12 February, 2025


On The So-Called “Bonanza” I Made

By R. Sampanthan

Statement of urgent public importance pertaining to the Bungalow of the Leader of the Opposition and other matters related thereto

Dear Hon. Speaker,

You recognized me as the Leader of the Opposition of the Sri Lankan Parliament in September 2015.

At that time, for over twenty years, as a Member of Parliament, I had been occupying the Summit Flats 2D, where I climbed and descended 60-70 steps every time I entered the flat or left the flat. Given my age, I’m well past eighty (80), this was very inconvenient and difficult but I put up with it.

I was given the bungalow for the Leader of the Opposition only in September 2017, two years after I became the Leader of the Opposition, and I was able to move into the Opposition Leader’s Bungalow only in September 2017, two years later.

While they were looking for a bungalow for me, the former President suggested to me that I rent out a bungalow. I did not want to do that on account of the exorbitant cost it would have entailed.

Other facilities provided to me as the Leader of the Opposition were attached to the bungalow and the staff. 

I did not request either the Hon. Speaker, Mr. Karu Jayasuriya, or the Hon. Prime Minister, Mr. Ranil Wickermesinghe, to permit me to continue to occupy the Opposition Leader’s Bungalow. Whatever action they took, they did according to their own will. The other facilities that have continued were also in terms of that decision.

Following the October 2018 Constitutional crisis, both the then Prime Minister, Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa and the then Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Ranil Wickermesinghe exchanged positions, which happened at the same time. 

My removal as the leader of the Opposition also occurred at the same time. 

The only other facility not referred to so far is vehicle number CAT 1094, a Benz motor car. The vehicle was handed over to me on 30/1/2017. I sent the vehicle to the new Leader of the Opposition on 7/1/2019.

During the two years the vehicle was in my possession, it has done only 2082 kilometers, showing how sparingly the vehicle was used.

I have been saddened by what has happened. This ugly situation should not continue.

*R. Sampanthan – Member of Parliament, Parliamentary group leader – Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) – Transcript of the speech made by Sampanthan in Parliament today 

Latest comments

  • 5

    Dear Mr Sampanthan,
    I will read your speech later. So far I have only ascertained from my phone that it was a speech.
    Some important phone calls have to be made. The most important will be to Dhilo, Bishop of Colombo.
    Who am I? You can easily find out.easily enough if you do this. Please read current article by Jeevan Hoole on St John’s.
    Also, read that article about Royal Institute, Nugegoda.
    I will read the speech later. May God bless you.

    • 3

      @singala man
      . Wolf in sheep cloth. What make you think we Eelam Tamils need your service. Shovel your support in your fat anus.
      Tamil national leader Thalaivar Pirabakaran said only good Sinhalese is dead Sinhalese.
      Those peodofile Sinhalese predators came to Tamil homeland saying they want to support Eelam Tamil. We catch one panty wearing Sinhala rapist trying to molest a young Tamil boy in Pooneryn . Thalaivar wanted to hang the rapist by his balls to his death. But Anton Anna objected and said let the rapist go because he is well connected. Rapist faggot was released but pottu ordered his ass be branded both in Tamil and English.
      Do not try to fool we Eelam Tamils. Mind your business or do not get caught with your hanky pankey . Eelam Tamils can manage our business.

      • 1

        Eelam Tamil patriot,
        There are no ‘Eelam Tamils’ or Tamils in Sinhale. The official term used for Dravida invaders and slaves brought to Sinhale by colonial parasites is ‘Demala’. Demalu are a hotchpotch of Dravidians. These Demalu pretend that they are Tamils. Demalu are ‘Para’ people living in the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo because Sinhalayo felt sorry for the Dravida slaves abandoned in Sinhale by colonial parasites making them Stateless and gave them citizenship.

        “Tamil national leader Thalaivar Pirabakaran said only good Sinhalese is dead Sinhalese.”
        Native Sinhalayo say ‘Only Demala that you can trust is the unborn and the dead’.

      • 4

        Eelam Tamil patriot, losing for 70+ years hurts huh?

      • 8

        “Tamil national leader Thalaivar Pirabakaran said only good Sinhalese is dead Sinhalese.”
        Can you give a reliable reference for this quote?
        VP has said a few stupid things in his short life, but nothing of this nature.

        • 2


          Perhaps Eelam Tamil patriot is capable of mind reading, perhaps he knew what VP was thinking.

