18 September, 2024


Nano-Fertilizers: Magic Bullet For Agriculture Or Cluster Bomb On Human & Environmental Health?

By Chandre Dharmawardana

Dr. Chandre Dharmawardana

The officials of the Sri Lankan Ministry of agriculture have placed all their bets on a new nano-urea available from India. High level politicians and government officials went to the airport with much fanfare to receive the air-cargo. This is a plea to the authorities concerned to halt the deployment of this product until its chronic and acute toxicity data, not only for humans, but also for critical organisms like earthworms, bees and other pollinating insects as well as on the microbial biomass of the soil are investigated by the various competent research institutes and university departments in Sri Lanka.

The rationale for banning agro-chemicals in May 2021 and “going all organic” was mostly the claimed (but false) “poisoning of the food chain” by “chemicals”. It was well known that organic farming even at its best can only supply a tiny fraction of any nation’s food requirements, unless drastic steps are taken (like reducing the population to a half or more, and forcing all to be vegetarians; check here). Even the best implementation of 100% organic farming would reduce harvests by a factor of four or five and create much pollution and serious soil erosion, especially if water is used to control weeds. Today, having realized the impossibility of providing the vast amount of “organic fertilizer” needed even to get minimal harvests and avert famine, the government has done a knee-jerk purchase of nano-fertilizer from India.

A government working in the crisis mode has NOT asked if nano-urea can be a health hazard to farming communities, and instead accepted what the Indians say. The product was launched only on 31st May 2021 and sells in India at about $3-4 for a 500ml bottle. It is claimed that 11,000 farm trials were conducted by the Indian National Agriculture Research System in the preceding years. Looking at the published research material I suspect that these only looked at harvests and did NOT monitor the HEALTH of the farming communities. The preceding years even overlapped with the pandemic when health chaos prevailed.

Weather with DDT, thalidomide, glyphosate or nuclear waste, the impact on human heath requires studies over several generations. With conventional materials, tests on micro-organisms and smaller animals with short life spans provide useful information. But this is not true for nanoparticles as their toxico-kinetic pathways are still quite unknown. Although the Indians say that the nano-urea has been tested for bio-safety and toxicity following Indian government guidelines as well as OECD “international guidelines”, no details have been published. It is an open secret that there are no accepted or well-tested OECD guidelines for the toxicity of various nanomaterials. The earliest nanourea declared nearly two decades ago in the CN1269774C Chinese patent, other products like the hydroxy-apatite nanourea from SJP university which is a few years old, or the Indian product which is only a few months old, have not been adequately investigated for their environmental and health impact. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, “Hydroxy-apatite (nano),” European Commission, March 16, 2016, stated that there have been no studies that would enable a risk assessment of hydroxy-apatite nanoparticles even in the research and development phase of these products. The same seems to be true for the Indian product using a polysaccharide encapsulation. Life-cycle exposure assessments of nanotechnology products in field conditions should be a per-requisite to regulatory review for commercialization and general use.

The claim by the Indians that their product is “eco-friendly” and safe to humans is an unsubstantiated statement, very likely to be false.

Nanoparticles are ultra-small and have a large reactive surface area compared to normal materials. Their size is that of Covid-19 Corona virus particles. Being ultra-small, nanoparticles penetrate rapidly into foliage, roots or soil extremely efficiently.

These materials, especially when sprayed, can get into human skin, eyes, ears, lungs, intestines etc., and instantly penetrate through epithelial layers into every organ and cell, womb and fetus, brain and neuron, chromosome and gene. While a farmer is unlikely to get normal urea into his lungs, if nanourea is spray, the likely hood that his lungs collect some nanoparticles is very high, and may trigger unknown inflammatory toxic reactions. The nanomaterials act with high efficiency becoming hundreds of times more toxic than the parent substance, i.e., urea in this case. While the nanoparticle penetrates the foliage like a “magic bullet”, their action on soil and leaf organisms, and on pollinating insects like bees can be akin to a “cluster bomb” that destroys them indiscriminately. When nanourea particles enter earthworms and other organisms at a rapidity faster than most standard toxins, these organisms do not have mechanisms for coping with the resulting physiological damage.

