8 September, 2024


PCR COVID Testing: Diminished Reliability When Only Favorite Hospitals & Businesses Are Licensed, Bilking Passengers

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole –

Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole

I am treated for diabetes and high blood pressure by a Jaffna Teaching Hospital physician. The care I get from him is as good as what I had in the US. The physician administrators have over the past few years brought the Jaffna Teaching Hospital to high standard, clean and with many physicians looking at a patient.

I was therefore surprised to hear that PCR Tests 72 hours before a flight has been approved only from Asiri, Nawaloka, Durdans, Lanka Hospital, and some relatively unknown and new business houses. Strangely Military Hospitals are approved for military personnel but not government hospitals for us. Those like me from outside Colombo need to travel early, spend time in Colombo and get our tests done. Getting ourselves dropped off after getting a PCR certificate from a government hospital is not an option. The additional cost (keeping the van in Colombo, ordered food through Uber-Eats, and hotel because with Covid we cannot invite ourselves into homes), can add several tens of thousands of rupees to our travel cost. This country works for Colombo folk only.

Although a home-kit for testing is Rs. 180 (German make), these private hospitals charged Rs. 8,500  but have now reduced it to Rs. 6,500. Who gave them this monopoly? When a passenger is found to have Covid and isolated, the room charges alone are more than the Rs. 12,500 a day my daughter paid at Jetwing for isolation.

I understand a negative PCR Result from Jaffna was rejected by an airline. Are our government doctors to be trusted less that businessmen and soldiers?

I was to travel on 31 July 2021 to the US. My son had found my wife and me a really good deal at $950 to San Francisco and back. We made an appointment at Durdans. We chose Durdans because when my children went to the US over a month ago, it was efficiently done. They had an 8.00 am drive-through appointment, tested while in my vehicle, and were out by 8.10. The results came by email and they flew out the next day.

As for our tests, I received an SMS asking me to confirm my details. It had a mistake in my email address but there was no method of reply. No one answered the main Durdans telephone numbers for me to tell anyone. No one replied my email correction.

Our appointments were at 8.30 and 8.35 am on 30.08.2021. They had overbooked. At 9.00 when I dared to go up and ask the official, I was told something in Sinhalese. I asked her kindly if she would tell me in English or Tamil. She got angry and stopped responding to me after that. Colombo has over 50% Tamil-speakers but there was no one in the lab who could speak English or Tamil. The hospital with a western name had no one to talk to customers who were not Sinhalese. Strangely most of those who came for the test were Tamils or Muslims.

My wife, a trained chemist, upset the Durdans technician taking samples by telling her that by touching the box with samples without gloves and then handling samples she was contaminating them.

A person who had a later appointment was called and went away. We were finally called in, tested and given a web-address to check the result “before 5 pm”. The web address did not work. I got my result on paper by going back to Durdans at 5.00 pm but my wife was asked to return at 7.00 pm. When she did, she was criticized for coming when she had failed the test. She had Corona, she was told. As she felt no symptoms, she asked for a second test. No point because the result will not change, she was told. She was threatened with isolation and offered a bed for Rs. 17,500. She quickly walked out before someone held her up.

Report from Durdans

My wife was devastated. Our trip was ruined. I could not travel alone fearing she might die in my absence. We went to Nawaloka at 9.20 pm, a Hospital with an indigenous name but people who could speak kindly to non-Sinhalese. The test was repeated. But we had to wait till the 31st for the result.

In the meantime, the airline said she had to cancel the ticket 24 hours ahead – that was 11.30 pm on 30.08.2021. Or it was gone. Fearing the worst we cancelled both our tickets. After all, the odds were that the result would be the same. Fearing being locked up in Colombo, we decided to drive to Jaffna the first thing on the 31st without getting out of the vehicle, report to the PHI and isolate ourselves at home. That would have been cheaper than Durdans’ Rs. 17,500 a day.

Reaching Mankulam, we were told Nawaloka’s result. She had no corona. It was too late to turn back and report in time for the flight at the airport even if we could get our seats back. We now need to rebook. The low-priced offer is gone. I need to travel to Colombo again. Although Durdans will say that Nawaloka’s result is wrong, going by the number of mistakes Durdans made, I am very confident of the Nawaloka result. I even wonder if our trip was sabotaged for not knowing Sinhalese and for faulting the handing of samples.