          “VP has said a few stupid things in his short life, but nothing of this nature.”

          Has VP ever said anything intelligent?

        • 1


          The guy is a Sinhalese guy masquerading as a Tamil, writing sarcastically.
          I have seen the same handle doing it before.

        • 0

          The fool is a Singhalese commenting as a Tamilian. This is a Singhala proverb – only good Tamil is a dead Tamil.

          Don’t get sidetracked. Sampanthan begged for privileges from the Singhala government and he got them for a price. No free lunches.

      • 0

        Dear Native ,

        Can you Please help , Mate?.
        Did Mr Thalvaivar Pirabakaran say that?..

        A TNA Leader told us as late as last month, Mr Pirahaparan was the only Tamil Leader they had and will ever have.
        Can you remember his name, Native?.

        This new Govt Bungalow owner Mr Sampathar, the ex Opposition Leader under Dr Rani worked closely with Mr Pirahaparan during the Oslo CFA, to recruit Jaffna Inhabitants to the TNA.,

        I don’t think any Sinhalese would have ventured there then ,besides the dear supporters of the UNP in Colombo.

        That panty wearing Sinhalam Rapist can’t be a Pohottuwa supporter for sure.
        Still I am glad that your Thalaivar did not hang him by his Balls in Poonariyan.

        But I like to know who he is, because he is supposed to be a well connected Dude from Colombo..
        He surely must have been. to go all the way to Poonaryan , the heart of Tiger Land where your Thalaivar was the King ..

        You should know him Native with your encyclopedic knowledge of all our Politicians and their Politics not only in Lankawe but the Tamil Diaspora as well..

        Besides he must be still wearing that branding under the Panties , which Pottu Amman was kind enough to give him both in Sinhala and English..-Instead of the poor Bugger hanging from a Lamp Post in Poorariyan…

        BTW , Will the TNA introduce Hanging , like the Hindians have in their Constitution
        I am talking about if an when Mr Sampathar’s Eelaam Dream come true..

        • 2

          KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          What are you talking about?

          We do have hanging in our penal system however there is a moratorium enforced on actual execution since 1967. Your old two weeks defense minister the pious Hopper Sirisena wanted to lift the moratorium when he returned from Philippines. The court said to him to P*** Off.

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            I don’t think you know much about the Hindian Constitution.

            Just Google Sodomy and Punishment ..

            • 1

              KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

              “I don’t think you know much about the Hindian Constitution.”

              You are wasting my time by asking stupid questions.
              In September 2018 Indian Supreme court repealed Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which governed same sex sexual activities.

      • 2

        Eelam Tamil patriot

        “Shovel your support in your fat anus.”

        I would have thought you would want to replicate what Tamil national leader Thalaivar Pirabakaran underwent just a few hours before his demise, a chop on his forehead with a mini pickaxe and an innovative sensation created by a red hot iron rod through the opening at the lower end of his alimentary canal.

        The experts are still serving in the armed forces in case if you want to experience the same sensation yourself.

        Please ask for Sisira.

        “Do not try to fool we Eelam Tamils. “

        You alone is more than enough to fool yourself.
        By the way where is your Thesiath Thavar?
        Is he still living in Cambodia or Somalia?
        When is his second coming going to happen?

        The LTTE overseas Tax Collectors are looking forward to seeing him for they are eager to settle all the outstanding financial matters with your THesiath Thalaivar handing over all LTTE assets including investments, cash balances, stock of LTTE flags, his unused/unsold portraits, …..

    • 4

      Mrs. Sinhala Man,
      What the f….. are you talking about..?
      Who cares what you read and when you read it…?
      Who cares what you ascertained…?
      Who cares you have a phone and can access internet from it…?
      Do you think it was a big thing that you understand it was a speech….?
      Who cares who you call…? And do you think it is a big thing that you are calling….Dhilo, Bishop of Colombo???
      And who cares who you are… Why does Mr. Sampanthan needs to find you..? To sweep floors of his bungalow…?
      Get lost mate….

