By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“If the people fail to defeat the insane dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapaksa at this point, there will be no turning back for Sri Lanka.” – Anura Kumara Dissanayake[i]
The opposition has cleared, spectacularly, the first hurdle in the presidential race. The honours of that victorious engagement belong to Maithripala Sirisena – and to Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Ranil Wickremesinghe and Mangala Samaraweera.
A Rajapaksa defeat is by no means assured. But for the first time it has become a credible, viable possibility. And that is a great leap forward.
Maithripala Sirisena is no better or worse than most Lankan politicians. That is the most reassuring thing about his candidacy. Sri Lanka is suffering from an overdose of heroes and saviours; she can do without another leader who is in thrall to the messiah-complex and believes that he is infallible and indispensable.
The country needs to return to the messy, bumbling democratic normal. The country needs the return of the ordinary politician – who is not immune to ordinary corruption, ordinary repression or ordinary vice, but does not entertain imperial dreams or dynastic passions.
Perfection is not a secular virtue and it is out of place in politics. When perfection – or the search of it – is enthroned in political agendas, the fine print says, ‘by any means necessary’.
That is the way Sri Lanka is headed under Rajapaksas. Today we have a realistic chance to stop that journey.
All Lankan problems will not vanish if the Rajapaksas are defeated. In fact most Lankan problems will survive the fall of the Rajapaksas. But some of the greatest dangers besetting the country today can either be ended or alleviated with the departure of the Rajapaksas. The anti-democratic familial rule and dynastic project can end; Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism can, hopefully, return to the margins and the minorities accorded a modicum of security; militarization of civil spaces can be halted and perhaps rolled back; the North can return from de facto occupation to democratic rule; economic policy can be rescued from its current focus on wasteful and unproductive physical infrastructure projects; a semblance of justice can perhaps be restored to the judicial system and a dose of professionalism to the bureaucracy; some of the lost democratic freedoms and rights can be restored; the sprint towards the Chinese camp can be halted and a return to a non-aligned foreign policy (regionally and internationally) effected. These and other problems of mainly – or even exclusively – Rajapaksa provenance can indeed be resolved or mitigated by a non-Rajapaksa government. That is a realistic expectation, a non-delusive hope.
That is something worth fighting for.
The abolition of the all powerful presidency and its replacement with a more balanced system is a political necessity. But this slogan alone cannot win over the Sinhala voters discontented with Rajapaksa rule. Two findings of the CPA survey are helpful in forming a factual understanding of where a majority of the Lankan electorate is at currently, in terms of knowledge and comprehension: 73.4% of all Lankans and 81.8% of Sinhalese think that ‘Sinhala’ is the only national language; 64.1% of Lankans and 61.9% of Sinhalese have not heard of the LLRC. Given this level, it is unreasonable to expect a majority of Lankans (and especially a majority of Sinhalese) to understand the true dangers of the executive presidency. Their mind is focused on ordinary rice and curry issues; their discontent with Rajapaksa rules stems mainly from their own diminishing economic conditions and hopes.
International experience demonstrates, again and again, that politico-cultural liberalism cannot flourish – or even survive – in the absence of socio-economic democracy. The abolition of the imperial presidency is important per se, but it is not an election-winning formula. Just as a common oppositional platform must include certain guarantees and reassurances to the minorities, it must also promise some immediate economic relief to the masses. Without such an economic angle, many votes will be lost unnecessarily. There must be a minimum economic programme, just as there is a minimum political programme. Without that the opposition will not be able to reap the full benefits of the general economic discontent – and the Rajapaksas will win.
What will they do now?
On Friday, Ranil Wickremesinghe informed a gathering of UNPers that the Rajapaksas had printed posters worth hundreds of millions of rupees attacking him, in the confident expectation of him becoming the UNP candidate. A laughing Mr. Wickremesinghe advised the regime to destroy the posters, as his audience cheered.
The Rajapaksas were brilliantly blindsided. But they are beginning to get their act together. The first hurdle cleared does not mean the race won. Far from it. The Rajapaksas still possess the might of the state. They are fighting for more than just governmental power; they are fighting for a way of life, a way of being in the world. Therefore they will fight hard, dirty and violent. Already two UNPers have been injured by UPFA mobsters, one seriously. This is just a foretaste of what will come.
Rajapaksa rule represents a rapid march towards a ‘permanent state of exception’[ii]. In the Lankan version, Rajapaksa rule is the first axiom of national security – ergo opposing Rajapaksa rule is a national threat. In this rendering, loyal opposition is not an opposition which is loyal to the country/people but an opposition which is loyal to the Rajapaksas and does not challenge familial rule. Consequently any serious attempt to defeat the Rajapaksas democratically and peacefully is equated with an attempt to betray the country. In this scenario constant elections are nothing more than opportunities for the patriotic people to express their faith in the Rajapaksas, again and again.
This mindset is evident in the regime’s response to the Maithripala-candidacy[iii]. Already the opposition is being accused of treachery and conspiracy, of being paid agents of foreign powers and of course the ‘Diaspora’, of trying to divide and destabilise the country and usher in anarchy. The danger of this mindset is that it excuses and legitimises the use of extraordinarily anti-democratic measures vis-à-vis the democratic opposition.
The Rajapaksas will unleash legal and illegal violence on the opposition. What else will they do? Will they create a ‘political/fictitious state of siege’[iv]? Will there be a Rajapaksa version of the Naxalite plot – bomb attacks by neo-Tigers or Jihadists? Will they create a spurious national security crisis, which can be used either to postpone the election or steal the election via a generalised crackdown on the opposition?