Report from Nawaloka

The conflicting reports from Durdans and Nawaloka are shown here.

I wonder how many others have their trips spoilt like this and then ripped off through high charges for staying in the hospital after being misdiagnosed as a Covid patient. Unless money is changing hands, how does one explain why only a handful of private hospitals, businesses and the military are authorized to perform PCR testing? Why ignore our universities and authorize some business houses that have been around only for 2 years? We need to trust our government hospitals and government doctors.

As for us, we will miss our son’s birthday on 2 September. Happy Birthday to him in absentia.

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Latest comments

  • 26

    Gosh, what a freakin’ mess! That’s the magic of Gotabaya’s presidency.

    Is it any surprise that the then defence secretary Gotabaya could win the war only by giving instructions that led to killing tens of thousands of civilians!?

    • 16

      With the election of Gotabaya ( a wonder maker/SAIBABA of 6.9 MIO voters), people made higher hopes that the things would improve in a rapid pace. In particular, adminstrative issues regardless of PUBLIC or PVT sector. But the outcome has been – even worst. as of today.
      I dont think, that our people would ever learn to treat their fellow citizens equally.
      This Prof. has guts to reveal what he has been going through, but I know hundreds/ thousands of tamil srilankens, when visiting their home country from EUrope, they do have lot more similar experiences, but not reporting as this gentleman would do.

      The discrimination against minorities is in their blood. If I were boss of the adminstration, I would have sacked the kind of technicians/nurses on the spot.
      If adminstrations would set a code of regulations, any staff members would NOT behave against. … things could work better. This i know by experience.
      That is how it works in UK and Ger,many. Germany is known to many as a place where xenophobia is governing, however, today things have changed a lot in favour of all, to tell you, if an arztpraxis (doctors) , labs or any similar insititutions would publicly discriminate anyone, law and order would not wait but work accordingly. they the docs and other personnel could easily loose their approbations/licences.

    • 3

      Has this experience much to do with the GR regime?

  • 17

    As time goes by, current leadership would totally ignore people’s demands. Gotabaya would not care much about even if thousands would fall dead due to COVID. To me the kind of men would be appropriate to become ” hang man” if Gallows were brought back, no means should not have been elected as a head of state. People are born fools, so, nothing can be made reversable today.
People suffer today not only by COVID, but also short of medicine and daily needs. As no times in recent times, people have to rely on 1 kg of sugar today. Gas cylinders became a problem. If these men were in opposition, they would have gone amok just for a tiny price hike by 5 rupees., but as of today, MR-GR govt has failed to control even the prices of daily essentials. Their only excuse is COVID crisis, eventhough like minded coutnries such as Bangalasdesh , india or Pakistan dont seem to have fallen that deep with their day today life.
Looking back, opposition leader along with medical experts asked them order vaccines as far back in April. They ignored it, that wasidewa louded, that their govt would do it when time comes. Total irresponsible public statments, however, thousands died in the course of time, due to inability of the leadership. Leadership went after superstitous forces as any tribal leader would do.

    • 20

      Dear Prof. Hoole,
      very much dissappointed hearing this story. This is typical to srilanken affairs.
      Actually, the hospital authorities should be charged for their mistake regarding the lab results. Your wife is right – they should have held all the norms when taking blood samples and get on with the tubes before being sent out to the labs. This is the reason why I put off my flights to srilanka until Nov. I DON T trust our people labs down there.

      Eagle Eye or the like ULTRA racists should refresh their knowledge how our sinhalayas treat their fellow tamil srilankens yet today, though we fought a 30 year long civil war.
      World should open their eyes wider towards the size of increase in disicriminations in our country. … is my only wish !

  • 14

    The crucial mistake Prabakaran made is ……. he fought the Sinhalese as a Tamil.

    He should have fought the Sinhalese as a Sinhalese ……… with a Sinhalese-Buddhist” makeover …………..

    If you read Sun Tzu (and SJ) between the lines ……… to overcome an enemy, not all wars should be fought with weapons …….. but deception

    Almost all of you won’t see/realize this ……… because your “education” from infancy has trained your minds not to see ………..

    It may not have been their intention ……. but unbeknownst to even them that’s what really happened ………..

    The Tamil Bandaranayakes with a “Sinhalese-Buddhist” makeover planted the initial seed of destruction of the “Sinhalese Buddhists.”

