In a press conference held on 11th April, the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) stated that fresh laws should be introduced to take “stern action” against people involved in smuggling in such “harmful chemicals” like glyphosate. The GMOA considers glyphosate to be “harmful” because it allegedly causes cancer and kidney disease. However, just last November, the world’s largest study on the health effects of glyphosate covering over two decades and involving 90,000 people, found NO harmful effects even on applying powerful statistical analysis to scrutinize the data.
Published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) on 9-November 2017, the long-term large-numbers study found that there was NO association between glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s popular herbicide RoundUp and any type of cancer. In particular, there was no association with “any solid tumors or lymphoid malignancies overall, including non-Hogkin Lymphoma and its subtypes”. The new study used long-term data collected through the Agricultural Health Study. The study carefully monitored the health of nearly 90,000 people in Iowa and North Carolina from 1993 to 2010. These included farmers licensed to apply pesticides to their crops, and their spouses. The impact of more than 54,000 pesticide applications is taken into account in the study of which 83 percent contained glyphosate. Many of the farmers had been using glyphosate even before the study. Yet, after some two decades of continuous and intense use of glyphosate herbicides, they found NO significant increase in cancers among those exposed to the chemical.
Most scientists acknowledged the quality, clarity and decisiveness of the study, funded entirely with government and university sources. Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, said:
“This large and careful study shows no significant relationship between Glyphosate use and any cancer. The reported possible association with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is no more than one would expect by chance when looking at 22 different cancer types. In fact the association that comes closest to statistical significance is a negative link with testicular cancer – that is, higher Glyphosate use was associated with lower risk – but again this is just the sort of chance result one would expect.”
So, how did the GMOA miss this decisive, massive study which in fact looks at the type of diseases that the GMOA thinks is caused by glyphosate? Even though we can excuse Ven. Ratana and his acolytes to be out of touch with the scientific community, one would expect that the GMOA would have its committee of mavens when it comes to technical matters, even though we recognized that the GMOA is a trade union with the primary mandate of protecting its own turf.
The most important “non-communicable disease” that the GMOA refers to is cancer. This is precisely what is now definitively excluded from any association with the use of glyphosate, even if the latter were used continuously and intensely for two decades by a farmer. Perhaps the GMOA also has in mind the form of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) that is prevalent mainly in the Rajarata. There is no scientific evidence at all in support of this, while there is compelling evidence against the claim. In Sri Lanka, a small but politically powerful group of individuals led by Ven. Ratana, and a small number of scientists on the fringe of the main scientific community have claimed that chronic kidney disease is caused by the glyphosate in the environment and the food chain, and that too only if arsenic, hard-water and other agents are found in conjunction with glyphosate.
But the cats, dogs, cattle, and many villages in the Rajarata itself where the residents drink water from agricultural channels, rives and lakes do NOT get CKDu, while those who drink water from their private wells, located away from the paddy fields, get CKDu. So there is a strong anti-correlation between agrochemical use and CKDu. We also know that countries like Malaysia or NewZealand, which use many dozens of times more agrochemicals than Sri Lanka have no such chronic diseases.
Furthermore, the 90,000 people monitored by the US-NCI study would have also alerted the researchers to any higher incidence of kidney disease, since many different health indices of these subjects were a part of the inputs to the data base. While the presence of correlations does not establish a causal connection, the LACK of any correlation is a very strong indication that glyphosate cannot be a causative factor in diseases that the GMOA has indicated.
