6 February, 2025


Navy Suspends Yoshitha

Sri Lanka Navy has suspended Lieutenant Yoshitha Rajapaksa with effect from February 28, 2016 in order to ensure the independence of the ongoing money laundering investigation against him by the Financial Crime Investigation Division (FCID).

YoshithaThe suspension comes following a directive to the Navy hierarchy from the Ministry of Defence.

Accordingly, Rajapaksa will not be permitted to enter any naval premises and his salary will also be halted immediately.

Meanwhile, the Colombo High Court will hear the bail application submitted on behalf of Rajapaksa on March 8, 2016.

Latest comments

  • 38

    Suspension is not a big deal for them.
    They have enormously stolen public money and Chinese loan as much as they can.

    They all(Mahinda Rajapaksa and whole family and henchmen) must be incarcerated for life.
    That is the only punishment we can give them.

    Hope this present government will do it as they promised.

    • 17


      “Sri Lanka Navy has suspended Lieutenant Yoshitha Rajapaksa”

      Has super smart patriot and nationalist Rear Admiral (Dr). Sarath Weerasekara commented on this important development in the Navy, which is his natural habitat?

      He seems to be very unhappy about singing Tamil National anthem while ignoring what has been happening in his home front.

      As far as he is concerned singing Tamil National Anthem is not only unconstitutional but an insult to patriots who fought and died for the country.

      There are far more important issues concerning the navy yet he chose to dwell on the national issue. As someone who had served the navy for many years, he should be raising issues of corruption, nepotism, … etc.

      He wrote:

      “I was admired and respected by the people of Karainagar. However I was once targeted but I happened to change my plans. The terrorists being unaware that I had alighted from the vehicle attacked it and my driver and the junior officer were killed. The following day the entire village stormed my camp and apologized profusely, weeping and wailing. “

      It is a question of whether his men rounding up the villagers, dragging them all the way to the camp and threatening them, extracting a mass apology from them to impress their boss.

    • 17

      While the immediate family of this rogue and the Bootlickers continue to keep their Heads buried in the sand Believing what the big Gorilla Daddy did to the country was RIGHT !! M
      It Shows they will never change or will never ask Pardon for their SINS AND THE CRIMES COMMITTED BY THEM FROM LORD BUDDHA .
      Their minds and souls will go on infested and infected with cancerous venom until they perish.

      Is it too much to lose to own up the crimes/ mistakes committed by the first family and the Bootlickers??

  • 23

    We have to let the law take its course.

    • 21

      Navy top brass is corrupt. They looked the other way or facilitated Yo Baba’s recruitment violating all rules and regulations.

      Nobody in the Armed Forces are required to enforce unlawful orders. If somebody did that is because they are corrupt, criminal themselves or they lack backbone.

      All of which should disqualify such officers from the Navy. Suspend them too.


  • 21

    he should be dismissed / cashiered from the Sri Lanka Navy. He has brought shame to the forces with so many allegations against him and sits in remand prison as being the main suspect in Money Laundering…what a disgrace to the nation

  • 14

    MR should have read the letter from President Abrham Lincoln to his son’s teacher.
    If he had guided his 3 sons properly , today they will not be in this postion.

    One day all 3 sons will curse his father. and powder baby mother for not correcting them , when they were young

    They are lucky, Srilanka do not have death penalty, if not Gallows will be their resting Place.

  • 14

    All these sycophants need Counselling to come out of their warped minds. The whole family still believes what they did was right to the people of Srilanka.

    Stealing ,Murdering Committed in mega scale to us Srilankans we’re inexcusable.

    Saddest of all, they go on whitewashing their crimes, that is when the counselling needed to change their warped minds , including the latest singer in the family who had given an interview in which he says “. Daddy has done wonders to the country but there’s whitch hunt “

    The family will never learn from their mistakes until they’re thrown to sharks.

    Pathetic family and the bootlickers.

  • 6

    A much belated move because of political connections.If the navy didn
    t suspend THIS BLOOMING CHARACTER, it is possible that he would have suspended the entire NAVY.

  • 1

    Mathali- When I read your comments, I remembered the story I was taught during my 2nd form – A boy was sentence to dead penalty and he was asked for the last wish and he told he wanted to kiss his mother – went the guards took him closer to his mother he bit off her nose and told if you brought-up me properly correct my small mistakes, I wouldn’t have ended up like this. If parents do not know how to brought up children, did they ask them to bring them to this world. Similarly these 3 young children have to take their revenge on their parents for not to teach them good and bad. That will be a good lesson for all other bad parents. Hope many Army committed crimes to innocent Tamils will regret for that now.

