosen to lead by Islamic principles but by ballot fixing and bribery. They are the cause for all our problems in Sri Lanka. They are the ones who are taking our Muslim community to the Stone Age. This has triggered off violence against us, the traditional Muslims. Yes, that is what this new Anagarika Dharmapala – bloody racist, Gnanasara calls us, Traditional Muslims.”
Thanks. You hit the nail on its head. Stupidity and Wahhabism. It is making the Muslims stupider and stupider, with the inability to reason and think. Their IQ ‘s are dropping as well.
Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power
appubaba / October 13, 2017
Oh, this is the reson we fought a war went on to 30 years shenali … what do you know about sinhalaese. I am ashamed to call MYSELF sinhalaya today. Ballige Putha Rajaakshe betrayed us all. Now we are branded as sinhala buddhist and sinhala le or the like extremists. Shame on you.
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
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Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“Oh, this is the reson we fought a war went on to 30 years shenali … what do you know about sinhalaese”
Remember, the IQ’s and perhaps stupidity are normally distributed, a Gaussian distribution. There is the mean, the fractions below the mean and above the mean. In Sri Lanka, the IQ mean , average, is 79, and the average Sri Lankan has common sense. That is why MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa AmaNa MaRa HoRa MaRa DhaushaNa MaRa, was defeated on January 8, 2015, despite being MAHA RAJA.
So, Shinali and her peers, must be falling in the IQ category below the mean 79. How low? Perhaps one standard deviation, 15 points, below 79 = 64. An IQ of 64. How does one categorized such IQ’s?
Current Wechsler (WAIS–IV, WPPSI–IV) IQ classification
IQ Range (“deviation IQ”) IQ Classification
130 and above Very Superior
120–129 Superior
110–119 High Average
90–109 Average
80–89 Low Average
70–79 Borderline
69 and below Extremely Low
appubaba / October 15, 2017
I trust YOUR comments Amarasiri .
enlighten us please with the constructive arguments as to why lanken folks repeat their mistakes.
Even if they may be with lower IQ, but their LITERAY, LIFE EXPEECTANCY; Child Mortarlity rate, AND other social indicators are believed to be comparable that of Singapore.
BEING the only nation in the SA region to own such HIGH values, but to repeat their STUPDITY against and again is my LONG awaiting quesiton, with noone yet failed to leave constructive responses.
Who on earth – would vote to BASTARDs of WEERAWANSE OR UDAYA Gonthadipila nature ? But we experienced it again in the last election. And it is known fact WP is the province in the country where most edcuated folks live. But Weerawanse to score over 300 000 votes just in that PROVINCE ?
Either PEOPLE have been suffering from INDIFFERENCE, TAKING FOR GRANTED, or full ignorance. They dont care about the canddiates but the cool rherotics ?
Please tell me This is bloody important us to get the real picture of THE TORN nation:
Do you think it is the MEDIA MAFIA that keeps the MAJORITY down there that DARK ?
I mean yet Media seem not playing a good role making aware of the NATION.
They just react to their COMMERCial agendas.
I hope you will add your thoughts to this. Thanks you APPU BABA:
Sam Fernando / October 15, 2017
I think it is just LANKENS in general are very stupdid folks that is why the repeat so.
Amarasiri / October 16, 2017
“And it is known fact WP is the province in the country where most edcuated folks live. But Weerawanse to score over 300 000 votes just in that PROVINCE ?”
WP and Colombo District, 300,000 preferential votes out of about 1.5 million voters?This is about 20% going to Wimal Buruwamsa.
Let’s assume ( we know) that the average IQ is 79. So there are 750,000 voters whose IQ’s fall below 79. This is this 750,000 and 300,000 voted for Wimal Buruwamsa of 2/2 =0 fame, Buruwansa “Algebra”.. Based on your comment, it is more likely those 300,000 who voted for Wimal Buruwamsa, belong to the bottom 1/5 of the IQ distribution, and the indications are that as a group, their IQ’s are below 64, one standard deviation (15) below the mean of 79.
“Do you think it is the MEDIA MAFIA that keeps the MAJORITY down there that DARK ?” “They just react to their COMMERCial agendas”
You are onto something here. The media keeps them in the lime light, and that is the face they see. So, they vote for the known face. The grass eaters keep watching and keep buying. goods. Remember the cut outs by MaRa, which we all hated?
Sam / October 12, 2017
‘True Natives’ you say? You mean Veddahs?? Because the rest are all travelers- just different times of landing.
Aththa Menna / October 12, 2017
May be true of the Portuguese, Juch and British Jews. But the Sinhalese and Tamils have lived as lon as the Veddas here. It was the Jews RL Spittel and Leonard Woolf who spread the Vedda myth to justify their invasion of the Jumbudweepa. May history curse them.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
Aththa Menna
” It was the Jews RL Spittel and Leonard Woolf who spread the Vedda myth to justify their invasion of the Jumbudweepa.”
What was the Veddah myth?
old codger / October 12, 2017
Aththa Menna is the comedian with a Jew stuck in his eye, who appears intermittently under different names.
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
That depends on the 273 sample that amarasiri’s research group used.with a bigger sample, results would have been different.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Yes, with a bigger sample population, it will further confirm that Sinhala and Tamils, are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, irrespective of the sample size, because intrinsic (belonging naturally; essential.) parameters are being measured, and not extrinsic (not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from outside). parameters are being measured.
Full Aricle link given below, free.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Aththa Menna,
“But the Sinhalese and Tamils have lived as lon as the Veddas here.”
First, it was the Native Veddah Aethho, who walked to clain the land 8,000 to 30,000 years ago when the sea levels were low. Afterwards, the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils much later, probably starting 2,500 years ago, to run the pristine land of the Native Veddah Aethho. The evidence is there o the DNA and genetics of the Native Veddah Aethho and the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils.
The data confitms that the Sinhala and Tamils along with the others, except the Veddah Aethho are Paras.
Reference and Full Scientific Human Genetics Article.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 7 November 2013; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations (PDF Download Available). Available from:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258335458_Mitochondrial_DNA_history_of_Sri_Lankan_ethnic_people_Their_relations_within_the_island_and_with_the_Indian_subcontinental_populations [accessed Oct 14 2017].
Amarasiri / October 17, 2017
Aththa Menna
“But the Sinhalese and Tamils have lived as lon as the Veddas here. It was the Jews RL Spittel and Leonard Woolf who spread the Vedda myth to justify their invasion of the Jumbudweepa. May history curse them.”
Menna Attha, Here is the Truth/ Mahawamsa is Mostly Boru, Pacha., lies. As claimed in Mahawamsa, with Kuveni and Vijaya, and their children, the Veddah do not have genes from Para-Sinhala from India, Furthermore, no Lion genes or Tiger genes were found in the Para-Sinhala and the Para-Tamils
The data confirms that the Sinhala and Tamils along with the others, except the Veddah Aethho are Paras.
Reference and Full Scientific Human Genetics Article.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Shenal / October 12, 2017
Veddhas are native just as the Sinhalese. Veddhas are the offshoot of the ancient people which had inhabited this island for about 30,000 years. You got any doubt about that statement?
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
“Veddhas are native just as the Sinhalese.”
No Sinhalese are the descendants of Kallathonies. There isn’t any scientific evidence to prove Kallthonie Sinhalese are genetically related to my people.
Please find your mother of all unhappiness and cry on her shoulders.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“Veddhas are native just as the Sinhalese.”
Native Definition: belonging by birth to a people regarded as indigenous to a certain place, especially a preliterate people
Are the Sinhala, Tamils, Muslims etc. indigenous? What does modern biology and human genetics say? The modern genetics study says, unequivocally, that the Native Veddah Aethho, are the original Indigenous Natives of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, and ALL, subsequent arrivals are new comers, called Paras.
Therefore, all subsequent arrivals should be called correctly, newcomers, Paras, just like calling spade a spade, Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils, Para-Muslims, Para-Portuguese, Para-Dutch, Para-English etc.
Original Reference with Original Genetic Studies and Data is given below.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations (PDF Download Available). Available from:
Reference and Full Scientific Human Genetics Article.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Amarasiri / October 17, 2017
“Veddhas are native just as the Sinhalese.”
Incorrect. What is correct is that Veddahs are natives, and the Sinhala, Paras, i.e. Para-Sinhala
Veddahas, the Native Veddah Aethho, are Natives. ALL others are NOT Natives. They are Paras, forefingers, strangers, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Modern molecular biology and genetics confirms that with substantial anthropological evidence as well as geological evidence of climate changes on Earth.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
A Case Report: the Coastal Vedda Community Trapped in the Civil War in Sri Lanka
The country’s original inhabitants are known as Vedda people and there are three Vedda types in Sri Lanka: Stone Vedda (Cave Dwelling Vedda), Village Vedda and Costal Vedda. Unlike the first two groups who are located in the middle of the country with hunting and gathering subsistence pattern, the Coastal Vedda inhibits the Eastern shoreline of the island and practices maritime fishing
Unlike in the claims of Mahawamsa, no lion genes were found in the Para-Sinhala, (and no tiger genes were fund in the Para-Tamils, as claimed by LTTE), but INDIAN GENES.
As claimed in Mahawansa, on the Kuveni Story of the Veddahs, Native Veddah Aethho genes dd not comprise 50% Para-Sinhala genes.
Shenal, go with the facts, data and observations, not with the lies and imaginations of the Para-Monk,, Mahanama, because they will write and do things for their own-self interest, just like the politicians and monks do these days as well.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
“Because the rest are all travelers- just different times of landing”.
Travelers? Para-Travelers? It’s time for the travelers to get back to their homelands, India, Bharat, Damba Diva, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, South India etc.
Somapala Appuchamy / October 12, 2017
“learn to respect the true natives of this island”
True natives??? You mean the Veddas???
If the Majority (Sinhalese) need to live peacefully in this island they should learn to respect the Minority (Veddas, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, and so on). Otherwise they will continue to suffer just the way they suffered for 30 years (mass destruction of life and property, begging the world, sending women slaves to mid-east for foreign exchange, making SL a pariah state, etc.).
Ravindran Ponnambalam / October 14, 2017
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Raritythoughts / October 12, 2017
Well written article but may be it is his own thoughts. Very subjective. You can not just generalize from what you just got to see during your stay.
Like you, I have been living on the west for the last 3 decades and I keep travelling to the country at least once a year. I though get hurt being unable to see people’s silly attitudes down there, like for example, most of them are so lethargic and wait GOVT to do almost everything for them. What should be eaich of their role ? There are sentiments that would support RACISTS and EXTREMISTS groups, but most of them have been weakened by the current govt. Little by little only, they the rulers can go for it. Did not you see it yestreday in lanken local news telecast, at the time, Namal baby was arrested for all the alleged criminal acts, some roads were seen as equipped with burning tyres or the kind of sabotage activities.
Just imagine, how would it be, if FORMER PRESIDENT would have been convicted to all his varioius crimes deliberately commited during his high days, there, for sure, as was the case in Jayalalitha s death in India, people would start rioting again.
That is how the average mind set has been made in that part of the world: And the buddhist fundementalists would go on protesting until convicted criminals would have been set free.
I think we need to achieve lot more in the line of law and order in order to shape up the society, after than we can expect GOOD GOVERNENCE to be practised.
Please dont be judgemental just because you got to see them during your few weeks holidays, you can generalize them down there.
At the time, barbaric Rajapakshe were in power, they abused it to the core.
Colombo was filled with his portraits as if I travelled to Zimbabwe, I thought. Today, though the placards are there, but the current duwo would not ABUSE it the manner MR et al did it .
Do MR et al have any acceptable argumetns as to why the bugger abused srilanken airlines today with no flights coming to EUropean desitnations. It was just because he wanted to have it as his PVT taxi or not.
I think Rajapakshe should be chased away to Swaziland in order us to feel free from the all last.
Kirthi / October 14, 2017
The way you see MR and the previous regime who brought peace to Sri Lanka is quite normal in the eyes of a Tamil or a yahapalane supporter such as you. How about the bank robbers of the present regime. This article was not about Rajapakse.
Silva / October 12, 2017
“I say, bring the Muslim terrorists here.”
Damn Fool!
Can’t you remember how the people of Sri Lanka suffered for 30 long years with terrorism? You want to invite terrorism again? You may not be living in SL but you ask anybody in SL about those days, how people went to work and children went to school, not sure if they will return alive, deadly fear on daily basis. What a stupid moron.
Shenal / October 12, 2017
So you say we have to succumb to this ISIS terror threats and submit to Muslim will? Is that the correct thing to do? Convert or die by the Islamic sword? I believe that many Sinhalese are free people unlike you lot.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
“Convert or die by the Islamic sword?”
Even if you converted to ISIS brand of Islam you are going to die in their hands anyway.
“So you say we have to succumb to this ISIS terror threats and submit to Muslim will? “
First you learn to keep your mouth shut.
My Elders tell me, try not to invite a devil which may be minding its own business and passing over your head, and then don’t place a ladder for it to climb down, and don’t give it a stick and ask the devil to beat you up.
But then you have a habit of self destruction.
Ravindran Ponnambalam / October 13, 2017
We know how strong the Sinhalese were during Prabha. Every Sinhala coward used to tuck his tail in to their backside and run at the mere mention of the LTTE. The traitor Muralitharan who was enticed by Ali Zahir Moulana at the strategic instructions of Ranil Wickramasinghe made the difference in the war. Karuna is the biggest traitor of the Tamils, and he will face the bullet of the Tamils for sure.
Hilmy Ahamed / October 13, 2017
Nonsense, where in Islam does it say convert or die. Islam clearly says لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ. Lakum deenukum waliya deeni “To you be your religion, and to me my religion …
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed ,,
Why did Islamic knowledge rise and then fall, making Muslims fall behind? Mullah, Ulama hegemony? Are the Saudi Wahhab-Salafis following the Mullahs?
Neil deGrasse Tyson Cleverly Educates On The Downfall Of Islam
Neil deGrasse Tyson brilliantly explains the downfall of Islamic advances.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed
“Nonsense, where in Islam does it say convert or die.”
