17 January, 2025


The Cauldrons We Make

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“Do not use our death and our pain to bring the death and pain of other people and other families…”~sraeli peace activist Noy Katsman (eulogy for his brother Hayim Katsman murdered by Hamas on October 7th)

J ewish Currents is a US-based leftwing Jewish magazine. Soon after October 7th Hamas attack, its editor, Arielle Angel, a vocal proponent of Palestinian liberation, penned a letter to the readers. “I watched the bulldozer destroying Gaza fence again and again, and cried tears of hope,” she wrote. “I watched Palestinian teenagers seemingly out joyriding in a place half a mile away that they’d never been… But these images were quickly joined by others – the image of a woman’s body mostly naked and bent unnaturally at the back of a truck; rooms full of families lying in piles, the walls splattered in blood. I wanted desperately to keep these images separate – to hold close the liberatory metaphor and banish the violent reality. By the time I began to accept these were the pictures of same reality, I was distraught…”

The October 7th attack itself was historical – Palestinians breaching Israel’s supposedly impregnable defences, a written-in-fire reminder to Arab leaders of the immediacy of the Palestinian question. But that operation could have been carried out without murdering civilians, including women and children. Had Hamas attacked only military targets, the focus would have been on the Netanyahu’s government’s failure to defend Israel, and on the axiomatic link between Middle East peace and a just solution to the Palestinian question. But with the murders and the rapes, Israeli government was able to pivot attention away from its own egregious failures to Hamas brutalities. (Incidentally, most victims of the Hamas attack were left-wing Israelis supportive of Palestinian rights.)

PM Netanyahu was reportedly warned of a likely Hamas operation by Egypt’s intelligence chief Abbas Kamel. He opted to ignore the warning and prioritise illegal Jewish settlement in the West Bank, to appease his ultra-Orthodox allies. Had Hamas attacked without targeting civilians, Mr. Netanyahu would now be fighting for his political life rather than trying to snuffle out all Palestinian lives in Gaza. Hamas provided the beleaguered Israeli PM with a political lifeline, and an invaluable excuse to the Israeli hard-right to ethnically cleanse Palestinian lands of Palestinian people. 

Eqbal Ahamad, the renowned Pakistani academic and resistance activist (he was once a member of the Algerian FLN) explained that armed struggle “was supremely unsuitable to the Palestinian condition.”Instead, Palestinians should identify and expose the primary contraction in Israel, “that it was founded as a symbol of the suffering of humanity… at the expense of another people innocent of guilt.”This contraction cannot be brought out by armed struggle. “In fact, you suppress this contradiction by armed struggle. The Israeli Zionist organizations portray the Jews as victims of Arab violence…” (On Empire).  

That was what happened after October 7th. 

Given the fanatical nature of Hamas, the brutalities were probably unavoidable. Precisely the reason Israel right helped Hamas into being. In 1978, “seeking to undermine (Yasser) Arafat’s popularity in the Occupied Territories, (Menacham) Begin’s government approved an application from a…religious leader in the Gaza Strip, Sheik Ahmed Yassin to license his humanitarian organisation, the Islamic Association… Yassin was willing to cooperate with the Likud government, because he, too, shared the goal of undermining Arafat’s secular influence over Palestinians. More importantly, and in line with Likud policies, he sought to block the creation of a Palestinian State based on land-for-peace”

Sheik Yassin was given a free hand to publish a newspaper, raise funds, build mosques and social-welfare organisations. During the first Intifada, Islamic Association created its armed wing, Hamas. Now the same Hamas has saved the political life of current Likud leader, and the implacable enemy of Palestinian liberation, Benjamin Netanyahu (just as in Sri Lanka, the LTTE enabled Mahinda Rajapaksa’s victory). 

As Eduardo Galeano wrote, “Terrorists resemble one another: state terrorists, respectable members of government, and private terrorists, madmen acting…. in the name of various gods, whether God, Allah, or Jehovah…. How much longer will we ignore that fact that all terrorists scorn human life and feed off of one another?” (How Much Longer?)

From Untermenschen to Human Animals: Birth Crimes

In 1938, a man named Otto Frank tried to migrate to the US with his family to escape Nazis persecution – and failed. Anti-Semitism was rife then; according to a Gallup poll, 72% of Americans didn’t want any more Jewish refugees and 54% of Americans felt that the persecution of Jews in Europe was partly their own fault. Otto Frank’s family, including daughter Anne, would perish in the Holocaust.

In 1942, Jewish inmate Szlamek Bajler escaped from the Chelmno death camp, with the first news of the Holocaust. The story was published in Polish socialist paper, Liberty Brigade. The reality of Holocaust was known to Allies at least from June 1942. Yet even in 1944, US War Secretary Henry L Stimson blocked Jewish refugees from coming into the US. (He demanded that Japanese be prosecuted while giving the Nazis a free pass). The West’s anti-Semitism made the task of Jewish genocide easier for the Nazis. 

For the Nazis, Jews (and Slavs and Gypsies) were Untermenschen (sub-human). As Holocaust survivor Victor Klemperer pointed out, the most effective propaganda weapon of the Nazis was “single words” which “permeated the flesh and blood of the people” (The Language of the Third Reich). This vocabulary of contempt deprived Nazi victims of their humanity and made Nazi crimes less morally reprehensible in the eyes of Germans. 

A similar process of dehumanisation is taking place vis-a-vis Palestinians in Gaza. “We are fighting human animals,” Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant said announcing a total siege including no food or water, “and we are acting accordingly. Tzipi Navon, advisor to PM Netanyahu’s wife Sarah, wants Hamas attackers tortured: nails pulled out, skinned alive, male genitalia cut off, fried, and fed to the captured. “Save their tongues for last, so we can enjoy his screams, his ears so he can hear his own screams, and his eyes so he can see us smiling.” (). After over 1000 children were killed by Israeli bombs, Knesset member Meirav Ben-Ali said the children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves.

Israel hard-right is not Nazi any more than Hamas is Nazi. The idea of Birth Crime, which formed the bedrock of the Holocaust, was not a Nazi construct. For millennia, it was a key tenet of Christian anti-Semitism. In our little corner, it informed and enabled Black July, the Anuradhapura massacre, and the mass expulsion of Muslims from the North, to name a few. Israeli hard-right (which is in government) and Hamas both subscribe to it. When Israeli defence minister calls Gaza population ‘human animals’ even genocide becomes possible. 

