The nexus between the then Finance Minister and present Foreign Affairs Minister Ravi Karunanayake and Arjun Aloysius became evident today at the Commission investigating the Bond Scam after the Attorney general read out text messages referring to the Minister.
Despite Karunanayake’s denial at first, his relationship with Arjun Aloysius and then knowledge of the apartment he currently lives in, the Attorney Generals Department derived clear proof of the nexus.
Although initially denied, Karunanayake’s connection with the Sunday Leader was also laid bare at the commission.
Karunanayake first denied that he knew Aloysius in any capacity other than a family friend. Additional Solicitor General Dappula De Livera who questioned Karunanayake asked him what type of relationship he had with Aloysius.
AG:” Was it a personal relationship?”.
RK: No
AG: Was it a official relationship?
RK: No
AG: Was it a business relationship?
RK: No
AG: Then what kind of relationship did you have?
RK: A normal one, like any politician would have with people. You know they call me for jobs and all.
Immediately thereafter De Livera pulled out the file containing the data of Aloysius’ mobile which ran into nearly 8600 pages.
Startling evidence came before the Commission thereafter.
One text message sent by Aloysius’ personal assistant to Aloysius was to obtain the minutes of the Monetary Board meeting, held on the 28th of November 2016.
28 November 2016 – Remind me to ask Hon MP RK to get a copy of the Monetary Board Paper
Karunanayke was startled and denied knowledge of the message. Thereafter he was asked if he had met with Aloysius and Karunanayake said ‘no’. The AG thereafter read out another text message
1 December 2016 – From Steve Samuel
Good Morning Chairman Hope you had a good meeting with RK. Reminder 1 PM haircut.
According to the data found on Aloysius’s text messages, it has come to light that both Ravi Karunanayake and Arjun Aloysius had both funded the Sunday Leader newspaper soon after the change in governments in 2015.
Another text read To Arjun Aloysius
Social media is a strong weapon these days.Allow us to start our gossip column. We can give a massive support to PM and Hon Ravi K. I am going to cover the cost for two months. 3 to 5 million. Let’s do this boss.
The insinuations were clear, that Karunanayake had met with Aloysius days after the meeting of the monetary board.
Thereafter Karunanayake was questioned as to a letter which was not dated, which was signed by him, and given to Arjun Mahendran. The letter said the government needed Rs 75 Billion for development. It was to justify the Bond Auction.
When Additional Solicitor General wanted to know the reason as to the origin of such a letter the Minister explained the situation he had as the Finance Minister in the beginning of the 2015.
He said that there was an unaccounted debt in balance and an outstanding repayment amounting Rs. 100 billion, when they assumed duties as the new Government in 2015.
The witness said there was a meeting on February 26, 2015 with Malik Samarawickrama and Kabir Hashim over the fund requirement of Rs. 75 billion for road development projects.
The meeting was held prior to the controversial bond auction that took place on February 27, 2015.
When questioned he confirmed that there was no sudden need to raise money in February but the funds were required for the payments in RDA projects.
The witness said Mahendran requested him to send a letter relating to what happened at the February 26, 2015 meeting between the three ministers and thereby he had sent the letter in May 2016.
Karunanayake said the not dating of the letter was an “oversight”. He said Minister Kabir Hashim and Malik Samarawickrama were aware of the letter.
The Attorney Generals also pointed out that Karunanayake and Aloysius had travelled to Singapore and Malaysia at the same time on 13 occasions after June 2015. Karunanayake first said that he never met Aloysius, and thereafter said he must have met him “once” and then said “twice or thrice”.
Regarding the apartment, Karunanayake played complete ignorance. he said that he did not know how the apartment, which he currently lives in at the Monarch residency was paid for.
He said he never asked his wife nor his daughter as to who paid for it. He said that it was not “his business”.
Justice Prasanna Jayawardena said he was amazed that the family could live in a single house and the Minister being the Minster of finance didn’t ask as to how the apartment was paid for.
Karunanayake first said that he came to know about the Aloysius connection with the apartment following Anika Wijesuriya‘s testimony. Later however he admitted that he knew about it since July 2016 when Mahindananda Aluthgamage brought the Penthouse up in parliament.
However, the AG failed to ask Karunanayake as to what he did after the questioning in July. The Penthouse was brought by Karunanayake’s connected company much after July.
Justice Prasanna Jayawardena asked if it was rational to think that his daughters and wife did not know that there would be a conflict of interest by using the money of Aloysius who was already in the middle of the controversy following the Bond auction in 2015.