What is God? According to 13 year old genius physicist – Max Loughan.
He says, God is Energy, and everywhere.
MsMaralathoni / October 13, 2017
No ISIS factor to even mention here. I dont think writer has added it intentionally. He sounds to be a moderate muslims, else he would not tolerate his uncle to continue taking alcohol.
Please dont give terror a chance again. This nation was beaten enough for the last 30 years.
Uthungan / October 13, 2017
The writer says he is a teetotaller. Now is that a red signal to be mindful after his revealation of what happened to his Happy Go uncle and his three untouched daughters.
Leelawathie / October 12, 2017
the writer himself sound to be very one sided.
He has written it so good but the content has no substance.
So no worries. The guy has arrived to the country after 20 yearrs. can you imagine ?
Fazil Ahamed / October 13, 2017
Leelawathie, Yes, the writer has come after 20 years. May be he is a beggar in the USA but what he writes is reality. He has bashed Muslims more than anyone else. Is that not enough for you, Binntenne leelawathie.
Leelawathie / October 13, 2017
Fazil, that is not enough if I may say so.
How can a man who just returned to the country after 20 years to have a clear vision about the country.
I also live on the west and I though make my statements, but I would not become that judgemental to be honest.
It is no easy to make anything correct in a society where the uneducated folks are the majority. This has been the number 1 problem in all developing countries. But while living on the west, we can make efforts to see bring new systems to the country. Just putting the feet on the land dominated by signficant fractions of extremists and culprits would always be there to stand against. Be it introduction of new laws or systems, have faced stumbling block whenever the politicians were about to bring them.
As some Uni dons have made it very clear, the discussion culture is not yet familiar with the average mind set and so we need to let them take more time.
You fazil may know this as a journo. And the other problem is you journos make not genuine efforts taking the side of the innocient people. So long those gulliable folks stay blind and deaf only you people can abuse them further for your commercial gains. Good luck. I meant good with all SRILANKENS no matter what race, religion they belong to.
Binthennna leelawathie
Amarasiri / October 19, 2017
Fazil Ahamed,
“Leelawathie, Yes, the writer has come after 20 years. May be he is a beggar in the USA but what he writes is reality. He has bashed Muslims more than anyone else. Is that not enough for you, Binntenne leelawathie.”
Is the writer bashing the Muslims, or telling the Truth? Is he calling a spade a spade. What is wring with that? Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton, all did that to the Catholic Church. Aren’t the Saudi Wahhabi-Salafis following the Devil, Satan, Iblis?
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
The Most Honest Arab Muslim On Planet Earth, above.
Spring Koha / October 12, 2017
What a load of old bull you write. The first thing about ‘respect’ is that you earn it. Sadly our Sinhalese changed when our (Sinhalese) politicians fed them with a whole lot of shit in the early years following ‘independence’ as ‘democratic’ power beckoned. NOW, the cock-a-hoop racists bastards in saffron are hell bent on taking on the Muslims. Muslim-bashing is now flavour of the times. Like we pushed the Tamils, we will try it on the Muslims. It will be a big mistake; a death wish. As usual, we will suffer disproportionately – the larger the community, the larger the suffering.
Your tic-brained statement about ‘true natives’ simply exposes your ignorance but this I suppose is something that we have to suffer in the interest of free speech. There is no such thing as a true ‘native’ – just a matter of degree. But that concept will be beyond your comprehension.
You were right to come back, but sadly you were wrong to expect things to have changed, hence the misery that failed expectations bring. There is no ‘war’ in Sri Lanka these days, but the reasons for those 30 years of misery have not been resolved. Eight years on and we are still feeling our way to reconciliation but there are so many road blocks on the way to that utopia. Come again, but don’t expect too much. Enjoy the many delights of this land like no other, but do not expect miracles – especially ones that depend on political will. However hard we all try, the road to true peace is a long and rocky one, with many a false turn.
Shenal / October 12, 2017
There are several ways to earn the respect. But appeasing the minorities are not any of the better ways to gain the respect.
Have you ever wondered why people have started to bash Muslims recently. I think if you were able to educate on that subject you will be little wiser of the discussion we are having.
Sinhalese are the true natives of this island. If not where did they come to this island? From India? And if you say from India, I will be compelled to ask where exactly did Sinhalese come from India and what happened to the rest of Sinhalese who had continued to live in India? Can you answer those simple questions mate?
Kumar / October 13, 2017
“Sinhalese are the true natives of this island.”
Did your grandma tell you this as a bed time story? Didn’t your history tell you that Sinhabahu’s grandson the bandit prince Vijay and his 700 men, a set of criminals who were exiled from Sinhapura (North East India) in a boat that accidentally landed in an island where there were people already who were worshiping the snakes (Naga). Vijay and his men annihilated most of those tribes to establish his kingdom. Did not your grandma tell you that the biggest kallathonies were Vijay and his men (the forefathers of the Sinhala race) whose descendants are the Sinhalese?
Those Nagas (Tamils) were the people who belonged to both Sri Lanka and South India. From the very ancient time, Lanka (as first mentioned in the Ramayana) was a part of South India. South India was only a walking distance from Sri Lanka before the sea levels rose. Have you not seen the NASA SHUTTLE IMAGES OF A MYSTERIOUS ANCIENT BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND SRI LANKA? During the early historic period, the Island of Sri Lanka was not a Dhamma Deepa of Buddha but a Siva Bhoomi – the Land of Siva right from the beginning. As confirmed by Dr. Paul E. Pieris, in the ‘five corners’ of the island Lanka, there were five ancient historical Ishwera temples of Lord Siva (Nuguleswaram, Munneswaram, Koneswaram, Tondeswaram, and Katheeswaram). There was NO Buddhism in Sri Lanka until Emperor Asoka’s missionary monks led by Mahinda converted the Hindu (Siva worshipping) King Muta Siva’s son Prince Thissa to Buddhism in the 2nd century BC.
Samayan Jayathilaka / October 13, 2017
You are so naive baby shanal.
What happened to the rest of sinahalese left behind in india ? Do you think those could have surivived as one origin for such a long time. Sinhalese are just one another tiny origin moved out of India (bengali and south) to Srilanka centureies ago.
So then tell us, what is the bond between Veddas and Sinahalaya… if you argue that we the sinhalaese are the true natives, why the veddas were isolated in the country ?
Is that fair ?
Man, or woman, you have been utterling BS of loads. I think you better read about our origin before at all start the kind of discussions fooling us.
We have to stand against EXTREMISM collectively, Just not criticising Rajapakshe extremists must NOT do: We need to make aware the majroities about the harm being done by Rajaakshes abusing SINAHLA BUDDHISM for their political intoxications.
We the country shoudl well be awaere that our past had since long been affected by fanatic buddhist monks.
Just to give them place to lead their racism should be BLOCKed by every means.
I am even to LOCK up today MOST AGGRESSIVE MONKS that are in public domain if buddhism and buddhist to be protected.
We as buddhists should practise tolerance against our minority folks.
The question is not that we are true natives, Question is rather why our folks cant practise tolernace. We are all srilankens- we deserve all SAME rights. There is no one ethinic group above the other.
There are folks of various diversity living in Europe, but after them being offfered the citzenship, they have all rights to exercise equal opportunities.
That is the case in Germany, That is the case in UK, That is the case in the Netherlands, why not in SL ?
manisekaran / October 13, 2017
How come thsi country still suffers when fair minded sinhalese like you there! It beats my heartbeat to death miffed! Between my wife’s friends are sinhalese and I learn from her that they are nice!
old codger / October 13, 2017
“Sinhalese are the true natives of this island. If not where did they come to this island? From India? “
Nowadays you don’t have to depend on the Mahavamsa or speculation if you REALLY want to know where the Sinhalese came from.
Here is a link to the Dutch tombu in the National Archives with a list of landowners in Kaluwamodera, Kalutara :in the 17th century.
Please note that many family names are of Kerala origin , like Teenkuttige / walimunige/ Unga Kammantige/ Wettikarage,/Aremakuttige, etc .
Nowadays, their descendants are plain Fernando, Dias , Cooray, etc.
So Mr. Shenal, you have evidence from an incontrovertible source about where the coastal Sinhalese at least came from, and not very long ago at that. If you don’t want to believe the evidence, that’s fine, but please don’t keep repeating this question in this forum.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
old codger
We in this forum have sach, bloody nuisance, thrishu, sarojini, Champa, Shenal, somass ji, Jim, ………………………………………………. who think(?) and utter like clever dick. There are lot of information available on net, libraries, good book shops, ……………………………
Let the stupid do some home work.
They enjoy asking stupid pet questions however they are least interested in learning. Have you noticed the stupids pat other stupids on their back. They are part of the mutual admiration society.
Uthungan / October 13, 2017
Why did you miss out HLDM (Highly Loaded Dimwit Muttal) in your list?
By the way if you let me know your e-mail address I can send you something that would make you dance if you had not seen it already.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
Please note I have left ……………… line above, please fill in the blanks with all the liars, racist revisionists, Muttals, bigots, southern black necks, ………………….if I haven’t mentioned.
Probably they believe making falls statements and constantly haranguing twisted version of history gives them respect as Sinhala/Buddhists.
Sinhalese or Buddhists do not have such problems. They are cool.
Amarasiri / October 19, 2017
Native Vedda,
“Let the stupid do some home work.”
Do the stupids know how to do homework? If they did, they would not have been that stupid.
Buramphisincho / October 19, 2017
Yes exactly ..
maalumiris / October 13, 2017
Can you answer those simple questions mate?
Can you ??
Suggest you stop posting and cementing your idiocy
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
“Suggest you stop posting and cementing your idiocy”
Please don’t deprive us of free fun. This is the best that Sinhala/Buddhism has ever produced.
maalumiris / October 14, 2017
You’re right – This IS priceless stuff – as good as any “Naadakan” ..
I am feeling bad that we don’t have to pay for this type of classic entertainment.
Jamis Banda / October 15, 2017
There is plenty of evidence of pre-historic mankind in Sri Lanka (Fa Hien-lena near Bulathsinhala, Batadomba-lena near Kuruwita, Beli-lena at Kitulgala, Alu-lena at Attanagoda and so on). People lived in many countries in the world from times immemorial. There would have been many ancient tribes and civilizations in the South Asian region (India and Sri Lanka) very similar to other countries like Africa, China and so on but most of them disappeared over time. The last of them in Sri Lanka are the Veddas but however, they have very little to do with the present day majority (Sinhalese) in Sri Lanka. In other words, the present day Sinhalese and Tamils are NOT the offsprings of the pre-historic generation of Sri Lanka. The present day population (Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims) are migrants and their ancestry is in India (the latest genetic study on Sri Lankan population proves it). Only the Veddas are the original natives of Sri Lanka who descend from the pre-historic people of Sri Lanka. Why there is no Sinhala in the present day India is because it must be one of the many lost tribes/civilizations of North India.
Amarasiri / October 12, 2017
Shenal, Para-Shenal, a Para-Sinhala, like the other Paras
” If Muslims and Tamils need to live peacefully they should first learn to respect the true natives of this island”
The Para-Sinhala, the Para-Tamils, the Para-Muslims and the other other Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho should first pack up and leave for their Para-Homeland, India, Bharat, Damba-Diva, to Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Andra Pradesh and South India, and let the land of Native Veddah Aethho, resume its pristine place, before the degradation by the Paras and their Para-Beliefs and Para-Religions.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112
From the phylogenetic, principal coordinate and analysis of molecular variance results, the Vedda occupied a position separated from all other ethnic people of the island, who formed relatively close affiliations among themselves, suggesting a separate origin of the former.
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
The Vedda Tribe
Shenal / October 13, 2017
The article you have mentioned has no credible references for their conclutions. Besides it is very difficult to pinpoint the actual veddha DNA as they have intermingled heavily with Sinhala and Tamil people. This is noticed by Dr. R.L Spittle first. So it is safe to assume that this article has no vaild points.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
1. “The article you have mentioned has no credible references for their conclutions. “
Good to be a skeptic, as it is requirement in science. However, in the face of actual facts and data, the skepticism should be revisited.
Richard Lionel Spittel: Richard Lionel Spittel, CMG, CBE, FRCS (commonly known as Dr. R. L. Spittel) (9 December 1881 – 3 September 1969) was a Ceylonese Burgher physician and author. He was one of the foremost experts on the Vedda community. However, his evidence is very limited, and the referenced article from 2014, explains it better, using modern genetics.
Most of Dr. R. L. Spittel’s life he did not know about DNA, and the role DNA and RNA played in generics and evolution.When he died recombinant DNA and molecular biology and genetics was at its infancy. He never knew about the genetic data supporting human evolution from Africa. He never knew about Chromosome #2., and its fusion from two primate chromosomes But we all know about them now.
This article, is an original article, The article says ” It has been hypothesized that the Vedda was probably the earliest inhabitants of the area, followed by Sinhalese and Tamil from the Indian mainland.” In order to test the hypothesis, they did, testing and evaluations.
“This study, in which 271 individuals, representing the Sri Lankan ethnic populations mentioned, were typed for their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment 1 (HVS-1) and part of hypervariable segment 2 (HVS-2), provides implications for their settlement history on the island. “
So, this is actual data, and takes the knowledge to a new level. It is like Copernicus, Darwin, Kepler, Newton, Darwin, Einstein and others- they make advances.
Sinhala from India are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho!
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
“The article you have mentioned has no credible references for their conclutions. “
This is an original article, where they produced the experimental and statistical data. While it is very good to a skeptic required in science, you also need to accept facts and data.
Please see the Original Article in Full, in the following link.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental population
“This is noticed by Dr. R.L Spittle first.” His information is dated and science especially molecular biology and genetics have advanced considerably since then.
Conclusion: Sinhala, Tamils, Muslims and others are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, except of course, the Veddah Aettho.
old codger / October 13, 2017
The Veddas may not have been the first inhabitants. They are classed as Australoids. There was an earlier wave of Negritos, who are more African in appearance. They still survive in parts of India , but were probably wiped out by the Veddas here.