This US-NCI study is just one of the many studies that have come to this conclusion. Over 190 countries of the world are satisfied and approve the use of glyphosate. However, strong political movements that take a nostalgic, romantic and often anti-science approach to agriculture have become very powerful during recent decades. Their strength is the unreasoned fear of the public, fanned by the “MANTHRA” that chemicals “in the food” cause all sorts of chronic diseases. These groups join hands with the commercial interests of large consumer chains that offer “organic-foods”, “natural foods” “holistic foods” etc., catering to the elite classes who also control the politics of most countries, constituting about 1% of the world population. It is not surprising that many educated people and indeed medical doctors who do the “daily grind”, but do not follow the research, fall for the “chemicals are poisoning our food” MANTHRA. In fact, many agrochemicals, if applied in sufficiently high doses can be toxic, as with ALL pharmaceuticals and industrial substances like gasoline, chlorine, or common detergents. Even spices like chillies and cloves are potent toxins when their familiar-use thresholds are exceeded.
The conclusion of the International Agency for Research in cancer (IARC) in 2015 that glyphosate is a class-II hazard causing cancer at high doses was a god-sent to the “no-chemicals in my-food” (NCMF) lobby. The class-II HAZARD was weaponized for propaganda and renamed a dangerous TOXIN although no health risk was implied by the IARC. The NCMF lobby joined the powerful activists engaged against “Frankenfood”. This was their name for foods cropped from genetically modified organisms (GMO). Wheat, Soya, canola oil, rice and vegetables where specific genes in their DNA have been replaced by other genes confer them economically or medically desirable properties. Genetic engineering of crops is the modern version of “plant breeding” where trial and error approaches are replaced by a modern approach guided by the DNA of the crops of interest. A key role in GMO cropping has been given to glyphosate in that it is economically advantageous to use GMO crops resistant to glyphosate to allow weed control. Sri Lankans have been safely eating GM-wheat flour from USA, and Canadian lentils, for decades.
The opponents of GMO have directed their guns on glyphosate as a part of their campaign against so-called “Frankenfoods”. Every manner of propaganda trick has been used. One of the most farcical is the Kangaroo court organized by a French journalist, Marie-Monique Robin in the Hague, Netherlands. This propaganda event, patented and owned by Ms. Robin is named by her “The international court of Justice, Hague”, is to deceive the public by associating with similar-sounding institutions linked to the United Nations.
This “court” pronounced in April 2017 that Monsanto has committed crimes against humanity in unleashing glyphosate which is “a weapon of mass destruction”! Ven. Ratana, and Dr. Jayasumana were the main Sri Lankan “delegates” to the Kangaroo court. The delegation claimed that 3 out of every 100 families in the Rajarata gave birth to deformed children due to glyphosate use. However, 3% is the expected average birth statistic for deformed children, irrespective of glyphosate use, even in the days before glypohsate, be it in “glyphobic” Norway, Sri Lanka or “glyphilic” North America. Ven. Ratana repeated the same false claim of 3% birth defects in the Rajarata “being due to glyphosate” on Derana Television, 27-3-2018.
On the same broadcast, Ven. Ratana stated that the GMOA is with him. Does the GMOA stand with the false statistics that Ven. Ratana rattles out? Has the GMOA taken cognizance of the world’s largest study on glyphosate covering some 90,000 people exposed to glyphosate for some two decades, continuously? As a responsible, professional body, we hope that the GMOA acts on the basis of evidence and rejects the false claims of misguided zealots.
Meanwhile, two medical doctors, Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe, and Prof. Herath have stated that glyphosate should continue to be BANNED on the basis of what they call the precautionary principle (PP), i.e., as a precaution because there is some doubt among the scientific community about the total safety of glyphosate. There is always doubt about everything in science, as science never makes dogmatic statements that claim 100% exactitude. There are always some scientists as well as individual members of the public who claim that vaccinations are not safe, that fluoridation of water is not safe, that coconut milk is not safe etc., etc., and so on.
The precautionary principle when used to “ban and banish” is known as the PP-BB. Such approaches have failed historically as with alcohol, guns etc. Indeed the imposed ban on glyphosate has led to a glut of contraband from India, proving that the PP-BB does not work. The lack of glyphosate or any other viable alternative weedicide during the last three years, and the consequent loss of crop productivity is believed to have made the country directly loose some Rs 30 billion, while indirect losses, and abandonment of plantations, have to counted in as well.
