15 January, 2025


WikiLeaks: In 2007 MCC Made Sri Lanka Ineligible Due To Ongoing Human Rights Violations

“In response to the escalating violence and growing human rights problems, the U.S. has taken a number of steps to signal our displeasure. In December 2007, the Board of the Millennium Challenge Corporation removed Sri Lanka as a country eligible for MCC lending for 2008,” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Cartoon by Shanika Somatilake

“In December 2007, the President signed into law section 699g of the Foreign Operations bill, which prohibits all licensed defense exports to Sri Lanka with the exception of a carve out for air and maritime surveillance equipment (see paragraph 8). In early January, the Department of State publicly expressed concern about the GSL’s decision to withdraw from the CFA. We have consistently voiced skepticism about the feasibility of a purely military solution, while expressing our support for a negotiated settlement. We have also encouraged the GSL to allow an expanded presence of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. However, we have not limited ourselves merely to criticizing the GSL’s human rights record, but have sought to engage government forces in ways that will help them improve. One example of this was the help we have extended to the military justice sector through the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies, which we hope to follow up on in 2008.” the US Embassy further said.

Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked US diplomatic cable from the WikiLeaks database. The Confidential cable dated January 14, 2008 was written by then US Ambassador to Colombo Robert O. Blake.

We publish below the cable in full:

B. COLOMBO 0015 Classified By: Ambassador Robert O. Blake, Jr., for reasons 1.4(b,d).

1. (C) INTRODUCTION: Your visit comes at a defining juncture for Sri Lanka. With the abrogation of the 2002 Cease-Fire Agreement (CFA), we expect to see an escalation in fighting and further deterioration of the human rights situation in the coming months. The Sri Lankan military is a key player on both fronts. The military is a strong supporter of cooperation with the U.S., despite recent legislation to limit U.S. military exports and our decisions to refuse training to some Sri Lankan nominees because of human rights and Leahy considerations. Our top priority is to encourage the government to pursue a negotiated political solution to the conflict, rather than relying on a purely military strategy, and to improve its human rights record. Your visit can help us deliver the message that progress toward a negotiated settlement and human rights will allow us to engage more with the Sri Lankan military. End Summary.

GSL Decides to Terminate the CFA 

2. (C) On January 2, the cabinet decided to abrogate the CFA. The government says they withdrew from the agreement because it had been rendered meaningless by constant LTTE violations. Post believes that, while it is true that both parties were guilty of frequent CFA violations, the timing of the government’s decision to withdraw had more to do with meeting the demands of the Sinhalese nationalist JVP party. In December 2007, the Government was able to scrape together enough support to pass its proposed budget, because of the last-minute decision of the JVP to abstain. Defeat of the budget would have meant new general elections and a new government. In return for their support, the JVP made several demands, including abrogation of the CFA, a ban on the LTTE (it is not technically a proscribed organization in Sri Lanka), a shrinking of the jumbo-sized cabinet, and a reduction in “interference” by western countries and international organizations in Sri Lankan affairs.

Government Believes it Can Win the War

3. (C) The Government has convinced itself, and a large portion of the Sinhalese population (who comprise 75 percent of the country), that it can defeat the LTTE militarily. The government is pressing the LTTE on several military fronts – Mannar in the west, Omanthai in the north-central province, by carrying our near-daily aerial bombings, and through stepped up “deep penetration unit” activity. They are likely to open up a new front on the eastern side of the Vanni. Although the GSL currently has the upper hand and has seen some success – especially the “liberation” of eastern areas from LTTE control by mid-2007 – the government continues to underestimate the LTTE’s capacity to fight back. As the LTTE comes under increasing pressure, the LTTE is likely to resort to more frequent terrorist attacks on political and economic targets in the South. Only when both sides are persuaded that peace is the only option will Norway and the Co-Chairs have the chance to get them back to the negotiating table. Many months and much more blood will be shed before that happens.

