3 May, 2024


‘Para Dhemalek’ And On Being A Racist

By Charles Sarvan –

Prof. Charles Sarvan

Prof. Charles Sarvan

A Sinhalese, a friend for over sixty years, recently suggested that I was a racist. I found that particularly ironic because in 1958 I went to his village with my notes to help him re-sit the first-year university examination, and was caught up in the anti-Tamil riot of that year. The denial of equality is not abstract theorising to me. Having been a ‘Para Dhemmala in Sri Lanka; a non-white in England in the early 1960s when “colourism” was unashamed, overt and crude; having been an Asian in Africa, and a ‘non-believer’ in a Muslim country, I am for human equality; for equality not in form but in substance, equality not in false protestation but in actual practice; for equality irrespective of ethnicity, skin-colour, sex, religion, language caste or class. All human beings are equal in dignity and rights, affirms Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was worded as “universal” and not as “international” rights because, as Stephane Hessel clarifies in his ‘Time for Outrage’ (written when he was ninety-three), that is “how to forestall the argument for full sovereignty that a state likes to make when it is carrying out crimes against humanity on its own soil”. To deny human equality is to be left with, “We are superior”. If you are different and inferior, then you can be treated in an inferior manner, that is, normal ethical standards of conduct do not apply. This is how humanity has rationalised its inhumane and unjust conduct worldwide and throughout the centuries. If to take the essential equality of all human beings as axiomatic and sacred is to be a racist then I am guilty.

If to be for inclusion, rather than for exclusion and subordination; if to be for decency, as Avishai Margalit describes it in his ‘The Decent Society’ (Harvard, 1996), then I am a racist.

John Rawls, in his ‘A Theory of Justice’, argued that it is a sense of fairness which lies at the root of, and leads to, justice. If we had to cut a cake into several pieces not knowing which piece would be ours, wouldn’t we aim at impartiality? Rawls invited us to enter into an imaginary situation where we have to formulate principles of justice without having any knowledge of how they would affect us. We would then strive hard to realize fairness. To be for fairness and justice is not to be racist.

One is for certain ideals and principles rather than being against certain individuals and groups. The distinction can easily get blurred because discrimination and the drive to dominate; hatred and violence, though abstractions, are embodied in, and find expression through, individuals and groups (secular and religious) in society.

Unfortunately there are individuals and organisations who work against the world being a more just, peaceful, happier, and therefore, a more beautiful place. Given this reality, to remain silent – be it through indifference or fear or calculation of personal profit – is to be party to racism. Martin Luther King said that more than the words of the enemy, it is the silence of friends that disappoints and hurts.

Without freedom, there cannot be self-realization, neither of the individual nor of the group. Erich Fromm, in his ‘Escape From Freedom’ suggests there are two kinds of freedom: the freedom from, also known as negative freedom, and the freedom to.  Negative freedom is freedom from external interference that obstructs or curtails; positive freedom is the freedom to control and direct one’s own life. Positive freedom allows an individual or group to consciously make his or their own choices, create her or their own aims, and shape her or their own life. In short, s/he (or they) acts instead of being acted upon. See also, Isaiah Berlin’s essay titled ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’.

If to be for attributes such as equality, decency and justice for all (rather than for hatred, discrimination and violence) then I am a racist; a racist in the company of greater Sinhalese “racists” (sic), female and male; Buddhist and Christian. Their names come to mind but will remain unmentioned because such individuals are embarrassed by being singled out as example and encouragement. It is a privilege to have known them.  “Ye are the salt of the earth.”

Once again with thanks to my wife for her strictures.

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  • 15

    Pardon my ignorance Professor but I don’t see the irony in being caught up in an anti-Tamil riot 55 years ago and your friend calling you a racist recently.

    • 10

      I understand that the latest Channel 4 movie on unbelievable, but true, cruel and ghastly Sri Lankan genocide scenes of Tamils (taken by Sri Lankan soldiers) during the war is coming soon.

      Let it tear the masks of the embedded writers and analysts propping up the genocidal regime and its henchmen.

      These are the barbarians and the state the writers want Tamils to reconcile with!

      Better to perish than living under the jack boots of these barbarians.

      This movie must be shown in Geneva in March 2014.

      • 3

        Api para Demala okkooma sudha karnawa! We are cleaning out all the para Tamils.

      • 2

        “This movie must be shown in Geneva in March 2014.’

