19 February, 2025


Not A Cardinal Sin

By Primus Salgado

The recent outburst of former Member of Parliament Harin Fernando insinuating that Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith in his speeches prior to the last Presidential election helped Gotabaya Rajapaksa to win by coercing a sizable section of Catholic voters to switch allegiance to the Pohottuwa candidate makes me pen these thoughts.

It is true that the Catholic vote has been the exclusive preserve of the United National Party. There were historical reasons for such allegiance.

Cartoon by Shanika Somatilake

It was the United National Party that restored the payments to teachers of the Catholic Schools which was scratched by Sirimavo Bandaranaike during her stint as prime Minister. The late Eardley Perera a lawyer of repute, a Catholic, and an old boy of St Sebastians’ College, Moratuwa lobbied JR Jayewardene to correct the error made by Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike. The Catholic Schools were struggling to meet teacher salaries due to restrictions in charging high fees from students which too was barred after the Schools takeover. The support of Catholics was firmed up along with such move but prior to that the leftist policies of the SWRD Bandaranaike too tilted the Catholic vote towards the UNP. So, how did the Catholics switch allegiance to the Pohottuwa as Harin Fernando says?

The Easter Sunday carnage by Zaharan only cemented a Catholic voter base which was tilting towards Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith prior to being elevated to his present position of eminence became a favourite of Pope Benedict the XVI. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is fluent in his Italian and this would have added to the endearment of him with Pope Benedict. There was not a Cardinal in Sri Lanka after Cardinal Thomas Coorey, which was in the 80’s. Time was ripe for another Cardinal to be anointed and Malcolm Ranjith being sent as Papal Nuncio to Indonesia was an indication that the next stepping stone was but a formality. This was soon come to pass when President Mahinda Rajapaksa during his visit to Rome to pay his respects to the Pope making a plea for Cardinal to Sri Lanka as the Catholic flock was now well over a million.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa was the Secretary of Defence at the time Malcolm Ranjith was elevated to Eminency. Gotabaya too was quick to recognise the potential of this captive block and acceded to a request to hand over a block of land adjacent to the St Anthony’s Church, Kochikade to the largest Diocese in the country, the Colombo Diocese. The association did not stop at that but grew exponentially since. A generous contribution was made courtesy President Mahinda Rajapaksa to set up a museum at this location.

The Bolawalana Teacher Training School which was taken over during Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s tenure was given back to the Catholic Church at a request of Malcolm Ranjith to Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Pope Benedict the XVI pleased with this development wished Bolawalana site to be made into a Theological College and so it was to be with the Urban Development Authority and the Defence Forces helping with the construction. The Bolawalana Theological School stands today as an iconic centre built to International standards and the surrounding area beautifully landscaped. The Theological College idea has since developed into a College of Higher Education which is an improvement to the Aquinas University in Borella, also run by the Catholic Church. Pope Francis during his visit to Sri Lanka was to visit to view this wonderful College dedicated to catering to the poor. Rev Fr Quintus, is the current head of this prestigious institute. One has but to visit this centre to experience the wonderful ambience.

Business tycoon Dhammika Perera probably at the behest of a Rajapaksa, made a handsome contribution to Malcolm Ranjith towards the huge cost of celebrations to make the visit of Pope Francis a memorable one, though some Catholics were sceptical of accepting such donation.

Many years ago the roof of the Tewatta National Shrine was in a state of decay and needed urgent repair which was to cost around Rs 30 Million. The Catholic Church was hard-pressed to come up with the required funds but a Chinese Contractor involved in the construction of Port City became the messiah to complete the concrete roof at no cost to the Church. It was UNP member John Amaratunga together with business tycoon Harry Jayawardena who took Malcolm Ranjith to meet with the Chinese Ambassador to facilitate this effort.

Politicians of our land have always cultivated the clergy, be it Buddhist or Catholic. Both denominations are Sinhalese. Buddhist temples and schools too have been beneficiaries of largesse mainly from the SLFP and now SLPP. It is to Malcolm Ranjith’s credit that he has been able to receive considerable support from both Mahinda and Gotabaya contrary to Ranil Wickremesinghe who is aloof at best of times with Church, temple and even his own flock.

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and his flock too have shown their partiality to Mahinda Rajapaksa and now more so to Gotabaya Rajapaksa for the benevolence to the Church and Cardinal. A special prayer service and eucharistic celebration were held at the Chapel in Bolawalana when Gotabaya underwent heart surgery in Singapore to seek God’s blessings for a successful operation and speedy recovery. Another similar service was held to thank God for Gotabaya on his birthday recently. It is even whispered along the aisles of the church that Gotabaya Rajapaksa dines with Malcolm Ranjith at Bishop’s House on occasion. If Malcolm Ranjith makes use of his cordial relationship with the Rajapaksa brothers to improve facilities of the Catholic Church and his flock, can one blame him? I think not. The Buddhist clergy does it constantly and his Eminence would be falling short by his flock if he does not.