Political Plans Less Clear

4. (C) Senior leaders are less certain of their political strategy. The GSL claims the All Parties Representative Committee (APRC), a parliamentary group tasked with developing a political solution, will announce a new devolution proposal on January 23. However, the government lacks the two-thirds parliamentary majority needed to implement such a proposal and the JVP announced over the COLOMBO 00000066 002 OF 003 weekend that it opposes any action by the APRC at this stage. There has been some recent movement toward implementing the 13th Amendment to the constitution, a plan for limited devolution and local representation that was passed over twenty years ago, but never put into action. While we see implementation of the 13th Amendment as a good first step and confidence-building measure, it cannot be an end in itself or a substitute for a negotiated political solution. One laboratory for implementing the 13th Amendment will be the Eastern Province, which government forces succeeded in “clearing” of the LTTE presence in July 2007. The GSL is actively discussing devolution of police and other functions to local authorities and holding local elections in March or April 2008. We have told the President and other leaders that it will be impossible to hold free and fair elections in the east while paramilitiaries continue to threaten the local population. It does not appear that the GSL intends to resume negotiations with the LTTE on the basis of the APRC proposal. Rather it appears the GSL will implement unilaterally what it can of the APRC proposals and proceed with its military plans to significantly weaken or even defeat the LTTE militarily.

Human Rights Abuses Likely to Worsen

5. (C) As the conflict intensifies, human rights abuses are also likely to increase. Despite engagement by the U.S., EU and several other countries, we have seen little, if any, improvement in the human rights situation over the past year. Despite our constant urging, the GSL has done little to rein in abuses by its own security forces or allied paramilitary groups. The daily killings and “disappearances” in Jaffna, which occur both during curfew times and in broad daylight, and frequently in government-declared high security areas, have to occur with at least the tacit consent, if not active involvement, of government forces, a point Basil Rajapaksa, the President’s brother and chief political advisor recently acknowledged privately to us. The termination of the CFA and resulting departure of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, the last remaining independent monitoring mechanism, will lead to an escalation in military activity and an increase in human rights violations.

U.S. Actions to Show Disapproval While Maintaining Limited Engagement 

6. (C) In response to the escalating violence and growing human rights problems, the U.S. has taken a number of steps to signal our displeasure. In December 2007, the Board of the Millennium Challenge Corporation removed Sri Lanka as a country eligible for MCC lending for 2008. In December 2007, the President signed into law section 699g of the Foreign Operations bill, which prohibits all licensed defense exports to Sri Lanka with the exception of a carve out for air and maritime surveillance equipment (see paragraph 8). In early January, the Department of State publicly expressed concern about the GSL’s decision to withdraw from the CFA. We have consistently voiced skepticism about the feasibility of a purely military solution, while expressing our support for a negotiated settlement. We have also encouraged the GSL to allow an expanded presence of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. However, we have not limited ourselves merely to criticizing the GSL’s human rights record, but have sought to engage government forces in ways that will help them improve. One example of this was the help we have extended to the military justice sector through the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies, which we hope to follow up on in 2008.

Carve-Out for Maritime and Aerial Surveillance

7. (C) State and DoD were able to negotiate with the U.S. Congress a Section 699 G carve-out for maritime and aerial surveillance, thus allowing us to preserve our most important COLOMBO 00000066 003 OF 003 military program to help the GSL stop LTTE arms imports. As a result, we will be able to continue our efforts to boost the Sri Lankan military’s maritime surveillance and interdiction capabilities through the 1206 program. In 2007, the Ambassador transferred two Maritime Operations Centers for the Sri Lankan Navy, including X-Band radar systems, AIS transponders, a transportable sensor node, and ten RHIBS. You will see these systems in operation during your visit to Trincomalee. We plan to follow up this year with other systems to enhance airborne maritime surveillance and VBSS training. The 699g carve-out will also allow certain direct commercial sales to continue, such as of Beechcraft for aerial surveillance to replace those destroyed by the Tigers in the attack on Anuradhapura airbase. However, most other military exports will likely be prohibited by 699g, including such items as spare parts for C-130s.

8. (C) In sum, your visit marks an important opportunity to have candid conversations with Sri Lanka’s senior civilian and military leadership. Despite our current concerns about the likelihood of intensified conflict and human rights problems, it is important to keep communication lines open and maintain our contacts with the Sri Lankan military. The Sri Lankan military has consistently supported engagement with the U.S. and has welcomed all opportunities for joint exercises and training. They want to work with us, and we want to have them as partners in the future, should sustained peace talks resume and human rights improve.

9. (U) Admiral Willard: Colonel Oxley, Major Orozco and the rest of our Country Team look forward to ensuring a productive visit for you and thank you for taking the time to visit Sri Lanka.


