3 November, 2024


Never Falsely Accuse Another Race For Petty Political Gain

By Nishthar Idroos

Nishthar Idroos

Sri Lanka a beautiful country with a very rich history but rendered ugly and a trifle rancid by an absolutely corrupt political leadership. Its activities in the last couple of decades simply stinks to high heavens, this is not an exaggeration. The rot didn’t start just recently, it started in 2005 and slowly progressed. Today the stink is all over and is unbearable, People are dying.

A corrupt political leadership that falsely accused Muslim doctors (purely for political reasons) of having rendered Buddhist women infertile after having administered on them so called “vanda beheth”. The vanda brand was freely extended to bizarre items like “vanda bra”, “vanda panties”, “vanda khottu” and more. A ridiculous spectacle never to be repeated anywhere in the world, we hope.

Quite ironically we are witnessing today with horror their own doctors leaving the land in huge numbers while Muslim doctors working round the clock and with dedicated service. What are we to make out of this?

It’s not just Health sector that’s crumbling, the entire nation is falling apart. This humiliation no doubt was brought by none other than the Rajapaka brothers.

The ones who deracinated the National Treasury in style and stashed ill-gotten wealth all over the world while keeping the Sinhala-Buddhist community busy falsely accusing the Muslims.

Though this writer is a Muslim, he feels personal pain for the Sunhala-Buddhist community. The Sinhala-Buddhist community along with the rest were hopeful for a better future after the war was won. What actually happened is now history. Their own leaders brutally plundered the wealth and rendered the people destitute. The entire world is looking at this horror story unveil on a day by day basis.

All the time the Rajapaksa brothers were busy adding the zeroes to the cheque and with absolute ease.

Now we have another putrid spectacle of another Sinhala-Buddhist Health Minister being accused with prima-facia evidence having imported substandard drugs causing the death of many unsuspecting and innocent people. They say when it rains it pours

The moral of the story – never falsely accuse anyone of wrong doing because if its false and baseless retribution is not only mandatory but imminent.

Latest comments

  • 10

    “The rot didn’t start just recently, it started in 2005 and slowly progressed.”
    So, whatever happened before 2005 are alright for you.

    • 5


      It’s not that pre 2005 ‘rot’ is insignificant but post 2005, the rot(ting) increased exponentially until the country was milked dry. The pandemic maybe god’s wrath but for our enterprising SL politicians & their cronies, it was a god send to make more money, albeit, at the expense of the poor suffering people. Apart from the NPP, no political party has dared to bring up the subject of bringing the culprits for the rape of the country to justice but I won’t be surprised even the NPP rhetoric will fizzle out if they in power. As for god’s retribution, I am hopeful but I am not holding my breath.

      • 0

        Dear Raj-UK,
        I’m definitely voting for the NPP;
        you still have reservations about “commies”. That’s all right, but I’ve been trying to tell you that it is owing to irrational prejudice..
        You’re trying to be fair by everyone. Why are you interested in what happens in this country? Because, you have a good deal of affection for “your people”.
        What is outrageous here is Ranil’s blocking of elections.
        In the UK (your adopted country which I have never visited but know surprisingly well), elections have to be held:
        Manipulating elections is also corruption.
        But I’d like to know this. Are you a dual citizen, and do you work things out so that you vote at some of our elections? Young people here are beginning to resemble the young in first world countries. They don’t realise that every citizen must have an over-view of politics, and vote as intelligently as possible.
        I spend a lot of time finding out about politics now. That’s because I do almost no work, but I’ve always voted.

        • 2


          I always vote at the elections as it is a civic duty but I have not voted in SL since domiciling in UK, decades ago. However, I have always taken a keen interest in SL as my plan was to return after retirement. Unfortunately, this may not be the case now as it seems we are back in the bad old days of Bandaranayaka austerity. UK is the 6th biggest economy in the world but many are struggling with high living costs. Inflation, I believe, is down from about 11% to 8%, doctors & train drivers are on strike regularly but on the whole, life is much bearable than in SL. Apparently, there is now an incentive for ex-pats to remit money with an offer of a duty free permit for a EV but that may not influence my decision. Therefore, I am closely watching the political situation in SL. Seems to me that there is no mainstream political party that can pull the country out of the quagmire it is in. I was in favour of the NPP initially but, so far, they have not been able to convince me, despite their ‘intellectual’ membership.