    Now, the Malay Muslim Rajapakses with a “Sinhalese-Buddhist” makeover, is completing the destruction …..

    • 10


      Unlike the docile Tamils ……. “Sinhalese-Buddhists” are natural-born and natural-trained best destroyers in the world; perhaps on par with the “Islamic destroyers” …….. so Bandaranayakes and the Rajapakses had/have it easy …..

      The next Tamil leader should fight the Sinhalese as a Sinhalese …….. that’s why SJ has joined the Sinhalese: he is far ahead of his time and his people ……..

      “A visionary prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”

      Like Moses he is going to deliver his people to the Promised Land: free the Tamils ………. and also free the Sinhalese in the bargain ………….

      Truth is stranger than fiction.

      • 6

        nimal fernando,
        I don’t know if what you say is fiction or not, but it certainly bests any I have read. You, smart bastard!
        (As I have said a long time ago, don’t waste any more time. Write your own fiction. You’ll thank me!)

      • 3

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      • 4

        Yes, Nathan. Good comments must entertain is correct, but they must also make people think. nimal fernando’s comments do that supremely well.
        One of the problems that we encounter on CT is that although the commenter gets his likes, and his comment is actually commended by a return comment, few minds are changed as a result.
        The other problem is that we write in English. It doesn’t get read by the non-English speaking, who outvote us at any election. Elections are important – see how much of a difference they have made. Jeevan Hoole was always trying to ensure that we did our thinking; if, finally, the highest number of valid votes were with the “Double-Paksas” he had to faithfully record that fact.
        LM performs the valuable service of monitoring Youtubes in Sinhala. As a result I found out about Sepal Amarasinghe; just before the elections he advocated spoiling votes. Whom did that help?
        What he says between elections hardly matters; then he wins people over with “honest trifles” (context: the “witches” in Macbeth) to betray them later. See this article that has just appeared:
        to be continued

      • 2

        In Shakespeare’s play, Banquo realises it straight-away (Act One Scene Three, line 134). Then , you think, Panini has made a mistake! No. The major characters don’t appear in the first two scenes. I have a real problem here; how to communicate if readers don’t know their Shakespeare? Google, my friends. Alone in Bandarawela I don’t have a copy; true that I know the play well, but not the line numbers! There are about a dozen sites, and this is a play that was not printed in the Bard’s lifetime – only in 1623 – after he died in 1616. All that useless information is in my head! You got my point? Only the first sentence in this paragraph is useful. The rest is to impress you!
        If readers can’t easily understand Early Modern English, I encounter another problem. Modern? Yes, that is the classification. What we now use is not that. It is Contemporary. By now you’re fed up with me! Say so, without fear!
        And people ask me to offer private tuition! Really, to the guy who WhatsApps me with “Class krnwda?”. Honest, I get messages like that! So, I teach no-one.
        nimal is different!

      • 0

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    • 6


  • 14

    Oh, I’m so sorry to read this, Jeevan. You well know that none of us can say or do anything to put this right.
    All that you have said here causes us despair. Even the bit of paranoia that you reveal in suspecting deliberate sabotage is excusable.
    I know that your not knowing Sinhalese handicaps you more than my ignorance of Tamil hurts me. However, there’s no point venting fury on the persons involved; I’m sure that every Lankan wishes (vaguely, and without the determination to rectify) to know English. Reflecting on that will bring you little consolation.
    Thanks for writing this in such a straightforward way – and also for protesting against the way all civilians are discriminated against, as contrasted with the privileges granted to the military. That military has swelled so much (why?) that it is a prime cause for all the economic ills that are going to be visited upon us soon.
    Sad. Thanks for writing this.
    Panini Edirisinhe

  • 7

    The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will end use of current PCR tests because they are essentially useless in telling the difference between seasonal flu and Covid-19 and give high rates of false positives!
    Most of the cases counted as Covid-19 today are seasonal flu in Sri Lanka now and it seems that people only die of Covid-19! Everyone who dies and on average between 350-400 persons die daily in Sri Lanka, dies of Covid-19!
    Covid-19 is a numbers game based on false positive PCR tests and fear psychosis. to boost the incomes of big Phama and bio tech companies.
    Endless PCR tests, machines, Antigen tests and machines, ventillators, Oximeters, O2 is big business for big Phama and bio-technology companies.
    Meanwhile Sri Lanka is producing underwear and and masks and talking big about how great its garment business is and is desperate for EU hand outs called GSP plus. The colonial mentality of the Sri Lankan Business community is sickening!

