18 February, 2025


New Calls To Protect Tamils Refused Asylum From ‘Torture’ – BBC

“There are calls for the suspension of special charter flights used to send home Sri Lankan Tamils who have been refused asylum in Britain. The group Freedom From Torture is worried about allegations that some returning Tamils with links to the defeated Tamil Tiger rebels will be mistreated or tortured.2 BBC’s Mike Wooldridge reports.

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    It’s time for sense to prevail.
    Escape to the closest nation and that is Tamil Nadu isn’t it?

    Why come this far? Is it to increase the “block vote” that every native on British soil abhors?

    Britain is the land “to be or not to be” and natives vote for local matters often not for somebody else’s war.

    There is sympathy for these folk but at the same time xenophobia is rearing its head in the UK and EU.

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