14 October, 2024


No “Organic” Potassium Chloride: Why Cheat People?

By R.P. Gunawardane

Prof R.P. Gunawardane

Organic fertilizer fiasco continues with new declarations and inventions by the Sri Lankan authorities. Recently the Ministry of Agriculture has announced that they have imported organic potassium chloride for distribution among the farmers. “Organic” potassium chloride (KCl) is certainly a new discovery never heard before. It is the first time such a material is discovered in the world!

There is no such substance called organic potassium chloride. Potassium Chloride is always an inorganic material, a chemical compound containing only the elements potassium (K) and chlorine (Cl). Even the school children are aware of it and they are laughing at this announcement by the government.

As reported in some Sinhala newspapers this announcement by the government was supported by a politico-academic stating that the potassium chloride shipment imported by the Ministry of Agriculture is of mineral origin. Unfortunately, he is not aware that mineral origin will not make it organic. Potassium chloride imported by Sri Lankan government is a chemical fertilizer by all standards. There is no debate about it. Thus, the announcements made by government representatives are mainly to mislead and cheat citizens and more particularly the farmers. It is very unfortunate that some educated political stooges go down to very low level to safeguard their political masters.

It appears that the government is struggling to move away from the previous unilateral decision realizing the impending chaos and the real dangers ahead. If this is the case, the same argument can be applied to other two major chemical fertilizer groups as well. Urea is the very common an efficient nitrogen fertilizer used all over the world. It is manufactured all from natural raw materials such as nitrogen from air, hydrogen and carbon dioxide from natural gas and coal after various treatment procedures. In addition, most common phosphorus (P) fertilizers are TSP (triple superphosphate), SSP (single superphosphate) and even rock phosphate which is available in Sri Lanka at Eppawela. TSP is preferred since it has more phosphorus available to the plants while rock phosphate has the least amount of available phosphorus. Both SSP and TSP are manufactured by using natural raw materials such as rock phosphate and sulfur. Thus, using the same argument applied to import mineral potassium chloride (KCl), the government can easily import Urea and TSP as well to Sri Lanka in limited quantities.

Fertilizer fiasco continues

It appears that this drastic and sudden decision to ban all inorganic fertilizer has been taken without extensive consultation with agriculturists, related scientists, farmer organizations and the plantation sector (tea, rubber, coconut etc.). There is no doubt that this sudden decision has far reaching consequences because it affects our economy and food security seriously. It is also reported that Sri Lanka going to be the first country in the world to ban inorganic fertilizers. Yes, Sri Lanka can be the first to implement this proposal with disastrous effect to our economy and food security!

It has also been reported that no serious consultations have been done with the relevant scientists and agriculture experts in the Department of Agriculture, Tea Research Institute, Rubber Research Institute, Coconut Research Institute, Plantation sector organizations leading to a very serious situation in agriculture, food security and the productivity of the plantation sector. As a result, there have been many protests by various groups and organizations throughout the country and it is still going on.

The same objective could be achieved in the long-term by implementing a proper plan in consultation with all the stakeholders to reduce the use of imported fertilizer and maximize the use of locally produced organic and inorganic fertilizers. This could be achieved within a period of about 6 years on a fast track.

As pointed out by the agriculturists and related scientists, the organic fertilizers do not provide sufficient macronutrients. The macronutrients of plants are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Inorganic fertilizers are needed to supply adequate macro nutrients to the crops to give the best yields. This is particularly important in the Sri Lankan context since our land area available for cultivation has been reduced considerably over the years with rapid increase in population.

A large number of articles have appeared in newspapers and news sites during the last few months by prominent scientists, agriculturists, economists and representatives of the farmers and plantation executives clearly explaining the dangers of this ban giving valid logical and scientific reasons. I have not found a single article or a valid report explaining the reasons for the complete ban of inorganic fertilizers by any expert or any other knowledgeable person.

On the other hand, all professors of Agronomy (science and technology of crop production and soil management in Agriculture) of all the universities in Sri Lanka, present Director-General of Agriculture of the Sri Lankan government and all living former Directors of Agriculture, Chairman, National Science Foundation(NSF) and Chairman, National Science and Technology Commission of Sri Lanka, most of them appointed by this government have sent letters to the President requesting to reverse this decision. Some of them have suggested an alternative path to minimize the use of chemical fertilizer gradually with maximum use of suitable organic fertilizer over a long period. According to them it has to be a long-term project which should be monitored carefully to maintain the highest yield with minimum harm to the plants.