SJ / October 14, 2017
Negritos are inhabitants of the Andaman & Nicobar islands and not mainland India. Their origins are not African.
There are African communities in India (one a kingdom once) but of much later origin. Sri Lanka too has Negro communities who live in small pockets located on the west and east coasts.
old codger / October 14, 2017
There are still Negrito tribalcommunities in the Indian mainland. Their origins are not directly African, but they look more African than the Australoids.
As you say, our (African) Negro communities are of colonial origin. It seems there are African Negro communities in Maharashtra too.
old codger / October 14, 2017
There are still Negrito tribal communities in the Indian mainland. Their origins are not directly African, but they look more African than the Australoid (Veddas).
As you say, our (African) Negro communities are of colonial origin. It seems there are African Negro communities in Maharashtra too.
Native Vedda / October 14, 2017
“Sri Lanka too has Negro communities who live in small pockets located on the west and east coasts.”
It was Federal Party’s fault.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
old codger,
“They still survive in parts of India , but were probably wiped out by the Veddas here.”
Or they never made it to the Land of Native Veddah Athho.
Ever since the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, landed illegally in the land, the Native Veddah Aethho habitat has bee shrinking, and their populations in decline.
Modern generics reveals the true story, if one can get hold of the genetic materials. .That is how Neanderthal and Denisovan genes were isolated.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.
Given below is the full paper on the natives of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, that shows that the Sinhala and Tamils, along, from 2014 that is statistically valid.
Amarasiri / October 17, 2017
old codger and others,
Ever since the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils, landed illegally in the land, the Native Veddah Aethho habitat has bee shrinking, and their populations in decline.
A Case Report: the Coastal Vedda Community Trapped in the Civil War in Sri Lanka
Conference Paper · May 2015 with 33 Reads
Conference: 6th SSEASR Conference, Colombo
maalumiris / October 14, 2017
{i]”The article you have mentioned has no credible references for their conclutions…. So it is safe to assume….”[/i]
ROFL !!! You couldn’t afford the fee, right ?
I am looking for any credible, peer-reviewed references for [i]your[/i] inane spoutings. Can you direct me to some please ?
Native Vedda / October 14, 2017
“Can you direct me to some please ?”
Are you being serious? You will never get proper response to your questions citing reference from sach, thirishu, Eusanse, soma, Champa, Shenali, ……………………………
This is a gang which is not interested in truth, information, knowledge, right and wrong, ………………….
When they find themselves in tight corner they disappear for a few days then appear with different pseudonym.
Too clever aren’t they?
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
maalumiris and Shenal
Given below is a free link, no fee for the complete peer reviewed article. No need to make assumptions!.
Justice & Fairplay / October 12, 2017
Shenal, how stupid can you get?
The disappointment in me (an old sinhalaya) cannot be expressed in words.
What a shame on a once very proud and fair race!
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
Justice & Fairplay
“Shenal, how stupid can you get?”
Shenali, Shenali Waduge, sach, bloody nuisance, ———————————– are part of the SPUR-ista gang and great admirers of the public racist and a liar HLD M. Hence they too have become seriously stupid and racists.
Read Shenali Waduge’s long typing “Why is everyone silent about 443 years discrimination against the Sinhalese?”- The most unhappiest female to be born in this island couldn’t ask an intelligent question.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 13, 2017
443 years ago Shenali Waduge’s ancestors , as well the ancestors of most of the present day so called truly indigenous Sinhalese Buddhists were living in some South Indian village in what is now modern day Tamil Nadu, then Tamil speaking Kerala and Southern Andhra. Truly indigenous indeed when the Sinhalese DNA is 70% Indian Tamil and 25% Bengali. Waduge means the Telugu house ,or from the house of Telugu. Another variant of this name is Baduge Vadugu is another name for Telugu, as in the Tamil language Vadakku means north. Basically meaning the northern language. Telugu people are also called Vadugan or derogatively Vaduva in Tamil. Jaffna Tamils derogatively use the term Vaddakathaiyan , meaning the people of the north. Now largely used for Indian Tamils , however the term originally meant the Telugu, to all Tamils , , especially after the Telugu Naickers invaded the Tamil country in India , and made many of the native Tamil Vellalar landowners ,as well the Tamil Brahmins destitute and powerless. They imported lots of Tamil hating Telugu Brahmins to the Tamil country and made them powerful. Many of whom are now calling themselves Tamil Brahmins but still indulge in anti Tamil activities. This is why Sinhalese rulers are welcomed in Tirupathy. Many of these now destitute Tamil Vellalars arrived in the Vellalar stronghold of Jaffna and took refuge. With them they also brought this hatred for the Telugus who took over their lands and homes. Hence typical Jaffna derogatory, saying about Vaddakattaiyan
John / October 16, 2017
You are on the money! I have looked into the research of several Tamil nationalists from India and the one thing they all expose is the upper caste telugu conspiracy that is operating not only in southern India but Sri Lanka also. Nice to see Tamilians waking up and realising what is really going on.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Justice & Fairplay
“Shenal, how stupid can you get?”
Stupidity is a virtue for some Paras, especially Para-Sinhala “Buddhists.” Just check their IQs.
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
Amarasiri: FYI: Sinhle people are living for over 2500 years under mostly Dravidean South India. They have sometimes rules South Indians. Except for once for 60 years, every tme they have beaten South Indians. We have own unique civilization. YOu are muslims. and have no specific identity. but, respect others. Don’t impost your lack of self esteen on us.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
“FYI: Sinhle people are living for over 2500 years under mostly Dravidean South India. They have sometimes rules South Indians. “
The Native Veddah Aethho have been living between 8,000 and 30,000 years, until the Paras came and destroyed their habitat and civilization, which they lived in harmony with nature. The Paras should get back to their Homeland India, Bharat, Damba-Diva, Bihar, Bengal, Kalinga and South India, whatever their beliefs are.
The full genetics paper is given below. Enjoy. If you have difficulty in understanding and comprehending, ask somebody who understands. No point in asking people who do not understand. Avoid blind leading the blind phenomena.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
MsKothalahimbutu / October 13, 2017
Let s say, if there exist a STUPIDOMETER… that evaluate 1 (less stupdity) to 10 (stupidiest).
The numbers for shenal would be 10 plus.
Got is Justice, these men or women should learn a lot before coming to the kind of arguments.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“Let s say, if there exist a STUPIDOMETER… that evaluate 1 (less stupdity) to 10 (stupidiest).”
For them, stupidity is a virtue.
LEELAGEMALLI / October 12, 2017
I think ANY UNEDUCATED DOMINATED societies, filthy mouths like WimalWeerawanse or anyone that woudl stand against minority folks and their grievances can polarize easily.
Being in Europe, I feel, if many in UK would stand against foreigners, there are enough parties to back them.
But average in Uk are no like that.
So is the case in Germany too. Recently held election showed it again even if 13% of voter elibible voted for AFD ( anti foreigner partei still not nazi like) most rejected them.
Last two years, over million of syrians and other refugees let entered the country led by Dr Merkel irrespective the resistance showed by In AND OUt of Germany. That went out at th etime, all other neighbouring countries kept quiet about the masses of Refugees coming from Syria.
However, it was very human byy Germans the manner they treated them with human kindness. Angela merkel was attacked by monotv cocktails,by those who stood against, however, she got reelected for the 4 th time. Can you imagine ?
What more we need to prove to say, people in Germany are more tolerant today than had ever been in the history.
And lankens fought a war, but even after 30 years of brutal war related alarming issues, they seem to have NOT learnt much.
If Ballige putha Rajapakshe would leader extremists in thie country, Almost half of voter eligible would back him. Like for exmaple 5.8 our of nearly 15 millions of voters almost 40% voted for him and his thugs in Gernerl election.
This confirms the GROUND reality of the country.
Most would not focus on EQUAL opportunaties for all born to this country, instead they consider their own communities.
I think religious forces should get together and discuss all these like that DAHAMPAHNA pastor does. Then we can achieve our goals at least b<y 2030.
Hamlet / October 13, 2017
Why can’t the Sinhalese understand an Unbiased Opinion, whoever makes it!! Why bring Racism into it?
Sinchoappu / October 13, 2017
Hamlet nangiye,
let me correct you here. “why cant SOME sinhalese understand an unbiased opinion, whoever makes it “
Bringing Racism into the scence has been mobilized by POLICIANS over the last few years. They have been abusing the religion to keep the folks in dark and harvest on it.
Rajapakshes have been the main problem in this country. They are born hypocrities.
People regardless of RACE Rleigion, and other factors should know that Rajapakshes would never love all alike. They just abuse the nation for their political intoxications.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 13, 2017
Who are the natives for Tamils to respect. Certainly if the natives are Veddhas, but no one else. Veddhas are the rightful owners of the land and have genetic similarities with Adhivasis of Tamil Nadu. The first settlers of the island are Dravidians as evidenced by the presence of urn burial sites in northern and north-western parts and the latest discovery in Galewela. The discovery of pottery in northern province similar to those discovered in Tamil Nadu shows that the same people lived on both sides of the divide. The first religion to be practiced in Srilanka is Saivaism and not Buddhism and the first language used for communication and administration in Srilanka is Tamil and not Sinhala. Did you hear of the recent archaeological findings in Settikulam by a group of experts led by Buddhist monks, where they have unearthed an ancient civilisation subject to carbon dating which they believe to be over 10,000 years old. Similar extensive archaeological studies are conducted with modern equipment, it will be proved that the first seat of rule in Srilanka was Trincomalee by Tamils and not Auradhapura by Sinhalese. Now that racist claim by Mahawamsa is increasingly being proved wrong by genetic, geological and archaeological studies, it is high time Sinhalese stop their false propaganda that they are the sole owners of the land.
Sinhala_Man / October 13, 2017
Dear Dr Gnana S.,
It doesn’t help when you try to match false Mahawamsa propaganda with skewed propaganda of your own. I just don’t know Tamil, but in the University something was explained to us in English by Drs Poololasingham and Thilainathan. They told us about works like Thirukkaral – don’t now ask me what specific things were said. We just listened respectfully.
The question is, how similar was the language used by the inhabitants of Trincomalee (supposing your arguent is valid) to the Tamil of today? How many of the descendants of those people have now become folk who now speak more Sinhala than Tamil? Also, how many of them adopted Buddhism? It may be that many did in a middle period, and then their descendants may have gone back to Saivaism. On the other hand, how many of the “Sinhalese-Buddhists” of Anuradhapura may have moved to the Jaffna Peninsula to have become (or to become – slight difference there!) the spouses of Tamil speakers, and thus become “Tamils”? It’s hopelessly mixed up!
Let’s all try to be less dogmatic.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 14, 2017
Dear Panini AKA Sinhala Man, There is no question that both Sinhala and Tamil population in Srilanka is intermingled as evidenced by the recent two genetic studies. Tamils have become Sinhalese and Sinhalese have become Tamils. Similarly Hindus have become Buddhists and Buddhists have become Hindus. How many Sinhalese are accepting this fact. Even in this columns we see people challenging the findings in the genetic make up. Sinhalese are claiming that ancient Buddhist temples in north and east belong to Sinhalese who had moved out from those provinces, where in fact they were those of Tamil Buddhists who had later converted to Hinduism. Recently a seat of power of the Veddhas has been unearthed in Kadiraweli denoting that they had sovereignty over certain parts of Srilanka. Has this ever been mentioned in Mahawamsa. Similarly ancient stone inscriptions have been found in Trincomalee proving the presence of Tamils in the area for over 2000 years. Until a few days ago, no one would have believed that an ancient civilisation of more than 10,000 years existed in Settikulam in Mannar district. Similarly if extensive archaeological survey is conducted the truth about ancient Srilanka will be known. Problem is that this will not be to the liking of majority of the Sinhalese who are brain washed along the Mahawamsa doctrine. who will prevent such undertaking.
Kumar / October 14, 2017
There was NO Buddhism in Sri Lanka until Emperor Asoka’s missionary monks led by Mahinda Thero converted the Dravidian Siva worshipping King Muta Siva’s son Prince Thissa to Buddhism in the 2nd century BC. Following Prince Thissa, a large number of the Dravidian tribes in the island embraced Asoka’s Buddhism, Aryanised/Prakritised their speech, learned to write using Asoka Bhrami script, adopted Asoka’s Lion symbol (Indian Lion) and the Dhamma Chakra (also called the Asoka Chakra), accepted the Asoka Buddhist culture and implemented Asoka’s technology to build Stupas, Chaitya, Viharas, Sangharama, and so on. Similarly, there was NO Sinhala race/tribe in Sri Lanka until the Mahavihara monks created it in the 5th century AD. When Hindu/Brahmanical influence posed a serious challenge to Buddhism and when Buddhism started to lose popular support and the patronage from the rulers, the Buddhist institutions in India came under attack. The Mahavihara monks of Anuradapura including Ven. Mahanama, the author of the Pali chronicle Mahavamsa and a close relative of the Buddhist king Dhatusena witnessed the decline and disorientation of Buddhism in India. The events that took place in India against Buddhism must have prompted the Mahavihara monks in Sri Lanka to come up with a plan/strategy to protect Buddhism. Due to their strong devotion to Theravada Buddhism and desire to consolidate and protect this religion in Sri Lanka from Hindus, Jains and Mahayana Buddhists, they have decided to write the Pali chronicles Deepavamsa/Mahavamsa making Sri Lanka a Dammadeepa/Sinhaladvipa (chosen land of Buddha where Theravada Buddhism will prevail for 5000 years) and creating the Sinhala race by integrating all the Theravada Buddhists from different Dravidian tribes in the island into one race (Sinhala) and making them the sustainers of Theravada Buddhism (Gautama Buddha’s chosen people) to protect Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka for 5000 years until the next Maithriya Buddha arrive.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 14, 2017
Even the word Sinhala , has nothing to with a lion, but is the Pali/Prakrit version of one of the ancient Tamil names for the island Chingkalam, meaning the red or copper land. Chem/Chemai or Chikappu means red in Tamil or Chembu or Cheppu means copper. Alam means brakish barren ground or the land by the sea. Like Cheralam or Keralam or Puttalam Etc. Join Chem or Cheppu + Alam= Chingkalam.. The Dravidian semi Tamil speaking population of the island were either called Chingkallavar, Chingkallavan for a male or Chingkallathi for female . from the Tamil word Allavan from male or Aalathi for female. Eelam Tamils are the only people who still use this ancient Tamil word and still call the Sinhalese Chingkallavar and a male Sinhalese Chingkallavan and a female Chingkallathi. Note Aalathiyar/Aalavar is a caste in Tamil Nadu closely associated with salt panning. Another name for the island was Eelam and the Dravidian semi Tamil Elu speaking population in the island were called Eelavar or Eezhavar , just like the Eezhava of Kerala. Eelam or Eezham means the land of toddy or metal. The Eeszhava of Kerala traditionally are closely associated with toddy and toddy tapping and are supposed to have migrated from Eelam to Tamil Chera Nadu during prehistoric times and were Buddhists. Era is the Tamil word for toddy and Sinhalese drop the E and call is Ra. Eeyam means a sheaf of metal in Tamil and in Sinhalese a metal vein is still called Illama. Lots of Sinhalese are still called Illaperuma from the Tamil word EelaPerumal. Old Sinhalese or Hela is a mixture of Elu( Tamil) + Prakrit. It is funny with the arrival of Buddhism and gradually a formation of a new ethnic identity and language in the southern parts of the island , both the Sinhalese and the Eelam Tamils used the two of the ancient Tamil names to describe their newly forming nation. The former Prakritised Chingkallam and Chingkallavar and called their language and themselves Sinhala and then created the Lion and Vijaya myth to justify the name. The latter used the word Eelam/Eezham and called their land Tamizh Eezham or Tamil Eelam and them selves Eelam/ Eezham Tamilar or Thamizhar.