  • 4

    This suspension is on a request made by the FCID who are on an investigating in relation to Money Laundering.

    There were more serious matters that came to light as regards Yoshitha’s employment in the Navy. Those were relating to his qualifications, public money spent on his training abroad and unauthorised trips abroad on numerous occasions. The details were tabled in Parliament and we know such details were provided by the Naval Authorities. Should it not be the TASK of the Navy to take a very serious note of the facts that were presented to the PARLIAMENT, THE SUPREME AUTHORITY OF THE PEOPLE and initiate “Disciplinary Action” against this “Officer”? He must have been SUSPENDED immediately on finding those facts, leaving aside the FCID investigations. It came to light and it is now known that Yoshitha did not posses the BASIC QUALIFICATION to be enrolled in the Navy. Then who was responsible for his recruitment? Those persons too must be taken to task. Who decided to spend money on his training abroad? Who permitted him to travel abroad without obtaining permission? At least NOW, better late than NEVER, initiate action, FIRST by SUSPENDING on those facts and frame charges on an internal disciplinary basis and let him explain within a stipulated time frame. If found GUILTY, he must be Dishonourably Discharged from the services of the Navy. The Defense Ministry, why are your POSTPONING that action? Any “DEAL”? In the absence of such APPROPRIATE action, we begin to feel that way.

    • 8

      I wonder why it took so long for the Navy to suspend this young man ?? Was it because of the Naval hierarchise ‘s connection with the Murderous past Regime??

      Or did they think it will all fizzle out and the Prince will come out clean and welcome him back with open arms
      into the Navy?
      The Education of the Naval officers and the code of conduct was insufficient initially to court marshal this brat?? Or were they acting on the orders of the past leader the father of this young man.

      The parents have ruined their own lives , and the lives of their 3 sons too.
      The greed of the father lead to this disaster.
      Will their sons ever forgive their parents?? Or was it all in the blood?? Time will tell.

      • 3

        During VPs time, everyone was afraid of death delivered by him through any possible means: mainly explosives delivered to the target. During MRs time, everyone in Sinhala areas were afraid of death delivered through any possible means: poison to explosives. I bet no one in the Navy ever muttered a word within Y’s ear shot that could be construed as disobedience to the will of the smiling dictator. Y trampled on the Navy as if it was his doormat, and he did the same to the air force: I want to fly, and if you did not train me you would get toppled off the high chair. Does not matter what rank they were, they all hit the dust and kowtowed to the Prince. We are a feudal society no matter how educated the people are. Name dropping and Creeping to the big mouthed powerful people is the hall mark of Sri Lankan society.

  • 8

    The Maithripala/Ranil government is facing difficulties instituting justice after a decade of judicial abuse by the former Rajapakse dictatorship. Unfortunately, there are still influential bootlickers around, who benefitted from his reign, who do not want to let go. I have no doubt good justice will prevail and sooner or later the Rajapakse clan will be behind bars either here or convicted from abroad.

  • 5

    Poor lad, badly misled by the parents. If he was taught a little of humility and how to live within his income as a sailor, none of this would have happened.

  • 1

    This was long overdue act and dilly dallying is making these efforts of little value for they find loop holes to squeeze out.

  • 0

    Every time inquiries are made about why the Navy has not acted to take this officer to task over the mayraid of issues the passing of the buck happens with the navy saying it is waiting for the presidents office to send its recommendations or the presidents office saying it is waiting for the Navy to act. Finally it was p to the FCID to intervene and get some action. What is going on here? We hear solemn pronouncements that the president is committed to see all investigations thru. Then we hear the president is not ready to let the senior Rajapakshes be arrested. As time goes the sheer volume of evidence coming out of many different investigative tracts will become impossible to ignore. What does MS and RW think they are going to do when this day comes to pass. If justice is to be done there will come a day when the entire family will have to be put behind bars there is simply no way of avoiding it. Prepare the ignorant voters who still support these scoundrels now while you still have time. Other wise all hell will break loose one way or another.

  • 1

    he should be dismissed / cashiered from the navy. Disgrace to the country and to the Forces of Sri Lanka

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