This episode has now been internationalized and the following article appeared in the Manila Times on September 30, 2021. It is important to note that both International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) and the Head Quarters of the Asian Development Bank are located in Manila, Philippines.

Manila Times, September 30, 2021: How the organic agriculture ideology destroyed the Sri Lankan economy by Fermin Adriano: extracts of this article are given blow:

“Already reeling from the adverse effects of Covid-19, Sri Lankan President made the costly mistake of banning the importation of all chemical fertilizers. He wanted to make his country the first in the world to be recognized as a hundred-percent producer of organic agriculture products. However, nature operates differently and the decision backfired.

Organic agriculture farms have lower productivity levels than those using chemical fertilizers. Thus, overall, Sri Lankan farm productivity declined at a time its people direly needed adequate food supply. Due to lower productivity, organic agricultural products are priced higher. Given the loss of jobs and incomes as a result of the pandemic, organic agriculture made it difficult for the Sri Lankan government to ensure adequate food supply.

There is indeed a place for organic agriculture in the development of our agricultural sector. But its insertion must be made in a manner where its benefits considerably outweigh its costs. The most valuable lesson that can be derived from the economic and food emergency situation in Sri Lanka is that agriculture is a science and successful agriculture follows sound economic principles. One cannot chart the direction of agriculture development based on gut feel, common sense, and worse, ideology. The result will be a disaster such as the one manifested by the Sri Lankan experience.”

Latest comments

  • 19

    Under Rajapaksa rule, uneducated and most corrupted minister Mahindananda as Agriculture Minister anything is possible, Organic ,Inorganic, both and none of the above. I guess that is why China told Lanka “respect the science “, after shipping their sewage fresh and hot, as fertilizer.

    • 8

      This unambiguous article hopefully settles the great argument, but how did this terrible confusion arise? One reason is that the word “organic” has got extended into certain metaphorical uses. Wouldn’t it have helped had Gota’s advisers shown him one of the many on line Dictionaries?
      Has any good come out of all this? It may have driven home the message that the fertile top soil must be conserved, and that practices like composting must be embraced. It has become the norm in Lanka to clear the home compound of all greenery. I’m not a practical man myself, and a great Gota supporter has been insisting on clearing all the “weeds”, and the grass in my garden – the guy who once told me that he is 56 years old, but knows the mountain to be older than him.
      We have lost traditional wisdom, education has become covering syllabi, and it was imagined that there were “political solutions” to all problems. Promising free fertiliser became the norm, and going to the other extreme, banning, has been “the ideological reversal”. Now we may become humbler, listen, and think.
      Also control human population growth worldwide.

      • 4

        Dear Iskolemahaththayo,
        Why is that Gota seems to have no experienced advisers aroundwhatever the steps he has taken sofar ? May be, he himself does not have ” healthy conscience” to see who would fit most right ? The teenger-politicians can not always succeed… right ?
        1) Distribution of free jab loads received from India and WHO backfired, because his men thought it should rather be provided to young age groups not to ones over 60.
        What was the outcome was – all or predominant portions of COVID deaths claimed since July are over 60 and none of them were injected with the jabs

        Those died could well be alive if the distribution was carried out properly respepecting WHO and expert recommendations.
        2) That burial rights of local muslims that died by COVID were a painful issue until Pakistan premier, Imran Khan forced the srialnken leadership, that SRILANKENS should respect the piety of its people, regardless of them being muslims, buddhists, or any others by relgion and ethnicity. So called powerful GOTA became ” GOTTA”. …. all laughing stock to even kids today. That proved – srilanken leader’s stupdity- but how many suffered and were they not human beings ? Buddhist banner set also around the PENISES of Rajapakshes, but they stand against ” non-violence” louder as any criminal would do.

        • 3

          3) Then again ORGANIC manure issue – Entire developed world have been making every effort to switch on to full organic manure use with cancer rates go up drastically in those countries than anywhere else. However, it should be connected with a long term plan – since some flora would not survive without ” inorganic” additives such “chemically produced fertilizer”. The term fertilizer is always being used if it is manufactured through chemical processes synthetically while organic manures are being processed by bio pathways.
          4) What happened to that SEETHA ARABAPOLA or WELA ammandi ? how sweet the woman with that MUTTI HAMI addressed the gatherings in favour of their comeback…… today, SEETHA has become a rat… no nothing about her is in air. Muttihamy is eternally sent to hibenation mode with that FAKE professor being kept as a side man, though, his take backfired making him a king joker… with this being the reality of SO CALLED WIYATH MAGA OF GOTA…… I dont think that the days that GOTA has to pulling the trigger pointing at him is far from him.So was the end of HITLER in Germany.