Given the patronage of the State via the auspices of Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa it is but a grateful Cardinal who would remind his flock where his loyalty lies. It is the same with a section of the Buddhist clergy though with a slight difference. The Buddhist clergy is one dimensional in their focus. They, demand Sri Lanka to be a Sinhala-Buddhist State with other religions and races simply playing a supporting subordinate role. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjit too has accepted that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country. Nothing wrong in that. Well, Harin Fernando, it is time for reflection.

Is it a cardinal sin?

Latest comments

  • 51

    Mr. Salgado,

    It is a cardinal sin for religious dignitaries to get involved in partisan politics. It is even more of a sin for the Cardinal to become willfully blind to the horrendous rights abuses, abductions and murders that happened under GR’s watch. It flies in the face of core Catholic teachings.

    Would Pope Francis have approved had he known all about the MR-GR regime’s atrocities and the Cardinal’s clandestine alliance with the regime? And I believe that the media, including CT, published information about the Cardinal asking the MR regime to appoint his niece for a diplomatic position, and the latter obliging. Not worth mentioning by you?

    • 4

      You people are gone nuts.

      Why do you not give Cardinal his right to profess his own political convictions and support a political ideology. The problem with you guys is the assertion that Cardinal should only be supporting UNP.
      When Cradinal became a priest (or in his accession to various other religious status) he did not take a vow to relinquish his right to a political opinion. Get real you people.

      • 1

        No offence it was my misspelling of Cardinal. (above)
        Not another Ada Radaguru of Harin, please.

  • 25

    Primus Salgado

    Is he busy washing his “Tricivara” in public?
    He must have been embolden by the presence of GR and MR in higher places.

  • 33

    I wonder why they all go to Thirupathi to get the final blessing

  • 5

    Whoever created this idea that a particular population group characterised by ethnicity, religion, caste or the date of arrival should remain the exclusive preserve of a particular political party in this democracy?
    And how silly to get offended and express that ‘grievance’ and curse someone publicly when you see that such irrational bondages are getting loosened.
    Such cornering of a group is extremely harmful to the interests of that group. Moreover it is an attempt to herd them as cattle and no self-respecting individual belonging to such a group should tolerate that. This exercise requires constant brainwashing with hatred.
    Attempt to cultivate Sinhala Christians as a permanent hate group against Sinhala Buddhists was the most insidious and evil wish of the capitalist class. Cardinal Ranjith refused to be tagged on. (Attempt align Tamil Christians with LTTE during the war era was somewhat successful if I remember right.)
    I have unbounded respect for Cardinal Ranjith for two main reasons:
    When the discussion on the privileged position for Buddhism in a new Constitution was hotting up and was on point of boiling over Cardinal Ranjith declared that we acknowledge that this is a Buddhist majority country and hence we have no issue with that, thereby saving this country from an eternally perpetuating hatred and division.

    • 6

      His compassionate attitude in the face of such calamity saved this country from another 1983.
      I have not met this great man in person. I am looking forward to an opportunity to kneel down touch his feet.


      • 15


        “……….ethnicity, religion, caste or the date of arrival should remain the exclusive preserve of a particular political party in this democracy?”

        Sinhala Maha Sabha, political group in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) that was founded in 1937 by S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike. It was a communally oriented group and promoted the interests of the Sinhalese sector of the population and of Buddhism. In 1945 Bandaranaike threw the support of the Sabha behind the newly created United National Party (UNP) of D.S. Senanayake, which was to dominate politics for the first 10 years of Ceylonese independence. –

        When Malcum declared many things with his motor mouth his flock then came back and either shut him down or reinterpreted what he actually meant in order to assuage the general public. Malcum should have rather joined the saffron brigade. It is not too late now. He is a cross dresser he should disrobe himself become a member of MR/GR’s ….. For a religious person how come the current Pope Francis makes the right noises regarding humanity, human rights, ….and so on while Malcum does the opposite.


        • 1

          Your grudge towards him in respect of my point no. 1 is understandable. You would be the happiest man to see that permanent division.
          But what about point no. 2 (His compassionate attitude in the face of such calamity saved this country from another 1983.) ?
          (Lowest moral level is this attitude ” He who is not with us is against us” )


  • 43

    This article is one sided. Malcolm Ranjith is Rajapakse’s Cardinal.

    The appointment of a Cardinal to a non-Catholic country is critical. When a name is proposed, the Vatican would consult the head of state for approval. When Mahinda was asked, he recommended/approved Malcolm Ranjith, who has shown his gratitude to Rajapakse in a number of ways.

    Once, following the Rajapakse line, Malcolm Ranjith stated that “No civilians were killed during the final stages of the war” when hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Tamil Catholics were killed. In 2018, during the “constitutional coup”, Malcolm Ranjith was seen at Rajapakse’s official residence. Siding with Sinhala racists/nationalists, Ranjith declared that SL is a Sinhala Buddhist country. He rushed up to Kandy to console the racist Rajapakse monk Rathana when the latter was fasting . More recently, Ranjith said he would organize street protests if the Easter Sunday bombing suspects were not prosecuted. Nothing happened.

    Harin was right.

