By Sarath de Alwis –

Sarath de Alwis
The United Staes had never in its history intervened to stop genocide and had in fact rarely even made a point of condemning it as it occurred,” ~ Samantha Power -A Problem from Hell – America and the Age of Genocide
Jerusalem is an old nymphomaniac who squeezes lover after lover to death, before shrugging him off her with a yawn, a black widow who devours her mates while they are still penetrating her. ~ Israeli Novelist Amos Oz – Tale of Love and Darkness
In the hands of the victor, history is pure simple propaganda. This observation is attributed to historian AJP Taylor whose principal focus was on 19th and 20th Century European diplomacy.
Nowhere is this truer than in the struggle between what’s unfolding before the world today.
The State of Israel is a war machine. It has no choice. Since its disputed founding it has practiced domination and oppression of the people of Palestine. Settlers Colonial Homeland that Zionism achieved must rely on violence for its existence.
The blood feud between ‘Settler Jew’ and the ‘Homeless Hopeless Arab’ in what’s called the ‘Occupied Territories of Palestine’ continues to unfold in horrendous detail in digital imagery.
Arabs have always lived in Arabia. That’s why they are called Arabs. The Jewish state is 75 years.
The Modern state of Israel founded in 1948, is the result of phenomenal courage, prodigious imagination, and supernatural guile of a band of people who founded the Zionist movement in the latter half of the last decade of the 19th century.
Zionist Dream – An ethnonational state
‘Dream’ is a key word for Zionists who founded modern Israel. It is a dream realized. The dream is for an Ethnonational state.
The state of Israel is an accomplished fact. It is a dream and a promise the Jewish people held on to, through four thousand years. The ancient Jewish state came to an end in 70AD when Romans evicted them from their land.
Viewed in the present context, it seems that uprooting people is an ancient business.
The modern, powerful Israel is the singular achievement of the Zionist movement.
What is Zionism?
Theodor Herzl founder of the Zionist movement explained it 1896. “When nations wandered in historic times, they let chance carry them, draw them, fling them hither and thither, and like swarms of locusts they settled down indifferently anywhere. For historic times the earth was not known to man, but this modern Jewish migration must proceed in accordance with scientific principles ….”
In his address to the United Nations in 1975 Yigal Allon Soldier, Politician of the Labour party and Foreign Minster defined Zionism.
“Zionism is the modern expression of the ancient Jewish heritage. Zionism is the national liberation movement of a people exiled from their homeland and dispersed among the nations of the world. Zionism is the redemption of an ancient nation from a tragic lot and the redemption of a land neglected for centuries.”
A story our grandchildren should know
Here, I must digress. I decided to write this brief essay for two reasons. My granddaughter Binali told me on WhatsApp:
“Looking at history it seems so unfair that Palestinians even must defend their land. It’s rightfully theirs. I don’t know. It seems very unfair.”
Born in the 21st Century she has no clue as to how Brtish perfidy, American exceptionalism, Israeli adeptness, and Arab dull wittedness made Palestinians refugees in their own land.
Second, my reading on the Zionist Aarab struggle over territory and control convinced me that there is much to learn about the subject or the topic of Terrorism. Terrorism by both sides has contributed to perpetuate this problem from hell.
This is a meek, modest effort to arrive at a summarization of a conflict that has lasted a century and more, with many forgetting how it all started. I intend it for my grandchildren and their generation.
I owe it to them. I belong to the generation that watched the mercurial Yasser Arafat of the PLO who internationalized the plight of his people. Vietnam and Palestine in the sixties and seventies made it a global offensive against European perfidy and America’s off target design to be the world’s patrolman.
That world changed in my lifetime. It happened in the sixties and the seventies in Palestine and Vietnam.
Maestro Image Managers
Since the founding of the state of Israel, the Zionist movement has succeeded in sustaining the most successful image management exercise in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
The destitute Palestinians burdened with destructive discord have never come near the sophistication of their adversary.
