19 February, 2025


On Sri Lanka’s Renunciation Of Its Obligations To The International Community

By C.V. Wigneswaran

Justice C.V. Wigneswaran

Sri Lanka’s withdrawal from co-sponsorship of UNHRC Resolutions 40/1, 34/1, and 30/1, is a disappointment to the Tamil people of the North-East and worldwide. However, this decision comes as no surprise. Minister Gunawardena’s announcement in Geneva yesterday closes a decade. For ten years, Sri Lanka regularly undertook obligations toward the international community—and with equal regularity, refused to honour them. In fact some of us objected to the American Representative to time being granted at the end of the first two years in the absence of any perceivable progress being   made in the first lease granted.

Although Sri Lanka has fallen short of many obligations, its consistent refusal to establish any mechanism of accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide stands out most prominently. The Hon Minister Gunawardene who says “I would like to state with pride that since May 2009 not a bullet has been fired in the name of separatist terrorism in Sri Lanka” has not explained why the Draconian Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary  Provisions) Act of 1979 has still not been withdrawn.

Yesterday’s promise of a domestic Commission of Inquiry only repeats its narrative from 2010—a “new” Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission. Even if Sri Lanka honours this new pledge, the country will still make no progress in the decades to come to ascertain the Truth. These promises hold no value because there is no will on the part of successive Sinhala majority governments to bring out the Truth. 

We urge the international community to respond adequately to this flouting of its collective will. The international community now has a duty to use its powers of universal jurisdiction to charge Sri Lankan personnel at the International Criminal Court or at any other venue competent to hear cases on crimes of such gravity. 

We believe that Sri Lanka’s repeated violations of UN Resolutions, combined with its long record of state-sanctioned abuses against various sectors of the island’s population, justify reference to Article 6 of the UN Charter which states as follows – “A member of the United Nations who has persistently violated the principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the organisation by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council”. 

We call on the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council, to review Sri Lanka’s membership in the United Nations.

Until today, Sri Lanka has failed the World. It is time now for the World to act. 

Renunciation of a State’s obligations today, would be the death knell to the World body tomorrow!

*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran – Former Chief Minister, Northern Province and Secretary General Tamizh Makkal Kootanii

Latest comments

  • 10

    So much for the so-called 2000 year old Sinhalese civilization!

    • 8

      The language itself is at best twelve centuries old, civilisation is yet to begin!

    • 1

      You said we Sinhalese are really Tamils. What does that say about you?

      • 3


        “You said we Sinhalese are really Tamils. What does that say about you?”

        Bothe are the descendants of stupid kallathonies from South India, and both share the same stupid DNA.

      • 3

        ‘Justice ‘ Wiggy speaks all the right things. But if we Eelam Tamils to take him seriously, he should answer following question

        1. Justice wiggy. Who made you a Supreme Court judge?
        2. Did Thalaivar make you a Supreme Court judge? If not so, why?
        3. What have you done all your life, other than serving genocidal Sinhala / to Tamil Eelam
        4 . Write 5 things you did to serve Tamil Eelam
        5. Given your treacherous past, are you willing to make a Public confession and ask forgiveness from Eelam Tamils?

        If not I challenge you to a public debate at Canadian Tamil Congress.

        Tamils quest for Tamil Eelam.

        • 0

          What has CTC has to do with a politician in SL?

    • 1

      ‘Para’ Demalu from Dravida Nadu who invaded Sinhale from third century BC and destroyed Sinhala Kingdoms in the North and East were regarded as their arch enemy by Native Sinhalayo. Despite that bitter experience, Sinhalayo gave citizenship to Demala slaves brought to Sinhale by colonial parasites and abandoned in this country. Yet, descendants of those Demala slaves turned against Sinhalayo who accommodated them and unleashed a terrorist campaign to massacre innocent Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies in order to grab a piece of the country to create a separate State. Due to this treacherous act of ‘Para’ Demalu, Native Sinhalayo suffered for three decades. Let the readers decide who are civilized and who are uncivilized.