No politician or official in any other land (including America) would be able to get away with such verbal violence. Just as no other country would be able to get away with the kind of murderous collective punishment Israel is inflicting on Gaza. The international community would step in to protest, to restrain, at least to castigate. Sri Lanka, during the final stage of the Eelam War, is a classic example. The LTTE held more than 200,000 Tamil civilians as human shields. The Rajapaksa administration announced a no-fire-zone (which too was bombed); Gotabaya Rajapaksa decreed, “Nothing should exist beyond the no-fire zone… No hospital should operate in the area” (Interview with Sky News – 2.2.2009). The results were instantaneous. “Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital…has been shelled repeatedly in the last 24 hours, forcing patients and staff to flee towards the north-eastern coast…” (ICRC statement – 4.2.2009). It would take months of international pressure to make President Rajapaksa promise not to use “heavy calibre guns, combat aircraft and aerial weapons which could cause civilian casualties” (AP – 27.4.2009). 

After the war, more than 300,000 Tamil were herded into internment camps called Welfare Villages. As the then Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona said, “It was quite likely that even many elderly people were with the LTTE at least mentally” (BBC – 4.6.2009). The Rajapaksa plan to make these camps permanent and build military cantonments in the empty lands failed only due to intense international pressure.

During his 2010 Speech to the UN General Assembly, President Rajapaksa argued that humanitarian laws should apply only to legitimate states and not to terrorist organisations. Sovereign states should be given the legal right to do whatever they deemed necessary to combat entities labelled ‘terrorist’. This carte blanche Mahinda Rajapaksa wanted for all rulers was and is an Israeli prerogative. As Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories warned, “There is a grave danger that what we are witnessing may be a repeat of the 1948 Nakba… Israel has already carried out mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians under the fog of war. Again in the name of self-defence Israel is seeking to justify what would amount to ethnic cleansing.” Yet, the world does nothing. 

Appearing on the podcast, The Rest is Politics, Palestinian Ambassador in the UK, Husam Zomlot said, “One of the most heinous crimes in history was the Holocaust. 6 million Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. And we all learned the lesson; never again. The never again brought about the international system. The international system created two things Israel and rules. Unfortunately Israel and rules have been at odds with each other for 75 years. We need to align Israel and rules… The Jews were not our victims. We are the victims of the victims.” The solution: “Apply international rules equally.” Let those who rightly decried the brutal Russian siege of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol apply the same standards to Gaza. Doing anything else is to accept that horrific notion of birth crimes. 

Death and Life

In 2019, a non-party organisation called the 14th March Movement used social media to organise a mass protest in Gaza. The We want to live protests were mainly against the Israeli blockade and the resulting economic devastation. But Hamas saw in this independent act of dissent a threat to its political stranglehold of Gaza. Protestors were attacked, houses and refugee camps raided. Protests broke out again this August, decrying abysmal living conditions and Hamas’ punitive taxes. 

According to a July 2023 poll by Washington Institute, 70% of Gazans polled supported PLO-led Palestinian Authority sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units.” The PA is notoriously corrupt and inept, so this might be connected to two other findings – 62% of Gazans wanted Hamas-Israel ceasefire to continue while 65% feared ‘a large military conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza’. Gazans wanted Hamas out for they wanted to live.

This growing popular discontent is a likely factor behind the October 7th attack. Israel’s assault on Gaza will end all internal dissent, according to anti-Hamas activist Rami Aman (who was jailed and tortured by Hamas). “No one will make any kind of revolution against Hamas under Israeli missile… They are creating more Hamas, more Hamas, more Hamas”

Just as the Israeli assault helps Hamas, Hamas’ attack will push Israel even further to the right. The current ultra-right Netanyahu administration was enabled by the electoral rise of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox population (Haredim). 24 hours after swearing in with the backing of extremist settler parties, Netanyahu tweeted, “The Jewish people has an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria)” (ie West Bank). To do that, a new Nakba is needed. Thanks to Hamas, Israel may get that.  

20% of Israel’s citizens are Palestinian Arabs. Banning their political parties – and thus semi-disenfranchising them – is a key goal of the Israeli right. Unfortunately, Palestinian Arabs have failed to use their electoral clout to best effect. At the last election, the overall turnout was over 70% while among Palestinian Arabs it was only 53%. If more of them voted, the hard-right, and Benjamin Netanyahu, might have not have gained power. 

After the first round of Israeli air strikes caused hundreds of casualties, Hamas political leader Abu Marzouk who lives in exile in Qatar said, “The Palestinians are ready to pay even a higher price for their freedom.” But the only freedom Palestinians will get through Hamas is the freedom of martyrdom – willing or unwilling. Mostly unwilling, for as Mkhaimar Abusada, a political scientist based in Gaza, told the New Yorker “Most Palestinians don’t want to die, and they don’t want to die in this ugly way, under the rubble. But an ideological organization like Hamas believes that to die for a just cause is better than living this meaningless life.” 

This week, progressive Jewish organisations such as IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace held a demonstration in Washington. More than 400 activists entered the Capitol Building and waited to be arrested. A group of Jewish American writers and artists wrote to Biden demanding an immediate ceasefire. Josh Paul, a veteran US State Department official resigned, calling Joe Biden’s decision to send arms to Israel “short-sighted, destructive, unjust, and contradictory to the very values we publicly espouse,” even though the Hamas attack was a “monstrosity of monstrosities.”

Ziv Stahl, director of the human rights group Yesh, spent hours hiding in a safe room with an injured relative as Hamas roamed looking for Jewish civilians. “I was there,” she wrote in an editorial for Haaretz. “I have no need of revenge. Nothing will return those who are gone. All the military might on earth will not provide defence and security. A political solution is the only pragmatic thing possible.” Maybe when the blood-lust has been slaked, voices like hers will find a space. But before that thousands more Palestinians will die, and, even if the international community prevents a second Nakba, Israel right would have achieved its second dream of bombing Gaza back to the Stone Age. When religion marries politics, death and destruction are the offspring they bear, a universal truth we in Sri Lanka too should remember.  

Latest comments

  • 18

    Again, another well balanced and brilliant article by Tisaranee. As she stated the Hamas and Hezbullah are both proxies of Iran and do their bidding and really do not care for the lives of the ordinary Palestinian or Lebanese Arabs and constantly by their actions, give ammunition to the Jewish hardliners and right wingers to heap more hardships and trouble to the poor Palestinian civilians and ethnically cleanse them from whatever little land that they still hold as theirs.

    • 14

      It is one thing to target the IDF, but what right did they have to target innocent Israeli and foreign civilians and commit all sorts of atrocities on them in the name of their religion and the already suffering Palestinian people.

      • 9

        “It is one thing to target the IDF, but what right did they have to target innocent Israeli and foreign civilians”

        Good question! ………. Why don’t you ask that from the Israelis …… as well?

        Has Israelis always targeted the Palestinian fighters? ………. Is that what the Israelis doing now ……. with indiscriminate bombing?

        You want one side to play by the rules ……. and the other side given a carte blanche free-pass? …………….. (Sinhala_Man, what the hell is carte blanche? ……. It sounds good.)

        Western-media has well and truly got you ……… hook line and sinker!

        it’s not that difficult to see …….. just change the players ……… put the Tamils in the situation the Palestinians are in ……….