Latest comments

  • 11

    he citizens of this sad sorry made shitty by the likes of the mangy flea-ridden rajapuka hora boru petty crooks have had their privates pawned to various lenders for many a generation to come.
    Their sordid privates are not pawned.
    Value of the Lankan Rupee is depreciated the improvised starving no money to buy no jobs any clothes to wear no proper education for their next of kin no money to pay the electricity bills etc have been further blessed with their godfather’s gift to the world the much-cursed coronavirus will enable them to meet their makers long before their time.
    As for human rights, one can boldly bravely ask what on earth is meant by it.?
    It was thrown out of the window after the SLFP led by Banda seized power in 1956.
    To date, sad sorry shitty Lanka has one of the worst human rights atrocities caused and still performing imbecile nations is now under a kallathoni of a war-criminal president who has quietly set into motion a dubious questionable military dictatorship which is manned by fellow swabasha with many a superior track record as war criminals who are just too afraid to face the war tribunals.?

    • 10

      People today are suffering from selective amnesia. Going back to the days prior to 2015:
      1) Rajapakshes were compared to Gadafi and Idiamin. EU countries, America, Australia, Canada and all powerful nations stood against them. That is why UNHRC branded srilanken state under MaRa was marching to the very same style of a dictatorship. Remember ?
      2)Belarus, Angola, Myanmar and Swaziland were the MANGO FRIEND nations of Rajaakshes. All these countries were caught by CHINESE INVESTMENT INJECTION and let their folks be ruined and named after ” chinese debt trap countries”.
      3)Commonweath standards were violated by Rajakshes by their JUNTA style governance remember ?
      4)Former CJ Dr SB was sacked within 24 hours not respecting the CONSTITUTIONAL provisions at all.
      5) Sunday leader MOST CIRUCLATED news paper s editor and successor were killed and attacked respectively.
      SUCCESSOR left the country for escape her life and now live in the STATEs with his teenage children. All these are yet in the hearts of knowledgeble srilankens but those who behave like SLAVES woul dnot care much about the HUMAN RIGHTs, but just the moments of joy… my gosh this country will be a HELL in a couple of months if BITCH S SONS would be given 2/3 mandate.

      • 6

        You need to be careful with comparisons. Was Gadaffi a ruler a fraction as bad as the Arab sheiks. He did much for the advancement of the Libyan people. Those who see the plight of Libya today curse the West for what it did to Libya.
        This debt trap story does the rounds with little documentation.
        Chinese investments are not always the best for a country. But look at Africa in context. two centuries of colonial rule

        • 3

          (Sorry for the slip)
          Less than a century of colonial rule and over half century of neocolonialism later,
          where was Africa?
          Did the West care to industrialize Black Africa?
          If Africa is industrializing today, check who is behind it.

          • 0

            You mean China could not make Lankawe, North Korea, Myanmar, Angola, Libya, Belarus…….. so now trying make Africa to be the world industrial power house.
            ” If Africa is industrializing today, Is that a usual comic? Do you the rest of the countries’ story? Did you check UN’s forecast on that? Do you know Bengal going to be wold’s filth power house but not Russia or Pakistan? Check it out. Bengal started life on American, EU’s GSP+

      • 1

        Please listen to the statistics… if srilanka can be recovered with its eoncomic problems ?

  • 8

    Thanks CT. The Onion is peeled completely. Inside nothing!

    • 6

      A single sentence comment is a record by your standards, Mallaiyuran. How did you make up your mind to do it. Keep it up.

    • 6

      By the way, did you read this article that I suggested:

      By B. Horsburgh, C.C.S.THE CEYLON ANTIQUARY [VOL. II, Part 1] July, 1916

      We will propose to the Government to change the place names distorted after 1505 by Dravidians and colonial parasites to original Sinhala names. Jaffna will be changed to ‘Yapa Patuna’. If Indians changed ‘Bombay’ to ‘Mumbai’ and ‘Madras’ to ‘Chennai’, why we should not change.

      • 5

        Since you are onto name- hanging now, what about changing these names to the originals in Dutch maps?
        Kalutara to Kal-ture
        Waikkalaya to Waikkal
        Matara to Ma-ture
        Panadura to Pana-ture
        Oh, and what about dropping all those Kerala connections in your own real name?

        • 4

          old codger

          “Oh, and what about dropping all those Kerala connections in your own real name?”

