By R.M.B Senanayake –
Recently a group of women professionals decided to protest against the abusive language used by the Chairman of the Rupavahini Corporation Mr. Hudson Samarasinghe against M/s Nimalka Fernando an active civil rights campaigner. They gathered outside the Rupavahini carrying posters. A counter demonstration had also been organized and they too gathered in the vicinity to hoot and jeer at them.
The Police were present in numbers and instead of telling them to lay off pushed the women protesters away to the road. They apparently to protect them, surrounded the women and shepherded them away from the scene. The Police did nothing to stop the counter demonstrators jeering.
Peaceful protest it is a vital part of a democratic society and has a very long and respected tradition in the democratic world. It can be a very powerful campaign tool against injustice and many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy today were gained because people were prepared to go out on the streets and protest.
The United Nations Charter is binding on all member states and we are a member state. . The Universal Declaration is a fundamental document of the United Nations. The declaration has served as the foundation for two binding UN human rights covenants, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the principles of the Declaration are elaborated in international treaties such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. In the Bangkok Declaration adopted by Ministers of Asian states meeting in 1993 Asian governments reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Public protest is deeply rooted in democratic political culture. There have been countless times in the past – even in the recent past – when public demonstrations of support for a cause, or opposition to a policy or government, have changed the course of history. ‘People power’ can be a potent political force, whether at a national or a local level; whether to do with political causes or single issues; whether in support of striking workers or bereaved families, or in opposition to globalization, or the waging of unjustified wars. When people have nothing else to fight with, it is often their solidarity with each other – to stand together and be counted which proves to be their most powerful weapon. These women could do nothing except to protest in the street to exercise their right against being abused by powerful personalities.
However, public protest should not be suppressed by organizing counter protests. The scope of policing should be spelt out so that it does not aid counter protesters and prevent the free movement of protestors and other members of the public, and the free expression of political protest. In the UK I understand that any Counter Protest or Counter Demonstration can be organized only with prior notice and approval of the Police.
So the Police should maintain proper procedures to ensure that legitimate political protest can find a voice. It is a positive duty of Government to see that they do so. They should not under the pretext of protecting the protesters surround them and move them away while allowing the counter demonstrators free play to indulge in their expression of abusive speech. Maintaining the freedom to express dissent remains a powerful indicator of the political health of a nation. This right is facing serious challenges in our society today.
Percy Jilmart / December 4, 2013
What else do you expect from a dictatorship masquerading as a democracy?
Thiru / December 4, 2013
Can this police force, and armed forces ever be cleaned up to do their duties as in the law? Never; their minds are corrupted by successive governments beyond belief!
James Bond / December 5, 2013
Why does Vasudeva Nanayakkara not resigning over attacks on Nimalka – his 30 year partner?
The fact is that Vasu and Nimalka are in a play to mislead everyone for their own benefit! Nimalka pretends to be a great Human Rights activist BY DAY, and by NIGHT she is in BED with the Rajapakse Regime and Vasudeva Nanayakkara!
What a bloody comedy called CIVIL SOCIETY NGOs Sri Lanka has!
Nimalka gets huge funds from a Japanese HUMAN RIGHTS NGO (IMADAR) which she has headed for 2 decades for her DAY JOB, and her NIGHT JOB is sleeping with the Regime VIOLATES Human Rights!
Burning_Issue / December 6, 2013
Sharing a bed should not impediment one’s political ideology.
dhammika herath / December 7, 2013
ever heard of a thing called conflict of interests??
kapu / December 7, 2013
Really !
kapu / December 7, 2013
Bond..james Bond…. please don’t ask politician and their partners, keeps and cupboys(!) to resign and reform. do us a favor.. use your licence to kill and ” bump ” them off.. in the name of the citizens of Ashcharyia .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kapu / December 7, 2013
there regretfully have become ones like those of the twilight zones… to be used and paid and get kicked when their use is over. my heart bleeds for this once respected force, now in disgrace.
gamini / December 4, 2013
It is a shame that Hadda could not be given a Female urine bath like what was given to Mervyn.
sarojini / December 6, 2013
Nimalka heads the women’s thug brigade . Her charachter has nothing to do with the Government . Just take a closer look at the women with her . Thugery is written all over their faces.