        • 7

          Yes, Israel never did this, but Hamas only exacerbates this situation by their behaviour and the people who suffer most and terribly are the Palestinian Arabs, loose more lives, properties and land to Israel and no one like the in the case of the Eelam Tamils care. The Arab countries are not united and only do lip service to Palestinian rights but do not like them or even want them in their lands. I worked in the Arabian Gulf for years and know their mentality. They will not accept Palestinian or other Islamic refugees. into their lands. May be a few tokens. This is why they flee to the Christian west. However, will sent lots of funds to poor Muslims in the third world to build Wahhabi and Salafist mosques, radicalize, brainwash and Arabize them. Same way India just provides lip service to Tamil rights on the island but overtly and covertly supports the Sinhalese regime in Colombo. You wait and see from this Hamas incursion the Palestinians will lose a lot and Israel and the Zionists will a lot.

          • 0

            Sorry Zionists will gain

          • 3

            You are absolutely correct ……… Israelis targeting nothing but the Hamas fighters ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJoQUFaQGMQ

            • 4

              Siva Sankaran Sharma,

              First of all I have to apologize …….. I only had the time now to read what you have written above …….. and I agree with most if not all what you have written.

              My response stems from ……. in an uncaring world where the Palestinians are forgotten and treated worse than animals and left to suffer untold inhumane hardships …….. what means do they have to draw attention to their plight?

              • 4

                I’m too lazy to write all over again ……. this is from comments on this issue in an earlier article here in CT ……. which I think is appropriate here ……. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/another-view-on-jerusalem/

                “To hell with Jerusalem. …….The whole shebang is bigger than just Jerusalem.

                To hell with Trump and America. ………..they do not define the truth ……..never have ………… Imposing one’s will at the end of a barrel of a gun is not defining truth.

                A Jew can come to Israel from any part of the world ……..and a Palestinian family will be kicked out of their house/property which they have been occupying for generations and the new immigrant will be “settled.”

                If there is real justice for the Palestinians …………. half of the problems in the world will disappear overnight. ………………. Well, that’s the undeniable truth ………..

                Will the Palestinians get justice? ……… Who knows?

                Now, who wanna talk about the Tamils? ……… Not me.”

                • 4


                  “What Israel has is, by far, the best global propaganda-apparatus. …………. they are head and shoulders above the rest …………… guess the global Tamil propaganda-apparatus comes a distant third or fourth; quite credible for Lankans, who are not world-beaters in most other areas ……….This is not against/for the Tamils ……………. just stating the facts ……..

                  Israel propaganda-apparatus is so good and fear-inducing, any leader of a Western nation – or many other nations – will not go against them …………… in any talk of the usual Israeli aggression ………… the defence of Israel is inbuilt and is a part and parcel of any discussion …….

                  This is how the game is played ……………. not to split hairs, but even the write of this piece has fallen victim to this ………….as Muhandiram has pointed-out below ……………. the write deflects the blame away from Israel ……….. “claims that the Arabs went to war 3 times to “destroy Israel”.

                  The write has the right to express his views in an open forum …………. that’s the way things should be ……….. but others who oppose his views are not idiots/morons ………. I find most of the opposing comments to be quite accurate and sensible.”

                  • 4


                    “Discarding Israeli/American propaganda which one of you have the courage to say this about Hamas……….

                    “Hamas is regularly described as ‘Iranian-backed Hamas, which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel.’ One will be hard put to find something like ‘democratically elected Hamas, which has long been calling for a two-state settlement in accord with the international consensus’—blocked for over 30 years by the US and Israel. All true, but not a useful contribution to the Party Line, hence dispensable.”
                    ― Noam Chomsky, Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians”

                    • 4


                      “There are two components to this discussion/argument.

                      Might is right ………….and ………. justice/right/wrong …………

                      If the point is, “might is right” ………..then it’s difficult for any ultra-realist to refute and he/she must keep silent as there is no moral component to discuss/argue ……………because throughout history, 99.99% of the time, this is how human-tribes have come to claim land ………..

                      This argument is not about that ……………but about the attempt to justify it …………. by various means ……………..”

          • 5

            A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. – William James

        • 3

          nimal fernando

          “…. hook line and sinker!”

          What the hell is hook line and sinker?
          Nathan should be able to explain.

          Forget all those phrases, ….. let us deal with real and pressing problems. Yahoo flashed “Elizabeth Hurley Sizzles in a Bright Yellow Bikini in Vacation Flashback Video”

          Do you think I should respond to Elizabeth Hurley (58 years old woman)?
          Who is she?
          Why is she so important?
          Maybe our own Casanova might know her.
          Maybe SJ could comment on her capitalist exploitation of scantly clad body.

          • 2

            “hook line and sinker”

            I’m trying to hook Sinhala_Man for a verbal joust ……. he’s not biting ……..

            • 0

              Well, Ive commented on Jehan Perera’s article.
              And why bother with me, when Douglas is proving himself a worthier combatant?
              In fact he may be trying to be Dan Silva, Mark II.

              • 1

                Sorry, I’ve, not Ive!
                Were I to be making mistakes in English, the Emperor may stop sending pension payments to TheVishramikaGambadaIngirisiMahattaya on the grounds that Mahattaya did not ever know English.
                So, why send him money every month?
                I’ve just checked, full pension for October has come, so I can feed myself for another month.
                Insurance (Third Party, obviously) for the now 32 year old Honda CM 125 T is due in December; I renewed it yesterday. Got to be mindful of the Emperor’s Thugs.
                Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

                • 4

                  Dear logical thinkers and Thanakola *grass* eaters,
                  Pensioners, in general, in Europe, they work harder for their expenses and their grandkids, if they can not afford it, however, our stupid gurus or self/proclaimed gurus instead brag about their relatives and where they are etc.
                  Not a single thing came up about the discussion involved in the published article. However, every time is the same, they are champions of explaining how many pampers and pads they change a day and how often they urinate on their clothes.
                  This is the greater difference between developed and the begging nations and their day today life
                  Sadly, these men remain in their capsules without contributing anything. So what happens to the country’s productivity? What have these people been doing since they have retired? Hero worship, boasting, Sinhalese self-esteem and superiority etc*/If their pension funds are not enough, why can’t they work for a few hours? Especially teachers could do it, that is a greater contribution to the society. My neighbors *in mid 80ties* of course, have worked at their jobs for 52 long years are NOW on teaching on a voluntary basis….can you imagine?

                  • 4

                    For example, why can’t a former English teacher be active as a teacher for advanced students?_
                    we should work until we fall dead is my life motto. why to complain ?
                    Perhaps he does not have the heart to do so because such people are mentally ill even if they kill their time further.
                    Good commenters have commented of late that these nitwits have nothing but mental issues of their own. In every comment, one Bandarawalla man attacks all those who don’t support yet 89/murderers. ENough is enough, period
                    I would love to read from Nathan, OC and the other rational thinkers about the productivity of our country..