We already have some experience with nanotoxicity resulting from previous rushed applications of nanotechnology in environmentally sensitive systems. Lung inflammation, granuloma, and focal emphysema are found in studies on SiO2 nanoparticles entering the human body. Gold nanoparticles are used in food technology and found to cause chromatin changes in the nucleus of human lung fibroblasts, making changes in gene expression in mouse fetus leading to lung cancers. Silver nanoparticles enter the intestinal mucus barrier and increase oxidative stress, damaging cell membranes, DNA, and chromosomes as well. Even at low concentrations, the toxicological effects of silver nanoparticles become evident, while abnormal cell damage, shrinkage, apoptosis, and skin cancers occur at higher concentrations.

Use of nanofertilizers will create a sophisticated agricultural industry that is indeed the future. Nanofertilizers will increase yields, but they should be deployed with highly sophisticated safety clothing and usage protocols. Full-face masks and overalls should be unpenetrable to nanoparticles. The nanomaterials must be applied by trained farm technicians with the discipline of semi-conductor “clean-room” technicians who engage in the fabrication of nanomaterials.

My research on nanomaterials at the National Research Council of Canada since the 1980s have been for optical, laser and electronic technologies where well-isolated clean rooms and sealed fabrication plants are used in manufacturing. Similarly, in the context of agriculture, I have long advocated that the steps beyond the green revolution require these sophisticated technologies, but deployed within “sky-scraper” grow towers sealed from the environment. Then water, nutrients, agrochemicals etc., be they nano or conventional, remain contained within the grow tower. The use of grow towers frees up farmland for reforestation (see my article in the Colombo Telegraph). The alternative of using these technologies in the unprotected environment is like releasing synthetic viruses (nanoparticles) into ecosystems whose evolutionary tools have no defense against them.

Let us forget about the environment for the short term and ask about human safety. Where is the necessary nano-impregnable cloths and masks for the 1-2 million farmers who are expected to spray the nanourea? Furthermore, nanourea should be sprayed so that the flora and fauna other than the targeted plants are spared. The long-term effects of such exposure are UNKNOWN at present.

In contrast to nanomaterials, conventional agrochemicals have been used for many decades. Substances like glyphosate or DDT have faced large-scale studies and periodic reviews sine the 1970s. Their acute and chronic toxicity data are well known. The large scale health study of the US government on Glyphosate with its adjuvents involved monitoring some 54,000 farming families over nearly a quarter century. The study formally ended in 2018 and established its safety (see my article in the Colombo Telegraph). In spite of such clear evidence, the propaganda against glyphosate use has been so successful that a California jury awarded billions of dollars worth damages to a gardener who claimed to have contracted cancer by using glyphosate, even though no cause and effect relationship exists. In spite of such detailed studies, two Sri Lankan medical doctors claimed that glyphosate should remain banned on the basis of the “precautionary principle”.

There had been many in-depth studies on most agrochemcials, and in many countries. Deaths from accidents, attempts at suicide using agrochemicals etc., have also given us real time indicators of their level of toxicity, and how to use them safely based on experience form over 75 years. In contrast, nanofertilizers have been available for a very short time, and we do not have reliable health-safety guidelines for these new materials.

The agricultural policies of the present government, or the previous government had been increasingly set by pseudoscience activists mesmerized by upper-class propaganda about creating toxin-free environments and food for themselves. They get their cues from wealthy environmental NGOs in California and Europe that nickname genetically engineered food as “Franken-food”. The local movement was strengthened by nationalists who equated traditional agriculture to “organic farming”, and by leftists who target multinationals like Bayer-Monsanto and become heroes in their minds.