The modern approach to PP is to use “control and constrain”, i.e., PP-CC, where the toxic substance, or the dangerous weapon, is not made available to the public but available through qualified service providers. Thus guns and weapons are available to the police and security forces, but not to the public. Pharmaceuticals are available to doctors and hospitals, and only non-prescription drugs can be bought by the public without any controls. Toxic agrochemicals like paraquat can also be made available to the farmer through technically competent, approved service providers, just as spraying for Dengue mosquitoes can be requested by any member of the public who may need such a service. No harmful insecticides and larvicides are sold directly to private individuals. That is, the PP is fully implemented by having the right controls and constraints on the toxic substance.
However, we have to be fore-warned that today we have Professors of medicine who may reverse much of our gains in public health by opposing even fluoridation of water on the claim that the scientific community is divided on the issue, and hence fluoridation should be banned on the basis of the PP. Given such misunderstandings on the nature of scientific doubt, PP-BB and the public good on the one hand, and the action of anti-science zealots who want to turn back agriculture to the days of slash and burn cultivation, we face a grim reality that the public may not be aware of.
*The author was a past Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Chemistry at the J’pura university, Sri Lanka, and currently works as Physicist at the National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, and the Dept. of Physics, University of Montreal, Canada.
Lex Luthor / April 19, 2018
GMOA is a ******* curse to this country, Brainless Doctors who think they are smarter than everyone for passing A/L with mostly luck and grinding past-papers. None of their claims ever have factual information, Always biased and cherry picked to help their political agenda. It’s sad that so many people follow them blindly. Medical education must be a freaking joke if junior Doctors and Medical students are so blind to the false publications they present on a monthly basis
old codger / April 19, 2018
Hey, Prof.Dharmawardena,
Don’t you know that the GMOA members are the BEST and most highly educated doctors in the world. They are so educated that they don’t need to read all these piffling studies after leaving medical college.
It’s because their standards are so high that they don’t want foreign doctors here even for liver transplants etc. They want a monopoly on killing patients.
Gong Namba / April 21, 2018
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An Observer / April 19, 2018
The leadership of the GMOA think that they know the answers and solutions to every problem in Sri Lanka. As a trade union, their primary duty should be to look after the welfare of their membership.
They engage in politics rather than doing their primary duty as leaders of the GMOA, for which they have been elected to do so.
The leaders of the GMOA think that they are superior to anyone else and they could run the country better than the politicians.
Look after your membership and encourage your membership to look after the patients in a responsible manner.
The govt. should bring legislation to make the health profession as an essential service and the doctors should be banned from staging strikes.
We need a strong leader to put this country on the right path.
Observer 2 / April 21, 2018
Observer, you are right. We need strong leader to shut up GMOA as goat did, but see other consequences. GMOA megalomania is just like the similar VP whose lagoon submerge could not hide the inner mass murderer who shed blood. GMOA too will receive both natural and unseen justice for its gross destruction of healing in SL
Vijendra / April 19, 2018
GMOA seems to be only interested in bettering their own selves. They, even with their millions, appear to be still fighting the system to better their own selves at the expense of the patients, while the majority of the people in Sri Lanka is fighting a losing battle to make the ends meet. In my opinion, the GMOA seems to be a bunch of money crazy individuals bringing down the integrity and level of the profession. They, obviously seem to have no time to do any reading or continuous education neccessary to keep up with the developments in the profession, as they are very very busy with their private practice and sucking the last few bucks from the poor patients, apparently in connivance with some private hospitals, with no real concern for the patient or the economy of the country.
K.Pillai / April 19, 2018
Glyphosate has not yet been declared health risk free. Several countries have suspended the use of Roundup. SL glyphosate import has become a political issue a dangerous play field!
Time to appoint an expert panel.
Problem is to find an impartial panel!
justice / April 20, 2018
Risks of glyphosate in environment are acceptable IF HERBICIDES CONTAINING GLYPHOSATE ARE USED IN THE CORRECT MANNER – says Heath Canada.
