18 January, 2025


Overseas Sinhala Extremist Brigade

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

There are no “white” or “coloured” signs on the graveyards of battle.” John F Kennedy

Can individuals see themselves through the prism of their common humanity? Looking at almost every society today this seems a far way off. Racism is a contemporary reality and it does no good but creates welts and deep wounds in the body politic.

The funny irony is that racism is a myth.

Living and thinking over two thousand five hundred years ago the Buddha (Vaseththa Sutta) emphatically undermined racism as a myth. “Both the Theravada as well as the Mahayana schools of Buddhism speak of man in the context of a larger concourse of sentient beings.” (KN Jayatilleka & GP Malalasekera). One would expect,therefore, the Sinhala Buddhist to shy away from this evil. Yet, irony follows irony and the answer is “no.”

Many of the more articulate Sinhalese living overseas appear to be fanning racism feverishly. When it comes to parting with their money for the cause,however, they are not as unstinting as their parallel racist Tamil brethren.These days, I have been at the receiving end of a stream of emails from such overseas Sinhala extremists. Strangely, some of them belong to the learned community.The mental focus of these individuals is still where we were in 1956-60. They raise tedious arguments about the ratios of the two communities and about how the government should “fairly” deal with the issue. By “fairly,” they mean fairly to the Sinhala community. Constitutional clause 13A has become a big noisy issue. Now, with the elections on, the spectre of the LTTE invading Lanka is being artificially conjured up by these persons. These guys are predominantly adorers of Mahinda Rajapaksa,who is hailed by them with the cliched slogan, “a leader with a backbone.”

Identity is the foremost issue to the Sinhala Diaspora because in their host countries they are bewildered and confused with a perceived loss of identity. They perceive themselves as deemed ‘inferior.’ I live in Australia but I do not experience anything near inferior treatment. It is perception and not realty; but the perception eats into their being, I suppose. Another proximate factor is the presence of Tamil racists in big numbers; many of them in the vanguard of the LTTE Diaspora.

The downside is that these guys unleash their venom in a vicarious struggle that goes on in Sri Lanka.

Despite all these noise, however, I suspect that to ordinary Sri Lankans the ethnic question has receded in their public conscience particularly after the rout of the LTTE in Sri Lanka. The current priorities of the collective social conscience back home in Sri Lanka is around home economics. More precisely, how to match income with household expenditure. Related resource issues are how to get good schools for their kids,how to get efficient transport, how to get housing, how to get affordable medical treatment and so on. In this context it is heartening to note that the UNFGG Manifesto is a marked attempt to focus on the burning issues of ordinary Lankans. The campaign is well targeted unlike MR’s campaign where one notices a recycling of the old and boring issues located on a racial spectrum.

The section of febrile Sinhala Diaspora is least concerned with such issues. They have more than solved such personal and family issues for themselves by virtue of the fact that they are citizens of those affluent foreign lands. Here is an extract from an email of one such guy from America who I will call ‘Sudath,’ who originates a lot of this email.

Writes Sudath: “The Californians like me spent their leisure at the renowned golden beaches (Torrance, Hermosa and Redondo ) along the Pacific coast with their families–kids and grand kids–My five kids and their spouses and seven grand kids join us whenever they can. Al my kids, especially the 2 sons are are great swimmers and and I join them for afternoon swims-either at the Pacific ocean or at home in their pools-out seven grand kids are there too. This is just to let you know about our lifestyle here tied to family life. I also play rounds of golf during the weekends–my two sons are good golfers.”

Sudath has been a raving supporter of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR) because the latter “vanquished Prabhakaran.” I told you, identity is the key consideration for these foreign Sri Lankans who self-describe themselves as “patriots.”  MR did the job for,”with a backbone.”

These patriots are oblivious of the myriad allegation of misrule, corruption and outrageous abuse of power of the Rajapaksa regime. They are not bothered that the lives of ordinary people in Lanka are “nasty, brutish and short.” To them the Sinhalese must keep the superiority that their numbers demand. They do not smell that by fanning bitter divisions they put our people in trouble.The concern is about them alone.

