10 February, 2025


No Rainbow, Just A Way Out Sinhala Presidential Election

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah –

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

The SriLanka Sinhala Presidential Elections: I Can’t Yet See A Rainbow In This Rainbow Coalition Other Than A Way Out

Part 2 on the subject of Referendum: Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast [1]

It is as expected. Sadly another grim chapter in the history of the Tamil struggle for equality in this island is about to begin only with yet more intrigues and regrettably no relief in sight. Whilst the situation seems bleak, Tamils should not lose heart, they just have to find a way out. I am not about to advice the TNA on what to do, for that’s their prerogative, except to say the Tamil electorate must be prepared to vote. Vote they must, but rally we must the Tamil Diaspora to take a united position on a referendum on independence in the NorthEast because, “that’s the baseline to resolve the Tamil National Question,” according to Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran and quite rightly so. It’s only after a consensus is reached amongst us on the subject can we embark on persuading the international community that a UN sponsored referendum is the only way out for Tamils.

The Saffron Tide, Race Card and the Sinhala Politician

I see this ‘memorandum of understanding’ as a non-starter; I mean the move to present a ‘common candidate’ to run in the Srilanka Sinhala presidential elections against Rajapaksa, signed by supposedly 36 different factions and possibly more, with a recent signatory in saffron robes sounding the death-knell to hopes of a political solution by extracting stiffer conditions for joining, adverse to Tamil interests but nonetheless agreed upon, closing the door to devolution or reconciliation[2] – I see it as a non-starter – Actually I see it as a move devised essentially to bring about regime change to promote the personal, racist and political agendas of some, bolster the flagging political careers of yet others and continue the Sinhala Buddhist supremacist dogma that Sinhala Buddhist politicians are not willing or unable to shake off for fear the opponent would use it against them. The ‘Race Card’ most surely a vote getter, everything else matters not, realistically speaking!

No Great Leap Forward

This move by Rajapaksa‘s opponents, hailed as the “The great leap forward” by Tissaranee Gunasekara[3] for who, but for the disgruntled of the Sinhala polity, is on the other hand as far as Tamils are concerned described as a fait accompli, thrust upon them where they’re forced into a corner as unwilling bystanders with no real options but to participate – that which promises them little or nothing except more enslavement and heart ache; giving power to Sinhala Buddhist regimes to continue to do more harm than good to them!

Pandora’s Box with No Solution for Tamils

Rajapaksa’s call for early elections has opened a ‘Pandora’s Box’ that could pose yet more problems than solve it for Tamils. And for the Tamil electorate in the island of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Diaspora who have an equal stake in the destiny of Tami Eelam, the stakes are indeed high. with Rajapaksa on one side and his now defected Minister of Health on the other side.

Where Would Maithri Stand After the Executive Presidency is Scrapped

There’s no denying that people at the opposite end of the political spectrum have come together, choosing not one of their own, but one who stood side by side with their opponent – the very opponent they want to topple, in the name of Maithripala Sirisena, promoting him as a panacea for all Rajapaksa ills, but what’s there for Tamils in this unholy alliance, that can fall apart as suddenly and fast as it was put together after the elections? If within 100 days they intend to scrap the executive presidency and with it the 18th amendment, then what would happen to Maithripala Sirisena’s winning ticket is a reasonable question to ask? Would it be business as usual for this ‘Rainbow Coalition each going their separate ways?

A Fault in His Stars?

It seems as though people are leaving Rajapaksa’s sinking ship and speculation is rampant the brothers may be forced to declare martial law  and carryon. Whilst all the “parikaarams” (remedies) that his astrologer recommends would be carefully adhered to, the bad showing in the Uva Provincial Council elections would definitely be worrisome to the Rajapaksa clan.[4] Still by ‘hook or by crook’ as the saying goes, the Rajapaksas could and would win; for they have too much at stake to lose; it would not be just one individual called Rajapaksa and his family that would suffer but a loss of the presidency puts in jeopardy the lives of a clan of people including his brothers and their families and their families.

Should it be the Devil We Know or the Devil We Don’t

Rajapaksa is the devil we know alright. How about the devil we don’t know? Is Maithripala Sirisena the archangel we have been waiting for? Is he the Sinhala politician turned statesman we have been dreaming of who would deliver the goods for us?

Who Is Maithripala Sirisena? The Same, Only Packaged Differently

Is he going to be our saviour? Apparently not! All of Maithripala Sirisena’s pronouncements and actions before and after his defection does not auger well for Tamils.

What’s more disconcerting is the possibility that Tamil leaders, having no other choice, may end up endorsing this man for president to the Tamil electorate. This is not to blame them though.

In an article “Who is Maithripala Sirisena, the Tamil Guardian gives us a sense of who he really is: [5]

This man until a few days ago was not only Rajapaksa’s Health Minister and member of his cabinet, the general secretary of his political party who wanted out those , “who seemingly were supportive of the UNP at one time” but a diehard advocate of the war; who instigated Rajapaksa to break the cease-fire that was in place for 6 years; a partner in crime i.e. war crimes, presiding over tens of thousands of civilian deaths; who “in 2010, alleged that the Tamil National Alliance and the, then opposition candidate, General Fonseka, had betrayed Sri Lanka to ‘terrorist’ demands by pledging to withdraw armed forces from the North, dismantle the High Security Zones, re-merge the North East, release LTTE suspects and give autonomy to the province.”

According to the Tamil guardian, In 2012 this man commended India for making amendments to the US sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka that actually according to him “safe guarded Sri Lanka from UN interference.” He has accused the TNA and the UNP of, “assisting LTTE activists to help re-establish the LTTE.” He has repeatedly rejected the call for an international investigation and hitting hard at those who supported the resolution: “..these invasive forces who ruled Sri Lanka from 1505 to 1948 are conspiring against the country based on the misleading information provided by the LTTE rump overseas, when Sri Lanka is in the process of rebuilding the country through national reconciliation process with the end of terrorism,”  he said.

In July 2014 according to the Tamil Guardian, Sirisena cast aspersions on the UN and the OISL Team of investigators:

“The ghosts of the LTTE are behind all these ‘strategies’ implemented against Sri Lanka. We have already agreed to the conventions of the UN. Therefore, no matter who visits this country or who probes us, they should remember that Sri Lanka is a member of the UN. We have no faith in this team, or that panel, we have no faith in those who give evidence…“They say they will never reveal the names of the persons who give evidence for another 20 years. They say they will seek evidence from countries such as Canada, Netherlands, Norway etc. This shows how biased the probe is. We do not have faith in this one sided biased probe”. “Their objective is very clear. They have a totally different agenda. Their real but hidden agenda is changing the democratically elected government and the leadership of Sri Lanka,” the Tamil Guardian recounted Sirisena’s words.

In September 2014 Sirisena also castigated the Northern Provincial Council for passing a resolution that called for the UN investigators to be allowed in: “All provincial councils including the Northern Provincial Council have pledged to act within the constitution of Sri Lanka. They cannot violate it,” he  warned, the Tamil Guardian recalled.

This is the man masquerading as the alternative to Rajapaksa who shares Rajapaksa’s ideology  of pursuing a culture of impunity for  war crimes and is dead set on protecting Rajapaksa, his family and security forces, vowing to all and sundry that after his victory he’ll not allow anyone to be tried for war crimes: “I won`t allow international forces or the Tamil Diaspora to drag President Rajapaksa, his family or security forces to the International War Crimes Court,” he categorically declared at a press conference.[6]

No Rainbow in this ‘Rainbow Coalition’

I can’t see a rainbow in this rainbow coalition other than a way out for Tamils, unless a sea change in attitudes occur in the minds of either of the candidates standing in this, I repeat for all intents and purposes a Srilanka Sinhala presidential election.

Why Not a Tamil Speaking Candidate or even a Boycott?

Malaiyoor Pannahaththan in a well argued piece puts forward the case for a Tamil speaking candidate.[7] i say if TNA so decides it could be a realistic prospect for consideration with no fear of which of the two candidates whose interests it would serve. According to Pannahaththan, for Tamils it would not matter who wins, as the two already running speak the same language as far as Tamil interests are concerned anyway, he contends, for they don’t care for the Tamils; for them we are a non-entity and by their win the ongoing structural genocide of Tamils is not going to end; although we would not win, let’s put forward a Tamil speaking candidate, he says, whether he or she is a Christian or a Muslim and show the international community and the Sinhala populace our strong stand. When the Sinhalese are so decisive why can’t we be strong on selecting our own, he asks? He quotes Priyadharsana Yapa as saying they don’t need the support of the TNA and UNP’s Sajith Premadasa as vowing that the first thing they would do after their win would be to destroy the Tiger crowd in the Tamil Diaspora. He concludes we can send a strong message to show the world that only by selecting and voting for a Tamil speaking candidate, we can win back our rights.