          • 3

            I doubt very much if voters are dumb enough to give the Rajapakse led PP another chance, which would be the final nail on the coffin, & the internationally educated Premadasa jnr led SBJ seem to have no strategy, which leaves the NPP/JVP coalition & RW’s pathetic UNP. I am not in favor of coalitions because, in practice, a bunch of people with different ideology & objectives cannot provide a synergy. I am keen to know, in particular, how the NPP would fund their economic recovery strategy. Will my hard earned £s forcibly converted to depreciating Rs?. How will my savings income taxed? In a nutshell, I don’t trust a ‘socialist’ govt. even though I support labour in UK. In the absence of any others from the civil society, only RW & UNP remain. Although, not a fan of RW, he seems to be best option out of useless bunch. Corruption is in our DNA, so is cronyism, we will continue to bribe govt. officials to get things done, thugs in robes will mislead gullible Buddhists, we will continue to have yobs in a bloated parliament, in fact, nothing will change who ever comes to power. If the NPP can change all this, lets hear it but, unlike the song ‘words are all I have to take your heart away’, I want to know HOW?. Giving them a chance is not going to cut any ice.

    • 4

      Fully agree.
      The Muslims were the first ethnic group to be so accused a little more than a century ago.

  • 3

    Accusations against the Kurunegala sterilising machine doctor haven’t been proven false. Muslim vote lovers and the authority have simply swept the case under the carpet. But there are so many other reasons to believe that the mad doctor is guilty of something. If the doctor is really innocent, he should seek justice in a court of law instead of paying cahoots to cleanse his sins in the media.
    Also the rumour is some VIP (secretly Christian) did not want a Muslim to contest in the same district as he did.
    “The vanda kottu” incident was captured on camera (thankfully). The Sinhala customer who was aware of his consumer rights questions innocently about the disgusting look of the kottu, to which jihadi cook gave sarcastic reply, and then fights broke. There are stories about Muslims assaulting public health inspectors.
    The word “vanda” is added to Muslims causing incidents to ridicule the Sinhala accusations, same with muslims imported bras which were a health hazard anyway.
    Yes, there are kind hearted MALAY MUSLIM doctors who Sinhalese have excellent relationships with.

    • 7

      “…reasons to believe that the mad doctor is guilty of something.”
      Has a medical panel pronounced the doctor to be ‘mad’?
      What makes you think that one has to do something wrong to be punished by a corrupt system?

    • 4

      There are still holocaust deniers, Trump supporters still believe the election was a fraud & that Trump actually won. Andrew Tate, an internet influencer who openly boasts of enslaving & exploiting women, now in custody in Romania for trafficking women, has a huge worldwide following who believes the charges are false. So, I suppose there will always be dumbos & pathetic people who are unable to face facts & are in denial.
      If I am not mistaken, the CID investigation revealed the allegations against the Kurunagala doctor was false but the GMOA did not come to the rescue of one of their own, maybe, because the doctor concerned was not a member. In the end, it turned out to be a personal vendetta that became a national racial issue. As for the birth control pills in food or smeared in underwear, what a joke. Wonder where these ‘hazardous’ bras were manufactured. In Tony’s reckoning, aren’t there any kind hearted Muslims, other than Malays?

      • 4

        “but the GMOA did not come to the rescue of one of their own, maybe, because the doctor concerned was not a member. In the end, it turned out to be a personal vendetta that became a national racial issue. As for the birth control pills in food or smeared in underwear, what a joke.”
        GMOA would only wake up and act, ONLY & ONLY if MaRa’s UNDERWEAR become SMEARED, TARNISHED or TAINTED by any CAUSE or even NONE AT ALL!!! To protect Crown Jewels (“Jathika Wasthuwa” – threesome) from Destruction or Deterioration – None Other is GOOD enough reason to convince THAT Paniya, the ‘Pani Deniya’!!!
        What for the telling “Purana Gatha’s”????

      • 0

        “Trump supporters still believe the election was a fraud & that Trump actually won.”
        After seeing Biden in action, I wish that they are right and that Trump got elected.

    • 4

      “Accusations against the Kurunegala sterilising machine doctor haven’t been proven false?”
      Sri Lankan Jurisprudence follows the system, that every individual considered innocent until Proven to be guilty by Prosecution!!??? Why is this convolution!!!????
      Some European States – predominantly France follows a system – that the onus is laid on the individual to PROVE HIS/HER INNOCENCE!!!???
      Are you of French descent or lineage, marauding as Patriotic Sinhala Buddhist (SB), that you are advocating such methodology, “improperly Accused Doctor” to file action and seek clemency??????
      If this is LOGIC, WHAT ISN’T LOGIC!!!??? Else, you are working to the ‘DIKTAT of PAYMASTER’!!!??