Heath Canada DOES NOT SAY that usage of Glyphosate is WITHOUT RISK.
The author is in Canada !!!!
Jim softy / April 20, 2018
Justice ad firefly: Canada has integrated pest management and GMO crops. Sinhale is not like that.
Jim softy / April 20, 2018
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Jim softy / April 20, 2018
the major accusation is it changes biodiversity by killing plants and animals selectively. Temperature and pH affects it’s activity. Particularly, at higher temperatures, it kills every thing except some C-4 plants.
Jim softy / April 20, 2018
Round up Darta are highly flawed. but GErmany like countries has banned it’s formulations. Even USA has court cases. IT is better to ban in Sri lanka.
Inner Voice / April 20, 2018
Suddenly Jimmy wants us to follow the West. What about our culture man? Will naked women with jewels be able to roam around Sri Lanka once we start acting like these westerners?
Jim softy / April 20, 2018
You are concenred only with the Human toxicity. Consider Aquatic animals, Aquatic plants and accumulation GMP -crops as well as long term accumulation in soil and killing everything in soil such a s animals, algae, fungi (digest hard material) and bacteria.
Sri / April 20, 2018
For once, I concur with you. Further evaluation has to be done to assess the safety of Glyphosate. We are on the cusp of a new age, where substances that were beneficial to us economically are being found to be harmful in the long run. Mind you, these biological effects don’t happen over night, they take a generation to raise their ugly head.
If many countries [] have banned Glyphosate following a report by WHO group, then why not Sri Lanka?
No Poison / April 20, 2018
As a doctor treating poor suffering farmers at the Girrandurukotte kidney unit, I can tell CT readers that banning this poison and saving some lives of poor farmers in the NCP is the only good thing this government did since coming to power in 2015. As said before, if glyphosate is so safe as to eat or drink, why doesn’t Chandare come to Colombo and demonstrate drinking the ‘recommended dose’ of glyphosate at a public platform in front of the WTC at Fort? We will organise the event. If he proves he has the balls to take up the challenge he is welcome. If he can’t he can send his cahoot Bodhi Danapal of Quebec. If Monsanto won’t give the ticket, we will even finance the trip. It is time for Chandare and Danapala to put their balls where their mouths have been (may be of each other).
Lex Luthor / April 20, 2018
This is how a Sri Lankan “Doctor” thinks… Hahaha.. what a joke.
Scientific method on medieval superstitious steroids.
Please for the love of what ever non-existing being you believe in, stop treating people if this is how you think science works.
old codger / April 20, 2018
As such a clever “doctor’, haven’t you heard that water, oxgen, and alcohol are can kill you in excessive quantities?
RESPONSIBLE USE is the suggestion Dr. Dharmawardena makes.
Gong Namba / April 21, 2018
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Faraj / April 22, 2018
Typical SL doctor
Inner Voice / April 20, 2018
[edited out] Vile threats and a request to show of faith to prove a scientific explanation. Sri Lankan Medical Education quality must be so great. Must be the greatest in the Universe!!!!
Inner Voice / April 20, 2018
It’s funny how when “No Poison”, supposedly a Doctor (who by default has sworn an oath to not discriminate sexual orientation of people) make a “Gay joke” about balls in mouth and it is not censored, but when I remark and point out it is a “Gay joke” those words are censored…. Colombo telegraph editor do you understand the irony here?
P.S.- No Poison, people like you are “Poison” to the whole medical community!