          – and his DNA, genetic markers.

      • 6

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        You can manipulate the name anytime and everytime you failed to get an e******n however, B. Horsburgh based his conclusion not on correct tamil etymological analysis but on whim. There are more than 30 Nigandus in Tamil Lexicon explaining root words.

        One can access some of them in word நிகண்டு.
        Here are some names of Nigandu available on google.
        1.caṭṭamuṉināyaṉār tiruvāymalarntaruḷiya nikaṇṭu
        2. Cūṭāmaṇi nikaṇṭu
        3. Bōkamuṉivar nikaṇṭu
        4. Karukkaṭai nikaṇṭu 5000
        5. Piṅkala nikaṇṭu
        6. Vētakiriyār cūṭāmaṇi nikaṇṭu ………………………………………

        Here are some Tamil Sinhala words:
        வெண்டைக்காய் – Vendakkai
        බණ්ඩක්කා – Bandakka
        Okra – ladies’ fingers

        Battaramulla – බත්තරමුල්ල – Pathar Moolai – Goldsmith Corner

        Use your brain and work it out for yourself, it does not matter if you take another යුගය (era) .

        • 4

          Native (Fake) Vedda,
          Changing Sinhala place names to Demala has started during Dutch period with the arrival of ‘Amilders’. In maps prepared during Portuguese and Dutch rule, almost all names are Sinhala.
          Kokavila became Kokuvil
          Mampe became Manipai
          Batakotte beame Vadukodai
          Hunugama became Chunkkamman

          In 1824 –Valigama
          In 1920 – Valigammam
          In 1948 – Valikamman

          Source: http://www.jaffnahistory.com/Place_Names.html

          • 5

            Blind Eagle with a Tamil Meenachchi . We all know that you are an out and out liar and a Sinhalese racist . I really cannot understand why a Tamil woman wanted to marry you or you fell in love with a Tamil woman , when your hatred for Tamils is so obvious. God does move in mysterious ways. All these names are very Tamil and are pure Tamil words. Trying to give Sinhalese twists to ancient Tamil words and place names and rewriting history is the hobby of lots of Sinhalese racists and fake historians. Very easy as 35-40% of Sinhalese vocabulary is derived from Tamil. It is many Sinhalese places names down south that are of Tamil origin and not the other way around. A mother cannot look like her daughter, it is the daughter who looks like the mother understood. What the Sinhalese daughter is trying to do is to state the Tamil mother looks like her when it is the other way around.

            • 5

              Give you an example of a typical Sinhalese word/place name Borella a suburb in Colombo, So Sinhalese sounding. The origin. from Borelu meaning Gravel, pebbles, a gravelly or gritty soil, chaff (Sinhala); Paral: Pebble, seed in Tamil it is coarse grain, gravel, cowry shell in Malayalam. Parukkai, Parukkaik-kal: Small pebbles in Tamil Paru-ma’nal: Grit, sandstone in Tamil Parl: Pebble in Kota, Paral, Para’l: Pebble, stone in Kannada, ; Para: Pebble in Kodagu, Parelu: Grain of sand, grit, gravel, grain of corn etc. in Tulu . All daughter languages of Old Tamil. Parai means stone in Tamil from which the Sinhalese term Para originates. Little stones pebbles or gravel are called Parukai, Paral, in Tamil , Sinhalese Borelu sounds very similar to Dravidian Tulu Parelu .
              The Tamil cognate Paral comes out with the oldest known usage examples that are found in the Changkam literature.
              Paral meaning pebbles in a water source:
              “Van paral the’l a’ral parukiya iralai” (Ku’runthokai, 65:1)
              “வன் பரல் தெள் அறல் பருகிய இரலை” (குறுந்தொகை, 65:1)
              The stag that drank the clear water in the hard pebble (bedded water source)
              Paral meaning hard gravel or gritty soil:
              “Nedunthear van paral murampin neami athira chen’risin” (Natti’nai 394: 4-5)
              “நெடுந்தேர் வன் பரல் முரம்பின் நேமி அதிர சென்றிசின்” (நற்றிணை 394: 4-5)
              The tall chariot rolled through the high ground of hard gravel or grit, with a trembling of its wheels
              Now you

              • 5

                Now you and your fake Sinhalese historians shut up

                • 0

                  We are preparing a document entitled ‘You Heard Tamil Terrorists’ Propaganda; Now Hear the Truth’ to expose all the lies bombarded to the International Community to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka and Sinhalayo and to get their sympathy to seek asylum.

