17 September, 2024


Parameters To Be Adopted By Tamil Politicians In Negotiations

By Gnana Sankaralingam –

Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

Those in forefront of Tamil politics are mere tireless self-promoters, and at the same time hoodwinking people. There are none among the so called Tamil leaders with any political acumen to counter the machinations of Sinhala politicians. Rather than in admitting their disability, these Tamil politicians are carrying out propaganda that Sinhalese are shrewd.Tamil politics has been dominated over the years by lawyers (Appukkathu Arasiyal) mainly Colombo based and rest from the provinces, who had portrayed themselves as the cleverest in the community, only to flatter and falter and place Tamils in this sorry position. Sadly this is bound to continue, with people of integrity, knowledge and competence keeping away, with no motivation to indulge in the dirty game of politics.

When you embark on negotiations, you must place your cards properly so that there is no escape for the contending party rather than accepting your position. This path to be taken should be arrived at with prudence and pragmatism based on reality and reasoning. Instead of that what Tamil politicians are doing is to base their demands on jingoism purely as one upmanship in securing their political future and thereby give Sinhala politicians chance to scuttle talks and to pronounce that we are prepared for settlement but Tamil side is not united coming out with various demands. This must cease and Tamil leaders should speak in one voice in articulating their stand at the negotiating table, in order to prevent being apportioned the blame of being an obstruction to resolution. 

Basic principle that Tamil negotiators should understand is that without the support of at least one powerful country, no ethnic group was able to win the rights against an oppressive regime. At present there is not a single country that supports independence to Tamils. But that may change in the future, for which one must lay the foundation of securing the land borders. Similarly, though there are countries willing to support autonomy for Tamils, none is prepared to pressurise Sri Lanka government to grant it. Recently Indian Foreign minister told group of Tamils demanding federalism, when Sri Lanka is not prepared to implement 13th amendment, do you seriously think that they would concede it. Those people are living in fantasy land being unable to grasp the situation. 

The following parameters, which are accepted international norms, should be advocated: Nature of the state: If Sri Lanka cannot be divided, similarly Tamil homeland cannot be divided. If the contiguity of Tamil homeland is contested, then integrity of Sri Lanka state could also be challenged. Unit of devolution: Land belong to the first nation and not to recent settlers or refugees. First nation of eastern province are Tamilized Veddhas and Tamils and therefore the rightful owners of the land. Extent of devolution: Tamils living in northern and eastern provinces must enjoy the same rights and privileges that are being possessed by Sinhalese in other seven provinces and nothing less than that. It will be taken as fair by international community, which Sinhalese could not disagree.

Instead of that if you dabble with federalism or quasi-federalism, merging of northern and eastern provinces or getting police and land powers, and if no progress is made on them to walk out, you are playing into the hands of Sinhalese. Similarly if you talk about setting up of interim devolved units, with or without merger and with or without full powers, you are giving Sinhalese time to delay the issue, saying that they have to go through legal process to execute it. Tamil people must realise that land is more important than power, and Indo-Lanka accord is the only international document which guarantees the Tamil homeland. If Sinhalese continue their cheating exercise, it is opportune for Tamil leaders to call for Indian intervention in the matter, to fulfil their obligations. 

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  • 5

    The writer has said correctly. When they met Ranil Wickremasinghe they failed to ask him that Ranil was who also supported 13th Amendment. Moreover when Ranil was raising his voice for the rights of the Palestinians, no politician retorted with the 13th Amendment. As it is when no Sinhalese politicians are ready to implement the 13th Amendment, the Tamil politicians should have openly declared that they are supporting India for the creation of Akhand Bharat. This is the path the Tamil politicians should have arrived at with prudence and pragmatism. The Tamil politicians should be aware that Akhand Bharat will be a reality within the next ten years or even less. There is a CHANGE that is taking place in South Asia. Sri Lanka’s economy is deteriorating and India’s curency is been allowed to use in Sri Lanka in addition to the bridge to be constructed between Rameswaram and Talaimannar. This is signal for the creation of AKHAND BHARAT. Had the Tamil politicians taken this stand the Archeological Department and the Buddhist priests wouldn’t have dare to destroy Sivan temples. Even China would have a second thought of establishing some farms in the North. When Tamil politicians met Jaishankar and Annamalai they could have easily asserted this ideology of AKHAND BHARATH and informed that India’s security is Tamils’ security.