Kumar / October 17, 2017
After Tamil Saivaite King Muta Siva’s son Devanampiya Thissa’s conversion to Buddhism and his proclamation that he was the King of Sri Lanka and his efforts to force the people of the country to accept Buddhism was rejected by the chieftains from Vanni, Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Kadiragama (they were strong devotees of Lord Siva) who refused to accept Devanampiya Thissa as their overlord and resisted his effort to impose Buddhism on them.
Saivaite Tamil rivalry against Buddhism began in 177 BC during the reign of his youngest brother Sura Thissa. Two Saivaite Tamils, Sena and Kuttika defeated Sura Thissa in battle and conquered Anuradhapura and ruled it for 22 years. Anuradhapura was under Saivaite Tamil threat for the next 149 years ending in 88 BC. Eight Saivaite Tamil kings ruled Anuradhapura for a total of 82 years during that period. Mahavamsa calls them invaders from Tamil Nadu but Tamil historians and scholars feel that they were native Saivaite Tamil chieftains from Vanni who rebelled against the imposition of Buddhism. Their search of the records in Tamil Nadu for any reference to any invasion (either Chola or Pandyan) from Tamil Nadu during that period was not fruitful. Though Mahavamsa says that Ellala was a Chola Prince, the folk drama popular among the native Tamils ‘Ellalan Koothu’ says that he was the son of Sena, one of the first native Tamil rulers of Anuradhapura.
Amarasiri / October 18, 2017
“and creating the Sinhala race by integrating all the Theravada Buddhists from different Dravidian tribes in the island into one race (Sinhala) and making them the sustainers of Theravada Buddhism (Gautama Buddha’s chosen people) to protect Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka for 5000 years until the next Maithriya Buddha arrive.”
Modern genetics data of Sinhala and Sti Lankan Tamils supports the narration “Theravada Buddhists from different Dravidian tribes in the island into one race (Sinhala) “. The genetics data also supports that the Sinhala and Tamils are Paras, foreigners from India, who arrived illegally, the Kala-Thonis, Hora-Oru, illegal boats.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 14, 2017
Sinhala man modern day Sinhalese is basically a mixture of three languages. Tamil ( or its local version Elu) Pali/Prakrit and Sanskrit. Its grammar syntax and lexicon is purely based on Tamil and so is its alphabet. Sinhalese has basically a very strong Dravidian/Tamil foundation on which an Indo Aryan superstructure has been built, due to the influence of Buddhism and the languages closely associated with it , Sanskrit and Pali. These two languages are definitely not from the region but imports from the plains of North India. In the case of Sanskrit even further north to the steppes of Central Asia. Almost 40% of modern Sinhalese vocabulary is Tamil derived, as well as its grammar lexicon syntax and even the alphabet. Take the Tamil out of Sinhalese and there will be no such thing called Sinhalese , what will be left is Pali and Sanskrit. It is this Tamil base on which other language words are mixed that made Sinhalese unique and a new language. Where did this huge Tamil base come from. It definitely did not come from the invasions and migrations. It was already there in the native language or spoken dialect. Elu, which is a semi Tamil simple Dravidian dialect. Elu as well the Veddah language and old Sinhalese were all very close to Tamil in pronunciation, than modern Sinhalese. Elu which was the spoken language of ancient Sri Lanka, which is semi-Tamil; as to the grammatical structure it is essentially Dravidian and simple. It from Elu the local Tamil dialect that Sinhalese got its huge amount of Tamil vocabulary grammar syntax lexicon and the basic Dravidian foundation. Not from the Chola Pandian invasions or migrants. Basically Hela or old Sinhalese is the local Tamil dialect Elu+ Prakrit. This is why the country was called Eelam and the Original Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan Tamils share a 55% DNA as they were one people who diverged after the arrival of Buddhism. The recent low caste South Indian import Shenal/Shenali is posting crap.
Suren Perera / October 13, 2017
Bloody Idiot, the writer is flagging a real possibility. He is not defending the Muslims, because he fires from all cannons. The international terrorists are definitely knocking on Sri Lankan doors definitely for geo-political reasons than any thing Islam. Haven’t we learnt anything from the 30 year Indian backed terror of Prabaharan. These so called Islamic terrorists are leaps ahead in violence. They have nothing Islamic in them. ISIS is the creation of Isreal and USA. They were unleashed to destroy the middle east economy. Remember, Sri Lanka gets 7 Billion a year from our slaves in the middle east. We would be worse than Zimbabwe if we lose that income for the country. So, just as much as we may hate the Muslims, they are our current sustainer. Let us listen to moderates like Feroze. I would have loved to meet this Uncle Farook and made friends. He is a real Sri Lankan
Punchiburampi / October 13, 2017
whatever you have been bubbling, what has been today s problem in the country is sinhala buddhist extremism.
BELIEVE or not, they have been taking upperhand of the society and some politcians have been abusing it for their power intoxications. I dont know about you, but i know it very well even if I have not been living down there, how we became buddhists. We were born into the religiion. We are all JUST BUDDHISTS … we had no whatsoever brands like ” SINHALA BUDDHISTS OR SINHALA LE”.
Lanken folks in general WOULD not allow terror to rise up again, but THOSE FACISTS that have been tarnishing the image of us buddhists have been betraying us all today.
Can you imagine where on the earth, anyone can disagree with poor refugees that have been searching for shelter being faced to life threaning situations in thei rown countries. We the folks should be well aware of it, since our notherners had been more or less like THOSE Rohinja refugees two decades ago. and sought refuge on the west and now have settled down there as citizens of each countries.
Our number one problem has been MEDIA mafia that have been painting the picture as if entire population would disgree with minorities being offered equal rights.
They have been together with sanga rabblerousing for their commercial gains.
I dont think that UK would behave the way as lankens do, if they would have been met with the same problems.
Brexit taught them a goo dlession. I now know some britischpeople living other europeans countries feel that have been discriminated by not having had the chance to vote against brexit.
It was seen as a greater mistake by most.
Like wise, our people should be fed with healthy and balanced thoughts that shoudl be the NUMBER one priority in today s context after war is no longer there.
Sinhala_Man / October 14, 2017
Methinks that there is much reason in what thou sayest, dear Punchiburampi.
Samuel Jayaweera / October 16, 2017
Why not you bring the arguments to support them then ?
Please bring them so that SINHALAE facists can get them timely.
Those who use SINHALE to return to politcs should be hung by their balls. There many BUDDHARAKKITHA are making today.
But on the agendas or politcians and business men.
They should all be crushed by their bud LEVEL. Then only we can expect a peaceful future.
I think it is wrong to say, that BUDDHISM has not caused conflicts. In Srilanka and Myanmar, are good examples that buddhists in the name of BUDDHISM spread HATRRED within communities.
This should be focused by the politicians.
Native Vedda / October 14, 2017
Suren Perera
” Haven’t we learnt anything from the 30 year Indian backed terror of Prabaharan.”
You haven’t and you will never. What did you learn before the Hindian backed 30 terror year war, 33 years since 1948?
“They were unleashed to destroy the middle east economy.”
They too haven’t learned anything without the Indian backed terror of Prabaharan.
“So, just as much as we may hate the Muslims, they are our current sustainer.”
How long are they going to sustain your expensive life style? When are you going to sustain yourself without the contribution from Middle East Medieval kingdoms?
Get your acts together, treat your family well if you don’t want the neighbours and strangers grope your women folks.
I see your anger emanating from your impotence than genuine concern.
Can I remind you its not just Prabhaharan’s 30 year terror? However you have conveniently forgotten 1971 and between 1987 and 1990.
John / October 14, 2017
It seems you have learnt nothing if you keep parroting that ‘India is supporting the LTTE’ crap.
If India really supported the LTTE than Eelam would have been annexed as far back as the 1980s. India had no problems taking on Pakistan and removing Bangladesh from them. So it would have been easier to do it in Sri Lanka. Even the late Izeth Hussain, the anti tamil said it that India was against the LTTE and Eelam. Sinhala nationalism is owned and controlled by Delhi.
Ravindran Ponnambalam / October 13, 2017
We know how strong the Sinhalese were during Prabha. Every Sinhala coward used to tuck his tail in to their backside and run at the mere mention of the LTTE. The traitor Muralitharan who was enticed by Ali Zahir Moulana at the strategic instructions of Ranil Wickramasinghe made the difference in the war. Karuna is the biggest traitor of the Tamils, and he will face the bullet of the Tamils for sure.
Bunjappu / October 13, 2017
Srilanken politicians are number one opportunists.
They dont know or have no idea where the key problems lie in our society.
They just abuse the moments of gulliable – majority folks and abuse their votes for getting elected by them.
These are the DEFICITS of the so called democracies. But even after such elections, the empowered states have further been named after ” democratically elected”.
These are the gray areas that many in politics would not even share their thoughts.
On the west, some to get elected, they should depend on votes coming from migrant communities. That is the case in Germany, UK, Candara or some nord countries. They therefore talks about migrant issues nearing the elections, but after getting elected, they too just pay blind eye to the pledges they made to those communities.
I think srilankens had been punished by LONG held war and rising EXTREMISTS.
No peaceful future is even estimaable, when looking at the situation. Rajapakshe led groups would NEVER allow srilankens to be considered as SRILANKENS all equally.
LEELAGEMALLI / October 13, 2017
So in a country, society those treat refugees as terrorists, as got to see in recent telecasts, so no wonder that you guys would always generalize it this way.
Writer as a visiter after 2 decades have got noticed it than the stupid muslims just live in indifferent mode as I see it.
I think lanken muslims have been in their long sleep mode.
They should STAND against any kind of lanken SINHALA BUDDHIST RADICAL GROUPS. I am sinhala budhist but I was also born into the religion. I am a fighter who fight for all SRILANKENS.
Moo Doss / October 13, 2017
More strength to your elbow brother!
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen ,
RE: My Sri Lanka In Crisis
Please do keep writing. Please also read articles by the late Izeth Hussein, Dr. R Narendran and Shamini Serasinghe. You can pick up valuable points in theit writings. Search under their names. The key s to expose, expose and expose, as you have done in this article. Keep writing!
maalumiris / October 13, 2017
Dont talk out of your @ss and confirm your stupidity
manisekaran / October 13, 2017
sorry, dont expect again 11 countries to side with your stupidity which they hard learnt,. seems like sinhala racists venom vomitting no end!
Hilmy Ahamed / October 14, 2017
The writer is talking of a possible reality. The international terrorists are at our door step because of our geo political location than anything Islamic. You are forgetting that with your kind of attitude, we lost 30 productive years to develop the economy, lost 300,000 of our best innocent men and women, hundreds of trillions in costs and what did we achieve. The Muslim will join forces with the Sinhala and Tamil communities to fight ISIS or any other foreign or local terrorist group to defend our motherland. This is our home and we will sacrifice our lives to defend it at any cost.
For your information, the Sri Lankan Muslim community was the first in the WORLD to declare ISIS as not in the fold of Islam and have nothing to do with Islam. Islam forbids the killing of innocents, especially women and children in any war,. The evidence is there in a broadcast on SLBC where the head of the ACJU declared that ISIS is not Islamic and the Muslims have nothing to do with islam.. They are the creation of Israel, USA and the West. Here is a few of the evidence. Just google and you will see hundreds of evidence.
Let us not join the evil forces that are our to destroy our country by dividing us.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed ,
“For your information, the Sri Lankan Muslim community was the first in the WORLD to declare ISIS as not in the fold of Islam and have nothing to do with Islam. Islam forbids the killing of innocents, especially women and children in any war,. The evidence is there in a broadcast on SLBC where the head of the ACJU declared that ISIS is not Islamic and the Muslims have nothing to do with islam.. They are the creation of Israel, USA and the West. Here is a few of the evidence. Just google and you will see hundreds of evidence.”
ISIS, Creation of the Great Satan and the Minor Satans, Israel and Saudi Arabia! They all want to create calamity.
After All Saudi Wahhabism was supported and promoted by the British Imperialists, to create havoc in the Ottoman empire in the 19th century.