Amartya Sen points out, “A great many dictators in the world have achieved gigantic electoral victories even without any overt coercion in the process of voting, mainly through suppressing public discussion and freedom of information, and through generating a climate of apprehension and anxiety”[v]. That was what the Rajapaksas were planning to do with the upcoming election. But the Maithripala rebellion has upset their well-laid plans by punching a massive hole in the fear factor. In the coming weeks the Rajapaksas will try to re-impose it, by whatever means necessary. Everything conceivable and inconceivable will be done to terrify and delude the people, silence critics and destroy the opposition.
The opposition has performed brilliantly so far. But the harder times are still ahead.
[i] Sirasa – 22.11.2014 – quoted in Maithripala to form a National Government – The Colombo Telegraph – 22.11.2014
[ii] Giorgio Agamben – http://roarmag.org/2014/02/agamben-destituent-power-democracy/
[iii] http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2014/11/23/main_Editorial.asp
[iv] The State of Exception – Giorgio Agamben
[v] The Idea of Justice
Sengodan. M / November 23, 2014
This article reflects a very rational thinking of the current situation. Could these thoughts be expressed in simple words in the national languages too, in order to have a wider reach of this message to the ordinary people of this country? Rajapakses will resort to ANY measure to retain their power and the people must be alerted in advance about such impending danger!
Sengodan. M
Dinuk / November 23, 2014
Greedy Mahinda Rajapakse wanted 6 years more – to be the corrupt Dictator of Lanka – and now he will have 2 years LESS! There is much work to be done to restore democracy and Buddhism in Sri Lanka which has been corrupted and polluted by Jarapassa:
1.This corrupt dictator and his family members, in laws and casino and drug cronies have looted Sri Lanka and they must be held ACCOUNTABLE for FINANCIAL CRIMES.
2. The Military business complex that Gotabaya Jarapassa built up to ensure Jarapassa family dictatorship must be dismantalled along with the Executive Presidency to restore proper democracy.
3. Independence of Judiciary restored and Mohan Peris impeached.
4. Nivard Cabraal at the Central Bank and PBJ must also be tried in open court and sentence for life for FINANCIAL CRIMES and piling on the national debt while Jarapassa looted national funds.
5. All the lands that the Jarapassa family and cronies have grabbed for themselves and to build fancy hotels via military take over of land must be returned to the people.
justice / November 23, 2014
You have put everything in a nutshell.
MR and his cronies are fearful that all this may happen.
They will go to all undemocratic and even criminal methods to block votes for Maithripala.
This will be the worst election, ever.
Rabok / November 26, 2014
There are no saints or angels in politics – we have to gauge them by what they have done to this country – if you take a stock of all what the Presidents + Prime Ministers who ruled this country from the day of our so called independence had done to this country – and compare with what MR/GR combination had done – you will see “Greedy MR Gov.” had done much – put all the others together – of course they had their share also – who did not have – money is a commodity needed for the survival of this political culture – During CBK time – she started from minus figures and ended up in billion figures – During Premadasa era – same story – During JR – he close his eyes when others around him were robbing and keep a tab on the Thieves for future use – So everybody had robbed us – everybody had allowed their relatives to rob – What guarantee anybody can give lame duck MS and the gang will not do the same
Dinuk / November 23, 2014
Good one Madam Thisaranee once again!
To win, the joint opposition must run a POSITIVE campaign for CHANGE by:
1. Seizing the NATIONALIST agenda from Jarapassa brothers with the PATRIOTIC SLOGAN “Be a PATRIOT, vote for CHANGE, clean government, , Maithipala Sirisena”.
2. Use voter fatigue of the corrupt incumbent and say: Be a Patriot – vote for EQUITABLE Economic Development and to Save Lanka and Democracy from the corrupt and criminal Rajapaksa family that has looted the public wealth and impoverished the country and people in the 5 years since war ended!
Eusense / November 24, 2014
What should they say about 13a and foreign countries dictating how we should govern?
Rationalist / November 26, 2014
It should also be stressed that Maithripala has left the UPFA, not the SLFP. He is still a member of the SLFP!
The voters who have been supporting the SLFP, has to be encouraged to understand that the UPFA and SLFP are two different entities altogether.
Ambalavanar / November 23, 2014
Well said Sengodan. The writer should translate this to Tamil too and paste in all culverts in the North and East.
Only then will our Tamil people learn to move away from separatism and terrorism and to support another Sinhala leader who is promising to revive Bandaranayake philosophy. Do we want to go back to 1956? We certainly do, don’t we Sengodan, M.
Hope Tamils will get some brains.
Nimal Jagoda / November 23, 2014
Oh Titsaranee,
Dont underestimate your influence on the voting public of Sri Lanka. If you say Sirisena is a way out, then it will be.
We only have to wait another month under this repressive dictatorship that freed us from the terrorist hold of Pirapakaran.
If we get Sirisena in to power we can handover the country to the British, Americans and their NGOs.
We can all live happily thereafter!
G1 / November 23, 2014
“if we get Sirisena in to power we can handover the country to the British, Americans and their NGOs.”
You morons sounds like same old record over and over again about your conspiracy theories against your opponents.
If we get Jarapassa in to power again, we can handover whatever left in our country CHINA…………
Snowden Edward Assange / November 24, 2014
On a Lighter note………
CHINA = Come Honey I Need Action……
dont we already have enough Chinese hunnies roaming the streets of Colombo and suburbs at nights ?
Sinhala Banda / November 23, 2014
By the way Senga, one of the leading characters on the new development is Chandrika B. Had she held the Presidency for a decade or so? Why could not she abolish the power of the position at that time then? Was it too sweet to be abondoned? What happened during her time? She was a looser – An absolutte anacky was in Sri Lanka during her time terrored by a routhless terra leader Prebaharan.