      • 1

        “Goebbels – I” — the sinhaloo, the sh*t of the loo,
        You keep on parroting the lie that colonialists brought the Thamils to the island, while shamelessly living comfortably on the dole (retirement pension) in the very same colonialists country, and knowingly covering the unassailable fact that there was a land bridge between present day Thanushkodi in India to Mannar about 800 years back, the presence of which is still visible in NASA satellite images.
        You are incorrigible. You should be condemned as your rabidness cannot be cured.

      • 3

        Potta eagle,
        You always call Tamils “para demalu” , “slaves”, “coolies”, etc. Well, they may be all of these things, but unlike hybrid Eagles, they have a language , culture, and religion they can call their own. The Sinhala Buddhists have an Indian religion, culture and language. There is no such thing as a Sinhalese. All of you are immigrants , not original natives. Even now your patriotic leaders run to India to worship better gods. If you have any guts, publish your real name and I will tell you where in India your miserable ancestors came from.

      • 0

        Difficult to comprehend such degree of hatred spewing out on all sides. In fact, why would the Editor would allow comments that are far removed from the news or commentary item. The goal should be to bring about a much civilised forum for discussion. I am certain many educated people would be turn off by many of these comments.

    • 3

      Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena says at UNHRC, “No one has the well-being of the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multicultural people of Sri Lanka, closer to their heart, than the Government of Sri Lanka.”

      Sri Lankan politics is very strange. When the politicians are within the country and if the election is close, Sri Lanka turns into a Sinhala-Buddhist country. During other times and when the politicians are outside the country, Sri Lanka turns into a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multicultural country.

  • 10

    Excellent message was given to the international community. Yes, powerful international community can
    only bring justice to the Tamil people of north east who lost their beloved ones during the time of genocidal war by racists face of SL govt. Forces and it’s political leadership.

    • 2

      Mervin N,
      Genocide was carried out not by Sri Lankan Armed Forces but by ‘Para’ Demala LTTE barbarians led by megalomaniac Piripakaran Bellige Putha. Sri Lankan Armed Forces carried out their duty to eliminate terrorists and restore peace.
      Ironically, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces who carried out their duty have been branded as war criminals and ‘Para’ Demalu who carried out most heinous crimes against Sinhalayo have turned out to be saints. What a funny world!

  • 6

    Do not forget to mention UN authorities in Lanka currently commissions are one of the main employment source. By that I mean we have commissions appointed on a daily basis where some people get much needed employment. Witnesses, inquiry officers, people who sit in commission, petty staff like stenographer, office boy, printing material, , near by shops which make a living , tuk tuk /transport personal —-etc.

  • 7

    …. Withdrawal from this resolution means Pohottuwa is doomed…….GoTa, Mara, and their entire tribe are all doomed.

    MCC lost …….losing GSP Plus is just around the corner….

    …..——With no support from International Community, 6.9 million Sinhala Buddhist imbeciles will starve to death for the sin committed by electing an uneducated racist lunatic to the helm.

    ———–Full devolution of power to North and East is the only way to go if the Sinhala Buddhist tribe needs to survive …..

    • 2

      If the International Community punish Sri Lanka, Sinhalayo will take the revenge from ‘Para’ Demalu by declaring economic war against them. Sinhalayo can survive with out Demalu but Demalu cannot survive without Sinhalayo.

      • 4

        “If the International Community punish Sri Lanka, Sinhalayo will take the revenge from ‘Para’ Demalu by declaring economic war against them.”
        I’m rolling on the floor laughing, OMG I just cannot stop laughing at this absolutely hilarious comment by a blind bird brain. Ha, ha, ha….LOL! Please keep entertaining us…

      • 4

        Eagle Eye,
        “take the revenge from ‘Para’ Demalu by declaring economic war against them.”
        Are you expecting another Parippu drop? Last time it was India, this time it will be US, UN and India joint operation.

        • 0

          You are 100 correct! that is why I advocated build up nuclear weapons by joining other countries.