        I don’t think so.If you have a good card,no point playing it too early.If you can get the current resolution envisaged by the tamils passed without the movie,why play it?You can use it at a later date to get something more,such as implementation of the resolution,conviction,penalties etc.If you play all your good cards early then you won’t have any later on.Ask any poker player.

      • 11

        Oh good, I was starting to get worried that Channel 4 wouldn’t come out with another entertaining fiction this year after the last two fizzled out without much fanfare. Hopefully they’ll hire some better actors to wail on camera and tell the usual tales for this one though LOL

      • 6

        Can you please stop spamming the CT articles with the same comment. Or are you working for the GTF in spreading propaganda?

    • 9

      Dear Prof. Charles Sarvan,

      “A Sinhalese, a friend for over sixty years, recently suggested that I was a racist.”

      The Tamils generally call the Sinhala (Mahanama Monk) Buddhists, racists. Now both, Sinhala and Tamil, have data to support each other’s assertion. This may explain why there are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Lanka, whereas in India, every state has a few percent Buddhists ( non-Mahanama Buddhists). This is truly the curse of Lanka, that prevents in forming an egalitarian society.The other is the separation of Church, Temple. Mosque and State.

      The Tamils chasing the Sinhala and Muslims (Tamil speaking) from Jaffna and the Northern Province, factual data, can be interpreted as Tamils are racists.

      The word para, para-deshi, probably means foreigner or stranger, who does not belong to the land. So, para-Demala means foreign Tamil, as opposed to Demala, Tamil. So let us see who the para-deshis are in Lanka. They are commonly known as Kalla-Thoni, or Illegal-Boats.

      So who are the Para-Deshis, the Kalla-Thonis and Illegal Boat People in Lanka.

      The land of Lanka belongs to the Native Veddahs. They walked across the land bridge when the sea levels were low. They are the true natives of Lanka.

      Everybody else is a Para-Deshi, the Kalla-Thonis and Illegal Boat People Kallathoni or Illegal.

      This list includes

      1. The Para-Bengalis , (the Para-Sinhala)
      2. The Para-Kalingas, (the Para-Sinhala)
      3. The Para-Orissans ( the Para-Sinhala)
      4. The Para-Tamils (Para-Demalas)
      5. The Para-Malayalams ( The Para-Karavas)
      7. The Para-Yonas and the Para-Muslims, Para-Arabs and Para-Persians.
      8. The Para-Portugese(Parangi) and the Para-Kaapiris.
      9. The Para-Dutch(Parangi)
      10. The Para-Malays
      11. The Para-English
      12. The Para-Chinese and the other Kallathonis, the Illegals.

      They all should get back to their Native Lands and leave Lanka to the Native Vedda who are not Para.

      • 4

        You think Balangoda Man was a Veddah? Just ask our Native Veddah, he was a foreigner too!

        • 1


          “You think Balangoda Man was a Veddah? Just ask our Native Veddah, he was a foreigner too! “

          Please read my second response below.

          Humans were there in India 30,000 to 50,000 years ago. They all migrated from Africa about 65,000 years ago when the sea levels were low. The Balangoda man, approximately 30,000 years ago was probably the ancestor of the present day native Veddah, OR, may have been one of the early migrants who died out, and the current Native Veddah is the only surviving original migrants.

          So, only the native Veddah can can call the Tamils. the Sinhala and others as Para, para-Sinhalaya, Para-Demala, para-Muslima, Parangia etc.


          When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60,000 years ago, they left genetic footprints still visible today. By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples, we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world. These great migrations eventually led the descendants of a small group of Africans to occupy even the farthest reaches of the Earth.

          • 1


            Thanks for your support.

            Please educate Paul, you may have to spend quite a lot of time with him. I am sure you can coope with it.

      • 3

        ” The Tamils chasing the Sinhala and Muslims (Tamil speaking) from Jaffna and the Northern Province, factual data, can be interpreted as Tamils are racists.”

        Tamil Muslims you refer to are racially Tamil. Just because their ancestors converted to Islam does not mean their race changed. To deny the Tamil ethnicity of Eastern Muslims is genocidal because it seeks to eraze and destroy a part of the Tamil community.