Karunanayake said his daughters and wife “don’t know politics”.
When asked as to how the funds were raised to purchase the apartment, Karunanayake said that it was through the Company Global Transport Logistics (GTL), of which his wife and daughter are Directors.
Then Jayawardena said that he had gone through the accounts of GTL for the last two years and could not find a single note on the transaction.
Karunanayake further said that there “may be no accounts in any bank for the sum”, after being asked by Jayawardena as to if there was any sort of document to show the transaction.
Jayawardena also said that it was highly unusual for the Minister of Finance to not have known basic norms in such process. He also said that it was unusual for Karunanayake not to be aware of how the house he lived in was bought.
Prasanna Jayawardena, the Commissioner, asked if Karunanayake was aware of how money laundering worked. This was after Karunanayake said that the money for the apartment was given by Lakshmi Kanthan, the Chairman of his company, for which there was no account. Karunanayake said that he trusted the Chairman of the Company to which Jayawardena said that “trusting Chairmans is not a good thing”. he also told Karunanayake that he was a the Finance Minister and should have known how the money was brought in.
Perriamama / August 2, 2017
Oh dear oh dear..where is Mr. Clean Ranil who appointed such an amazing character as finance then foreign minister?
Very silent these days. We all remember his talk in parliament when the bond scandal first broke.
Must be having pittu in his mouth that he can’t talk. Poor poor baby.
Amarasiri / August 3, 2017
Minister Ravi Karunanayaka, aka Penthouse Ravi
//”Regarding the apartment, Karunanayake played complete ignorance. he said that he did not know how the apartment, which he currently lives in at the Monarch residency was paid for.”//
//”He said he never asked his wife nor his daughter as to who paid for it. He said that it was not “his business”.//
It was probably paid by your wife’s admirer.! After all some of the lucky ones have very generous admirers. You are really, really lucky to have a wife with such a generous admirer.
Punchiburampi / August 3, 2017
be cautious!
I think we NEED not to react the very same manner those stupid folks act just following lanken media are upto.
Over the few months, lanken media have been against the current govt.
But pro Rajaakshes why ?
We have provable acts of Rajaakshes but they have been held as heroes even today.
High murder crimes to all money laundering acts have been reported with prima facie evidence.. nevertheless lanken media to report proxy rajapakashes.. is no means acceptable.
bo / August 3, 2017
Don’t you know: He s only a lodger in his wifes apartment and paying rent for his digs via BF aloysius. So how could he know !
kasun / August 3, 2017
If RK’s wife admirer had used his daughters, rogue RK would have still said his wife & daughters sleeping with anyone was not his business, shameless b*****d
Justice & Fairplay / August 3, 2017
If this Humbug didn’t know how his apartment was paid for, then why was he given this country’s finances to be managed?
Maybe the Prime Minister didn’t even know what everyone on the road knows about the Great Humbug.
roy / August 3, 2017
Perriamma ,Periya size pittu he loves it, no wonder he can’t talk, now speechless!
Analyst / August 3, 2017
Yes ,, The kind of state robbery can only happen in SL. Also the half baked( educated) LOWYERS advises their clients to lie through their teeth .
Exactly that’s what RK was doing in court!! Lie through his teeth.
How can anyone trust these liars?? Let alone they’re Ministers of our f …. Land.
Just saying / August 3, 2017
Mela Karunanayake ran Ravi’s offices, be it Finance or Foreign, with an iron fist with ALL private staff and her close family. No one goes or comes out without her direct approval. To say she does not know politics is laughable – she has runs all his campaigns.
Arjun had a free pass to the Finance Ministry and walked is as and when he felt. Ravi has noting else to say but deny and in such a puerile manner – 13 visits to Singapore that coincide? For god’s sake!!
Spring Koha / August 2, 2017
The wife and daughters of the Hon. Minister really thought that a man came to the house every Friday with a bag full of sovereigns to reward the Hon. Minister for the outstanding work he does for the country.
God Bless all naive ladies!!
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
Spring Koha
It is not the theft of money that should worry the people it is the inapt crooks who cannot properly, plan, execute, profit, hide evidence, and get away unscathed .
The worrying aspect of the tragedy is that they are being entrusted with major ministries. If these crooks can’t effectively lie why the hell people vote for them?
The voters must be very very very dumb indeed who periodically elect the dumbest of all crooks.
The education is such the country is incapable of producing clever crooks. What the hell is going on?