So an unlikely combination of Colombo-7 tree-saving (“Ruk-Raekaganno”) types, wealthy lawyers pushing what they claimed to be “environmental justice”, leisurely ladies armed with half-truths and falsehoods about diets and disease, Buddhist monks like Ven. Rathana, Marxist-inspired MONLAR activists, “Natha Deviyo” inspired shamans like the late Ms. Senanayaka of “Helasuvaya”, misguided academics like Dr. Nalin de Silva and their acolytes, lined up with medical doctors like Anurddha Padeniya of the GMOA, and Sanath Gunatilleke of California. Their foreign inspiration is from figures like Stephanie Seneff and the quack “doctor” Mercola, or the anti-GMO Indian activist Vanadana Shiva who has successfully opposed the use of golden rice meant to provide Vitamin A to rice-eating Asians.

Their band wagon blamed every non-communicable disease on agrochemicals. The rise of an unusual form of Kidney disease, now believed by many researchers to be caused by geologically polluted water containing fluorides and other salts was a trump card for them. A staunch supporter of traditional agriculture (and traditional medicine) could write (quite incorrectly) that:

“Paddy and other cultivations have been done in this country for thousands of years without chemical fertilizer. During these times there were no serious CKD problems. Started using Chemical Fertilizer from 1950s and after about 20 – 30 years serious CKD problems arose”.

Prior to the 1950s, the average life expectancy of Ceylonese was less than 50 years, while today it is close to 80. The average Ceylonese of those times basically died of malnutrition, although the direct cause would have been some infection. Similarly, 10% of infants died within the year, while today infant mortality is negligible and pregnant mothers and babies are far more healthy.

Meanwhile scientists themselves had rightly begun to express serious concern over the excessive use of agrochemicals and the degradation of the soil and environment. This had begun to occur after the arrival of an uncontrolled “free” market after 1977. This was further aggravated by subsidized fertilizers. It should be noted that even then, the usage of fertilizers per hectare in Sri Lanka remained much lower than those of most countries, as seen from world-bank data. Nevertheless, given Sri Lanka’s soils and its rainfall patterns where fertilizer wash-off is a problem, proper management of agrochemical distribution and usage was needed

So, the stage was set for a rational use of agrochemicals under tighter restrictions. Instead, the Toxin-Free bandwagon set the pace. First came a ban on the popular herbicide “RoundUp” by the Sirisena government. Ven. Ratana was Sirisena’s prime mover in agriculture. This debilitated all agricultural sectors, causing a loss of at least three times the bond scam, and created the prospect of a collapse of tea exports. However, ideologically driven movements do not learn from evidence, and the present government decided to outsmart not only the Sirisena government, but all other nations, by becoming the first to “go 100% organic” by banning all agrochemicals.

That ban was imposed like a bolt from the blue in May 2021. Even the military was diverted to making compost, while shipments of “chemical” fertilizers and pesticides were turned away. That it was impossible to generate enough organic fertilizer, containing at most a mere 2% of nitrogen to replace urea fertilizer with 46% N dawned on the government planners only when their yeoman efforts failed. This had been predicted in our earlier articles, already during the Sirisena era when the threat of the so-called “toxin-free” agriculture had loomed over the country.

So, in trying to create a “toxin-Free nation” based on 100% organic, a desperate government has come to its very antithesis, i.e., very high technology that deals only with artificial materials that are beyond anything organic or inorganic. It plans to explode a cluster bomb of nanoparticles on a fragile ecosystem and an unsuspecting citizenry. The government must delay its attempt to impose an untested and unsafe agriculture based on nanomaterials when our farmers could not even deploy conventional agrochemicals in a safe and frugal manner.

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Latest comments

  • 14

    Misusing “Buddhism” for personal benefits by Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalist regimes is similar to misuse of “Orgnic” term creates extra ordinary damage to the country and people. Even after President & Prime Minister proved that they are criminals and they robbed this country and will rob this nation for the benefit of their family, more two third of Buddhist Sinhala people said that they are happy to die in poverty as long as the country and Buddhism is sold to China, USA and India.