People in Sri Lanaka will not believe this “Chaura Queen”‘s new agenda. Give her a good bottle of Wishkey and she would be alright after that. If Cunning Sira from Polonnaruwa wants a chance from Sri Lankan people,stay away from this corrupted woman asearly as possible.
Amarasiri / November 23, 2014
Dear Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara,
RE: Finally, A Way Out
“If the people fail to defeat the insane dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapaksa at this point, there will be no turning back for Sri Lanka.” – Anura Kumara Dissanayake[i]
Yes, succinctly Stated by Anura Kumara Dissnayake, a true leader.
Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara, would you be kind enough alone or in cooperation with other writers write the Sri Lanka version of the Common sense Pamphlet, 2014? Not much time left,
“The opposition has cleared, spectacularly, the first hurdle in the presidential race. The honours of that victorious engagement belong to Maithripala Sirisena – and to Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Ranil Wickremesinghe and Mangala Samaraweera.”
Project not completed yet. However, there is light at end of this Dark Mahinda Rajapaksa Dynasty Tunnel, but there is more work to do. Everybody need to pitch in and make their contribution.
The need of the hour is to use all the available channels including posters, flyers and the social media extensively as they did in the Egypt’s uprising and recently India’s new PM Na-Mo.
Expose It has to be intensive. Put on Twitter, U-Tube and other social media, posters, etc.
1. The Politicians have come together, with a Common Candidate using common sense and common goals prevailing to rescue the country and its people, both Paras and Native Veddah Aethho from the excesses of the Executive Presidency, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa , his Family, his cronies and their shills and whitewashes. The populace need to thank especially the current set of Common Candidate Selection Team for this Patriotic Move to rescue the country from Mara aka MaRa.
2. Now the populace and the writers need to do their job and complete the MaRa Dumping Project. The populace need help. They need to be informed.By whom? Everybody, especially the media personnel, writers, printers, publishers and distributors and common folk to put up posters on the walls.
3. What can the writers like you do? Need Anonymous and named writers. They need to write Common Sense Pamphlet, 2014 Sri Lanka version. They need to do what Thomas Paine did for America in 1776 to get rid of tree King. Sri Lanka has a “King” now in a Republic, that very strange with a Crown Prince.
Common Sense (pamphlet)
Common Sense[1] is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776. In clear, simple language it explained the advantages of and the need for immediate independence. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution and became an immediate sensation. It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places. Washington had it read to all his troops, which at the time had surrounded the British army in Boston. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history.[2]
Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for freedom from British rule at a time when the question of whether or not to seek independence was the central issue of the day. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood. Forgoing the philosophical and Latin references used by Enlightenment era writers, he structured Common Sense as if it were a sermon, and relied on Biblical references to make his case to the people.[3] He connected independence with common dissenting Protestant beliefs as a means to present a distinctly American political identity.[4] Historian Gordon S. Wood described Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.[5]
ramona therese fernando / November 23, 2014
Why? Has Ranil made deals with the LTTE diaspora or something?
All the opposition has to do is spell out territorial integrity i.e. one Island concept – don’t worry, the Tamils in the North are with the Sinhalese on this one. In any case, if there is no choice on territorial integrity , then there will be no issue. And let Sinhalese be the National language and religion.
If these can be vigorously expounded, then opposition can have all the democratic and non-aligned government they wish for. JHU will also give legitimacy.
(only hope that Sinhalese elite will have better things to do that demean those who are trying to learn the language due to exile from motherland due to poverty and necessity, and/or being of minority status).
Amarasiri / November 24, 2014
Mahinda Rajapaksa; Hateful Dictatorship-= JVP
JVP still tight-lipped over support for Maithripala – See more at:
Dissanayake described President Rajapaksa’s rule as a ‘hateful dictatorship,’ a much stronger term than the ‘benevolent dictatorship’ used by ‘Common Candidate’ Maithripala Sirisena. Dissanayake refrained from directly pledging JVP’s support for Sirisena. However, he said the JVP would create awareness among the public regarding the prevailing state of affairs in the country. Dissanayake said it would then be up to the voters to make their own decisions regarding how they vote.
– See more at: http://www.nation.lk/edition/news-online/item/35551-jvp-still-tight-lipped-over-support-for-maithripala.html#sthash.aBvAfuuy.dpuf
Vibhushana / November 23, 2014
Well, this kind of euphoria also existed prior to the departure of Gadaffi and the Iraqi dictator Sadam isn’t it?. As I recall, what replaced the dictatorship was chaos and instability. The euphoria was soon forgotten. The former allies were each others throats soon after.
The present political reality is something like the proverbial soiled towel covering a large pile of dog turd. What Rajapaske tyranny mutes are a bunch of dysfunctional parliamentarians from all sides.
As soon as the towel is lifted, the stench will permeate as before. We will be soon wondering whether replacing the dictatorship was wise decision taken too soon.
If the Rajapaske is to be replaced then there must be some kind of confidence the regime that follows is an upgrade of the present regime.
For that to happen, the disparate groups in Maithreepala coalition must produce comprehensive constitutional reforms, not just abolition of the executive.
The reforms must be then accepted by all. If there is ANY doubt on any provision, the entire coalition must be considered a failure. It will be premature to replace the current political stability with something that ends in chaos like the present day Libiya and Iraq.
Flycatcher / November 23, 2014
‘Well, this kind of euphoria also existed prior to the departure of Gadaffi and the Iraqi dictator Sadam isn’t it?.
– Yep you are right, That’s what exactly the country needs and most of us badly want right now. I mean the departure. The despotic family must be thrown out some how.