The racism of these guys is so extreme that it extends to an antipathy toward the Estate Tamils of Indian origin. On 17 Jul 2015, another of them who I will call “Asoka,” had this to say:

“…It was, again JR and his budding kindred – Ranil
who put in to the dustbin Sirima-Shasthrie Pact
to expatriate Kallathoonis of several decades,
and gave millions of Indian (upcountry Tamils)
Kallathonis Sri Lankan Citizenship.”

He has a Buddhist name and I took the opportunity to remind him that as a Buddhist he should develop an empathy for these oppressed and suppressed and exploited estate workers and their families who lived through generations in line- housing. They toiled and sweated under the sun to make our tea bloom in world markets and bring us an export commodity that has been Sri Lanka’s mainstay for many, many years. They made our bread and butter. What’s wrong in granting them citizenship? I asked Asoka and he was silent. At least, he was silent.

Another individual,a lady, is a Professor in an American University, who I will call simply, ”Professor,” joined the email conversation and castigated the estate community for having robbed the jobs from our upcountry peasants. Although a professor, she did not know that she was historically wrong in this observation. Professor is also a diehard fan of the former regime and she laughs at yahapalanaya.

At a meeting in Melbourne when someone stated that Sri Lanka is a multicultural country one of the above herd scoffed at the expression. MR must be content as here is another supporter for him.

A man from London, who I will call “Jagath,” came out in one of his emails with an astounding theory that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala, and that Tamils and Muslims are guests! I made sure he wasn’t a comedian.

This thorny problem can never be solved unless we think on the path of our common humanity and find solutions on that basis. One cannot meet racism through counter racism. One must meet racism only by going beyond. The Black Power Movement in America was arrayed to fight White racism. It failed and merely compounded the problem because it was a counter racist attack on racism. Jean Paul Satre called it,”anti-racist racism.”

Latest comments

  • 2

    The writer is correct in his observation that the Sinhala racist brigade is stingy and would not part with money for the cause they carry out. The opposite is the Tamil racist brigade that provided huge slush funds for Prabhkaran.

  • 5

    Shyamon Jayasinghe

    Overseas Sinhala Extremist Brigade

    1) “There are no “white” or “coloured” signs on the graveyards of battle.” John F Kennedy

    *** It must be obvious to anybody the motive behind J F Ks reasons for keeping the Statistics a secret. He didnt want to play into the hands of White Supreamacists.

    2) Can individuals see themselves through the prism of their common humanity? Looking at almost every society today this seems a far way off. Racism is a contemporary reality and it does no good but creates welts and deep wounds in the body politic.

    *** You make it sound like a beauty contest. There are GOOD BAD and UGLY. For exapmple Mahintha is born UGLY ( I mean RACIST)

    Racism is Contemporary Reality which is expressed in an Art Form like the Kandyan Dance. Have you seen it, I have. MR palys it better than any oneone Gyrating like a belly dancer evoking violent Human reactions.

    3) The funny irony is that racism is a myth.

    A myth is as follows:

    a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

    *** What we are seeing in Sinhala Lanka are super natural events such as MS briging back MR the THUG.

    4) Living and thinking over two thousand five hundred years ago the Buddha (Vaseththa Sutta) emphatically undermined racism as a myth. One would expect,therefore, the Sinhala Buddhist to shy away from this evil. Yet, irony follows irony and the answer is “no.”

    *** You cant blame Buddha he was not a Scientist and he didnt know how to decode the Sinhala Gene.

    5) Many of the more articulate Sinhalese living overseas appear to be fanning racism feverishly. When it comes to parting with their money for the cause,however, they are not as unstinting as their parallel racist Tamil brethren.

    *** You started off sending a message of Love but now you have turned Nasty. Racism is the Property of the Dominant Race. Suffering belongs to the Minority. Sam Chicken has given Millios and so have many other Racist Sinhalse to fan the Flame of Racism. If you want proof give me a Secure method of Correspondence and I will send it to you. Or Telepathy.