      • 7

        Dear Readers,
        I hope you remembered to laugh. Calling me Sinhala_Man with Mrs in front represents S. C. Pasqual’s idea of a joke.
        Please, please, go back to his comment and laugh at his sense of humour.
        One should be kind to rat snakes (gerandiyas) however slimy and repulsive they are!
        Panini Edirisinhe aka Sinhala_Man

  • 7

    “This ugly situation should not continue.”

    quite right sam.spot on.Just vacate the damn bungalow without shaming tamils and yourself any further.It is simple simon.You are not the opposition leader anymore so don’t deserve to be in that bungalow anymore.I give you credit for not wanting to rent which shows you are better than some.

    ps.as an afterthought kindly also list out your achievemnts as oops leader,sorry opps leader for us.

    • 5

      what i mean is sam, as oops leader you would have saved a lot of time by not getting up and down 80 steps daily.So we have a right to know what benefit we got from that.

  • 6


  • 6

    It’s time R Sambanthan tell the Tamils what he has achieved so far for the Tamil speaking Sri Lankan.
    By propping up UNP the TNA achieved nothing. What’s up for their next move.

  • 2

    I think Sambanthan wants yo show that he is hurt, in other words, he is not emotion-less politician. He says he is well over 80. Yet with bent back he wants to hang on to it. Those days, he forgot thousands of his voters were killed by or because of LTTE. Yet, four years, he was continuing the homeland struggle. At the end, His electorate never so him in Trinco and he was enjoying the BONANZO. Now, he is making a fuzz, it looks he wants his Cinnamon Garden (ROSMID PLACE TOO ?)Home to be his Retirement home. WHAT A WAY TO ASK FOR MORE.

  • 3

    Poor Mr Sampathar..
    Hasn’t he got his own house after 40 years in Parliament?.

    There is something wrong here, when his contemporaries have amssed so much wealth and become so filthy rich, that their at least two or three future generations will not have to work , unless they also want to sit in Parliament.

    Mr Sampathar was not only the Leader of the Opposition but also the Leader of Four Tamil Parties who were once affiliates of the LTTE under Mr Pirahaparan.

    Just look how good the members of the LTTE are doing now with mansons woth several Million not even in Ruppiah.
    I am surprised how they didn’t help Mr Sampathar to buy a place like Mr Rajarathnam did for his mate that UNP Minister who became the best FinanceMinister in the world.

    I am glad that at least the former Prez asked Mr Sampathar to apply for a Bungalow just like he asked Dr Ranil and his Cabinet to give him one..

    BTW wonder whether Sampathar can keep his Bungalow after retirement, just like the ex President is doing now?…

    • 7


      “BTW wonder whether Sampathar can keep his Bungalow after retirement, just like the ex President is doing now?…”

      we don’t want him to follow the greedy moral standards of the sinhala politicians.As for not amassing wealth like them,i admire him for that and wish him well.

      • 9

        Thanks, Shankar,
        You will know what to say; I may say the slightly wrong things.
        However, let me assert the huge respect that I have for Mr. R. Sampanthan.
        The nasty, uneducated, crude, “Eelam Tamil patriot” is not going to make me recant one word of what I said.

        • 0

          Sinhala Man..

          Sure ,that Eelaam Patriot said some really nasty things about some one who was wearing ladies undies and did some thing to young boys in Poonariyan.
          And how your Idol Thavailar nearly hung him.

          That should not upset you I guess.

          But i am eager to know which Sinhala person would dare to go there, even to offer a Pooja at Siva Temple in Nalloor, let alone to Poonaryan as a sex tourist when your Mr Tavailar was in his element .

          Specially when Mr Thavailar had said only good Singalm is a dead Singalam..
          Or is it Chigalam , like Chiv says..

    • 1

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      Poor Sam, he didn’t know how to live a life of luxury.
      However, there are a few who benefitted from LTTE.
      Those merchants of death, their local agents, the many single handed generals, the strategists, the analysts, war mongers, the smartass patriots, political leaders, MIG dealers, … those who broken into VP’s treasury and cleaned it up and appropriated the entire loot, cash and gold, ….. now being elected by 52.25% of patriots, ….. .

      What did you benefit from the war in terms of wealth?
      You could have supplied Vegetable, Fish, kukul muss, rice, ….thousands of other things had you been a registered supplier with Gota’s old ministry.

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        What about the One Million whom Sampathar helped to become rich in the West, including quite a few Multi Millionaires who promised USD 4 Billion to Dr Rani, Galleon Ravi, Mnagala Samare , Ranjan Ramnayak a and even Hirunickers to give the suckers Yahapalanaya..

        I heard Mr Sampathar gave his old BMW to that JVP Prince as a thank you for helping Sampathar to become the Opposition Leader with just 14 TNA Seats.
        Is it true Native?..