    • 2

      “Even after President & Prime Minister proved that they are criminals and they robbed this country…”
      Because President and the Prime Minister gave leadership to eradicate Tamil terrorists who massacred indigenous Sinhala Buddhists for three decades they do not become criminals. The criminals are Tamil terrorists.

    • 2

      “…Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalist regimes..”
      There are no Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists in Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo.

  • 18

    ….” investigated by the various COMPETENT research institutes and university departments in Sri Lanka.”……
    Already we have conceded that analysis by our National Plant Quarantine Service of the Min of Agriculture is unacceptable casting doubts on its conclusions. The PM has said (DM Pg 1) that another testing authority will test this Chinese “organic” fertilizer. So other countries will have doubts about our NPQS Govt department’s certificates issued for certification for exports. What a surrender.
    So for this govt to go for investigations, by “competent” institutes will go on till the desired recommendation as required by Prez or PM, is made by some bootlickers.

    • 7

      A supplier has the right to protest about the method used for the rejection of its product.
      The supplier has exercised that right.
      What should be ensured is that the re-testing is done properly, and free of external interference.
      What is more important than anyone’s credibility is the correctness of a conclusion.

      • 5

        Which sample you are going to re test and who should test it? Is it the method of testing wrong or is it the finding wrong? How do you find the method was wrong or conclusions wrong?
        The wrong was the agreement signed without testing? Who signed the agreement? How can they signed an agreement which need quarantine approval? Even if the 3rd party testing give different results, farmers will not buy them to use in their lands.

        This is what happening in this country since Rajapaksas came to power since 2005. Of course, you can’t blame the supplier because the mistake was done by the government. If there is dangerous bacteria in the so called organic fertilizer, where will you dump it? So, it is better to pay for the bill but not to bring that inside the country. China said that re testing should be done in a mutually accepted country. Why cannot be a developed nation like USA?

        • 1

          I have made myself adequately clear to MV.

      • 4

        Dear SJ.
        In a contract of supply, there should be fixed terms. Here the Buyer has erred if he did not specify that Sri Lanka as the Buyer, will test the product at its named laboratory and ACCEPT only if certified as per specifications. Since a whole country is at peril in case the organic fertilizer comes in with unacceptable bacteria, there should have been stricter terms of purchase, with full control under our Fauna and Flora Act.
        What has probably happened here is that the Ceylon Fertilizer Company under pressure to get it quickly, did not consult proper persons adept in large scale purchases – especially when it is the first time. Haste is the problem.
        Devaluation of the Govt Quarantine Service will effect our Exports and Imports as foreign buyers and sellers will reject its certifications. In case it is an Import, even local importers can query at the Customs point, and ask for an independent lab, quoting precedent, by law..

        • 1

          “Here the Buyer has erred if he did not specify that Sri Lanka as the Buyer, will test the product at its named laboratory and ACCEPT only if certified as per specifications.”
          How are you sure the contract does not specify sample testing? Or surmising it may have been left out of urgency or convenience!
          All commodity contracts in SL used to have a specific clause that all tendered items shall be provided with samples of tendered items to be tested by the buyer at his discretion and become automatically part of the contract if successfully awarded.
          Unless it has been changed to suit the occasion as it is originating from China. Who knows, when the Kitty tickles, one does anything so that he is successful – in making dirty money!

          • 0

            Dear Mahila.
            ……”How are you sure the contract does not specify sample testing”….
            Well if this was done what is all this fuss and bother of testing over and over again.. It should be “cut and dry.” No third party testing needed. Enforce contract terms. End of story.

            • 0

              Dear Mahila.
              …”All commodity CONTRACTS IN SL used to have a specific clause that all tendered items shall be provided with samples of tendered items to be tested by the buyer at DISCRETION“….
              All commodity contracts WORLDWIDE have THIS specific clause and MUST have it and testing is not a matter of discretion. All items are tested and only if it meets the specs will there be acceptance of goods for payment. Any contract must be specific as “discretionary” terms are non-binding and no power of enforcement.