    • 1

      “When they met Ranil Wickremasinghe they failed to ask him that Ranil was who also supported 13th Amendment. ” Where did you get this information?

      “During the meeting, I told the President that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had promised India three times that he would fully implement the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. President Rajapaksa said that he would make devolution meaningful. When Wickremesinghe was Prime Minister, between 2015 and 2019, he also agreed to go beyond 13A,” he added.” https://island.lk/sumanthiran-president-has-reneged-on-promises/

      • 3

        When I was lobbying Indian agents close to the establishment to construct my Jaffna metro scheme, they told me to wait patiently. They said Srilanka will be given time frame to implement 13th amendment fully, and if they fail to do it, India will occupy north and east minus Amparai electorate and implement it. During that time they will develop north and east with several projects including Jaffna metro. Ranil has been read the riot act by Modi, which he is not telling openly, and will try to hoodwink India, first by putting up Sinhala racists and then instigating Muslims against Tamils.

        • 4

          So, now it is all in the hands of agents, supposedly close to the establishment, and known to GS!

          • 5

            Sivasegaram, you cannot understand these. Just because you are stupid, do not judge others by your standard. Strategic operations are done in covert manner by agents.

            • 1

              I know that I have to be truly stupid to waste time with you. I truly cannot understand how foolish one should be to make utterances like yours.
              But I do love the amusement that your tales offer.

          • 1

            Ranil and Bandarawela_Man rolled into one?

        • 2

          Gnana, gnana…

          If you want India to occupy North East and hand it over to you Tamils, you better start a program to teach Hindi. I think this program has already started. Then it will be Hindias not yours. Twilight years….keep amusing.

          • 4

            Indian plan is to subjugate Srilanka economically and not militarily. Already this is working with Ranil surrendering acres of lands particularly in Trinco district to India. Indian rupee will become legal tender soon. Like minded persons are working with India to achieve it. Recently two of my friends who were given one million US dollars by Indian agents to develop agriculture in eastern province have started functioning. One Indian entrepreneur was fascinated with my Jaffna metro plan and has got graphic designing of both diagrammatic and geographic maps done free of charge. Things are moving in that direction. They are not going to send the army, so you and your cardboard veerayas do not have to hide under your beds.

            • 0

              Even if India wants to subjugate us militarily there is nothing we can do. Ofcourse we will be card board veerayas when it comes to fighting India. We can pretend to be veerayas and be in the same position as you demalas. We are veerayas only when it comes to Tamils. Hope your metro project becomes a reality before we stop hearing from you on this forum. Anyway learn Hindi it will help you with the metro project

              • 1

                You are talking not to an expert, but one who dictates policy to the Indian government.
                Show respect, or else face the consequences.

          • 4

            RAVI PERERA
            the Sinhala Speaking Demela

            “Then it will be Hindias not yours. “

            Please stop worrying about Demelas.
            Start seriously worrying about Sinhalese and Buddhists liberation from Sinhala/Buddhism.

            As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is a Sinhala/State of Hindia. North East is part of Tamilnadu.

            Recent Ranils visit to capital of Akhand Barat and his subsequent statement proves this.

            • 0

              Ado vedda (tamil)

              Jaffna Peninsular is considered part of India (direct rule not part of Tamil Nadu)
              the rest is Sinhala State.

              Demalas are immediate neighbours , so have to worry about…

              Akand barath is a reality… you demals have to learn Hindi….

              • 3

                RAVI PERERA
                the Sinhala Speaking Demela

                “the rest is the rest is Sinhala State..”

                The rest is Sinhala State, of Hindia.
                Hindia won’t make the same mistake as they did with Bangladesh.