Then this country has good number of professionals to lead. So there is no need to panic we wont be a Libya or an Iraq.
The next regime must change the political culture of this country. We have lot of potentials to develop the nation. We have enough resources to keep the people occupied. The entire mentality of people must change. Hatred and racism must be eliminated first. Mahinda Rajapaksa had a golden opportunity to be a life time president, but he dropped the ball simply because he was a fool. He listened to his maniac brother who brain washed him. I call him a fool because the power and the new wealth made him a perathayek – Sheer Greed. Finally he became a freak.
The outcome = He will be ousted with humiliation by the same people who praised him ten years ago. KARMA!
Ellakollage Apachchi / November 23, 2014
Your comparison of citizenry of Iraq and Libya to those of Sri Lanka is not comparing apples with apples.
I believe Sri Lankans are much more educated than those in Middle East who seem to blow up each other for petty things.
I am confident Maithree will perform the task similar to Dingiri Banda.
Your name Vibushana is a disgrace to Ravana’s sibling.
Ram / November 23, 2014
The “much more educated” Sri Lankans were blowing each other up for 25 long years before we were liberated from the ‘invincible’ terrorists. The people who most seek a regime change are the very same voices who shouted from the rooftops that the terrorists were invincible. A weak regime run by a strawman who suit them to a tee.
Sincho / November 23, 2014
You are dead right. Me being now in Sl for a few weeks tour, having spoken with many threehwheel and others in many areas I feel the change will be for sure. I think taking over 51% for the joint opposition is becoming much easier today than had been few weeks ago.
Let s wait and see. Even the man who called CBK a CHAURA Rajina has now made his predications that the rulers have already lost. I spoke to many in varied professions, they are all fed up ballige puthas in power. People are not proud of the socalled development projects that are being done by ruling coalition. Every 2nd is against Rajapakshes.
Amarasiri / November 23, 2014
Ellakollage Apachchi
“I believe Sri Lankans are much more educated than those in Middle East who seem to blow up each other for petty things.”
Yes, and Sri Lankans appear to be getting a bit wiser these days, and the middle easterners getting stupider,
Is is the water, air or religion or education?
Double standards / November 23, 2014
my thoughts exactly. why does the srilankan voter need this extreme drama. shouldn’t this be a clear case of where people are sick of current regime and they would want to vote in the opposition ? to my mind I would trust a UNP candidate more than a break away SLFPer. It is obvious that MS did not break away on any high principle. why is Ranil not brave enough to take on the challenge ? Anyhow what is done is done – As usual sri Lankan voter does not have a choice as need of the hour is to get rid of the dictator. For once I wish politicians would think of the people of SL and not there own political power games
Navin / November 23, 2014
I have to tell you Vibhushana, the brain dead, that a new era has dawned. You too are free to live in dignity and finally cease to be a ckskr.
Get ready to enjoy the new freedom from 2015.
Rajash / November 23, 2014
Vibushan “As soon as the towel is lifted, the stench will permeate as before”
Perhaps Vibushana prefer to stay under the towel and breath the stench of the Rajapakse’s.
yes we need to lift the towel, of course there will initially be a strong stench permating but that will get blown away by the fresh air.
Burning Issue / November 23, 2014
Sri Lanka is not Libya under Gadaffi yet, but well on the way to reach that point under the unscrupulous Rajapaksa regime. This is why a change is necessary in order to halt further erosion of the democratic principles. Sri Lanka must drive to re-gain a form good governance.
“For that to happen, the disparate groups in Maithreepala coalition must produce comprehensive constitutional reforms, not just abolition of the executive.”
I agree on this point. The constitutional reforms must encompass the need to reintroduce the section 29 the protection for the minorities and eschew the protection and patronage given to Buddhism. In addition to reforming the constitution, there should statues further emphasising the race relations and religious freedoms. The press freedom, independence of judiciary, and independent policing must be reintroduced with utmost urgency.
This is why there need to be a Change.
Beeta Akka / November 23, 2014
“As soon as the towel is lifted, the stench will permeate as before. “
Aney what you talking baba; No need to lift towel. If stanching there even without lifting towel or sarong stink will come to the nose anyway.This Vibushana fellow talking nonsense Aney.
Jim softy / November 24, 2014
When the west wanted Yugoslovia broken, Iraq and Libya Subdued they expected the exact results. They got what they wanted.
Sri Lanka is different.
Mahinda Rajapakse screwed up for every body. Because he is more of a street thug than a leader. He did his own way and screwed up.
Now, the only option is to get rid of him.
Afzal / November 23, 2014
Surely a way out finally !
As TG pointed out great concerns still remain. Raja pakse will come out with all it’s might. It will be violent.
Now when you think of it Balu Sena actions were advantageous to opposition the sena’s have demonstrated the real picture of Raja pakse, it has utterly backfired on the regime. Balu Sena have been stunned. They are all speechless. They were warming up to attack RW,Sobita Tero, Gen SF or CB. Now there plans have gone astray. They all are dumbstruck.
M. Raje pakse must fuming abt the actions of his FAV brother. Blame game must have been already started in the family. Cracks will appear. Common Opposition Candidate was sympathetic towards Basil Pakse in the “satana” last night, it will be a utter blow to Raja Pakse if he take a middle path. (They are capable of doing this as all of them are selfish goblins)
However ultimately it’s SL voters who will have the final say. Will they rise up to the occasion or will they eat carrot eternally. Whatever it is this nominee stands a much better chance in bringing about much needed change in this country. The ripples are quite visible. Raja Pakse’s are cracking.
It seems all our prayers have been answered. less than 8 weeks of anxious waiting to embark on a path for a better Sri Lanka for all it’s citizens.
