The nexus between the then Finance Minister and present Foreign Affairs Minister Ravi Karunanayake and Arjun Aloysius became evident today at the Commission investigating the Bond Scam after the Attorney general read out text messages referring to the Minister.
Despite Karunanayake’s denial at first, his relationship with Arjun Aloysius and then knowledge of the apartment he currently lives in, the Attorney Generals Department derived clear proof of the nexus.
Although initially denied, Karunanayake’s connection with the Sunday Leader was also laid bare at the commission.
Karunanayake first denied that he knew Aloysius in any capacity other than a family friend. Additional Solicitor General Dappula De Livera who questioned Karunanayake asked him what type of relationship he had with Aloysius.
AG:” Was it a personal relationship?”.
RK: No
AG: Was it a official relationship?
RK: No
AG: Was it a business relationship?
RK: No
AG: Then what kind of relationship did you have?
RK: A normal one, like any politician would have with people. You know they call me for jobs and all.
Immediately thereafter De Livera pulled out the file containing the data of Aloysius’ mobile which ran into nearly 8600 pages.
Startling evidence came before the Commission thereafter.
One text message sent by Aloysius’ personal assistant to Aloysius was to obtain the minutes of the Monetary Board meeting, held on the 28th of November 2016.
28 November 2016 – Remind me to ask Hon MP RK to get a copy of the Monetary Board Paper
Karunanayke was startled and denied knowledge of the message. Thereafter he was asked if he had met with Aloysius and Karunanayake said ‘no’. The AG thereafter read out another text message
1 December 2016 – From Steve Samuel
Good Morning Chairman Hope you had a good meeting with RK. Reminder 1 PM haircut.
According to the data found on Aloysius’s text messages, it has come to light that both Ravi Karunanayake and Arjun Aloysius had both funded the Sunday Leader newspaper soon after the change in governments in 2015.
Another text read To Arjun Aloysius
Social media is a strong weapon these days.Allow us to start our gossip column. We can give a massive support to PM and Hon Ravi K. I am going to cover the cost for two months. 3 to 5 million. Let’s do this boss.
The insinuations were clear, that Karunanayake had met with Aloysius days after the meeting of the monetary board.
Thereafter Karunanayake was questioned as to a letter which was not dated, which was signed by him, and given to Arjun Mahendran. The letter said the government needed Rs 75 Billion for development. It was to justify the Bond Auction.
When Additional Solicitor General wanted to know the reason as to the origin of such a letter the Minister explained the situation he had as the Finance Minister in the beginning of the 2015.
He said that there was an unaccounted debt in balance and an outstanding repayment amounting Rs. 100 billion, when they assumed duties as the new Government in 2015.
The witness said there was a meeting on February 26, 2015 with Malik Samarawickrama and Kabir Hashim over the fund requirement of Rs. 75 billion for road development projects.
The meeting was held prior to the controversial bond auction that took place on February 27, 2015.
When questioned he confirmed that there was no sudden need to raise money in February but the funds were required for the payments in RDA projects.
The witness said Mahendran requested him to send a letter relating to what happened at the February 26, 2015 meeting between the three ministers and thereby he had sent the letter in May 2016.
Karunanayake said the not dating of the letter was an “oversight”. He said Minister Kabir Hashim and Malik Samarawickrama were aware of the letter.
The Attorney Generals also pointed out that Karunanayake and Aloysius had travelled to Singapore and Malaysia at the same time on 13 occasions after June 2015. Karunanayake first said that he never met Aloysius, and thereafter said he must have met him “once” and then said “twice or thrice”.
Regarding the apartment, Karunanayake played complete ignorance. he said that he did not know how the apartment, which he currently lives in at the Monarch residency was paid for.
He said he never asked his wife nor his daughter as to who paid for it. He said that it was not “his business”.
Justice Prasanna Jayawardena said he was amazed that the family could live in a single house and the Minister being the Minster of finance didn’t ask as to how the apartment was paid for.