          • 0

            Dear Mahila.
            …”it may have been left out of urgency or convenience!”….
            Or lack of experience, or knowledge or simple foresight, knowing the level of appointees to these state organisations.
            However, I only protest because you and I and nearly 22M Sri Lankans pay dearly for this blunder.

      • 4

        Dear SJ.
        In theory you are correct.
        There is always the right to protest, but acting on that RIGHT can mean pursuing the right for third or even fourth party testing or beyond, till one gets a desired result.
        …” free of external interference.’…
        What guarantee is there that even the third party is not influenced by money or other considerations that one party has connections to Tester. Enough examples of fraudulent activity is reported of collusions.
        …”correctness of a conclusion”……
        No guarantee that even a third party testing will be “CORRECT” in absolute terms.
        It is to avoid all these that the terms are agreed upon by a Contract.
        Here the doctrine of caveat emptor (“buyer beware”) applies.
        Actually it is bungling as it is the first purchase of this product. In the past chemical fertilizer analysis was more straightforward.

        • 0

          Contd…… chemical fertilizer analysis was more straightforward…
          Because even in a bulk shipment of Chem Fert, there is uniformity of dispersion and any three samples are reasonably representative, but in a bulk shipment of organic fertilizer, a microbe can be anywhere. so how do you draw samples to test as the tiny microbe can be anywhere in 10,000 tons. Looking for a needle in a haystack !!

        • 1

          There is a question of legality.
          If the substance ordered complies with the specifications there is no case for the buyer. If it does not there is no case for the vendor.
          The vendor questions the validity of the tests claiming that the test procedure was flawed.
          What is needed is a test that is satisfactory to both parties. There is no guarantee of anything in life.
          Yet there is a case for re-testing.
          There are reliable sampling methods to address non-homogenity. The SL side must ensure that the tests are conducted properly by a competent party with no vested interest.
          Cannot we wait for the outcome of the test?

          • 0

            Dear SJ
            …” There is a question of legality”….Legality arises from the contract terms. If the contract terms are rigidly followed, then no further legal recourse.
            I agree “If the substance ordered complies with the specifications there is no case for the buyer. If it does not there is no case for the vendor.” Obvious.
            That is cut and dry. Provided that the method of testing is specified and by whom, in contract, so that there is no retesting required. Problem arises only if Contract has very loose terms.
            Since any organic product imported has to be acceptable as tested and certified BY LAW in SL, the seal of our National Plant Quarantine Service SHOULD have been stated as final arbiter.
            …” What is needed is a test that is satisfactory to both parties”…..
            This should have been a contract term, agreed upon, as I said to eliminate retesting. So no case for “Yet there is a case for re-testing.”

            • 0

              …” conducted properly by a COMPETENT party with no VESTED interest.”……
              Two points here. (1) Are you implying our own National Plant Quarantine Service is not competent. OMG all the Certificates they have so far issued needs a re-check for “competency”.
              (2) Vested interest problem does not arise of contract terms specified and accepted by both parties.
              All these loose ends should have been cleared before contract signed and L/C opened.

        • 1

          Just my two cents worth. Are the bacteria allegedly detected in fact “deadly”? Can they lay waste to the whole country?
          I suspect some hyperbole here, but to what purpose? Is it that the government has realized finally the futility of instant organic agriculture? So, has it decided to find any flimsy excuse not to pay up, pissing off the Chinese and getting the People’s Bank blacklisted.in the process? Still, a massive cock-up, which this regime has always been good at.

      • 7


        Since the supplier is a Chinese firm, SJ wants Sri Lanka to just accept the consignment and pay up without any complaint.

        If it was either Hindian or Western company SJ would have been the first person to question the integrity of the company which trades in capitalist environment. Chinese capitalism is completely different from Chinese Socialism.