          • 1

            Please listen to SEETHA ARAMBEPOLA..


            And please compare this with that of STREET BOY – WIMAL Weerawansa s speech ?
            Then go back to what that GONTHADIPILA has to repeat again and again…
            So those who listened to these UGLY ones, how could not they be other way around ?

            • 3

              You ask why Gota has no intelligent advisors? Two reasons:
              1. Even if there were such people, Gota would rather listen to witch doctors.
              2. One can’t be intelligent and a Gota supporter at the same time.

              • 1

                old codger

                “2. One can’t be intelligent and a Gota supporter at the same time.”

                Why is Dayan so desperate to become Gota’s Foreign Secretary/Minister?

                “1. Even if there were such people, Gota would rather listen to witch doctors.”

                You mean he only listens to his voices in his head?

  • 9

    Prof. Gunawardhana,

    “Organic agriculture farms have lower productivity levels than those using chemical fertilizers. Thus, overall, Sri Lankan farm productivity declined at a time its people direly needed adequate food supply. Due to lower productivity, organic agricultural products are priced higher. Given the loss of jobs and incomes as a result of the pandemic, organic agriculture made it difficult for the Sri Lankan government to ensure adequate food supply”

    Thank you prof. So long experts in the agro related stuff would not stand against the crook potliticians and their henchmen, nothing will work against ramphant corruption.
    No powerful countries succeeded by introducing the organic manure.

    The minister of current govt, does not seem to have the basic knowledge about the terms being used in today s changes. These men are real barbarians, that would not care much about the dire consequences of having introduced any kind of new systems which would not help an inch of progress towards the real changes. These just patch work being introduced by them, for the moment. The popularity of Rajakshes go down drastically, so that even any commoner would jump on them to tear of them as wild animals would do. People woul d no tstay calm and quiet … a blood bath is being provoked by them the ruling weakened govt.

    • 12

      “no serious consultations have been done with the relevant scientists and agriculture experts in the Department of Agriculture, Tea Research Institute, Rubber Research Institute, Coconut Research Institute, “
      The hallmarks of this President and his government can be put into just three words, incompetence, ignorance, and arrogance.
      Why would he need to consult with anyone other than Glyphosate Ratana, who claims to know everything? Nandasena’s intellect is highly limited, but he doesn’t know it. His arrogance makes him think he knows everything. Of course there are his fawning hangers-on, like the author of the memorial at Defence HQ, describing him as a “mastermind”. His mindset is mediaeval , and he has surrounded himself with yes-men who will assure us that Potassium Chloride is “organic”. Well, it seems like the government is finally reversing and laying the groundwork to import real fertilizer. So, what was all that fuss about “poisoned” crops?? Is Nandasena going to compensate the farmers out of his own pocket or ours? What a sorry excuse of a leader!

      • 6

        There is no need to consult anybody, as people who have computer data entry knowledge, would surely have know the way to access Google!
        Hey presto, you need not study chemistry, science, mathematics too! Google is the new bible!!
        If it does not exist in Google, it never exists. Throw away science is the attitude!!!
        Compensation, please ask Google, as they are the culprits for not making the information available and it is not because of 7th grade education limitation!!!!

        • 0

          Dear Mahila.
          ….There is no need to consult anybody, as people who have computer data entry knowledge, would surely have know the way to access Google!…
          Reading the Daily Mirror page 6, DM Poll, I was intrigued by the response to the question: “Should the Govt. continue to encourage farmers to use organic fertilizer,..”.
          32.9% Yes, 34.6% No and (apathy) 32.5% Don’t know.
          So much for the “consult anybody attitude”.
          In this scenario, would any debate on the subject reflect reality when the so-called literata is so divided, let alone ‘the common man.’

          • 0

            My view,
            This is the effect of social media, which quickly spreads unfounded scare stories among its users. Good examples are radiation from microwave ovens, 5G towers causing Covid, or stories about various food additives.