Angry Medico / April 20, 2018
We have the ridiculous situation of someone who “currently works as Physicist at the National Research Council of Canada, and the Dept. of Physics, University of Montreal, writing passionately, swearing black and blue that a pesticide that has been declared a ‘probable carcinogen’ is perfectly safe for use. Really? Does he realise medicine is a world apart from Physics? On the other side of the argument, we have the IARC (WHO) report produced by medical scientists of the calibre of Aaron Blair, (who has published more than 450 research publications on occupational and environmental causes of cancer, has played a key role in the long-term Agricultural Health Study) and Kate Guyton (Senior Toxicologist at IARC who received medical training at the Johns Hopkins University, and postdoctoral training at the NIH). It comes to a question of whom do you believe on a crucial matter involving future health. I will respectfully ask the physicist to ‘shut up’ in the name of common decency, if not for stop displaying stupidity in public. On the other hand, it may be the green notes speaking and writing in the CT.
Lex Luthor / April 20, 2018
Angry Medico,
It’s funny (but not at all surprising) how you feel so inferior and unable to defend an argument presented by a “Physicist” respectfully. …Respectfully “shut up”?…. hahahaaa… so freaking Respectful.
Did you know that Red meat is also listed as Probable carcinogen? But there are lots of articles that explain why this is a flawed and wrong listing…. Oh wait maybe we should ban Red meat too. You know there is a occupational risk of barbers probably exposed to daily carcinogens, Let’s ban people from cutting hair too. why stop at that there are ongoing unsure research that says microwaves are carcinogenic. Lets ban Microwaves too. Why stop there…. IARC has only ONE Probably not carcinogenic to humans agents, Lets ban everything else.
Here is a much more detailed report that says why IARC might be wrong,
A person could publish 5000 publications can still be wrong in his 5001th publication. It’s good that politicians who have passed only O/L have more brains than you lot.
Angry Medico keep getting angry and support you GMOA retards, you are a blessing to this country (hahhahhaaaa)
Lankan Greenie / April 21, 2018
I must say, quoting an article in in support of Chandare’s and Danapala’s corrupt campaign to promote this poison is like “Horage ammagen pena ahanawa”. The long and the short of it is that non-medical charlatans should not try to advocate medical positions. This stuff is poison and Monsanto pays people to keep denying the governments’ power to act. BAN GLYPHOSATE GLOBALLY.
Lex Luthor / April 21, 2018
People who can’t even read other peoples ideas can call them selfs medical professionals is the biggest joke here in Sri Lanka(Backed up by the collective of Retards at the SLMC, who have not even been responsible enough to publish annual reports for last 5 years). Reuters don’t do research it a comparison and explanation of the shortcomings of the IARC publication(which doesn’t require anyone to be a medico)
For your information: Glyphosate is in an open discussion in Sri Lanka right now, Chemist, Doctors, Marine biologists, Wildlife, Independent researchers, Economist, Agriculture researchers all openly discuss about it and they will come to a conclusion. That is how things work in a civilized society. Not exclusively listening and bowing down to some idiots who have a license to practice thanks to the corrupt SLMC and lack of Doctors in this country.
oldcodger / April 21, 2018
As a doctor (psychiatrist) at the Angoda hospital, I can certify that Lanka Greenie, Angry Medico, and No Poison are all one person , who is under treatment for CKDU (chameleon disease of unknown origin).
old codger / April 20, 2018
Mad medico,
“(who has published more than 450 research publications on occupational and environmental causes of cancer, “
What the farmers get is Kidney Disease, not cancer.
maalumiris / April 20, 2018
Glyphosate is Monsanto – that alone is reason enough to ban it.
Citizen / April 20, 2018
GMOA is the major problem in SL though glyphosates and herbicides need to be used with caution. MS will be brought down by GMOA destabilising plan and robbed wealth and he does not know it. Unlike obvious politicos, the intensively craving twisted brains of GMOA suddenly saw the billions of profit that Dr.NF made and built hospital with during his saga with private medical school. They are lusting for the profits and infiltrated the SLMC to grab the authority to approve foreign MBBS. They need some excuse to grab 100 already approved SAITM for NIZHNY twin program which they will approve but later ERPM pass only 15%. GMOA Ex Co are selfish brutes who destroy future lives of SAITM docs. until they get their commission. They are political outfits of the Z STATE MEDS, whole batch pushed out of medical school as if with high IQ. This farce must stop. SAITM verdict is SLMC registration, and rebel GMOA needs to be imprisoned for contempt of court, whether SAITM MBBS is with or without KDU. No GMOA private med. school. Must have law and order with justice.