        If you look at other parts of the World, be it: Malaysia, Saudi, Iran, Bosnia,Pakistan , Chechnya and many other Muslim dominant regions, the people still retain their unique ethnic identities. Even in Sri Lanka those Muslims in Colombo who look Arab claim Arab descent and Sri Lankan Malay Muslims claim Malay descent and the Memoms maintain their own distinct Indo-Iranian ethnic identity yet Tamils who converted to Islam can not claim Tamil ethnic identity. This is clear double standard and anti Tamil genocidal propahganda on the part of the Sri Lankan Muslim elite who identity with Arab culture.

        • 2


          “Even in Sri Lanka those Muslims in Colombo who look Arab claim Arab descent and Sri Lankan Malay Muslims claim Malay descent and the Memoms maintain their own distinct Indo-Iranian ethnic identity yet Tamils who converted to Islam can not claim Tamil ethnic identity. This is clear double standard and anti Tamil genocidal propahganda on the part of the Sri Lankan Muslim elite who identity with Arab culture. “

          Your comment is the subject of another discussion, but Amarasiri’s comments were related to the use of the word racist, by Sinhala, and Tamilt and the use the word Para.

          If you do a DNA analysis of the Muslims, Tamils and Sinhala, you will find commonalities and differences as well, especially regionally. Eastern Muslims will have genes more in common with Tamils than with Sinhala or Arabs, Persians oe Western Indians.

          On the other hand, the Western and Southern Muslims will have genes in common with the Arabs, Persians, Keralas, Western Indians and Sinhala due to the diversity and intermarriages.

          Want to know more. Read:



          The Genographic Project, launched on 13 April 2005 by the National Geographic Society and IBM, is a multi-year genetic anthropology study that aims to map historical human migration patterns by collecting and analyzing DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people from around the world.[1]


          Tamil people


          Sinhalese people


          • 0

            Thanks for the links,amerasiri. Very informative.Good to have you.

      • 2

        Amarasiri, Please get your facts right.

        “The land of Lanka belongs to the Native Veddahs. They walked across the land bridge when the sea levels were low. They are the true natives of Lanka.”

        When the sea levels were low there were no humans on the Indian sub-continent to walk across to Sri Lanka.

        Even if there was a Land Bridge we would be Native Indians.

        • 1


          Facts are given below, not based on myth.

          25,000 years ago. the sea levels were as low as 120 meters from the present level, for the Native Veddah’s to walk. Due to global warming, expect the sea levels to go up going forward. Maldives and many other places will be under water.

          Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth’s Past
          By: Anders E. Carlson (Department of Geoscience & Center for Climatic Research University of Wisconsin, Madison) © 2011 Nature Education
          Citation: Carlson, A. E. (2011) Ice Sheets and Sea Level in Earth’s Past. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):3


          The geologic record of ice-sheet retreat for the last deglaciation and last interglaciation permits several conclusions on the past behavior of ice sheets in a warming climate. Terrestrial ice sheets responded to climate warming rapidly, with no significant lag between initiation of warming and ice margin retreat. That said, their retreat has proven to be more gradual, or linear, suggesting that land-based ice is not necessarily prone to ice-sheet scale abrupt collapses even under climates warmer than present. In contrast, marine ice sheets have demonstrated non-linear responses to past climate warming, such as the significant lag between the onset of AIS retreat and Antarctic warming during the last deglaciation, but early collapse of the WAIS during the last interglacial. Despite these differing styles of behavior, both terrestrial and marine ice sheets contributed meters of sea-level rise on the time scale of centuries in response to past climate warming.

        • 1


          You say.

          “When the sea levels were low there were no humans on the Indian sub-continent to walk across to Sri Lanka.”

          Humans were there in India 30,000 to 50,000 years ago.


          Since its launch in 2005, National Geographic’s Genographic Project has used advanced DNA analysis and worked with indigenous communities to help answer fundamental questions about where humans originated and how we came to populate the Earth. Now, cutting-edge technology is enabling us to shine a powerful new light on our collective past. By participating in the latest phase of this real-time scientific project, you can learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible. You will also help support the Genographic Legacy Fund, which works to conserve and revitalize indigenous cultures around the world.

          When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60,000 years ago, they left genetic footprints still visible today. By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples, we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world. These great migrations eventually led the descendants of a small group of Africans to occupy even the farthest reaches of the Earth.


          Our species is an African one: Africa is where we first evolved, and where we have spent the majority of our time on Earth. The earliest fossils of recognizably modern Homo sapiens appear in the fossil record at Omo Kibish in Ethiopia, around 200,000 years ago. Although earlier fossils may be found over the coming years, this is our best understanding of when and approximately where we originated.