  • 11

    Prof: R.P.Gunawardena was onetime Prof: Chemistry at Peradeniya Browning and Joseph and all……..

    But, Organic Pottasium Chloride was a discovery of Viyath Maga.
    Prof: Kandiah, Prof: Eric Fonseka, Prof: P.P.G.L Siriwardena etc etc are not around to see this great discovery…………………..

  • 11

    …There is no such substance called organic potassium chloride……
    Nor is there “organic nano-Nitrogen”.
    …News : The first batch of the Nano Nitrogen liquid fertilizer ordered from India is to arrive in the country via air freight tomorrow…….
    Are we back at “square one”.
    Where is that “organ” called the brain.

    • 3

      MY View,
      All of them are sitting on it, as that is where it is located in these mega visionary, Viyathmaga intellects! Unfortunate!
      Please pardon them as it is an act of god!!
      Incorrect manufacturing procedure!!!
      6.9 Million, thought it was new invention and creation by god for emancipation!!!!
      Don’t blame them too, because they too are sitting on it full time praying for emancipation!!!!!
      Has anyone erred or blundered? Nonsense this is all part and parcel of Good intelligent (“Hari Sir”) governance.
      Any losses incurred in farming? None.
      The Farmers happened to be “Farmers”, so you were part of the Governance Experiment. So hard luck.
      Only collateral damage and deemed act of God.

  • 11

    One needs to understand that when emulating ancient kings who held forth in a sparsely populated land full of tropical forests and rich humus from centuries of plant matter deposits and adequate rainfall, the king must be the grand decider of the fate of his people. It was arbitrary, it was autocratic, it was by royal diktat that primitive decisions were so made. And the king would give gold to the value of an elephant to his favourite court jesters. Now imagine the black man with pink lips, in frilly cloth tucked in at the waist, chest with ornamental chains and limbs with amulets advising the king on peasants’ woes. The king, being the benevolent soul who yearns to be recorded in history as the one who did best, issues an edict. We saw such stage dramas as school children and thoroughly enjoyed characters like Andare’ etc in the royal court.

    • 7

      I think your analysis of popular mentality is on the dot.

  • 8

    Viyath Maga Nationalsozialismus

    “Highly decorated war-heroes”

    From the Danish movie “Another Round” (2020)
    Josse, there’s an election with three candidates, so who do you vote for?
    Do you follow?
    Number 1: He is partially paralyzed from polio. He has hypertension.
    He’s anemic and suffers from an array of serious illnesses.
    He lies if it suits his purpose and consults astrologists on his politics.
    He cheats on his wife, chain-smokes and drinks too many martinis.
    Number 2: He’s overweight, and he’s already lost three elections.
    He’s had a depression and two heart attacks.
    He’s impossible to work with and smokes cigars non-stop.
    And every night when he goes to bed, he drinks incredible amounts of champagne, cognac, port, whisky and adds two sleeping pills before dozing off.
    The last one, number 3:
    He’s a highly decorated war hero. He treats women with respect.
    He loves animals, never smokes and only has a beer on rare occasions.
    Josse, who do you vote for?
    The last one. Number 3.
    And the rest of you?
    Yes, number 3.
    Oh boy! You just discarded…
    …Franklin D. Roosevelt.
    Winston L. Churchill. And thankfully you elected this guy.

  • 6

    Nationalsozialismus of Viyath Maga

    “If I were wrong, one would be enough”, Albert Einstein upon hearing of the book “Hundred Authors Against Einstein”
    “Einstein’s theory was attacked on racial grounds. This assault came not by asinine ideologues in the party whose knowledge of science extended no further than a belief in fairy tales about “cosmic ice,” nor from individuals on the scientific fringe seeking official approval and support. It was orchestrated by two Nobel laureates in physics, who devised a full-blown thesis (it can’t be dignified by calling it a theory) on how stereotypical racial features are exhibited in scientific thinking. They were Philipp Lenard and Johannes Stark, and they wanted to become the new Führers of German physics.