Additionally there are a substantial number of Tamils who are calling for a boycott of this SriLanka Sinhala presidential elections, whilst others are opposed to it, remembering the (honest) mistake of the past boycott that brought Rajapaksa to power.

A Way Out: Diaspora Must Take A Unified Position on a Referendum on Eelam

But there is a way out. It’s one that the TGTE is pushing hard, with its Prime Minister Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran urging the Tamil Diaspora to take a, “unified position on a referendum on Tamil Eelam,” which he believes should be the, “the baseline to resolve the Tamil national question.” [8]

At the Penang International Tamil Conference 2014 held on the 7th 8th and 9th of November in George Town, Penang, Malaysia where he once again laid out the case for a referendum on Tamil Eelam, Rudrakumaran spoke of the, “international dimension of the ‘Tamil National Question’ raising, “the lack of political space within the island of Sri Lanka,” as an issue, which he pointed out, “has placed the Tamil National Struggle on the shoulders of the Tamil Diaspora,” stressing the “relevance and importance of the Tamil Diaspora,” which he said is, “felt more so now than ever before.”

Recalling the birth of, “26 new countries.. within the last two decades,” and citing the examples of, “the Kosovo referendum, the South Sudan referendum, the Serbia-Montenegro referendum, the Scottish referendum, the upcoming Northern Ireland referendum, and the upcoming Bougainville referendum,” Rudrakumaran said these are, “all testimonies to this trend..that increasingly, national questions are resolved through referendums.. if the right to choose and decide their own future can be conferred upon the Kosovo people, South Sudanese people, Northern Irish people, Bougainville people, why should the same right not be granted to the people of Tamil Eelam,” he asked.

“Due to Tamil Eelam’s strategic location in the Indian Ocean and the increasing importance of the Indian Ocean attributable to the sea lanes which account for more than half of the world’s container traffic, the Tamil National Question is increasingly becoming an international issue. For us, for the Tamil Diaspora to play an effective role in the international arena, we should become a power center. We need not come under one umbrella, however, we should have a unified political position and a coordinated political program. We should set our own agenda and set our international strategy, instead of acting on a chessboard set by others. We should shape and determine our future,” Rudrakumaran reiterated.

It is significant that the call for, “a United Nations monitored referendum for the restoration of an Independent and Sovereign State of Tamil Eelam on the island of Sri Lanka,” was among one of the eight resolutions that constituted ‘ The Penang Declaration’ adopted by the Penang International Tamil Conference – the resolution also stated the, “referendum should be conducted among Tamils descended from the northern and eastern regions of the island of Sri Lanka, as well as the Tamil Diaspora from there, including refugees.”

Unity of Purpose So Vital

In this continuing “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” saga, a curse that’s befallen Tamils with the Tamil pundits coming up with what we can do and can’t do in the race for the Srilanka Sinhala presidency, I say even if we sit this one out, (for there are some who believe the Diaspora must shut up and not be the spoiler, in case Maithri has something to offer, but let’s not be fooled) this is the time to show the strength of the Tamil Diaspora. That means putting forward a united front and taking a united position on a UN sponsored referendum and making a declaration to that effect. This is within our control to promote and so critical at this juncture. This unity of purpose is so wanting, so vital now more than ever as we Tamils find ourselves at a cross road; do we continue to be bewildered, disillusioned, anchorless, rudderless, directionless, helpless in the most part, pathetic as it seems, disunited with no consensus as to how to proceed as we face yet another dilemma in this long and arduous journey towards freedom? Remember the seed that was planted by our founding fathers and heroes to liberate our mother land Tamil Eelam is in our hands to nourish and nurture until it bears fruit. A referendum could be the way out…

To be continued

[1] https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/follow-uks-example-hold-that-referendum-on-independence-in-the-northeast/

[2] http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/south-asia/sri-lankan-opposition-candidate-maithripala-sirisena-rejects-tamil-federalism-plan/article6654876.ec

[3] https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/finally-a-way-out/

[4] http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21635072-mahinda-rajapaksa-expected-coronation-instead-he-faces-tricky-election-fault-his-stars

[5] http://www.tamilguardian.com/article.asp?articleid=12929

[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHR8ws1SQVg

[7] http://www.tamilwin.com/mshow-RUmszCTWKZkp4.html

[8] ://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/tamil-diaspora-must-take-a-unified-position-on-tamil-eelam-referendum/

Latest comments

  • 16

    Beautiful Analysis!

    Rainbow- not even at the end of the rainbow; they are both stupid- buruvas buros purros, churos, (kavun) tea kadde;)

    The Silk route Train Has Gone over the SARC rainbow (BEIJING, November 18th 2014- An 82-wagon cargo train has left for Madrid from the Chinese city of Yiwu, signaling the feverish efforts by China and Russia, to revive the ancient Silk Route, and shift the balance of power in Eurasia towards the East. The train, which began its journey on Tuesday, will travel a distance off 10,000 kilometers, 741 kilometers more than the trans-Siberian railway, the longest so far. It will then cover five other countries — Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany and France — before completing its mammoth 21-day journey in the Spanish capital.)
    Does EU- China need a necklace and be confronted by Somali Pirates or Asian dictators??
    Somewhere Over the Rainbow


    • 18

      Only an evil stupid body like “Javi” will call this greedy woman’s attempt to subterfuge as “an excellent analysis”.

      Javi will continue to live in bile infested misery following My3 becoming My1 on 9 January 2015.

      You deserve it!

      • 7

        Buruva,Boots with blood on your hands,

        for all the folk on Amazon EU this train is a bonanza in time and cost.
        (The train from China is run by Trans-Eurasia Logistics, a joint venture of Germany’s Deutsche Bahn AG and the Russian Railways (RZD).)
        The Chinese are faster than Japanese bullet and propose to make it in half the time.
        By ship from Hong kong to EU delivery of a small chip for cell phone std deliver time is 30 days and the total cost delivered is £0.99p. If it is DHL add £35. why do we need `Boo`ts in the seas or modayas to tell us how to live fighting.

        remember sovereignty lies in the people and that is how the west works.

        You are the terrorist like North Korea isnt it??

      • 7

        `Javi will continue to live in bile infested misery`

        You don’t seem to have a better vocabulary perhaps its a reflection on your genes. mercenary from south india ; your DNA proves it or you are Hora oru/kalla thoni.
        Here we go you have it : burp in transit (gas seen in the stomach on an abdominal film)

      • 9

        A person like you using the name “Email” is disgrace to one of greatest product in modern civilization. (just retaliation for insulting Usha).
        Usha (Tamil ??) has all the rights to analyse and write her opinions, you can’t call her a fool for what she wrote here.. So far, we haven’t seen Lanka Muslim and Lanka Tamil leaders making so called MOUs with MS, the new common leader (Sinhalese Buddhists) who start his community meetings with “Pansil”. Supremacist JHU already made an agreement with MS-Coalition to “not to make any changes to current Buddhist supremacy status in government constitution”. I can understand Usha’s fear here..If the modern SL government couldn’t make the constitution secular, it could be an obstacle to move forward with the rest of the world. Zen, Tibetan, North Thailand Buddhists scholars do not show this supremacy, “Ahamkaram”, or separation. but those Buddhist teachings are getting more and more accepted by other religious believers in Asia and West but not Sinhalese Buddhism …

      • 3

        As you say it is a good essay for Tamizar Diaspora Students to study for Future Tamizar’s EELAAM in Tamizar Naadu in south India.
        Dear Lady UMA Sri :.
        Sri lanka Tamizars Do not care about the TGTE or those So called Ministers [ Leaches] with that out fit.
        In sri lanka, Poor Tamizars [ who were Misled by Bribe Taker Sooriya Thaivan, and eliminated their Loved ones],
        They hate The LTTE same as The JARAPASSA regime.
        The Stooges of the Thalaivaar, like Karuna, Pillayan,K P, Dogiya, Now the Lap dogs Of Jarapassa Clan. and doing Arse licking servicers.
        And Sri Lankan Thamizars Do not have Even Bones to suck.
        You Lady Uma is singing Hosannas to Fill the gap for V P done to Jarapassa clan like Taking Billions of RS to elect Ma Ra ya.or Their Coffers mortification.
        Better establish you [P] EELAM in Tamil Naadu.
        There you got billions of tamizars to support you..
        and let our Sri Lankan Thamizar to live in Peace after this Election,
        not in pieces with Jarapassa.