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
Amarasiri / October 18, 2017
Hilmy Ahamed ,
“For your information, the Sri Lankan Muslim community was the first in the WORLD to declare ISIS as not in the fold of Islam and have nothing to do with Islam. Islam forbids the killing of innocents, especially women and children in any war,.”
Unfortunately, that cannot be said of other Muslims, especially the Wahhabi-Salafis Devil followers. Sri Lankan Muslims should discard the Saudi Wahhabi-Salafis who follow the Satan. When blind revelation without proper interpretation and reason is followed, people become stupid and violent.Remember the Catholic Inquisition?
The Most Honest Arab Muslim On Planet Earth
Thiru Nadaraja / October 14, 2017
So, you think Prabha learnt a lesson. He took 80,000 of Sinhala young life. The bloody Sinhalese were shitting in their pants for 30 years. Destroyed everything around you. None of the current day racist pigs were around even to murmur. Bloody Sinhala cowards, thinking that Prabha learnt a lesson. The regret is that the fucking Sinhalese have not learnt their lesson. Muslim terror will be 100 times more than that of Prabha. More than that, Shenali will confirm that Sri Lanka is a pariah state indeed
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
Thiru Nadaraja: YOu should understand unlike you migrents in sinhale, who runs away to greener pastures, Sinhala boys some how, if not the first time, third time may be confronted your Praba and the boys and the last time he was seen flaoting in a muddy lagoon. Even RajiV Gandhi’s son weeped, I heard, Karuna who went to confirm it, got shaken when he saw the body. why do you think British Brought Malays here or why Raja raja chola did not stay in Sinhale more than 70 years. Learn the Sinhala history you will learn how heroic they are.
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
Shenal: this is too hard words. both Tamil coolies and muslim expansionists wetting their cloths They like only the weeping Sinhala people who only the Middle eastern culture and religeon. See, Smart Native Vedda can not understand how stupid Sinhala peopole beat LTTE to run into the Mulativy sea, and some were floating in the lagoon. He doe snot know how hundreds of LTTE brigadiers ran way to Europe..
Rajalingam Aarivalazhan / October 14, 2017
If you can use your brain to think a bit, you will know who the real inhabitants of this island. Tamils have been living in southern India and northern Sri Lanka long before Buddha was born. If you catch my drift let alone Buddhism and the Sinhala language. Tamil is the oldest language in the world and Hinduim has no date on its birth. India and Sri Lanka were connected by land until the 15th Century at Manner. So before making your own history, try doing some reading…
Rarityminds / October 15, 2017
Shenal you are an idiot.
Praba learnt it after 30 years.
You really want our nation to face again that long being involved in unencessary fights.
What a joker you should be.
I think Writer just meant that only. Even I as sinhalaya I feel each time travelling to the country, that laws in that part of the country are no stringent enough.
WIth all the high criminals still being scot free, the govt moves forward, why ?
Why the word ” we are all the same” remains to the books. Why cant LET alone today see that we all srilankens are the same regardless of our race, religion or other factos that have been dividing the nation on and on.
Buddhists in gneeral woudl do so, but SO CALLED SINAHAL BUDDHIST FUNDEMENTALISTS create problems to all.
pOLITICIANS of Rajapakshe nature fertilize them to do so.
Pingutharayas then start dancing to the tune BARBARIC Rajapakshes.
That is the script of current affairs on RACISM in the country.
Main actor is power intoxicated Rajapakse and his condom support Wimal Buruwas.
nosey parker / October 12, 2017
I too was brought up in a multi ethnic evironment . My old man spoke near perfect Tamil . It’s a damn shame what’s going on , I blame it mostly on our self serving politicians . On the brighter side, take a walk in the Kirulapone market – a real melting pot . Almost every shop keeper is bilingual , and not even a hint of bigotry .
Buramphisincho / October 12, 2017
Nosey parker,
you may call it that way, but it is still within lanka right ?
Those guys that have not seen any other world, would never have comparisons.
So is the case with MR et al. Else, we were suffered that much in late 80ties to early 90ties, being faced to Premadasa his aftermath.
There, we thought no leaders of that nature would be elected to lead the nation.
ANYWAYs, using all the gimmicks MR came to power. Even there are reports .. dont know true or not, but are avaiable him to ahve bribed slained Prabakaran in twisting tamil voters up there.
Rajitha reiterates, MR would have been close to someone, but would do other way around if he is to get things done. No matter, the people would have been that way, he focuses on the selfish gain.
Meaning, Rajitha as one who had been with him previously have been telling the truth to some extent.
But we never know who is telling the truth in that part of the world.
I believe, almost everyone is a crook down there in politcal world.
The honest cant get on in lanken politics. That is what JVP or the like face even today.
Germany s some parties rise up within few decades, but JVPers have failed to dos even if they are in the system for the last 50 years.
Latter should be due to lack of their strategies that can be applicable to lanken folks.
Lankens in general become withered if rumours would have been air be them close to truths or not.
Jimsofty / October 13, 2017
Burampi sinnno: Understand how Rajitha got elected his son by bashing Mahinda Rajapakse. there will more tricks in sleeves.
Simon De Silva / October 16, 2017
Rajapakshes are 1000 times hypocrities.
Rajitha is 50 times hypocrites
So, what matters is the harm being done by Raja nobody else.
He will have to get his son free from Barracks sooner.
Then the next son will have to line up for the murder of that INNOCIENT player whose mothers torments of suffering is tremouring the country today.
Rajapakshes are born killers. Such killing tactics had not even been with the FIERCE tigers then.
They talks lovely and taking the person of target away with their kiling mechanisms.
Sunday leader LW
Cartoonist Ekanaligoda:
Bharatha lakshaman
Several others inlcuding that INNOCIENT RUGBY player who di dnot do politics against Raja.
manisekaran / October 13, 2017
Please get out of blaming politicians anywhere it is people who make politicians and blame must be apportioned to people
Aryan / October 12, 2017
[Edited out],but real reason behind the hate is greedy and greedy.ordinary people struggling for living,while cunning fellows earning from hate-mongering.
jehan / October 12, 2017
muslims took sides because LTTE killed muslims and chased the jaffna muslims in a day 1990. u are leaving out the detail.
as for racism- the problem was always there, only thing is the buddhist were fighting the tamils. as for dress being a factor. any person can choose what to ware. you cannot say what to dress, who are you to judge. go and tell in your adopted country, what to dress, and talk against gays, see what happens. you will be called a homophobe and put in jail.
as for mullahs, this is a problem, as most mullahs are not educated and have anti islamic attitude due to backward culture. i feel the new generation have more gasp of the religion than before.
gnansaray is a terrorist as there is no justice if he is not put in jail for aluthgama murders.
John / October 13, 2017
Muslims took sides with Sinhalese long before the LTTE evicted them. As far back as the 1950s when Sinhalese went on communal riots against Tamils, muslims were betraying their own Tamil ethnicity and supporting Sinhalese. My late grandfather knew a muslim who admitted to him back then that the ploy was for muslims to benefit off the genocide of tamils. Because of their treachery, not only was the tamil community weakened, but the Sinhalese are going after them also now. Sinhalese dont care about loyalty. See how they treat the muslims today despite all the support muslims gave them? If muslims had stuck by their Tamil Hindu and Christians as Tamils, the Tamil community would be much stronger and safer in the Island today.
Jimsofty / October 13, 2017
John: Some muslims more reconciliatory than wahabis. They know it even though you do not know it. but, they know it. the world knows muslims. Some western countries know what Iran is doing. that is why they are scared of Irn and despise it. Wahabis are not like that.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 13, 2017
Jehan, please place facts correctly. LTTE attacked Muslims only in 1990. But to say that Muslims took sides because of this is a blatant lie. Since the early 70s Muslims have been informants to the government about Tamil uprising. One Sheriff from Rajagiriya who was a patient of mine told me in early 80s that he used to travel to Mutur, stay with a Muslim family, collect information and pass it to the government. When he confessed to me, he had become ill and had stopped that. There would have been several “Sheriffs” in Muslim community who would have been informants. Secondly as early as 1985, Muslims were recruited as home guards and had gone on the rampage of killing Tamils and chasing them away. All these atrocities have been recorded in detail by UTHR and other human rights organisations. It is only after years of tolerance and continuation of these activities despite pleadings and warnings not to commit them that LTTE resorted to Katankudi mosque murder and ethnic cleansing from northern province. Please when you comment here which is a fair and decent site, do not distort truth to cover up crimes.
Jimsofty / October 13, 2017
So, you should be a LTTE informant who lived in colombo.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
Almost all or most the Tamils were LTTE informants. Furthermore, they made regular donations to LTTE, besides others like Norway.
Were there any Muslims and Sinhala who were LTTE informants? Probably a bribed few.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 14, 2017
Amarasiri, there is no doubt that there would have been Tamil informants of LTTE in the south, but they were all planted by LTTE, and not from those who were leading normal lives. LTTE operated with utmost secrecy and that is the reason that they were successful. You know human tendency that if news is leaked out to one person, there is no stopping of it spreading. LTTE did not even trust Tamils other than those in their close network. Though vast majority of Tamils supported LTTE, they had no clue of their actions. Similarly large number of Tamils donated money to LTTE, but there was an equal number who did not for various reasons including financial difficulty. You are correct that Sinhalese and Muslims were working as informants for money, and you will be surprised that some army men even sold weapons to LTTE.
Ralli Ameen / October 15, 2017
It is shame a learned Dr writing nearly 75,000 Muslims were chased out of north just because of one or two spies or are you are saying all Muslims in the north are spies? It is a well known fact if a spy get caught they are jailed or executed (by dictators) but chasing the whole community is racism and ethnic cleansing. Everywhere in the world it is same. Muslims were chased out because they stood for a unitary state, did not join LTTE and did not support them.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 13, 2017
Muslims took sides because the LTTE killed Muslims in the east and chased the Jaffna Muslims ! Whom are you trying to fool with these lies and fairy tales? Everything about the island’s Muslims is a lie and a history of selfishness and backstabbing. They are Tamil by ethnicity but deny this and claim a fake Arab/Moor origin than only a small microscopic minority partially have . They are even not of native Tamil origin but recently migrated Hindu Indian Tamil converts. In the name of this fake Arab/Moor origin and Islam , they openly supported the Sinhalese racists establishment government and armed forces in their discriminatory and genocidal activities against the island’s Tamils. Muslims mobs and thugs were attacking Tamil homes and businesses in the south, during state sponsored anti Tamil pogroms,raping looting and burning. In the Tamil east, Muslim home guards armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces were killing raping and ethically cleansing thousands of indigenous Tamil Hindu villages. The Tamis and not the Muslims who are the real owners of the east. These ungrateful Muslims only arrived there as refugees are few centuries ago by the very same Tamils, from whom they are trying to steal the east, with the help of the Sinhalese. The Sinhalese have no intention of giving the east to them but are using them. In the north the Muslims were caught spying for the armed forces and storing arms. Storing arms for what? The LTTE found out and did not want a repeat of what happened in the south or the east. The LTTE never attacked them before all this. A Muslim minister introduced standardisation to deliberately deny higher education to Tamils. If the Muslims had stood by their Hindu and Christian Tamils to fight Sinhalese racism, instead of supporting the Sinhalese racists, the Sinhalese would have backed down and not become such powerful racist fascists. The did all this in the name of their religion and to justify a fake origin and are now become the victims of what they sowed and as usual still crying foul, playing the victim and telling lies
Prasad / October 16, 2017
None can dispute the fact that the bulk of the Moors/Muslims of Sri Lanka (Marakkala Minissu or Sonahars) came from South India (Kerala and Tamil Nadu). The fact is that Islam had come to South India direct from the country of the Holy Prophet in the 7th century. However, the Moors who settled down in the South-Western Coasts of Sri Lanka as traders were all Tamil speaking from the Malabar and Coromandal coasts of South India. This has been testified to by Marco Polo and by Barbosa in his account of the Island in 1519. Both these travelers agree that large numbers of ‘Moors’ from the South Indian coasts resorted constantly to Sri Lanka. The first settlement took place at Beruwala, somewhere in the late 14th century (Ibn Batuta visited the Island in 1344, but makes no mention of any Moors/Muslims). The Sri Lankan Moors lived primarily in coastal trading, preserving their Islamic customs and the South Indian language/culture. When the Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka it was the Moors who first organized resistance against them to safeguard the trade of the Moors along the Western sea-board. During the Portuguese rule the Moors suffered widespread persecution, they treated them very harshly because they were their rivals in trade and they refused to become converts to Christianity. Due to the Portuguese persecution, many Moors fled to the up-country and were seeking help from King Senarat of Kandy who settled some of them in up-country and many others in the North-Eastern Coasts of Sri Lanka. Some of them still bear Malabar/Tamil names like Periya Marikkar, Sinna Lebbe, Pitchai Thamby, and so on.
max / October 12, 2017
Seems, the writer has tried to draw a picture that is larger than life. The entire typing is more of an imaginary. There are many Sinhalas and Muslims in Sri Lanka living peacefully. (I personally had a chit chat over few beers with some of my friends including my muslim friends recently, and we have not had any religious or ethnicity basis arguments. But, I must say, all most all of them were supporters of yahapa before ’15 but not anymore). Sporadic incidents happen from both sides but that does not mean people from both faiths are seeking each others neck.
So Mr. writer, you may want to draw rather a black picture about Sinhalses but real is otherwise.
One more thing Mr. writer. The ministers of your faith (Badurdhin, Asath Sally, Marikkar) engage in deforesting, threatening, distributing goods only to muslims in a calamity etc. are things to reckon. Dont you think they are a bunch of a threat to harmony?? :p
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
“I personally had a chit chat over few beers with some of my friends including my muslim friends recently, and we have not had any religious or ethnicity basis arguments.”
Perhaps they have avoided “religious or ethnicity basis arguments” in case if you unleashed the saffron clad thug on them.
max / October 12, 2017
Nope. They are not racists as you Native. And they are not directly or indirectly promote terrorism, separation, racism and specially they have not gone by bogus homeland claims! Native, think of be like them – more plural.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
“And they are not directly or indirectly promote terrorism, separation, racism and specially they have not gone by bogus homeland claims! Native, think of be like them – more plural.”