Spring Koha / August 3, 2017
Native Vedda
You hit the nail on the head. What is this country coming to when a Hon? Minister cannot even lie convincingly. You also have to admire his breathtaking idiocy when involving his wife and daughters. Any self-respecting man will surely inquire when his lady produces ‘goodies’ like a prize penthouse. What did she do? How did she do it? The last time I looked, our ministers are paid very very well, but not enough to afford top-of-the-range penthouses. Oh for the time when only the educated and landed proprietors were allowed to vote.
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
Spring Koha
“Any self-respecting man will surely inquire when his lady produces ‘goodies’ like a prize penthouse. What did she do? How did she do it? “
You are onto something sinister, something mutually agreed, ……………………….
Leelawathie / August 3, 2017
I think lanken media has established their views on RK before studying all the bits properly.
Very same media has been doing everything to attack Prez and PM on and on.
I think lanka today is being ruled by MEDIA mafia not by elected president or any politicians.
Highly corrupted cultured is connected to one another – as nothing can be understood easily.
Lawyer and MP Ajith Perera had added to a TV program y day, that there is no room to a justice court so long current minister of JUSTICE is there. Minister of justice and his actions are fishy we also heard them few months ago.
bo / August 3, 2017
No point in attacking the media, when the crook right in the middle of this is this greedy and calculating crooked minister.
Ranga / August 2, 2017
What a disgrace. What an abominable disgrace. And we call ourselves Buddhist and speak about 2500 year old culture!! This man should be locked-up and RW as well as Mallik S and Kabir should be TOLD to resign.
sach / August 3, 2017
There is nothing buddhist in Ravi or Allosius or Ranil
Sinhala_Man / August 2, 2017
I’m just a guy who knows little of Finance, but I, and most other Sri Lankan citizens who spend the now mandatory 15 minutes to find out what’s happening in the country, knew within days of that Bond Auction that Arjun Mahendran’s name was getting dragged in the mud “over some allegations”. For Ravi Karunanayake’s wife and daughter not to know is incredible.
Mrs Karunanayake had a brother, a retired low rank Police Officer, Bangsa Jaya. We read that he had been appointed something like the Chairman of the Insurance Corporation, and Ravi K. was listing his b-i-l’s qualifications as having passed his “First-in-Laws” which is just a preliminary exam on the way to an LLB. R.K. also claimed that Bangsa Jaya was a great success in the job.
There was so much idealism among those who made the Rainbow Revolution possible, and within days of succeeding these are the things that they’ve done. True, Maithri appointed his brother to Telecom, but relative to the the UNP branch of the Government, the Maithri section were reasonably clean.
However, there may be pique. Does anybody else remember this? When the picking of Maithri as Presidential Candidate was announced, I have a distinct memory of some guy appearing on T.V. and pouring scorn on the choice, and advancing his own credentials. . Was it R.K. or Managala S. I think that it was the latter. Let’s get this part of punishing be done quickly. Then let’s get on to the Rajapaksas. What a country is this become now!
Sinhala_Man / August 2, 2017
Sorry, ” I think it was the former is what I meant to type” – in other words, Ravi Karunanayake.
But this is what we citizens are reduced to. Keeping a tab on corruption, not finding something to be happy about on our short spell on this earth.
Jimsofty / August 2, 2017
So, it is proven beyond doube that Ravi KArunayake is a liar and not reust worthy to be a responsible politician. What will Maitheipala sirisena and Ranil Wickrmasinghe do. Stay silent as if they did not know anything or hear anything. Start talking about Mahinda Rajppakse and his govt.
Jim Softy / August 2, 2017
This government is probing the Sinhalese when Tamils are living off Sinhalese blood money.
EPF Contributor / August 3, 2017
Well said. From the grand father Kattar Aloysius who was a leach hanging on to President Premadasa and made his millions including on the school uniform material supplies, now the grand son along with his father in law have right royally screwed the sinhalese. When thousands of EFF contributors are struggling to make ends meet these crooks have clean swept the funds, of course in collaboration with the Sinhala RK, RW and the scum at the Central Bank EPF Section.
Both the Indian tamil Arjun A and the Jaffna Tamil Arjuna M have shown what the tamils are capable of !!!
Jimsofty / August 3, 2017
IF this happened In IT woulf be like Raj Rajarathanm. IF it happened in UK, IT would be like emil Kanthan. In here, even politicians are part of that. So, nothing happens happens. After some Time, Ranil comes and ask for votes again. what ever he could not do will be Mahinda Rajapkse’s fault.
nosey parker / August 3, 2017
I thought Kattar was a dry fish mudalai .
