By Percy Gajanayake –
The common opposition government looked strong and stable when they started. Although Mr. President seems committed and sincere, the common platform appears cracked and shaky which the MR group is trying to thrive on! Firstly the different groups have different agendas! The UNP will love this victory by proxy, and try to edge out the others! Already we are not sure of the position of Gen. Fonseka and CBK, Ven Sobitha or some Muslim groups etc? Any idiot should know that the UNP would never have come to power for decades (to come) if not for the common platform! MR group knows it.
It is not SIMPLY removing the RRR FAMILY from their seats that matter, but understanding that they are still alive and kicking. First understand that they have their relatives and friends who are temporarily dangling from their power bases. They still have officials who were (are) corrupt and made money for the family while pocketing small (relatively) change, other officials who made money or wielded power! Names like the despicable Kshanika Hirumburegama is sitting tight on Rajiv W‘s lap while FUTA is screaming without any response. It was interesting to see the smiling Hirumburegama at the Independance celebration. Some of the secretaries and Samurdhi officials are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The former NCPA Chairperson was reappointed after she worshipped the Minister and influence from a lawyer from Polonnaruwa. Fortunately sanity prevailed and was removed. However, she is still giving orders to some of Namal‘s Nil Balakaya appointees and a NCPA lawyer as to how it should go obviously for the benefit of MR towards 100 days!
The Commissioner General of inland Revenue, Ms. Manchanayake a close Gamini Senerath associate whose husband allegedly deals with Gamini Senerath’s/MR’s ill gotten money was appointed over seniors overlooking cabinet papers, before the election, which apparently was not an official appointment! What was the gift Gamini Senerath gave her daughter as a wedding present? A gift like what Duminda Gave Gota‘s son! A consultancy given to a lady an associate of PB Jayasundera in the Tax office still prevails??? What is our Ravi K doing about it???
What has happened to secretaries and officials who even got on platforms or arranged meetings to ‘MEET THE PRESIDENT’ at dinner or breakfast meetings at venues like Hilton and Galadari / Taj like 10 days or so before the election? Are these meetings legal under election laws? Who paid the bills? Ministries or Divi Neguma loose cash? Are these officers legally and officially accountable? Are the relevant Ministers, PM or President going to order investigations? Or are we going to sweep it under the carpet and allow the rot to restart?
Some trade unionists working in government especially in the Health sector openly canvassed for MR. They probably have their files with SB or tax files to hide!!
All these guys and gals are still hovering around ministers sucking them to the extreme! ‘yes sir/madam no sir/madam three bags full!’ We have seen this before and will see it in the future. One thing is for sure! These Leeches, and Vavulas (bats) will hang on to anything that suits them, opportunists who will suck blood irrespective of the colour of the skin black, brown, white or yellow as long as there is blood. On one hand these blood Suckers are so ‘flexible’ and may be suitable to all politicians, since they will/can do similar dirty /corrupt things for the new ministers??? Think of these same guys who were UNP stalwarts in the yesteryears, then overnight became CBK henchmen and then MR, and now MS!!! These lizards also change colours like politicians: no wonder one of the same kind.
Are we serious about ‘YAHA PALANAYA’? Or is it just a 100 day honeymoon wanting an orgasm for those in governance? Are these people calculating the odds? Are we seriously thinking and planning for at the end of 100 days? I pity Mr. President, he has to be a great juggler to manage all these balls! I hope he is not depending on Ranil and Co. alone? Already some ministers are talking out of tune, forgetting unity!
Whatever said and done MR got 55% of the Sinhala Buddhist vote! In the General Election MS & Co. will not get Tamil and Muslim seats! Then MR will be a winner with or without the minorities who will then try to get their pound of flesh! The 55 % Sinhala Buddhist vote has to be reduced! Exposure of corruption alone will not shift the vote! Proving it and sending people to jail in 100 days is not possible! All those who did not jump because of files cannot be prosecuted for the contents in the files or how can Mr. President get a 2/3 majority? Of course the big diehard sharks don’t matter they have to be prosecuted! What about people like Basil, Namal, MR and the rest of the family?? One can afford to get rid of Sudu Putha alias Duminda. Mervin is trying to play it safe. Is he he going to be a Crown Witness??
Don’t under-estimate MR and Co. They are now free to strategise with vengeance! They have money to buy people! Already new web sites are popping out against the government. OVER TO YOU MR. PRESIDENT! But don’t block those sites!
BBS Rep / February 5, 2015
Hehehe Percy Gajanayake,
You are talking about politics and politicians in Sri Lanka. A country of the greatest pole-vaulters. All those who did the pole dancing for MR used the same poles to vault over to MS’s side. This is the law eternal in this thrice blessed (or bled) country.