    • 2

      “Accusations…haven’t been proven false.”
      So it is guilty until proved innocent!?
      Why couldn’t a single credible witness to the accusations come up?

  • 3

    A corrupt political leadership that falsely accused Muslim doctors (purely for political reasons) of having rendered Buddhist women infertile after having administered on them so-called “vanda beheth
    Life is an echo.
    • What you sow, you reap.
    • Whatever you do comes back on you
    • What you give, you get.
    • What you see in others, exists in you.
    • Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness.
    • Due to the Import of inferior medicine see what happened to patients,
    • How many doctors are leaving with happened to the Health sector
    • Where was the minister then and now?
    • Anunte Kale they thamante palade

    Where was the Minister then and now The quality of medicine makes answers to lives

    • 0

      A rather weird idea of karma I would say.

  • 4

    The corrupt politicians in sinhala land also are unable to come to terms with their mainly sinhala buddhist murders (with the assistance of some muslim politicians who went to UN and internationally and asserted that there were NO human rights abuses of minorities in sinhala land) of the tamils who surrendered or taken into custody by the brutal murdering sinhala armed forces and now the sinhala land is in much worse situation than even if the LTTE had won the war and the sinhalas themselves have to depart this now including buddhist thugs bhikkus created BOTTOM OF THE PIT AKA toilet land (in South Asia). The Ceylon tamils who departed ceylon are now internationally recognised (in one instance that I am personally aware of a hindu ceylon tamil accountant was offered the treasurership of a christian synod in the West) WHEREAS exported sinhalas are mainly “toilet cleaners” using the terminology of the now seems demised “Eagle Eye”.

  • 1

    Gus, rewrite your comments substituting the words ‘Tamil’ for ‘Sinhala’ and ‘Sinhala’ for ‘Tamil’. You will see how others see you. You will see what a racist you actually are.

  • 5

    Paul, you call me a racists after making me what I am by experiencing racism in someone said my “mother country” that I have never experienced outside sinhala land.

    Why complain??? after the majority sinhalas mainly buddhists in sinhala land created my racism. Frankly I never knew that I was a different race until in my youth I had a short and miserable sojourn in the buddhist bhikku thugs ruled sinhala land.

    My mother used to tell me that during the circa 1956 riots there were he barbaric buddhist monks thugs leading the sinhala mobs. Nothing has changed except that there are more barbaric buddhist sinhala fraternity including the millions that voted for the murderous Rajapakses who have now been unmasked for what they are in the latest Channel 4 documentary expose.

    The majority of sinhala lands mainly sinhala buddhists have with their racists ideology and sinhala superiority resulted in voting for similar sinhala mentality leaders and sinhala land being the SICK MAN and BEGGAR and MOST undeveloped nation in South Asia GOING BACKWARDS since independence when it was then TOP.

    The superior mentality sinhalese are now the biggest toilet cleaners in other countries and facing the abusive treatments and DESERVE such KARMA!!!
    It seems that even Bangladesh and Nepal peoples and economy

  • 4

    When someone said not to be negative of your “mother country” to me I replied that mothers do not kill their children as is happening in the beggar and toilet nation of sri lanka.

  • 3

    It seems that the Bangladesh nation (created a relatively short while ago) Nepal a peoples that were kept down by their rulers are doing MUCH better than beggar sinhala land and cf Vietnam which is now a manufacturing hup even for cars, WHEREAS sinhala land is exporter of in the vernacular of the now vanished “Eagle Eye” and Stevenson a nation of exporters of mainly and significantly sinhala toilet cleaners AND I expect this will be the case for the next few hundred years!!!

  • 4

    The evidence is out by channel 4 documentary that the Rajapakses and the buddhist thugs bhikkus are both capable of NOT ONLY Murdering tamils but also capable of murdering also christian sinhalas to ensure power and facilitate the looting of sinhala land and its peoples irrespective of the resulting deprivations to EVEN their own sinhala budhhists.
    MARK MY WORDS the mentality of the sinhalas is that even with the happenings the Rajapakses have a fighting chance of coming to power.
    Question how did one of the Rajapakse sons (a country bumkins all of their ilk) have 330 million USD to invest in a chinese space startup???

  • 3

    It seems OK to falsely excuse another religion of Blasphemy and resulting violence against the other religions in countries like islamic republic of Pakistan eg sinhala manager burnt to death in Paki land (not sure of what gain here? possibly some PETTY warped religious gain!) but not for petty political gain?

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