    • 3

      GoSL has spent 700 billion on an illness milder than seasonal flu – the Covid-19 hoax because the Rajapakse Brothers and the entire political leadership, particularly the opposition are morally and intellectually corrupt and incapable of making data and evidence based policies!
      Meanwhile the county’s economy is destroyed due to lockdowns and the debt pilled on so that US and EU can asset strip land and Rare Earth Minerals (REME) and Elements. Lankan Graphite the best in the world is being looted by Germany and turned into Graphene used in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines!
      Sri Lanka has been beggared along with the rest of the Global South to make Euro-America which has printed trillions of $$$ and Euros as Covid “Bailouts” whose economies are in a mess, great again!
      Covid-19 is a hoax to crash BRICS and reboot Euro-Americn Colonialism in the Global South after debt-trapping and impovershing Asia and Africa, and Latin America but this US bio-terrorism, and Over The Horizon (OTH) regime change and colonization project in Sri Lanka and elsewhere is is back firing!

      • 10

        Dinuk, could you show some empathy and shut the f— up.

      • 7

        “An illness milder than seasonal flu”. Tell that to all those who have lost their loved ones to your milder-than-seasonal flu.
        And my great wish is that you and your loved ones soon get to experience the milder-than-seasonal flu.
        You are a truly disgusting, pathetic excuse for a human being.

        • 4

          Dithers , at times I wonder is it worth responding to such people like Dinuk and DRS. What if they are just childish and attention seeking. Even worse is , suffering from Delusioal and/or Personality disorder where Paranoia is common but very elaborate as these two do
          . In Schizophrenia and Mood disorders when not treated delusions/paranoia is a complication , but not so elaborate. In U.S , it’s not unusual that CIA is frequently incorporated in patient’s delusins When Trump first called it “a simple flu ” he was just deceiving his own people yet intellectually challenged to say more than one liner.

    • 4

      Dear “Conspiracy Theories Dinuk”,
      Where is our friend Humble who sees a “Freemason” connection in everything? Well, Durdans is owned by a medical doctor who is a Freemason, although by now it may be his children who are in the day-to-day running of the hospital.
      His engineer brother used to be biggest of the road constructors, although by now there may be some others who have overtaken him. He, too, is a Freemason.
      Now I’m a “GambadaIngirisiIskoleMahaththaya” who was a Freemason for a few years, and who was trying to tell “Humble” (why on earth can’t you people identify yourselves if you are so sure of the conspiracies?) that there’s nothing terrible or formidable about what goes on in the Victoria Masonic Temple, Slave Island (very close to the more fashionable Galle Face area) although the yokels around it call it either the “Yakage Palliya” (Devil’s Church) or “Bella Kapana Palliya” (Throat-slitting Church).
      This entire story attests more to the mess that the entire country is in, than anything like the “Sinhala-sabotage” that I refuted when no responses were to be seen.

      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

  • 15

    Prof. Hoole, this is horrendous and pathetic.. I heard similar experience in different situations. Ravi Perera shared the difficulties faced by grieving family in getting the remains of a deceased. First of all none of the test PCR / RAT cost that much. Both as well vaccine ((AZ) cost anywhere from 750 to 1000 Indian Rupee. Though there were false results in the beginning lately it is rare . I feel it was more because of errors in collecting , testing and inexperience of the handlers and less to do with kit. But not to have a test nearby amd travel to Colombo is absolutely ridiculous. Then they wonder how the spread is out of control. A person who is negative may turn positive by unnecessary exposure.

    • 11

      the news shocked me, while planning to travel to the country in Nov. It is not fair to allow those tests be done only in CMBO but not in Jaffna. This means, we cant rely on the test results if the tests are carried out by even pvt hospitals. And yes indeed, that is why many in europe are advised to get such tests done nearby labs/institutes.

      Do they now charge for the vaccine in India ? Is it not for free ? (AZ costs 2000 – 2700 SLR)
      Yes, home-set RAT is just 180/Rps in Germany. Such kit should be much cheaper in India. I dont think many would rely on RAT-results though. PCR testing is relativly expensive in europe.