Karunanayake first said that he came to know about the Aloysius connection with the apartment following Anika Wijesuriya‘s testimony. Later however he admitted that he knew about it since July 2016 when Mahindananda Aluthgamage brought the Penthouse up in parliament.
However, the AG failed to ask Karunanayake as to what he did after the questioning in July. The Penthouse was brought by Karunanayake’s connected company much after July.
Justice Prasanna Jayawardena asked if it was rational to think that his daughters and wife did not know that there would be a conflict of interest by using the money of Aloysius who was already in the middle of the controversy following the Bond auction in 2015.
Karunanayake said his daughters and wife “don’t know politics”.
When asked as to how the funds were raised to purchase the apartment, Karunanayake said that it was through the Company Global Transport Logistics (GTL), of which his wife and daughter are Directors.
Then Jayawardena said that he had gone through the accounts of GTL for the last two years and could not find a single note on the transaction.
Karunanayake further said that there “may be no accounts in any bank for the sum”, after being asked by Jayawardena as to if there was any sort of document to show the transaction.
Jayawardena also said that it was highly unusual for the Minister of Finance to not have known basic norms in such process. He also said that it was unusual for Karunanayake not to be aware of how the house he lived in was bought.
Prasanna Jayawardena, the Commissioner, asked if Karunanayake was aware of how money laundering worked. This was after Karunanayake said that the money for the apartment was given by Lakshmi Kanthan, the Chairman of his company, for which there was no account. Karunanayake said that he trusted the Chairman of the Company to which Jayawardena said that “trusting Chairmans is not a good thing”. he also told Karunanayake that he was a the Finance Minister and should have known how the money was brought in.
Jim softy / August 3, 2017
If FCID or what ever the commission, they should question even the people closely related to this case. for example, aloysius and other men and women friends of thesed people. Then everything comes out. At least we can catch how they are lieing.
sama / August 3, 2017
you would never learn it.. please see it here
Each time when reading your posts, I feel, you are more like one of the gallery that would dance for ASAYI bayai like songs….
MsMaralathoni / August 3, 2017
Anways, be them from UNP or SLFP, both should be punished equally.
Then we can see a country that the law is no doublestandard.
If law and order is at all in action, all Rajaakshe men should LONG have been in jails.
Unfortunatley, almost everyone in that that family are still roaming in the city.
nosey parker / August 3, 2017
May the Gods look down kindly on those who rob and plunder this poor country where by their own admission 40% of the population live on less than US$ per day .
Richard / August 3, 2017
looks like all the money laundering and tax evasion laws are for the general public and those who enact the laws are above it. ………….Ravi doesn’t know where the money came to buy the apartment, Basil didn’t know who paid for his properties in Gampaha and Matara, Nishantha Wickremasinghe (MR’s bro-in-law) carries millions into the country in his packet and says he didn’t think it needed to be declared. Looks like all politicians are taking the people for a good ride. WE NEED ANOTHER FORM OF GOVT……BOUND BY STRICT LAW TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE…..PARLIAMENT IS ROGUES PROTECTING ROGUES.
Jim softy / August 3, 2017
It says, this is one of the SMSes that Arjun Aloysius received. Dear Arjun there is Kapila Prasnna in Swarnawahini. He was with previous regime from 2007-2015. He has robbed producing money from Swarnawahini. This guy has been the secretary to S.M. Chandrasena from 2015. He only has GCE O/Ls. What is he doing under you? It is not good for you and PTL and Ravi K. These guys are very dangerous. They may send information. (June 1, 2017)
Kugan / August 3, 2017
Is it a curse for this country or what.a finance minister don’t even know of his own house finance matter,this is not a joke but purely showing mass population are fools.
These are the fools safe guarding the budhism.as well as the crooks and murderers,.
One after the orther all its showing is how deep the corruption is.
Even the greedy doctors are not exceptional
Hope VP ‘re born again as Sinhalese and fight for the course of all lankans.