          • 2

            Jaffna history.com is a fake site with unreadable maps. The real maps are clear and available at Netherlands national archives.
            In the 17th century maps, only “Galkissa” is a recognizable Sinhala name on the west coast.
            Do not try to mislead with a website that you set up yourself.

            • 2

              old codger

              “Do not try to mislead with a website that you set up yourself.”

              People like him are not only kidding themselves but distorting established history of Sinhalese and Buddhists of this island.
              The long term damage is going to be the future generations will be left with no history but more mini Mahawamsa stories created by the likes of Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye.

  • 14

    Sri Lanka is known for human rights violations, has not shown any accountability, nor responsibility, and the Rajapaksa’s always acted guilty by attacking human rights agencies that called for accountability, and investigations, even attacking the officials leading these calls. It was always a case of attacking the messenger, questioning their loyalties, their motives, their associations, their religion, etc. They also questioned the record of those countries that spoke out. It is now a familiar pattern, and now that the Rajapaksa’s are back, we see it happening again. The guilty are always afraid.

    Sri Lankan citizens who have had their loved ones killed, missing, or unaccounted for, had to turn to these human rights organizations, to get answers because the Rajapaksa’s refused to do so. As long as they keep ignoring this ugly record, and refuse to be held accountable, this will haunt this country, tarnish our image, and we will forever be seen in a negative light.
    If we want to keep begging for aid, it will always go against us.

    • 6

      Rajapakshes did not violate human rights. Human rights of Sri Lankan people were violated by Tamil LTTE terrorists who denied the people to live in peace. By liberating people in Sri Lanka from the clutches of Tamil terrorists who terrorized people for three decades, Rajapakshes restored human rights of Sinhala, Vedda Eththo, Demala, Muslim, Malay and all other communities.

      • 8

        Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

        “By liberating people in Sri Lanka from the clutches of Tamil terrorists who terrorized people for three decades, ….”

        Oh please!!!!
        It was VP who with the support of 30 odd countries including Hindia liberated the people from LTTE. However people have immediately been subjected to clan control with enormous force, intimidation, thuggery, ….. and looting, ….

        By the way Read the excerpt below:

        Children sing out to the moon ” Handahamy apatat bat kande ran tetiyak diyo.” — (Mr. Moon do give us a golden plate in which to eat our rice).
        SINHALESE FOLKLORE – NOTES CEYLON (Published in 1917)
        BY ARTHUR A. PERERA, Advocate, Ceylon,

        See how from early age on Children have been trained to expect free golden plate from moon to eat rice (perhaps plate is also free).

        • 4

          Native (Fake) Vedda,
          Hind dians came to liberate Demalu from Tamil terrorists but failed and ran away putting their tails in between their hind legs carrying 1,165 in body bags. ‘Parippuwa’ lost his life.
          Great guy VP kept about 300,000 innocent Demala civilians as a human shield to protect his sss and gave orders to shoot those who tried to escape. Sinhala ‘Weerodara Ranaviruwo’ liberated those civilians. The great guy who put cyanide capsules around the neck of LTTE cadres did not have guts to swallow the cyanide capsule hanging around his neck.

          “See how from early age on Children have been trained to expect free golden plate from moon to eat rice (perhaps plate is also free).”
          Did Demala people refuse free rice, free education and free health service give by Sinhala tax payers. They enjoyed all those free goodies from Sinhalayo and stabbed in the back.

          • 6

            Eagle Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

            “Hind dians came to liberate Demalu from Tamil terrorists but failed and ran away putting their tails in between their hind legs carrying 1,165 in body bags.”

            Not because the Sinhala/Buddhist cowards of the armed forces fought the Hindian IPKF but because the Bata Slippers wearing LTTE’s baby brigades fought them while the Sri Lanka armed forces were hiding behind VP’s bump and their women folks.

            Stupid man do you think cowards like Kamal, Gota, Fonseka, …. Shavendra fought the Hindians? Instead they were killing innocent people especially the youth in the south.

            • 2

              Native (Fake) Vedda,
              If ‘Parippuwa’ and his ‘Henchaiyas’ did not intervene, Sinhala ‘Ranaviruwo’ could have finished Tamil terrorists in 1987.