        • 2

          Dear NV.
          Light-hearted banter, does enliven dull discussions!

    • 0

      My Friend MyView: The simple truth of the consignment of Fertilizer is, whether we “Accept” or “Reject” S/L has to pay $ US 9.00 million. The consignee is Colombo Commercial Co. (a Government undertaking). As per the Manager Director of Peoples Bank, the L/C the agreed US$ 9.00 million has to be paid and there is no “Option”. In referring to the “Stay Order” court has issued on Peoples Bank, he said that is only a temporary measure in answer to a Writ sought. So in opening that “L/C” someone has “DONE” the “DEAL” – the M/D of People indirectly stated it in saying “L/C has to be paid”.

      • 0

        Dear Simon.
        Fully agreed. The problem is due to “CONTRACTUAL DEFICIENCIES”.
        This has been my contention – that in large scale deals, expertise in both “legal” AND in the “subject matter” should have been sought. ‘Ameteurism’ at its best – no wonder all are square pegs in round holes in the new governance structure.

    • 0

      After all this talk, see what happens:
      The contaminated cargo returns on the same ship, after it has been re-named!
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 7

    Our champion is on his way to Scotland and all the world leaders are anticipating his speech,and
    knows the secret how he made 100% fully organic overnight.what an achievement.people are happy more ever and on the streets with personal massagers written on the placards.
    He comes with bunch of tthaddias
    and burning out the air fuel in to the air

    • 4


      “Our champion is on his way to Scotland and all the world leaders are anticipating his speech,and knows the secret how he made 100% fully organic overnight”

      He is going to have a great reception in Scotland. Please watch this clip:

      • 3

        “and knows the secret how he made 100% fully organic overnight”
        Surely you know that his brother eradicated porn from SL almost 10 years ago? At least, that’s what he said at the UN. Do Rajapaksas get light-headed at the UN?

  • 11

    To add
    The young prince busy in port city riding sand dune with Pavithra and Prassana…. with smiles and joy
    Farmers and teachers are on the street,it shows our quality of….
    The monks should refrain from prith nool to these sort of people.

  • 6

    All you guys …….. give the poor sod Gota a break/slack ……. give him some time to come up to speed: time to work his magic.

    If Einstein was born with intelligence …….. by age 0 – 5 would’ve said E=MC*2 …… and gone back to enjoy the rest of his childhood. It took him several years to develop his intelligence.

    Some take longer ………. Who knows ……. Gota’s capacity might take till he is 77 to fully develop.

    Have patience. ……… Ye have already waited 73 years …. what is another couple of years?

    • 3

      nimal fernando,
      That exchange on Intelligence is water under the bridge, now.
      Einstein wanted to enjoy his childhood, first. Intelligent child!
      He came up with E = mc2, later. Why rack your brain, over trivialities.

      • 0

        Ah, There you are Nathan! ……. I was wondering what happened to you. …….. Why you vanished so suddenly. :))

        Popped up like a Jack in the Box ……. playing Hide and Seek with Einstein, eh?

    • 2

      Dear Nimal.
      At 73 too little but far too much damage.
      By 77, possibly a fully developed Sri Lankan apocalypse, judging from current actions.

  • 4

    Our President, the other day on an “Inspection Tour” of an Organic Farm said: ” We must go 100% Organic Farming and show the world we are number one. That achievement could bring us million of Tourists to boost our economy. We will pay even Rs.150.00 per Kilo of paddy to farmers and that will make them “Rich” What a “Grand Plan”? What will be the sale price of 1 kilo of rice at Rs 150.00 per kilo of paddy? Hopefully, the average income would also be sufficient to buy the daily requirement of rice.

    Definitely, “Organic” products are in the group of “Healthy Eating” for “Healthy Life” No doubt, the “Costs” are high in the production and so must increase in the Income Levels to match affordability. That is why this “Plan” of going “Organic” has to be “Phased” out over a period of time. If not, we will make a mess and the suffering will come to the general public.