However you seem not to want to be like them. They too know very well they should not mess with a moron who thinks, act and claim as if this entire island exclusively belongs to him or a group of morons like him.
If they refuse to express their opinion it does not mean they agree with your moronic Sinhala/Buddhist fascistic ideals. It is a strategic withdrawal to keep temporary peace.
Muslim Total population is about 1.8 billion whereas total little islanders population amounts to little under 16 million. Nearly 2 Million depend on handout from Middle East Medieval kingdoms.
So I suggest don’t mess with the Muslisms. They are willing to destroy themselves in order to kill a small fly. When you see them please run, you may chose the wrong words to greet them.
On the other hand Hinduttvas are leaning towards the South. They are likely to be here sooner than you may guess.
You will be caught between devil and the deep blue sea.
max / October 12, 2017
//Entire island exclusively belongs to him or a group of morons like him//. I do not think so. But you would love all the Sinhalese Buddhists think like that. That is a mental issue your suffering. Seek medical advice my friend.
If the history says, Sinhala Buddhists culture is the foremost culture here, what can I do? If the history says there is no proven records to claim a home land for Tamils, what can I do? In S/B culture you can easily keep your identity intact Vedda. (just like real veddas do). If you destroy it, with the help of other powers, you too will perish along with me. Hinduthva will shine (in SL) in Sinhala Buddhists culture. If you and I both allow Christianity or western culture to supress us, which is what happens now, we’re calling our end sooner than later.
So use your crispy writing for a worthy course – against the real enemy.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
Max Moron
“If the history says, Sinhala Buddhists culture is the foremost culture here, what can I do?”
I have asked you and your fellow moronic Sinhala/Buddhists several times and I never got the answer/explanation. I will once again ask you the same question try and answer it if you know the response.
What is the Sinhala/Buddhist culture?
How long morons have been practicing it?
Where did the Sinhala/Buddhists import it from?
What are difference between Sinhala/Buddhists culture and other cultures?
When exactly did the descendants of Kallathonie converts start using the phrase Sinhala/Buddhists? Please cite evidence.
Why can’t you be a Sinhalese or a Buddhists? Why it has to be Sinhala/Buddhist?
Don’t you understand combination of Sinhala and Buddhist creates a nasty little fascist force?
If you find you couldn’t respond, just ignore the questions.
max / October 13, 2017
Stupid racist Native Vedda
I have answered your silly question many times before here in CT in other conversations. But you smartly skipped them and gone deaf. I will roughly put it again for the purpose of other readers. It will be futile and a “beeri alinta veena vayeema” for you.
Buddhism, or any other philosophy, knowledge or anything, anywhere in the world is not in its original form. Since your questioning and bashing are towards Buddhism, we will discuss that only. Even though, there are few theravada countries in the world, they are not functioning in one concrete system. Every country has its own way of practicing it according to their culture. In SL, we have absorbed Buddhism in a culture that is different to other theravada countries. Do you eat bread as the same way Sudda does it? Apply that simple logic man if you have a brain then you will understand what is culture is.
Sinhala (hela) is a mix of many tribes. (‘tribes’ not in the form of western). ‘yaksha’, ‘naga’, ‘deva’, ‘sinha’ were the main components. When arihath Mihidu’s arrival, we embraced Buddhism to the existing culture at that time and with the influence of Buddhism, our culture became Sinhala Buddhist.
Then you stupid ask about differences. Do you and I eat, talk, dress etc., in a same way?
Your inability to understand how a nation form or what is culture is not my problem.
S/B culture is very much plural. Thats why hindus can retain their identity in a s/b culture. Thats why Tamilian kings ruled us peacefully. (In fact they were S/Bs in culture). Hence Kadir was a S/B to many. Hence Fr Mercilinu J was a S/B to many. S. Mahinda thera of Tibet was a S/B to us. You fools label as S/B is dominant but keep mum over the real dominance culture – the western christian culture.
Simon De Silva / October 13, 2017
Maximoron, please provide us evidence you to be buddhist or SINHALA BUDDHIST EXTREMIT .. can you ?
You as one who has been doing it with Rajapakshe would never belong to the real category of buddhist…
Get lost Maxi.. if not in your sixities, when would you sense ?
max / October 16, 2017
Uncle Simon, I have stopped replying to goofs. Sorry.
Simon De Silva / October 16, 2017
That is not to me, for the sake of other you can bring your proofs please.
Please have a bath first – longer you work that servile, the smell you spread would become even raying to far as nobody can bear it anymore.
You guys are the problem of this nation. Nothing else.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
max moron
“I have answered your silly question many times before here in CT in other conversations.”
You haven’t. I suspect you do not know who you really are. Try once again. You are another confused ignorant kid, who had picked up a few words from here and there and trying to explain huge philosophy, history, and a language with the language of the street, which is being used in the main media.
” You fools label as S/B is dominant but keep mum over the real dominance culture – the western christian culture.”
What are you doing about it? Beat up the minorities, feed the people with lies, more lies and imported rice from the Moon? You spend most of your productive life suffering from envy, raging on 24/7/52, repeating lies, …. when possible beat up those ask for their legitimate rights, support and benefit from powerful crooks and thugs, ………………. The purpose of everyone’s life is a journey of seeking truth. In your case the opposite is true.
From birth to death if one is fed with lies what else can we expect, a moron with blinkered eyes.
max / October 16, 2017
Accept my many Lols’ Native Vedda. Your a loser and yet another skip from you. My vocabulary may have not posh as yours but the cream cannot be denied. With ‘koheda yanne malle pol’ answers, your failed again. Sorry mate, you may be a hero to like minded Sinhala Buddhists haters and distorters of history, but for others, your zero!
Simon De Silva / October 16, 2017
First you need to clean yourself Max.
It is really smelly. As if a swine came up from a Kakka pit.
When would you start sensing it. As nothing can help you guys ahve been manipulated by Raajapkshes – is a greater harm to humanity.
Sinhala buddhists are born into the relgiion. They just go after SKIN HEAD MONKS that sometimes would nto even know 5 precepts.
Max and those who eating buckets loads of nail wastes- can NOT get it in this life.
Max IS an another exmaple how RAJAPAKSHEs can MAKE white to black.
May be the funds offered MAX are now no longer there. However, these guys will do the job fo rthem.
We only seek the help of ALL MIGHTY gods.
Jamis Banda / October 15, 2017
We are all in hell because of the Pseudo Buddhism (Sinhala Buddhism) that is being practiced in the Island of Injustice. Buddhism has not been able to contribute in a significant way toward solving the basic problems of the people for 2500 years. Its universal values have been distorted by the very establishments, which were supposed to practice them. Buddhists monks openly defend violence and display extreme forms of chauvinism and hatred toward non-Buddhists. Buddhism has failed for 2500 years, what makes you have faith in the Buddhist vision?
Marwan / October 12, 2017
I agree on most of what you write. But for the fact that if our Muslim Ministers don’t look after their own community whilst also caring for the rest, we cannot expect anyone else to do justice. The peace and harmony threat is not from them (Muslim Ministers) but from the clergy who label themselves as guardians of their race. They make such false claims of diminishing population growth, but they don’t correctly accept the truths why it may be happening. The rise in alcohol consumption, suicides, gambling, labor migration of womenfolk, abortions are just some of the issues. Whereas these are strictly prohibited in Islam, and social discipline is coerced for all of its adherents. They also make false accusations of their women being subjected to drugs in toffees, external applications in bras and knickers which cause impotency an infertility, which have all been proved to false and unproven. They look for ways and means to always be perceived as victims, based on lies and falsehood, simply because their own people are gullible and fall prey to these machinations. Most are not smart enough to decipher the truth and call the bluff for what it is.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
” They look for ways and means to always be perceived as victims, based on lies and falsehood, simply because their own people are gullible and fall prey to these machinations. Most are not smart enough to decipher the truth and call the bluff for what it is.”
It is a low IQ problem. Average IQ of 79 does not help. They are not even smart enough to understand Buddhism.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
MirakRajBanda / October 12, 2017
You better live in the country where your status says as a refugee and null and void your imaginary article or you better team up with DJ, another one from Mars. Sorry mate!!!
Condomleeza Rice / October 12, 2017
All the sinhalese.buddhist women in the middle east are getting laid by the expatriate labourers. Bloody shame try and bring them back and see the srilankan economy on a downward spiral.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
Condomleeza Rice
All the sinhalese.buddhist women in the middle east are getting laid by the expatriate labourers”
At least they have found an outlet for their punt up horny-ness. Can we send the BBS and the Saffron clad monks too, and solve multiple problems?.
Marwan / October 12, 2017
This writer is not representative of an adhering Muslim having a decent Islamic upbringing, when he admittedly writes he consumed alcohol. Beyond that, all his arguments and challenges are just void and unworthy of even a consideration, to say the least. Whatever he expresses as his opinions, suggestions and remarks regarding Islam and its cultural effects and practices, can never be considered seriously. This effort might as well have been from a non-Muslim exposing his half baked knowledge and understanding of the religion, camouflaged as a Muslim. Good try CT.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
“Whatever he expresses as his opinions, suggestions and remarks regarding Islam and its cultural effects and practices, can never be considered seriously. This effort might as well have been from a non-Muslim exposing his half baked knowledge and understanding of the religion, camouflaged as a Muslim. Good try CT.”
So who are the full-baked Muslims? The Wahhabi-Salafis, ISIS, Deobandi, Boko Haram, Taliban etc? Just curious!
ISIS and the problem of the Wahhabi and Salafi Ideology. The Hadith of Najd.
[Wahhabism is] sort of an extreme orthodoxy that historically has not been shared by a majority of Muslims, particularly nobody outside of the Arabian Peninsula. Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia’s dominant faith. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don’t practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism’s rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam,
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
I m Muslim I m against Wahhabism, the Devil Followers., says, cleric.
Ad / October 12, 2017
Best option is to dump religious belief. Just comply with laws and do what is naturally good. Don’t contribute anything to any religious faction, even a cent. You will find nature taking care of the citizens very well and people would begin to earn a living without talking of God.
Native Vedda / October 12, 2017
Condomleeza Rice
“Bloody shame try and bring them back”
Not really. You are being jealous aren’t you? Don’t you want to get laid by all of them?
Amarasiri / October 12, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen,
“My childhood seems like tales from a fairyland. Sri Lanka has changed. Racism, violence and hate have become the norm in Sinha-le Sri Lanka. The Tamils have been crushed and humiliated after the brutal war victory and now it’s my community, the Muslims that are targeted. No one trusts each other in Sri Lanka anymore. Children no longer play cricket on the streets, TOGETHER. They are ethnically divided even in sports. 20 years seems like two centuries, to come back to a land that was once heaven on earth.”
So, what happened? How are you going to fix it?
Expose. Expose and Expose all the Paras and Idiots among the Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils and Para-Muslims?
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112
Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit
From the phylogenetic, principal coordinate and analysis of molecular variance results, the Vedda occupied a position separated from all other ethnic people of the island, who formed relatively close affiliations among themselves, suggesting a separate origin of the former. Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
Expose the Para-Sinhala, the Para-Tamils and Para-Muslims, and their Para-Beliefs.
“The international Islamic Terrorists, like ISIS, Al Qaida, Taliban, Boko Haram etc.. will soon be at our doorstep at the invitation of some bloody extremist Muslims. The saffron brigade is opening the doors for them that could lead the country to another 50 years of armed conflict.’
Amarasiri / October 12, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen ,
RE: My Sri Lanka In Crisis
What is your IQ? Just curious!. The average IQ of Sri Lanka is 79.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen ,
“What is your IQ? Just curious!. The average IQ of Sri Lanka is 79.”
This question was asked in a very positive complimentary way. Based on your article, it is very clear that your IQ is at least 2 standard deviations ( 2×15 =30) above the mean for Sri Lankans ( 79) Sinhala and Muslims and others. So, Amrasiri places your IQ well above (79+30) = 109, so that you IQ is above 97.725% of the Sri Lankan population, and you belong to the group of 2.275% of the Sri Lankans. Circumstantial evidence is the fact that you were able to go abroad,. Of course, the Sri Lankans with IQ’s below 79 will criticize and attack you, and they are very common among the Paras , in the Land of Native Vedddah Aethho. You are battling the Wahhabi-Salfi imbeciles and the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Imbeciles.
Now, remember, Mahawamsa is an Insult to the Buddha- Shamini Serasinghe
Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” is an insult to Buddhism- Amarasiri.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.
Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.
——– Country
———————– %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
28 Sri Lanka 79
Raritythoughts / October 14, 2017
I am bit fed up of your PARA, IQ or th elike terms come with arguments please. Dont you think that is common to entire DEVELOPING fauna.
Dont you think lanka is not in a crisis.
It is no recoverable easily. Ballige Putha Rajapakshe ruined the country NOT in one aspect, but many aspects have been focused. Not just made bankupted the state abusing funds but also society is taken to all deterioration levels.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
“I am bit fed up of your PARA, IQ or th elike terms come with arguments please. Dont you think that is common to entire DEVELOPING fauna.”
Amarasiri and others are fed up with the PARAS, the Paras from India making false claims. The truth must be pointed out, that they themselves are Paras., especially the Para -Sinhala.
Regarding the IQ’s of the Paras, you know the average IQ is 79, whereas the IQ’s of the Singaporeans, the Japanese and the Koreans are above 105. The Para-Sinhala Buddhists do not posses sufficient IQ to understand Buddhism, and what they understood was Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”, which Buddha never preached.
Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha! By Sharmini Serasinghe
Wonder if ours might have been a wiser, and a more ‘humane’ society, had our ‘ancient’ history, been based on Aesop’s Fables, instead of the Mahavamsa. For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!
In this “wonderland” called Sri Lanka, and in this day and age, one still comes across ‘academically’ educated, and supposedly intelligent ‘Buddhists’, but sadly lacking in wisdom, who reverently believe, that the Buddha walked out of his mother’s womb, and walked seven steps, while lotuses blossomed, under his feet!