              Sri Lankan armed forces were not hiding behind VP’s bump and their women folks. JRJ kept Sri Lankan Armed Forces confined to barracks and allowed Hind Dians to fight with the same guys that they trained. JRJ did not have the spine to resist the pressure from ‘Parippuwa’ but was smart enough to teach an unforgettable lesson to the guys who twisted his arm. According to the Defence Minister George Fernandes the IPKF had suffered 1,165 personnel killed in action with 3,009 others wounded. The cost for the Indian government was estimated at over ₹10.3 billion. ‘Parippuwa’ himself lost his life.

              Sinhalayo call this ‘ourage mas ourage pitema thiyala kapanawa’

              • 5

                Eagle Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

                “If ‘Parippuwa’ and his ‘Henchaiyas’ did not intervene, Sinhala ‘Ranaviruwo’ could have finished Tamil terrorists in 1987.”

                Seriously, little islander.
                Had not Hindian IPKF intervened in 1987 perhaps Col Kittu would have walked over Palali camp.
                You should always remember the LTTE’s Bata wearing Baby brigade’s score card, according to Gota Sri Lanka lost 26,000 members of armed forces, another 25,000 severely disabled, more than 1,400 rendered mentally ill, 75,000 deserted.

                Battle of Mullaitivu (1996) – more than 1,400 dead overnight, in Karuna’s Battle of Elephant Pass more than 3,000 killed, ……………. 40,000 troops cornered and above to surrender to the Baby Brigade, Hindian warned the LTTE to stay where they were, drew a line on the sand. Hindia was above to evacuate entire 40,000.

                This is despite your VP sitting on their shoulders. You should be eternally grateful to VP the psychopath for winning the war for MR and getting rid of IPKF.

                • 1

                  Native (Fake) Vedda,
                  It is true that Sri Lankan Armed Forces had casualties but they managed to fk Tamil terrorists who bragged that they cannot be defeated militarily unlike the Hind Dians who ran away putting their tails in between their hind legs. Megalomaniac Piripakaran is rotting in hell because of Sinhala ‘Weerodara Ranaviruwo’. Send a SMS and check how he is doing.

                  • 0

                    Stop your provocations, I think you dont need to exaggerate all these, since people are well aware of that Rajapakshes is now caught by former LTTERs and their tricks. So, no point of you the kind of back lickers of them to do the job going an extram mile. Instead why not you try to go and check your head for the good of your family and the rest that would please your bums ?

              • 5

                Eagle Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

                Stupid man, JR did not confine Sri Lankan Armed Forces to barracks, unleashed the mad dogs on innocent people in the South, resulted in 130,000 deaths/forced disappearance.

                Forget how many Hindians died.
                Your cowards did not engage the IPKF. In fact they were hiding behind VP’s fat bump.
                Now go update your Mahawamsa, “the Sinhala/Buddhists fought Indian invaders with valou, killed 1,165,000 of them between 1987 and 1991.

                Where were you living between the years 1987 and 1991
                perhaps on planet Seth or Tatooine?
                Did you import free rice from planet Moon?

                • 0

                  Native (Fake) Vedda,
                  Why should Sinhalayo sacrifice their lives when there were people willing to do the donkey work. for them. Smart Sinhalayo!

                  “Your cowards did not engage the IPKF.”

                  • 2

                    Eagle Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

                    “Why should Sinhalayo sacrifice their lives when there were people willing to do the donkey work. for them. Smart Sinhalayo!”

                    Please don’t flatter yourself. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

                    The point is stupid man/woman/it, don’t gloat your armed forces did that this and other.

                    When Hindians flew over and dropped Parippu and Chapati floor violating the your glorious SOVEREIGNTY (whatever that is) cowards were hiding behind their women folks. Any violation of space, land, or sea should have been immediately challenged albeit in a small way. That didn’t happen.

                    Please go to your toilet, tuck your head between your legs, and wail. It is not too late to relieve your pain and humiliation (in the hands of Hindians).

                  • 0

                    Eagle brain dead – I thought, I would not stand against you knowing yours is well connected with pathological reasons, but your comments constantnly disturb us.
                    Who are these SINHALAYO you have always been referning to ?

                    When did they sacrifice ?