  • 9

    Primus Salgado,
    Sinhale was a Sinhala Buddhist country at the time colonial parasites landed. Christian colonial rulers came to Sinhale with the Bible in one hand and a gun in the other hand and changed the situation existed in Sinhale. If colonial rulers could change things according to the way they wanted, as a sovereign nation Sinhalayo who are the native people in Sinhale have the right to undo some of the changes introduced by colonial rulers.
    While introducing necessary changes, Sinhalayo have given equal status to ‘Paradesis’ who were given citizenship in Sinhale and the freedom to practice other religions. Mushrooming Churches, Mosques and ‘Kovils’ all over the country indicates the freedom that believers of other faiths enjoy. The statement that you make “other religions and races simply playing a supporting subordinate role” is totally incorrect and misleading. Some minority politicians bragging that they are the ‘King Makers’ indicate the dominant role they played in governing this country.

    “The Buddhist clergy is one dimensional in their focus. They, demand Sri Lanka to be a Sinhala-Buddhist State with other religions and races simply playing a supporting subordinate role.”

  • 29

    Oh Cardinal please make confession to POPE saying that you did secretly;y supported Gotabay because Mahinda wife a Catholic requested you

  • 18

    Karl Marx said ” Religion is the opium of the people.” Perhaps he might revise it and say “Politics is the terminal cancer of the religion.”

  • 31


    Malcolm Cardinal Ranjit had a deal with Gota and Mahinda and national resources are used for the benefit of cardinal and the church.

    Could it be considered under bribery and corruption?

    What is in it for the ordinary Catholics?

  • 25

    The catholic religion of which I was born never openly got involved in the political affairs of this nation.
    I remember when during the 1960/64 era of the Srimavo led SLFP government the then rector of St.Joseph’s College of which I was a proud student was always stressed out as it was a mundane task to find the necessary funds to meet the monthly salaries of the teaching and ancillary staff.
    As I have out of the island since 1987 September 5 till to date I was not aware that the rajapuka brothers for reasons best known to them till I read through this article.
    If they had decided to come to the rescue of the Catholic church without expecting anything in return a big kudos to them.
    I for yonks have been against the antics of the Cardinal dragging the church to openly canvass in favour of the much-loathed many a criminal hora boru act committed, still being committing rajapuka clan and unsavoury cohorts
    If he desires to cast his ballot paper to anyone of them that’s his blessed sacred right.
    I have no qualms about it.
    The Christian church community along with the Hindu and the Islamic faiths keep away from getting involved in being partial towards any political individual or party.

    • 4

      “The Christian church community along with the Hindu and the Islamic faiths keep away from getting involved in being partial towards any political individual or party.,”
      As I said earlier :
      “Whoever created this idea that a particular population group characterised by ethnicity, religion, caste or the date of arrival should remain the exclusive preserve of a particular political party in this democracy?
      And how silly to get offended and express that ‘grievance’ and curse someone publicly when you see that such irrational bondages are getting loosened.
      Such cornering of a group is extremely harmful to the interests of that group. Moreover it is an attempt to herd them as cattle and no self-respecting individual belonging to such a group should tolerate that. This exercise requires constant brainwashing with hatred.”


      • 4

        how silly to get offended and express that ‘grievance’ and curse someone publicly.
        How should one set about expressing a grievance – Privately ? Then not enough audience to make your voice really heard.

        • 1

          Mr Ferryman
          Remember Modi’s main campaign promise was to build toilets?


          • 3


            “Remember Modi’s main campaign promise was to build toilets?”

            And 50,000 houses with toilets in this island,
            continue to support his close maritime neighbour in dealing with the pandemic and its economic impact,
            agreed to accelerate Indian-assisted development projects in Sri Lanka, and also strengthen investment links,
            lend/donate nearly $1.8 billion,
            expect to turn this island into another hindutva state, ….

            • 1

              A preferable choice than being a Caliphate.


    • 8

      “The catholic religion of which I was born never openly got involved in the political affairs of this nation”
      rj1952, you would have had little chance to know how the Church campaigned systematically for the UNP and constantly attacked the Left well into the 1950s.
      The political bias of the Church was a major driving factor in the state’s taking over of Assisted Schools in 1960.
      The Church resisted the move vehemently. However, Leftist Catholics in Negombo acted to mobilise Catholics to endorse the takeover.
      The Catholic community has commendably freed itself of the politics of the establishment to be more progressive. But it fell victim to ethnic tension since the 1970s, and divisions ran deep for long.

      • 3

        What, no reference to the 1962 Coup attempt? All Christians involved – including Ravi Karunanayake’s grandfather, DIG C.C. Dissanayake.
        That was a major event with wide-ranging repercussions. Remember also that this was the period when a Catholic government was suppressing the Buddhists in South Vietnam.
        I don’t know all the details, but what happened there had all sorts of chain reactions in all sorts of places.

        • 2

          Get real man without being tribal.

    • 6

      The catholic religion of which I was born never openly got involved in the political affairs of this nation.

      Very true! Never openly got involved but ???????????