    • 7

      “Full devolution of power to North and East is the only way to go if the Sinhala Buddhist tribe needs to survive”. From the dire economic state that they are, even that will not help. A better option is full devolution of power to Tamils and Sinhalese under Indian Union. Then there will not be any necessity for Sinhala Buddhists to beg India for money.

  • 1

    Keep publishing letters Wignaraja. That should keep you occupied in your retarded, oops sorry, retired life.

    I hope at least your close family members and other retarded, oops sorry again, I mean retired, tamils.


    • 4

      Sam Kiri

      What is your point if there is one?

      • 0

        Happy to explain. Sincerely hope you have the brains to understand. Apologies as I am unable to draw pictures and explain.

        The POINT is to suggest Wigna to keep writing letters which in all likelihood are read only by his family members. The idea is to let the fella know that he has no following, no relevance (when he was the CM or now) and his feeble attempts to make himself relevant is not only hilarious but also unsuccessful.

        Hope you understood, and I know you want to thank. You are very welcome.

    • 2

      Sam Kiri

      “Keep publishing letters Wignaraja. “

      Are you advising C V Wigneswaran or an imaginary Wignaraja?
      You know children have “Imaginary Friends” who help them cope in times of stress.
      It seem you too have imaginary enemies. Do they help you cope in times of stress?

  • 3

    UNHRC has no mandate to intervene in relation to the conflict between LTTE and the Government of Sri Lanka because LTTE is a local terrorist outfit. The Government of Sri Lanka had an obligation to eradicate terrorists and restore peace. For any deaths and disappearances, LTTE is responsible. So ‘Para’ Demalu should go after LTTE cadres instead of charging the Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces.

    IPKF committed war crimes but ‘Para’ Demalu are tight lipped about that. UNHRC has the mandate to investigate war crimes committed by IPKF because they are a foreign force. Demala politicians, wake up and lodge war crime charges against IPKF, if you guys have guts.

    • 4

      Potts eagle,
      You always call Tamils “para demalu” , “slaves”, “coolies”, etc. Well, they may be all of these things, but unlike hybrid Eagles, they have a language , culture, and religion they can call their own. The Sinhala Buddhists have an Indian religion, culture and language. There is no such thing as a Sinhalese. All of you are immigrants , not original natives. Even now your patriotic leaders run to India to worship better gods. If you have any guts, publish your real name and I will tell you where in India your miserable ancestors came from.

  • 1


    “On Sri Lanka’s Renunciation Of Its Obligations To The International Community”

    don’t you think that the indo lanka accord is also a obligation to the international community as a first step towards solving the ethnic issue?Then why are you always silent about the partial implementation of that while you complain about the withdrawal of the geneva resolutions by sri lanka?why have you never pushed hard for the full implementation of the indo lanka accord?

    • 4

      Shankar you Sinkalam & Gotha & Poirot lover

      when you see a well written article about yesteryear just enjoy it.Don’t ask for its purpose.however it seems obvious to everyone except paranoid suspicious people that the the author is writing something trivial.

      Leopard can change its spots through evolution(darwins theory,not mine)

      • 1


        thanks for regurgitating and reminding me of what i said in comments in earlier articles.I enjoyed the article but only questioning wiggy on double standards in international obligations.Was not the indo lanka accord a international obligation that the sri lankan government has not fully implemented after more than 30 years?With regard to the leopard changing its spots,look at the panther which is also a leopard.so i did say gota or any other human too can change.That does not mean i am a gota lover.One day either in this birth or next he will have to pay for his sins.Just because we change does not mean that past sins are washed away.

        • 3

          Shankat with all due respect Gotha is a Born Racist and he will never Change his spots Dawin or no Darwin

          1) I enjoyed the article but only questioning wiggy on double standards in international obligations.
          *** Which article are you referring to.

          2) Was not the indo lanka accord a international obligation that the sri lankan government has not fully implemented after more than 30 years.