      • 6

        LM, the government is still providing free. Initially it was all govt so we doctors and public mostly above 65 got it for free. Now private hospitals too are permitted to purchase and vaccinate for a fee which is fixed by government. In our hospital it is 780 Indian Rs. I am told, soon we doctors will be permitted to get third / booster (after 9 months) in private hospitals for a fee which I think is reasonable.

        • 8

          Thanks Chiv.
          I think it is still free for all in SL. However, charges for Rapid A Test and PCR are very high.
          Booster is not yet recommended in Germany. Right at the moment, with a certifcate on full vaccination you can travel across the country in Germany. Also to UK, some germans had to bring with a PCR negative result, but it should be taken within 72 hr at arrivals in UK:

  • 16

    One doesn’t need any more reasons to show why Sri Lanka is going bankrupt.

  • 13

    What a saga. Cannot such hospitals be sued? Just reading the lineal narration is frustrating enough. Imagine having to go through such an ordeal. These Sri Lankans have travelled all the way from Jaffna, then are treated like rubbish, and that too by a private establishment. Durdan’s have always had a respected name in SL. But it seems they are now employing idiots. The hospital’s license should be suspended while this matter is investigated.

    • 9

      If I were Dr Hoole, I would have run amok in that hospital. Thanks he has guts to publish all the facts regarding the mlechcha act of Durden Hospital.

      They our sinhalayas always overestimate about their achievements in general, however, current admin dont have the faintest idea in terms of proper handling in COVID mgt. My wife had faced the same during her travel in March/April 2021. Those untrained nurses hired for PCR/Antigen testing make the situation even dangerous.
      Day before y day I heard some fake oximeters are in circulation. The man in leadership today is said to be an IT assistant at the time, he spent over 15 years in the US. So how come he has failed to understand the fundemental deficiencies in the prevailing structures.
      Besides, srilanka has enough graduates working in varied fields or those remain unemployed.

      Those teachers/other professionals can alsobe a source if they have no qualified people to do the job. This is a ground handling problem. Each and every hospital authorities should be made responsible for the huge mistakes being made by lack of knowledge and experience.

    • 4

      Sorry for the late response.
      What may also need investigation is the PCR procedure itself.
      It is not foolproof or precise as we are persuaded to believe.
      According to Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis who invented the RT-PCR test:
      “PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment.”
      The test itself comprises cyclic amplifications of what is initially a weak signal. (That is why the test takes many hours.)
      Ideally the number of cycles should be around 25, but in actual practice it is much more and thus vulnerable to ‘false flags’.
      An inquiry regarding the difference between the two laboratories is in order, nevertheless, and important for the profession.

  • 14

    “This is the sad tale of many a human heart” (though Coleridge quoted out of original context), in these troubled times. Times when vultures are let lose to prey on the populace and to some, a time to get ahead over the suffering of the people.
    How many others who grieve silently, but we do not know.

    • 11

      …….How many others who grieve silently, but we do not know……
      Imagine this :
      When one is in quarantine and your wife and son are just taken away from you.
      This is indeed a time of sadness for us all. I can only empathise with these casualties of the pandemic including the Author. Many are the sad stories we hear.

      • 8

        My view, I personally experienced it in our hospital where some family lost 2 to 3 family members in a short period of time.

        • 2

          Maraya behind the humans is cruel.
          Mangala went , Vadidewa, Bandula, above all Mahinda are given more time.☹☹☹☹This helps me further understanding it better that the human life is similar to that of an any other animals. No religion s can explain it.Births and deaths can happen at anytime. ☹☹☹☹☹☹

  • 2

    Here are two real reasons for the PCR tests:

    a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mqkgVof9zw&t=14s
    b) https://amg-news.com/archives/12299

    The inventor of the pcr test kary mullis himself admitted the tests
    are pretty much useless for identifying viral diseases

    • 4


      b) https://amg-news.com/archives/12299

      The inventor of the pcr test kary mullis himself admitted the tests
      are pretty much useless for identifying viral diseases

      Most lab experiements and publications issued sofar; particularly in pharma/genetics were based on RT-PCR and the like senstive assays. With that being the ground reality in research labs, if one can just generalize that any reults on viral research should be made null and void ?????
      At the time, HIV AIDs came to know, medicine had a big blank/vaccum about any good drugs on the symptoms.. Now with HIV virus and several other diseases of that nature, the patients live longer thanks to new medicine. I personally go tot know a patient in his early 90 but had HIV for a period of 40 years..