  • 19

    Where does the teaching from the Bible fit into your narration ??? Where is the the right and the wrong, ??? You are talking about religion of opportunism , not what the great teachers passed on to their followers. In that case even child abuse can be justified, just because the followers do not want cardinal to hurt their religious sentiments. Is this what you are going to pass it on to your children and future generation. This is nothing but immoral politics and religion merging together for each others benefits. Cardinal is playing politics and the cunning politicians are exploiting it to their advantage. How far is this different from horsetrading in politics where politician discard their purpose and promises for money and power. The cardinal and you who justify such acts are disgrace to your own religion. Christ took the pain of others where as Cardinal is taking bribes and gifts, and tells the whole world that there is no such rights violation/suffering in our country.

  • 14

    Cardinals, Theros, Imams – in Sri Lanka are religious leaders but power hungry political manipulators.
    Hindu religion is simple

  • 18

    There is no difference between Dr.Seetha, Cardinal and you the journalist???. All pretend to be in a noble profession, but nothing but a bunch of HYPOCRITES. Dr and Cardinal have come up with their own religion of opportunism, and you the enabler. And you have the audacity to question Harin ???? This is today,s Lanka which Sarath talked about. “The authoritarian becomes the moral compass of his followers and his voice is their conscience”.

  • 17

    They go to Thirupathi because their ancestors all are Telungus (Andara demalu). Even Ranil, Maithripala goes thirupathi. The last four kings of Kanda Udarata were Andra Kshathrias. with them a large hoard of people came to Lanka. They are the majority of the Kandyan Aristocrats. They took over the Siyam Nikaya as well and implemented the cast system from Andra which was against buddhism.
    These are the people want to make Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist Country a name sake buddhist country.

    Cardinal should stop saying that Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country. Even the constitution does not say so. If he wishes he can become a Buddhist monk and handover his Sinhala and Tamil flock to the Vatican.

    • 7

      Thirupathi is in Andhra, but it was a Tamil shrine.
      There is no Telugu tradition in the Thirupathi temple.
      The person who transformed Thirupathi into a Vishnu temple was Sri Ramanuja, a Tamil Vaishnava Brahmin reformist.
      Thirupathi is a great money spinner, and the Tamils were a little foolish in insisting on keeping Madras (now Chennai) and letting Thirupathi go when the Andra Pradesh seceded from Madras state.

      • 7

        SJ you are correct . Tirupathi , that is now just over the border was historically part of the Tamil country and was a Tamil shrine. Even now when you visit the temple all the old carvings and writings are in Tamil and not in Telugu. This so called Telugu tradition in this ancient Tamil shrine of Tirupathi , Is only recent , started with the VijayaNagara empire. It had always been Tamil. The first temple at Tirupati was built by King Thondaiman, a Tamil ruler of the ancient Thondaimandalam. It is said King Thondaiman had a dream of Lord Vishnu.
        The temple was later expanded by various kings and emperors (of Pallava and Chola clans) who ruled over the place.
        When the so called Telugu Naickers started to rule the Tamil country . They marginalized all the ruling Tamil classes the Vellalars, Brahmins, Chettiars , especially in Northern Tamil Nadu and then brought in their own Brahmins, Kappus and other Naickers to take over and rule large parts of the Tamil country . Over the centuries they took on a Tamil identity.

        • 7

          If you carefully look at the so origins of many of the so called Tamil Brahmins , in Tamil Nadu , who take an anti Tamil stand , they have a Telugu origin and are not the native Tamil Brahmins. Most of them have now become very rich and powerful , whilst most native Tamil Brahmins remained poor temple priests , Tamil teachers, astrologers or marriage brokers.
          n Large parts of what is now southern Andhra Pradesh was until recently Tamil country . When the British created the Madras presidency and Chennai or Madras Pattinam became a huge commercial center, Telugus started to move in their millions for employment and better prospects into the northern Tamil country including then Madras city and gradually became the majority in these areas and made the Tamils a minority or even displaced them. When the fight for Telugus areas of the former Madras state to secede started , the Telugus wanted the entire northern Tamil Nadu north of Madras city( this included Tirupathi) including the city of Madras. The then so called Tamil leaders were weak, just like in Sri Lanka. Already large parts of historic Tamil majority country had been given to Karnataka. The then Tamil majority huge Idduki region was given to Kerala , due the influence of Kerala mafia. Telugus were already arrogantly proclaiming and shouting ” Madras Mamathe” meaning Madras is ours. It was Rajaji a Tamil Brahmin .

          • 4

            Already large parts of historic Tamil majority country had been given to Karnataka. The then Tamil majority huge Idduki region was given to Kerala , due the influence of Kerala mafia. Telugus were already arrogantly proclaiming and shouting ” Madras Mamathe” meaning Madras is ours. It was Rajaji a Tamil Brahmin . who finally stood firm and put a stop to this madness by stating enough. The important port city of Madras and all the lands north of that upto Nellore will remain in Tamil hands and the Telugus can have the historic Tamil temple of Tirupathi an d the ancient Tamil lands north to it , where they have now become the majority . He correctly calculated that saving the City of Madras for the Tamils was more important strategically and commercially , than the temple of Tirupathi and the lands immediately north to it , that was historically Tamil but now largely inhabited by Telugus.