What you ask for or hoping for is not going to happen. Never ever. New ‘achcharu’ party in power and it is business as usual. Move aside and let it happen. This is the law eternal in this ‘Loke Uthum Rata.’
Sama / February 5, 2015
If the writer happened to watch the video how Rajeeva held the press conference,
would never say that particular Prof. Hiri would have been swindling on the lap of him. This was raised by journalist in Satana PROGRAM – pointing out the way the good professor handled it before the gathering was not polite enough-too harsh. You guys- just analayse and bring it by your pen so subjectively not thinking twice about the impact of this kind of formulations – ACTUALLY sad to read those statements so unclean.
Amarasiri / February 5, 2015
Percy Gajanayake –
RE: Of Leaches, Blood Suckers, Vavulas And Opportunists
[Edited out]
“Any idiot should know that the UNP would never have come to power for decades (to come) if not for the common platform! MR group knows it.”
“Whatever said and done MR got 55% of the Sinhala Buddhist vote! In the General Election MS & Co. will not get Tamil and Muslim seats! Then MR will be a winner with or without the minorities who will then try to get their pound of flesh! The 55 % Sinhala Buddhist vote has to be reduced! Exposure of corruption alone will not shift the vote! Proving it and sending people to jail in 100 days is not possible!”
Exposing Mahinda rajapaksa and cronies with facts with Gen, Sarath Fonseka as the true hero, can cut into Mahinda rajapaksa.
The reason why 55% of the sinhala Buddhists voted for Medamulanana MaRa is partly due to his lies and SB gave the benefit of the doubt to the liar.
This time, it will be based on facts.
“Are we serious about ‘YAHA PALANAYA’? Or is it just a 100 day honeymoon wanting an orgasm for those in governance?”
This is the real question. Need to put a few culprits in jail.
punchiniame / February 6, 2015
“The 55 % Sinhala Buddhist vote has to be reduced! Exposure of corruption alone will not shift the vote! Proving it and sending people to jail in 100 days is not possible!” Exposing Mahinda rajapaksa and cronies with facts with ……”
Here is one out to-day, if CT, God knows why, does not edit it out:-
[Edited out]
Amarasiri / February 6, 2015
“Here is one out to-day, if CT, God knows why, does not edit it out:-“
CT may have their own policy restrictions..
Have a Twitter Account and Post it there. A lot of good information and timely information there.
[Edited out]
Go for Hashtags, and any other
#SriLanka #Colombo #Sirisena #Lanka #Corruption #Mahinda #Rajapaksa #Coup
Jagath Fernando / February 5, 2015
The retiring service commanders have become leaches since all of them used to worship former Defence Secreatry to get plum posts post retirement. Either a diplomatic posting or a chair of a state institution or as a secretary of a Ministry is the order if the day.
Look at all navy and Airforce commanders over the last 5 years and all of them are in government employment post retirement drawing a pension and a salary. Some of the Army major generals are no better with many being posted to embassies.
Imagine a service commander being appointed as chair of a state bank??
What is going on?
dcn / February 5, 2015
The present government with its 100 day programme must clean up the corrupt and henchmen of MR’s family and cronies. Some of these people acting as good officials under different minisitries will do more damage against this government and some of them still reporting to their old masters.
The present government has intelligent people at the top and should act fast as already 28 days of the 100 days have passed and the remaining days will fly with the wind.
thondamannar / February 5, 2015
certain Intelligent people of the present government are engaged in a witch hunt and the economy is shrinking with no work being done.
It appears though acting fast is controlled by themselves for this brief honeymoon.
we are waiting …………..
Navin / February 5, 2015
Sinhala racists with Tamil sounding names are waiting with bated breath to see the Maithri government come crashing down. Isn’t that the fact Thonda mannar?
paddy / February 5, 2015
Seems like the only guys who are being made to count steel rods are present or former UNP supporters who stepped out of line … like Tissa Atta, Thewarapperuma and John Ameratunge’s catchers. Justice moved swiftly to get them but dragging its feet elsewhere. Doesn’t this send a message?
Don Quixote / February 5, 2015
You are forgetting that the voters of this Country are a herd of Bovines.
Now that the leadership has changed (something they thought would NEVER happen) watch them desert the sinking Rajapaksa ship !
The general election will be a comprehensive victory for this Government.
Navin / February 5, 2015
Mr Gajanayaka
Rest assured RRR Clique will b buried for good, if the masses are educated about the magnitude of the corruption and looting RRR perpetrated.
You have taken the first step naming and or identifying some rotten apples polluting Cabinet Ministers especially Ravi Karunanayake.
The second step is to set up a website naming and shaming persons who were engaged in corruption, who are now leaching on to the present Government Officials.