                However Sinhala state won’t survive without Hindia’s support, goodwill, …. security cover, diplomatic support, …. food, oil, medicine, …..

                Its okay if you want to have your own flag, own brand of identity, own brand of religion, own perverted saffronistas, own corrupt politicians, own war criminals, …. imagined sovereignty (whatever that maybe) ….

                Do you know two of the powerful and resourceful cabinet ministers are Demelas. Hence they will make sure Sinhala/Buddhists are not discriminated. Even the Demela state chief minister took upon himself to feed you lot during the difficult time.

                Hindians will help you as long as you know your place in the world, Indian Ocean, …. within Ahhkant Barath.

    • 0

      Your opening sentence does not surprise me.

  • 3

    Thank you Dr Sangaralingam.
    What about you writing directly to “Tamil leaders” in detail or via GTF, BTF,….?

    • 6

      No point writing to “Tamil leaders” as they are swollen headed numb skulls, who think that they know everything. As for GTF and BTF, they are both politically and financially bankrupt and no one cares for them. Even TGTE are bunch of jokers operating on LTTE money. Recently one of their fellow brought disrepute to Tamils when Ranil told him off for his broken English.

      • 5

        Look at Wigneswaran, who is nothing but a “Paditha Muttal”. He has given an escape route to Ranil by suggesting that police powers be given with only baton and no guns. You are going to have two tier law enforcing officers, Sinhalese carrying guns and Tamils carrying batons.

      • 3


        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam types:
        “No point writing to “Tamil leaders” as they are swollen headed numb skulls, who think that they know everything.”

        You should start praising Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, and address him as Methahu.

        • 1

          I have submitted Tamil translation of British national anthem to the government. Present regime does not appear to appreciate it. Had it been done in Hindi, Rishi Sunak would have reacted differently. If Labour comes to power, I may be bestowed with knighthood.
          This keeps to the rhythm of the original, to be sung with same tune:
          KO KAAKA KOHN
          KO KAAKA KOHN
          KO KAAKA KOHN

          • 0

            “If Labour comes to power, I may be bestowed with knighthood.”

            senile decay…

          • 1

            I wonder what this man has against the British monarchy, its subjects and most of all the Tamil language!
            kadavuL kAkka!

        • 1

          Native Vedda,
          See, How well he fits his own adjectives!

    • 1

      Do you think that the “Tamil leaders” don’t have litter box with them?

      • 3

        Yes. “Tamil leaders” have litter box with them in their cranium (skull cavity).

        • 2

          You don’t have to answer any more, now that the capacious cranium has!

      • 1

        Many of them belong to a litter bin.

  • 3

    Soon after the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord was signed, the 13th Amendment was passed. Ranil also voted for it. Are the Tamil Parliamentarians not aware of it. So they could have asked the question. I wrote an article entitled “Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord and the 13th Amendment. Who is the winner?” in the Colombo Telegraph about 10 years ago.

    • 5

      Tamils would have been the winners if Prabaharan did not fight IPKF. He fought them for his selfish motive and not for the benefit of Tamils. I was residing in Colombo during IPKF period from July 1987 to March 1990. Sinhalese were scared to touch Tamils in the south as they feared that IPKF will come down to the south. Had Prabaharan not fought IPKF, I would have still been in Colombo. Prabaharan and his sycophants did not understand that IPKF securing the Tamil homelands amounted to de-facto Eelam.I hope Indian intervention takes place again and this time there will be no Prabaharan to spoil the party.

      • 3

        So, the Sinhalese in large numbers confessed to GS that they are s*** scared of the IPKF moving south and that is why they do not touch Tamils.

      • 2

        What Dr.Gnana Sankaralingam said was absolutely correct. Even I was residing in Colombo. At the Indian High Commission Anton Balasingam made unwanted comments about G.Parthasarathy, when the Deputy High Commissioner Mrs.Puri told them ‘Just leave the matter with them. And this stupid Anton Balasingam made an unwanted statement ‘ We don’t want any Prohitas (directing at G.Parthasarathy) to advice us.’ I don’t know whether Anton Balasingam was encouraged by R.Premadasa, but that is not a statement from a responsible spokesman. There were so many instances the LTTE had missed. Even after the so-called Cease-fire Agreement was signed Anton Balasingam made some stupid statements. Mention should be made that even Anton Balasingam failed to realize that the Cease-fire Agreement was a farce. Now I think the Indian intervention will take place in form of Akhand Bharat which is gradually becoming a reality.