            • 2

              All this backward slides of Tamils you describe is due to any cultural trait of the Tamils? Any sociological explanation,?
              If not for this small minority in Lanka trying to set up the head quarters of Ealam in Jaffna I have great respect for Tamil culture ( minus caste system of course) and their vast literature.


              • 3

                Tamils are not sliding backwards but other racists and anti Tamils both in India and in the island, want to destroy the Tamil language and people and harm them as much as possible , as they suffer from some form of inferiority complex .Especially the speakers of its daughter languages. and many so called Aryan supremacists. They feel the still and thriving Tamil language and culture , as an affront to them , their origins and to Aryan Sanskrit. If Tamils and Tamil people live , then they are constantly reminded of their true origins of being offshoots of the Tamils and they do not like this. The worst amongst these are the Sinhalese. You are a good example of this. Always pretending to be reasonable but racist and diabolical to the core.

                • 3

                  Thanks to the British and many other nations , including India, the Sinhalese have been given the power to marginalize and destroy the island’s Tamils and the world is doing nothing about but just shedding crocodile tears . If what had happened to the Eelam Tamils had happened to others, they will be a hue and a cry , like what had happened in Bosia, East Timor and now in Hongkong. The Tamils in India are now safe and powerful , their remaining lands and borders now secure.
                  What do you mean trying to set up Eelam in Jaffna? Listen racist creature . Eelam always existed , including Tamil Eelam. Eelam is ancient name for this island . The Sinhalese word Hela is a corruption of this ancient Tamil word. It is not the Tamils who trying to set up anything in the island , as Jaffna and the NE of the island has always been ours but Sinhalese racists like you deny and destroy the rich Tamil history and culture in the island and are usin g the might of the state to steal the Tamil lands in the north and east from the Tamils and create some form of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist land.
                  Remember countries like Ceylon and India are creations of the British and they never existed until they arrived.

              • 2

                Soma the Sinhalese racist Eelam was always there and Tamils have always lived and ruled their lands in the north and east of the island for thousands of years and are not trying to establish anything but are trying to save these lands and safe guard them from state sponsored Sinhalese racism and attempts to destroy them and Sinhalize them with fake history. From when did trying to save your lands from evil people and racists either in Sri Lanka or in India become backsliding? It is you and the Sinhalese who are backsliding , just like what the Sinhalese beach boys do

                • 1

                  Gone nuts?
                  Refer back to your own comments,? You cited various instances of Tamils receding and I asked why?

  • 19

    In principal, religion & politics should not mix. Religion provides solace & spiritual guidance, through which, hopefully, we should better ourselves in our thoughts & acts but we live in times of hypocrisy. Most generous donors to religious causes have made their fortune from exploitation, corruption & even extortion but, maybe, due to troubled conscience or as a facade to hide their darker side, embrace religion publicly. The Mafia were generous donors to the catholic church & the Vatican even laundered money for the Mafia. In this context, Cardinal Ranjith followed traditions & the acceptable norms of ‘optimising’ the benefits from govt. patronage, which, until now, was enjoyed only by some privileged Buddhist monks. Seems the corrupt influence of the Rajapakses have spread to a house of god in SL. Surprised?

  • 2

    I fail to understand in what context did the author want to write this article about the feelings of Catholics in Sri Lanka from time to time and the responses of Cardinal Ranjith as seen by the author along with the controversy surrounding Harin Fernando. It ends up by saying “Is it a Cardinal Sin?”. Incidentally there was a Cardinal in the Philippines by the name Sin. Did the author allude to that or one of the deadly sins and if so who has committed the sin. The author fails to refer to the significant role played by Cardinal Ranjith in dousing the feelings of the public aftermath of 4/21, if not the country would be in flames. Where the President and the Prime Minister of the day failed the Cardinal did. That outshines all other activities of the Cardinal listed in the article. The author should have referred to that and ended up by saying “Is it a Cardinal merit?”.

    • 4

      Aristotle (384 BCE – 322 BCE): “One swallow does not a summer make’. Good for you : That outshines all other activities of the Cardinal. So all is forgiven.

  • 4

    All Political big heads, Cabinet-including Tamil ministers, Oppositions like Royal Family-Sumanthiran, even many family members of these guys, many levels and divisions of Defense and police, many related Indian, Saudi, Pakistan like embassy staffs-local and all diplomats, probably all Western Embassies and a lot others have a chance of knowing about the attack. As result Australia, New Zealand to China, India all countries sent their detectives to carry out their review of 4/21 to find out what happened. 4/21 was the well-known incidence to IC beforehand & well investigated (Even more thoroughly than 9/11) by international community. It was like Mullivaaikkaal; entire world was sitting and watching when it was happening. Russian, American, Chinese satellites might have photos of these blasts. There is lot of chance many sources warned Cardinal Malcolm about the attack. As it was planned only on Tamil Churches, he had a chance of not acting on that. Pope has to have and investigation carried in Rome and punishes all Lankans who have blood on their hand on 4/21. The investigation has to have special reference to the activities of Cardinal on that. Pope should not wait political murders like this become normal like the sexual abuse of children and Church lose sanctity. Otherwise it will be Papal Sin.