          According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. What set this in motion is uncertain, but we think it has something to do with major climatic shifts that were happening around that time—a sudden cooling in the Earth’s climate driven by the onset of one of the worst parts of the last Ice Age. This cold snap would have made life difficult for our African ancestors, and the genetic evidence points to a sharp reduction in population size around this time. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.

          Once the climate started to improve, after 70,000 years ago, we came back from this near-extinction event. The population expanded, and some intrepid explorers ventured beyond Africa. The earliest people to colonize the Eurasian landmass likely did so across the Bab-al-Mandab Strait separating present-day Yemen from Djibouti. These early beachcombers expanded rapidly along the coast to India, and reached Southeast Asia and Australia by 50,000 years ago. The first great foray of our species beyond Africa had led us all the way across the globe.

          Slightly later, a little after 50,000 years ago, a second group appears to have set out on an inland trek, leaving behind the certainties of life in the tropics to head out into the Middle East and southern Central Asia. From these base camps, they were poised to colonize the northern latitudes of Asia, Europe, and beyond.

          Around 20,000 years ago a small group of these Asian hunters headed into the face of the storm, entering the East Asian Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum. At this time the great ice sheets covering the far north had literally sucked up much of the Earth’s moisture in their vast expanses of white wasteland, dropping sea levels by more than 300 feet. This exposed a land bridge that connected the Old World to the New, joining Asia to the Americas. In crossing it, the hunters had made the final great leap of the human journey. By 15,000 years ago they had penetrated the land south of the ice, and within 1,000 years they had made it all the way to the tip of South America. Some may have even made the journey by sea.

          The story doesn’t end there, of course. The rise of agriculture around 10,000 years ago—and the population explosion it created—has left a dramatic impact on the human gene pool. The rise of empires, the astounding oceangoing voyages of the Polynesians, even the extraordinary increase in global migration over the past 500 years could all leave traces in our DNA. There are many human journey questions waiting to be asked and answered.

          What stories are waiting to be told in your own DNA?

      • 0

        Best entertaining comment by Amarasiri. But missing the point.
        “para Demala”, “para Sinhala” or “para Muslim” is a derogatory term used for insulting people. another example is “para balla”.

        This was derived from “paraiyar” or “paraiyan” refered to people who beat drums at funerals, weddings and other functions. these were people who were categarised as very low cast. Cast minded
        and arrogant people use “para” as prefix to insult and humiliate people. This is the usage in Sri Lanka.

        Whoever called the writer “para demala” didn’t mean “foreign tamil”

        • 1


          परदेशी {paradeshi} FOREIGNER

          Of course in Sri Lanka, the Tamils, have the Paraya caste, the drummer caste, a lower Tamil caste, and in Sri Lanka, the word is used to refer to the low status by both Tamils AS WELL AS SinhalA.

          However, the Portuguese and Dutch were refereed to as Parangi, foreigners.

          So, the Native Veddahs of Lanka can call all other interlopers to their native land Para and Paradeshis, as in Sanskrit and Hindi.

          • 3

            This is why Sri Lanka is “para-dise”.

    • 0

      It’s ironic in the same way that rain on your wedding day is ironic !

      • 0

        ah off the cuff today masquerading as steve grafton :)

    • 5

      Several anti-Tamil riots, and even the genocide of 2009 show the rampant Sinhala racism stupid.

      Instead, don’t accuse Tamils of being racists.

      • 1

        Thiru, Agreed many Sinhalese are racists, but so are many Tamils. I live in Wellawatte and experience the Tamil racism daily. Which is why I always support non racists. They are the truely enlightened beings. Which is also why I understand Charles Sarvan.

        • 0


          “Which is why I always support non racists. They are the truely enlightened beings.”

          Racism is one of the issues egalitarian societies have to face and overcome. As long as the racist keep their racism to themselves,without harming the other races, that is acceptable, even though not ideal.

          The same can be said of religious beliefs, with unproven beliefs in Afterlife and, Rebirth and Reincarnation.

          Read the history of Religion and the exploitation by the Monks, Priest and Mullahs.

  • 3

    Thank you. Had it not for your wife’s strictures, I belief, I would have been fortunate to know your friend’s credentials and his present standing in his non racist community.

  • 14

    If someone talks about TAMIL homelands, TAMIL aspirations, TAMIL ELAM, TAMIL this and that, he is a racist.