Burning_Issue / December 6, 2013
It is a pity that you can only read women’s persona so you believe! MR is the biggest thug in Sri Lanka and you cannot see it; I wonder why? Smearing people with whom you do not agree with is the pastime of people like you. Is this trait unique to Sri Lanka as I do not see such behaviour wide-spread in other countries.
Thiru / December 4, 2013
Sri Lanka today is a lawless failed state presided over by a war criminal and genocidaire masquerading as a president: What else can we expect from this demon or terrorist of a president, and his authoritarian outfit?
Spring Koha / December 4, 2013
This is the norm. When we gathered to hold a candlelight vigil against the excesses of the odious Boddu Bala Sena, sentient men, women and children were (insulted in filthy language) by senior police officers and ask to disperse whilst repugnant men with cameras and videos from the BBS were able to shout their insults and record us demonstrating. Our police force are about as useful as a pork butcher in Beruwela.
I am no muslim / December 7, 2013
Koha, I was there, we’ll be ready for you next time better with choice language and whatnot.
Banda / December 4, 2013
How can you say ‘Peaceful protests’ are not allowed in this country. // The otherday I was stuck for hours along Puttalam – Kurunegala road due road obstruction by several hundreds of people from nearby villages. They were demanding protection to life and property from wild elephants. Somehow politicians and police manage to pacify protesters and clear the road within few hours. We here about semilar protests day in day out. // Protest are taking place freely in this country. So, leave out United Nations Charters and the Universal Declarations etc, if Nimalka and her women wanted to protest they should have done so without any problems. But they should have protested without being pests to Rupavahini customers and pedestrians and passer-by. Besides the road facing Rupavahini is a very busy road. No protester can be allowed to block it even for five minutes. Protesters do not block roads in the UK. If they do police would clear it in no time. Remember! the riots in Tottenham. UK police arrested all the rioters following day and put all of them behind bars. // So, I cannot see what you’re trying to get at. Are you saying counter protesters do not have the right to protest? Cannot counter protest arise spontaneously without being organised? For instant, if I was passing by, I would have joined any protest against NGO sharks.
Yoosuf / December 4, 2013
Banda, you must be a super quality bootlicker for the present regime. Otherwise you woun’t write like a babe, who do not understand the present political climate. Have you ever listen to the talking style of this champaigner (Hudson S) for the lost regime. He should NOT be allowed to abuse anybody let alone women who is doing a yorman service to the nation. Do you ever think of the freedom (speach/ read/ write/ practice/ think etc) lost to the people of this country. The only fault/crime this Nimalka lady done was to speakout that people being depreaved of this freedom. This person HD, wants to name her as a traitor of the country and he give a ‘Fatwa’ that she should NOT be allowed to live. When people like her do not have recourse within the law, isn’t it fair to let her atleast protest.
If you still think that it’s crime to peacefully protest for the in-justice, only thing what we can tell you is just you wait dude, until such one of your loved one trampled by this regime. Then you will start crying and ask for help. At that time THERE WILL BE NO ONE TO HELP YOU OUT. That desperation will let you realise how important that somebody is there to protest/talk/ do things on behalf of the common man of the country.
Banda / December 4, 2013
Yoosuf, Say what you like. But the majority in this country think like me for they look at the larger picture. And that is far better than most countries. You’ll witness it from the coming up election results.
PalmSquirrell / December 5, 2013
So the majority will put up with tyranny in the interests of advancing Sinhala Supremacy?
Banda / December 6, 2013
‘tyranny’ is your interpretation of the work of this government but that’s not the opinion of the majority voters.