    • 2

      Part I
      Your reference, “That is why this “Plan” of going “Organic” has to be “Phased” out over a period of time. If not, we will make a mess and the suffering will come to the general public.”.
      I agree.
      No in-depth study of the issues and prognosis and the desired outcome.
      Fiefdom of good fiction writer more likened an election pledge! Election 3 years hence!!
      It looks like the ill-advised, plan hatched in secrecy being ‘Athana, Methana, Hithana’s proposal’.
      It smacks of the inept manner of propounding solutions, without unbiased research and vision.
      The Powers that be, should have used instead The Agricultural and Agronomist’s expertise available Sri Lankan Agricultural sector to do an in-depth study of the issue with, Cause, Effect and cost benefit analysis, including health side effects and costs thereto and mitigation on Macro Economics.
      Yes he can buy paddy at 150000 rupees pre kilo and convert to rice in Douglas’s Mill and sell them to the consumer at 100 rupees (No consumer would have capacity at the price they plan to buy!) and what happens to the 149,900 rupees per kilo of that rice? Hulang!! Tax payer foots it or the ancestral assets?

    • 2

      Part II
      This is how every government in power ruined this country!!! Rana Viruwo no different!!!!
      Department of Agriculture, Gannorruwa Rice Research Centre (GRRC) is held in high esteem by international Rice Research Scientists and agronomist and no second to the International Rice research Centre (IRRC), in Manila Philippines funded by the UN/FAO
      Instead, we have a “Charge of the Brigade”, irrelevant of costs and consequences to eradicate CKD, which must be done, but definitely not in this infantile manner!
      As in the case of, “The charge of the light Brigade, any and all losses, human, capital and property” would be easily accounted, classified and disposed as ‘Collateral Damage’, in pursuit of the cause of a honourable task of making SL the first in the league to have Organic Agriculture.
      I wonder what would be the saying that is appropriate in the case of a misadventure of a surgical operation on a child’s brain by a Neuro Surgeon.

    • 6

      Dear Simon.
      …”Our President, the other day on an “Inspection Tour” of an Organic Farm said: ” We must go 100% Organic Farming and SHOW THE WORLD we are number one.”….
      So it is for show only and not for the benefit of the country – shows his attitude.
      Unfortunately for us, he was given far too much credit for ending the LTTE conflict and hailed as a hero, when really SF and others did the real work. This has gone to his head and in this ego trip, he thinks he is the “greatest” like Mohammed Ali, and wants ‘GUINNESS’ records, whether attainable or not, leading us to disaster. We have a psychopath in our hands.

      • 0

        MyView: Did you see those pictures of “GOTA’s” visit? Watch the background. It is only a “Farm” (I don’t know what extent it is) that grows Vegetables. “Gota” is a “Vegan” and perhaps, he would want all the people in the country to follow him. Does he know or told that extensive “Farming” of all sorts (Paddy, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Spices, etc.) cannot be cultivated with “Organic” fertilizer at a “Break-Neck” speed? Even if he is told of that “Impossibility”, he is not a man to “Listen” to “Advice” and his “EGO” is at such levels (further boosted by 6.9 million and surrounded by the cohorts) he will never ever correct himself. That, as far as he is concerned and affects him, I don’t mind, but the problem is the “Danger” he poses to the country and the people.

  • 2

    Permit to say, “Grand Exhibition of Ignorance of science education” in this country of ‘free education’ which we used proclaim as a great achievement in governance
    o not understand the difference of Organic and Inorganic substances!
    Late Professor P. P. G. L. Siriwardene must be feeling uneasy at the turn of events that he has not fulfilled his mission/ambition!!
    He was not to be aware that we now have a minimum qualification for medical college entrances with simple S passes than 3 B’s or 3 C’s of the sixties and early seventies and belongs to history and we are in modaya’s world of medicine too!!!
    Progress in and express mode or is it Hyper Express mode. One modaya leading the other to capture pole position!!!!
    What else do you expect, when one did not go past 7th Standard in High School! Or spent time playing Marbles or rolling them on the classroom floor to distract even the studious. No Guesses allowed this stage.
    Laughing stock of the world and time to exhibit to other leaders, of what they do not know.