  • 3

    The Brand “Tamil Politicians” should not be the right of the politicians of only the North and the East but should include all “Tamil Speaking” politicians who are from the other parts of the country as well.

    • 8

      Tamil speakers in other parts of the country have different problems. Muslims came to the country 1000 years ago and Indian Tamils 200 years ago, where as Ceylon Tamils have been here for much longer and were sovereign ethnic group at the time of Portuguese conquest. It is this lost sovereignty that Tamils are fighting to regain. Tamils as the heirs to ancient Dravidian Saivite legacy are the rightful owners of the land.

      • 2

        Dr Gnana,

        If we keep harping on history then the question arises until what date in the past should we go to base our decisions? Should we go to the times when the so-called “yarl panan” got the land from the then King? Should we go to the time when Vijaya arrived? Should we go back to a date before that?

        If we try to go back and claim a historical date as the primary decision-making point we will never find a solution.

        What we have to do is look at Sri Lanka as it is today. We are living in the present times and are trying to find solutions to today’s problems. Let’s start from here. Who cares, other than the racists, to make decisions based on religious beliefs or race or caste identity?

        This is the time of the youth, let the youth decide that we are all Sri Lankans first and find a solution with this basic understanding.

        • 4

          Let the Sinhala youth place the solution to Tamil demand for autonomy, Then we can decide whether they are fair. At present northern province has 95% Tamil and Eastern province despite years of demographic alteration of settling of Sinhalese by the state and murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils by Sinhalese and Muslims, has Tamil majority. Therefore both are homelands of Tamils. If Srilanka cannot be divided Tamil homeland also cannot be divided. At the time of independence, eastern province had only two districts – Trinco and Batticaloa. After independence revenue districts of Mahaoya and Padiyatalawa were removed from Uva province and attached to east to create Sinhala majority Amparai district. Correct position is to detach Amparai electorate from eastern province and link the balance with north. This is what IPKF did in 1987. As for power, Tamils should have the same as that enjoyed by Sinhalese including land control and police powers. This is the fair and rational way according to international norms.

  • 6

    So very correct. Tamils are actually in a strong position of power to negotiate for the prosperity of their people. The international community is watching, and if the Sinhalese start interfering and destroying what Tamils are establishing, it will be glaringly obvious. Tamils will have a great chance to retaliate, with foreign help. That, or they will have a huge chance to prove their right for Federalism or even secession.

    In any case, Sinhalese, being so repentant after all the pogroms against Tamils will feel obligated to allow the Tamils to build up their areas – albeit it will have to contain some ethnic plurality….they will have to endure a bit of encroachment by some interfering Sinhalese.

    Sinhalese, who by now after 70 years of strife, greatly desire peaceful coexistence. They will have to change their stance on ethnic difference and know by now (with modern genetic testing), that they are for most part, Tamil. In any case they were originally Tamil 2,500 years ago (an untamed version), till a few settlers from Bengal gave them a newer religion and culture.

    • 8

      Geological evidence show that Srilanka was contiguous land mass with Tamil Nadu as part of Dravidian homeland till sea upheaval about 10,000 years separated it. Archaeological evidence show that in pre-historic times, the land was occupied by Veddhas and Dravidians who spoke Elu which is considered by linguists as proto-Tamil. Genetic evidence show that core genetic material of Sinhalese in south Indian with mix of genes from Bengali and Veddha. Thus present day Sinhalese are descendants of local Dravidians mixed with other south Indians, Bengalis and Vedhas. Starngely Ceylon Tamils have the same genetic composition with varying proportion. Thus Sinhala claim that they are Aryans has been blown off and their claim of owner ruler of entire land proved to be racist. First religion to be practiced was Saivaism followed by Jainism before advent of Buddhism. At introduction of Buddhism, some Siva temples had been destroyed and Buddhist ones built over them. People of Salagama caste and North western coast Karawas arrived in the land 500 years ago during Portuguese rule and were Tamils.