              • 4

                This man 👨 is absolutely a blood sucker filled with hatreds..
                We are so glad not to have met personally.
                I ll start studying human psychology to know about the mind set of the malicious people.

          • 5

            What does the saying hook line & sinker mean?
            to be fooled completely
            To “fall for something hook, line, and sinker” is to be fooled completely. “Tom doubted that his ruse would fool anybody, but the boss fell for it hook, line, and sinker.” The reference is to fishing tackle

      • 1

        Have you seen any of the recent descriptions with varying views of what happened on the 7th? Not that they are necessarily true but worth thinking about. For instance: https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2023-10-24/israel-lying-again-never-learn/

        What really happened on 7th October?
        “Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”

  • 9

    nimal fernando

    Where are you?
    Are you with Zionists or with the people?

    The world over people (irrespective of their race, religion, region ….) are rallying around Palestinian people, protesting against Israel and its powerful Allies.

    Why didn’t the Tamils get same level of support and exposure like the Palestinians during the war?

    • 4

      I’ve joined the Christian Crusade …….. to go and liberate the Holy Lands.

      • 2

        nimal fernando

        American Hallelujah (including Pentecosters, Jehovah witnesses, ….) hoping the end of the Jews so that they could witness the second coming of Jesus.

        What is wrong with religious nutters?
        You are not one of them are you?

    • 6

      Ranil’s face/head is already Mortician-ized in marble (the photo on the main page.) ………. He can be stood, as is, …….. in some park …… and save the cost of a statue …..

      Well dressed and looking Western-good is what matters …….. people forget the rest ……….

      Looking good ……… https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/22/sri-lanka-ambassador-jaliya-wickramasuriya-conviction-00047017 ……… even looking better; the person who pocketed the $332,000 to buy a house …. https://thehill.com/50-most-beautiful/2015/249286-sarindee-wickramasuriya/

      Is Ranil bringing hope ……. for the average man? :))))))))))))

      Good to be among the true-believers!

    • 0

      //Why didn’t the Tamils get same level of support and exposure like the Palestinians during the war?//
      Your memory is fading.


      • 7


        “Your memory is fading.”

        I accept I am aging however my memory is not that bad.
        If you review all those past videos available on You tube I rarely see a non Tamil, Non Brown, ….. participating in those “Our Leader Prabaharan” “We want Tamil Eelam” rallies and protests.

        See how the Tamils generated sympathy for their “CAUSE” outside Sri Lanka and among your cousins in south India, which was and still is celebration of the life and time of VP.

        I am told Prabaharan’s family is alive and safe and Duvaraha the “Nation’s Daughter” will be appearing in public soon to continue the struggle. Have a word with NIB and see if they have any plans to manipulate the forth coming elections. Mahinda needs enemies. Now Namal needs enemies. Maybe Basil needs enemies too. …. Needs to manufacture a few.

        Apart from that what happened to your debate (referendum) on Tamil speaking people’s aspirations?

        • 1

          //Apart from that what happened to your debate (referendum) on Tamil speaking people’s aspirations?//
          You asked me to give the referendum question and I obliged:
          “In case a separate unit in North East for Tamil speaking people scattered across Sri Lanka is established are you prepared to relocate yourself accordingly.”
          After which you bolted.
          Now is the time to face it. Can anyone with right mind say that let upper caste political class in Jaffna decide on that?
          I will actively campaign among the Tamil speaking people to say NO.
          Nonetheless the choice is theirs.
          If they say YES I will plead with India and International community to provide material assistance for relocation.


          • 7


            “In case a separate unit in North East for Tamil speaking people scattered across Sri Lanka is established are you prepared to relocate yourself accordingly.”

            Why should I given the entire island belongs to my people?
            In fact I should ask you lot, in case if I establish a secular truly democratic ….. country are you willing to go back to your ancestral home, South India?

            Why do you confine your Tamil speaking brethren to North East? Don’t you want to go back to Ellala days? Do you know exactly where his kingdom started and where it ended? Don’t forget 32 Demela kings fought for Dutta Gamani.

            Are you happy with yourself?

            • 7


              “If they say YES I will plead with India and International community to provide material assistance for relocation.”

              As far as Hindian’s are concerned you and your Demela brethren are s**t. Now this island is a place where they dumb all their industrial waste, cheap products including Autos, nuclear waste, … the way things are they may want to dumb their criminals too with yours (Old Andaman), shall we call it an open prison?

              Hindians are going places.

              If India is a fine place for Demelas to relocate how come you are trying to be too generous to Demelas and you are not migrating to Tamilnadu? Something fishy.

              Have you had your dinner?
              Are you awaiting for Stalin’s grain ship?

            • 1

              //Why do you confine your Tamil speaking brethren to North East?//
              My attempt is to retain the +50% Tamil speaking people in Sinhala majority
              and give them their democratic choice over the matter rather than being dictated by upper caste political class in Jaffna.


              • 7


                “My attempt is to retain the +50% Tamil speaking people in Sinhala majority”

                Where did you get this 50% Tamils living among Sinhala majority? Please supply evidence.

                I raised this question with Tamils that 50% Tamil speaking people living among Sinhala speaking people , according to Tamil speaking people Sinhala speaking people are occupying their land. We need to bring back Ellala and Mahanama to verify land details.

                Why don’t you refine your referendum statement or question to

                “Is it necessary and legal to deport all those Tamil and Sinhala speaking (21 Million) Kallthonies, their descendants, and the Kallathonie converts back to South India?”

                If you are in a hurry to leave the island please take Champa, Anuradha Yahampath, Shenali Waduge, Manori Unambuwa, ….
                C A Chandraprema, Palitha Hohona, Weerasekera, Gamanpilla, Champika, Dayan, Gevindu, Weerawamsa, Ampitiye Sumanarathana, Elle, Athuraliye Rathana, Malcom Ranjit . … and send Diana Gamage to UK.