        What did Mr Sampathar do with his free Yahapalana Car permit, which UNP Minister Senasinghe sold for LKR 34 Million.
        And the UNP Minister apparently sold twice . as I understand now..

      • 0

        Dear Native,

        That 70 Tonne Hoard of LTTE Gold,mainly in Thalis which you say Mr Pirahaparan had in his Eelaam Vault..What happened to it mate?..

        I know your fav Dr Rajithan told the Daily News and even Hiru and Derana that he helped two Crocodile Hunters in Colombo to deliver a Lot to Prez Nandasena’s ex Office

        Perhaps during a Back Loading of White Vans after feeding the dead bodies of UNP and LTTE supporters to the crocodiles in Bolgoda Lake.

        Still they wouldn’t have been able to deliver 70 Tonnes in those White Vans which looked like Max 2 Tonne Load capacity , old Hi Ace Toyotas.

        Any Idea who got the rest .. Mate?..

        BTW I hope those two Croc Hunters taped the recent calls from Dr Rajitha, threatening death, if they spill the beans?…

  • 9

    Mr. Sampanthan,

    I recently visited Jaffna penisula, first time in my life.

    I went to Nainathive, Point Peduru and other places and stayed two days. You have been the opposition leader and at the same time as a partner in the UNF government. This is about your and TNA performances during the last 5 years in the government. What have you (TNA, Wignashevaran and You) done during the last 5 years for the Jaffna Peninisula? my observations tell me, Nothing. You only did the cultivation of hatered between Sinhalese and Tamils. The infrastructure facilties in the Jaffana are extremely bad and worse. Our village roads in the southern districts are much better than Jaffna main roads.

    what I also noticed is that the ordinary Jaffna people are friendly than you racisit TNA politicians. In particular, I visited Hindu Kovile at Niinathieve. The Tamil Hindu devotees recognised me and us, as Sinhalese but their generosity and kindness touched my heart than you TNA buggers (living in Colombo with luxory and cultivating hatred) . Whereever we have visited we have been treated by oridinary tamil people with kindness and generosity.

    Therefore, please stop cultivating hatered and try to reconcile the north and south.

    • 11

      Sunil Mahanayake,
      I read your comments carefully and understood your attitude. Have you forgotten that TNA or (Federal Party) is a democratically elected political party for more than six decades. None of your Sinhalese parties parties could not win the Tamil voters in the North East for seven decades. Yes, Tamil people friendly with all the citizens of Srilanka including blood thirsty Sinhalese like you. That is beauty of the Tamils. You may not remember or forgotten how you treated your Tamil neighbour in Colombo, Kandy and Anuradhapura in 1958, 1962, 1977 and 1983. I can remember those days you ragged you neighbour Tamil elderly to streets and put petrol and burn them in a day light. This is your culture. Even you have to say millions of lies to threaten Sinhalese to come to power by your politicians. Are you not ashamed of your politicians who robbed the country was elected again and again? Open your eyes and see the truth.

    • 2

      Sunil Dahanayake

      “I recently visited Jaffna penisula, first time in my life.”

      What was the purpose of your visit to Jaffna?
      Were you planning to grab some land?
      Or did you find a lot of resistance from landowners citing Thesawalamai Law as a legitimate reason for not selling to you?

      ” Whereever we have visited we have been treated by oridinary tamil people with kindness and generosity.”

      Don’t think they are generous or kind hearted.
      They are just scared of you, they are not sure who you are, they could have suspected you being part of the thugs wearing uniforms, members of Namal Baby’s Blue Brigade or the members of saffron clad brigade in mufti, ….. Windbag Weerwansa’s smartass patriots, ….

      By the way please stop patronising the people of whom you have no idea.

      Have you visited the Jaffna library?
      Next time around make sure the library is flattened.

  • 8

    Sunil Dahanayake

    Don’t shed crocodile tears for the Tamils! Did you speak to the relatives of thousands of Tamil civilians and LTTE cadres who went missing after the surrender in May 2009? They have been staging roadside demonstration for the past 1000 days or more? Did you ask the people whether they are happy with the 150,000 or more troops stationed in the North? Did you ask them whether the army/government has released about more than 6500 acres of private lands occupied by the Sinhala army? Can anyone accuse politicians like Sampanthar, Sumanthiran and other MPs of the TNA as corrupt; they own bar permits, they have built mansions like Basil Rajapaksa? Do they own 5-star hotels/resorts?