    A non-racist will talk about EVERYONE not just one community.

    • 3

      “If someone talks about TAMIL homelands, TAMIL aspirations, TAMIL ELAM, TAMIL this and that, he is a racist.”

      only if he is trying to put down the sinhalese unfairly.If he is not doing that then he isn’t a racist but a person fighting for his people’s rights.At least at last you are talking something sensible akin to a healthy debate instead of the usual frivolous stuff.

      Anyway a good point and one to ponder.You are not far away from the truth but everyone who talks like that may not be a racist,but some may be.

    • 3

      You often talk here about exterminatiing Tamils so a racist is what you see in the mirror.

    • 0

      wow what an intellect this fatshitma. It is so nice to read all the wonderful comments of this low life turd.

  • 5

    This prof is living in his own dream world which is theoretical.

    Why did not you write where you found this equal society.

    You can write articles about almost every thing. Yet, in this very complicated and complex society how can try to talk about ONLY ONE ISSUE ?

  • 6

    para mean not ours It can be used in many instances para suddha para balla or what ever . I am sure there is a similar word in your language . Dont see what the big deal is .

    • 7

      JimSofty & Abhaya

      “It identified that Demalas are foreign.”

      Its fine with me, so I can call both of you Para Kallathoni Sinhala/Buddhists.

      Thanks for your clarification.

      • 4

        it does not necessarily mean foreign . but trying to explain it to you is a waste of time .

      • 3

        But there are para-sinhalayas, Also
        பரதேசி (paradesi) but para-tamizah are also
        tamils who are outside their country!
        A para-demala can also be one who is outside (para) the “Exclusive tamil homeland”.

        • 1

          I forget to note:
          dias-pora is really pora-dias, or para-desi based on
          Sanskrit–>Indo Aryan, borrowed into Dravidian languages.

          • 2

            For faqs sake, it doesn’t matter what ‘Para’ means does it? What matters is the intention when the adjective is used. My intention in wrong spelling is to avoid censorship!

      • 1

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

      • 1

        N V;

        Even if you call me a Para Sinhalaya,
        I don’t mind
        And As per my knowledge and Historians says,
        what I have to say Is that all of us including VADDAHS are from African Originated Homo erectus and Homo ergaster of human species called Homo sapiens .
        So there is no argument on that and no complexity on evolution.

        Lord Buddha preached that we all are Same Humans and the differences are from Our GOOD DEEDS and BAD DEEDS.
        So Mr Charles Sarvan and others Should not Worry.

      • 1

        Native V;
        I suspect that, you are writing as AMARASIRI too.

        • 1


          What did make you suspect me for being another forum sharer?

          How can I put your suspicion to rest?

    • 1

      my dear Abaya

      So You are a para Abaya to me. I see no big deal in Calling you Paraya. Is it correct.

      But my up bringing for bids it.

      i lrave the rest you. The big deal Whom I detest calling a Parya! Because it is demeaning to small dealsa.

      Cheers have good night Cap

    • 2

      “para mean not ours It can be used in many instances para suddha para balla “

      abhaya,so you won’t get annoyed if i call you a para balla,because what i am meaning is you are not me which is true.In the sinhalese neighbourhood where i grew up and never a dull moment there and i miss it so much, whenever a fight starts it starts with a ‘ado para balla’ and the usual retort is ‘ado kari balla’ and the usual retort to that is ‘obe ammatta hukanda kari vesika putha’ and then the blows are exchanged and usual hoo ha afterwards and everyone shouting and happy that it was not a boring shitty day after all.Thanks for the own goal with the para balla comment because it will clearly show what is meant by the sinhalese by ‘para’.

      • 0

        not our dog is a para balla . Some also use it to denote a genetic variant of the naturally occurring Indian Dogs .

        Not understanding what you are hearing is a big problem . lmao on the moderators of CT who let your utter filth pass .

        • 0

          “your utter filth pass .’

          Not mine,yours abhaya.It is your everyday language.If i don’t want to hear it i have to put ear plugs when commuting in bus etc.

          “variant of the naturally occurring Indian Dogs .’

          That must be why so many dogs were slaughtered by paranoid gota. Indian dogs with gene mutation can take over the country one day.

          • 0

            and abhaya,the filth that you take umbrage to is to make a relevant point as to how it starts with para balla and the sequence of vents and language and ends up with fisticuffs to refute your point that para balla is a very benign honourable language etc.Whom are you trying to fool.