Sinhala Banda / November 23, 2014
Thambi Afzal
Do not day dream my friend.
Mathree will become a another looser joining the ranks of General SF. People chnage colours overnight do not have any credibility. Keep dreaming more six more years.
Afzal / November 23, 2014
I know there are ppl like u, I have mentioned and categorized your kind as “carrot eaters” I also know in Sri Lanka we are not short of ppl who like to eat Kawum,
PS – I don’t understand why address me as “brother Afzal”
Your dream will last for 7 weeks and few days, then u will become a minority among the majority. But I know u will change colors and join the rest. U r welcome ! we don’t discriminate.
mike / November 23, 2014
@ Afzal
Strange that Sinhala Banda alias Sinhala Booruwa is addressing you as Brother Afzal??
Afzal / November 23, 2014
Strange indeed Mike, maybe this is a secret way of trying to
sell carrot to me ?
Sinhala Banda / November 24, 2014
Thambi Azfal
Selling carrot is not my way of convincing you man. By shafting them at right place is the best way I adopt for people like you.
Do not insult Sinahalese. Remember this is the land of lions even after January 8th thambi. Please do not ride high horse.
LKcricket / November 24, 2014
Bloody Idiot please understand respect other otherwise you will be the BOORUWA! Bloody donkey!
Bensen Burner / November 23, 2014
It an excellent presentation. With the justice system and the custodians of the law on their side it is dreadful and frightening to imagine the extent to which the innocent people will have to pay the supreme price with the machinations of the ruthless Rajapaksas and their henchmen.Bensen
Mail / November 23, 2014
Bensen Burner is an idiot!
K.A Sumanasekera / November 23, 2014
Here is Ms T’s take on Ranil’s reaction to Maithree’s announcement.
Ha Ha Ha He Hee Heee Heeee”.. See ” Rajapaksa ,wasted money on posters to attack me..I demand him to destroy them now “…,,And the Elite , Anglicans and the Vellalas audience were bursting with laughter…..
But the inhabitants in the South are bewildered by Ranil’s behaviour.
They wonder whether Ranil has got a “Rent a CC’ this time Because the potential CC himself has declared that he will abdicate in 100 days.
Coincidentally it is the day the great majority of the inhabitant population commence work after the Sinhala Tamil New Year Break.
How well Ranil has timed it to commence work as the real President of Srialnka and Tamil Diaspora for the next 6 years.
After all those posters which Rajapasa has printed may come handy.
Do our inhabitants want a President who is in bondage to the Diaspora ,especially the Diaspora in London which prevented the President landing in London.
Native Vedda / November 23, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
Can you confirm or deny whether you are in possession of green shirt, trouser and scarf?
After the elections be ready for a violent backlash from UNP thugs. They have been awaiting to unleash their bottled up anger for the past 20 frustrated years.
Make sure you don’t wear anything blue, travel on blue coloured CTB buses, don’t point out the sky is blue, ………… I am sure UNP will unleash their own brand of improved BBS.
Will you be protesting against UNP regime along with Diaspora?
How cool that would be.
K.A Sumanasekera / November 24, 2014
Dear Native,
Probably I will buy a green T shirt for the Tamil Sinhala NY…
Suren Surendran’s new ally, Mr UNP Ranil W does’nt commence work until the 18 of April 2015.. Right…
Surely Sand Sira’s bro is not going to let the UNP goons attack our poor innocent Sinhala poor in the South at least for the 100 days he is in charge.
Even if he orders such attacks to please the Two Alliance partners. will the brave Army allow him?.
Your TNA after coming under the full control of the Brtish Eelaam run by the Reverend and Surendran, are lot smarter now.
They have. probably got an Iron Clad guarantee that Sira will protect them from any irate Blue Shirts during his 100 days which in fact is a blessing in disguise for our Dalits..
Native Vedda / November 24, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
Wise up, my Elders tell me just after every election victory there have been ritual slaughters of opposition supporters.
There is always a time to talk nonsense, but this not the time. My advice to you, go mute for the next three months if you happened to visit this island.
Please adhere to Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist dress code. No blue, No Green, No Red,…………………
Thiru / November 23, 2014
Appe aanduwa will muddle along with a new found hero and a ready made villain, don’t expect much.
Sri Lanka has a long way to go before it becomes democratic, if ever it will.
Muthu Kuruppan / November 23, 2014
What do we know about this man? Not much.
He was full in cohorts with MR all is life and he was happy until his demand to be PM was turned down by MR. Then MR started asking questions about his brother’s money making, millions in US dollars.
That is when Sirisena started to notice the “dictatorship” agreeing with the satellite.
Now we are asked to vote for him to make Ranil PM.
What vilabit politics?
K.A Sumanasekera / November 24, 2014
Roy / November 23, 2014
Raja and the theives syphon the rest of your money ASAP.
dcn / November 23, 2014
The first move hss been made and it does not mezn victory assured. All concerned especially UNP and its mix of stalwarts together with SLFP rebels, JVP, JHU, Bikku front/s, Tamil and Muslim leaders
Must carry out a strong campaign to convince the voting public. We have to wait and see how they fair. On the other side MR is csrrying out his campaign convincing the masses very successfully.
Sam / November 23, 2014
“If the people fail to defeat the insane dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapaksa at this point, there will be no turning back for Sri Lanka.” – Anura Kumara Dissanayake[i]
JVP and CBK’s trying to rectify the mistake they did in 2001 desolving UNP Govt and removing RW from PM. Thorugh Maitree CBK going to give RW the PM posision took over in 2001. Big Joke…hi hi hi. yes ofcourse Sinhalaya Modaya…
Paul / November 23, 2014
I only hope that whatever replaces the Rajapakses is not worse than their dictatorship. Power is addictive to all politicians as we have seen many times over.