              • 4

                (Part I)
                My attempt is to retain the +50% Tamil speaking people in Sinhala majority
                and give them their democratic choice”!!!???
                Whatever happens and whatever is in store for the future, IF AND EVER, THE DEVOULUTION proper takes place and the Diaspora channels Investment in NE, and PREOGRESSES W/O HINDRANCE to ‘FULL STEAM’, THEN you may not even find half (½) a Tamil in the South amongst the SINHALESE!!!???
                ON THE CONTRARY, THE REALITY WOULD DAWN on Sri Lanka and Lankans when even the Sinhalese would be clamouring to the NE!!!???
                To your next question, elsewhere, “Why doesn’t the Tamil Diaspora invest NOW in the economy, if not in Southwest, BUT ATLEAST IN NE, THE TAMIL HOMELAND”!!!??? The answer as perceived by me, IS THE ABHORENCE OF THE “DOCTRINE OF HILTON, TAJ SAMUDRA”, initiated Post war conclusion May 2009, more so 2010, where prominent and prospective Investors were plagued by demands of “Kappang” by elitist Pukka Pakse’s and acolytes to include them as shareholders and directors to profit and loot the investment!?
                WHO WANTS TO BE APARTY TO THAT SCAM of lunatics from Medamulana vicinity!!!??? The big

              • 4

                (Part II)
                question which you (vehement pursuant of Non-investing Foreigners and Foreign domiciled Sri Lankans, should elicit) Why not MaRa as the wealthiest Sri Lankan, NOT INVEST IN SRI LANKA – LET ALONE NE??? WHY NOT IN DEEP, DEEP SOUTH NEAR UNUSED MATTALA AP and HPP!!!??? What’s preventing him, his acolytes and relatives who enjoyed handling 2/3rd the SL Budget for almost 20 years (15to be deleting Yahapalanya)!!!??
                Could you profess and answer, or perhaps elicit from MaRa or the “Synthetic Lawyer”, who sat and passed the exam in Air conditioned comfort in Isolation!!!??
                WHY IS THAT CONVOLUTION!!!!???
                Pay-Masters generally deflect such questions and don’t answer properly to the point!!!???

      • 6

        Colombo is not dominated by sinhalaya

        • 10

          Soman, why don’t the SB government give a free hand, to those Tamils to develop North and East, on their own, with no assistance whatsoever from government .
          ( Anyway the country is bankrupt ). Lets have then a referendum, among your own people in South to see how many will like to move to North and East. I may not be surprised to see you and your family, in a mad rush to get there.Tired of hearing your repetitive S**T.

          • 9


            “I may not be surprised to see you and your family, in a mad rush to get there.”

            How do you know soma and his family have not grabbed any land in the North East?

            I am sure the saffronistas, the armed forces, politicians, functionaries, Archaeological department, ………………… rent a mob, … are there to plant (foreign) weeds in those (fertile) lands.

          • 1

            What is stoping the rich diaspora investing in NE at present instead of buying/constructing apartments in Colombo?
            Why are you afraid of the referendum I proposed? Why do you want to leave the +50% Tamil speaking people suffering among the SBs until you develop the NE? Why do you refuse their participation in the envisaged development?
            Why don’t you convey this message of would be Tamil speaking paradise in NE to the those presently living among the Sinhalese in this bankrupt country and then hold the referendum?


            • 7

              Mr. Soma, you’ve pretty much said rich Tamil diaspora have flocked to buy/construct properties in Colombo but something has stopped them from doing the same in the NE. Can you corroborate this claim with factual data? – Please don’t forget to cite sources.

              Also, what percentage of the wealthy Tamil diaspora has actually made any investment anywhere in Sri Lanka? Any ideas on that?

            • 7

              “What is stoping the rich diaspora investing in NE at present “?
              Leave alone NE, they cannot even invest in the South , because they are immediately accused of funding the LTTE.
              Remember the Tamil owned satellite TV channel which was bought over by Dialog after the ridiculous accusation that it could spy on State communications?
              Or more recently, the great fuss about Lycamobile buying into SLT? This company has a huge presence in UK and Europe, and SLT is puny compared to them. I saw their billboards in Europe recently. We ought to be proud of these people as Sri Lankans, not try to humiliate them Even Chamath Palihapitiya, a Sinhala IT billionaire from USA, gave up in disgust.
              And you ask why they don’t invest?

          • 7


            • 7

              Mahila the guy thinks he can fool all, like those 6.9 millions. l CORRUPT, RACIST , bankrupt, failed, dysfunctional SB governments didn’t allow the country to develop and he expects them to allow Tamils to develop North and East ??? Soman read the comment before you respond. Tamils to invest directly , NOT through your Corrupt SB Gov. None of the countries except China believe anymore in our governments.
              Did you read the diagnostic report???

              • 7

                Soman, it’s not any more about South or North, East or West , did you see Lankans lining up in front of foreign high commission, passport offices and Airport to get the hell out of bankrupt failed, dysfunctional nation. Your home grown terror group GMOA who cannot flee, are getting ready for mass protest. According to them many of their pseudo patriots have either left or about to leave in large numbers. Same with Viyathmaga too. You continue with your referendum and let us know the results. You can fool the 6.9 millions all their lives , but not the world.

                • 5

                  Give Tamils / Muslims , their rights to live and develop their own land and then have your F——- referendum.

                  • 7

                    If interested read today article on DM, ‘think tank calls for URGENT policy action to tackle brain drain”. Says ” this approach encourages Sri Lankan Diaspora abroad to engage in national recovery and development exploring options to attract foreign workers, devise appropriate migration and regulatory policies among others” said the think tank (IPS) in it’s state of the economy 2023 annual report. Are you listening Soma ?? Buying and constructing apartment alone is not development. (some guy paying commission for personal gain happens all the time ).

    • 3

      Native Vedda,
      You might have not have been serious when you asked, ‘Why didn’t the Tamils get same level of support and exposure like the Palestinians … ?’, but that goes to the very root of the defeat of the liberation struggle.
      Prabhakaran was surrounded by ‘yes’ men. Those who asked the right questions were not allowed to near his shadow even. Sad but absolutely true.

  • 7

    “Given the fanatical nature of Hamas”
    When one defines the Hamas as fanatical, there will not be much reasoned analysis to expect.
    Hamas is not a fraction as fanatical as the ruling party of Israel.
    “When religion marries politics”
    What is going on in Israel has little to do with religion. It is racism at play.
    In fact Orthodox Jews are far more accommodating than the ruling fascists.

    • 11

      “It is racism at play.”

      Simply land grapping which is motivated by greed.

      • 2

        Native Vedda,
        land grapping … ?!
        I agree that you have aged!

        • 3


          “I agree that you have aged!”

          You mean I have matured?
          By the way I was forced to watch “The Shadows – Instrumental Show”, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9bEpib1roE&t=6s) this evening, gosh it is good stuff.

          Why doesn’t nimal introduce me to 1960s and 70s?

          • 4

            “Why doesn’t nimal introduce me to 1960s and 70s?”

            Cause …….. I’m younger than you ……. it should be the other way around ………. you should be introducing me!

            Didn’t have the heart to tell you ………. your bugaboos about your age comes out in your writings …….

            Rejoice! ……… you are younger than some ……. and older than the rest …..

            Time ……… makes the world go ’round

          • 3

            Native ,
            “Why doesn’t nimal introduce me to 1960s and 70s?”
            Don’t tell me you were born after the 70’s….!!??

            • 2

              old codger

              “Don’t tell me you were born after the 70’s….!!??”

              Why do you say that?
              How did you work it out?
              Do you think my learning (wisdom) is inversely proportional to my age?