        Dear Lady UMA;
        For Your Information,
        Many tamizars even Do not know you, or that your out fit exists.
        My Educated Tamizar friends in North And east do not need your out fit and most of them Hate you guys and gals.

        For All of You,

    • 11

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

      We all know that Mahinda Rajapakshe paid a huge amount of money to your former boss Velu Prabakaran to win the Presidential election in 2005 by stopping the people from voting for Ranil. For proof watch the following video,


      Now, how much money or what facilities/benefits has Mahinda Rajapakshe (the so called known devil) promised you and your present boss Visuva Rudrakumaran to work against the opposition Presidential Candidate Maithripala Sirisena (the unknown devil)?

      Looks like the Tamils are helping to elect Mahinda Rajapakshe Again? Hope the TNA will not take any advice from the Tamil Diaspora in deciding whom to support.

      What the Tamils in Sri Lanka should understand is Mahinda Rajapakshe can easily buy their so called leaders (local and foreign) for money and other benefits and therefore use their votes wisely.

      • 5

        The common presidential candidate of the opposition Maithiripala Sirisena has gone on record that he would not allow any international investigation on Sri Lanka if he wins in the elections. Sirisena also went on record stating that he would protect Rajapaksa from any such scrutiny.

        Even the very moderate Sinhala leaders in the past have cheated the Tamil leadership. What guarantee do we have that Maithiripala Sirisena, another strong Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalist will not deceive the Tamil again? Why should the Tamils vote for Maithiripala Sirisena? What has he got to give the Tamils?

        As Usha says, the known devil Mahinda Rajapaksa is better than the unknown devil Maithripala Sirisena. As long as Mahinda Rajapaksa continues as the president, the Western countries who are not happy with him will isolate Sri Lanka which is an advantage for the Tamils to achieve our freedom.

        Things may change with the foreign policy of Maithiripala-Ranil-Chandrika, the Tamils may lose the Western support. TNA should think wisely and refrain from supporting the wrong candidate. In other words, the TNA should give conditional support to Mahinda Rajapaksa (the known devil).

      • 0

        Inflation has taken it’s toll. This time the figure quoted for support is
        Rs 100 Crore (according to KT Rajasingham on Asian Tribune) and sought from the ‘common’ candidate. Will the funds be coming from one of the loveable NGOs or directly from an Embassy.

    • 11

      “Sinhala Presidential Election”

      VP used to utter the exact same line. Usha is carrying forward his legacy.

      A more Just Sri Lanka than before the election will be a nightmare. For every ethno-nationalistic, extremist, racist Tamil. Such as Usha.


      PS: Usha has lately quit giving glowing tributes to Jayalalitha as the saviour of Tamils. Wonder why?

      • 8

        Ben Hurling

        “Usha has lately quit giving glowing tributes to Jayalalitha as the saviour of Tamils. Wonder why?”

        You too have lately quit giving glowing tributes to war criminal Gota as the saviour of Sinhala/Buddhist Sri Lanka. I too wonder why?

    • 4

      Tamil Modayas are going to protect MR this time too!

      As long as Tamils are modayas, MR will rule.

      • 2

        Tamils call Sinhalayas as Modayas
        Sinhalese call Tamils as Modayas
        In the end All Srilankans are Modayas.


        • 3


          “In the end All Srilankans are Modayas”

          This is what my Elders found out many many moons ago.

    • 2

      I am appalled to say the least that in a modern and progressive world such archaic thinking wrapped with a regressive separatist mentality exists. The ideology this lady professes equals that of ISIS.

      As a Sinhalese I endorse the fact we have been oppressive towards our minority brothers. The LTTE was a creation not by the Tamils but by the warped policies of successive majority governments. This policy was not to fulfil a National agenda but personal agenda of Sinhala governments who liberally used ethnicity to divide this country for their personal gain. So the mentality of this lady and the LTTE is the product of such actions. I quote again what Thisarani Gunesekeara wrote some time ago that the “Majority community lives with a minority complex” this was all due to our predecessors. Chelvanayakam once rightly said when you say SINHALA ONLY” you give credence to “TAMIL ONLY”. So thats what we got through the LTTE and are now getting through this stupid lady’s article.

      MR who was in a superb position after the war to build true reconciliation and become a leader of all communities. But the idiot missed the bus has he adopted a majority dominion over the minorities and got lost in his new found Kingly status. There is still hope for a united Sri Lanka. Lets not get carried away with the thought that the International conspiracies are going to bring us down. This governments action gives oxygen to the GTF, LTTE. Tamil Diaspora to attack us.

      The Sinhala people should stop being subjected to the fear psychosis being dished out by politicians of how 10% of Tamils and 4% of Muslims will take over our country. It only displays what a weak 85% we are. Sri Lanka must use the vibrancy of ethnic diversity to gain from the different aspects these beautiful communities bring to the party. The only way we can end this is to be a simple big hearted Majority community that respects minorities. No country in the world has once race in it. So why cant we make peace with the 10% & 4%.

      I would fear more of China’s domination over Sri Lanka than what the Tamil’s and Muslims put together may cause in the future.

  • 24

    Madam, with all due respect. You are truly delusional. A coterie of such like minded deluded individuals would only bring misery to tamils living in Sri Lanka. Your writing skills and powers of delusion would earn you top dollar as a fiction writer. Let the tamils living in Sri Lanka live in peace.

    • 14

      I am a Tamil and no favourite of MR. But this lady is a Tamil Racist who sits in the comfort of her adopted western country and tries find a solution for Tamil people in Sri Lanka. The Diaspora has no right to interfere. We can do without you.

      • 4

        i admit, the Tamil people have been treated most abominably for decades, but fragmenting the country is no answer – a breakaway province would be open to even more abuse, by somebody else. The only answer, like the Scottish referendum, she has quoted, is to remain within the whole and fight for more equality. The Tamil community is entitled to Power Sharing which is achievable with a different government but the tactics advocated by this delusional lady would only return to the Status Quo by default.

    • 9

      She is not delusional she is a NUT JOB .



      • 5

        Abu the mercenary,
        `Boo`ts the Butt Job and his pedophile tatte motte- tree worshipers

  • 8

    LTTE diaspariah [Edited out] going on about their mythical Eelam wet dreams – entertaining reading if nothing else :D

  • 7

    The same old arguments are being repeated. When Kumar Ponnambalam contested the PE, it would have had some meaning by way of having a spotlight on the plight of the Tamils to be known worldwide. Today, no longer we need such spotlights as the whole world knows our ethnic problem. So, there will be absolutely no meaning in putting forward a Tamil candidate for the current PE.

    ‘Both are the same’ is again a childish viewpoint where one does not recognise the difference between the two on the basis that both are from the same old SLFP.

    If MaRa wins again, it will be disastrous for the whole country and the worst affected will be the Tamils who may face an irreversible trend of extinction as a separate community! If we cannot make a fine distinction between the two on the basis of the forces backing each, then there is something radically wrong with our thinking!

    It is totally meaningless to continue with the same barren stand of ‘freedom or nothing’!

    Sengodan. M

    • 5

      Do not be foolish, the Tamils have huge support in the West, in Tamil Nadu and in the UN only because of Mahnida Rajapakshe. With Maithripala-Ranil-Chandrika it will not be the same. Mahnida Rajapakshe’s foolish Nationalist policy has influenced the Western countries to isolate Sri Lanka and support the Tamils. If this situation continues, it will not be long for the Western countries to support a Kosovo type referendum for Tamil self rule. Maithripala-Ranil-Chandrika will be a disaster for the Tamils and Maithripala is worst than Mahinda. The Tamils should think.

      • 1

        what nonsense, when RW and CBK was in power they could not stop western , particularly Norwegian support to LTTE. Even after Kadiragamar murder western world asked SL to go ahead with the peace process.

      • 1

        A Kosovo type Tamil Eelam with US help? That is one of the foggiest dreams that some of the Tamil diaspora have! Perhaps Pirabakaran too thought likewise when he asked the Tamils to boycott the 2005 PE. What happened?