Sri / April 20, 2018
You are obviously jealous of the whole system. Sri Lanka has a wonderful health system with health indices on par with the developed world, thanks to the doctors of the country. I’m sure you do not step into a government hospital to seek treatment. Those slinging mud at the GMOA are those who spend on private healthcare institutions.
Lex Luthor / April 21, 2018
In par with Developed world???? hahahhaa… you all should be admitted to mental wards for delusion and paranoia.
Government hospital to seek treatment? where you have to listen to the crap these Doctors say without any responsibility or respect? where you need to have a relation come and look after you to make sure you are being treated right? where junior doctors, nurses and attendants are in a full-blown inferiority complex because the senior doctors don’t have professional interaction with them. Where you have to keep in line till all people known to doctors and nurses jump the line and go ahead of you? I could keep going on…..
According to which scaling and rating system are we in par with developed countries????
There are a handfull of dedicated and amazing doctors who keep the system from falling apart and I assure you non of them support GMOA retards.
Faraj / April 22, 2018
The moment I see a hospital “Teachiing Hospital”, I run away. It is just a place where half-knowledge teachers and no-knowledge students waiting for your bodies to get some practicals.
srinath.gunaratne / April 20, 2018
Dr. Chandre Dharmawardana
Do they pay you to write it?
Why is this so much love for Glyphosate?
Cooperate America has no sympathy to it’s own citizens. Would they give anything to us?
More we stay away from chemicals better. That is common sense!
I have heard some tobacco companies funding cancer research
Maharage, Nimal / April 20, 2018
Chandre’s article makes complete sense.
GMOA folks are totally uninformed, half baked, and narrow minded due to imbibing outdated medical text books and medical education in Sri Lanka or universities of third world including Russia. It is rare to find a GMOA medical officer who reads and keeps abreast of medical research. if Sri Lanka has effective laws and regulations to hold them liable for their utter medical negligence leading to deaths of many unfortunate innocent people, at least 50% of them should be in jail or executed by now. Obviously, it is the medical education of GMOA doctors that should be blamed for these heinous crimes. Compared to developed countries, medical college entrance requirements in Sri Lanka are too low; they enter medical college just after GCE Ad level which is equivalent to High School Graduation in a developed country like US or Canada. Anyone in this part of the developed world needs to have at least a first degree from a recognized university plus GMAT, and many other qualifications to even apply for a medial college. And that is why most of the doctors of Sri Lanka or similar countries have ended up working in warehouses or some unprofessional coolie jobs in the developed world when they have migrated.
In Sri Lanka, GMOA folks think it is a professional privilege to carry a stethoscope while in developed countries all nurses, medical assistants etc. are allowed to use it as a functional tool. How Stupid are our GMOA doctors? You need to jump out of the “WELL” and be exposed !!!
LP / April 21, 2018
For few million dollars you can distort fact and figures any where in the world. In Sri Lanka you can buy a good writer to re-engineer the opinion of the people.
LP / April 21, 2018
For few million dollars one can manipulate and change the outcome of a research or an experiment for billion dollar profit of a business.Specially our part of the world for few thousand rupees one can hire a writer.
Jim softy / April 21, 2018
HEre it is very common research funded by the manufacturer himself in order to get flawed results. IT is proven well beyond suspicion that Glyphosate have carinogenic formulents, can have carcionogenic imnute quantities strong toxins and as well as toxic to aquatic life which includes animals and plants. That oncludes Soil. The west the problem is Gnetically modified crops which will support natural selection towards specific plants, so change the biodiversity because there are animals associated with these plants. That can affect biological control like attempts.