              • 0


      • 3

        “It is racism at play.” ………. “Simply land grapping which is motivated by greed.”

        Ever heard of racism among Jews …….. in Israel? …….. How the fair-skinned Jews from European countries are treated better than the dark-skinned Jews from Africa? …….. African Jews’ riots for better treatment/opportunities?

        Native, ……… Are you all fair and pink like your idol Ranil? …….. Or would you come second in a contest with Lucifer for skin-color? ………. Some countries you should avoid together with Israel …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKXPbwOtSt8

      • 3

        NV is not from baby boomers generation.
        Even if aging starts to all after their 50ties.

      • 5

        I think srilanken s are more racists than Israelis.
        That is why the volatile situation in politics remains unresolved foreever. 😪😪😪
        See JVP led NPP talk high about making wonders, but constantly dodging our questions ?.
        1.Debt restructuring
        2.Rebuilding eroded society
        3.Taming safronists, sorcerers, astrologers, media whores, artists
        4.Privatisation of education
        5.Innovation of Dollar rains.
        6. Generation of new jobs
        7.Block of brain 🧠 drains and …and..

  • 11

    “Hamas has saved Nethanjagu like LTTE saved Rajapaksa”
    The author is trying to say other Buddhist Sinhala leaders are not racists or anti tamil by equating Hamas and LTTE. Almost all the Sinhalese leaders since 1948 are engaged with anti-tamil agenda.

    • 3

      The LSSP, CP, NLSSP, Left front…?
      “The author is trying to say other Buddhist Sinhala leaders are not racists”
      I reject the author’s world outlook.
      But she is least of all a Sinhala nationalist.
      “the LTTE enabled Mahinda Rajapaksa’s victory”
      Is this not true of 2005? (The cash gift to thalaivar?)
      In 2009 it was the war victory and the role of the TTE was not active.
      It hurts your feelings when people criticize your beloved leader. But he did some very bad things and you should know them.

      • 6

        LSSP, CP, etc. never formed a government but worked as a slaves of SWRD family or Rajapaksa family. Yes I agree the author is better than many others.
        It is a foolish argument that Rajapaksas election victory is only by boycotting of few Tamil voters.

        • 3

          “Yes I agree the author is better than many others.”
          It is not a matter of better than …
          She is not a racist– unlike people who hint that she is racist.

        • 4

          Have you any idea of what the LSSP has done since its founding as a political party?
          You have made it a habit to comment based on non-facts.

        • 7

          (Part I)
          “Yes I agree the author is better than many others.
          It is a foolish argument that Rajapaksas election victory is ONLY BY BOYCOTTING OF FEW TAMIL VOTERS.”
          YES. Ajith, the salient point is, if my memory serves me right – a little better than the Authors, the Valiant MaRa, victory in 2005, was a MERE 315+ VOTES MAJORITY!!!??? A FEWVOTES FOR THE MESSIAH TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF 20 MILLION Sri Lankans AND Sri Lanka!!!!???
          I think fervently that she has been confused by the number of voters who voted for MaRa to elect him as President of this country – the lowest ever Margin in the HISTORY OF THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENCY OF SRI LANKA SINCE 1978!!! OUCH MY FOOT 1982!!!??? 1978 WAS FREE WHEELING!?
          The author didn’t have the Calculator on “the Ready or at Hand” to discover if only 315 Tamil votes – VERY FEW INDEED (EMPHATICALLY) TAMIL VOTES – the Unborn Crowned King elected by crooked election process!!!??? Is 315 votes a “MERE FEW VOTES”!!!??? The presidency would have eluded His Most Excellency MaRa, if not for that COLLUSION between Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabhakaran and Basil Rajapaksa, enable the Tamils to Boycott or disable the voters – Tamils in North-East

        • 6

          (Page II)
          abstaining from voting!!!???
          Ever anyone decides attribute such indignity, it AMOUNTS AUTHORING POLITICAL: CHECKENARY!!??
          Nonsense being spelt out without forethought or as it has been proved many times over, the Elitist vision of Sri Lankan voters is that they could be swayed easily, even if the CONTENT IS DEVOID of FACTS AND FAR FROM THE TRUTH!!!??? CLEAR CASE OF UNDERMINING THE INTELLIGENCE AND CREDIBILITY, INTEGRITY AND HONOUR OF THE VOTERS!!!
          MUST BE COMDEMNED BY ALL RIGHT THINKING PEOPLE and should be avoided or CORRECTION implanted quickly to ensure rectitude, if it was due to, OVERSIGHT TO MEET PRESS DEADLINE!!!??? Being a reputed and accepted contributor, believe it’s the Latter reason attributable!!!???

  • 11

    I have a hypothetical question

    Supposing there is a very powerful Muslim country with a weak non-Muslim population, say Hindus, as the neighbour.

    Supposing there is a terrorist organisation in the weak Hindu country which kills some people in the Muslim country.

    Now this is a case of infidels killing believers.

    How will the mighty Muslim country react ? No killing of civilians ? No invasion ?

    What do our learned readers think ?

    • 19

      deepthi desperate silva
      “How will the mighty Muslim country react ? No killing of civilians ? No invasion ?
      What do our learned readers think ?”

      How did Hindia react between 1983 and 2023?
      How did Pakistan react when Muslims were targeted by hoodlums a few years ago in this island?

      ” What do our learned readers think ?”

      Thinking is forbidden in this island.

      • 11

        Thinking is also forbidden in the Israel – Palestine Conflict
        Not just thinking by the ordinary citizens
        But thinking by politicians, political leaders, UN, EU etc is also forbidden.
        Because of
        Israel’s right to defend itself
        No one else have the right to defend themselves
        Only Israel has that right and no one dare challenge it

      • 10

        THINKING is forbidden in this island,
        U may guess what the reasons are..

        • 9

          If 🤔 thinking is normal, would they blindly continue keeping the Rajapakses above? . However u can’t believe ur eyes but they do…????
          Above all today? While even middle class people are struggling to survive 😪?
          MaRa is still seen busy with opening ceremonies at 🛕 temples keeping safronists in his parades as front runners, can u believe?
          But true, this nation is thousand times stupidier than appeared to be.
          In a civilised world MaRa and the families would have been jailed and kept them away from human associations, because his is the root cause of all various high crimes in the country 😢 ,
          Some would have thrown at them molotov cocktails. But this country filled with human beasts would never come to sense. This nation is beyond cure😪😪😪😪😪

        • 6


          It appears Namal baby needs a speech writer and a spin doctor.
          Every other day he is trying to attract voters’ attention, by making also sort of stupid statements in as many news papers as possible.

          I believe deepthi desperate silva would be most suitable candidate for the posts as it does not require an intellectual nor an intelligent person. All what she has to do is just send what she types here and send it along with Namal Baby’s photograph.