        Did not Kim Il Sung of North Korea continue for long in spite of US power? Is not Mugabe continuing still? So, what would prevent MaRa continuing until the Tamils are made a minority in the North itself?

        Furthermore an Indian government of whatever hue will never ever permit a separate Tamil Eelam!

        For God sake Ravi, please be a little realistic!

        Sengodan. M

    • 4

      I am just seeking a clarity, I read LW that this “common candiadte” also pledged to abolish 13A, is that true, in such case how one expect credible solution for Tamils?

      • 2

        Dear Manisekaran ,

        No , he has never stated such a thing , on the contrary he has promised to implement 13A as well as LLRC proposals , next big issue among Tamil population is , handing over MR and all the war criminals to ICC , in reality if any body wants to win an election by declaring he/she going to hand over war heroes to ICC , it would be a day dream , in Sri lankan politics “pseudo patriotism” takes a prominence more than any thing else , so Maitripala follows that rule , otherwise he would be commuting a political hara-kiri.

        • 4


          “in reality if any body wants to win an election by declaring he/she going to hand over war heroes to ICC , it would be a day dream”

          Maithri too was part of the cabinet which supported the war and war crimes.

          Therefore, Maithri wouldn’t want to go down along with MR.

        • 1

          sorry a typo ,

          it should be

          “otherwise he would be committing a political hara-kiri.”

  • 5

    “Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast”

    Usha, maybe you are right. But who is going to vote at that referendum?
    Just the people in the North and East? Or the People in the whole Country?

    Come back to Sri Lanka and decide whether you want to settle in an independent NorthEast before you call for a Referendum.

    The result in the UK was not a Vote for Separation!

    • 6

      “But who is going to vote at that referendum? Just the people in the North and East?” People in N&E & Ceylon Tamils in any part of the world.

      • 2

        “….& Ceylon Tamils in any part of the world.”


        What about the Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South?

        Will they be ready to go and Settle in the North and East?

        • 4


          “What about the Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South?”

          Could you site the comparative study where it concludes “Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South”

          If you believe in this you will believe anything. Those Tamils who are having better are those handful of high profile crooked Mudalalis who always had and has the patronage of the corrupt Sinhala/Buddhist politicians. You have conveniently forgotten to notice a handful of of high profile crooked Sinhala/Buddhist Mudalalis who always had and has the patronage of the corrupt Sinhala/Buddhist politicians or they themselves become corrupt and ruthless politicians.

          Again this is what the Sinhala/Buddhists wanted to believe and still believe. Racism start there and would be followed by riots driven by sheer envy. You ought to ashamed by your irrationality.

          “Will they be ready to go and Settle in the North and East?”

          If they don’t go you can always pass a law to expatriate them back to their so called “Tamil Eelam” as your state had done in the past, since 1948. This would help the arm suppliers, agents, politicians, analysts, army top brasses, …… to maintain a perpetual state of war and profits levels from kickbacks.

          The appropriate question should be whether both descendants of Kallathonies are willing to go back to their ancestral homeland in North/South India. This could at-least begin to partially solve the existential problem between ” proud Southerner/Sinhala and not so proud Northerner/Tamil” as per Harsha de Silva’s dichotomy.

          • 0

            NV, now you are being irrational:-

            By the way I am not a Racist ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ FYI

            I was just answering Usha’s Headline
            “on the subject of Referendum: Follow UK’s Example – Hold That Referendum On Independence In The NorthEast”

            Could you (site)? the comparative study where it concludes “Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka ‘who’ are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South”

            If you can read English ‘rationally’ NV, I did not say ‘All Tamils’, just those ‘who’ are doing better than the Sinhalese in the South.

            You yourself have agreed with me, in your next paragraph, when you say!
            “Those Tamils who are having better are those handful of high profile crooked Mudalalis….”

            • 2


              “In the end All Srilankans are Modayas”

              This is what my Elders found out many many moons ago.

            • 3


              “Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South”

              What exactly did you mean?

              How do you know Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka are having better than the Sinhalese in the South?

              Did you do a field survey?

              Well there are many old wives’ tales. Your observation could be one of them.

              I wrote

              “Those Tamils who are having better are those handful of high profile crooked Mudalalis….”

              I didn’t compare the Tamils with Sinhalese.

              Please read my comments carefully before you start typing.

        • 3


          “What about the Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South? “

          This is what I wrote “People in N&E & Ceylon Tamils in any part of the world. “. Rest of the world includes other parts of Sri Lanka.

          “having it better than the Sinhalese in the South” – you are kidding.

          “Will they be ready to go and Settle in the North and East?” – I will. There is no need for them to move any where. But if they wish they can do so using the proper channels I think. Not only Tamils others can also do so. Not like what is happening now – govt sponsored SINHALISATION.

        • 2

          Can you please give details and illustrate your stance with statistics and graphs that Tamils in the rest of the island outside the NE are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South?

    • 2

      Ok if you lose will you stop. You wont. You would want another referendum inst it. First do your homework then ask for anything. This is a job a past time for ome of you. Just say something without thinking.

  • 8

    Tamils are over 70 million and most of them have this dream of having their own country. This lady is no doubt in the forefront of that list. Mind you I am not against it. I am only against she and her rump LTTE cliques’ pursuance of having it in Sri Lanka- the wrong place. They should try their luck in Tamil Nad.

    • 6


      “Tamils are over 70 million and most of them have this dream of having their own country”

      I don’t think that is true, read this poetry from Sangam period:

      யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்
      தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா

      Poet: கணியன் பூங்குன்றனார்

      “Yaadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir”

      To us all towns are one, all men our kin,
      Life’s good comes not from others’ gifts, nor ill,

      Sangam Poet:Kaniyan Pungundranar
      Translated by G.U.Pope, 1906)

      (Every human of every town is of the same value because they are கேளிர் (related). Hence, all people should be bound by one, same moral and legal code.

      நன்று (good) and தீது (evil) do not come from others. Hence, humans are liable for both the pleasure and suffering they feel.)


      According to the Sangam Tamil poet the entire world is one and all people related to them.

      Probably what the poet meant was the Sinhala and Tamil speaking Demelas in this island were his people, were his kin, spoke the same language.

      • 4

        `Boo`ts mechanic only knows leeks that he plants in confiscated land.

        Just like the tatte motte have moved a large rock to East of kailash New Delhi(end point of patna dacoits) and inscribed `I sent my son Vijaya to Lanka- Asoka`and have increased the surrounding area since of late- perhaps to bring in a posse of Dalits and request a chaitya- former under secretary home resided just across and he quipped – but where is the greek inscription to go with it??

        Beware Buruvas would attempt doing this world wide if you give him knowledge- he has no imagination but just that patch of leeks.

  • 5

    Well said Usha Sriskandarajah. Both are devils. Mahinda Rajapakse is a known devil and Maithiri may be an unknown angel, but when queried on the Tamil issue, he too, proved to be a devil. After all Maithiri was arrested in 1971 in connection with the JVP insurrection in 1971. As such he might still be absorbed in those Marxist ideologies. I have my doubt whether he is aware of the implications of the 13th Amendment or even about Federalism. As he has no legal background, we will have to wait as to how he reacts. Further, is he is a ‘Yes man’ for Chandrika, then there is a likelihood that the UNP may break this Alliance. On the whole, Ranil Wickremasinghe is a better choice who can at least towards the Tamil issue. Otherwise referendum is the only option with the assistance of the International Community, as the Sinhalese political leaders will never learn a good lesson.

  • 12

    Usha, I don’t think most Tamils are “bewildered, disillusioned, anchorless, rudderless, directionless, helpless in the most part, pathetic as it seems, disunited with no consensus as to how to proceed as we face yet another dilemma in this long and arduous journey towards freedom?”

    Rudrakumaran’s call for yet another ‘referendum’ is not likely to be a cause behind which most Tamil people will rally – it is another divisive move, aimed at division of the country. By the way, did Rudrakumaran advise the LTTE leadership to respect freedom and human rights when he was giving them legal advice?

    • 5

      Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

      “it is another divisive move, aimed at division of the country.”

      Please share your concerns with us about dividing the country, avoiding 2/3, 1/3, %, ect in support of your principled position.

      Why is it good or bad to divide the island?

      • 4

        Native Vedda,

        I think there is wisdom in the adage that “united we stand, divided we fall”.

        I have many reasons to be opposed to the division of Sri Lanka. By the way, if the island is divided between the Sinhalese and Tamils, where does that leave the Veddas?