            When i used to walk the streets in sinhala suburbs where i lived this is what i used to hear all the time on a daily basis.I don’t get annoyed because i’am like a sinhalese,easy going and tolerant.When walking in wellawatta to meet friends i never used to hear these foul language and brawls.People are disiplined.

            • 0

              Lanken average is literate but stupid should be the reason them to contribute to Udaya G^s election campaign.
              I have noticed particular Udaya G just ignore the rule of law and order, unbiased crime investigations and lawlessness currently governing in the country in public discussions. He has no respect to “facts and figures” but own theory <— Typical nature of radical mindedness, how can one discuss about building Dharma state while self being that corrupt (corrupt in the sense not looking at for whom he has been supporting)
              If Udaya G is an real Upasakaya – he should stand on the side of opposition today – at this critical juncture of lanken politics


          • 1

            I would call all that defend MR regime are ” Paraballas”.

            Even that Upasaka Udaya G is above Para ballah. That has nothing to do someone being demala or sinhalaya. Those who support any unlawful administration – must be called as Paraballahs regardless of their race, religion or academic qualification.

        • 2


          ” lmao”

          Why did you do LMAO?

          Isn’t it unnatural?

          Are you sitting on your mouth and brain?

  • 3

    Many people who identified themselves as educated, scholars, diplomats or other distinguished professions write here.

    Most of those articles seem to be stupid and show their own nature of immaturity, stupidity and living in a frog’s world in a well.

    Only the people who do not have other problems can talk about cheap politics such as this writer is writing. He is simply talking about how he was hurt because he tried to be some kind of worldly human being. When one human did something it is not fair to label every one. IF YOU SAY TAMILS ARE FAIR WHY DON’T YOU SAY WHY TAMILS TRY TO DIE ON TAMIL WHEN THOSE ACTIVE TAMILS DON’T TALK TAMIL ?

    But, go and ask people who live the real life and people who try to live their life amidst all those difficulties.

    They would say a different story.

    • 5

      why do you comment on “stupid”, “immature” and “frogs well” articles?

      Is it because you these words apply to you as well ?

      • 2

        His analysis is all by what others said and other BS.

    • 1

      You Bloody para JIM SOFTY

      Because Both JIm and Softy are Para (Foreign). Bloody too is OK as Shakespeare Used it during his times.

      So I call you that. Are You Happy with it? Enjoy the Honor bestowed on you “PARA JIM SOFTY”> Long Live Your Para KINGDOM.

      MAY THE PARA UN NAMED LORD HELP YOU TO ATTAIN NIRVANA. BUT DON”T Start running along the Road IN NIRVANAM Like Archimedes shouting Eureka.

  • 1

    There is nothing wrong with the word Para Demala and it is not pHara dHemala. It identified that Demalas are foreign.

    • 3

      So Jim you are a “para Sinhala” [Edited out] then?

    • 1

      Not as foreign as the Aryan Barbarian’s who are not fit for the hot climate in Sri Lanka or South India! The Aryans were nomadic animal sacrificers who came from Iran!

      One or two of them came to Sri Lanka but the rest of the Sinhalese are bascially Tamils who became sinhalese over time like Tamara and Dayan and Rajiva and that Milinda baboon, thats why they have a guilty concience.

    • 2

      “It identified that Demalas are foreign”

      Jim Softy – ‘Foreign to where’?

      How far back do you want to go? – To the Origin of Homo Sapiens?

      Humans are Indigenous only to Central Africa where they originated. Everywhere else they are Foreign and ‘Para’, if you want to think in those insular terms.
      Let us expand our Minds to include all People! let us make a World that is Whole.

      “Where the World has not been broken up into fragments by Narrow Domestic Walls.” …. In the words of the great Bengali Poet, Rabindranath Tagore

    • 1

      How would you like to be referred to that way?

  • 3

    ‘Equality’ is well and good, though some of us found this to be inadequate. The demand for an exclusive enclave for Tamils ONLY, would certainly be a criterion to label one as a racist, just as a Sinhala was so labelled when he said that Sri Lanka is a land only for the Sinhala. Those who fought for thirty long years for this exclusivity and those who supported them can certainly be labelled so and there are many.

    We all crave for utopia, but that will remain a sad dream.