          Hope you are in agreement with my recommendation.

          • 3

            My source revealed that Namal Baby, who misled the majority of idiots in Sri Lanka by throwing milk rice parties, has tried more than 500 virgins during his father’s pink time. I believe, , Deepti Silva *botox baby may be among those lucky/victims. In those days, if we abused a word against Rajapaksa, she almost beat us. Even hearing Rajapakse’s name brought her to the air in those days. Now the ver same woman shows us the colors as if she is reborn. These people are like lizards. Their camaflouge behavior is unique to their genes.
            Now she is reborn. Watch her comments abusing our old codger for no good reason. I really don’t know what that woman is doing?

    • 4

      I am not learned enough, but this question appears to me to assume too many things.
      Bangladesh fits the essential description best.
      Draw your own conclusions.

      • 10

        On 9/11/2001, a few Muslims attacked a mighty Christian country. Millions of Muslims in two unconnected countries died in consequence, but not in the country most responsible.
        I too am not learned enough to answer, being an inferior Sri Lankan.

        • 2

          So everything happened after 9/11!
          You have a knack to make things to seem so simple!

          • 8

            I meant that Muslims don’t monopolise violence.

            • 0

              Thanks, but that was not how the comment was phrased.

        • 9

          I totally concur, but cannot comment further because the brilliant DS has already disqualified me.

          • 2

            The last man one would’ve thought who’d be intimidated by women! …….. Spare a thought for poor Native Vedda who’s terrified of women!! :)))))

            Someday ……. somehow ……… we gotta create a ……… Brave New World!

            • 3

              nimal fernando

              “Spare a thought for poor Native Vedda who’s terrified of women!! :)))))”

              You are right.
              My wife is a woman, my grandmas are women, …… …

        • 3

          Fuzzy wuz You have more information/intelligence than the CIA etc !

          I think inferior people cannot put themselves in the position of superior people/nations and understand the problems superior nations face.They were born for the inferior life

          Ask any rich man , so many beggars with so many problems. They also carry tales about each other. The beggars hate each other

          Remember the complex situation India faced when wanted to play at being a regional power ? They stared by secretly arming the LTTE, then they fought the LTTE and eventually the LTTE killed the Indian Prime Minister .

          As god made them, humans are very complex !

          • 10

            DS, Botox Baby,
            Yes, Indians won Sri Lanka today but they lost Maldives. srilanka became like the fate of a raped woman. Maldives is now occupied by China. Pro china man became president of Maldives.
            I think non aligned thoughts should be our way. Mrs. B and their external affairs kept it going, but the rascals got caught due to having no brains.
            Sharks fight a cold war today where halibut experience aftershocks. The halibut has no right of defense in that fight. Our cheap and stupid leaders sold our souls to China and that’s where our problems started. Wearing pIMP robes and supporting the so-called racist agendas to bully the nation for their power pretensions.

            • 9

              Sharks fight a cold war today where halibut experience aftershocks. The halibut has no right of defense in that fight. Our cheap and stupid leaders sold our souls to China and that’s where our problems started. Red robe wearing PIMPs were the catalysts for racist agendas to bully the nation for their POLITICAL MASTURBATIONS.

              • 2

                Leela go and take your tranquilizer !

                Good and expensive medicine will not be wasted on low-life Veddas.

                Let him chew a bark of a tree.

      • 3

        “I am not learned enough,….”

        Is it why Empty Vessel makes the greatest sound ( Shakespeare makes use of it in Henr y V, Ac t IV, Scene IV)?

    • 11

      If the intent of the hypothetical scenario is to reflect on Israel’s reaction to Hamas’ attack of Oct 7 ‘23, the hypothetical scenario doesn’t reflect the makeup of the Middle East; it is vastly an Islamic region where the Islamic countries together are powerful and the Jews of Israel are very outnumbered but have been propped by an alliance of powerful nations financially and militarily.

      If all the Islamic countries of the region had stood together (+ the Islamic members of the OPEC) with Palestine on the conflict with Israel, how would the powerful West have reacted over the course of history?

      • 0

        “If all the Islamic countries of the region had stood together”
        If you examine how these Islamic countries in Arab lands were carved out of the Ottoman Empire and who were put in charge by UK and France, you will have a clearer picture.

  • 3

    Terrorists organisations, whether it is Hamas, Hezbollah or LTTE, thrive as long as there is conflict. If there is peace, these organisations have no clout as, most likely, they would not be elected through an independent election. PLO probably realised the futility of an armed struggle when the aging leadership became wiser, discarding its hot headed strategy to subdue the military might of Israel & became mainstream, just as the IRA in Ireland.

    Political parties take advantage of this situation, as, among other benefits, there is money to be made. The Rajapakse strategy was to create a racist society & by eliminating terrorism, win eternal support from a grateful nation. This strategy may not work in Israel because of serious international involvement but the effects are the same. As Buddha has preached, hatred beget hatred & is not the end.

    • 6

      You are not a racist. I need to tell this up-front.
      However, ‘Terrorists organisations, whether it is Hamas, Hezbollah or LTTE’, potrays LTTE inaccurately
      LTTE employed terror tactics out of a territorial compulsion.

      • 4

        potrays, – correctly spelled it should be, portrays.

        • 8

          Not everyone is sinhala racist but most of them are racists or opportunists.. some just emulate the other not knowing the impact clearly..
          Sadu sadu effect🤔
          This is what I realised so far. I may be wrong perhaps.

          • 7

            When I visited my mother country during my 3-week vacation last July, I realized that people are very attached to their myths. Kelaniya University’s Kandy Road was jammed again and again as a clan along with a crowd on the main road was transporting the temple shrine from A to B.
            I have seen such roadblocks many times during heavy rains, so if I asked anything anyone , I was yelled at saying it as our culture. At the same time, those who prayed loudly dared to attack a poor stray dog with his leg in front of me. That led me to buy rice packets and feed those dogs whenever i had time to do so. At least they repaid it by waging their tails.
            There were also instances of red colour betel spit thrown on the ground through the bus shutters. I was devastated by the noise exposure similar to Calcutta or similar cities.


            • 7

              I asked myself, how abused must the minds of those stupid people be? I had no choice but to bite my nails and remain silent. I was forced to do a “double take” because the Bandarawela sycophant had ordered his killers to persecute me. All in all, I was forced to think, I was in hell again, even if my good thoughts were to complete some charitable work for my dear mother. These memories cannot be easily erased. Today, as I read from bandarawella Man, I relive my experiences in Sri Lanka.

              So, I believe that racism has become their culture, treating anyone with fascism and Darwinian selectionism, not just minority Sri Lankans. Be it in a public bus or fort station, people behaved more rudely than before. Muscles have taken over the brain. In the days when I was in that country *upto 1990*, I never called a girl *machan*, but today people are used to saying that to anyone. Girls are as violent as boys in public buses.Garbage langague on the road has become the language of television and radio. STUPID SINHALAYAS CALL IT *POSH LIFE STYLE*.. It’s like NEGOMBO fish market looking back.