          This was was not an international agreement and in that agreement between India & Sri Lana and there was no reference to accountabilty or reconciliation only merger of North & East and Devolution of Power. I have asked Wiggy many times to appeal to India to implement 13th Amendment which will stop the issue Colonisation in its tracks.

          2) On Sri Lanka’s Renunciation Of Its Obligations To The International Community”.

          *** This is to do with the issue of Accountabilty and Reconciliation.. We cant move on until those who are guilty are punished and this was Wiggis argument

          3) don’t you think that the indo lanka accord is also a obligation to the international community as a first step towards solving the ethnic issue.

          *** It is a two pronged attack. UN must be responsible for the first which Wiggy is questuioning .
          Then solving the Ethnic issue can only be done by India the only Nation that can make it happen

          • 0


            “*** Which article are you referring to.”

            wiggie’s article of course.I totally agree with what he says and the sri lankan government cannot just withdraw from international agreements just because the government has changed.My grouse is that wiggie or sampanthan did not make the same noise about the indo lanka accord not being implemented for more than 30 years.I think they are listening to the diaspora too much.

            “This was was not an international agreement and in that agreement between India & Sri Lana “

            international agreements formal commitments between two or more countries.Therefore the indo lanka agreement is an international agreement.

            • 2

              Shankar you s…….

              You dont get it do you. Regurgitation leaves a bad breath with ” Palam Pulichal” and you havent digested. How can an agreement with India be an International agreement when only India can implement it. UN is responsible for referring GOSL to ICC and that is an International agreement. This is not palatable as you re a Sinkalam .
              It is a it too much for your tiny brain and if you dont understand ask a Stupid Sinkala Judge and he will agree with you.

              • 0

                “How can an agreement with India be an International agreement when only India can implement it. “

                kali you mumpsimus,you have to go and argue against those who defined international agreements,not me.

                “It is a it too much for your tiny brain and if you dont understand ask a Stupid Sinkala Judge and he will agree with you.”

                i think you should measure your own brain first you ninny hammer.
                those in glass houses should not throw stones.A person who can’t understand darwins theory of evolution………omg!!!!

  • 2

    Saudi Arabia has bombed Yemen to pieces, but no sanctions: https://www.hizb.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/yemen-destruction.jpg. Where did Saudi Arabia get all the bombs and other weapons? From the USA and EU, the same buggers who are asking for sanctions on Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka had a civil war, an internal conflict, whereas Saudi Arabia has aggressively invaded a foreign nation. The problem is that the US is a big donor to the UN. The USA also has a seat on the security council. So the USA is allowed to do anything it wants, such as invade countries like Iraq. Friends of the USA can do the same thing. But only friends. Others, like Syria and Sri Lanka, face sanctions. Bottom line: UN is not an impartial observer, so why should Sri Lanka do what it says?

    • 4


      “Saudi Arabia has bombed Yemen to pieces, but no sanctions”

      If it was wrong, you should have persuaded Sri Lanka to apply unilateral sanctions against Saudi Arabia, and withdraw the services of our poor woman folks.

      “UN is not an impartial observer, so why should Sri Lanka do what it says?”

      Therefore you should forcefully advise Sri Lanka to withdraw its membership from all UN affiliated institutions. That is what US does, it had already withdrew from UNHRC.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka is seriously considering leaving UNHRC altogether. Sri Lanka is prepared to engage constructively. But if UNHRC continuously harp on punitive action then there is no choice.

    It is also imperative that Sri Lanka strengthen it’s national security structures since Tamil separatists would try to exploit the prevailing tensions. No inch should be given to them to subvert SL again.

    • 4


      “Sri Lanka is seriously considering leaving UNHRC altogether. “

      Well done, it looks like another powerful America is emerging in the Indian ocean, given that US has already left UNHRC.
      UNHRC itself cannot punish anyone however other countries can do it for it and for the selective victims.

      “It is also imperative that Sri Lanka strengthen it’s national security structures since Tamil separatists would try to exploit the prevailing tensions.”