Sinhala_Man / August 2, 2017
When I first heard of this “Penthouse”, what it conjured in my mind was some sort of lean to shed added on to a building. Searching now for its meaning I find that my vague memory was correct. It apparently meant that originally.
But NOW, it means something very different apparently:
What we now need to see are some photographs of this. Is it the top floor of this?
Too small! This has to be exposed in greater detail!! We, the miserable poor, now no longer know how our rulers live. Well, to be sure he RK doesn’t either, since this is what he’s claimed above:
“Regarding the apartment, Karunanayake played complete ignorance. he said that he did not know how the apartment, which he currently lives in at the Monarch residency was paid for.”
SJ / August 2, 2017
He said he never asked his wife nor his daughter as to who paid for it. He said that it was not “his business”.
Karunanayake said his daughters and wife “don’t know politics”.
I am sure that the former ruling family too has similar domestic situations.
Karunanayake said the not dating of the letter was an “oversight”. He said Minister Kabir Hashim and Malik Samarawickrama were aware of the letter.
Shame, even his cabinet colleagues did not notice that the letter was undated.
What is the Sinhala term for gross incompetence?
Steave / August 3, 2017
RK should be struck off from his CIMA qualifications!!
srinath.gunaratne / August 3, 2017
This is the symbol of currption! Belongs in jail!
The whole family is a bunch of thieves and money launderers
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
Its been stinking, stinking s**t since 1956 when the Pancha Maha Balavegaya (sangha, vedamathaya, guruvarayo, govikula and kamkaru were mislead by a bunch of racist political crooks.
Didn’t you notice how the political crooks rob the democratic rights of the people and how the political powers were being centralised and kept within bunch of thieves? You must be a thumb sucking toddler.
Sam Fernando / August 3, 2017
I think …both people and potiticians are smeared with all smells. So they cant see a greater difference Srianath, but my problem is… you guys that have found greener pastures thanking to Queens country, but to go on licking the balls of Rajapaksshes.
Latter leader is the most abusive we have had since independence.
Telling all blatant lies but did the other way around.
You are just one another who got deceived.
But they are all talking about BOND scam today, while leaving all high crimes carired out by former idiots have been neglected.
I think lankens have been misled by some media institutions. WHo is behind them, … devious, vicious Rajapakshes.
K A Sumanasekera / August 3, 2017
God Bless Dr Ranil and Mr Sira and give them Good Health and Strength to keep looking after. our poor Lankan Inhabitants, who are 70 % pure Sinhala Buddhists…….., with the help of Lotto Ravi, Malik Samare and Kabir Hashim….And the Sunday Leader which is funded by the FIL and SIL from the Diaspora in Singapore…..
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
” our poor Lankan Inhabitants, who are 70 % pure Sinhala Buddhists…….., “
How did you manage to distill (purify, refine, filter, treat, process; vaporize/evaporate and condense, sublime, sublimate; rarefractionate) Lankan Inhabitants into pure Sinhala Buddhists?
Jimsofty / August 3, 2017
In a decent society in which leaders are respectable and show discipline, MY3 abd Ranil definitely will get rid of this shamless thief foreign minister. I fht eleaders are in the same boat, and they care only about position and the money they lost,Ravi KArunanayake stays the minister.
Chutta / August 3, 2017
Both his wife and daughter are babies, know nothing about politics, they are from wonderland, not from SL.
Chutta / August 3, 2017
[Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
K A Sumanasekera / August 3, 2017
Poodle club president’s baby son has got a free Pad from Aloysios……So has the silly Mouth Ajith Perera …………No wonder both came out with AK47s to attack the good citizens like Wijewardana, who exposed the EPF Robbery while Sira was having his Siesta……. Both these Yahapalana Ministers made forceful and strident speeches to white wash and protect FIL and SIL through the Colombo Media………..And Poodle Club baby Son , who claim to be the only Good Sinhala Buddhist in the UNP in particular , gave Legal Opinions too, to clear FIL and SIL, free of charge of course………Are they in the Monarch Tower ?…….Or is it Havelock Apartments.?……….Where is Dr Ranil?…………….
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Could you name one politician/minister/state functionary/police officer/…..been sent to prison for fraud, theft, murder, rape, war crime, ……… without foreign pressure being applied.
srinath.gunaratne / August 3, 2017
Vases Gunawardana
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“Vases Gunawardana”
He is in remand custody, has not been sentenced. Duminda is serving his prison sentence, we are told. We do not know what exactly the arrangement inside the prison is, probably his golaya is sleeping in his cell.