  • 1

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  • 6

    Things are a bloody mess, there are no medical experts and professionals in charge, no proper regulations, safeguards, and a life threatening pandemic is raging in the country led by corrupt, inexperienced, cronies. You want felons, war criminals, nepotism, and crooks, just look at the Rajapaksa regime.

    We have many medical professionals some who have been trained abroad, but they have been sidelined by unqualified political thugs who run this country.

    • 8

      it is just the start only. Months ahead will be DARKER than appeared to be.
      By the end of GOTA s term, thinkable is to have concentration camps to the style of Germany had then. Even school going children knew, things would have turned out to be CHAOS, nevertheless punnakku drinking majority got caught by the easy tricks played on them for their comeback. As of today, nothing but his family and henchmen have got exonerated from each and every high crime invesitgations, filed against them.

      Main camps
      Arbeitsdorf concentration camp.
      Auschwitz concentration camp. List of subcamps of Auschwitz.
      Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. List of subcamps of Bergen-Belsen.
      Buchenwald concentration camp. …
      Dachau concentration camp. …
      Flossenbürg concentration camp. …
      Gross-Rosen concentration camp. …
      Herzogenbusch concentration camp.

      • 1

        They were duped into voting for this useless lot. Nothing like orchestrating a terrorist attack on poor worshippers, to remind the people only the Rajapaksa’s are “capable” of handling it, to convince the people they are needed to run the country. The idiots who voted for them conveniently forgot the corruption, white vans, killing of journalists, and the entire family fleecing the country. Nepotism is back in a big way.

  • 3

    Inconvenience caused by unnecessary red tape & bureaucracy is nothing new but the citizens of SL have no choice. The current situation, in particular, has provided opportunities to profit for many with the blessings of the govt. & the resulting monopoly (or oligopoly) has created an environment of cussedness & lack of responsibility. For those who are domiciled in developed countries, it is outrageous, as there are independent ombudsmen, as well as, media ‘watchdogs’ to investigate unacceptable practices & those responsible are quick to apologise, & even compensate, to prevent bad publicity & the matter escalating.
    Prior to the pandemic, I had to renew my SL passport & had to get an endorsement from the grama sevaka confirming my SL address for a new NIC, as well, (as the name on my ID card had faded) without which, I would not be able to get a passport. I do not own property in SL & as I usually stay with my in-laws, I gave their address. I wasted several days as the gramasevaka works only on certain days, & even on some of those days, he was out on ‘official’ business. When I finally met the gramasevaka, I was told that my name was not on the electoral list & needed confirmation.

    • 8

      Seriously, did not the old passport carry the NIC number?
      The procedure I followed when I thought that I lost my NIC was to make a police complaint and obtain an NIC size photograph and to the Gramaniladhari then to the Pradeshiys Sabha Office. But before I went to the Registration of Persons Office my NIC was found. They are generally helpful these days..
      Do not blame the GN too much for not breaking rules. Someone could put him into trouble.

      • 2


        I was told the old NIC has to submitted with my old passport but it was unacceptable as my name had faded away. Also I came to know later that my original NIC was no longer valid after I received British citizenship.

        I hope someone would complain about this particular GN as he is not in office most of time & when I met him, he was smelling of liquor. Not only that, he had a clerk by his side who ‘assisted’ people in filling the forms, only to be demanded Rs100 for the service once the forms were filled. My police friend accompanied me to Divisional secretariat as he knew the secretary & they were nice enough but not sure if it was due the police presence. It certainly helps a lot if you have influential friends.

        • 4

          Yours is a different matter altogether. You say:
          “Also I came to know later that my original NIC was no longer valid after I received British citizenship.”
          Your SL passport is invalid once you obtain British nationality. How can you renew it?
          You need to be a dual citizenship to be eligible for an SL passport.
          NIC is no issue.

  • 4

    Unfortunately, my in-laws were holidaying abroad at the time, therefore, I requested my mother in law to email a letter, confirming my residential status but the Gramasevaka would not accept the email as there was no signature. In frustration, I gave up the idea of renewing my SL passport but a high ranking Police official, who I knew personally, gave a letter with his address & the gramasevaka of that area, signed the document without hesitation. Early next morning I joined the queue to hand in the documents for a NIC & with further assistance from my friend in the police, I got my NIC quickly, with which, I was able to renew my passport just a day before my return to UK.
    While at the passport office, I befriended a person from Chilaw who had also come to renew his passport to visit his son, domiciled abroad. After paying for the same day service, when his name was called up to collect the passport, he realised the original birth certificate was missing when his documents were handed back. He informed the officer immediately but was told that it would be impossible to find it & for him to apply for a new copy of his birth certificate.