      Can you guarantee the people that your national security structures can withstand earthquakes natural or otherwise? Stupid man all your Rana-virus, security structures, single handed generals, leaders, arms, …. cannot sustain a peaceful country forever if your leaders don’t treat the people well. Now you have a braying president (another psychopath) who is on his way to completing a security state, has sent his goons to attack harmless unarmed cricket fans congregating at Sooriyawewa stadium.

      Psychopaths cannot tolerate peace, people being happy, enjoying themselves, ….. remain silent and let the ordinary people go about doing their things.

      It is the goodwill of the people that keep peace.

      • 3

        It is said that the GDP of Tamil diaspora is higher than Sri Lanka. Very soon all these stupid Sinhala patriots will have to beg those Tamils to save Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

          “It is said that the GDP of Tamil diaspora is higher than Sri Lanka.”

          Let us have evidence or study supporting your assumption.

          “Very soon all these stupid Sinhala patriots will have to beg those Tamils to save Sri Lanka.”

          That will never happen.
          As the Sinhala/Buddhist patriots are a proud people they are prepared to die than begging from Tamil Diaspora.

          On the other hand the jealousy prone Sinhala/Buddhist patriots will try harder and harder to destroy any successful people including Sinhalese, Buddhists, Tamils, Hindus, Muslims Christians, …. Tamil/Sinhala diaspora … in that process they are ready to destroy themselves and this island along with its people irrespective of their race, religion region, gender, …………….

          I repeat Sinhala/Buddhist patriots are the proudest people of all people.

    • 4

      After 1948 we have become a very poor 3rd world begging nation. We are begging not only from India and China but from the whole world. We are being dragged down to a poor begging country within a few decades after independence and became the number one supplier of women slaves to the Arabs. The West looks at Sri Lanka as a poverty stricken poor begging nation and according to them, beggars can’t be choosers.

  • 0

    Mr Wiggy has seen the writing on the wall.

    He and his mates both local and overseas now have to beg Ms Bachelette and Ms Sooka to send International judges and Prosecutors and Surveyors to make their dreams come true.

    Because 7 Million inhabitants have clearly told them at the ballot Box, that there are no War Crimes.
    It was only eliminating Mr Pirahaparan and his loyalists who destroyed the Nation and killed tens of thousands of innocent inhabitants over thirty years.

    Also the same 7 Million clearly stated at the Ballot Box that they can not allow just 1 Million of Mr Wiggy’s people to have 2/3rds of our Land Mass although Muslims will swell the numbers to 2 Million ..

    May be Mr Wiggy does not know there are nearly 23 Million inhabitants in Srilanka.

    Also how can a learned person with a Law Degree who claims that all of them 23 Million bar the Muslims are descendants of Mr Wiggs own ancestor King Deva Nadan Piyatheesam ask for even 1/4 of the land mass just for his Vealla Clan?..

  • 4

    KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

    “Also how can a learned person with a Law Degree who claims that all of them 23 Million bar the Muslims are descendants of Mr Wiggs own ancestor King Deva Nadan Piyatheesam ask for even 1/4 of the land mass just for his Vealla Clan?..”

    Go read DNA research done by scholars.
    Language isolates and their genetic identity: A commentary on mitochondrial DNA history of
    Sri Lankan ethnic…
    By Gyaneshwer Chaubey
    Journal of Human Genetics · November 2013

    Excerpt from concluding Para:

    From this study it is apparent that ;
    (1) considerable number of maternal lineages of Sri Lanka is shared with India, more
    precisely with southern part of India;
    (2) the maternal genetic structuring is shaped by both ethnicity and geography; and
    (3) the language isolate Vedda is not likely a genetic isolate and shares their lineages with their

    • 4

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “Also how can a learned person with a Law Degree who claims that all of them 23 Million bar the Muslims are descendants of Mr Wiggs own ancestor King Deva Nadan Piyatheesam ask for even 1/4 of the land mass just for his Vealla Clan?..”

      Go read DNA research done by scholars.

      Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: Their relations within the island and
      with the Indian subcontinental populations
      By Lanka Ranaweera, Aung Win Tun, Samerchai Poolsuwan
      Journal of Human Genetics · November 2013

      Excerpts from concluding part:

      There is no clear genetic separation based on the PCA map between Sinhalese and Tamils, and between Up- and Low-country Sinhalese of Sri Lanka. The latter phenomenon suggests a recent division of the Sinhalese into Up- and Low-country, the fact confirmed on a historical ground.31 For the groups represented in this study, majority of the Up-country Sinhalese formed closer association among themselves than did their Low-country ethnic counterparts. This is to a certain degree explicable in a light of the isolation-by-distance; the Up-country Sinhalese groups are more geographically proximal with each other than do their Low-country counterparts. However,
      the closer association of the Up-country Sinhalese with the Sri Lankan Tamils than with the Indian Tamils is not in agreement with the geographic distances among them.

      • 0


        “Go read DNA research done by scholars.”

        Again referring to the 1995 study by G. Kshatriya. Check the Wiki page for other studies:

        A genetic distance analysis by Dr Robet Kirk also concluded that the modern Sinhalese are most closely related to the Bengalis.[1]

        This is further substantiated by a VNTR study, which found 70-82% of Sinhalese genes to originate from Bengali admixture:[4]

        I have no background in genetics. But what I think is that most of these genetic studies are inconclusive in the end. If you look at one or two genes, as these people are doing, they show the origins to be location X. If you look at other genes, they show origin as location Y. So at the end, I can do a genetic study that shows Swedish people come from Africa because they carry one or two genes common in Africa.

        • 4

          Lester the idiot, You are talking about a study done by Indian 25 years ago, ignoring two studies done by Sinhala scholars within the last ten years. While Sinhala scholars base their study on DNA samples taken from people, there is no indication that Indian scholar ever came to Sri Lanka to take DNA samples. To prove ancestry you must demonstrate core genetic material and not just carrying one or two common genes. Your bigoted mind is preventing you to think and act rationally. As a Mahawamsa maniac, I am sure if you get yourself tested you will have few canine DNA.

          • 0


            Mahavamsa agrees with the genetic evidence, e.g. Bengali ancestry of Sinhalese people. What do you think about this? “A genetic test conducted by Genographic Project scientists Drs. Ramasamy Pitchappan and Ganesh Prasad Arun Kumar from Tamil Nadu, India found a person in Tamil nadu near Madurai city whose gene hierarchy is direct descendants from Africans.” Rather than waste your time writing letters to the UNHCR, you should visit Africa and get in touch with your relatives. Pygmies? Bushman? I leave it to you.

            • 0

              Lester put this question to that idiot Raj Somadeva who is trying to prove that Sinhalese descended from Balangoda Man (African immigrant) and not from Bengalis. If you check your DNA, you will find that you have 9% African genes, compared to my 6%. So you can join me in my quest and get in touch with your relatives among Pygmies and Bushmen.

        • 3

          70-82% of Sinhalese originate from Bengali admixture but almost 50% of the present day Sinhalese are descended from recently migrated South Indians. What about all the South Indian invaders and immigrants from ancient to medieval times who were assimilated into the Sinhalese identity . Even many of your so called Kandyan and low country upper castes have a South Indian origin. This does not include the local tribes that got assimilated into the Sinhalese identity , when it evolved. Even if the Bengali migration is the truth , there numbers would have been a few hundred and it would have been men only and they would have either local Dravidian women or South Indian Dravidian woman , as their partners/brides. This it self would have made the Sinhalese half Tamil , as the inception and this would have further diluted with the each generation , as they would have been intermarrying into local Tamils or South Indian Tamils. 72-80% my foot.

        • 2


          For once pull your head from wherever it is now and read before you go on and on without a clue.

          Sri Lankan Genetic Studies
          Monday, February 18, 2019
          Common ancestry of Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils – DNA proof
          “West Eurasian haplogroups among the Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils and Vedda population groups with a longer history in the island suggest early migration of women carrying these haplogroups into the country. Our data led us to conclude that contemporary Sri Lankans share very close maternal ancestors and that ethnicity is created by linguistic, religious and cultural differences rather than by genetic differences.”