    • 5


      • 1

        Anything is amusing for blind and bored refugees by Covid-19 Curfew, not just elephants.

        • 2

          Not as amusing.
          BTW, is your text on CT Braille Pages for your target audience?

          • 1

            Good invention it seems.
            But before I answer your question, you start to answer others question too. In your obscure technique of hiding behind Munthanai, you seems to pretend that you have read and understood something that I have written. For your safety of hiding behind Munthani you don’t want to come forward and say what was your bliss out of my writing.
            The famous Blind, as usual, could not read my writing, probably because it is not Braille. Please get that fact first. Do you?

            • 1

              It is getting longer

              • 0

                ” It is getting longer”
                Probably too much feeding during Covid1-19. Cut it down.
                Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… Too old for all those activities?
                (absolute clown is thinking that is the only smart one in the world. )

    • 5

      “As it was planned only on Tamil Churches,”

      Tamil LTTE terrorists used Churches and Schools to attack Sri Lankan Army expecting return fire that could damage churches and schools and cause casualties so that they can charge SL Army for committing war crimes.
      I heard that J.R, Jayawardene sealed Cochhee Kadei church because LTTE used the church to store bombs, arms and ammunition. Tamil Catholic clergy openly supported Tamil terrorists.

      “As it was planned only on Tamil Churches,”

      • 5

        Is there no way to go forward? Is it always going to be because America did war crime, so you did war crime to Tamils? War crime provision of UN apply to two warring armies. UN treated LTTE as soldiers, only to reduce the severity of the crime committed by Rapist Army. Otherwise only one way; if a country’s army killing a community of its own citizenry is a Genocide. That comes under direct jurisdiction of R2P, peacekeepers and UN should have separated Tamils from Sinhala Buddhist Aanduwa.

        • 3

          Sri Lankan Army killed Tamil terrorists who were slaughtering unarmed civilians. The problem arose because there were many LTTE cadres in civilian cloths.
          if a country’s army killing a community of its own citizenry is a Genocide.

      • 3

        “I heard that J.R, Jayawardene sealed Cochhee Kadei church because LTTE used the church to store bombs, arms and ammunition. Tamil Catholic clergy openly supported Tamil terrorists.

        You have anything to say about Navli Church Massacre?

  • 10

    Cardinal is a foreign agent. I say this because he was not elected by Sri Lankans but appointed to this post by a foreign Pope. Hence Cardinal is a “Foreign Agent”. As a foreign agent he has violated Sri Lankan laws in actively participating in politics.

    Cardinal for the “santhosams” he got from Rajapakses is today “Kade Yanawa” for Pohottuwa.

    He will be written in history books as one who greatly hurt the Catholics as he has added another voting group by separating the Catholics from the traditional Tamil and Sinhalese groups and forming them as “Catholic” voting base.

  • 12

    Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

    ” Tamil Catholic clergy openly supported Tamil terrorists”

    The Sinhala Catholic clergy and Sinhala/Buddhist saffron brigade supported the Sinhala state terrorists and some support was forth coming from Muslims and Tamil supposed socialists. While the Sinhala/Buddhist state terrorists wore noola offered to them by members of the saffron brigade they were indeed relied on Tamil gods.

    For example while the Koneshwaram temple is being Sinhala/Buddhistised, army commanders are being offered special poojas by Poosari (coerced?) by minions. Commanders always visit temples flanked 15 in uniform and weapon carrying Gundas.

  • 7

    I don’t know where to begin unpacking this extremely stupid piece of writing. Malcolm is from the village. He is what the elite would call a game goddeya. The only way for him to rise successfully within the catholic hierarchy was to embrace the prevailing dogma of the catholic church at that time under JP2 and his successor Ratzinger. These two Popes came from the far right and there is a parallel that can be drawn between these two Pope’s right-wing agenda and the emergence of right-wing dictatorships both in Sri Lanka and other countries such as the USA under Trump, Poland, Romania, Uganda etc. The darlings of the Catholic church at that time was an organization known as Opus Dei. Malcolm is a member of Opus Dei. Opus Dei was founded in Spain immediately after the Spanish civil war which was won by the fascist dictator general Franco with the backing of Adolf Hilter. The German Luftwaffe ( Air force) used the Spanish civil war as a practice run for the second world war. Opus Dei flourished under the Spanish dictator and began to push ideologies such as anti-reform, anti-liberation theology. They tried to roll back the Vatican 2 reforms while promoting such things as the Latin mass. With the appointment of JP2 Opus Dei obtained favored status.

  • 12

    Malcom adopted the Opus dei creed and naturally won the favor of the Catholic hierarchy while far more qualified and learned Sri Lankan priests were ignored or censored such as the late Fr Thissa Balasuriya, Rev Dr Dudley Perera for example because they refused to accept the nasty extreme right wing agenda of this organization within the Catholic church. Mahinda Rajapakshe visits the Vatican and is asked to name a favor he wished for by the then Pope. Knowingly he asks for a new Cardinal. When it came time to recommend a name he promptly puts forward the name of the former game baiya now elevated in status. This was a master stroke in manipulation by the Rajpakshe junta of murderes and rackateers a fact that seems to completely escape the delusional Primus Salgado. The right wing ideology has finally been broken in the Catholic Church. It was forced out by the sexual abuse scandal that was kept covered up by the two right wing Popes JP2 and Ratzinger. The later was forced to retire when he realized the extent to which the sexual abuse scandal had spread even within the Roman Curia itself where according to some investigations up to half the monseigneur’s and Cardinals are homosexuals. Most Sri Lankans are blissfully unaware of any of these facts. It is how the Catholic vote was delivered on a platter to a dictator even though the culprits of the bombings had the backing and ties to Gotler and Sirisena. Malcolm will surely go to hell for his sins.