US discovers Jews
The world watched how President Biden assured Premier Netanyahu of ‘iron clad solidarity reaffirming Israels right of Self Defense – even if it means bombing Gaza into rubble. This is 2023.
Let’s go back to 1939 when the Nazis got down to the serious enterprise now labeled as the holocaust.
On 13 May 1939, more than 900 Jews fled Germany on board the cruise ship the SS St Louis. The ship hoped to reach Cuba and then travel to the US.
It was turned away in Cuba and the US refused entry to any of its ports and was forced to return to Europe. More than 250 of them were killed in Nazi death camps. The story was retold in a film – ‘Voyage of the damned’.
Therein lies the journey of the Zionist movements in the last hundred years. It has taken nearly a century for the United States to move from latent prejudice to unabashed admiration of the Jewish people.
How did it all happen?
How did Zionism take form and substance?
It is a long story. Let us get the gist of it. The Zionist movement began with the rise of nationalism in 19th Century Europe. Marginalization and outright persecution made Jews in their adopted homelands yearn for a Jewish homeland.
The Church of Scotland appalled by increasing numbers of East European Jews arriving in Scotland from Hamburg to cross the Atlantic from its port in Leith decided to do something about it. It sent a clergyman Scottish Presbyterian Rev. Dr. Alexander Keith to the Holyland on a fact-finding mission to see if the land was ready for Jews to return.
On his return he published a book describing his tour. He urged fellow Christians to help Jews – ‘a people without a country to return to Ancient Israel which was now “ a country without a people.”
The Clergyman did not see it’s Arab inhabitants as ‘a people.” They myth of Jews returning to a land that had no people was quietly but surely framed in British elite circles.
The Zionist movement seized the idea of a homeless people returning to a land without a people.
There are many honorable Israeli historians such as Illan Pappe who have written volumes on the subject. His book Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine is a must read. So is Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea by Thomas Suarez.
Terrorism as a strategic argument
Distinct focus of this essay is to focus on how Zionists used ‘terror’ and ‘terrorism’ to advance their idea of a Jewish homeland.
Benjamin Netanyahu has edited a book on the subject. “Terrorism – How the west can win”.
Identifying terrorism as an existential threat only to the west is eloquent evidence of his fiendishly warped mind.
Zionist operatives in Palestine launched a successful terrorist campaign to weaken Brtish administration of prewar Palestine. Precipitating a hurried disorderly withdrawal of the British created the environment for the declaration of a sovereign Jewish State in disputed territory. Disorderly Brtish withdrawal enabled the founding of Israel while creating a Palestinian people dispossessed of their land.
Successful Zionist terror tactics gave the fledgling State of Israel the strategic influence to demand the world’s attention and recognition. And so, it did.
Israeli historians have catalogued the unpleasant war crimes of murder, torture, and theft by Hagenah soldiers.
Zionist terrorism
Count Folke Bernadotte was a Swedish diplomat who negotiated the release of 31,000 prisoners from German Concentration camps.
His humanitarian work at great risk to his life and that of family made him the obvious choice of the UN security council to mediate between Arabs and Jews.
He was assassinated by the Zionist paramilitary group Irgun, The Zionists were in no hurry for Security Council Mediation just as the Israelis today.
Menachem Begin the leader of Irgun later became Prime minister of Israel. He founded the Likud party that is now led by Benjamin Netanyahu.
The most horrific massacre carried out by both Hagenah and Irgun at the formation of Israel is the massacre of the Arab village of ‘Deir Yassin’.
More than 100 old men women and children were brutally killed. The village was located west of Jerusalem. Hagenah led an attack on the Arab village of Deir Yassin, west of Jerusalem. Some 100 Palestinians (mainly old men, women, and children) were killed.
Enormity of its brutality was such that the Prime minister David Ben Gurion sent an apology to king Abdullah of Jordan. Jewish philosopher theologian Martin Buber called it a black stain on the honour of the Jewish nation.
Israel is a complex land. Some of its people who returned from the wilderness seem to be still trapped in some kind of moral wilderness.