      • 4

        It’s only the culture and religion that make us different. Yes, and there was the influx of South Indians into Sri Lanka adding to the Sinhalese Karava and Salagama communities that were already there ever since…..an island boarded by sea will always have its fisherman. But it is natural phenomena that the South Indian and Sinhalese fisherman would have interacted and assimilated over the millennia.

        • 0

          Karawe and Salagama communities are basically 700 to 800 years, soon after the arrival of Portuguese colonials and the indentured labour/warriors by the Islands Kingdom to meet the foreign colonialist demand for enhanced Spices (Cinnamon and pepper mostly)
          History of the Karawe of Sri Lanka discloses their history!! They are being in the Southwest Sri Lanka mostly, embraced Sinhala, which by then was widely used!!

          • 0

            Manila, Karawas are fishing people. Colonials were not involved in fishing trade like the trade we have now with countries like Japan and Norway.

            Yes, naming of casts came about more in more recent times. Previously people flowed all over the island in easier fashion.

            Country definitely had
            its own ancient cinnamo peelersYes, more were brought down for the colonial enterprise. There was possible assimilation between the two castes.

        • 0

          The south Indian input was from the present-day Coromandel Coast. mostly from ‘SURIYA CLAN’ – Kshatriyas, or Warriors!!??? That was 15th century and may be Karawe cast before that only had FISHER-FOLK!!!

          • 0


            Fascinating, the ebb and flow of humans from regional and supra-regional areas, isn’t it. Yes, yes, many were indeed Kshatriyas!

          • 2

            Better keep quiet if you want to preserve your sanity. Ask Nimal Fernando how he manages.

            • 1

              Sigh……just the usual mere retort. Typical…..

      • 4

        Can GS cite the source of geological evidence?
        The same a the one on the Pallava armada that seized Cambodia?

        • 4

          And if they did, they were the brilliant sea-faring Karavas 😊

        • 6

          Sivasegaram, I cannot waste my time with a fool like you. Search the internet about undersea finding of structures between Tamil Nadu and Srilanka. The terrain and climate of Ramanathapuram district and Mannar district are similar which suggest that they were contiguous at one time. Angkor Watt of Cambodia was built by Suriyavarman a Pallava king. It was a Siva temple but has been turned into Buddhist one.

          • 2

            Please do not, you are fool enough to find your match here.
            Did you not write something on these pages about the Pallava fleet visiting Cambodia? A bad memory can be a great friend.
            Suriyavarman II was a Khmer king with a Pallava royal name.
            There are plenty of Indian names in South East Asia with native owners.
            Read history intelligently if you can.
            “Ramanathapuram district and Mannar district are similar which suggest that they were contiguous at one time”
            Which time? Historical time? Prehistorical time? Geological time?
            Thanks for the dose of humor for the week

        • 4

          “Can GS cite the source of geological evidence?”

          Please (pull your head from wherever it is now and) watch the video, you will learn something.
          Diving Into India’s Ancient Underwater Civilization | Underworld | Earth Stories

          • 4

            That video a bit dodgy, to say the least, and makes some sensational claims, such as that this city is “older by 5000 years than any other” and that it is “25 miles offshore”.
            Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is about 12000 years old:
            As this BBC video shows, (without fake animations), the truth is far less sensational. The city is just offshore of Dwarka in Gujarat, and is calculated to be around 3000 years old.
            I think that the video was influenced by both the Hindutva crowd and the Bible crowd. A strange mixture.
            The part about Sri Lanka is fairly accurate. I read somewhere that the land connection across the Palk strait was washed away in a cyclone as late as the 14th century.