    • 3

      There seems much oversimplification in the narrative.
      There is a limit to what an non-Catholic political leader can extract from the Vatican.
      Tissa Balsuriya (1924-2013) was a Liberation Theologian a category barely tolerated by the Church then). Things as pointed out by you hachanged for the better since Pope Francis was elected in 2013.
      Rev Dudley Perera (1937-2017) I learn from an obituary was out of the island around the end of last century after serving for long at Ampitiya as Professor of Sacred Scripture. Comparison with these two eminent priests is not appropriate.
      Opus Dei (accused of ultra-right leanings) has been controversial since early days. I am confused how someone associated with Opus Dei won the favour of Pope Francis.
      Corruption in the Vatican is quite another matter. Mystery still surrounds the death of Pope John-Paul (a very progressive Pope) 33 days into his reign as Pope.
      How will any of there prove that an MR conspiracy helped the rise and rise of Cardinal Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith?.

      • 0

        Malcolm was appointed secretary to the congregation for Devine worship and the Discipline of the Sacrements in 2005 and served in this role until 2009. He was then appointed cardinal in 2010. All under pope Benedict(Ratzinger) the right hand man to John Paul the second resposible for the saxual abuse cover ups and cracking down on liberal clergy. Pope Francis was appointed pope on the 13th of March 2013 AFTER Malcolm became cardinal. He certainly did not promote him or encourage right wing ideology since his appointment. Get your dates right. The other tow learned priests I mentioned suffered great humiliation under John Paul the second who reigned as pope fora very long time form 1978 to 2005. One was excommunicated while the other after being side lined left Sri Lanka is disgust at his treatment. Once again get your dates right. Or are you just another Rajapakshe acolyte hoping to sow confusion? Siva Sankaran Sharma you are indeed an idiot try to comment on topic. We know St Thomas came to Kerala. We now that is where Christianity in this part of the world began. Please shut up about the Tamil christians and go comment about it where it is relevant.

  • 10

    A load of rubbish. This writer equates Catholicism in the island with only the Sinhalese and the Sinhalese ethnicity , when half the Catholics and Protestant Christians in the island are Tamil. Even 90% of the so called present day Sinhalese Catholics , especially the ones living along the so called Catholic belt , along western and north western coast , are of very recent Tamil ancestry. A generation or two ago all their ancestors were Tamils and this includes this Cardinal now espousing Sinhalese racism and nationalism and the author of this article . The most important Catholic shrine in the island Madhu is in the Tamil country . Even the so called largest Catholic Diocese in the island Kochi Kade( which is a Tamil name Kochi Kaddai) is largely populated by Tamil and not Sinhalese Catholics and if you go the St. Anthony’s KochiKade most of services are conducted in the Tamil language , This is why Islamic extremists targeted this church when the mass was being conducted in Tamil. In South Asia the arrival and establishment of Christianity from ancient times , has been associated with the Tamils and not with other Indian people. When Christianity arrived in Kerala as well to other parts of the Tamil country 2000 years ago , all this land was Tamil . No other ethnic group lived there.

    • 4

      Thiruvithamcode Arappally (“Royal Church”; Tamil:திருவிதாங்கோடு அரப்பள்ளி; Malayalam:തിരുവിതാംകോട് അരപ്പള്ളി;), or Thomayar Kovil or St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, is a church located in Thiruvithamcode in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu state in India. It is believed by the Christian communities in Kerala that the historic Thiruvithamcode Arappally, also called Amalagiri church as named by the Chera King Uthiyan Cheralathan, was built by St. Thomas, known as the Apostle of India, in 63 AD It is believed to be the world’s oldest existing church structure, and believed to be built by Thomas the Apostle in 57 AD, and is now declared an international St. Thomas pilgrim center.
      It claims to be the world’s oldest church that still has daily prayers and India’s oldest church that hasn’t been reconstructed till now. The church has three main parts built in the 17th century and a 20th-century entrance hall. Its walls are built of locally quarried stone, chiseled with a multi-tipped chisel, a technique known in Kerala and possibly introduced there by foreign contact in the 16th century.
      The church today is maintained by the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, Baselios Marthoma Didymos I proclaimed the church as an international St. Thomas pilgrim center on 16 December 2007. The oldest existing church in the world , though not consecrated now exists in Tamil Nadu.