K A Sumanasekera / August 3, 2017
Dear Native……..Vass Gune is like your Yahapalana mate, Dr Ranil’s RH man, who was elected Best Treasurer in Asia( ? Don’t know by Who )……..Gune also cant remember……And don’t know what the Missus and Sonna were doing………..Get it mate !!!!!!
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“And don’t know what the Missus and Sonna were doing”
Have they gone abroad?
JBS / August 3, 2017
This fellow got caught his pants down. Dirty bugger does not have decency to accept that he has violated laws of the land and has audacity to go on pretending he is unaware of the fact that he is living in a PENTHOUSE. Disgraceful conduct of a well known abuser of peoples trust. He did similar things earlier under Ranil. He, Mahendran and Aloysious all are sponsored by Ranil Wickramasinghe. Ranil Wickramasinghe is totally responsible for the current economic crisis in the country. Ravi the dirty politician and Ranil the beneficiary of ill gotten wealth must say goodbye to politics in Sri Lanka. The curse of forty years in politics must come to an END
Pandiya / August 3, 2017
The biggest swindler of our country has an excuse worth the toilet paper. Does he think his wife and daughter are toddlers and they have received some gifts (expensive toy house) from another dirty bastard Aloysious and Arjuna Mahendran. “ANEY THOTHTHA BABAA” .
Ranil and the dirty government must take the responsibility.
We got rid of ALI BABAA and Forty Thieves in January 2015, but we have replace them with another Big Thief preaching Litchchavi techniques. He should know Litchavis were never known for robbing people and for money laundering.
Irony is ALI BABAA thinks he can come back to power on his issue. Unfortunately, Sira is in a hell of a bind. When you have made the deal with the devil, outcome is not very nice. People have to pay the price. Sira must drop the Devil and his cohorts and gather the support of like minded decent politicians, otherwise he is doomed.
Unreal / August 3, 2017
…. … … Sira must drop the Devil and his cohorts and gather the support of like minded decent politicians.
There are lot of assumptions in this suggestion:
1) Sira is as white as lily.
2) There are other lilies around him.
3) He has not gathered those lilies to his side.
4) Once he does that our woes ought to disappear.
Kindly tell me, how did such an innocent Sira manage to oust his mighty boss!
bo / August 3, 2017
Not enough to get rid of this lot. They should be arrested and prosecuted and thrown into the sea in a locked and weighted container. Let him live in that partment as he does not care to find out how he got there.
janaka / August 3, 2017
Maybe out of the uneducated Rajapaksas but a graduate chartered accountant coming out with this baloney?
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“Maybe out of the uneducated Rajapaksas but a graduate chartered accountant coming out with this baloney?”
Why do you think only the uneducated are capable of defrauding the state, rob people, rape, …… ?
You should get the police to arrest me and another 20 million people for being uneducated.
Gamarala / August 3, 2017
Ravi K world’s best finance minister has shown the way to legalise bribes.
Ask your wife and children to accept the bribes and deny any knowledge at a subsequent inquiry.
These things happen only in Sri Lanka where politicians take voters as fools.
Jimsofty / August 3, 2017
Taking Bribers by wives, registering businesses in the name of wife, businesses running by relatives are the very common form of corruption by politicians. That system is very old. during the LASst govt, it said, Ranil was holding a coconut estate but the parent was eating from it. There is no politician who did not use method. that is my guess.
Douglas / August 3, 2017
Native Vedda: In answering “Spring Koha” you said: “It is not the theft that should worry the people, it is the inapt crooks………….hide evidence and get away unscathed”. We have a “Brilliant Set of Crooks’ who would measure up or exceed that type of “Apt” you speak of in the company of the previous President Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse. This YAHAPALANAYA after nearly two years in operation has yet to “Unearth” some of the “MEGA CORRUPTION” of the previous regime of MR. Perhaps, we must try to bring these “Inapt” crooks to meet with that “Apt” and “Able” crooks of the MR camp and form into a “CONGLOMERATE” so that the PEOPLE could easily identify them in one camp as and when elections are held to nominate them in the Legislature. Agree?
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
I just noticed a headline grabbing announcement “Ban TNA to realize reconciliation – by another smart ass patriot – Sarath Weerasekera”
While the country is being controlled by both main parties irrespective of their “differences” who take turn to loot the treasury and people.