Vasantha Raja / November 23, 2014
Tisaranee seems to be under-estimating the contradictions involved in the upcoming presidential battle. Important thing to remember is this: This election is not going to be free & fair at all. This will be the worst election ever. Sheer desperation and the fear of losing may trigger the Rajapaksa-family to act as never before. Gota may be already planning even a military takeover if all other options fail.
The Opposition should be fully prepared for this eventuality. Mass mobilization of ordinary people during the election campaign is the only way to face Rajapaksas’ military machine. In other words, Maithripala Sirisena should lead a passionately committed ‘People’s campaign’ to galvanize poor masses at all levels. He should identify the immediate financial needs of workers, students, farmers, fisher-folk, pensioners and the unemployed, and PROMISE to use his 100-days as the executive president to allocate adequate funds to meet people’s urgent needs. In other words, Maithripala should campaign like a ROBIN-HOOD OF THE POOR MASSES. Wishy-washy promises will merely benefit Mahinda Rajapaksa.
Maithripala would be making a BIG mistake if he tries to save his neck by compromising with the Rajapaksa-family.
punchinilame / November 23, 2014
The Writer is able to forsee the future in terms of the current situation well. The unexpected twist in MRs corrupt journey is NOT
going to be taken by MR lying down, is the writers conclusion – so
there is a long way for SL Democracy. The SB Voter needs more education.
The 100-day sacrifice is the begining of a much expected Regime chnage
and will be eagerly observed by the I/C.
It is possible that CBK will be made the new “Ceremonial” President in
the new set-up with MS as a co-PM along with Ranil as Exexutive PM????
Whatever the change, all “Wanted” Politicians & Govt. Officials must be aware of thier pending doom and some may settle overseas in due
Shantha / November 23, 2014
A good article. It gives the readers a very realistic picture of the situation. The first step has been successful, but there are so many more ahead, and this regime is going to do everything it can, from a dirty campaign, to violence, to stop the opposition from being successful. There is nothing that will stop them, we all know that.
The goons will use naive Sri Lankan people, as pawns, to wage their campaign of threats and cause harm to anyone opposing them. That is the greatest fear. They will use ethnic strife and cause chaos, just to achieve their devious goals. Sri Lankans beware.
paragon / November 23, 2014
R. Varathan / November 23, 2014
I agree TNA should not join the Common Candidates side.
If they do, the regime will launch its campaign pointing out “Tamils”
are behind this effort to oust them with the help of Diaspora Tamils,
the LTTE (finished 5 years ago??)NGOs, Christians/Catholics, Tamilnadu/India, the UN, the “wretched” international community (what and who else?) And the usually gullible Sinhala voter will swallow this “guli” in the delusion the Sinhala race and Sinhala Buddhism is in danger of being swept out of the face of the earth. Ideally, TNA should offer cooperation from the outside giving due credence to the toxicity and warped mind of the average Sinhala voter.
Only if the Rajapakse family had taken Tisaranee’s advise “the North can return from de facto occupation to democratic rule” Even at this late stage, this can be done by empowering Wigneswaren and the NPC of their rightful due to the Northern people – instead of strangling them with false and twisted propaganda.
Let it not be forgotten the settlement of the Tamil Question – or at least most of it, even in stages – will be one of the main features that can help the country regaining peace, reconciliation and to eventually go forward economically. The Sinhala people have been kept “high” under a near “drug trip” of anti-Tamil prejudice for so long progressively resulting in the denial of basic rights to the Tamil people – not to speak of thievery of their land and crimes of genocidal proportions. It is the Buddhist religious hierarchy that should lead the way to remove this mental block – simply because they were the ones who started it and stridently sustained for six decades. The entire Sinhala polity is dead scared to engage this holy cow. Fortunately, there is now greater enlightenment and a welcome change of heart in the approach to this vexed question on the part of influential Sinhala priests and chauvinist Sinhala Buddhist political parties – in cohorts with the new reality of the much politicised armed forces.
Incidentally, I was faulted, wrongly I must add, by a commentator in these pages for suggesting the average Sinhala voter “ignorant” Tisaranee notes here 64.1% of Sinhalese and 61.9% of Sri Lankans have not heard of the LLRC Report. And this grouping, ironically, makes and breaks governments in this country.
R. Varathan
CHANAKYAN / November 23, 2014
Politics is far too serious to be watched as fun. Some among us have thought so and done so for over two generations. Today we are prostrate and can only lick the dust, which is no fun as we see it today.
vishvajith / November 23, 2014
Paragraph 7, says what we have lost as a Nation and what we are fighting for.
On a different note, what must the Tamil Community do, keep out of this election ? Let it be a Sinhala – Sinhala affair. They gain nothing politically, whoever wins.
If the current trajectory of governance continues we will be another Kampuchea soon. We will plead with outside countries to save us from our leaders and then the Tamils will get what they have been asking for, without lifting a finger.
So, should they keep away from the election ? spoil their vote ?
Agnos / November 23, 2014
Tamils should vote for the opp candidate without a doubt. TNA should make it clear at the grassroots level. But whether the TNA should be publicly aligned with the common opposition is another issue.
That is something for the TNA leadership to decide, based on past experiences aligning with Fonseka on public platforms, which might have helped the Rajapaksas in convincing the ignorant or those with an extreme Sinhalese nationalist outlook in the mold of JHU. But every election is different. If the JHU were to support the common candidate it would be harder for the Rajapaksas to make the same case this time.
vishvajith / November 24, 2014
Thanks for your input.
Sellam / November 23, 2014
If Sirisena wins, will he hear the voices of the Tamil people who wants freedom and a referendum to determine their fate.