Lasith / October 12, 2017
I can respect you for coming out clean and pouring your heart out.
People here rarely do this as most Sri Lankans don’t know how to handle the truth.
I could safely say that nearly all Sri Lankans (sinhalese, tamils and muslims) use their heart and emotion to judge reality.
If only they applies rational reasoning and logic to analyze situations we would not be in this predicament.
I strongly believe that schools don’t educate our children to reason, but they insist on hard work, which to me is cramming and pouring out what was fed to them by the teachers.
Besides this nothing is important. There is no place for intellectuals in this country.
That is a major challenge facing our country. People are in a big rat race. All they can think of is how to satisfy their primal instincts.
Jimsofty / October 12, 2017
FEROZE: You like a relative of LATHEEF FAROOK. You did not say from which country you came. If you said, I could have explained your mentality as a muslim. You did not say anything about Little Saudi arabia in Kathankudi. that is mostly wahabis and they do not allow even sufis there. Then go to Wilpattu. It is cleared upto Mulativu and All the pakisthani, Bangladesh Myanmar muslims are settled there intermixed with other muslims. they are all Shia miuslims. So, with the help of QATAR now, rishad bathiuddin has his homeland, his enclavoe to support his political future. MY3 has mouth full of PITTU. So, he is laying eggs in the presidential palace waiting voters get foolish again. Some how you showed your muslims mentality. that is in the name of your religion, you bash Sinhala buddhists and you thing they do not have any rights to protect their civilization and should allow muslims to go haywire. You drink when yiu are inthe west. Anyway, to show who you are, you wrote you opened a liquor bottle. In order to cheat the muaalhs and your muslims friends, you wriote you are not drinking. I know muslims here and even in Sri lanka who are drinking and hide the bottles. some even eat pork sausages. ————- As some one said, it is good if you do not come back. Because, you people are liars to protect your religion. for those who says, ISIS is big deal. We have protected our country for 2500 years from south Indians. Muslims are only a new threat. Wahabis get their dues in time.
Jimsofty / October 12, 2017
FEROZA: YOu racism. Did the country you live had mixed schools or schools for muslim children, Tamil children, catholic schools and sinhala schools for rich and sinhala schools for poor etc ?. In Sri lanka, there are ethnic enclaves for Tamils and muslims and there is an indian estate tamil promoting ethnic reconciliation by screwing up Sinhala language. PRESIDENT is sitting on his eggs. did you see that kind of destruction where you lived ? when you have language or religion specific schools, when you have muslims or Tamils specific ethnic enclaves, how do you say RACISM,. It is you minorities who refuse to live by the majority rules. HAve you muslims ever respected the majority by trying to live in majority culture. Instead, you need HALAL, your specific Marraige laws in which women are thrash. The govt is silent. there is a woman talking human rights. she is silent. ——— YOu should have talked such things and not what your mullah said. YOur article shows your mentality.
Ahmad Nadvi / October 12, 2017
Feroze! Amarasiri!! and Native Vedda!!!
Feroze is a pessimistic. He cannot simply take the things are they are. You have to live long within the community to assess true picture of co-existence in Sri Lanka, apart from religious terrorists like Gnansara and like, who appear time to time, but we know who put them in the move. I accept your statement about ACJU they are not fit for purpose. Sri Lanka is our country as it is like minded Sinhalese, Tamils, Veddahs and the rest’s country. No one has got head lease for Sri Lanka.
Your sarcastic suggestion of importing ISIS and other terrorists is a day dream. We Sri Lankans altogether fight them, if they step into our motherland.
Amarasiri can you please tell us where your people did come from? don’t you know the geographical evaluation. Sri Lanka was conjoined with Indian mainland before it’s detached. It means Native Veddahs are also PARAS, does it make any sense?
Native Vedda the above is also for you. .
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Ahmad Nadvi,
“Amarasiri can you please tell us where your people did come from? don’t you know the geographical evaluation. Sri Lanka was conjoined with Indian mainland before it’s detached. It means Native Veddahs are also PARAS, does it make any sense?
Native Vedda the above is also for you.”
The sea levels were low, from about 30,000 years to 8,000 years and, and the Indian sub continent and the Land of Native Veddah Aethho ( Sri Lanka,) were joined by a land bridge, just like North America and Asia. The Native Veddah Aethho WALKED to claim their land. With the end of the last ice age, the sea levels rose, and the Land of Native Aethho, became an Island..
Later illegal travelers, Paras, came by Illegal Boats, Kalla-Thonis, Hora -Orus. You know rest of the stories of the Paras.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people:
Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112
Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
You need to go with the unbiased data and and observations.
Check your Chromosome #2. If was formed by the fusion of two Primate Chromosomes.
Shenal / October 13, 2017
I agree with you whole heartedly. This island is belong to all of it’s citizens. We should be brothers and sisters who should protect the intergrity of this island nation which has been protected for couple of milleniums.
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Shenal ,
“This island is belong to all of it’s citizens.”
This Island, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, belongs to the, Native Veddah Aethho, because they Walked and claimed the Land. All the subsequent illegal arrivals, by illegal boats, Hora-Oru and Kalla-Thonis are at best, unwelcome travelers or guests.
Think of it this way. You have your house and you live in it. A stranger, a Para-comes and occupiers your house. Is the stranger a guest or a Para? You did not invite the stranger.
What the Para-Sinhala ( Para-Sinhalayao) have to learn is that ( despite being brainwashed in Mahawamsa, Deepawamsa and Katta Katha from an early age, and being hard wired with brainwashed neurons) is that not only the Para-Sinhala, the Para-Tamils ( Para-Demalo), Para-Muslims(Para-Marakkalayo), Para-Portuguese ( Parangio), Para-Dutch ( Para-Burghers), Para-English (Para-Suddho), Para-Chinese and others are Paras.. The Paras becomes must make the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, an acceptable place for all the Paras as well as the Native Veddah Aethho to live in peace. The problem primarily seems to be with Para-Sinhala, then Para-Tamils and recently, because of Wahhabi-Salafism, the Para-Muslims.
Shenal / October 15, 2017
Sinhalese didn’t come from India? Or did they? Where do you base your conclusions on? The same Mavahamsa that you ridicule isn’t it? Learn to be honest at least.
Amarasiri / October 16, 2017
Dear Shenal,
“Sinhalese didn’t come from India? Or did they? Where do you base your conclusions on? The same Mavahamsa that you ridicule isn’t it? Learn to be honest at least.”
Indeed, the Sinhala came from India. So, were the Tamils and others, except the Native Veddah Aethho.
One, has to be a skeptic, and use common sense and reason to accept certain information and beliefs. from historical times. The Mahawamsa Chronicles, put together by Monk Mahanama, based on Deepawamsa, and Katha-Katha, and probably other materials, in the 6th century CE, describes events that took place 1,000 or so years before, around 500 BCE. ( Just read the Bible, the flood etc).
In the absence of new information, the Mahawansa and the Bible were the only materials to go by thousands of years ago. The Greeks correctly said that the Earth was round, but incorrectly, the Sun is going around the Earth.
Now fast forward to 21st century. We know evolution is true, humans evolved from Primates in Africa. based on modern molecular biology and genetics, despite what the Abrahamic religions claim based on revelations, and Mahawamsa claims that Sinhala evolved from Lions.
Similarly, applying modern genetics, to the four ethnic communities in the Laand of Native Veddah Aethho ( Sri Lanka), the Veddah genetics, clearly showed that they were distinct from the other three groups, the Up Country Sinhala, the Low Country Sinhala, the Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils. Interestingly, the Sinhala and Sri Lankan Tamils were closer. So, one can state that in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, the Sinhala and Tamils are genetically similar but differs only in the language and apparently, Sinhala has about 40% Tamils-Dravidian words.
The full genetics paper is given below. Enjoy.
Amarasiri / October 16, 2017
Dear Shenal,
“Sinhalese didn’t come from India? Or did they?
Of course they did. The genetics prove that.
Lanka Ranaweera: Abstract. Easy accessibility to Sri Lanka from all the parts might leads to heterogeneous social composition, which is reflected in the different ethnic groups, religious faiths and tongues. Besides the mutually exclusive Vedda people, the Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan Tamils, the other minor ethnic groups include the Indian Tamils, Muslims, Malays, Burghers, Kaffirs, Mukkuvars, Paravars, Kuravans, Kinnaras, Vanni folk, Rodiyas, Colombo Chetties and Vaggei.
The country’s original inhabitants are known as Vedda people and there are three Vedda types in Sri Lanka: Stone Vedda (Cave Dwelling Vedda), Village Vedda and Costal Vedda. Unlike the first two groups who are located in the middle of the country with hunting and gathering subsistence pattern, the Coastal Vedda inhibits the Eastern shoreline of the island and practices maritime fishing.
The research access to Coastal Vedda was limited by the terrorist problem during the past 30 years. Unfortunately, the Sri Lankan government was not aware of the involvement of the Coastal Vedda people in the battlefield. However, the end result is that the massive damage to the indigenous culture. It was evident that the younger Coastal Vedda generations had only experiences of war and they were not aware of their valuable cultural heritage. Only a few elderly people knew the older Vedda dialect.
They are not aware of their unique fishing techniques such as using crushed poisonous plants and special harpoons. Moreover, their fascinating rituals such as worship of cobras and demons, and beliefs such as the presence of dead souls to help them, are becoming obsolete. Therefore, it is really necessary to take measures to preserve these vanishing indigenous inhabitants and assist them in uplifting their intrinsic culture.
old codger / October 16, 2017
Dear Shenal,
This is what you yourself wrote : “If Muslims and Tamils need to live peacefully they should first learn to respect the true natives of this island first.”
Learn to be honest at least.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / October 12, 2017
[Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words. Please read our Comments Policy for further details.
K.Pillai / October 12, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen betrays his heart in second para ~ “………..The Tamils have been crushed and humiliated after the brutal war victory and now it’s my community, the Muslims that are targeted……..”.
So Feroze sees justification in the “crush and humiliation”.
The Feroze moan reminds us the oft quoted Martin Niemöller: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out…”.
In 1948, the then Ceylonese minorities saw the writing on the wall, the Muslims considered themselves Tamils but soon distanced themselves. In 1956 when Tamils staged a Sathiagraha over Sinhala Only, the Muslims completely severed ties with Tamils – in fact some Muslims called themselves Sinhala Muslims.
Feroze tries to portray himself as a liberal thinker ~ “………..the females in my extended family I knew so well will not speak to me anymore, because they have been forced in to exile behind a black veil by their fanatical men……..”.
The Muslims are asserting their identity Feroze – nothing wrong with that. The “fanatical men” are blocking MMDA review – have you done anything about this bane Feroze?
Feroze submits ~ “……These include some saffron robed racist bigots who probably are on a paid mission to bring back the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to power. A left over suicide bomber of Velupillai Prabhaharan may be needed to settle this threat once and for all for the 6.2 million voters…………”.
Typical mentality “Let someone else do the job”.
Feroze, your article is condescending.
Banda / October 12, 2017
Some idiot who deserted his country has come back and is shedding crocodile tears. Did you notice that he is criticising everyone including our President, the Mahanayakes, the ACJU and whoever else comes to his mind? The question is, does he really have a solution or is he part of the problem?
If he loves Sri Lanka so much why did he leave? He could have stayed back solved all the problems he has generalised in the article. Unsubstantiated accusations are inflammatory; adding fuel to the fire.
Such people are dangerous and should be considered persona-non-grata in Sri Lanka.
He says, quote ” Insha Allah. I have decided that I shall not return unless the Muslims reconcile with our Buddhist brothers and sisters.” unquote.
I say, good riddance of bad rubbish!
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“Some idiot who deserted his country has come back and is shedding crocodile tears. Did you notice that he is criticising everyone including our President, the Mahanayakes, the ACJU and whoever else comes to his mind? The question is, does he really have a solution or is he part of the problem?”
“The question is, does he really have a solution or is he part of the problem?”
Feroze has more or less correctly identified the problem. The philosopher Bertrand Russel said that “95% of the solution is identifying the problem”
A possible solution is to castrate the Mahanayakas, the ACJU Mullahs and the President. Perhaps, may be the new replacements will solve the problem, because they will know they will be castrated, if not.
Sinhala_Man / October 13, 2017
I thought this a useful and readable article, and I’m a bit surprised that so many of the comments on it are negative.
I understand the reasons for most of those comments; yes, the writer has acquired the ability to write in a sophisticated style, and there is some justification for regarding him as a dilettante. However let me just state that I enjoyed reading this.
John / October 13, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen,
It’s Marakkala Muslims who embraced Muslim extremism and decided to take extremist root 30 years ago. When Gadafi visited in 70s, he told then Muslim leaders to make Sri Lanka a Muslim country before his next visit. ‘Oil-money’ have started pouring in to Muslim leaders’ bank accounts. Assroff, during his tenure, went crazy with power, fathered Muslim extremism, bulldozed and encroached Buddhist archeological sites in Eastern province. If not for him, there wouldn’t be hardliners such as Hela Urumaya, BBS, etc.
Sinhalese-Muslim relationship has been further strained by Halal fraud, Muslim IDP hoax, drug smuggling, producing fraudulent birth certificates and land deeds, Wilpathuwa destruction, illegal Muslim immigrant smuggling, encroachment of Buddhist archaeological sites, building 1000s of terrorist breeding Madrasas all over the island, starting 2014 Aluthgama riot, etc, etc,etc.
Most corrupt Badudeen and Sali are testing Sinhalese patience…………
What happened to friendly next door Saibu Nana, Pathima, Hajjiyaarr, etc??????
Sunil Dahanayake / October 13, 2017
Dear Feroz,
I have some working experience in a well developed Arab Country. My feeling is that those people that I associate with (males and females) going forward. Our or your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters are going backwards to dark ages.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 13, 2017
We are all concentrating on Muslims but in the ancient Tamil east if is the indigenous Eelam Tamil Hindus and the Tamilised Hindu Vedda are under attack both by the illegally settled Sinhalese Buddhist Facists and the fake Arab immigrant Indian Tamil Hindu converted Islamic refugees , who only arrived in the Tamil east begging for refuge from the Eelam Tamils.