Now look at the smart ass racist patriot who is trying to bury/sweep the accumulated dirt under Sambandan’s amude.
The patriotic smart ass should be campaigning against looters instead creating unnecessary diversion.
Adrian / August 3, 2017
RK should be indicted for perjury. Also for contempt because he has treated the learned commissioners like brain damaged fools.
The main problem facing SriLanka is the despicable PM. When will the UNP top brass put the country before party and kick this born loser out?
thrishu / August 3, 2017
This basket of a minister is a blatant liar. I have no words to describe him here in this forum. If I were VP I would know what I would do with him, and I hope that the President also knows how to think like VP. This basket has brought the ultimate disgrace to Sri lankan form of democracy, and I regert that there is no Army Leadership in the country that could take over power and arrest the lot and shoot them at dawn. Sri Lanka has gone several thousands of years back to the stone age when it comes to good governance. It is despicable that all our top political leaders are involved in stripping national assets, in collusion with crooked businessmen. Disgusting. The man must be shot to make an example to the remainder of national bank robbers.
Manel / August 3, 2017
Comment related to Janaka?
Why is this man condemned of MR ? Is this person is Educated of when and where? These incorrigible commenters misused CT to that slandering other without any grounds? This man is humbug !
Titus .Ginasoma / August 3, 2017
Ravi Karuanaya is baby elephant ,but he is senior leader of UNP has been selected by Ranil Wickramsinghe of Primer of SL. The UNP old politics of (Ranil Wicks) are different from UNP New leadership carry by Mathripala Sirisena ? He used name of” SLFP” to converted all SLFP’s into “New” UNP membership in 2020 Presidential Election.
The MS man that seek Second Term of President after 2020 ,what he promised to Ranil Wicks has been step by step loosing ground that due to result of CB Bond scam committed crime by Ranil.Wicks in 2015 February 27 and September 30th 2015 .
Ours political landscape has gradually turn into in favor of MS power grid. MS is getting better position inside UNP and outside” SLFP”, while that towing by TNA and JVP as real partnership.
The UNP real leader Ranil of Christen leadership become weak and loosing power ground behind the bar!!!@
Nagendra Francis / August 3, 2017
Hard to believe this load of bullshit. You mean to say his second wife and his daughters took all the decisions on how to use his money and make a key decision like buying a Penthouse. This is what we say “owa gihin kiyapang konde’ bandapu cheenunta”. ඕවා ගිහින් කියපන් කොන්ඩේ බැඳපු චීනුන්ට . So lo and behold he is busier than Donald Trump not to know HOW a house was paid for and bought for? HE NEVER asked anyone in his family. This confirms what a friend told me. He said his wife was the collector for all the bribes and pay offs and used her goons to intimidate people around his mansion on Parliament Road.
Ranil will never punish this rogue. It will be upto the President. Ranil backs him because RK was loyal to him during the power struggle.
Nagendra Francis / August 3, 2017
This is what we say “owa gihin kiyapang konde’ bandapu cheenunta”. ඕවා ගිහින් කියපන් කොන්ඩේ බැඳපු චීනුන්ට . So lo and behold he is busier than Donald Trump not to know HOW a house was paid for and bought for?
Ranil will never punish this rogue. It will be upto the President. Ranil backs him because RK was loyal to him during the power struggle.
nalmen / August 3, 2017
you sir
not I sir
who then sir
my wife sir
she should be appointed foreign secretary together they can hoodwink all hostile countries
James Perera / August 3, 2017
Ranil MUST ask Ravi K to resign, immediately
Words / August 3, 2017
This man is so disgusting..and his wife and daughter are no better
They should be taken to Galle Face and stoned ISIS style
I bet you he will get off scott free on this episode as well.. as he did with the money laundering cases !
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“They should be taken to Galle Face and stoned ISIS style”
You should approach the lonely Field Marshall who said in 2010 if he won the elections he would drag the clan and cronies all the way to Galle Face green. I didn’t ask him why. Anyhow, speak to him and see if he knows anything that we do not know.
The lonely public racist Field Marshall hasn’t kicked a big fuss about the unaccounted cash flow. Does it mean he was part of the crooked deal or it does not bother him at all and gracefully maintaining a deafening silent in order to be with the crooks. Or he is so stupid that he did not know what was happening around him.
He too once claimed the country exclusively belonged to the Sinhala/Buddhists. He can keep the country for himself with all the crooks around him.
Long live Sinhala/Buddhist fascism. Isn’t it what you personally aspired to?