Nic / August 3, 2017
A very pathetic, sordid and poor performance by Ravi K. The cheek of this guy (RK) to turn the cards on the AG’s department and accuse those conscientious attorneys of trying to climb the ladder within the department at the expense of tarnishing his (RK’s) image is hilarious!. What does this guy (RK) take us the citizens of Sri Lanka for? We are not idiots Ravi..
Since most of his testimony was “I don’t know or I did not have any knowledge of” – he has by his own admission under oath sated that he is a mere moron who knows nothing substantive and nothing at all. Therefore it is a big blunder to have this guy attend to and be in charge of the affairs of this state as a Cabinet Minister and a person attending meetings of the National Security Council of this country!
Additionally he has also through his testimony thrown the rope around the necks of at least two of his Cabinet colleagues only to tighten the knot should the carpet under his (Ravi’s) feet be pulled.
It would be more honorable for Ravi, Kabir, Malik and Ranil to resign forthwith. As for Ranil – 40 years – enough of your crafty, sleazy, cunning back door politics. Go home.
Berty Gunathilaka / August 3, 2017
It would be more honorable for Ravi, Kabir, Malik and Ranil to resign forthwith. As for Ranil – 40 years – enough of your crafty, sleazy, cunning back door politics. Go home.
Oh gosh! you forgot to mention Dealdasa ,Dealgala,
Bell / August 3, 2017
Totally agree. He has done enough damage to this country. It’s time for Ranil to say bye bye from politics.
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“He has done enough damage to this country. It’s time for Ranil to say bye bye from politics.”
Therefore its time for MY3 to appoint Gota in place of Ranil, hand over the presidency to Mahinda and the treasury to Basil return all the white vans to Sisira.
The country will return to its former glory.
Shrikharan / August 3, 2017
As long as there are enough fools and they elect him he can by all means continue in politics unhindered. It is only if he is proved guilty by the court of law and only the judges can debar him form getting elected.
shankar / August 3, 2017
being a new born baby who does not know anything someone should give him choopy to suck.
can we please have a cell ready for him.After all india reduced corruption by jailing some of their politicians including jayalalitha.Are we going to go on tolerating this nonsense?
shankar / August 3, 2017
“Karunanayake said the not dating of the letter was an “oversight”.”
becoming a porn star going viral nowadays and fucking the whole country at once also is an oversight.Sanath boy is now beaten well and truly.
“He said he never asked his wife nor his daughter as to who paid for it. He said that it was not “his business”.”
money coming in not his “business”,only money going out.Now we know why he got the title of worlds best finance minister.Must check how he got that.Did aloysious pay for that too?
“Justice Prasanna Jayawardena asked if it was rational to think that his daughters and wife did not know that there would be a conflict of interest by using the money of Aloysius who was already in the middle of the controversy following the Bond auction in 2015.
Karunanayake said his daughters and wife “don’t know politics”.”
This was the best one of all. He might not know who his wife is.He might go to the next door neighbours wife,thinking that she is his wife.The apartments all look the same anyway and middle aged pear shaped women also.
thrishu / August 3, 2017
which stupid countres gave this basket the title of worlds best finance minister? A pisshead that does not know how his wifey buys a 165 M house is not fit to be a finance minister. He is only good for cleaning toilets, with his dirty tongue.
Desperate Sinhalaya / August 3, 2017
There you see, that the mud campaign is taken stern in the country than outside world.
Thrisu, you are a group leader for a research group. I am also from Europe, but I study the nature of lanken media in today s context.
International communities confirm that the govt in power work hard to face today s situation, but they are very weak at passing the message to the public.
Media mafia in the today s context abuse the information strenghtheneing the hands of their favourite men.
That you should be very clear – I question myself, why GSP plus, free media, and other democratice rights that have been restoreed by the current govt is being not praised by anyone.
The reason is they dont care about media flow but let it go.
In the days of MOST ABUSIVE Rajaakshe s authoritarian rule, he gave the number 1 place to twist the information and fool the nation.
It is easy to fool the nation than feeding them with facts.