          • 2

            “Geological evidence show that Srilanka was contiguous land mass with Tamil Nadu as part of Dravidian homeland till sea upheaval about 10,000 years separated it”
            Calm down.
            The qualifiers are the ones that need evidence.
            That the land had a land link many thousand years ago is widely accepted. That is not historical or prehistorcal time but geological time.
            There is no Tamil classical literary support or archaeological support for the claim that this Island was part of what is Tamilnadu. Tamil history does not go back even half of 10000 years.
            What was called Lanka/Eelam was always an island in Indian records.
            Amateur historians can be more convincing than great writers of iction.

    • 2

      Thanks for valued comment, with 2 exceptions:
      1. “Albeit it will have to contain some ETHNIC PLURALITY….they will have TO ENDURE A BIT OF ENCROACHMENT BY SOME INTERFERING SINHALESE.”
      2. “That they are for most part, Tamil. In any case they were originally TAMIL 2,500 YEARS AGO (AN UNTAMED VERSION), TILL A FEW SETTLERS FROM BENGAL gave them a newer religion and culture.”
      a. Above, ETHNIC PLURALITY would have to be and would be assured, in a legitimate, Legal framework environment and Rationality!
      b. No to any extra-legal interference is a paramount necessity as practiced at present as practiced at ATHI SIVAN TEMPLE – Mullaitheevu
      B. They were Tamil through to the Mid-15th Century – CE, at the least, which IS 850 TO 950 YEARS AGO, NOT STATED AS ABOVE, UNTIL 2500 YEARS AGO!!???
      All domiciled in the resplendent, thrice blessed, then named HELA OR ELU, used ONLY HELA. ELU – Prakrit or OLD TAMIL – as evidenced by GALLE COPPER PLATE INSCRIPTION (in only 3 Languages Chinese, Persian, and Tamil) after General Zheng He’s 2nd expedition circa 1430 CE!!!???
      The Mahavamsa too, originally written in PALI/PRAKRIT and TRANSLATED into Sinhala much Later!!!
      That would be 15th century latter part!!!???

      • 0


        Sinhalese will should also have the right to live in the North as Tamils freely live in the South. The ethnic tensions originally began when Sinhalese soldiers were killed in the North, and settlers driven away. Framework should be set up for greater commercial activities and education of all races in the North. Right now there are only interfering Sinhalese bent on proving Sinhala claims to the region, not sincere settlers……the interference can only incite tensions and will not pave the way for sincere Sinhalese settlers.

        • 0

          Sinhalese should also have the right to live in the North as Tamils freely live in the South.*

          • 3

            No Tamil has said that Sinhalese have no right to live freely in the south, provided that they behave as equal citizens and not as supremacist racists joining hands with Sinhala armed forces and police to give trouble to Tamils, changing the names of villages, planting Buddha statues at prominent places and building vihares where there are no Buddhists. Look at the way how the Buddhist priest in Nainativu vihare is being given respect. Why cannot other Sinhalese follow this example. I was a resident of Colombo for 44 years and I never felt that I was completely free having gone through several anti-Tamil riots.

            • 3


          • 4

            ramona grandmaq therese fernando

            “Sinhalese should also have the right to live in the North as Tamils freely live in the South.*”

            I believe both the Sinhalese and Tamils should not have rights to live in Sri Lanka. Ancestors of Both were Kallathoni converts from India.

            At least 21 Million should be sent back to Coromandel Coast.

          • 2

            “Sinhalese should also have the right to live in the North as Tamils freely live in the South.*
            If you don’t know, I will tell you that Tamils live freely only within Colombo city limits and northwards to Wattala. So Sinhalase can have the same in Jaffna.

            • 0

              Old Codger,

              Correct. But Tamils also like in places like Kandy, New Reliya, Galle, and indeed all over the Island.

              • 0

                But Tamils also live* in…..I mean.

            • 1

              Why will any Sinhalese in his right mind want to settle in Jaffna?

          • 2

            You are right that Sinhalese have the right to live in the North with the same rights as Tamils living in the South. The South is ruled by Sinhalese, not by Tamils, similarly Tamils should rule the North. Equality should be maintained in both. I think you agree for a devolution of power to North where they should have the right to have the Tamil Military, Tamil Police and Tamil parliament.