Jim softy / November 24, 2014
Why Tamils don’t think about their mother land just 16 km away ?
Native Vedda / November 25, 2014
Jim softy
Why “Tamils don’t think about their mother land just 16 km away ?”
They wonder why don’t the Sinhala/Buddhist think about their ancestral land just across the Palk strait.
Probably both share a common reason.
Lorenzo / November 24, 2014
“I must say one thing to those who left. I have files on them but I will not use it. I am not that kind of person,” the President said.
Why did not you take action against those who have files? Why are you protecting those people? It is a offence to protect people who plunder national wealth. We wants to know where is your and your brothers files.
What kind of “files”? Does it mean that he has some dirty info about them? If so, what does that that says about his own government and the ministers? That he let dirty and corrupt politicians join in and form a government with him? If he’s an honest president, a leader of the country, then he would let go of every single dirty and corrupt minister and politician in his own government.
BBS Rep / November 24, 2014
The Rajapaksa Cabal is not going to go away quietly. They are still very powerful with almost all the chiefs of the armed forces in their pockets. The police are well and truly in the Rajapaksa pockets. The judiciary will do the bidding of Rajapaksa at the drop of a hat. BBS are ready to run amock with their yellow robes raised to the waist. Most importantly their paymasters China are willing to write any number of cheques for any amount that the Rajapaksa mafia will request.
At the slightest hint of impending loss the fireworks will begin. Just a few bombs detonated and either or both, the Muslims and Tamils blamed, and a state of seige staged and elections postponed indefinitely. Many leaders got away with such tactics and nothing will hold back the disreputable Rajapaksa Mafia.
How this is all going to end up despite Tasaranee’s optimism is anybody’s guess. But one thing is sure, MaRa is not ready to give up power.
Ananda-USA / November 24, 2014
The way I see it is like this:
The UNP and the TNA will get the most votes for the opposition in the upcoming Presidential Election. MS does not have any chance in hell of dictating anything to his UNP and TNA supporters in the very unlikely case he is elected.
In the extremely unlikely case of MS winning, he will only be the President but will not gain control of the Parliament, unless a sufficient number of UPFA MPs defect to the opposition. Even in that case, the opposition in Parliament will not have the required 2/3 votes to amend the Constitution.
So, unseating the President Rajapaksa now is USELESS for passing any bills not supported by the UPFA. This is why the JHU tried to get MR to hold the Presidential and General Elections at the same time.
Therefore, things will stay UNCHANGED until the next general election, which MS, if he becomes the new Executive President, can call early.
If a general election is held soon after the Presidential Election, the UNP and the TNA will get most of the current opposition’s seats in the Parliament, but not enough to capture control of the Parliament.
In the UNLIKELY case they do capture control of the Parliament also, then MS will have to rely on the UNP and the TNA to propose amend any aspect of the Constitution, and UPFA support to get 2/3 majority to do it, which they will NOT GET!
ALL of these barriers to MS having the required 2/3 majority for AMENDING ANY ASPECT of the Constitution, makes it VERY UNLIKELY that any changes to the constitution, incuding
1. REPEALING the 13A (which the UNP and the TNA will oppose)
2. REPEALING the 18A
3. RESTORING the 17A
So why then did these FOOLS jump ship? This is a FOOLISH EXERCISE in FUTILITY!
The executive Presidency will stay where it is until the current UPFA govt does it, or a future government with 2/3 majority by itself comes to power.
The MOST LIKELY SCENARIO is a WEAKENED UPFA Govt remaining in power with MR still as the President, and its MAIN IMPACT will be that the nation’s rapid development to become the New Wonder of Asia will come to a screeching halt.
I hope the People of Sri Lanka will hold those miscreants who brought this DISASTER upon their heads will hold them RESPONSIBLE for it at both the Presidential and General Elections!
Mallaiyuran / November 24, 2014
“Two findings of the CPA survey are helpful in forming a factual understanding of where a majority of the Lankan electorate is at currently, in terms of knowledge and comprehension: 73.4% of all Lankans and 81.8% of Sinhalese think that ‘Sinhala’ is the only national language; 64.1% of Lankans and 61.9% of Sinhalese have not heard of the LLRC. Given this level, it is unreasonable to expect a majority of Lankans (and especially a majority of Sinhalese) to understand the true dangers of the executive presidency. Their mind is focused on ordinary rice and curry issues; their discontent with Rajapaksa rules stems mainly from their own diminishing economic conditions and hopes.”
What the meaning of the CPA’s finding is “Hey the Master, you a fine master, you know the art and the techniques anything you the master (the Sinhala Intellectual). Keep the dog(the Sinhala Buddhists) on the leach and throw it a bone(bread and butter) to keep munching and mellowing it, then you know Master , you are free a master! for your juggleries Master. Never let them to grow up, make sure they grow down. Voter education? Perfection? aren’t all these fraudulent words your honor?, you the great Master?”
“International experience demonstrates, again and again, that politico-cultural liberalism cannot flourish – or even survive – in the absence of socio-economic democracy.”