  • 9

    Is there not a lesson here about the reliability of PCR tests?

    • 5

      RT-PCR per se is a highly senstive method in clinical chemistry today.
      However, if they would allow contaminations in the process of collecting the probe materials, it cant be considered as reliable. Untrained nurses or the like personnel should be appointed as assistants in any where, standards are expected.
      They the lab assistants/MLTs etc should be well trained back and forth. Failure of first PCR test done for Dr ‘s spouse is a best example how easily it could end up being valid any more.

      • 5

        Untrained nurses or the like personnel should NOT be appointed as assistants in any where, standards are expected.
        This is also the case with passport counters at arrivals.
        Those offcers are not trained properly.

      • 0

        “RT-PCR per se is a highly senstive method in clinical chemistry today.”
        Is it?
        This is a quick answer.
        RT-PCR is based on amplifying a terribly weak signal. Accuracy diminishes with number of amplifications. This has nothing to do with purity of sample.
        Estimates of sensitivity of PCR tests are known to vary.
        There are other issues too.

    • 6

      As I have worked with PCR/RT-PCR and various other methods being used in today’s labs, thought of adding some hands-on info for the knowledge of the readers.

  • 2

    “Strangely Military Hospitals are approved for military personnel but not government hospitals for us.”
    Even in a Government hospital doing a PCR test cost money. Why should tax payers bear the cost of doing a PCR test free of charge for someone who wants to travel to attend a birthday party?

    • 10

      but very same stupid men of your nature allow even any expenses of stupid family. There you the kind of donkeys stay similar to the crocodiles fed with clay.
      Even today, those ballige puthas in MEDAMULANA have been wasting tax payers funds for their luxury life styles. Just imagine, any one in that bastard family ever offered their salaries fo rthe benefit of the destitute or any srilankens who are really in need. Even their CONDOMS and VIAGRAS pills are paid by you guys.

  • 2

    “I asked her kindly if she would tell me in English or Tamil.”

    This is the outcome of what racist separatists like GG Ponnambalam did by telling Tamils not to learn Sinhala.

    • 5

      This is the outcome of what racist separatists like GG Ponnambalam did by telling Tamils not to learn Sinhala
      More tamils speak sinhala than vice versa.
      Across most of the island a tamil cannot survive if he/she cant speak sinhala.
      So what on earth are you blabbering on about?

      • 1

        “More tamils speak sinhala than vice versa.”

        That is exactly what should happen. If Tamil politicians encouraged Tamils to learn the language of the native people they would not face problems. Instead of doing that they expected native Sinhalayo to learn their language.

        Stupid Sinhala politicians are forcing Sinhala students to learn Tamil. What a waste of their valuable time. On the other hand NPC does not appoint Sinhala teachers to schools in Yapanaya.

    • 3

      what a donkey you should be ? NOT NECESSARILY INSULTING DONKEYs :
      Why to blame people ?
      Where you stay should be a rich soil right ? Rich means far more civilized than the masses in our hell, controlled by sinhala buddhists ?
      if those govts would treat you minorities as second citizens, would you still keep it for you criticising your minority folks ?
      In Europe, for some high ranking jobs, no matter where you come from, the job would be offiered to you so long your credntials are a match. All these should be not overlooked by you, but to repeat your vomits ?
      That is why I constantly believe, you the kind of ULTRA racists do have uncontrollable ticks. Please check it is below, it is similar to severe case in Tourette’s
      My comparision is with that of Most Severe Cases of Tourette’s

  • 3

    “She got angry and stopped responding to me after that. Colombo has over 50% Tamil-speakers but there was no one in the lab who could speak English or Tamil. The hospital with a western name had no one to talk to customers who were not Sinhalese.”
    Take this with a pinch of salt.

    • 7

      what else can we expect from an ULTRA pinguttharaya of your nature ?
      We should all be made responsible for the mess, since we represent the majority of the country. You the kind of ultra racist have done nothing for any kind of improvement in the stagnated situation.