    • 3

      Ram,you have to go back to the vaddukottai resolution in 1976 and see why it came about.Then only you can label those who supported the resolution as racist.I believe the resolution for seperation was bought about due to the tearing up of the banda-chelva pact and dudley -chelva pact.I think chelva tried his best to sort it out with a malaysian or indian model.

      If nehru had not given devolution to tamilnadu and they had asked for separate exclusive country of their own would you label them as racist.

      I think those who got the banda/chelva and dudley/chelva pacts torn up and banda himself who brought in the sinhala only and sirima who brought the standardisation were the racists.historians will judge it as such.

  • 1

    Dear Prof.
    Sadly, the singhlese like a friend of mine once said we are the majority so we should more rights than a minority. You cannot talk to people of that kind of IQ given the consequences worldwide if this was acceptable.

    • 3

      krishan canagasabey

      “Sadly, the singhlese like a friend of mine once said we are the majority so we should more rights than a minority.”

      You should be happy since they are the majority they have more stupid people than any other minorities which explains why the country has been robbed of everything considered to be precious to human dignity and life.

      • 4

        While I am critical of the Sinhala Nationalists (Not the Sinhalese), things would be far worse if SL was a Muslim dominant nation, one only needs to look at Pakistan to see the state of Hindu and Christian minorities.

      • 2

        If “Para” means foreign then Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims are “parayas”. That leaves Native Veddahs, who are supposed to be descendants of Jeewhaththa and Disala, children of Kuweni (Queen? according to Arisen Ahubudu), as original settlers. According to Dr. RL Spittle Veddahs in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)originate from Australoid. If so even Native Veddahs are also “parayas”. That leaves Yakshas and Nagas as original inhabitants. Who could be the direct descendants of Yakshas and Nagas among the CT commentators?

        • 3

          The Professional


          This island and the mainland separated about 7000 to 8000 years ago.

          Those who entered this part of landmass by foot aren’t Para Kallathonies.

          You mentioned my cousins in Australia I am happy you know when to drop names. My cousins reached their land from this part of the world not other way round.

  • 0

    One must first understand the meaning of the word “Para”

    • 0

      We all understand the meaning.

  • 4

    Para Demala. Count your blessings. Its better that Goo Demala.

    • 1

      For shame!

  • 4

    It doesn’t matter whether you are Tamil or Sinhala. What matters is that you think like a Sinhala, you love your country and your religion. Our last four kings were Tamil but they behaved like Sinhalese.

    • 1

      “you think like a Sinhala, you love your country and your religion.”

      According to you plundering the country and also ruining its image with barbarities is loving it, and not practicing even 10% of what Lord Bhuddha preached is loving the religion he bestowed on them.

      “Our last four kings were Tamil but they behaved like Sinhalese.”

      You are right,kannusamy,who called himself Sri wickrema rajasinghe,the last king of kandy,Cut off the heads of the 7 children of keppetipola and got the mother to pound them to pieces.He was trying to out do kasyappa who buried his father alive.

      Thank god they did not get a tamil woman to become queen and rule them,because she would have had to copy and behave like queen anula,who poisoned 4 of her husbands because of her lust for new virile men.

      • 2

        God almighty what an ignorant bugger you are. Why have you ignored Rajadhi Rajasingha and the others. Why have you chosen one particular king to justify your stupid ideas?

        • 0

          okay,okay,paul,no need to get an apoplectic fit like as if you are a descendent of rajathi rajasinghe or even a descendent of one of the nobles who was washing the kings arse after he meets S.H.I.Timothy because only kandyan nobles are allowed to touch the king. Come to think of it your name paul rings a bell to me as a close relative and descendent of Timothy adigar.

          My point is to point out to you that there is no black and white here and we have some grey areas too.Also i enjoy having fun due to my twisted sense of humour when others have apoplectic fits due to my crap comments.The intention was not to trash your ancestors to whom i have the utmost respect especially kirti sri rajasinghe who ruled perfectly for 35 years and also gave the dutch resounding military defeats.Rajathi rajasinghe,your favourite?mmmm maybe okay but he only ruled for 16 years and the first one only ruled for 9 years,nothing spectacular in their achievements too especially when you compare with our current king Rajapakshe I who has built so many white elephants in hambantota.His brother Gotahbaya who will succeed him as Rajapakshe 2 is also a monumental builder but with split personality reverting to destroyer.The best one of course will be Rajapakshe 3,Namal who will leave an unforgettable legacy in his short reign.