    • 2

      Mahila, you said it Bro. If inorganic can turn organic why not uneducated become the ultimate authority ???

      • 2

        Hilarious only in Lanka.. Joker Mahindananda and political con mam Mahinda as usual tried outdoing each other in lying and got exposed. Overenthusiastic Mahindananda went a step further quoting Mahinda, PM said Chinese contaminated fertilizer will never be accepted” whereas Mahinda had promised Chinese HC in Lanka ” he will look into the matter and fix it’ just a few hours before. Not knowing this Mahindananda went to media with his usual empty farts. Hearing this from media, furious Mahinda called the very next day gave an earful and warned to check personally with him before lying to media on such matters. Ministry for lying deception and corruption.

  • 2

    I think biggest problem now we have is narcotics than the fertilizer.

    • 4


      “I think biggest problem now we have is narcotics than the fertilizer.”

      The biggest problem is crooks and murderers are being supported by Saffron thugs and uniformed war criminals and 6.9 Million.

  • 2


    “I think biggest problem now we have is narcotics than the fertilizer.”

    The biggest problem is crooks and murderers are being supported by Saffron thugs and uniformed war criminals and 6.9 Million.

  • 5

    We have used cluster bomb on humans killing thousands of innocent Tamil civilians. Why hesitate to use cluster bomb on insects.
    Gota prepared the country for organic farming by reducing population by forcing people to go overseas and to heavens while he was defence Secretary.
    He killed several people by master minding Easter bombing.
    Now he is forcing even sinhala Buddhist to go abroad. Who said things were done overnight. He well planned it from 2005 by reducing the population to match what organic farming can support.
    He planned well to eradicate poisonous inorganic farming for 15 long years.
    Gota jayaweva

  • 1

    Part II
    This is how every government in power ruined this country!!! Rana Viruwo no different!!!!
    Department of Agriculture, Gannorruwa Rice Research Centre (GRRC) is held in high esteem by international Rice Research Scientists and agronomist and no second to the International Rice research Centre (IRRC), in Manila Philippines funded by the UN/FAO
    Instead, we have a “Charge of the Brigade”, irrelevant of costs and consequences to eradicate CKD, which must be done, but definitely not in this infantile manner!
    As in the case of, “The charge of the light Brigade, any and all losses, human, capital and property” would be easily accounted, classified and disposed as ‘Collateral Damage’, in pursuit of the cause of a honourable task of making SL the first in the league to have Organic Agriculture.
    I wonder what would be the saying that is appropriate in the case of a misadventure of a surgical operation on a child’s brain by a Neuro Surgeon.

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    Mahi & MyView: The opinion expressed in this article by Dr. Chandra Dharmawardane is a matter that must receive the serious attention of all Sri Lankans. This “Nano Liquid Nitrogen” could possibly be a “Cluster Bomb” as reasoned out by him. There is already an Institute established in S/L (Participation by S/L Government and eight other Companies) presently holding a “Certification” from the US, engaged in the manufacture of “Nano Fertilizer”. Very strangely, this “Institute” has not been consulted or requested to test the “Nano Liquid Nitrogen” that is to be imported from a “Farmers Co-operative Society” in India. This “Institute” in S/L has not so far “Manufactured” any such “Fertilizer” for the widespread use and as Dr. Chandra Dharmawardhana pints out, in the absence of any studies and testing on how it affects the “Humans”, the “Soil” and other “Species”, it could be a “Cluster Bomb” than a “Magic Bullet”. Please log in to “Google” and type the link:


    This discussion could take a long, but worth the time spent. There is a representative from the S/L Nano Institute that I mentioned above.

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    That’s why nano fertilizer was tested in the eastern province.

    Good choice though the north would have been better.

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