                    Are RAJAPAKPSKse smart sinhalayo, who have now been trying their hide their tails behind their rear legs – after Karuna amman made it clear the numbers of sinhala soldiers were killed (2000 to 3000 /night)?-

                    Smart sinhalayos would allow national heroes in Cricket be CID interogated and their respect and dignity be damaged to the manner, bitch#s sons of the day contine today ?

                    I think the main problem of the day is RAJAPAKSHE FAMILY nothing else. Let s ask Rajapakshes to seek for ASYLUM in Zimbabwe or the like tribal states so that we the peace lovers could work on the sustainable solutions for our problems. If this would not work, the divine forces would clear it is my instinct. Good bless our nation !:

                    If the bugger family would have been gone out of our sights, things would definitely work for the good of the srilankens, regardless of the race, religion or whatever the other barriers are.

  • 12

    Could Gotabaya be an American Plant in SL so that he will assist US in getting a base in Sri Lanka. Even if US does not get a base at least Gota may block the progress of China. This question arises as Gota who was an American Citizen violated laws of USA by his illegal acts during the period he was the defense secretary. May be Gota agreed to dance according to the US tune to escape the US legal action against him.

    • 8

      Gotabaya was a petrol shed assistant during his entire period of asylum in America. That is why his brother JUNTA LEADER gave him a position of DEFENCE secretary immediately after the bugger became the president of this country.
      So if a MAD PERSON be given a terrible weapon, GOTABAYA started to abuse his power also ordering protests marchers asking for ” some drinking water” and unarmed prisoners not thinking twice. Barbarians and their mind set is only to HARM own people and stand above the nation as WEERAYAS… pleasing the slave mentality of those lackeys.

      • 2

        Gotabaya may have been a petrol shed assistant or indeed a toilet cleaner. Abusing on such grounds is not a luxury available to many Sri Lnkans because they come from ancestrys of menial jobbers (fishermen, footmen etc).
        Gotabaya should be praised and respected for what he DID NOT do.
        He didn’t claim to have studied at Ivy League unis like Harvard and Cornell (as some writers have been accused here recently).
        Gotabaya deserves credit for that merit alone.

        • 7

          Gotabaya deserves credit for what if I may ask you AhamBen ?

          Had there been no such Election Commission re-implemented by previous govt, whowever whatever being said and done about them – would BROTHER DUO ever be able to manage COVID crisis in the country ?

          Surely not, Gotabaya s aim was to holding elections irrespective of pre warnings about the spread of COVID into the country.

          Srilanka as a small country with one single entry intot the country could well be a model if bitchs sons were able to close down BIA as of end of February.
          But they did not care of closing down neither of the containment of the spread of virus within the nation….. they were interested in 2/3 mandate.
          Give us one single good thing the brother duo have achieved as promised on the ELECTION stage…. what happened to them after grabbing the power ?

        • 4

          Aham Ben

          “He didn’t claim to have studied at Ivy League unis like Harvard and Cornell (as some writers have been accused here recently).
          Gotabaya deserves credit for that merit alone.”

          More than 7 billion people have not studied at Ivy League unis like Harvard and Cornell, therefore do they all deserve credit for that alone.

          I never been to any of these Unis, nor have I claimed to have studied there, do I deserve credit for that?
          I love your Sri Lankan little islander’s logic.
          Keep up one day you might discover Artificial Intelligence.

    • 7

      Buddhist 1,
      Your point is really valid. Considering how unscrupulous, cunning, rogue, unethical and dishonourable the whole Rajapakse clan, it is quite possible. Not only the country, they will sell anything and will betray anyone for their personal benefit.

    • 4


      “Could Gotabaya be an American Plant in SL so that he will assist US in getting a base in Sri Lanka.”

      He has been taking orders from Americans since mid 1980s.
      He and his dead squads operated under US/UK defence attaches.

      In appreciation of his loyalty US issued green card in order to protect from JVP and others, according to well informed sources.

      When he was conducting the war (violating all the human rights laws and norms) he was an American, when he contested the presidential elections he was an American, He was an American prior to 2005, …. when he took oath he was an American, …………………..
      Definitely this smart ass self proclaimed strong man is being checkmated by not only America, but China and Hindia as well.

      Lets see how he surrenders to foreign forces and see how many more will be sacrificed for arrogance and false sense of pride.