        I favour a multilingual, multicultural society where trilingualism is strongly promoted by the government.

        • 3

          Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

          “if the island is divided between the Sinhalese and Tamils, where does that leave the Veddas?”

          We have survived more than 30,000 hence we will devise our own path to survive.

          Maybe we will find a peaceful way to expatriate descendants of kallathonies whence their ancestors came.

          If an abusive husband mistreats a wife day and night don’t you think the wife has the right to divorce him?

          Dividing the property between them is another matter that can be dealt with as part of the divorce settlement.

          Why is it good or bad to divide the island?

          • 2

            Native Vedda,

            I have heard this divorce analogy from others, and think it is a spurious argument. Of course I support the right of abused wives (or non-abused wives) to file for divorce. I don’t support the division of Sri Lanka as if it is some sort of divorce settlement, and do not see the Tamil and Sinhalese relationship as akin to an abusive marital relationship.

            Instead, my hope is for a harmonious, united nation where there is mutual respect between the races, religions and cultures, as well as between the sexes. I have seen no evidence that the people of Sri Lanka want their island home to be divided. And it is their wish that matters the most.

            • 3

              Romesh Senewiratne,

              “my hope is for a harmonious” – harmony did not happen over last 100 years. It got worse and worse under forced marriage.
              Divorce is the best or trial separation.

            • 3


              “Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka who are having it better than the Sinhalese in the South”

              What exactly did you mean?

              How do you know Tamils in the rest of Sri Lanka are having better than the Sinhalese in the South?

              Did you do a field survey?

              Well there are many old wives’ tales. Your observation could be one of them.

              I wrote

              “Those Tamils who are having better are those handful of high profile crooked Mudalalis….”

              I didn’t compare the Tamils with Sinhalese.

              Please read my comments carefully before you start typing.

            • 3

              Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

              “I have seen no evidence that the people of Sri Lanka want their island home to be divided.”

              Haven’t you seen or read about the 30 year war?

              I aasked you

              “Why is it good or bad to divide the island?”

              You haven’t answered my simple question. Maybe you don’t have an answer. Why should Sinhala/Buddhists be allowed to build their Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto in this island?

  • 4

    You also should know Bala,Raja,Gopal,Praba ,Sunda are also the same. The name may change but the habits and ways,cunning, greedy, one-sided and strident remain. They all count their pennies and build castles in the air in immigrant countries as second class citizens. So why only criticize the sinhala politicians ?

  • 15

    We, the Tamils living in Sri Lanka have to vote in the Presidential elections as Sri Lankans and parliamentary elections as Tamil Sri Lankans. We have to vote as Tamils in the provincial council elections. This has to be the formula for Tamil Sri Lankans in the current circumstances. Good governance in Sri Lanka is the objective in the up-coming presidential elections. If there is good governance, many problems we face would be resolved. The Sinhala polity too is clamouring for good govrnance and it is time we support their quest and hope that the benefits will touch us too. If this effort does not succeed all Sri Lankans, including the Tamils will be damned for a very long time.

    The decline and the decay of the Sri Lankan State cannot benefit the Tamils who HAVE to live in Sri Lanka. They have no place to run now and many will not want to, even if they can. Whether, some like it or not we are part and parcel of Sri Lanka. Mahatma Gandhi volunteered to support the British in the Boer war in South Africa, because of this rationale. He was right.

    The Sinhala people are not our enemies or our tormentors. The governments in Sri Lanka, which have been elected by the Sinhalese largely and in 1995 by the Tamil boycott, definitely have been so. The Sinhalese did not elect the governments they did to torment the Tamils. They largely voted on bread and butter issues.

    The 1977 election manifesto of the UNP identified Tamil problems and promised remedies. However, JR and his government set out to teach a lesson to the Tamils, instead! The 1977 and 1983 riots were the outcome. Were these approved by the Sinhala voters? Was the Sinhala vote an endorsement of the promise to the Tamils held out in that manifesto? Definitely not. The Sinhalese voted enmasse to oust the Sirimavo government, which had made their lives utterly miserable.

    The Sri Lankan Tamil politics has to mature. The Tamils have to chart a delicate and tricky course in the current context. Our interest in Sri Lanka as our motherland should never again be brought into question. We have to struggle for our rights patiently, as Tamil Sri Lankans. The Diaspora can help if needed, but not become a hindrance. Let it not be the Satan, who adviced Eve to eat the forbidden apple!

    People like Usha, who are now Tamil Canadians of Sri Lankan origin,are undoubtedly interested in their brethren in Sri Lanka, should be extremely careful when making propositions on behalf of Tamils here in Sri Lanka. They are the club that the present government is using quite readily to bludgeon the Tamils. This becomes more true in times of elections. Please do not become the club that is used to bludgeon us and divert the attention of the Sinhalese.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 4

      Dr RN, some people in the Tamil diaspora are just wreaking vengeance whenever they get a chance. They know they will never get Eelam.

      • 1


        “Dr RN, some people in the Tamil diaspora are just wreaking vengeance whenever they get a chance.”

        How does the Tamil diaspora wreak vengeance?

        Do they plant bombs in the streets, send in suicide bombers, fight the armed forces, ……… ballot rigging, …….. ?

        Your paranoia knows no bound.

        “They know they will never get Eelam.”

        And you have no way of stopping it if and when Hindians decide, it would be in their interest to have an Eelamdesh under their bum.

        Don’t bother.

    • 2

      Why NOT vote at every opportunity as just Sri Lankans, and be liberated from the ethnic politics which took traction with SJV Chelva. BBS and the JHU will disappear into the nether world if this were to happen. The more column space that is given to the Usha Sri Skandarajhas, the more strong they will become.

      We sink or swim together, hopefully we choose the latter.

      • 6

        The Tamils will not be able to vote as Sri Lankans, until they are treated in every way as equal citizens in all aspects of life in Sri Lanka. That day is yet very far off. MR had the opportunity to start doing so soon after 19th May’ 2009 , but deliberately chose otherwise.


        • 4

          I am afraid I see things a little differently. In Sri Lanka Tamils have equality, the same kind of equality that they are happy with in foreign nations, but in Sri Lanka they want more, over and above anything available to the Sinhala, something they would NOT dare demand from India. That was the gift we got from SJV Chelva, ” a little now, more later “.
          MR spent an enormous amount of money within a very short space of time to develop the ruins left behind by the LTTE and improve the available facilities in the North. He gets little credit for it, as the LTTE proxies, the TNA, want all the credit with NO cost to themselves. The undertone of all this is that the LTTE is far from dead. The reason that the BBS and the JHU have some support is because there are Sinhala who believe that they are the underprivileged in their own country

          • 2

            If Tamils of Sri Lanka have as much power as the State of Tamilnadu in the whole of India, most Tamils will be satisfied. Nothing more will be needed!

            Sengodan. M

        • 3

          You are back again with your “Tamils are not treated as equal citizens” scenario. How many times have I asked you to come up with your list of the so called unequal treatments? You either go silent or say “we can’t sing the National anthem in Tamil”! If Tamils are not treated equal how did you enter the University at Peradeniya? How did 50% of my batch mates (professional degree) were Tamils? How do many many Tamils in the south became wealthy professionals and businessmen? Give up your lame excuses learn Sinhalese if you have to (you are living in a country where 85% speaks Sinhalese) and progress. That is what Tamils in the south did, not keep complaining. What do these Tamil asylum seekers do when they get asylum? Don’t they learn English/German/French??

          • 4


            Both Tamil Nadu in India and Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka are the only two Tamil countries in the world. Why should the Tamils learn an alien language in their own country? That is why the Tamils in Tamil Nadu refused to learn Hindi and the Tamils in Tamil Eelam refused to learn Sinhala. Tamils or Sinhalese migrating to the West or any other country (not their own) is a different story, they have to learn the language of that country for their progress. Simple logic. By the way, what kind of job were you doing at the University at Peradeniya, office boy or maintaining the garden?

            • 2

              For a second I thought I got an answer to my age old question “what are the unequal treatments of Tamils?”! But some garbage from another hallucinating imbecile While the “Dr” has gone silent again!

              • 2

                This Eusense seems to be a top class buffoon, LOL

                There is a saying that, after narrating the story of Ramayana the whole night, he wakes up on the next day morning and asks, how Rama is related to Sita.