  • 0

    This so called Sinhalese Cardinal only represents Sinhalese Catholics and only cares for them but not the Tamil Catholics who make up half the Catholic Tamil population . He cared two hoots when the Rajapakses and the Sri Lankan armed forces committed war crimes and killed thousands of Tamil Catholics in the Vanni in May 2009 , in fact he was pretending nothing happened and was deliberately misleading the world and the Vatican. Neither did he care when Islamic extremists and organizations , again aided and abetted by the Rajapakses were clearing the Wilpattu corridor and were settling foreigners and outside Muslims on Tamil Catholic lands , on the fake pretext of settling displaced Muslims. He is just playing Sinhalese racist politics and dancing around with Sinhalese racists and Buddhist fanatics. He does not represent the Tamil Catholics in the island and Tamil Catholics want their own leader and not some Sinhalese racist , nationalist , to represent them. Vatican should note this .Otherwise we will consider the Vatican does not care for the Tamil Catholics in the island just the Sinhalese

    • 0

      Sorry Tamil Catholics make up half the Catholic population in the island

  • 7

    Pala, I admit I am unaware of the facts you had mentioned. But one thing is for sure, in the U.S churches are heavily involved in politics and they influence their followers, in voting for republic presidents (right wing). It is a known fact Bush, Jr and Trump were immensely helped by churches in getting elected. Some of them canvassed in public during Sunday Mass, religious congregations, mailed personal letters advising to elect republic presidents/candidates, collected money for election purposes, made regular house visits to campaign under the pretext of religious discourse, digital use for false propaganda (some claimed Hillary is for abortion and who ever voted in favor are anti Christ and will be cursed to suffer in Hell). Our Cardinal is no different. A guy who could not see the suffering of his own people,churches with refugees came under attack, few of the fathers were arrested,some killed/disappeared, nuns were raped, but some how came out of slumber to save the country from another 1983. It was an election stunt to earn confidence,(which was lacking until then) so that he could influence later at the time of elections. There is enough comments he had made later which are give away signs of his collusion.

    • 4

      It is not a major disagreement, but about some important details.
      From what I gathered recently and knew already, Republicans enjoy the support of the Mormons and most Evangelist churches (except the 7th Day Adventists and the rather apolitical Jehova’s Witnesses). The mainstream Churches are divided in their party loyalties.
      The Bible Belt is notoriously conservative, ‘religious’ and rather racist.
      Your statement ” But one thing is for sure, in the U.S churches are heavily involved in politics and they influence their followers, in voting for republic presidents (right wing)” would be more precise if reworded to reflect the reality that it is the Mormon and Evangelist churches that support Right-wing Republican politics.

  • 7

    As per this author the Catholic denomination in the island is exclusively Sinhalese , from when? Why is there a move to forcibly convert the island’s Tamil Catholics , who are equal in number to the so called Sinhalese Catholics , most of whom have a recent Tamil ancestry , to the Sinhalese ethnicity . just like what happened to the poor Tamil Catholics who lived along the western coastal belt . We all know that the so called western Sinhalese Catholic belt had a very recent Tamil history ., You can still feel it in the place names , the people , the looks and the familiarity with the Tamil language , especially from the so called Sinhalese living from Negombo northwards. We all know who Srimavo forcibly converted all Catholic Tamil medium schools along the north west coast to Sinhalese medium schools overnight with the schools take over and she was backed by racist Sinhalese Catholic clergy. Priests , Bishops and Cardinals should only concern themselves with priestly duties and not dabble with politics , especially racist politics and be bribed to do so with buildings and other perks , as admitted by this article . This Cardinal and the southern Catholic are now becoming increasingly Sinhalese centric and racist , only are concerned with Sinhalese rights and privileges and seen siding with Sinhalese racists and war criminals.

    • 5

      The Tamils , especially the Tamil Catholics and Christians now are getting increasingly annoyed and frustrated , as they correctly feel that the Southern Christian/Catholic establishment does not represent them , their interests or rights or even fight for this but are seen as co partners of the racist Sinhalese state and establishment to marginalize them and deny their rights. Especially this Cardinal and his acolytes in the Catholic establishment. This article again is proof of this . Oozing with Sinhalese racism and pride. They have kept quiet when horrific war crimes and human rights abuses were committed on thousands of their fellow Christian/Catholic Tamils by the Sri Lankan state and even now keep silent but very vociferous about Sinhalese rights. This is not a Church for the entire island but only for the Sinhalese. We Tamils do not want this Cardinal or the Southern Christian /Catholic churches to over sea our interests or dioceses/parishes but our own heads of churches and divisions , separated from these Sinhalese centric Colombo and centered in the north or east. Tamil Catholics were counted like flocks to obtains a position , as a Cardinal for this racist Sinhalese priest , who has increasingly shown that he does not care for us but only the Sinhalese state.

  • 9

    There is no doubt that Cardinal Malcom Ranjith is biased and on the side of SLPP which is a racist institution. He is of more of a Sinhala than a true Christian or true Srilankan. He was not interested in finding the truth behind Easter bombing because the attack was planned successfully to avoid any impact on Buddhist Sinhala. He was so quick to put the blame but very reluctant to find the truth. He never worried about Tamil Christian victims of those who were handed over to the Sinhala military by Christian Tamil mothers at the end of war in front of Christian priests.

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