    6) These days, I have been at the receiving end of a stream of emails from such overseas Sinhala extremists. Strangely, some of them belong to the learned community.The mental focus of these individuals is still where we were in 1956-60. They raise tedious arguments about the ratios of the two communities and about how the government should “fairly” deal with the issue. By “fairly,” they mean fairly to the Sinhala community. Constitutional clause 13A has become a big noisy issue. Now, with the elections on, the spectre of the LTTE invading Lanka is being artificially conjured up by these persons. These guys are predominantly adorers of Mahinda Rajapaksa,who is hailed by them with the cliched slogan, “a leader with a backbone.”.

    *** This all due to withdrawal symtoms and that happens when you are in a Detox Clinic.

    7) Identity is the foremost issue to the Sinhala Diaspora because in their host countries they are bewildered and confused with a perceived loss of identity. They perceive themselves as deemed ‘inferior.’ I live in Australia but I do not experience anything near inferior treatment. It is perception and not realty; but the perception eats into their being, I suppose. Another proximate factor is the presence of Tamil racists in big numbers; many of them in the vanguard of the LTTE Diaspora.

    *** The above depends on where you are.
    Outside Sinhala Lanka we The Tamil Diaspora out number Sinhalse Racists and outmanoeuvre them.
    In Sinhala Lanka is the other way round.

    As for identity it is understandable if you go back to the origins.

    8) Despite all these noise, however, I suspect that to ordinary Sri Lankans the ethnic question has receded in their public conscience particularly after the rout of the LTTE in Sri Lanka.

    *** You are joking mate. Why do you think there is a clamour to bring back the THUG.

    9) The current priorities of the collective social conscience back home in Sri Lanka is around home economics.

    *** NO NO NO. It is all about Ethnic Cleansing first and distribution of proceeds of the Wealth in the hands of the Cleaned ups.

    10) Sudath has been a raving supporter of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR) because the latter “vanquished Prabhakaran.” I told you, identity is the key consideration for these foreign Sri Lankans who self-describe themselves as “patriots.” MR did the job for,”with a backbone.”

    *** He is not alone in this. I know many famous ladies and one of them who is now the Head of the Womens Brigade sigend up to supporting Percy eventhough they were die hard UNPers.

    MR did the job for,”with a backbone.” : You are right but he did it Clumsily.

    12) These patriots are oblivious of the myriad allegation of misrule, corruption and outrageous abuse of power of the Rajapaksa regime. They are not bothered that the lives of ordinary people in Lanka are “nasty, brutish and short.” To them the Sinhalese must keep the superiority that their numbers demand. They do not smell that by fanning bitter divisions they put our people in trouble.The concern is about them alone.

    *** This is exactly what I said above. Outside they are inferior. But inside they are Brutal.

    13) The racism of these guys is so extreme that it extends to an antipathy toward the Estate Tamils of Indian origin. On 17 Jul 2015, another of them who I will call “Asoka,” had this to say:

    “…It was, again JR and his budding kindred – Ranil
    who put in to the dustbin Sirima-Shasthrie Pact
    to expatriate Kallathoonis of several decades,
    and gave millions of Indian (upcountry Tamils)
    Kallathonis Sri Lankan Citizenship.”

    *** I give you credit for the above and if I could I would love to sign you up with New Scotland Yard for your Investigative Talent.

    14) He has a Buddhist name and I took the opportunity to remind him that as a Buddhist he should develop an empathy for these oppressed and suppressed and exploited estate workers and their families who lived through generations in line- housing. They toiled and sweated under the sun to make our tea bloom in world markets and bring us an export commodity that has been Sri Lanka’s mainstay for many, many years. They made our bread and butter. What’s wrong in granting them citizenship? I asked Asoka and he was silent. At least, he was silent.

    *** The reason why he was silent was because he was communicating and checking with Lord Buddha.

    15) Another individual,a lady, is a Professor in an American University, who I will call simply, ”Professor,” joined the email conversation and castigated the estate community for having robbed the jobs from our upcountry peasants. Although a professor, she did not know that she was historically wrong in this observation.