Menachem Begin’s Hot Knife through Arab butter
Menachem Begin the founder of the Likud party did not agree with David Ben Gurion. In his 1952 memoirs Menachim Begin claimed that without ‘Deir Yassin’ Zionist forces advanced “like a hot knife through butter”.
You should be lucky to read the first edition. In subsequent editions of Begins memoirs ‘the hot knife through butter ‘is erased. Erasing inconvenient history is a Zionist specialty.
That brings us to the third Zionist terror outfit which was known as the ‘Stern Gang’.
It was founded by Avraham Stern who called his outfit “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”. He was killed by British forces in Palestine in 1942. Stern masterminded a spectacular series of terrorist attacks on British targets. It was Sterns way of persuading the British to leave Palestine thereby securing Jewish independence in the holy land.
His biographer describes Stern as Implacable and Extreme. While the war engulfed Europe, he waged war on Arabs and the Brtish administration.
Patrick Bishop who has written about him – The Reckoning – How the Killing of One Man Changed the Fate of the Promised Land says that the Brtish saw him as the most ruthless of the Jewish terrorists. “The British saw Stern as a potential Quisling who was ready to do deals with the Italians and even the Germans. When Morton gunned him down Rommel was advancing on Egypt and threatening to break through into Palestine, where Britain’s suppression of the Arab rebellion had created sympathy for its enemies.”
Yitzak Shamir who later became Prime Minister of Israel was an early recruit of the Stern Gang.
Famous members of the Haganah include Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Moshe Dayan, and Yigal Allon.
Hebrew Fascism
Dan Tamir a Scholar in the Department of Politics and Government Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has produced a tract on ‘Hebrew Fascism in Palestine 1922- 1942.
I have not read it. However, an abridged version is available on the internet. In it he observes that Pre Independence-Jewish fighters for an independent homeland had its fair share of right-wing Fascists.
At some point in the struggle for a homeland Zionists embraced the most fundamental premise of fascism.
As all Fascists, the Israelis believe that they are exceptional. They are of “the chosen people to dominate others without restraint from any kind of human or divine law, while the sole criterion defining it was the group’s prowess within a Darwinian struggle”,
soma / October 23, 2023
A ferocious power struggle between Yahweh, Allah and God using humans as proxies.
At this moment of time Allah seems no match to Yahweh-God combo.
Leonard Jayawardena / October 23, 2023
Amusing comment except that the God of the New Testament (therefore of Christians) is the same as Yahweh of the Old Testament. Yahweh is the personal name given to the OT God to distinguish him from other gods known and worshipped at the time.
SJ / October 23, 2023
The Palestinian administration does not have an Islamic identity.
The conflict has nothing to do with Islam or Judaism. It is about Israeli fascist aggression and a Palestinian response to it.
in fact Palestinian Christians are with the Palestinian resistance.
Mallaiyuran / October 23, 2023
” The Palestinian administration does not have an Islamic identity Who is that Palestinian Administration? Then what are they doing with Iran and Hezbollah? Why does Netanyahu talks on ISIS frequently going unanswered? What is the connection ISIS had here.
“Palestinian Christians are with the Palestinian resistance.” Which side is the Catholic Comedy Cardinal in the Langkang fight of Sinhala Buddhism. Cardinal Presidential Council is the most dedicated protector of the Slap Party government, next to you and Sonali Munthanai.
Isn’t he?
Which side are you in Tamils’ freedom call? How many of you are in that team? Deva, Karuna, Pillaiyan, Ankajan…….
Some idiots gave you a cursed PhD. For God’s grace, let your enemy colonial professors wear pants. When you write, show the analysis for the conclusion you come to.
SJ / October 23, 2023
Some things will not penetrate hard shells.
Enjoy the puff, the pill or the jab..
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
Anee the pavum Nincompoop; why do you come to grownups’ web site and get ground up and then struggle to get out?
