14 February, 2025


Not A Single Perpetrator Of Poll Violence Arrested Yet: Elections Monitors

Election monitoring bodies yesterday expressed their concern over the inaction of law enforcement authorities concerning complaints of election violence, pointing out not a single perpetrator of that engaged in election violence since the declaration of Presidential polls has been arrested so far.

Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya

Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya

Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) noted a total of nine incidents relating to election violence have been recorded so far, since the declaration of the Presidential polls, to which includes four incidents that involved the use of fire arms.

The first incident was recorded in Maggona less than two weeks ago, where a UNP supporter who was celebrating the announcement of the common candidate was shot. The most recent incident of election violence has been reported from Divulapitiya where a group of thugs had attacked the home of a resident of the Kudagammana area when he protested against cutouts of Mahinda Rajapaksa being put up before his house.

Meanwhile CaFFE also wrote to the  Mayor of Colombo few days ago, urging him to shed his immediate attention to the display of cutouts that have been put on display all over Colombo without any payment of charges.

CaFFE Executive Director, Keerthi Tennakoon in a letter to the Mayor, pointed out there are over 1800 election cutouts within the CMC limits, of which some are attached to the ground using cement and some that are even displayed within the premises of CMC properties. He has called upon his to take relevant action against these illegal hoardings, but no action has been taken so far and President Rajapaksa’s cutouts and posters continue to stare down at the commuters from every single lamp post in Colombo.

This call by the CaFFE was supported by the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) today where they sent a letter of demand to the Colombo Mayor, urging him to take immediate steps to remove illegal propaganda hoardings erected within the CMC limits. In failed to comply with the demand, the BASL has warned they would proceed with legal action against the Mayor on charges of contempt of Court, non compliance with the law and corruption.

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  • 9

    I don’t think it’s going to work, Because the courts are under MR’s rule and none of them will proceed charges against MR or the companies that sponsored MR to have these posters on the streets.

    But if Maithri wins only the chance that can arrest these illegal propaganda works.

  • 4

    “Hitler” claims that he will continue to be the unlawful President after January 8th. How true, he can with computer jilmart or coup assisted by Nande Master. These buggers are hell bent on holding on to power! Take the saloon door Hitler, sooner the better?

  • 0

    In a free and fair election,you can expect such a thing. But it is not. Therefore it is better work accordingly. Also don’t forget this EC may get “Aatatiya” or stress in the same way last EC got for no reason . Because he has a plan to help other Mahinda at his first opportunity. It is better to remind those who trying to remain in power for ever, about Hosni Mubarak and Egypt. People know what to do next. Yes, wait and see country and people are much superior than one corrupted family.

  • 0

    I predict that the first one to arrest will be the caller that insulted Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage, accusing him of being corrupt!

  • 0

    When the going rate is 100 million for crossing-over M.PP, why cannot
    a dummy EC be “purchased” for a mere 500 million (China finanaces these
    via Basil?)[Edited out]

  • 0

    Darwin says Human evolved from Apes and EC proves it.

    I wonder why this Joker looking invalid election commissioner still holds onto his seat while he did not prosecute a single election violation out of over 2,500 election related violations occured during UVA elections.

    That’s why Gen.Sarath Fonseka said that this EC is a mere Scare Crow, and he is correct.

    This guy should be kicked his as…s and should be send to Siberia for rehabilitation before giving a responsible position.

    He will play the best comedy ever to make MR win during next Presidential elections and I don’t know why opposition parties still trust this Joker to conduct fair Presidential elections.

    Where’s the Police, Judiciary, Mayors, PCs, religious leaders and all others. They are all silence in front of a Crazy gone Dictator. Twenty Million inhabitants control by one Dictator family. Where are the so called Lions.

    I think the people should start protesting and fasting in streets and demand for Democracy, justice, rights and Good Governance in Sri Lanka.

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