    • 0


      no doubt about that – as of now, Gota has been dancing to the tune of the amies.
      That was well depicted by that ONE single american – who denied COVID PCR test was not subjected to national laws even if that was a greater violation.
      With Gota s family kitha kin together with ultra CORRUPTED brother Basils family being in the US ( first asyulum seekers and then the CITIZENS) – Gota seems to have no other choice.
      Srilankens – from the grass root levels are manipulated neverthelss by the MANTRA being recited for their favour by HIRU TV and DERANA TV.

  • 6

    I don’t think CT-M************* is needed here because this thread is not any interest of local pundits. TNA did not contest in the Eastern election because of the widespread murders in the daylight, which Younger Brother Prince too had accepted to American diplomats, by the Northern Paramilitary rowdies and Eastern Paramilitary rowdies.

  • 4

    How come SL is eligible in 2020?

    HR violations in 2007 saved SL.

    • 1

      Lankawe is not eligible for GSP+ or MCC. That is because it surpassed upper middle income line. That was decided last July based on 2017 income. But everybody did know 2018 and 2019 income went very low. Exchange falling and grey listing Lankawe by Managala’s 2017 act, LC election sweep by Slap Party, NCM on Ranil, October Revolution by Old King . So so far the countries grant MCC or GSP+ has not implemented any changed. As expected now Lankawe is down graded from upper middle income level. So officially now Lankawe eligible for all those . Lankawe had resolution 30/1 to protect it from War Crimes and Human rights violations. Now Communit Denesh withdraw from there.

    • 2

      Lankawe is not eligible for GSP+ or MCC. That is because it surpassed upper middle income line. That was decided last July based on 2017 income. But everybody did know 2018 and 2019 income went very low. Exchange falls and grey listing Lankawe by Mangala’s 2017 act, LG election sweep by Slap Party, NCM on Ranil, and October Revolution by Old King. So, far the countries grant MCC or GSP+ has not implemented any changed. As expected now Lankawe is downgraded from upper middle income level. So, again, officially, now, Lankawe is eligible for all those. Lankawe had resolution 30/1 to protect it from War Crimes and Human rights violations. Now Communist Dinesh withdrew from there. We need to wait and see the rest.
      This is why in Tamil they say “ Because of the mother’s great penance, the child which was walking is now starting to crawl”.

  • 4

    “Despite our constant urging, the GSL has done little to rein in abuses by its own security forces or allied paramilitary groups. The daily killings and “disappearances” in Jaffna, which occur both during curfew times and in broad daylight, and frequently in government-declared high security areas, have to occur with at least the tacit consent, if not active involvement, of government forces, a point Basil Rajapaksa, the President’s brother and chief political advisor recently acknowledged privately to us. “

    Yesterday British diplomats met Northern politicians to talk about few issues of Tamils. One of them is their security needs.
    What I read in Tamil Media today:
    1). A petrol Bomb was thrown into a house about 8.00PM by Motorcycle gang (Usually paramilitary – Aava.)
    2). Rapist Army has captured some goats from a shepherd boy in Thunukai, beaten him up. He is hospital. His telephone was confiscated for trying to call home.
    3). In Kilinochchi a boy was arrest as he is a terrorist. In Western countries terrorist arrest take place after years of investigation. But this same police and army refused arrest the 4/21 Tamil Churches bombers.

    • 2

      “Yesterday British diplomats met Northern politicians to talk about few issues of Tamils. One of them is their security needs.”

      They are still paying gratitude for licking their sss when they ruled this country.
      By interfering in domestic affairs they are violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

  • 5

    No one can can shoot better on their own foot than Rajapaksas. They got an idiot to file a case against Yasmin Sooka for doing her job and now hundreds of them have got together and signed a petition against Lanka not only giving it more prominence but turning it into next Geneva issue. This is like an accused filing case (instead of proving his innocence) against the judge who sentenced him in the first place. Among many first this will be one more to add. Other will be Mahindananda and Sumathipala (both were found guilty of corruption) together dragging our cricketers into made up inquiry commission, to the amazement of cricketing world and ICC. There are very few who made us proud by bringing glory and now they are made to give statements for hours. (must be giving ball by ball commentery for those who got drunk during the final )Where as patriot Murali says he dosent want to be in politics but would not mind his brother being in it. Will he ,Dilshan and Sanath be called to give their expert comments.

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