Try this if matches with your talent and scope.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 25, 2023
“Arabs have always lived in Arabia” – what a stupid assertion of an ignoramus whose mind is clouded with bigotry. There was no land called Arabia, the name coined by European explorers. There was Mesopotamia, Assyria and others but not Arabia. Original people of middle east were Sumerians, Assyrians, Cannanites, Philstines etc. Original people of Egypt were Coptics and not Arabs. Both Arabs and Jews are immigrants from north Africa. Arabs were uncivilized nomadic tribe who learnt civilization from Coptics and Sumerians, and then drove them out and occupied their lands. Therefore Arabs are the aggressors. Arabs are the first to take Africans as slaves long before European slave trade. They considered Africans as inferiors and called them Kaffirs. Tamil and Sinhala name Kaapiri is derived from this. Thus Arabs become the worst racists in the world. God will definitely punish them for their crime.
Native Vedda / October 23, 2023
“At this moment of time Allah seems no match to Yahweh-God combo.”
Who is the referee?
Could you provide me with the venue address.
Is the entrance free?
Will it cost an arm and a leg?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 25, 2023
“At this moment of time, Allah seems no match to Yahweh- God combo”. This may be so, but in Srilanka, definitely Allah is no match to Buddha. Late Ashroff challenged Buddha and was blown to pieces. Rev Gnansara insulted Allah and has been honoured by Buddhists and was worshiped by Saudi Arabian ambassador. Two Muslims beheaded Buddha statues in Mawanella, and both of them committed suicide. Few days ago one Muslim damaged Buddha statues in Trincomalee, after which several Muslims have begged Buddha to forgive. Mosques at Kuragala and Pottuvil were demolished and Buddhist temples were built, but Allah could do nothing about it.
nimal fernando / October 23, 2023
“On Whose Side Is God?”
Ranil’s. ………. Right now.
Tomorrow ……… is another day.
leelagemalli / October 23, 2023
Existence of a god or gods is a big puzzle since COVID 19 pandemic killed more than 1 million.
As I see it yet today God is on the side 🙌 of criminals and Rajapakses
Rajash / October 25, 2023
“On Whose Side Is God?”
Ranil’s. ………. Right now.
But today Ranil’s God is Rajapaksas
Tomorrow …may be another day
and poor Sri Lankans…whether they are Buddhists , Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc or even atheist…are at the mercy of/and pray, and bend over backwards, bend forward until their spine crack ..to the deity/es ..not of their choice
chiv / October 23, 2023
I think this together with TG’s article are worth pondering . What we heard before are stereotype versions ” we the victims “.
SJ / October 23, 2023
Should we not ask God Himself/Herself/Itself to make a statement?
RBH59 / October 23, 2023
Violence and Settlement
Late Mahatma Gandhi stands firmly opposed the imposition of Jews on Arabs in Palestine, condemning it as inhumane. He believed that the settlement of Jews, facilitated by Britain, was inherently violent and could not be achieved through force.Terrorism – How the west can win”.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 23, 2023
God is on no-one’s side. He is only sad at all this cruelty and folly by various humans, using God’s name in vain to create all this mayhem and horror. Stating God is only on their side.
Mallaiyuran / October 23, 2023
“God is on no-one’s side. “
Then who is one pinching the child and rocking the cradle over there?
Sorry man, on every turn, they both insist that God is with them. As long as they both believe that they are going to sacrifice them and establish that it is their god who holds the truth. That is all what it counts for the war to start and continue; not yours, nor another individual’s opinion.
I can hear well now why the lay population exasperate that “the God is always with the bad.”
Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 23, 2023
God or almighty is not doing this but humans using his name in vain are doing this. The funny thing is all these three Abrahamic religions that originate from this region are praying to the same god. One lot calls the almighty Yhwh pronounced as Yahweh or El/ Elohim,Elyon( highest) or Avinu( fahter) the other lot Allah and the third group Jehovah. but it is the same almighty. Even Christian Arabs call god Allah. Hebrew Elohim and Aramaic( Syriac) Elaha or Al aha, and in Arabic Allah, the same almighty and the same root word. During Lord Jesus Christ’s time , the Aramaic and not Hebrew was the language of the region and for the Jews. This is the reason Lord Jesus Christ cried out from the cross not in Hebrew but in Aramaic ” Elaha Elaha Lema Sabachthani” meaning my god my god why has thou forsaken me.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 23, 2023
Now some trivia for you. Since the original Dravidians migrated from west Asia( West Iranian/Mesopotamian plateau ) to South Asian Indus valley during prehistoric times. One of the old Tamil word for god especially the sun or sun god was El. This is the reason you got old Tamil names like Elan or Elalan for a male for female Ellamma and Ellamma and Yellamma ( Kannada/Telugu where Tamil E becomes a Y). Ellamma/Yellamma is still worshiped as a form of mother goddess in many parts of South India. Another ancient Tamil word for god is Eesan which is commonly used for Lord Siva. Eesan means the one who gives or provides. Same root word as Eesa . Sorry actually Lord Jesus cried out Eli not Elaha . Elaha or Eli are both used in Aramaic for god. The language Lord Jesus used, The root for the Hebrew word for god YHWH is Hayah which is from Hava meaning air or to breath. Which again leads to Ayil and to El the root word for all Semitic names for god. This is trivia for you.
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
Those are eventual story telling. The reality is Pasupathi’s clay seals (shapes) shaped from Harapa saying that they were meditating 5,000 years ago. There was no God, but that enormous power was only inside their mind. They generated the God by meditation. That mean they had started to believe man becoming God. It is completely against western religions. The Super-king God, who carrot and cane the men to stay in line he draws is not any time available in Saiva Chitanta. Siva has eight natures (Kunams). All eight are evading defining him. One of them is he doesn’t like the one who prays to him. He doesn’t abandon the one who hated him. Then how the man is supposed to feel his existence? Read Siva Puranam and see! The entire hymn is talking about Siva. But he keeps saying Siva is not that, not this, not anything, but never said as what it is. That is practically not anything at all (Yavaiyumam Allaiyumam – while it is being everything, simultaneously it is not any of those things. https://ta.wikibooks.org/wiki/%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D/%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%89%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%88_61-83
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
And Manikar finally said if anyone can figure out what he is taking, they will be walking right to Siva and merge into him, while others stand aside and pray to that one. He did not say if any prayer was needed to reach that status. He proposed that if somebody understood what he was saying, that’s all enough. Further to complicate, if you have to think of praying Siva, it is only having to be given by him (Avanarulale Avanthal Vanaki). You cannot wish to, and you pray to him. It is not just he is not there; even you are also nothing and not there. He was staying out of teaching any philosophy but kept explaining the Siva, who is nothing, according to him. That is the one Buddha did and Sankara did, Ramakrishna said. They claimed they themselves were the Gods.
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
“Ancient Dravidian religion constituted an animistic and non-Vedic form of religion which may have influenced the Agamas, Vedic and non-Vedic texts which post-date the Vedic texts. The Agamas are Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga. The worship of village deities, as well as sacred flora and fauna in Hinduism is recognized as a survival of the pre-Vedic Dravidian religion. Hinduism can be regarded as a religious and cultural fusion or synthesis between ancient Dravidians and Indo-Aryans, and other local elements “-Wiki. The issue here is that many outside and substantial portions of insiders either refuse to accept or are unable to comprehend that Hinduism is the fusion of two opposing religions, i.e. the Eastern Dravidian and Western Aryans. Pre Vedic religion depended on meditation, not shouting prayers.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 24, 2023
Sorry not Ellalan but just Ellan
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
Any action man can come out with is only from the creator’s direct order.
I don’t know what you are trying to explain here. “The Dravidian language family is one of the oldest in the world. Wiki
Dravidian Language gave all other latter languages much more than it received from them.
This is the mantra I have written in all the opinion websites I have been writing from 2011. I showed it was Periya became Brahman, Onru became Un, one…, Irandu became Two, … .Amma.. Mother. Appa Father….