Make a list and briefly describe the alleged corruption against each name.
Use the freedom of speech now available.
The Government will have no choice but to take action. The resulting education of the 55% who voted for RRR will vote for them no more.
Any volunteers?
Uthungan / February 5, 2015
“The resulting education of the 55% who voted for RRR will vote for them no more”.
Unless of course there are laws to take care of human rights, trade unions permitted to fight for workers rights and better wages and living standards, by creating employment through building schools, hospitals, houses,transport facilities etc., etc.
Talks and spurious excuses about wealth creation trickling down effect, privatisation checks and balances,voluntary code of conduct are all insipid and meaningless.
If there is to be real progress then the government has only one way of doing it that is with the enactment of laws to enable intelligent planning and strategy for development.
For that to happen all b..s..t talk about race, religion, minority majority has to end.
NAK / February 5, 2015
Don’t panic,just yet. Even though the cracks heve appeared they are still not wide enough for everything to fall apart. But,it is good that you admit the falling apart has begun.
I can see that you are fervently wishing this back door government to do well so that they can win the next election,but don’t you see they are a bunch of good for nothing incompetant nincompoops.
You are right on one thing. Do not write off MR just yet, but you sound bewildered at the prospect!
Ranil Wijeyesekera / February 5, 2015
MR s Files where are they.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 6, 2015
What can Ravi K do about it? asks this Dude..
Good question.
What can Ravi K do about the Galleon Dollars, 3 Million of them first?.
Is it going to the consolidated Fund ?.
Or , is Ravi keeping it as a deposit for a Casino in Yalpanam ,when Ranil gives Sambandan the Eelaam?..
Native Vedda / February 6, 2015
K.A Sumanasekera
“Or , is Ravi keeping it as a deposit for a Casino in Yalpanam ,when Ranil gives Sambandan the Eelaam?..”
Has Ranil got permission from Hindia to give Eelam to Sampandan? Even if your stupid majority inhabitant agrees, Hindia has to authorize it.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 6, 2015
Dear Native,
Ranil gave Vellala Hero Praba the ,ISGA, when the former was just a nincompoop PM.
Surely Ranil has to offer something more substantial than that this time , with his new Executive clout.
And LTTE proxy Sambandan is his close mate, like a blood relative.
And the real blood relative Cousin is all for it now,if the daughter or son can get a gig in Ranil’s all powerful UNP Government in the new Sinhala New Year.
Modi’s brave Army is getting done by Paki Militias in Kashmir.
Would he want your mates Vaiko, Nedu and Seeman to do the same in your ancestral land?..
A M F / February 6, 2015
All the rogues on both sides UNP and SLFP will not receive nomination. MR, will have to form his own party and have all the rogues plus Booroowansa, Alhaj Dinesh (the Gunawardena’s are now Muslims – check who is Omar), Raththaran etc.
The UNP will hold its 35% vote Bank, the SLFP Sinhala Buddhist Vote will be split 60% MS and 40% MR. The JVP, Sarath Fonseka and JHU will have a few seat. The TNA and Muslim Congress will have a few seats in the North and East.
A coalition of the UNP, SLFP, JVP, JHU will hopefully form a Government with the JVP and JHU, preventing corruption. If the TNA and MC join the Government it will be a truly National Government.
Don’t be so pessimistic. Be happy that corruption of this large scale was nipped at this late stage and even if they are not punished let’s ensure that we don’t have repetitions.
Piyal / February 6, 2015
We hear of corruption,but where are the evidence?. Who is talking of cor
ruption?–RAVI K. IS he qualified to talk of corruption with his CWE history and foreign exchange case now in courts.
sundara / February 6, 2015
those who came thro” the backdoor including hiruburegamas know very well how to do it with maithri. it is a simple exercise for them.they will get even diplomatic positions. wait and see. they are shameless to continue even after the downfall of MR on 8th. see how they are clever. they are the fittest and therefore will survive.someone has said they all are qualified to be in that position. but the truth is that there are more qualified and experienced professors in the university system. they all were overlooked. some were professors when UGC chairperson was a young undergraduate.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 7, 2015
Galleon Dollar Ravi was worshipping Lord Kathragaman yesterday.
How cool.
Has Karu become a Hindu?.
And seeking the blessings and protection from the TNA through our Lord Kataragaman who was sent to protect the great majority of the Sinhala Buddhist inhabitant population, which in fact is 5.6 Million according to the latest poll.
And it only the 18 plus population
Wonder whether Sira as the CIC approved the Air Force Helicopter flight to carry Galleon Ravi all the way to Kataragama?.
moderate / February 7, 2015
Madam Hirikithe-gama who has a remote control for the hubby who is a simple Simon can go to any extent to be in the cockpit!