    You claim “The infrastructure facilities in the Jaffna are extremely bad and worse. Our village roads in the southern districts are much better than Jaffna main roads” but whose fault is that? It is the Sinhalese Ministers who control the Treasury!

    The Ministers are in the habit of sending Sinhalese youths from the south to even fill minor jobs like attendants, drivers, peons, bank clerks etc.
    Rajiva Jayaweera was very petty-minded to conclude that Sampanthar belongs to the super class merely because he was allowed to occupy his official residence as long as he is the leader of the TNA? It is not for a lifetime as is the case with Maithripala Sirisena?
    I don’t know what his reaction will be if Sampanthan is appointed the Prime Minister/Finance Minister/Ambassador?
    When Chandrika Kumaratunga wanted to appoint Lakshman Kadirgamar as Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa ran to Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy and complained to the Mahanayake Theros!
    Suppose Chandrika succeeded in appointing Kadirgamar as Prime Minister, all hell would have broken loose! It was only under pressure that Kumaratunga yielded the prime-Ministership to him.

  • 2

    Why should Sinhala tax payers’ give these facilities for a descendant of a Kallathoni who have been advocating for creating a separate State for the descendants of Dravida slaves and an ardent supporter of Dravida LTTE barbarians who slaughtered tens and thousands of Native Sinhalayo for 30 years?

    • 7

      Eagle Eye,
      1st Kallothoni to Lanka: Vijaya and descendants. (Sinhala)
      1st barbaric murder: SWRD by a Buddhist Sinhala.
      1st blood thirsty LiarL Eagle Eye.

      • 1

        Read my reply to Thanga.

  • 1

    Dear Mr. Sampanthan,

    During Mahinda’s regime, he was leaning towards China for loans and also to teach India a lesson. However, it made America angry and they used the war crimes (via UN) as an excuse to supress his government. If the future the SLPP government under Gota leans towards America (they will for sure), the minorities will get isolated, nobody in this entire world will listen to your plight. The best thing for the TNA is to join hands with the government after the election and help Gota to develop the North so that the whole country moves forward. By opposing the government you are not going to achieve anything.

  • 4


    *** You were elected as the Opposition Leader ( Just like Gotha to Presidency) to fool the World eventhough the numbers didnt add up. so there is an issue as to whether you were entitled to a HUT in Colombo 7. Now witha a CRIMINAL at the helm concentrate your mind on the next UN sessission as that is where Judgment is going to be delivered. Gotha has admitted the missing ones are all dead and I am sure as the man in charge of the killings he knows better than any one what happened to them. . Douglas says Tamils by failing to vote for Gotha dont deserve to expect anything from him. He is Bankrupt how can he give anything. “Karnan” gave because he had plenty

  • 3

    all politicians in this country want are houses and cars
    carry on sampa

  • 3

    It is now clear that there have been a lot of false allegations of Mr S continuing to enjoy the benefits of the Office of Leader of the Opposition even after ceasing to hold that position, and Mr S has had to cop much unfair and cruel criticism as a result. It is good to see his statement setting the record straight. Mr S may have lost the office of Leader of the Opposition and all the perks of that office but the tenor of his statement demonstrates that he has not lost his dignity. Many of us, even as we disagree with his politics, cannot but admire his sense of decency, and say ‘well done’. I, for one, will also recall the principled and honourable position that he and his party took during the ‘constitutional crisis’ which Mr Sirisena visited on the country in 2008. Their stance was invaluable in the circumstances.

  • 7

    Dear Sampanthan,
    I am vey disappointed to see you begging the racist Sinhala governments for a house in Colombo. You should go to your electorate and serve if you can or leave to another young politician.

  • 6

    Eagle Eye

    The first Kallaththoni to land in Ceylon is Vijaya who is your ancestor. He did not come alone. He came with 700 of his friends. They were expelled from Lala by his father Sinhabahu, born to a lion and a princess. They were expelled because of complaints received from the citizens of the country about their unruly conduct. That they were harassing the people.
    By the way, Vijaya was a Hindu so are others who came with him. The indigenous people at that time were Nagas, Yakshas, Ratchathas, Devas and Pulindar ( Veddhas).
    According to Mahavamsa Vijaya and his followers married princesses from Pandy Nadu.
    If you believe this story then you are half-Tamil!