Hade Sheriff / December 6, 2013
Stupid Banda talking of elections we know how your Hudda & entire media pump lie after lie & brainwash the ignorant village fools like you, LOL is elections free & fair, full of thuggery & intimidation, opposition cannot put out a poster or cutout, election commissioner to the lowest rank are UPFA henchmen counting
centre observers are chased out by Govt Goons assisted by politicised Police dept.
ruwan / December 5, 2013
Very well said Yoosuf !
Spring Koha / December 4, 2013
Banda, you seem to be a bit slow on the uptake (rather like the eponymous character of your namesake). Protesting about pachyderms, foreign media, (especially foreign media on trains) et al, is fine with our ‘lawmen’. However, whenever a protest takes on a political flavour and is aimed at this regime or its goons, then out comes the khaki force to show their strength. Hudson is, of course, one of the top turds of the regime and it was brave of our fragrant Nimalka to take her on. God bless Nimalka and may she live to fight the good fight!
Spring Koha / December 4, 2013
Oops….apologies….Hudson is, of course, one of the top turds of the regime and it was brave of our fragrant Nimalka to take HIM on. (Apologies to HUDSON for mistaking him to without COJONES – Freudian slip???)
Banda / December 4, 2013
Koha, use the words in a way that I can understand it. You know, I am a simple villager.
Native Vedda / December 4, 2013
Spring Koha ………… Banda enjoyed freedom in his mother country for forty or so years. Now he is comfortably settled in this island in his old age wants to deny freedom to the young and old of this island. ………. British passport carrying kallathoni Banda should be expelled from this island.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / December 5, 2013
ALL THOSE BANDAs are DaluBandas, That is why, they DaluBandas, Haddas and Other Fleas are after Dhaja Jarapassa Clan.
ruwan / December 5, 2013
Exactly, fight the good fight Nimalka ! All the best !
Sumith / December 4, 2013
Our only hope now, Cameroon, Obama, UN … -:)
Anpu / December 4, 2013
Thank you Mr Senanayake. To bring the country to NORMALITY – we need (1) to get rid of Rajapakses (2) many people like you and (3) Media like CT, Grounviews
Uthungan / December 4, 2013
Anpu every sensible person would concur with you about the necessity to bring the country to NORMALITY by getting rid of the Rajapakses.
But why do you include people like Mr.Senanayake and media like CT & Groundviews in the list?
Anyone reading what you have said will raise their eyebrows.
Anpu / December 4, 2013
It looks like there is a misunderstanding.
This is what I wrote
“we need (1) to get rid of Rajapakses (2) many people like you and (3) Media like CT, Grounviews “
“to get rid of” applies to (1) only.
“to get rid of” does not include (2) & (3). i.e we need people like Mr Senanayke and we need media like CT and Groundviews.
I hope I have cleared any misunderstanding.
James Ingham / December 4, 2013
Snowdon Asange / December 4, 2013
what a hooligan of a senior cop..? shame on him… look at how he treats women. sigh… what action was taken against the MEN who were howling and hooting?
Spring Koha / December 4, 2013
Hooligan of a senior cop??? Tsha! you should see him without his trousers at Rosy Akka’s knocking shop in Wanathamulla (the girls cannot stop giggling; why? I don’t know). As for the men who were ‘howling and hooting’, this is our typical Sinhala schadenfreude. As for the man in the clean white shirt cupping his hands and hooting, he is…..someone’s son, brother, husband, father…..and I wonder whether if and when they see him on this clip, they will be proud of him. The rest of the men with him are similarly thick-skinned and shameless and a disgrace to our species. One sad feature of our present condition is that in today’s Sri Lanka, women are given NO RESPECT and struggle to play their part with DIGNITY in public life.
nimal dunuhinga / December 4, 2013
you cannot expect tasty fruits from a barren tree?
ruwan / December 5, 2013
True !
justice / December 4, 2013
In any country,a mediaman abusing a citizen on telivision would have been suspended from his post pending disciplinary proceedings.