            • 0

              It’s too soon after the Eelam clamour to have Tamil Military, Tamil Police and Tamil parliament. Should be 50-50.

            • 1

              “I think you agree for a devolution of power to North where they should have the right to have the Tamil Military, Tamil Police and Tamil parliament.”
              With Tamil military too that will not be devolution but de facto secession.
              Are you sure that the Tamil leaders can handle a Parliament any better than they did the Provincial council?
              An imagined sense of grandeur is the undoing of many a people.

        • 1

          It seems clear, my contribution, ‘comment’ hasn’t been read and assimilated before responding on this matter!
          Accentuation purposes ONLY, Reproduced below is THE RELEVANT PART OF THE COMMENT made by me YESTERDAY, IN RESPONSE TO YOUR COMMENT THE DAY BEFORE, under A (a) therein!!!
          Not only Sinhalese, but also Muslims (Moors and Malays), Burghers and others who had connection or not prior to the civil war!!!
          Definitely not BY “INTERFERENCE” OR ‘LAND SETTLEMENT’ to CHANGE DEMOGRAPHY ‘for political advantage’!!!
          As much as a reciprocated practice, and as would be in any other country free movement for all, irrespective of EHNICITY or any OTHER DELINEATION OF WHATEVER DESCRIPTION, who so desires!?
          My POSITION HAS ALWAYS BEEN UNTRAMMELLED ‘MOVEMENT’ within the nation state!? No Change ever!!!???
          the question of “PASSPORTS” TO GO TO WAS A MEANS ADOPTED BY DETRACTORS AND “ANTI-DEVOLUTION KAKKAS.” (Not to be confused with BOEING plane crashing Ka-ak-Kakkas)

          • 0


            You merely copy and repeat the same concepts I say, and keep shouting even more unnecessary words that average person can well infer so as to show that you said it first. Very childish.

            • 0

              Ramona Therese Fernando,
              AKA, ‘BLIND AS A BAT’!!!???
              Copied original comment, because you didn’t appear to have comprehended the contents of it!
              What are you COMPLANING ABOUT!!! Conceited Mind!!
              If this simply cannot be understood by this complicated mind, its best to abort discussion!!!???

            • 0

              M may be a little foolish on occasion. But to plagiarize you and beat his chest, certainly not. He is not that daft.

  • 3

    These Tamil Politicians are not second to the Sinhala and Muslim politicians.

    They (The Tamil Politicians) want the full implementation of the “13th A”. But none of them has the courage to DEMAND the President to hold the “Provincial Councils Elections” and the “Local Government Elections” that were established in terms of the “13A”.

    Have they not forgotten that the Provincial Councils that were functioning were made nonfunctional
    (withholding the elections) FOUR YEARS ago by this very President Ranil W who was then the Prime Minister? At least Wigneswaran who was then the Chief Minister in the North must get reminded of this when he sits with this President Ranil W. Haven’t they (the MPS of the Tamil Party) forgotten that the very basic right to vote for Local Government Bodies of their respective areas have been DENYED to the people for so long?

    Please don’t play these types of “Hora Police” games anymore. Before talking of “13 A’ FIRST demand to hold the Local Government Elections – both the Provincial Councils and Local Government.

    • 3

      During Yahapalana regime, bill was passed in parliament with support of Tamil MPs to conduct provincial council elections in new format of hybrid first past the post and proportionate representation. Since then no effort has been made by government to evolve such scheme. Therefore unless that bill is withdrawn by parliament, provincial council elections cannot be held. Tamil MPs like Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran who are calling for provincial council elections to be held are hoodwinking Tamil people, jolly well knowing that there is no possibility to hold provincial council elections without bill passed to conduct under the old system.

  • 5

    The more I read these ……. the more my admiration for Prabakaran grows. He didn’t hold only the “Sinhalese” leaders at gunpoint …….. he held “Tamil” leaders as well: there was some unity out of mortal fear

    Prabakaran lost because he made one crucial foolish mistake: kill Rajiv Gandhi. ………. Handed an excuse on a platter to India to destroy the LTTE.