Ex GMOA / April 21, 2018
GMOA bigots have gone further than even Kim Jong Un ” Will demilitarize” seeking validation and legitimacy which his wealth and position could not satisfy him with. Kim wants summit to succeed. On the other hand US students are shouting “Please don’t shoot me I am trying to learn” GMOA frogs are so narrow in outlook, their noses have to be rubbed on the judiciary floor and Ex Co decapitated so that sanity, integrity and honesty will return to the once respected SLMC before the paralysed Karl Marx who could not write annual reports would send secret negative reports to former prez. Without a turn around attitude towards money as well as the desire to teach and train others in humility with the knowledge they freely received, the Exco will be finally exposed and doomed like all wicked.
sbarrkum / April 21, 2018
The problem we have in Dry Zone Sri Lanka is CKDu. Not cancer.
old codger / April 22, 2018
“The problem we have in Dry Zone Sri Lanka is CKDu. Not cancer.”
Edward / April 23, 2018
BarKum points out that the problem with the dry zone is not cancer. But it is clearly not GLYPHOSATE either. Because (1) the US study of 90000 people for 23 years INCLUDED monitoring of kidney function, urine and blood analysis, and if glyphosate formulations cause Kidney disease of any kind, then it would have shown up. The farmers in the study used glyphosate through out 9 months of the year. The Sri Lankan farmers in the DZ use it for 3 to 4 days in Yala, and 3 to 4 days in Maha season.
(2) SL imported about 6000 metric tons of GLy and most of it went to the plantations and Maize. Paddy got a tenth of it. Half of that came to the dry zone.. Divide the 300 metric tons by the DZ paddy acarage, and you see that a sq meter of ground got less than a microgram of glyphosate.
Gunaratne in LA / April 23, 2018
“The problem we have in Dry Zone Sri Lanka is CKDu. Not cancer.”
So why ban glyphosate which has never been implicated for CKDu by the WHO or any international organization?
Glyphosate was claimed to cause CKDu by the Nath-Deviyo scientists who now hang around with Ven. Ratana to get Political favours, grant money, trips and appointments.
sbarrkum / April 23, 2018
The new form of CKD is not officially recognized in the Americas even though kidney disease has killed more people in El Salvador and Nicaragua than diabetes, HIV/AIDS and leukemia combined in the last five years on record, the Center for Public Integrity found.
In a disease not yet formally recognized, researchers cannot say how many have fallen ill. But the death toll reaches tens of thousands.
More than 16,000 men died of kidney failure in Central America from 2005 to 2009, with annual deaths increasing more than threefold since 1990, according to an analysis of World Health Organization data. In Sri Lanka, the WHO says at least 8,000 people suffer from chronic kidney disease of unknown cause, though other sources put the number more than double that. In the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, more than 1,500 have been treated for the ailment since 2007.
sbarrkum / April 23, 2018
given the poor pesticide exposure assessment in the majority, a role of nephrotoxic agrochemicals cannot be conclusively discarded. Future research should procure assessment of lifetime exposures to relevant specific pesticides and enough power to look into interactions with other major risk factors, in particular heat stress.
Research questions identified during the group work
Group 2:
Role of agrochemicals
Can existing information regarding importation, distribution and use patterns of agrochemicals be
linked to the CKDu incidence?
Can low doses of Cd (from food or other sources) be nephrotoxic among individuals with other risk
factors (e.g. malnutrition, low birth weight) and other diseases (e.g. diabetes)?
As individual agrochemicals do not seem to explain the CKDu, can synergies between individual
agrochemicals or between agrochemicals and other risk factors play a role in the causation of CKDu?
So no clear causal link and mechanism for CKDu and glyphosate (or other agro chemicals) has been investigated.
On the other hand CKDu and glyphosate (or other agro chemicals) cannot be ruled out.
One thing to keep in mind, the US (large cancer study) or NZ some other countries dont have CKDu. Neither does the wet zone of Sri Lanka which also uses glyphosate and other agrochemicals. The proposed commonality is that the US, NZ or SL wet zone people drink hard water from open wells.