Keith / August 3, 2017
You are full of crap!
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“which stupid countres gave this basket the title of worlds best finance minister?”
If Colombo Uni was able to bestow a honorary Doctorate on the chief hangman Gota why not Ravi being named best Finance Minister? Now that he has proved that he is also capable of stealing, money laundering, …… you better keep him at par with the clan.
Jim softy. / August 3, 2017
It says, Perpetual’s Aloysius has given houses even to Sujeewa Senasinghe and Ajith Perera. but, only RK is questioned.
Jim softy. / August 3, 2017
Some one says, That Aloysius had promised Rs 3 million to a certain newspaper and he di dnot give it because of that, this story was leaked to masses. I am wondering whether it is the Sunday Leader or CT ?
Ceylonese / August 3, 2017
Based on what has already come to light if the President and PM are men of Yahapalanaya, they should resign and go bury their heads in sand.
Muhandiram / August 3, 2017
Even if we excuse Penthouse Ravi, the Finance Minister, nay the Best Finance Minister in the world, for not asking his wife and daughters about the source of funds to pay for the lease and subsequent purchase of the Penthouse, how can we excuse him, a Professionally Qualified Chartered Accountant, for NOT finding out from his wife and daughter from where more than Rs. 175 millions came to pay for the lease and purchase price of the Penthouse he lived in? What an insult to the Professional Accountancy Institute of which he is a Member.
Perhaps, he has Billions and the amount involved in the Penthouse is just pea nuts for him!
malik / August 3, 2017
Every one knew Ravi K connection with Sunday Leader way back in 2002, Just ask Frederica Jansz who worked for him at the time, on manipulated stories (FACT)…. But for him to claim that he did not know how and who paid the money to rent out a Expensive Luxury Apartment he is living in, The Best Finance minister in Asia??? May be his is incompetent or just lying and corrupt. Given his history the latter is most likely.
niyas / August 3, 2017
it is amazing being a poweful minister doesnt know the affairs of his own living then how come he will know the state affairs properly while going through this scinario even layman can understand something wrong with the statement
srinath.gunaratne / August 3, 2017
Get the phone of Ravi and the family, We will know more
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
“Get the phone of Ravi and the family, We will know more”
Are you going to black mail, stalk, ………………?
Simon De Silva / August 3, 2017
We could also get more if Rajapkashes telephones were screened.
Why is that Ravi to one thing and high criminals such as Rajapakshes to something else.
If that was in Europe be it UK or Gremany, police would have the power to check every citizens phone exchanges.
Lanken law and order is similar to that of UGANDA or any other poor worlds where no law is in action. Just rules and regulations are limited to the books and paragraphs.
Unitl today, Rajaakshes wife is not interrogated in terms of THADJUDEEN murder even if prima facie evidence is available.
The very same is with Yoshita Rajapakshe whose intention should have been to kill Thadjudeen …
Srinath tell us please – If your son or daugher would have been murdered that way, you would still stay licking the balls of Rajapakshes ?
malik / August 3, 2017
@ Simon De Silva,
You house must be plastered with Rajapakshes posters wall to wall. as you seem to be very obsessed with Rajapakshes . Still one does wonder is there any space fro Ravi K?? or not up to ur corruption standard.
‘Why is that Ravi to one thing and high criminals such as Rajapakshes to something else’.
Well why indeed Ravi with a huge conspiracy to cheat the entire nation using the central bank and the peoples money hidden in UK.
so Come on how much does mr Rajapakshes Owe You??
K A Sumanasekera / August 3, 2017
Lootto Ravi is not going to chew one of those Pira capsules………..In fact, Lootto’s first salvo is a Multi Barrel Rocket fire……..It is aimed at Yahapalana Prez Bodhis Sira plus UNP Wije as well………Lootto says he fought good 10 years because the then Govt accused him of taking money from Galleon Raja who is in the Bronx now…….. In contrast, Lootto got the “all clear”…… But Sira appointed Dr Indrajith Coomarasamy as the CB Governor…. Indrajith according to Loottoo, worked directly under Galleon Raja who was associated with Pira and the LTTE………I know UNP Wije has nothing to worry… But Sira has to say something……..Wouldn’t he ?……….Where is Dr Ranil……….He can come out now, and even have a drink with Singapore Mahendran………………..