    India never wanted an independent Eeelam in the Southern tip of their land – the repercussions/encouragement/danger it would have had for an independent Tamil Nadu. …… The Indians feared Eeelam even more than the “Sinhalese!”

    India never really supported Prabakaram enthusiastically for “Tamils” to gain independence …….. India wanted a weak rebel-leader who they could control and do their bidding. India wanted to take control of the Lankan “Tamils” through their proxies. Prabakaran would have none of that.

    I have said this before …….. as crazy as it may sound ……… Prabakaran lost because he was a man of principles!

    • 3


      None of the shameless “Tamil” “leaders” now sitting down with Ranil would understand what it means even if it fell on their heads.

      Whatever their faults were …… the pre-war Jaffna “Tamils” were not treacherous: you could believe their word ……….. Treachery is in the blood of the deep Southern “Sinhalese” …….. Anyday, I would believe/trust the word of Prabakaran than Mahinda’s.

      Ranil is Mahinda’s best friend …… if any “Tamil” thinks he can trust the word of Ranil ……. or Modi …… they should go and get their heads examined. ……. And refrain from representing the “Tamils.”

      Just enjoy Ranil’s circus for what it is ……. while it lasts. ….. Cirque du Soleil doesn’t come to town very often ……

      And I know nothing about History, Geography, Genetics, Migration ……….. only my gut-instincts ……. I trust them implicitly ……. and very rarely they have been wrong ….. except with some gals ……..

      I’m not here to please anyone ….. not even myself ……. just speak the truth: what I think it is ………

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      Prabakaran lost because he made one crucial foolish mistake: kill Rajiv Gandhi.
      nimal, You are one soul that exhibits common sense, on this forum.

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      Nimal F.,
      Well said and right on the money!!!??? he was not swayed by the sight of Money, EXCEPT the kind offered by MaRa through Basil and Tiran Alles! Or may I add arduously negotiated by Kirubaharan!!?
      That was the additional specialty.

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        “he was not swayed by the sight of Money, EXCEPT the kind offered by MaRa through Basil and Tiran Alles!”


        Rajapakses offered more than just money to Prabakaran – political-concessions as an inducement to stop the “Tamils” from voting.

        The money was the easy part which the Rajapakses delivered before and after the election. …….. The political-concessions were more difficult to deliver …….. and perhaps the Rajapakses never intended to deliver when promised.

        Mavil Aru and few other skirmishes was to force the Rajapakses to deliver the political-concessions ……….. which Fonseka and them turned into a full scale war …….

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          Thanks for the additional information and enlightenment on R. Bros., Inc. and MaRa, Mynah!!!???

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    What happened to the “All Party Conference” on implementation of the “13A”?

    Mr. Sumanthiram, when he came out of the meeting stated to the Press: ” We asked the President to first hold elections, but he (President) was not agreeing, instead he said: “First we will discuss the “13A’. Mr. Sumanthiram further said: ” I don’t see the logic in that stand of the President”.

    Mr. Sumanthiram: Didn’t I tell you about this “BS” of the President? How many times have all of you met this President to learn of his “Political Gamblings”? You thought what you wanted would fall automatically onto your lap. NO. It doesn’t happen that way. Please learn it at least now. Please think rationally and constructively. You have to JOIN with the forces in the rest of the country and STRUGGLE to win. Don’t wait till others fight and win to get your wants. Please change your course and attitude. Be a part of the National Struggle.

    Even this call applies to Mr. Wigneswaran.

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      Sumanthiran is Ranil’s lackey. He is a crook pretending to attack Ranil. Sumanthiran will never get on the street to struggle but wants others to get assaulted and arrested and for him to take the glory. Sadly Wigneswaran also has fallen into this sorry state.

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    Sivasegaram, you cannot understand these. Just because you are stupid, do not judge others by your standard. Strategic operations are done in covert manner by agents.

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