          – Prof. Kamani Tennakoon, University of Colombo.

          16 September 2019

        • 3

          The latest genetic studies show that more than 70% of the Sinhala population is having South Indian genes (Tamil, Telugu and Kerala) proving that most of them (Sinhalese) are South Indian converts.
          Even Sinhala elites like J.R. Jayawardene (grandson of Tamil Thambi Mudaliyar) and S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike (a direct decedent of Nilaperumal, a Tamil from South India who arrived in Ceylon in the early sixteenth century) are included.

          On the other hand, according to the Mahavamsa, Sinhabahu’s eldest son Vijaya and his followers (father of Sinhalese) who were banished from India, Sinhapura (Bengal/Orissa) landed in the island Lanka. He used Kuveni to get a foothold in the country and seized power by annihilating most of those aboriginal natives. Later, he abandoned Kuveni and his two children to marry a princess from the royal family of India (a Pandyan princess of Madurai, South India). His followers married women from the land of this princess and from this union sprang the Sinhala race. The Sinhalese genesis itself is 50% Bengal/Orissa and 50% Tamil.

          Further, the upcountry kandyan kingdom and the Northern Jaffna kingdom were allies against the low country Kotte Kingdom. King Senarat, the Buddhist King of Kandy who married Dona Catherina even gave his two sons Prince Kumarasingha and Prince Vijayapala in marriage to the daughters of the Singai Aryan dynasty of the Jaffna Hindu Kingdom establishing a strong relationship between Kandy and Jaffna.
          The upcountry Kandyan Sinhala royalty always thought it is better to marry from Tamil royalty than from the low country Sinhala kingdom. This thinking was not confined to the royalty but was common to almost all the high caste groups. Even until recently, such thinking existed in spite of Sinhala vs Tamil national clashes.

        • 3

          Even though both Deepavamsa and Mahavamsa are written in Pali (not Sinhala), the Sinhalese claim it as the ancient chronicles of the Sinhala-Buddhists. In these ancient chronicles the origin story of the Sinhalese is the migration of sea faring people from some parts of India a few centuries before the historical phase of the island began in the 3rd century B.C. What gives further credence to the migration from India is the linguistic evidence found in over a thousand cave inscriptions indicted in Brahmi Prakrit which shows very close resemblance to scripts used in North East and North West of India, but also bearing a few similarities with those Brahmi Prakrit used in a few inscriptions around Madura in the Pandya county. From the origin story linked to Vijaya, the ancient chronicles did not make any attempt to hide the Indian connection. Even the brides for Vijaya and his men came from the Pandu country which is none other than the Pandya country of South India proving that a Pandya link had existed even before Buddhism was brought to Sri Lanka around the 3rd century B.C. From King Abahaya Pandya (Pandukabhaya) to Parakrama Bahu, most of the Buddhist Sinhalese Kings of the island were having connections (close relationship) to the Madura Pandya dynasty of South India. Even their brides were from the Pandya kingdom.

          The Pandya and Chola were archenemies who were mostly engaged in war. Whenever the Sinhala kings of Sri Lanka such as King Parakramabahu was waging a war against the invading Chola, it was the Pandya kingdom that helped the Sri Lankan kings.

  • 0

    Happy to explain. Sincerely hope you have the brains to understand. Apologies as I am unable to draw pictures and explain.

    The POINT is to suggest Wigna to keep writing letters which in all likelihood are read only by his family members. The idea is to let the fella know that he has no following, no relevance (when he was the CM or now) and his feeble attempts to make himself relevant is not only hilarious but also unsuccessful.

    Hope you understood, and I know you want to thank. You are very welcome.

  • 0

    @Native Vedda
    “What is your point if there is one?@

    I tried to reply to this as a part of your comment but I am not sure if it got posted. Do allow me to explain here as a separate post. I am unable to draw pictures as a part of the explanation but hope you will manage to understand.