Manikar started one another hymn as “AmmaiyE, Appa” But Professor Kumar said the word Appa came to Tamil about 300 – 400 years ago from Malayalam.
The interesting part and learned researchers resist to accept is Dravidianism never left or fully constricted by anything else from the day one it came to India, i.e. 8000 Years ago, minimum, good chance 10,000 years. 11,000-12,000 cannot be ruled out. Now, they accept when Indo Aryans came to India, the language they started with was a Dravidian Language and after they developed a language for them based on it, they abandoned it. See the recent cases of Malayalam and Sinhala. You have no way to make them accept the truth. They both are claiming they are from angel land so it would be a shame for them to accept that they spoke Tamil.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / October 24, 2023
El is the word for God in Semitic languages. Ila was the name for goddess in Vedic scriptures. El is linked with the Bull. Ila is identified with the Cow.
El—Ila comparison makes interesting reading. El means the Sun, light and Proud in ancient Tamil literature. The noun El appears in the Bible 230 times. El was a wise and benevolent patron of the divine council. El often appears in Hebrew personal names and in the term “Israel” itself. El was linked with the bull, a clear symbol of strength and honour. The name El is related to Arabic Allah (meaning God).In 2000-year-old Sangam Tamil literature, El is used for Sun, Light, Day time or Proud. Elli is night. Elli Nathan is the moon. Ellavan refers to both the sun and the moon. Ellamma is a village goddess in Tamil country. In the same way Gujaratis have Ila as a common feminine name. Number seven in Tamil Elu also comes from El. Number seven stands for divinity in Hinduism.
Mallaiyuran / October 26, 2023
Here are some hasty conclusions have been taken by some pundits. Practically there is nothing so far found that can describe the Dravidian’s lifestyle or culture. But anything still found in Indian community that connect from north to south can be analyzed to see if it were a Dravidian property. Dravidians surly respected Sun. That is because they did only one trade at the start, that was crops rearing & harvesting. So they respected Sun. Praying Planets and Pancha Boothangal (Pancha Bootham or Navakiragam are not Tamil) came from Persian-Aryans. It is never established Dravidians treated Sun as God because they not treating anything as God and still not; most of the philosophy roll around, Brahman. You don’t have to pray Brahman. He is not a god. I am not aware all the time they are praying Moon. And I do not understand why the 7 is connecting Sun or Moon. Tamil’s First day of the week is Gnayiru. I tried to check; Ellamma is a godless of Maharashtra, moved to TN, through Kannada, in latter days. Ganapathi too moved from central plain, in latter days. That is why, other than silly name “Pillaiyar”, he has no other Tamil name. Even praying Shiva started only after the arrival of Aryans, who taught Dravidians pray anything, that they do now. Siva Brahmins were only gurus at that time.
Nathan / October 23, 2023
The end result, when one lives at the expense of the other, is that no one lives!
Nathan / October 23, 2023
God takes no side. God gives; Takes nothing.
Nathan / October 23, 2023
Let me reword for clarity:
God takes no side; takes nothing. Only gives.
Kemo Sabey / October 23, 2023
Let us place a few irrefutable facts on the table :
[1] Jews worship Yahweh
[2] Christians worship Elohi
[3] Muslims worship Allah
The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians began on the 15th of May 1948.
During the past 75 years
[4] Nearly 25 million Jews worldwide would have prayed to Yahweh for protection and success against the Palestinians
[5] Over 2.3 billion Christians worldwide would have prayed to Elohi for protection and success against the Israelis
[6] Approximately 1.6 billion Muslims would have prayed to Allah for protection and success against the Israelis
If we examine the current situation objectively and dispassionately, which of these three religious groups can really claim that their ‘God’ has answered their prayers ?
But you know what ?
[7 Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic monotheistic religions
[8] Hence, Yahweh = Elohi = Allah = The One God of Abraham
We thus have a situation of One God wearing Three different Hats
So, on whose side is God ?