Anyway thats the end of my discussion on this topic. Chandre Dharmawardane seems intent of shoving glyphosate down the throats of the Rajarata farmers.
I too live on the edges of the Rajarata and drink well water. However, by the time I get CKDu, I will be dead of other causes.
I also had to visit the Kidney Center in Maligawatta (I had BPH). Its heart rending to see young men having dialysis, waiting for a Kidney transplant.
I would err on the side of caution for the sake of the Rajarata farmer.
old codger / April 23, 2018
There is a theory that this CKDU is the real cause for the collapse of the Rajarata civilization. It may have been forgotten and lurking unknown till people started moving back with the new irrigation schemes.
Edward / April 24, 2018
See the work of Geology Prof. Chandra Dissanayake and others. Accoring to them:
if your well has fluoride, and if the well has hard water, you will get kidney disease.
Dr. Thammitiyagama fed such water to laboratory mice, and the mice got the same kidney disease.
See: Ceylon Med J, volume 62, pages 20-24 year 2017
doi 10.4038/cmj.v62i1.8428
So Prof. CD who has written this article seems to be vindicated.
The cows who eat the grass and environment “contaminated” with cadmium, or sprayed with glyphosate don’t get kidney disease because they don’t drink well water. They drink water from running streams, rivers, and other surface water, and other “agriculturally polluted”, and they are perfectly healthy.
Argo-chemicals is the red herring when this is a geo-specific disease found in ares with hard water and fluoride in the soil. But people love to believe that it is the fault of glyphosate because then they can become heroes by bashing US multi-national companies!
A.Weerasinghe / April 24, 2018
Here goes Glysophate Chandre Dharmasiriwardena the paid champion of a deadly cause.But first the chap should pay up the Rs 250,000/ bond he failed to pay Sri Jayewardenapura University after having gone to Canada on a scholarship in the early 70s and then jumped ship.
So many reminders from the University have gone unanswered even though his bank account is over flowing by championing the Glysophate “cause” alone.So much for a chest beating “patriot”.
Upali / April 24, 2018
What has patriotism to do with glyphosate SAFETY?
Now it is proven that a quarter century of useof glyphosate at a highly intense level causes no illness of any kind.
This stuff about a scholarship of someone who joined Vidyodaya in 1970 at the top of the rank, and left in 1975 after being the vice-chancellor smacks of deliberate falsehood by an acolyte of Ven. Ratana?
I was a student there at the time.
The university can file a case against him if anyone owes any money; but instead he is invited to it many times over, and his gifts of books etc., can be seen in the library.
What about the 60,000,000 rupees that Ven. Ratana pocketed after selling his duty-free car illegally in the black market?
Alfred Senanayake / April 25, 2018
Oh dear by all this it seems clear that Ratne is a rouge,Chandre is a rouge,politicians are all rouges.The victims are ordinary folk like us who are routinely taken for a jolly good ride by all these crooks who claim to be patriots and experts
.I too have heard that Mr Dharmasiriwardena had tried to hush up this unpaid bond affair by offering some small seeni bola to SJ University from time to time.But the matter seems to resurface all the time.It seems the old chaps’s efforts at brushing matters under the carpet have all failed.
watcher / April 28, 2018
If GMOA touches any issue to exalt its superhuman insane megalomania, to topple govt. before previous rogues are imprisoned, we have to question their motive. It was milk powder, glyphosate or current ajinomoto, but the life long topic is SAITM as NF mistake was not to start a commission right at the very beginning to silence GMOA. The earlier mafia crept into SLMC now careful, and the younger new house terrorists are backed by 6 signatories well known money mad job agents. We need to see all GMOA actions, with parents, in the light of mammon and not as trained to care for and cure patients but fleece them. Must see GMOA as pragmatic reality to be corrected and disciplined by strong leadership, knowing that mad dogs bite mercilessly during the last few days of lifespan.