    • 1

      They were half Tamil to begin with but became almost Tamil , as they assimilated the local Dravidian Tamil or semi Tamil speaking Yaka and some Naga as well as all the Indian immigrants and invaders who followed , after this initial migration . Other than the original migration , all other waves of migration and invasions to the island from the Indian mainland was from the Tamil country. Now all their descendants are pure Sinhalese Aryans

    • 0

      Mahawansa is a chronical that gives information on heritage of Sinhalayo running into about 2500 years compiled by Mahanama Thero based on records kept by Sinhala Buddhist monks. Mahanama Thero wrote the story about the origin of Sinhala race related to Vijaya but that has been discarded based on evidences discovered by renowned Sinhala archeologists P.E.P. Deraniyagala, S.U. Deraniyagala, Raj Somadeva and by few Western archeologists digging into Pre-History. According to those scientifically verified evidences Sinhalayo have evolved in this island from Homo Sapiens that lived 125,000 years ago in the Southern coastal area. Sinhalayo have lived in this island before Vijaya came. At the time Vijaya came Anuradhapura was an urban center inhabited by Sinhalayo. School text books have been changed based on these new findings.

      If you want more information:
      • Ithihasaya: 10 Shreniya, Adyapana Prakashana Departhamenthuwa, 2018.
      • ‘Sri Lankawe Adi Ethihasaya’ by Raj Somadeva, Gurulugomi Prakashakayo, Maharagama, 2016. ISBN:978-955-8696-46-0
      • New Horizons in History of Sri Lanka – An Archeological Perspective
      • Sri Lanka Ethihasaya Pilibanda Nawa Soya Geneem by Raj Somadeva (Part 1)

      • Sri Lanka Ethihasaya Pilibanda Nawa Soya Geneem by Raj Somadeva (Part 2)

  • 2

    Offer him a Maalu Paan, a Kimbula Banis and a plain tea. He will sell his electorate before the he’s finished drinking his tea.

    Oh and by the way, make sure to pour his tea onto glass and not a fancy tea cup. Wink wink.

  • 0

    Dear Fellow Comments writers,
    Thanks for giving me references, But the problems are remianing. I have observed the 1983 civil riots while living in Colombo. We ordinary Sinhalese never or ever approved such kind of uncivilised cruel acts carried out by UNP government and their henchmen.

    However, if we want to solve our problems as a nation we have to get together. I am sure that there are many Tamils live outside the North and East. Therefore, the solution for these problems are not carrying forward the past actions but getting together and live peacefully.

    I hope that the new govertnment has some kind of vision for this reconciliation process through development and providing opportunities for people through education and job opportunities. But the demands for seperate Tamil state is not the solution. Economic development, improving education and health and other needs of people will provide answers for these north and south divide.

    • 2

      Mr Sunil,
      Don’t say that ordinary Sinhalese never approved such kind of uncivilised cruel acts carried out by Sinhalese. It is no matter whether it is UNP government or SLFP government. If you think that they are uncivilised crimes against humanity then those who committed that crimes should have brought under justice> If it is done by UNp then SLFP government should have arrested them and they should have punished in the courts. Similarly those who surrendered to the military were murdered by the military they should have brought under justice. Today we see that a family were murdered by military and the court punished by sentencing the death he was released by our President. Do you think this is the way you are going bring peace. Federalism or devolution of power is different from separation. Sampanthan carried Srilanka flag along with Sinhala leaders and the constitutional amendments proposed by UNP & SLFP government was to find a solution within a undivided country. Federalism is practiced in many countries including India, USA, Canada UK.

  • 2

    Tamil desire to live outside North East is the major stumbling block on the way to Homeland.
    If I were a Tamil I would strongly oppose federalism even if the Singhalese wanted it.


    • 2


      “If I were a Tamil I would strongly oppose federalism even if the Singhalese wanted it.”

      You are right.
      You are not a Tamil however you are a descendant of converted Tamil. You should check your DNA then claim back your heritage, Keeladi, Adicha Nallur, ….. Poompuhar, Harappa, ……………. and also Thamil Nadu, whatever said and done it is your homeland, …..

      • 0

        Sampandan uncle says Tamils must be considered a ‘distinct ethnic entity’ denying me the honour of associating myself with the common DNA pool you have mentioned.


        • 1


          You can be part of the country of unity diversity, all you have to do is try and reborn as a normal human being though difficult but doable.