  • 0

    A sterile discussion for the second time around. Who the hell cares? Bensen

  • 3

    Dear Para Demela,

    This is an interesting piece. Interestingly when the Sinhalese call out “Para Demala” there is no come back in Tamil. The Tamil language does not have venom in its reference to the Sinhalese. Instead it has pity. “Moda Singalavan” – but then, most Sinhalese would agree with it. So there is no punch in it. So the Tamils don’t have a response and the Sinhalese too do not have a response to “Moda Siahalays”
    Because the singahlese do not respond to such insults. The Tamils thought they are right.

    That they are indeed Moda. And in their wisdom and hate they funded and grew a racist monster called the LTTE. The world watched in peace this monster being put down at the costs of thousands of Tamil lives. The Tamils are “Moda” and the Sinahalse are “Para” as the Global inquiry will soon show.

    So they just have to switch terms. Tell your good friend to take it easy and be a good Tamil.Share that glass of Arrack with him, because he wont share the land.

    • 4

      Kiri Yaka

      How about Sinhala Kaadayan (Sinhala Thug)?

      • 1

        Native Veddha:

        you talk like a Eura-Asian and not a like Sinhala desh – native.

        There is no Kandiayn, It maha nuwara or Kande – rata etc.,

        • 2


          “you talk like a Eura-Asian and not a like Sinhala desh – native”

          This the final insult.

          I think like a Veddah, talk like a Veddah and act like a Veddah and live like Veddah.

          Whats the matter with you Jimmy?

  • 0

    According to Amarasiri you are the true son of the soil.I am pleased.
    Now,it is clear the reason for your choice of this pseudonym.Cheers.

    • 2


      Sorry have I said something wrong?

      “Now,it is clear the reason for your choice of this pseudonym.Cheers.”

      The Tamils call me adei vedan and the Sinhalese call me ado Vedda.

      Hence I have given myself some dignity by naming myself Native Vedda. Here I am trying to assert my long lost identity and my claim to my ancestral land.

      I hope that would be okay with you.

      • 0

        What does ” adei Vedan” mean? & ” ado Vedan” mean?

        • 0


          Adei and Ado are disrespectful to people who are considered to be lesser persons.

          • 1

            Depends on the full sentence.If you say adei,you want vadai,then that person won’t consider it disrespectful cos he is getting vadai.

  • 2

    I read that many immigrant children living North America feel lost culturally because they experience a different culture in their home and they face a different culture once they go out.

    that is what I read, what charles Savan says. He should have gone to Tamilnadu and seen that he would feel the same as he foreign there too.

    On the other hand, Charles Savan shows that his inability to live in a multi ethnic society.

    IF he knew his that particular friend for SIXTY years why he was HURT from that comment and instead he should have been REFLECTIVE and should have question himself to see what he was doing wrong.

  • 1

    What I gathered is that this professor was accused of being a racist and he pens an essay for the Punakku Telegraph as a coping mechanism.

  • 0

    Some Budhist monks want to immolate themselves to stop cattle slaughter. Will those monks stop killing of Tamils also. Some monks have taken part in killing Tamils but are shedding tears for cattle.

    • 2

      So Tamils = cattle?

    • 1

      S Maniikathiran,

      Have you ever wondered why there are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka, whereas in India every state has few Buddhists?

      Monk Mahanama Sinhala Buddhist racism?

      However, Monk Mahanama does Not say Tamils =Cattle, but had other imaginations in his long Pali poems.

  • 1

    Stop using these words Prademalek.

    Instead call them Parasi***.

    You know what *** is.

  • 0

    Pariahs in the past were meant to clean the dirt including the Bucket toilets. Hence if a person is referred to as a pariah he/she should be happy, because they have been entrusted with the sacred duty of CLEANING THE DIRT from any community.

  • 0

    You guy you have become a prof to explain the pain of that. Man you are a psyco crack. Why you talk like a not educated??? man you are a real fool full of filth and not in reality. Ask fukin Tamil Wonderland from Canada or from India. Bye. Give my reguards to your beloved Wife. God skanda is with us. Thats enough.

  • 0

    You guy you have become a prof to explain the pain of that. Man you are a psyco crack. Why you talk like a not educated??? man you are a real fool full of filth and not in reality. Ask fukin Tamil Wonderland from Canada or from India. Bye. Give my reguards to your beloved Wife. God skanda is with us. Thats enough.

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