    *** You have only identified 2 out of 5.8 Million which is rising by the minute.

    16) A man from London, who I will call “Jagath,” came out in one of his emails with an astounding theory that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhala, and that Tamils and Muslims are guests! I made sure he wasn’t a comedian.

    *** He is right. We are paid Guests and we pay it to Douglas , Pillaiayan and Karuna to be given to Gotha.

    17)This thorny problem can never be solved unless we think on the path of our common humanity and find solutions on that basis. One cannot meet racism through counter racism.

    *** So you are asking us to become Jesus and turn the other Cheek. How wonderful. We are a Punchbag.

  • 3

    Of course Mahinda Rajapaksa is the true hero. He may be Dutugemunu reborn. What a love he has for his country the writer and others should know.

  • 5

    Mahes has a new religion. Foolish man!

  • 7

    I know some of these Sinhala wearies living in America. They enjoy American freedom and prosperity and still attack America. Damn hypocrites

  • 0

    “One must meet racism only by going beyond”. Exactly!
    But the question is ,how far beyond ? When you have the
    time, just take a look at TV political debates! They
    all sound committed for healthy race relations with all
    the communities but with the ” pirith nool” on the
    wrists ! So what ? No, nothing specially wrong than
    before ! But they can not give up their age old belief
    that blessing from the clergy is more important to
    live successfully . Win or lose , live with the “string”.
    What I’m trying to say is, they don’t have the balls to
    exhibit the real ‘he’ who is in them and the good news
    is, though it’s half baked, they are more of a
    politician than a Buddhist, even the Rathana Thero and
    Champika. And yet , all three major communities need to
    act decisively for concrete actions to win good efforts
    and to defeat all cancerous plots against such efforts.

  • 4

    Chief Moderator:

    Dear Moderator;

    You are supposed to uphold the Intergrity of CT but you have failed in that duty miserably.

    You allow Dr.R. Narendran to post comments which amoun to ridiculing the role of Diaspora. But you might not be aware Mr.Jeyadevan his brother [Edited out]

  • 3

    Dr R N:

    I have come to the end of my teather having pleaded with you to be factual and not make wild staments bringing the Profession into disrepute but you have not shown any restaraint.
    This leves me with no alternative but to take it up with your Governing Body below.

    275/75, OPA Building,
    Prof. Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha,
    Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.
    Email – info@slva.org

    I mean what I say.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 0


      Please do. You are welcome.

      You may have to however, disclose your real identity, which may be in turn become a story by itself.

    • 1


      Please avoid this ugly step. This is a forum for discussion and the clash of thoughts and ideas. Debate and Argue we must but let not our passions exceed the limits of common decency.

      R. Varathan

  • 1

    Kali what wild statements did Dr RN make that brings your profession into disrepute? I cannot see that.

    • 2

      Ayah Nalliah:

      I think you are both blind and dumb.

      Try asking a different Question and let me help

      What wild statements did RN make that brings HIS Profession into disrepute.

      For your information my Profession is heavily regulated.

      The Regulatory Authority is My Conscience, Intergrity and Honesty.
      These are qualities hard to find but I came into being with those.

    • 1


      Kali does have only one profession. It is the oldest and she practises ritually with perversion.

  • 1

    Working for the common good is how human civilization advanced itself to where it sits today. However, it took ages to get here due to the inability to bury the differences and accept one’s enemies. There are claims of evil unseen forces that have sought to destroy human civilization to push it back into the stone age. The second world war was one of these episodes where the forces of darkness nearly achieved their objectives. Racism is an evil used very effectively to hold back nations. Sri Lanka has been gripped in an evil struggle. But it has finally emerged into the light. MR is not the solution he is a very big part of the problem. Religion can also be twisted into an evil racist force. That is the demon that has held Sri lanka in its grip for a very long time.