    • 8

      The story is ugly, sad, at times comic. It illustrates the complicated interactions between science and politics in Nazi Germany, for although one might expect the “Aryan physics” (Deutsche Physik) of Stark and Lenard to have been welcomed by the National Socialists, its reception in official circles was decidedly mixed, and in the end it was ignored. The case of Deutsche Physik reveals how much of what went on in the Nazi state depended on how you played your cards rather than on what sort of hand you held. It shows how the German scientists’ pretensions of being “apolitical” did not prevent politics from infecting scientific ideas themselves, and almost overwhelming them. Perhaps most importantly, the story explodes the comforting myth that science offers insulation against profound irrationality and extremism.”
      Déjà vu …….. anyone? :))
      Ah, Profs/scientists/intellectuals/writers/wise-elders ……………

      • 7

        Pohottuwa “scientists” are the ones who just made it due to Standardisation, then scraped through by plagiarization and rose in the ranks by toadyism. There isn’t an intellect between these “intellectuals”.

  • 6

    Cheating is the philosophy of Rajapaksa family. All these days they cheated Buddhist Sinhala people they have saved Lord Buddha from LTTE. Now they wants to cheat using the “organic” and many may believe it.
    N (Nitrogen),P (Phosferous), K(Pottasium) are the three major elements necessary for increase the productivity. These elements can be found naturally (organic) or produced using inorganic chemicals. Traditionally, farmers used organic manure to produce crops. With the population increases the demand for food increased but the supply couldn’t sufficient to meet the requirements, there was a necessity to increase the productivity due to limitation of land and water. With the technological development and scientific advances inorgnaic fertilizers, breeding of high yielding crops, mechanization came into practices. Medicines we use are from inorganic compounds. Are we going to ban Medicines?

    • 7

      If your source of information and knowledge was from Athana, Methana, Hithana and Viyathmaga intellects, you are probably in ‘Cuckoo land’ and in the pre 1st century CE era.
      So pardon them they are not aware, that the population of SL has increased from a few hundred thousand to 23+ million!
      They are stuck in the doldrums of a different era!
      They did not diversion of rivers through such as the the “Sinharaja Adaviya” destroying the heritage to provide water to the ‘Ruhuna Maha Gampura’ of the R Bros., Inc.
      They do not know what on earth they are doing?
      Left Hand does not Know what the right hand is acting on. Total confusion caused by 6.9 who also did not know what they were about!?

  • 2

    Dr mahattaya

    I live in California ,Northern California next to the farming belt . the Majority of Vegetables strawberries next for the USA is grown here. And unlike most of California, we get a lot of rain , but in spite of this if you look at the TDS of the tap water here it has TDS values for 300 – 400. which is extremely high. Everyone here has their own water filtration system.

    All the professors and Medical Drs in Sri Lanka has for years scratching their heads why there is Kidney Disease in Northen and north western Sri Lanka. What a bunch of geniuses ? What is the point in your respective gedrees if you cant figure something so simple out ? I mean it has been figured out 50 60 years ago.

    and when this President tries to do something right all you can come up with is infantile political arguments ?

    People like our Chinkala man is in awe of your degree . lol

    • 6

      You live in California, eh? So, use your great Californian wisdom and simply answer this without BS ………..

      “when this President tries to do something right”

      If that’s the case, then why did the president said in his manifesto that he is going to give fertilizer free to the farmers? ……… Perhaps he knows something that you have not picked up in California! :))

      Now answer the question ……. without out-sprinting Usani Bolt.

      Ah, Lankans will be Lankans where ever they live! :))

    • 6

      “when this President tries to do something right all you can come up with is infantile political arguments ?”
      Oh, so you’re one of the faithful who believe that palm oil is carcinogenic, only imported milk powder is bad, Chinese shit is better than urea, potassium chloride is organic, and all the other gems of wisdom coming out of Gota’s rear orifice? There is a limit to blind slavery, mate.

      • 1

        palm oil is Carcinogenic and not sold anywhere in the US . but you want to try it out go ahead,
        why import milk powder man why not drink fresh or pasteurised. in Australia and NZ the powder is used by those on the dole. it is garbage.
        The Nitrogen is the easiest to get from compost I don’t care if it is from China or the US its the same shi t

        There is naturally occurring kcl which the world considers inorganic and the phosphorus from eppawela is organic ? Whaaaaaat ?

        I would have preferred that Gota rolled it out differently. but I did not realize all our so called farmers get all their shit free and keep striking like fools. I don’t know if any country that does this. if they want to protect they should be given the option to opt out of the subsidies. don’t you think ?

        • 6

          Read your answer again …….. has it given a single solution to a single problem faced by the Lankan farmers today?

          A typical Lankan with little knowledge trying to sound as if he knows everything!