Native Vedda / August 3, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
If the governance is compromised by the crooks within the ruling parties, why don’t the SLFP MPs pull their support and bring down the government?
I see, you personally can have the cake and eat it can’t you?
Jehan / August 3, 2017
Apparently You don’t know politics either Ravi.
Nic / August 3, 2017
President Sirisena: The hour is yours. It is almost 24 hours since Ravi jeered at the nation with his testimony before the very commission you appointed and took us all for fools. You MUST act now with fortitude – in the name of and in up holding the slogan of your government to the very letter. You have the constitutional authority to ask for Ravi’s resignation and if not remove him. If the Northern Province Chief Minister could have done so to shut off corruption, why not you. Your action now could be the defining moment of your leadership and presidency.
Please do not waste your time consulting the PM. Do the right thing – you held your ground in not reappointing Arjun Mahendran, now its time to remove the Foreign Minister without any fear or favor. The whole Nation waits Mr President.
Vasantha Coorya / August 3, 2017
So the rogues who said they would fight Rajapaksa corruption ousted
him and outdid him. There are others to come including Malik, Kabir,
Kiriella and last but not the least Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe, once
Mr Clean and now Mr Black Sheep.This is what he has achieved in
40 years of politics. A tall talker with an ego which is bigger than jupiter
and neptune put to gether.
Anon21 / August 3, 2017
To think such a child was in charge of the Finance Ministry…I guess now he can sell his junk at the foreign ministry. Maybe next it’ll be penthouses in other countries since he needs to expand his thieving internationally with his new position.
Ruwan / August 3, 2017
Disgrace .. am I ashamed to be a Sri Lankan with this type of rogues at the helm.
Shrikharan / August 3, 2017
Ravi Karunanayake
I cannot believe, especially so when you are /were the Minister of Finance that you were totally unaware of what was happening and from where the huge amount money was coming and all within your premises.
If you really did not know, then you must be an idiot when all these were happening right under your nose and that alone proves you are not fit for the job you are doing now and you should go. The country cannot trust such fools with so much of money.
So either way you should resign. You used your privileges as Minister and cleverly defrauded the state using your wife’s and daughter’s names; or you are such a fool you are totally unaware of these happenings right under you nose. You may pick what ever you like, either a cleaver hora (thief) or a fool and either reason is good enough to seek your resignation.
Analyst / August 3, 2017
Ok ! The Minister says that he can prove his innocence!
After all the mobile conversations come to light by leaking to the media by the AG’s department ( which is totally wrong ) now the JOE PUBLIC has got a weapon to slaughter him on every web site.
Now from where and how would they start preparing the case???
Trial by media is totally wrong ethically.
Just initial excitement then the case is choked for good by the interference of a powerful Nincompoop from the Government.
Raj / August 3, 2017
What a pathetic Finance Minister. He doesn’t seem to be aware of Money Laundering or his apparent lack of knowledge on conflicts of interest & his ‘oversight’ in not dating correspondence, implies gullibility or naivety, an indication of his unsuitability to hold such an important position, so he seems to have shot his own foot.
Maybe he is in awe of his wife & daughter of their success in running the business that he doesn’t even ask his wife about buying a penthouse. Maybe because I am not rich but if my wife tells me ‘lets move in to this posh pad’, I would certainly want to know how much it’s costing & how is it paid for because it is my business too when the family is involved. If it is a gesture of some kind benefactor, it would certainly seem fishy to me when it is my wife who is involved in this transaction, keeping me in the dark. So, in his naivety, I wonder how many houses, posh pads & other assets RK & his family owns. It would be interesting, including to the Inland Revenue, if RK discloses his wealth, particularly, since 2015.