                After almost 6 decades of Tamil problem/conflict in Sri Lanka, this is Fool is asking what problems do the Tamil have in Sri Lanka, LOL

                Hey Eusense, don’t try to be a Nusense,

                Do you think the “Dr” is a stupid moron like you to answer such imbecilic questions?

                Are you asking to list down all the Tamil issues in Sri Lanka?
                My dear chap, it is much longer than those hard bound copies of the research papers that are kept on the shelves of the archives that you are supposed to wipe (dust) as part of your job at the University at Peradeniya.

                Your small brain will not be able to comprehend even if someone tries to explain it to you. However, just to get a very basic idea, find out why SWRD Bandaranayake signed a pact with SJV Chelvanayagam, why Dudly Senanayake signed a pact with SJV Chelvanayagam, why JR Jayawardena signed the indo-Lanka pact and introduced the 13th A, why Mahinda Rajapakshe talked about 13A+, find out the contents of LLRC, etc, etc, etc and then you may get some kind of basic idea.

                • 2

                  The best thing is to ignore Eusense, VIBHUSANA,…. and other jokers like them.

                • 1

                  Still beating around the bush without answering my question! Your intellectual “Dr” has gone silent too.
                  I don’t care who signed what or who promised what, this and that.

                  As a Tamil you should be able to give me a list of “unequal treatments” that YOU undergo on a daily basis. If you have nothing to state you should shut your imbecilic statements.

      • 0

        Muslims voted up until now as Srilankan’s what did they get?

        • 2

          I bet Muslims in Sri Lanka want to follow everything the Koran says and their Muslim brotherhood does the world over: Muslims project that they are the most peaceful people in the world when they’re less than one or two percent of the population. Ex. Japan, Korea etc. When Muslim population reach 10%, they make use of every right available in the constitution of those countries to spread their religion. Ex. All over Europe, Sri Lanka. When Muslim are 50% in a country they make it the state religion of that country and put pressure on other religions. Ex. Malaysia. When Muslim population become 90% its Darussalam, meaning ban other religions, kill or expel them. Pakistan, Saudi and etc.

        • 1

          a lot of things my friend a lot of things

    • 1

      People who praised divisive, violent oriented, hate writing must see this kind of writings first. I thanked dr. Narendran for your brave and ethical comment from my heart. Everyone must see each and every citizen of the country with respect, with equal to them and love. It is difficult after long period of war. But you and me all are not going to last for ever. Think about our children, our future. We have to build a one secular Sri lankan nation to achieve full swing of freedom. yes, as Dr. Narendran said, Gandhi was right.( At least in certain issues like communal hatred and struggle) We need a society, a just society based on human values. thanks to Dr. Narendran for bringing valuable thoughts in this forum.

  • 7

    Usha , you can dream on because dreams are free,,,

    “stupid tamil speaking president” – i’ve seen better jokes by some of the muslim sympathizers…

    • 0

      Hey racist Nishanthan, writing garbage is also free, so keep writing rubbish and entertain yourself, maybe get an orgasm out of it. No wonder most of your comments are deleted by right thinking people at CT. Your parents should have planted a banana tree during the time they manufactured you. At least the fruit tree would have given something good for mankind.

  • 12

    Usha you are the biggest Traitor of the Tamils in the North I have seen so far. You sit in Canada and write stupid articles. If you are so interested in a separate state, why don’t you and your gang go to Sri Lanka and contest an election and ask for the votes of the Tamils and then see if the Tamils in the North will vote for you. Sitting in Canada and being a Pundit is not the smartest thing.

    I do not know if you have children or not, if you have you have protected them well in Canada, but have you thought of the innocent Tamils who got hoodwinked by Prabaharan and lost everything. Are you part of the gravy train of the LTTE? Or is it President Rajapakse who has paid you money to write this.

    If you are a true patriot and truly want a separate state, go to Sri Lanka contest an election and win the votes without writing stupid articles like this one.

    Sri Lanka is a country that should not, would not and could not be divided. If there is a referendum then the referendum should be held all over Sri Lanka as Tamils live all over Sri Lanka. If I should remind you, there are more Tamils living outside the Northern Province than in the Northern Province. Further there are Tamils of the Indian origin all over Sri Lanka. So if a referendum is to be held it has to be held all over Sri Lanka. The result would be a lost cause. I am sure you know about this and this is the reason I suspect that you have taken money from Rajapakse and want him to win as Prabaharan took money from Rajapakse and blocked the Tamil votes. You are a Traitor to the Tamil community.

    You may think I am a Sinhalease, sorry Usha, I am a Tamil but not a Traitor like you.

    • 4

      Whether Usha has taken money from Rajapakse to write these articles or not, anyone with a little brain can see that rump LTTE, I mean GTF, TGTE etc combine do have their proxies, the TNA inside Sri Lanka to do what they want. Sinhalese should be made aware of it.

    • 4

      The Rajapakshe family looting and plundering the country’s wealth and becoming a dictator is a problem for the majority Sinhalese but it has no much effect on the Tamils. The only objective of the Tamils is to separate from the Sinhalese with the help of the Western world. To achieve that objective, the best option for the Tamils is to have an anti-western Sinhala-Buddhist dictator (whom the Western world hates) as the President of Sri Lanka and Mahinda Rajapakshe is the best choice. To achieve our objective, the Tamils need the continuous support from the West. A change of government may change the western thinking.

      • 1

        Loyal coolies are still waiting for their white masters to throw them a bone. Now heel! :D

  • 4

    This article contains contains an analysis of the behaviors of politicians and social leaders over time.

    Leaders are compelled to change constantly to reflect the views and longings of their constituency.

    If the public communications of Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran and the late Mr Veluppillai Prabaharm are similarly analyzed, a similar outcome will be apparent

    I would advice the writer to spend the valuable time in analyzing stupidity in contributing towards the welfare of society.

    In a recent visit to Canada, I was shocked at the number of homeless in the streets of major cities. A number of them outwardly appeared to be from the writer’s beloved “Homeland”!.

    This is one area which needs attention.

  • 7

    Cat is out of the bag. The ultimate desire of Elaamists to divide the country through a referendum by UN. Yes, that is a possibility if incumbent continues in power due to its hand in glove action with racist Sinhalese Buddhist elements. But the author must understand that none among the saffron clad groups and patriotic Sinhalese groups in the rainbow coalition are racists or anti minority. There are more things such as human liberties, rule of law, social security, right for information and right to live for all communities at stake than resolving the issues of one single minority community at this crucial juncture of Sri Lankan history. Tamils must understand that it takes them nowhere by continuously avoiding these inclusive attempts towards a just society. Authors dilemma of the fate of Maithreepal Sirisena after 100 days of his election is surprising. If one reads the common agreement of the coalition partners it may be clear that it is on a common cause to Abolish the Executive Presidency, Abolition of 18th amendment, Implementation of 17th amendment and Introduction of a comprehensive economic protection umbrella for voiceless people. Thereafter individual political parties would go their own way. TNA or any other Tamil political party also can expect their just representation in legislature under such conditions. Isn’t it the best the country can expect for a pluralistic society?
    It looks that author want’s it otherwise. Now that all the Sinhalese who were living in the major parts in North and East have been chased away by the LTTE, she looks forwards for the incumbent to continue so that route to a referendum for a separation though a UN sponsored referendum is shorter.

  • 5

    Dear Usha,

    Known Devil vs Unknown Devil.

    As the Tamils are concerned you are spot on.

    But how come you missed out on the All Tamil Devil – who by his devilish actions thrown his community to the mercy of these Sinhalese Devils ?

  • 4

    Waiting for a Rainbow which will never come.

  • 8

    Whatever the TNA may say and whatever the Tamil diaspora leadership may say, please take it from me that an overwhelming number of Tamil people in the North East are definitely going to vote for M. Sirisena. That is because the Tamils of the North East are on the ground unlike people like Usha who are in the clouds!

    Even if Gota stages a military coup either just before or soon after the election, the Tamil people of the North East will stand shoulder to shoulder with the ordinary people of the South to resist that tyranny and will take the first steps towards total liberation of all the people in the country which may even occur in stages. The ordinary people of the South would no longer look upon the Tamils as their enemies.

    Prabakaran showed a rainbow to the Tamils which rainbow has unfortunately vanished into the blue! Let us be at least so belatedly be down to Earth and realistic!

    Sengodan. M

    • 7

      Maithripala Sirisena is NOT ordinary people of the South, he is a strong Sinhala-Buddhist and very similar in nature to SWRD Bandaranayake who came up with Sinhala Only in 24 hours.