      • 3


        The eagle blind to facts would only realise, when STARVATION stares in the face and realisation dawns what the Medmulana Walauwe spending spree for non essentials on borrowed money has caused – irreparable damage.
        Fortunately, for Blind Eye, that may not happen as it is not forecast to happen any time in the near future in Canada or Australia!
        Hi is no different to GG Ponnambalam (GGP)
        whom he accuses for inter language communication. GGP was living in Colombo in Queen street Colombo 7 ensconced by his Sinhalese friends around Colombo and told the electorate in NP not to learn Sinhalese.
        One Matti Motta Modaya to another!

    • 4

      Raj UK isn’t it good to see at least few among us including SJ seems to be living in different Lanka. Damn, I am now convinced by Nimal’s theory of Pain followed by Pleasure and then more Pain.

      • 5


        The final paragraph of my comment has been omitted, probably because I had exceeded the word count. My point was, average citizens like us who are living abroad find it outrageous when it comes to red tape & bureaucracy in SL. Those in SL have to put up with it or make the best of it by going behind influential people but inevitably, most face immense difficulties & inconvenience.

        My SL friends say I am a third class citizen in UK, which maybe, but right now, I am happy to be so because I would be worse off in my own country of birth

        • 5

          Raj – UK, I too have mentioned the same many times. When my own country denied me the right to education, others helped in becoming who I am. Whether third class or no class U.S laws against discrimination and bias are equally applied , whereas Lankans currently have their own “Low and Odor”. Tell your friends all those Lankans (for that matter immigrants) who migrated to U.K/U.S.A have rights which they never had in their own country.

    • 3

      I am inclined to agree with you.
      I visit Durdans often with various patients.
      The nursing and paramedical staff are polite and make an effort to be helpful.
      Most patients I came have come across during visits were Tamil speaking, and not all were conversant in Sinhala.
      The attitude of the hospital towards patients is quite another matter. It is money before medicine.

  • 4

    Post Script
    We got new seats paying $300 more. We had to do our tests again and both of us passed. It also cost us an extra trip from Jaffna and 3 extra days in Colombo, but on the good side the airplane seat availability required an extra week of vacation.
    We fly early morning after nail biting over waiting for the new Covid results.
    I thank God for that .

    • 0

      I’m so glad that it all worked out well. And I’m very grateful that you wrote up ths account of what happened. Without a doubt this sort of thing happens to many, but it takes a person of your calbre to expose it.
      There was somebody who sneered that people who want to go half-way round the world deserve to have misfortunes inflicted upon them. That was a cheap jibe. You’ve done your best for the entire country and the situation in the country would have been much worse had you not been on the Elections Commission. The birthday, I’m sure was only a break that you needed from the man-made part of the chaos here.

  • 4

    Money Talks Again
    The above article also appeared in the Daily Mirror. Durdans protested about damage to their reputation.The article has been taken down. But they cannot hide it because it is there in the print edition and the taken down online version has been circulated widely. Not to mention this in the valliant Colombo Telegraph.
    My advice to Durdans: Do not buy your way out of your serious shortcomings and di not try to buy a fictitious reputation by issuing threats through lawyers.
    Be decent. Employ a few more Tamil staff. Train your staff properly. Give some ethics training to everyone on putting pressure to use your services.
    When my cousin’s wife came with a burst appendix, she was treated for something else, and the family was called everyday to settle the huge bills on a daily basis. I understand your wanting your bills paid, but give that process a human face, especially after my relative was essentially killed.

    Doing what I suggest will give you a better reputation than threats through lawyers and be less costly when horror stories like this come out when you go into denial

    • 4

      Jaffna Man , just an inflammation of appendix called appendicitis is benign. But a burst/ ruptured appendix is life threatening, reason being leakage and contamination of otherwise absolutely sterile abdominal cavity leading to peritonitis, sepsis and shock. Condition of patient can decline within 24 to 48 hours leading to death. There is no dearth of good doctors and hospitals but they are so focused in making money .

      • 2

        Thanks for that clarification.

    • 4

      Dear Jaffna Man:
      The resolve you have demonstrated time and again is something for the rest of us to learn and practice.

  • 1

    While the pandemic continues to evolve, long distance destinations the pandemic continues to evolve, maximize this show proof that they do not have COVID-19. On testing and on long distance on the way back they are exposed to get the virus be patient on return on home , negative PCR Result from colombo positive at jaffna

  • 0

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