    • 6

      Why do you ignore the terrorist states of Israel.
      You must have some idea of what Israel has been doing in Palestine.
      If not I will not waste time teaching you history.

  • 6

    What I can’t understand is why none of the other Islamic countries close to the besieged Gaza strip is willing to provide at least temporary asylum to its suffering population that has no water, electricity, food or medicine and no place to hide from the bombs and rockets raining down on its heads day and night. Also, there are so many seriously injured adults and children who are desperately in need of urgent medical attention. Yet what all the other Muslim countries are doing is to seal their borders to prevent an influx of Gazans fleeing the war zone from entering their territories. Is there no such thing as Muslim Brotherhood or is it just rhetoric? If they are not willing to care for their own kind who are already there, then why do they want to propagate their religion and convert everyone by force as many Islamic radicals have vowed to do and thus increase the number of Muslims in the world?

    • 5

      “What I can’t understand is why none of the other Islamic countries close to the besieged Gaza strip is willing to provide at least temporary asylum to its suffering population that has no water, electricity, food or medicine and no place to hide from the bombs and rockets raining down on its heads day and night”
      that is called arabic BROTHERHOOD in selective form. There they seem to forget ” Allah hu AKbar”….I raised the same question x times. Sadly, this world is a paradise for hypocrites.

    • 1

      Temporary asylum will be permanent exile,

      • 3

        SJ, LM,
        Palestinians aren’t popular in the Gulf monarchies. They are seen as radicalised trouble-makers and are barely tolerated. Palestinians were expelled from Kuwait for supporting Saddam’s 1990 invasion.

        • 0

          Kuwait was among the most accommodating there, and the PLO did something stupid and uncalled for.
          Their support was of little value to Saddam while it hurt the Kuwaiti rulers who were invaded by him.

        • 4

          my days are limited, nevertheless i thought to add something about your thoughts on arab monarchies.
          Whether they are Arabs, Kurds, Tamils, Eritreans, Indians and Chinese, no one seems to help their problems. It’s human nature. i have met hongkong chinese that stand against ones in volks republic. iNDIANs in Africa dont defend UK indians. And the fact is , there will be no Arab monarchy in the Middle East if their relations with the West would not maintain closely. Although rich Arab countries have oil resources, their capabilities as people are very low. Those super luxury wealthy hotels in the Middle East are fully run by European managers and directors. MOst of arab in those rich monarchies lack the cognitive ability to see it beyond. They don’t even take them seriously.
          Look at how Tamil people are scattered all over the world. Anyway, do they help with the Tamil problem in Sri Lanka? Stupid sinhalese may have other interpretations, but the truth lies aside. The Indian Tamils did to some extent, but they chose to do it, as with the Palestinians and the Kurds.

  • 10

    “…with the murders and the rapes,….”

    The rape charge is probably Israeli govt propaganda.

    Even as the US pays lip service to a two-state solution, it has allowed successive right-wing Israeli governments to discard international law and continue settlements in lands intended for a Palestinian state, precluding any possibility of a two-state solution. When Jared Kushner negotiated deals for Israel with the UAE and Bahrain, under what they called Abrahamic accords, he was proposing a non-starter as a solution. One would have thought it was par for the course for a wretchedly corrupt Kushner-Trump clan, but the Biden administration would show more sensitivity and not ignore the centrality of the Palestinian question to the Middle East.

    Alas, the new administration continued to pursue the inclusion of Saudi Arabia in Abrahamic accords. For the Palestinians, this would have been the last straw — Arab powers conniving with Israel and the U.S. for their profit and abandoning the Palestinians to their own devices.

    Even as we condemn Hamas for its atrocities against innocent civilians, we cannot lose sight of the original sin and the complicity of many powers in the current plight of the Palestinians.

  • 4

    If the USA did not support Israel, the Palestinian issue would have been solved long ago. There are two reasons why the USA does not stop funding: 1 – the USA wants a friend in the Middle East to ensure that all Middle Eastern countries do not form one united front; 2- the funding of Israel also includes weapons. If the USA does not keep making weapons and funding its war machinery the economy would tank in no time. In order to deplete their own weapon stock and then buy new weapons to restock theirs, they give weapons to Israel and then fund their own war machinery thereby keeping its economy running at home.

    In the end, the issue is not Israel it’s the USA which creates disturbance all over the world in order for their own economic survival.

  • 5

    If Hamas was a creation of the Israeli Zionist agenda to counter Yasser Arafat’s popularity, then it becomes very probable that Hamas was allowed to rampage, breaking down defence systems that are the best in the world. Nothing in the media talks of this false flag operation to justify naked aggression. Just like our Easter bombings in 2019 to enable Gotta’s ascendance, or even the 9-11 attacks in the US to kill a million Iraqis whereas the fanatics were recruited from Saudi Arabia and not Iraq, one key feature is gross intelligence “failures”. These are not failures but deliberate neglect for a sinister agenda to be enabled. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians can now proceed unabated, with rivers of blood flowing thru the rubble of the Gaza strip, while Israel grabs even more land to establish Biblical prophesies of Zion and the Christian second coming to a victorious Israel etc with the super terrorist USA complicit in wiping out Palestine from the map while the world looks on helplessly.

    • 4

      ” ..then it becomes very probable that Hamas was allowed to rampage, breaking down defence systems that are the best in the world. Nothing in the media talks of this false flag operation to justify naked aggression.”

      Quite possible, Lasantha. In fact, a month or 2 ago I read an article during the uprising against Netanyahu’s imminent assault on the judiciary, at the end of which the writer said something to the effect “Well, maybe he’ll find some way to divert the opposition.”

      Ever since this war began Ive been trying to trace that “prediction”..

      • 2

        N’s plan has backfired to a great degree. Many in Israel blame him in Israel for the Hamas attack.
        The US cannot afford to let N continue with his rampage. It has already lost considerable goodwill in the Arab World

  • 7

    In the story of state minister, Diana G , no one knows who is to blame. She has broken all records set by Hirunika so far. However, all these women must fight further to gain recognition in this primitive Sri Lanka where men dominate the society.
    My relatves explained me lately how they were treated sexistic offer by male colleagues in schools in and out of urban regions. As no other society, our people are abusive in every forms.
    THose days in Galle, some hostels were filled with roudy lads that raped younger boys. iF ANYONE went to criciket practices, he had no respect, because many knew they end up in all notorious habbits. These people have branded on theri foreheads as sinhala buddhists, but they are mostl of them real human beasts.
    I have seen both good and bad in DIANA G, however the dichotomy is wider than any other personality. I wonder how the Bangladesh women’s team will share their fee with their captain.

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