That this has not happened shows that the government is behind his abuse of a defenceless female human rights activist.
To promote the government’s action,state goons are activated in ‘counter protest’.
Where is the newly appoionted Minister of Law and Order?
Is this ministry just a showcase?
gaje / December 4, 2013
Dear Bando!
You shameless bum sucker in the same boots as Wimal W, Hudda, or Dr. Padeniya! You are most likely paid by government with the Fukushima, Native Vedda and a few others who surf the CT with idiotic comments! SUBHA ANAGATHAYAK, !
Punchi malli / December 5, 2013
Come on Gaje.
How come Native Vedda belong to the category of the idiots you put ? my god.. I like Native Vedda and his comments. But Banda is an old man from Horana who s been appointed to do the ass kissing tasks for teh MR RULE.
Though the man is said to be now 70 years, he is seen far from any average. Said to have a PHD but in the same time, have abused the funds of poor people as a leepotter man.
Max Silva / December 5, 2013
We all love democracy.Majority rules.Myself being an ardent supporter of CT,has no choice but to go along with you.I totally agree that we have to get rid of that war criminal Jara Rajapakse.The whole bloody family.We got rid of Premadasa,Gamini,Rajiv by courtesy of our guys and the girls.But this Jarapakse character is very different.Lets haul this bugger to Hague.I am sure that David will help us.We are with you.Our boys were carrying white flags.But this war criminal killed our boys.We will do the needful in Geneva.David will do it.But i don’t trust this Obama character. Syriya,Iran!Never trust this Aussie guy.But the war criminal will be a goner.We have madams,Nimalka,Shanthige,Maithree,Eklanigoda,etc along with Sirs paki,Laksiri,Sunnada,etc.Lets get this war criminal Jarapakse to face the music.I am with you sirs and madams.
Last but not least never trust Hudda and Nimalka.My notion is that these two are playing that game”HARD TO GET”.What a lovely couple ,Hadda and Nimalka!$$$$$$$!
Gunadasa / December 5, 2013
Thugs run every institution in Lanka. The Rupavahini headed by the foul-mouthed lap dog is just one other illustration. Now the latest is the judiciary. What more? After the Mahasangha?
Raja Perera / December 5, 2013
Just a clarification to Banda. The demonstration did not obstruct traffic on the road. It commenced opposite the Rupavahini and did not obstruct traffic. It was the Police that shepherded the women demonstrators away from their counter demonstrators to the road, obviously to break up the demonstration. Yes counter demonstrators have a right to assemble too but not to abuse and intimidate the demonstrators. This is why the UK Police want counter demonstrators to get their prior approval. It is high time the IGP studied the UK practice and gave instructions to his men accordingly.Even the practice of shepherding the demonstrators away has some name- I think it is called “kelting” and it is not permitted in Northern Ireland where parades and counter parades are regularly held. Let our Police learn for good practice in other democratic countries
Anpu / December 5, 2013
Thanks Raja. “kelting” – spelling mistake. It is called kettling
Banda / December 6, 2013
Perera, I haven’t witnessed this hullabaloo created by Namalka and co. You must give the credit to police for they have prevented the demonstrators that opposed Nimalka attacking the women with kurundu polu. Remember the spontaneously risen 2”x2” kurundu polu brigade of ManGala and the mayhem they have created. You hadn’t brainstormed these bright ideas then, did you?
Hade Sheriff / December 6, 2013
It is no secret Hudson is a Govt bootlicker & henchmen, in every protest corrupt Govt organize a counter protest.
Chandra / December 6, 2013
Video clip is too short who did this? Where is the rest it just killed the fun. There are are no peaceful protest in Sri Lanka, why that woman got so angry if they are are peaceful they could have just ignored those thugs who were booing. Who is the policemen who do devil dance there? These kind of policemen should be kept in to do paper work inside the police, and don’t forget to provide them a paper shredder otherwise they will get more frustrated.
ponil / December 7, 2013
Soon nimal illankaai [Edited out]