RK may have been a wealthy man & how he came to that wealth may be questionable but it is now proven beyond doubt that he is unsuitable to hold a high Govt. position. The commission may not have the power to prosecute RK for any wrong doing & he is obviously smart enough not leave evidence to implicate himself but in doing so, he has proven himself to be of unsuitable character & standing to hold a high office, therefore, should step down forthwith.
Mudson Amarasinghe / August 3, 2017
The presumption of innocence is one of the most fundamental tenets of the law. While legal scholars debate how exactly it evolved, most agree that it owes a debt to Magna Carta, which stipulated that “no free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned… or in any other way ruined, nor will we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.”
Hiru and Derana has found RK guilty of Bond scam.
Chedi / August 3, 2017
I dearly hope that some day lawyers such as those who appeared for RK are also held accountable for shamelessly advising their clients to LIE under oath. After which they stumble out of court houses grinning from ear to ear and thumping their breasts ape-style.
Thengai Srinivasan / August 3, 2017
a court in Dubai heard a case where lawyers for Sri Lanka Government were seeking an order to freeze nearly a half a billion dollars in a bank account. It has been established that this account is in the name of a young politician, the son of a former VVIP. It has also been established that there was well over a billion US dollars when information was first received about this account. The politician in question had transferred a big part of the funds to a bank in an eastern European country. Reports that a close relative helped in the transfer of funds there are now being probed.
When the case was taken up the previous Thursday, the Judge who heard submissions summoned that country’s Attorney General. He had sought his opinion whilst listing the case in the court that sits on a Sunday, being an Islamic country.
This has come as conclusive proof that the country’s wealth has been unabashedly looted by a handful in the previous administration and the monies deposited in foreign banks. Lawyers representing the Sri Lanka Government have been “adequately” briefed how the monies in question have been amassed. Government leaders believe the evidence they have placed before court is sufficient grounds to first freeze funds remaining in the account.
This is to buy itself time to prevent further draining of monies and also to obtain time to produce more evidence that criminal acts were committed in amassing those funds. A source familiar with these developments said, “The breakthrough we have achieved is only a tip of the iceberg. There are others who have similarly plundered the State wealth and amassed vast sums of money in foreign countries. We are on their tracks but for obvious reasons more cannot be said.”
RK should take lessons from jarapakaya family how to steal and stash it abroad.
Siddiq Junaid / August 3, 2017
Arjun M upper class, english speaking Oxford educated Colombo Tamil
Arjun Alosius Tamil from Jaffna, not Vellala or Brahmin.
Two Tamils messed Sri Lanka with3rd Tamil Ravi Karunanyagam
Analyst / August 3, 2017
Siddiq Junaid
You think you Muslims are safe?? Don’t flap your wings for once , secondly get your facts right before writing.
MR / August 3, 2017
There is a boy, now seven years old, born to a Sinhalese lady in Kataragama near the temple. She says, according to her son’s horoscope , ” he will be a revolutionary leader in ten years time and wipe out corruption crime inequality caste gender and other differences and kill all selfish racist and power hungry religious and political leaders. There won’t be any Courts Prisons Armed forces Temples Banks and Parliament. All will be leading a prosperous and peaceful living, earning what they need for their survival only. In his previous birth he was born in the north end of Srilanka. Neighbours now call him Praba Putha or Praba Malli. “
Thushara / August 3, 2017
Dear Hon. minister of Foreign and Lottery affairs, as there appears to be a glaring communication gap between you and your very innocent wife, can you at least find out from her who exactly is the father of your daughters? The common man whom you appears to think are pure imbeciles would love to know this detail.
R K / August 3, 2017
SUNDAY TIMES of 30th July says commissions are like a visit to the toilet in the Morning, First Sitting, Some deliberations and some noises and finally the matter dropped.
Jim softy. / August 3, 2017
FCID Should check How much Ravi Karunanayake paid the magazine in order to select him as the Best finance minister in Asia. MAgazine are businesses. For money, they do anything.