          The question you have not answered ……. and will never answer ……… “Why did Gota promise to give fertilizer free in his election manifesto?”

          It’s a very simple question …….. but you will run-around with all the irrelevant BS without having the honesty to answer it!

          A typical Lankan! Wherever they go they are the same. Nothing change!

          • 5

            BTW …….. do you know the Lankan who was the head of transportation Orange County (OCTA?) I used to do his computer assignments in college: he didn’t have a clue! …….. Say Hi ……… So much for the knowledge of Californians! :))

            • 0


              THis clown knows one . what an achievement for a Gonbooruwa

              • 7


                Bingo! ……. take a good look in the mirror! …… You took the words right out of my mouth. :))

                If the expat Lankan head of OCTA didn’t have a clue …….. what would an insignificant Gota licker like you know about anything by just living in California? :)))

                If you had any ability to earn a living on your own ……. you wouldn’t have to suck up to a serial-killer! ……. Now, isn’t that a fact?

                So you are proud to be a Californian, uh? The greatest achievement of ye life? To declare proudly to the rest of Lankans you have reached the promise land? :))

                Ah, Lankans! ………. Seen them come, seen them go.

                Anyway ……. you still haven’t answered ……….. “Why did Gota promise to give fertilizer free in his election manifesto?” :))))))))))

                You never will ! How do I know? ……….cause you are a Californian!

                Oh, Boy! This is fun!

                • 4

                  A hallmark of the Pohottuwa supporter is the inability to answer criticism with reasoned arguments. That’s because they don’t have any. They only have prejudices. Most have a huge chip on their shoulder.They are losers and they know it. So sad.

        • 4

          1. The first rule in lying is not to get caught. The US banned some palm oil imports because of forced labour, not cancer.
          2. Why use milk powder? Do you even know the price of liquid milk? A litre costs 250 bucks , whereas you can get 3.5 L out of a 500 rupee packet of powder.
          Perhaps you might like to tell us why the price of local milk powder too has gone up? Is Nandasena’s govt taking a cue from the alleged milk mafia?
          Time you admitted this is the worst ever government. Government for idiots, by idiots, for idiots.

        • 6

          Somewhat different statistics.
          Palm Oil : According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), palm oil can cause cancer when processed at HIGH temperatures. Used extensively in confectionery products but not a cooking oil.
          Around 50 percent of the GOODS used everyday in the United States contain palm oil. With about 54 million metric tons produced annually, palm oil is the leading edible oil by volume, and the cheapest vegetable oil to produce and refine.
          So it is safe as any other commercial product – not more not less. Only natural oils like coconut oil can be considered safer.
          I know in NZ, milk powder is only for the confectionery trade and is not as palatable as what is marketed for drinking. But Australia and NZ do not consume powdered milk only because they have a great dairy industry and fresh milk with various grades of low fat etc are the norm, because there are sometimes allergies associated with fresh milk intake.
          Statistics should not be used in isolation but if we can get together with nutritionists and agriculturists to get a national policy, (instead of Rathana & Padadadeniya advice) SL with a manageable acreage in use, we can really move ahead, by a combination of both inorganic and organic fertilizer mix to get optimal short range value and long term soil protection..

    • 6

      Dear A 14455
      ……………TDS of the tap water here it has TDS values for 300 – 400. which is EXTREMELY high………
      300+ppm of TDS is not considered too high by general standards of the industry.
      2000 Unacceptable: A TDS level above 2000 ppm is unsafe and
      household filters can not properly filter this level of
      Further Reverse Osmosis water which doesn’t contain enough minerals, when consumed, leaches minerals from the body. This means that the minerals being consumed in food and vitamins are being urinated away. Less minerals consumed plus more minerals being excreted causes serious negative side effects and big health problems.
      Natural spring water is the best. Nature finally has its WAY.

      • 2

        Sorry below not included in comment above :
        According to World Health Organization, TDS level less than 300 mg/litre is considered as excellent, between 300 and 600 mg/liter is GOOD, 600-900 is FAIR, 900 — 1200 is POOR and TDS level more than 1200 mg/liter is unacceptable.

        • 6

          Some people are experts at cherry-picking statistics to support their agenda. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, they say. But thankfully, there are many on CT with both eyes working.