SJ / October 23, 2023
“We thus have a situation of One God wearing Three different Hats”
The Guy wears many more hats that you are unaware of— all to cause confusion.
He seems very bitter since Satan go the better of him in that garden that he created.
SJ / October 23, 2023
A most welcome record of history.
Plato / October 23, 2023
On whose side is God?
Not with David or Goliath……..
God is a great believer of Charles Darwin……….
It is not the strongest or the most intelligent of species that survive;
It is the one most adaptable to change…………..
Sugandh / October 24, 2023
Interesting transposition of ‘Darwinian fitness’ definition to human geopolitics!
Pondering what can “adaptability” mean to an oppressed segment? Shut-up and put-up, perhaps?
ramona therese fernando / October 23, 2023
God only cares about who goes up to heaven with wings, however way it is achieved.
Douglas / October 23, 2023
The “GOD” is hijacked in his “UNSEEAN” and “NONEXISTENT” form by the “Institutionalized” benefactors who are working on “Short/Medium/Long-term” “Business Plans” for their SURVIVAL at the expense of the HUMAN BEINGS who are “LED” to enjoy an everlasting bath in a yet again in an “Unssen” land of plenty and everlasting joy and happiness.
Isn’t this the situation where “Institutional” outfits are established to manage Human Beings?
Champa / October 23, 2023
Enough is enough! Israeli terrorists’ killings of unarmed Palestinians should be stopped.
Within the last 24 hours Israel has killed at least 400 Palestinian civilians. So far, over 5,000 Palestinians were killed and over 13,000 have been injured under the guise of eliminating Hamas. How many Hamas members have been killed so far? 2!
For a very long time, the world blindly believed Western media and the US’ narratives. Gone are the days! The entire world now sees the “other side” and they are shocked, angry and outraged by the carnage in Palestine.
The US has issued a worldwide alert to its citizens. I don’t think anyone even think of “collective punishment” for Americans which is detrimental to Palestine’s legitimate right to a land on their own. American citizens and Jews all over the world are NOT responsible for the US-Israel collective actions in Gaza and West Bank.
The Israeli Prime Minister is holding Mr. Biden’s hand from one hand and massacring unarmed Palestine civilians from the other hand. Coward! Go, find your match.
Champa / October 23, 2023
Just imagine, if one tiny miny “errand rocket” blown in the sky can miraculously guide its debris falls on al-Ahli Baptist hospital premises and kill 471 Palestinians, how many more Palestinians will be killed by Israel’s precisely targeted bombing campaign in Gaza and occupied West Bank?
Two major media institutions have done an analysis on the “tiny miny errand” rocket that fell on al-Ahli Baptist hospital.
AP News:
You decide.
Champa / October 24, 2023
It is confirmed that the al-Ahli hospital blast was carried out by Israel. The confirmation has come from western leaders. Including Mr. Biden, they all say “the blast at Al-Ahli hospital was LIKELY caused by a missile fired from within Gaza”. They are not certain because there is no evidence to support their claim. No one accuses Hamas either.
Hello Western leaders, please keep an eye on more errand rockets in Gaza. Because, “another errand rocket” is likely to cause a blast at Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza which currently shelters 400 patients and 12,000 displaced Palestinians. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, Israel has threatened to bomb this hospital too.
Rajash / October 24, 2023
The question is not “whose side is god?”
but who is playing the god card effectively?
does any god wants violence?
its the humans who wants violence in the name of “their” god
Mallaiyuran / October 24, 2023
“does any god wants violence?
Rajash, a possible answer for that question is: “SURE”
Suppose you throw a bomb at your neighbor’s house. You know there were explosives inside the bomb, and it was going to blow up the house. Now you are asking if God wanted them all to blast off after having thrown so many human bombs at earth. There is going to be at least one blast for each human body he brought down here. He better be aware of that before he throws more bombs.
Plato / October 24, 2023
Jews have seized USA………….