Who is behind this disgraceful attack on this Hindu temple? Sinhalese Buddhist facists or fake Arab refugee/asylum seeker ISIS immigrant Indian Tamil Hindu converted Muslims now worshipping ISIS Arab Wahhabi cocka. They have become very active around the Valecchanai area and with funds from various Islamic states are now trying to convert Hindu Tamil Valaichannai area into Wahhabi ISIS homeland. Why are these Muslim authors quiet about this. This nasty evil selfish backstabbing community is still trying to play victim, after helping the Sinhalese to commit genocide on their fellow Hindu and Christian Tamils and are still up to their games in the east
Woody / October 13, 2017
Stay away Mother F****r (as Salman Rushdie would say) !!! No we don’t want runaways like you anywhere near SL. Be gone. Don’t even bother another return. Infidels and murderers are no more welcome here than in Trump’s USA !!!!!
faiz Junaid / October 13, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“Infidels and murderers”… …….Did you mean Saudi Wahhabis, Salafis, ISIS, ISIL, Boko aram etc, who were misled and tricked by the Devil, Satan, Iblis?
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
Hadith of Najd:
“O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.”
Saudi-led air strikes hit Yemen hotel killing 60 people including civilians and rebels
Riyadh has been repeatedly criticised for causing necessary loss of life in its two-and-half-year air campaign to oust Shia rebels from the Yemeni capital of Sanaa
chiv / October 13, 2017
Feroz thank you so much for your take on reality.It is unfortunate that people of your caliber ” who can call a spade as a spade” is fast disappearing. Please keep writing.
W M Fernando / October 13, 2017
It is only a fashion to blame Rajapakhsas for racial disharmony. May be of brutal LTTE sympathizers due to the defeat in 30 year war. The conflict is not created by Rajapaksha but end of war enabled the interested parties to negotiate and innocent public to live without fear of life. Further my observation is that Islamic groups involved in most of conflict in the world today. When their population is somewhat considerable Islamists start agitations to force their principles to that society.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
W M Fernando
“May be of brutal LTTE sympathizers due to the defeat in 30 year war. “
The brutal LTTE didn’t exist before 1983 as a portent racist force. The public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala was born in 1864 and died in 1933. The riots against Muslims took place in 1915. The racist citizenship act to disfranchise substantial number of hard working people was brought in 1948. Another racist law Sinhala Only Language act was passed in 1956. Numerous anti Tamil riots were organised by government supporters and they were given protection by the state security personnel. …………………………………… By the way how long do you think you are are bound/determined to live an ignorant zombie?
I suggest you check history first before you start typing and then first type it as a draft on word document, review it, then re draft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, redraft it, review it again, ……………………………………………….
Ahmad Nadvi / October 13, 2017
“The sea levels were low, from about 30,000 years to 8,000 years and, and the Indian sub continent and the Land of Native Veddah Aethho ( Sri Lanka,) were joined by a land bridge, just like North America and Asia. The Native Veddah Aethho WALKED to claim their land,….” you accept that Native Veddhas crossed to Sri Lanka, that means they were originally from mainland India? Is that right? therefore they also are PARAs.
There are only two possibilities of human presence in the earth. First Monkey theory, if you are a decedent of Monkey then your ancestral home is Ethiopia in Africa. Second as Muslims claim that first ever human father (please note human father not Muslim father) landed in Sri Lanka, a part of rocks of a lumped continents of Africa, Asia and Australia, from the the garden of Eden. The first ever human mother landed in Araffath , in Present day Saudi Arabia. The both reunited again some where in between present day Sri Lanka and Arabia and human spread to all other the places slowly.
Therefore Native Veddhas cannot be the owners or originators of Sri Lanka. If we follow the principle “live and let the others live” our Lanka would be a better place to live. Amarasiri and Native Veddha please put your claim to rest. Sri Lanka is for everyone, who treat Sri Lanka is their’s .
Amarasiri / October 13, 2017
Ahmad Nadvi,
The Native Veddah Aethho WALKED by way of India to get the Land and claim as theirs. All subsequent travelers were and are Paras.
“There are only two possibilities of human presence in the earth. First Monkey theory, if you are a decedent of Monkey then your ancestral home is Ethiopia in Africa. Second as Muslims claim that first ever human father (please note human father not Muslim father) landed in Sri Lanka, a part of rocks of a lumped continents of Africa, Asia and Australia, from the the garden of Eden. The first ever human mother landed in Araffath , in Present day Saudi Arabia. “
This is what happens when you are brain washed from an early age, your neurons are all hard wired to believe the brain washings. If you check your 46 chromosomes, especially Chromosome #2, you will find that it was formed by the fusion of two primate Chromosomes. Be a skeptic, and accept only what comes with data, and observations, irrespective of what the scriptures say. Did Prophet Joshua stop the Sun as claimed in the “Holy” Bible?
Ken Miller on Human Evolution
Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2017
Ahmad Nadvi
“If we follow the principle “live and let the others live” our Lanka would be a better place to live. “
Of course theoretically, we did live and let others live. As a result once an independent self respecting, resourceful, self sufficient people have now been reduced to pockets of my ancestral land almost at the verge of living in the margin on handouts.
Ahmad Nadvi / October 13, 2017
Oh dear, dear Amarasiri
The Native Veddah Aethho WALKED by way of India to get the Land and claim as theirs. So you are saying NVAs are PARAs and land grabbers ? and why cannot they go back to their original home land? May be you don’t understand this simple point being Sri Lankan with an IQ level of 79. We Sri Lankans don’t care what these Professors say.
“Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.his and that Pro. said this.”
Amarasiri what is the relevance of the above quotation to our argument.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
Ahmad Nadvi,
“Amarasiri what is the relevance of the above quotation to our argument.’
It is all human genetics. The Native Veddah Aethho, Para-Sinhala and Para-Genetics show that the Sinhala and Tamils are indeed Paras in the Land.
There is a need need for the Native Veedah Aethho to get back to where they came from, because they were the First.When you build a house, and you get in there, then it is your house. Similarly the Land of Veddah Aethho belongs to them, not the Paras, and the Paras should get back to India.
Native Vedda / October 14, 2017
Ahmad Nadvi
The whole idea of evolution and migration is simple yet it seems difficult for you. I suggest take a break from this forum and come back in a month or so.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
Native Vedda
“The whole idea of evolution and migration is simple yet it seems difficult for you.”
It was Wahhabism-Salafism that has decreased the native intelligence of Ahmad Nadvi, and if he does not give up the Satanic Iblisic Wahhabism-Salafism, he might end up with 48 chromosomes, by the splitting of chromosome #2, and join his the primate cousins.
This will also be true for the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”, whose intelligence has been dropping since turning Buddhism to Para-Sinhala”Buddhism”, as they do not posses the intelligence required to comprehend true Buddhism.
Feroze Shamsudeen / October 14, 2017
How sick this country has become. The article I penned is not about defending my faith but my birthplace. The comments I read makes me convinced that we as a nation do not have a future. Absolute racists like Shenali should get in to a saffron robe and join the clan. Soon, some terror group would take care of them.
Jimsofty / October 14, 2017
FEROZA: You are preaching what your Mohommad preached. Get rid of the infidels. I think, shenali has given your the proper response. YOu think you muslims are smart.
maalumiris / October 14, 2017
[i]” YOu think you muslims are smart.”[/i]
And the supreme irony is that you think YOU are … !!!
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
“YOu think you muslims are smart.”
Amarasiri is a skeptic, until you come up with credible data and reasoning to the contrary. If you said that 1,000 years ago between 800 CE to 1,150 CE, there was considerable data in support of that. However, today Muslims are stupider relative to the others, because most of them, not all, believe that Revelation is above reason and observation , as taught by the Theologians, for their own self-interest (Many Sinhala “Buddhists” too believe, in something like that, for the self-interest of the monks).
Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power
This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.
Today, however, most Muslims, but not all, are stupider, especially those who are fundamentalists and Wahhabi-Salafis, who follow the Devil, Satan. The Sri Lankan Traditional Muslims who converted to the Wahhabi-Salafi ideology are certainly stupider than the others, and most likely it is the lower end of the IQ distribution who converted to Wahhabi-Salafisn.
Do the All the Para-Muslims believe that Stupidity s a Virtue? What about All the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”?
That is the inference, you need to get out this excellent article. Feroze, was in excellent position to compare the 20 year interval has turned the people stupider, as they were stupid to begin with.
Dan Fernando / October 14, 2017
you may be dead right. Upper hand of the society is caught by highly abusive ones.
Cure is beyond even thinkable remedies. If you would add your own, they just put you into the groups -proxy ISIS. If you would shut up and stay mum, then you would have been branded as muslims dont focus on the issues.
Most buddhists, though I am too born buddhists, dont belong to SO CALLED SINHALA BUDDHISTS GROUPs. Sinhala buddhists are made for policians ulterior games.
Unfortuantely, they talk about TERROR groups, but excluding Rajapkashes and Balusaras and their aggressive movements.
SZ / October 14, 2017
feroze samsudeen
“…Quite honestly, I don’t care a damn about some of these loose women who want to be on top of the men,..”
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? As a Muslim woman who’s fighting for reforms, I am really curious to know?
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen,
Please do keep writing. The Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” racists, who discriminate against their fellow Paras from India have no clue, do not posses the intelligence to understand, comprehend and critically analyze issues, because theit IQ’s are low, well below 79, and they do not posses the IQ’s required to understand Buddhism. So, what do you get? Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”. Please read the article given below.
Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha! Sharmini Serasinghe
Wonder if ours might have been a wiser, and a more ‘humane’ society, had our ‘ancient’ history, been based on Aesop’s Fables, instead of the Mahavamsa. For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!
In this “wonderland” called Sri Lanka, and in this day and age, one still comes across ‘academically’ educated, and supposedly intelligent ‘Buddhists’, but sadly lacking in wisdom, who reverently believe, that the Buddha walked out of his mother’s womb, and walked seven steps, while lotuses blossomed, under his feet!
These very same supposedly educated, and intelligent ‘Buddhists’ also believe, that the enormous indentation, resembling a footprint on a boulder, at Adam’s Peak (Sri Pada to ‘Buddhists’), to be that of the Buddha. This would be in keeping with the conviction that the Buddha, was as tall, or perhaps even taller, than the Avukana Buddha statue, which stands above 40 feet (12 meters) in height! ….Read on…
Jamis Banda / October 15, 2017
“educated, and intelligent ‘Buddhists’ also believe, that the enormous indentation, resembling a footprint on a boulder, at Adam’s Peak (Sri Pada to ‘Buddhists’), to be that of the Buddha.”
These so called educated and intelligent ‘Buddhists are unable to understand the teachings of Buddha and that is why they venerate the bo-tree, a fake tooth and a mammoth footprint due to stupidity and blind belief. The Buddhists in Sri Lanka are made to blindly believe the fairy tales created by some pot smoking Buddhist monks. They are fooling these ignorant Sinhala-Buddhist idiots by showing a huge Dinosaur footprint and a huge animal tooth. Now a days, even the kids won’t believe such fairy tales.
As per the descriptions provided by J.C. Willis and Sir Emerson Tennent prove that the original tooth was carried to Goa and destroyed (burned and pulverized) by the Portuguese in 1561. The holy truth about the ‘holy tooth’ now stored and exhibited in Kandy is that it is a piece of discolored ivory (two to three inches long and less than one inch in diameter), resembling the tooth of a crocodile. It is a clumsy substitute (too large to have been a human tooth), manufactured by Wickrama Bahu in 1566, to replace the original Dalada destroyed by the Portuguese in 1561. Dr. Ernst Haeckel a well-recognized German scientist of the 19th century has said, it resembles the tooth of a crocodile or an ape rather than that of a man.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Jamis Banda,
“The holy truth about the ‘holy tooth’ now stored and exhibited in Kandy is that it is a piece of discolored ivory (two to three inches long and less than one inch in diameter), resembling the tooth of a crocodile. It is a clumsy substitute (too large to have been a human tooth), manufactured by Wickrama Bahu in 1566, to replace the original Dalada destroyed by the Portuguese in 1561. Dr. Ernst Haeckel a well-recognized German scientist of the 19th century has said, it resembles the tooth of a crocodile or an ape rather than that of a man.”
Thanks for the historical update.
That is why they will not allow the “Tooth” or ” Ivory”, be subjected to scientific testing. Imagine, the lost “business’ and “prestige”, if allowed to be subjected to scientific testing, because they know, it is all fake. This way they can and are fooling these ignorant Sinhala-Buddhist idiots, to make many offerings.
Caveat Emptor, buyer beware- the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
Amarasiri / October 14, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen,
Please do keep writing. .
Given below are some good points for you for your next article against the ignorant and stupid from the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” and the Para-Wahhab-Salafi “Muslims”.
Those 6 Times Neil deGrasse Tyson Went Genius AF
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is charismatic and captivating in these six intellectual moments on aliens, Carl Sagan, delusional beliefs and more. Neil completed his graduate studies at Harvard University and received his PhD in astrophysics at Columbia University in 1991. He is now the director of the Hayden Planetarium and all-around science educator extraordinaire.
Amarasiri / October 15, 2017
Feroze Shamsudeen,
Please do keep writing. Do not let idiots and the stupids discourage you. Evolution will ultimately make them go extinct.
Listen to 7 Times Carl Sagan Went Next Level Genius.
Wisdom and knowledge never sounded so good coming from Carl Sagan. Please enjoy these seven genius moments with the greatest science educator of our time Carl Sagan.
chiv / October 14, 2017
Feroze do not stop writing, because that is what at least some of these people want , to shut free and fair opinion, so do not fall pray, I had stop visiting this site many a times, but people like you always bring me back, so thank you so much for the write up, keep it up.