      Maithripala Sirisena is a Sinhala only, Buddhist only type of a person, who has already signed a MOU with JHU the Sinhala-Buddhist racist party, the Tamils cannot expect anything from him.

      Mahinder R is much better.

      • 5

        M. Sirisena is not a loner, contesting on his own but contesting in partnership with several more moderates than what SWRD did!

        Sengodan. M

        • 3

          My dear Sengodan, you have forgotten the past history of Sinhala politics in Sri Lanka. Once My3 wins the Presidential election and become an executive president, do you think he will listen to Ranil or Chandrika? How can you trust My3? How can you trust Chandrika, what did she do to the Tamils as a president for 11 long years in the past? How can you trust Ranil, even Prabakaran did not trust him. Only thing that Ranil and Chandrika can do with their Western influence is, stop or block the western countries from supporting the Tamils.

          My3 has already joined hands with the anti-Tamil racists, the non-negotiable JHU and signed a MOU with them. Do you think the JHU will allow My3 to even talk to the Tamils? The TNA should consult the Tamil Diaspora before taking a decision whom to support. The Sinhala political leaders irrespective of whether they are moderate or not have deceived the Tamils right from the day Sri Lanka attained its independence. It is time for the Tamils to think.

          • 1

            Dear Ravi,

            Do you think Prabakaran made a sensible decision in asking the Tamils to boycott the 2005 PE? Where did he and over a 100,000 Tamils end up? Do you want the same mistake to be repeated? Sirisena, if he gets elected will not be a EP. He will have to dissolve the parliament sooner or later and an election thereafter will lead to a sort of a national government. That government will definitely be far better than the corrupt familial dictatorship of MaRa which will not permit even the NPC to function with its limited powers!

            Can’t you see the difference between the two?

            Sengodan. M

            • 1


              There is nothing what so ever on My3’s agenda for minorities other than the common theme of law and order.

              Corruption, family rule, dictatorship, etc, etc has no much effect on the Tamils. At least Mahinda Rajapakshe has done some economic projects in the N/E. Voting for My3 is saying goodbye to this but in return for what? When My3 is getting the support of Racist Sinhala-Buddhist JHU Party, what else can one expect from him? Why should the Tamils continue to support these Sinhala-Buddhist leaders at the Presidential Election and then get screwed left, right and centre? Why don’t we learn lessons from our past mistakes?

              It is time for the Tamils and the TNA to think out of the box and field their own Presidential Candidate instead of supporting the Sinhala Buddhists expecting them to do good to us. Right from independence, tell me which Sinhala Buddhist leader did anything good to the minorities?

              Sampathan is well respected not only in the North & East but also in the rest of the country and across the globe. He could be one of the Candidate who will sweep the Tamil votes and also pick the disgruntled voter in the South.

              With 70% Sinhala Buddhist and Sinhala Christian votes getting split between two candidates & 14% Muslim votes also equally split, it is time for TNA to garner about 16% Tamil Votes to ensure that no candidate gets the 50% required in the first stage of elections.

              This will prove that the Tamil votes are important (King makers) and no candidate will be able to get 50% of the votes to get the president ship without the Tamil support.

  • 4

    Usha quotes Malaiyoor to say “let’s put forward a Tamil speaking candidate, whether he or she is a Christian or a Muslim and show the international community and the Sinhala populace our strong stand”.

    Does Malaiyoor then not want Hindus to contest? Why only a reference to Christian or Muslim. By the way, the Muslims do not consider themselves Tamil.

    • 1

      ` then not want Hindus to contest`

      Hinduism is not a religion but ritiuals and differ in regions – there is no mulla to pass satwa or pope or maha nayakas.

      By the way, the Muslims do not consider themselves Tamil.

      Yes Sharia Law came through Khyber pass 1498(related to ghengis khan Turks-doing the pakistan dance)
      Sivaji Dynasty drove them away finally with British guns.

      Henry 8 and Roman emperor proved it in 3 wars that you can never trust a muslim in a treaty because they go home and return again as enemy.

      BBS is right to blow fascist pigs like you apart.

      M/s B joining Nasser the postmans son was the downfall of the nation- missionary schools- even India and Porkistan feel the same.

      You are no arab but a belching farting camel from South india – the muslim mercenaries from kerela like mathir

  • 4

    ” Diaspora Must Take A Unified Position on a Referendum on Eelam” Ok set an example and down close your Toy government and form a single organization to represent the Tamil.
    Jokers government. Who are you trying to fool.

  • 5

    Someone said this is an beautiful analysis. Yes in racist perspective it is beautiful. But human eye you all trying to spread hatred among all communities. Then you are expecting a Rainbow unity? How dare you all are! This writer is a writing in hate, anger and with Mind that Present regime and Nazist had. Your approach is wrong and disgusting. We all know there is a problem and need a long lasting solution. But you all trying to use same approach in a different way. Hatred never ceased by hatred. It only ceased by love!

    • 0

      `Someone said this is an beautiful analysis.Yes in racist perspective it is beautiful.`

      Firstly sihala speaking socialist in Aleman.

      Democracy is listening learning and implementing what is best. it is important to even listen to the voice of a toddler or how will you know. Classic sihala- Bundy paining is part of you- medicine for a stomache when its to do with a headache.

      The west is christian and charity while yours is begging and begging while hiding loot.
      99% would vote the `fat cats` out but you are guided by Tatte motte bette philosophy.

      you are a woman who understands so I rest- Amen!

      • 1

        I accept and respect all your concerns except this writers hate and divisive nature, which can lead to another bloodbath among fellow human beings. You all may live in peace, happiness and love.

        • 0


          `this writers hate`

          She is smart woman who lived at colombo to know that hate does not kill others but would ultimately kill her.
          We have to be open minded and listen like the japanese (the best of listeners)

          they have a problem that has to be addressed- rome was not built in a day and they know that too. Any woman would be frightened to see fellow women killed- they were forced into fighting by hole in one sloth who died a coward.

          Gone are the days when we got a scolding/spanking and shook hands to be friends over again.

          Look at ETA & Franco land.
          Basque country is doing well without centre- their villages are so clean and almost spotless with unemployment almost nil while spain is reeling and will come out soon because the hard working northerners/professionals, priest will make it happen like Belgium the innovative Flemish of Flanders.

          I think Lanka and I see solutions because problems are mounting.

  • 3

    A well written essay painting the true picture and plight of the Tamil people. As a sinhalese, I understand the reasoning behind, as successive Sinhala governments have failed the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. Having said that, I would suggest that you look at it another way. The Rakapakse family runs havoc in our country. They have sunk deep in morality , principe and ethic. They care for no one – even for those who are on their side if they dare to say a word contrary to their depraved system of belief. They make pawns and puppets of their own cabinet minsters and senior minsters. They have crossed the boundaries of being human – Totally inhuman and drunk with them selves. Gaddafi, idi Amin in comparison seem like kindergarden kids in contrast to the Rajapakse family monarchy. Today the election is not about being Sinhalese or Tamils, Muslim or Buddhist. Today it is about just being human and regaining our common sense and beauty. The war is over. But we humans rather opt for a civil war while being able speak freely and and think openly. Nelson Mandela said, ” “It is never my custom to use words lightly. If twenty-seven years in prison have done anything to us, it was to use the silence of solitude to make us understand how precious words are and how real speech is in its impact on the way people live and die.” Here is a living example of a man who showed us another way. Let us as true sons and daughters walk in his footsteps.!

  • 1

    Michael Pereira.
    For the Tamils in SriLanka which way to vote appears to be a dilemma.As the saying goes Save me from my enemies and deliver me from my Friends[Tamil Diaspora]

  • 2

    Debate very entertaining. However, whatever is suggested should be non-violent & seek genuine truth in all presntations.

  • 0

    Tamils are doomed!

    • 1

      tatte moote bette modde.

      Why are you now the the specialist for IS ganda bombs??

      tip cut to nalli cut

  • 2

    Ms Skantharaja may be an LTTE supporter. But she seems to have has more common sense than a lot of our inhabitant Elite and the Anglicans, who are backing Sand Sira’s brother as their saviour..

    The Devil you know is better than the one you don’t says Ms S.. Right..

    UNP has 50 seats, JHU has only 3 . And Ranil is hiding behind the Cousin and Ven Rathna calling the shots as the chief whip..

    Ranil must be on Hemp if he thinks that the Cousin , Fonny and Champika are going to make him the Exec PM.