Wikipedia statics say that by 1956 Korea and Lanka were pretty equal on Per capita income and Lanka was next to Japan in Education, in the eastern Hemisphere. In the 1990s Japan Challenged America on economic and technical knowhow leadership. On his inaugural speech Obama said Korea is challenging the America on science and inventions. I don’t want to do the foolish thing of comparing Japan and Korea with Lanka. But What I saw something in Lankan news interesting. A clown look Swashi Maanar was coming to Lanka and half nude Lankan school girls were dancing Kandian Dance. That is an Amazing development from the 1950s. Lanka cut off from the prominent countries and opened embassies with African 15 countries who can vote for against the International Inquiry. This is great contribution done by the standardization of the Sinhala intellectual and the free education of great Kanangara. One of my teachers was a supply person in the British Army in the 2 second world war. They were stationed somewhere in Bengal. He would us tell the condition of India on those days. About 20 years back they only 45% educated. Still they are very badly compromised and hindered by the caste divisions. Now Indians’ dream is to become a super power. I can cite many more what is point? Thanks for the Sinhala intellectualism to disintegrate the country and after that put forward a claim that this beggars (Sinhala Buddhist) need only food, they do not have a capacity to participate in politics. But the truth is neither Sinhala Buddhist nor the Sinhala intellectuals are asking for food. The Sinhala Buddhists is asking for blood. But, in every election, the Sinhala Intellectuals never failed to pour in gallon into the Hand of the Sinhala Buddhist. From 1948 that is how all the elections were won by the Sinhala Intellectuals. Now they are trying to camouflage it by deceptive writing. They are shamelessly without hiding, sheer nakedly showing their mind that they not the people for start voter education.
“If the people fail to defeat the insane dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapaksa at this point, there will be no turning back for Sri Lanka. – Anura Kumara Dissanayake”. This is not right. Sinhala Intellectual will not let the King lose power. One is pretend like beating; other intellectual is act like crying. These are ones brought the King with very high margin. This is their drama to save the King from international community. They see the only way to save King is to they capture the power. They are denying the acceptance of the LLRC of the Sinhala Buddhist. But King has openly declared that if he is not saved he will be put on electric chair by UN. That means, those who overwhelming voted for the King against Fonseka not simply knows the LLRC, they know there is a need to save the King from UNHRC’s electric chair too.
The rest nothing but election propaganda. We saw lot of enthusiasm after UVA. That died. Now again. Last article was begging Athuruliye to support Ranil. Fonseka’s split was big blow that time in many fold than this unknown party secretary. This is simply begging JVP to not boycott the election and vote for Maithiri. This is the Sinhala intellectuals behavior;a day a color like Chameleon.
Park / November 24, 2014
Excellent article. On one side while fighting the Presidential election, Maithripala Sirisena, Chandrika, Ranil, Rathana Hamuduruwo, Anura Kumara, Sobitha Hamudurwo and others should prepare the masses what should be done in case there is a military coup before or soon after the Presidential election.
Abhaya / November 24, 2014
All you need to do now is for the TNA to support this hodge podge ranil chandrika bandwagon , and their defeat is assured .
Praba from Grave / November 24, 2014
What you are saying is very true and that is racism is rampant in Sri Lanka and the vast majority are against any reconciliation.
Jay Chambers / November 24, 2014
What is this man Sirisena’s stand on Moslem fanaticism, Jihadi barbarism, and the demographic catastrophe that will befall Lanka when it is overrun by Moslems by sheer numbers in near future as early as 2020? Can someone find out and share with us?
kali / November 24, 2014
Finally, A Way Out:
I am not so sure that we have come of age. There is a lot of wishful thinking and you are making a lot of assumptions which are not borne out by events of the last 64 years. MR is still basking in the adulation of defeating the so called Terrorism but the vast majority are not in the least concerned about the State Terrorism headed by MR sweeping the country. Corruption is Rampant , Nepotism is wide spread and Thuggery is the order of the day.
When MR says that he has a file on all those ( including the SLFP organiser) who have now abandoned him that goes to show that he is a Dictator like Sadam.
Win or loose Sri Lanka is in for a turbulent period with a lot of Bloodshed. We have already seen that with celebration turning into shoot out in which the victim was a man who dared to raise a flag.
It is going to be nasty and THUGS don’t give up power easily and they have to be forced out with Tomahawks.
Hooker / November 25, 2014
“Maithripala Sirisena is no better or worse than most Lankan politicians” notes TG in her characteristic brilliance. It is when rogues quarrel among themselves, all the dirt comes out. Sirisena started in a push bike as a poor cultivator’s son swearing to make things good for the poor farmer. Now he and his brothers are the biggest exploiters of rice farmers. They own dozens of Rice Mills, 4-star Hotels and the like. As Health Minister he was involved in rackets getting down low-grade drugs. He has as much respect for law and order as the Rajapakses as we saw in the Pasikudah incident where his violently drunk son should have been sent to jail. His record in the Irrigation Ministry is no better. MR has enough material to haunt him in the campaign – from platforms and blackmail outfits.
But the electorate has no choice but to take cover in that age-old principle “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” The mass of the people, notably in the urban and suburban areas now are forced to think through their stomachs. The vast numbers of farmers are calling for blood on the water and fertilizer issues. The people seem to have had enough of the Rajapakses. Anyone else will do seems to be the popular refrain.
K. C. John / November 26, 2014
Good move by the opposition. Sirisena can split the SLFP vote. If most other voters too vote for Sirisena, MR is done for. This scenario must be giving MR the creeps!
The usual Goebellisian spin of “Treachery”, “Backstabbing” etc being raised by the MR camp is most amusing considering MR’s vicious treatment of Sarath Fonseka who was described by MR as “The best Army Commander in the world” just a few months before manipulating him into prison.
Knowing this vicious nature of MR, it is courageous of Sirisena to come forward. He is certainly not the cleanest guy around but his courage has got to be admired.
It will be well to remember that none of the expenditure on the fancy development work comes out of MR’s pocket. Rather, it is you and me. the common man, who pays for it; not forgetting our several future generations who will also be paying for it! Including the “commissions” that go into the “costs” of such development.
If the Sri Lankan voter does not grab this opportunity, the lesson will be bitter.