      • 0

        My Dear man 300 is too high for me! as for living in a farming area I am not sure what is in the ground water. it could be arsenic lead or anything.

        and as for minerals RO water does contain the helpful minerals it is the RODI water that does not . I have a 5 stage unit and I can bypass the DI stage as needed for drinking water.

        • 7

          Great that you can afford that while 85% in SL cannot afford even a Pureit basic filter.
          In any case, the extra “DI” for Reverse Osmosis is “De Ionisation” which stage of filtration filters your tap water down to nearly ZERO TDS, while you still remove minerals at RO stage.

  • 5

    This is the latest news on the fertilizer drama:
    The Rajapaksa government has decided to import “nano nitrogen liquid fertilizer”.
    Don’t be deceived people. It could be URINE!!!

    • 2

      Perhaps you don’t know that urine was the original “organic” fertilizer. Urea is the active ingredient , which was eventually synthesized. Please feel free to look it up.

  • 5

    Anyone interested read article published today’s Daily Mirror ” spotlight on agriculture” by Prageeth Sampath. . Clearly indicate how Mahindananda denied any contamination of pathogens in Chinese fertilizer by producing falsified report from unknown lab over ruling govt lab report and ordered to be used. At the end of this article there is hilarious conversation between the Rogue Minister and a journalist who confronted him. After reading make up your mind “who is stupid the Minister or retards who enable such ministers ???.

  • 3

    It may later prove difficult to trace this comprehensive write up,so here’s the link:
    As Mahila says all of us here are slaves to Google. Thanks “leelagemalli”; as you say, Seetha Arambepola’s words flow (how can you call her “ugly”?) but then, as Lasantha has pointed out “different times” and quite unrelated technology.
    nimal is right; he’ presented us with that well known WW2 trio and shown how by manipulating the questioning people were tricked into selecting Gotler. The “advisers” said that they were feeding our plants “liquid nitrogen”, and so Upatissa Pethiyagoda wrote a serious article giving us the impossible-for farmers-to-achieve liquefying temperature of nitrogen. Elementary education tells us that it is compounds incorporating nitrogen that are given to plants, who then “know” what to do.
    oc is right to warn us about Gota’s mediaeval mind, and Champa could well be right about poop and urine.
    We shouldn’t be dishing out this sort of nonsense to farmers. Let the true experts work all this out and tell the farmers.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 6

      Dear SM,
      ……….impossible-for farmers-to-achieve liquefying temperature of nitrogen……..
      …“liquid nitrogen”…. Should be taken in context. Usually “N” for fertilizer is from Ammonium Sulphate or Urea, one is in small crystalline form and the other ‘prilled’ (a coating to prevent humid air making urea very damp and caking up as Urea is very hygroscopic).
      But liquid nitrogen fertilizer is available as a spray, produced by a nanotech process. So it needs no “liquefying temperature” for nitrogen.
      The difference here, is in referring to solid form and liquid form.

  • 4

    A hallmark of the Pohottuwa supporter is the inability to answer criticism with reasoned arguments. That’s because they don’t have any. They only have prejudices. Most have a huge chip on their shoulder.They are losers and they know it. So sad.

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      There are many Lankan Californians ……. who wouldn’t go miles near the Rajapakses ……… but there are a few who suck-up to them for favours ……. usually the ones who can’t find work with their own talents/abilities and want to do “deals” with them.

      The usual story …….. :))

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    Prof.. RPG is absolutely correct. These politicians should go back to O.L. and learn some basic chemistry. They were even saying that nanonitrogen is an organic liquid rich in nitrogen. People like Padeniya and Rathana are the main culprits for this stupid decision. Then there are Viyathmaga jokers like Yapa from Sabaramuwa (who recently said that Eppawela apatite is organic since it comes from soil )and the present secy to agriculture who said that this can be done. This will lead to rice shortages, losing Ceylon tea exports and ruining the country. The ruling family has enough money for comfortable lives abroad and the whole country is suffering. We do not have money to buy fuel and the interprovincial travel is restricted due to this problem.
    Latest is nanonitrogen. Now is the planting season and this nanonitrogen is a liquid spray applied to leaves and will not supply the nitrogen for plants to come up. People talk about only N and K but not phosphorus. Manufacturing superphosphate from Eppawela phosphate is indefintely postponed because our politicians are waiting to sell it to a foreign company.
    There is a chemistry professor as the science advisor but our ruler does not listen to any correct advice but depends on the likes like Padeniya and Rathana for advice on scientific matters.

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