    Ms Skantharaja perhaps should try for a Dual .

    She can be a real asset to the Vellalas if she can do politics for them in Srilanka.

    After reading this, I don’t think she is really serious about creating the Diaspora Eelaam in Srilanka.

    If Tamils can have a fair go as much as the Sinhalese and the others, , as equals on a level playing field, in Education, Employment , Health, and other social political and religious needs ,they will be happy.

    And that is what benefit the great majority , even among the Tamil community who are poor and disadvantaged.

  • 2


    “If Tamils can have a fair go as much as the Sinhalese and the others, , as equals on a level playing field, in Education, Employment , Health, and other social political and religious needs ,they will be happy.”

    For once you caught my attention for a positive comment.

    Would like to see more along these lines from you.


  • 4

    I am appalled to say the least that in a modern and progressive world such archaic thinking wrapped with a regressive separatist mentality exists. The ideology this lady professes equals that of ISIS.

    As a Sinhalese I endorse the fact we have been oppressive towards our minority brothers. The LTTE was a creation not by the Tamils but by the warped policies of successive majority governments. This policy was not to fulfil a National agenda but personal agenda of Sinhala governments who liberally used ethnicity to divide this country for their personal gain. So the mentality of this lady and the LTTE is the product of such actions. I quote again what Thisarani Gunesekeara wrote some time ago that the “Majority community lives with a minority complex” this was all due to our predecessors. Chelvanayakam once rightly said when you say SINHALA ONLY” you give credence to “TAMIL ONLY”. So thats what we got through the LTTE and are now getting through this stupid lady’s article.

    MR who was in a superb position after the war to build true reconciliation and become a leader of all communities. But the idiot missed the bus has he adopted a majority dominion over the minorities and got lost in his new found Kingly status. There is still hope for a united Sri Lanka. Lets not get carried away with the thought that the International conspiracies are going to bring us down. This governments action gives oxygen to the GTF, LTTE. Tamil Diaspora to attack us.

    The Sinhala people should stop being subjected to the fear psychosis being dished out by politicians of how 10% of Tamils and 4% of Muslims will take over our country. It only displays what a weak 85% we are. Sri Lanka must use the vibrancy of ethnic diversity to gain from the different aspects these beautiful communities bring to the party. The only way we can end this is to be a simple big hearted Majority community that respects minorities. No country in the world has once race in it. So why cant we make peace with the 10% & 4%.

    I would fear more of China’s domination over Sri Lanka than what the Tamil’s and Muslims put together may cause in the future.

  • 4

    Ms Sriskandarajah,

    There will be no referendum as in Scotland to decide whether the North is to secede ever in Sri Lanka period. You expatriate Tamils seem to be living in La La land. The blood spilled over this issue on both sides is enough. This blood bath put paid to any further claims to Tamil homelands and statehood in Sri Lanka. Get over it. What’s left of the Tamil population in the North and the rest of the country need to be left to live in peace. In their effort to live in peace it is indeed vital as to whom they vote for in the presidential election. The choice is between maintaining the status quo as it stands today or face a growing Sinhela presence in the north thru cunning settlement schemes initiated by the present regime aimed at reducing the Tamil majority in the north and maybe even reversing it into a minority status in the future. This so called rights of Tamils is utter nonsense. There are rights of citizens of Sri lanka which are at stake and far more important than your racist interest for only Tamils rights to consider.

  • 2

    I entirely agree with what Gamini says in his comment. “A well written essay painting the true picture and plight of the Tamil people. As a Sinhalese, I understand the reasoning behind, as successive Sinhala governments have failed the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.” It is the oppression and subjugation of the Thamils by successive governments that drove the Thamils to demand separation. As a matter of fact the word separation is misleading. It is restoration and not separation. The Thamils had their own kingdom that existed for 4 centuries till foreign conquest by colonialists. The Jaffna Kingdom survived for 114 years after the arrival of Portuguese in 1905. It is the British who amalgamated the Jaffna Kingdom, the Kotte and Kandyan Kingdoms in 1833. Independence was granted on the basis the minorities will be treated equally and justly. A solemn promise was made by D.S.Senanayake to this effect. In November 1945 as leader of the State Council and the leader of the Ceylon National Congress in trying to allay any of the fears of the minority communities about accepting the Soulbury constitution for Sri Lanka, he stated:

    “……… On behalf of the Congress (Ceylon National Congress) and on my own behalf, I give the minority communities the sincere assurance that no harm need you fear at our hands in a free Lanka”

    The Tamil members in the State Council believed this assurance and unanimously voted for the Soulbury constitution which ushered in independence to Sri Lanka on February 04, 1948. Little did the Thamils suspect that Senanayake did not mean one word of what he said! Senanayake himself broke his promise by enacting the Citizenship Act of 1948 which made one million Thamils stateless. In the following year they were deprived of their voting rights by a simple amendment to the Parliamentary Elections Ordinance. A series of discriminatory laws beginning with Sinhala Only Act have reduced them as second class citizens. The rest is history. Under Rajapaksa’s authoritarian rule Thamil people are reeling under the jackboot of the Sinhala army. A structural genocide is taking place in the North and East aimed at demographical changes. Thamil people are unable to even breathe easily. Participation in a demonstration about the disappeared lands you in Boosa for years and years. In a democracy the vote is the only ‘weapon’ in the hands of the people, especially the Thamil people. They must use it wisely and judiciously as they have done since 2005. When we are helpless and alone while your foes are two should secure one of them as an agreeable help. Lenin said the same thing, but he spoke of not one but four enemies. However, the principle and strategy is the same. Rajapaksa’s rule is the worst since independence as far as Thamils are concerned. There is no dispute on this score. Sirisena has promised good governance, the restoration of the rule of law, abolition of 18 the Amendment, authoritarianism, corruption etc. Thamil people should benefit from democratization of the state. So vote against Rajapaksa with both hands and hope for the best.

  • 2

    I entirely agree with what Gamini says in his comment. “A well written essay painting the true picture and plight of the Tamil people. As a Sinhalese, I understand the reasoning behind, as successive Sinhala governments have failed the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.” It is the oppression and subjugation of the Thamils by successive governments that drove the Thamils to demand separation. As a matter of fact the word separation is misleading. It is restoration and not separation. The Thamils had their own kingdom that existed for 4 centuries till foreign conquest by colonialists. The Jaffna Kingdom survived for 114 years after the arrival of Portuguese in 1905. It is the British who amalgamated the Jaffna Kingdom, the Kotte and Kandyan Kingdoms in 1833. Independence was granted on the basis the minorities will be treated equally and justly. A solemn promise was made by D.S.Senanayake to this effect. In November 1945 as leader of the State Council and the leader of the Ceylon National Congress in trying to allay any of the fears of the minority communities about accepting the Soulbury constitution for Sri Lanka, he stated:

    “……… On behalf of the Congress (Ceylon National Congress) and on my own behalf, I give the minority communities the sincere assurance that no harm need you fear at our hands in a free Lanka”

    The Tamil members in the State Council believed this assurance and unanimously voted for the Soulbury constitution which ushered in independence to Sri Lanka on February 04, 1948. Little did the Thamils suspect that Senanayake did not mean one word of what he said! Senanayake himself broke his promise by enacting the Citizenship Act of 1948 which made one million Thamils stateless. In the following year they were deprived of their voting rights by a simple amendment to the Parliamentary Elections Ordinance. A series of discriminatory laws beginning with Sinhala Only Act have reduced them as second class citizens. The rest is history. Under Rajapaksa’s authoritarian rule Thamil people are reeling under the jackboot of the Sinhala army. A structural genocide is taking place in the North and East aimed at demographical changes. Thamil people are unable to even breathe easily. Participation in a demonstration about the disappeared lands you in Boosa for years and years. In a democracy the vote is the only ‘weapon’ in the hands of the people, especially the Thamil people. They must use it wisely and judiciously as they have done since 2005. When we are helpless and alone while your foes are two should secure one of them as an agreeable help. Lenin said the same thing, but he spoke of not one but four enemies. However, the principle and strategy is the same. Rajapaksa’s rule is the worst since independence as far as Thamils are concerned. There is no dispute on this score. Sirisena has promised good governance, the restoration of the rule of law, abolition of 18 the Amendment, authoritarianism, corruption etc. Thamil people should benefit from democratization of the state. Boycotting the elections will end up in political suicide. So vote against Rajapaksa with both hands and hope for the best.

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