  • 0

    Kali conscience, integrity etc what are they? They are relative and so mean nothing.RN can argue he is acting according to conscience

    • 1


      Kali’s song and dance is about my saying that Rinderpest was introduced to Sri Lanka in 1987 by the IPKF.

      She has spewed venom without, as usual, knowing what she is talking about.

      To those interested, here is the reference:

      Veterinary Epidemiological Bulletin
      Sri Lanka
      Vol 3, # 2 (July-December’2010

      ISSN: 1800-4881

      Read section on Rinderpest. The link can be found in a google search of ‘IPKF role in introducing Rinderpest to SriLanka’.

      I am having problems with he internet here in Jaffna and am unable to copy the link.


      • 0

        Dr RN is indeed correct in his reference; below is the link and an excerpt from the august bulletin.


        following excerpt – 3.2 page 9 of the bulletin

        Rinderpest reappeared in 1987 disrupting the
        disease free status enjoyed by the country over 40 years.
        The source of infection was again the Indian goats which
        were imported without any quarantine measures, for feeding
        the Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) stationed
        in the northern and eastern parts of the country. The first
        outbreak was reported from Batticaloa in the Eastern
        Province in October 1987. The index case was detected
        among cattle in a village called ‘Sinna Urani’ in the peninsula
        area of Batticaloa district. The disease was confirmed
        at Animal Virus Research Institute (AVRI), Pirbright.
        Subsequently, rinderpest cases were found in all three Districts
        namely Batticalo, Trincomalee and Ampara in the
        Eastern Province and all five districts namely Vavuniya,
        Mullaitivu, Jaffna, Mannar, Kilinochchi in the Northern
        Province. As such the disease was found in the two Provinces
        namely Northern Province and Eastern Province
        where the IPKF camps were located. Subsequently the
        disease moved into other Provinces and infected the entire

        Kali, if this is indeed the bee in your bonnet, then I think you have put your foot in right and proper.

  • 1

    The writer must be congratulated for highlighting the plight of the Tamil estate community. Fw writers refer to this slavery in modern Sri Lanka. It is living apartheid.These workers and their families are trapped by a corrupt leadership because of their helplessness. Congrats, Shyamon! As somebody has said in these comments, you have a heart of gold

  • 0


    Here is the link I mentioned above:



  • 1

    Shyamon Jayasinghe,

    Look what you’ve gone and done now! Teeth are being gnashed, knickers strewn, and much fur flying about. Racism is our well-hidden Sri Lankan family secret. Here in Colombo (where I write this from today with a nice ginger’n’lime and thambili crush to keep me cool in the unforgiving heat) and in other parts of the south, there is now a subtle and uneasy racism beneath all the post Jan 8 joy. However, when I have, as I regularly do, visit outposts of the diaspora I see much of what you have written. I think it is exacerbated by the simple fact that our overseas Sri Lankan’s, regardless of ethnic strain, are conveniently bundled together as blacks, paki’s or wogs. In the diaspora, it seems the Tamils blame the ever-growing Sinhala diaspora for getting them a bad name, and vice versa. As many a foreigner has said “you all look the bloody same to us”.

    The truth is that we are all creatures of circumstance. None of us are born of our own free will. Sadly it is down to the environment that we grow up in that we cultivate shitty ideas about colour, class, and social status. Lucky indeed are those who can see beyond those inherent evils. We should never stop preaching the message of respect and care for our fellowman, and goodwill to all. As I look above the trees in my little orchard with a koha in the mango tree, and see the blue skies above, it truly seems that man is still the only vile thing about.

    • 1

      ‘Sadly it is down to the environment that we grow up in that we cultivate shitty ideas about colour, class, and social status. Lucky indeed are those who can see beyond those inherent evils.’
      You have hit the nail on the head, Spring Koha.
      But it’s going to take a whole generation to change these shitty ideas, because they are the result of the brainwashing that goes on in the name of “education” in our schools.

  • 0

    Our religion is Buddhism a Noble religion with principles.People are frequently associated with Buddhist rituals.The situation in society implies their adaptation is at a very poor stage.

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