          Next time around when your local saffron clad thug invites you for a meeting to plan future riots against “OTHERS” simply refuse to attend.

          By the way why aren’t you persuading Prof(?) Channa Jayasumana to visit China and help the Chinese people protecting them from “Coronavirus” which means the Chinese are in grave danger? Don’t you think he should stop looking into woman’s womb and stop being a pain in Dr. Mohamed Safi Sihabdeen bum?

          If Channa couldn’t stop the virus spreading not only in China but also other countries, then why don’t you encourage single handed generals Kamal, Svandra, ………. to go to China and fight the virus in the enemy territory?

          The brave heart Gota seems to have cancelled his official visit to China. Is he scared of these tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny virus?

        • 1


          You can be part of the country of unity diversity, all you have to do is try and reborn as a normal human being though difficult but doable.

          Next time around when your local saffron clad thug invites you for a meeting to plan future riots against “OTHERS” simply refuse to attend.

          By the way why aren’t you persuading Prof(?) Channa Jayasumana to visit China and help the Chinese people protecting them from “Coronavirus” which means the Chinese are in grave danger? Don’t you think he should stop looking into woman’s womb and stop being a pain in Dr. Mohamed Safi Sihabdeen bum?

          If Channa couldn’t stop the virus spreading not only in China but also other countries, then why don’t you encourage single handed generals Kamal, Svandra, ………. to go to China and fight the virus in the enemy territory?

          The brave heart Gota seems to have cancelled his official visit to China. Is he scared of these tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny virus?

  • 2

    I think Sambanthan is laying the foundation for some Precedent setting thing in the parliament. Dinesh gunawardane supports Sambanthan. Eventually, every retired parliamentarian needs a retire home in a posh neighbour hood in colombo. So, this is another corruption racket for politicians.

  • 2

    Talking of houses; The Election symbol of the Federal Party was the house. Interestingly,its founder Leader, though an eminent Queens Counsel of the day, did not own a house of his own in Colombo. His residence @ colpetty was rented right upto the time that he died.
    Well now we have the story of Hon;Sampanthan and the house offered to him by virtue of office.
    Financial integrity has been the hallmark of the likes of Hon.SJV and now Hon.R.Sampanthan.
    I wonder whether Wimal Weerawansa has heard of Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on……….

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    Please retire from politics right now. Tamils have had enough of you. In any profession one like you at your age would have been retired long time ago. And more, for your non-performance you would have been sacked long ago. You can’t walk, you cant’t sit for a long time, you can’t even keep refraining from falling asleep at discussions and meetings. You can with your cohort Sumanthiran can only even now say that the panaceas for Tamils are (1) Elect in unity the TULF in large numbers , and (2) International community is watching and will hand over the rights of the Tamils on their laps. You cannot enumerate what the Tamils achieved except false hopes by electing you all in the majority to represent them many a time in the past. You will not , nor any one of you will , lead a mass protest. You and your ilk will not go to prison even for a few days fighting for the rights or leading a mass movement against what you term in the platforms as the oppressors. You have set a very bad example for the future Tamil leadership, such that most of them would only follow your path promising an unreachable but alluring horizon. Enough is Enough. Look for an ashram instead of a luxury accommodation in Colombo to ponder over your deceptive past and seek redemption for the loss of many Tamil lives for being a coward in not reprimanding openly when unfortunately the path of armed rebellion was going to end in disaster which you yourself knew very well but still kept silent to save your skin. .You had enjoyed the political privileges at the altar of many lives of Tamils. It is time for you to say Good Bye.

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    Sampandan uncle says Tamils must be considered a ‘distinct ethnic entity’ denying me the honour of associating myself with the common DNA pool you have mentioned.


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    You are barking at the wrong tree! Tell me how old is your TULF leader? Why of all parties the TULF? Its leader has been rejected by the people at all the elections since 2000. It is now a one-man party who is the be-all and end-all of the party. He sold 2 properties owned in the name of TULF and pocketed it without batting an eyelid.

    Sampanthan is the symbol of Tamil resistance against Sinhalese imperialism.

    He will be in politics as long as the people want him as their leader.

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    Mr. Sampanthan, in the 1960’s Tamil Nadu ‘fought’ a battle claiming a similar ‘discrimination’ theme to claim a separate state. It was brutally suppressed without much fanfare by the Indian govt.
    It is time you think why!

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