    The POINT is to emphasise that Wignarajah’s comments are only read in all liklyhood by his family members as he has no following. After his retirement Wignarajah has been posting all sorts of letters in a feeble attempt to remain relevant. My comment is for him to know that he has no relevance today as he had no relevance when he was appointed as the CM. It is best if he learns to enjoy a free ride awarded to him undeservedly and then keep quiet (and enjoy the pension).

    Hope this explanation helps. Yes, I know. You are very welcome.

    • 1

      Sam Kiri

      “I am unable to draw pictures as a part of the explanation but hope you will manage to understand.”

      Thanks, please don’t.

      “The POINT is to emphasise that Wignarajah’s comments are only read in all liklyhood by his family members as he has no following.”

      Is Wignarajah your imaginary friend from kindergarten days?

      ” My comment is for him to know that he has no relevance today as he had no relevance when he was appointed as the CM. “

      If you meant C V Wigneshwaran in fact he polled the highest number of preference votes (132,255) which qualified him as Chief minister.

      Why do you think you have the right to condemn him to retirement and he has no right to serve the people even if he is democratically elected for whatever institution he wants to be part of?

      You seems to be jealous prone.

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    Hi Wiggy

    However, this decision comes as no surprise. Minister Gunawardena’s announcement in Geneva yesterday closes a decade. For ten years, Sri Lanka regularly undertook obligations toward the international community—and with equal regularity, refused to honour them. In fact some of us objected to the American Representative to time being granted at the end of the first two years in the absence of any perceivable progress being made in the first lease granted.

    GOSL headed by RW & Mangala have deceived the World for all these years as Mangala admitted it was to protect MR, Gotha and the Soldiers from being prosecuted. Now Gotha has thown the Gauntlet we do what we want and kill who we want and we are not signatories to UN Charter . USA has delivered its judgement by banning Shavenendra it is for UN to take the hint and follow suit

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    Hi Wiggy

    I have just read that Sri Lnka has assured UN that GOSL will appoint a retired Supreme Court Judge to look into the grievances of Tamils and I hope they had you in mind. Why dont you canvass for yourself and we will support you to be appointed to head a commission with mandate to implement monitored by UN and punish those who are guilty and Gotha tops the list.
    What a joke. Sri Lankan Judges have stopped delivering Justice which is evident from the Judgement given by clearin Gotah to stand when for elections when he was and still os an American Citizen
    If American Citizenship means anything State Department must quite categoricaly state that Gotha is guilty just like Shavendra and must face American Justice.

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    Bogus papa is trying create the fake history again

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    The writer was living, earning and learning of his children of all cost borne by that Tax Paid of money which belongs to the Southern citizens of Sri Lankan. But end of his retirement as Judge all that incurred expenses by People of majority nationalites . Hence he had been discarded majority of rights of People then he joint by serving for separatist Tamil Eelam which claim for to be established Tamil-Homeland regime in north-east.
    How is that such ungrateful man of Judge was he!
    While he was hiding inside system of Judiciary enjoy life and won all privileges -in South. By the way working long years of as Judge of this Tamil writer been turn to Tamil Sepertast.
    Indeed this guy is/was a disgraceful man meanwhile an advocated of claim by “Tamil Eelam” which that claim by TNA and LTTE ruthless point of GUN by Tamil terrorism.

    By and large he was hidden supporter of Tamil Terrorist. In fact he was supporting claim for Tamil speaking race in world that land wanted to occupy Lankan soil. Which is CW W.. called international self-determination Tamil Homeland in Island of Lanka.
    Furthermore writer become preacher “Tamil Homeland” by an ideologies of LTTE rule of Gun-Point .
    Well, very inception he was LTTE preacher of by that joint operation of TNA political classes in South ; and its proxies of LTTE several decades is unknown to Public. CW W… become sole agent of Tamil Eelam claimer! ??? by percentage of $$$$….% @
    The raciest of Tamils nationalism has been choose to be awaking by CW.WWW>>>> And LTTE looking to find out New Tamil leader is CW Wignaris

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