Americans are sick and tired of Zionists controlling their lives, the 1% is taking over American Media,American Finance,and even American Politicians.
Secretary of State is Anthony Blinken, a Jew who is now spending his time in the Middle-East on behalf of his tribe in Israel.
Attorney General, Secretary of the Treasury,Director of National Intelligence, White House Chief of Staff, Deputy Secretary of State for Political affairs, Director of the CIA.Etc,Etc Etc……
A classic example of using a sledge hammer to hit an ant in a tiny strip of land 41km long and 9-12 km wide, which is the size of Gaza,easily the most densely populated area in the whole world………..
On whose side is God? Jesus Christ was a Jew; But so was Karl Marx …………
old codger / October 24, 2023
“Americans are sick and tired of Zionists controlling their lives,”
I doubt that very much, considering that many Americans believe that Jews are followers of Jesus Christ, whereas Muslims are not.
Champa / October 24, 2023
Yes. A minyan in the Biden administration. (10 Jews – but here all are not males.)
1. Ronald Klain (Chief of Staff)
2. Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State)
3. Janet Yellen (Treasury)
4. Merrick Garland (Attorney General)
5. Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security)
6. Avril Haines (Director of National Intelligence)
7. Wendy Sherman (Deputy Secretary of State)
8. Eric Lander (Science and Technology Adviser)
9. Ann Neuberger (Deputy National Security Adviser)
10. David Cohen (Deputy CIA Director)
This explains why Israel continue its genocide in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank and the reason why Western leaders are acting as they were born on October 7, 2023.
In one of my comments in April 2023 regarding the Ukraine crisis, I said “American Presidents are puppets. The show is run by their officials.” (The Ukraine President is also Jews.)
National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby ruled out a ceasefire in Gaza. That means, a war is imminent.
In support of Palestine, I withdraw my support to Mr. Joe Biden in his re-election bid. A little unfair to him, but I don’t think the peace-loving world wants to see his “minyan” in power again.
Mallaiyuran / October 25, 2023
I can see your point Champawati; and additionally, why were the Sinhala Buddhists so jealous when Tamils were controlling Colombo. This is in the Sinhala Buddhists’ SinhaLE because they evolved in a different way than all other Human beings. Nobel Prize winning Medicinist Dr. Mahanama has espoused the needed explanations on this.
But could you find out for me what is the percentage of Jewish employees in the Whitehouse & , what is the percentage of them not qualified for their jobs, & who are the highest percentage?
Thank you for spreading hate all over the world as much as Sinhala Buddhist did in Langkang.
whywhy / October 26, 2023
Champa ,
Majority of the world is against war and aggression wherever
it happens . Your stand is clear and your sympathy to
Palestine is also understood . But when you say ” the tail wags
the head ” , sounds practical ? Dogs have Masters . Any Argument ?
Rajash / October 25, 2023
Plato: Jews have seized USA………….
Plato I beg to differ. Jews have seized the planet!
whywhy / October 24, 2023
Gods themselves are busy at the battle field and one God is going to emerge
flexing his or her muscles . Let us leave it to the Gods to decide . One God
loses means All Gods lost . I got something interesting to add here . Christians ,
Muslims and Jews accuse each other Liar . Watching this , Atheists say ‘ They
Are Telling The Truth !
Cicero / October 25, 2023
There is another state that is around 75 years old, Sinhala Sri Lanka. Why not compare? The British gave it to the Sinhalese on a platter, just like Israel was given to the Palestinians. Tamil lands are now colonised. There is a Sinhala army of occupation in the NorthEast just like in Gaza and the West Bank. Tamil lands are routinely seized by thugs dressed in yellow robes, assisted by the army. There is now a diaspora all around the world which agitates for Tamil rights. There was a genocide committed by the Sri Lankan army. There are war crimes continuing to be committed. There is no accountability for them. A religion of peace is being subverted to preach hatred. Catholic churches and their congregations were blown up. Why not look at the malaise closer home and compare it what is happening to the Palestinians?