The new year week witnessed the drama surrounding the press conference of Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe MP and ven. M. Aanada, followed by the subsequent publicising of the news of a heated conversation between President Nandasena and Wijeyadasa. As many analysts and citizens have highlighted, this drama has all the characteristics of an orchestrated critique of the legal status of the Port City – a critique that the government can control, and also prevents a genuine and organic critique from emerging. This spectacle points at a number of realities of Lankan politics that are of interest to the discerning observer.
The Domestic Front
Domestically, this episode demonstrates the low level to which the political class has sunk. Wijeyadasa, as many people have pointed out, was the primary persona who protected Nandasena Rajapaksa during the Yahapalana regime. Wijeyadasa is also a quintessential conservative – his conservatism bordering on the fascist. In his own admission with regards to his role in preventing Nandasena’s arrest, it is clear that he deployed his role as Justice Minister to obstruct the course of justice. He was also one of the individuals who put barriers in the Yahapalana government’s meagre efforts to improve Sri Lanka’s woeful human rights record. He was among the most vocal critiques of the EU’s recommendation to do away with Sri Lanka’s archaic and oppressive laws that marginalise non-heteronormative citizens, and to implement protections to citizens of all SOGIESC. His brand of homophobia equals that of closeted LGBTQI+ people who try desperately to identify with cis-het society and suppress their true selves. His positions, be it on SOGIESC rights, ethnonational politics, reconciliation, transitional justice or any other matter, have never been constructive.
Overall, it can be clearly established that Wijeyadasa is a political gamer, not an actual politician with a clear political discourse, a political agenda, and a political vision. His brand of politics is what this writer may refer to as ‘peeping tom politics’ – of indiscipline, tremendously lacking in ethics and a clear political strategy, of a markedly perverse disposition in his political praxis, politics built upon ‘deals’ and pandering to ethnonationalist, sexist and patriarchal extremisms, and a politics of being clueless of where one is at/headed.
This internal feud also brought in another dimension – that of caste politics. As some analysts have pointed out, the intervention of yet another failed politico pointed at some of the caste fault lines in the politics of southern Sri Lanka. The caste-related calculations, concerns, and triangulations of Lankan politics provide clear testimony to the fact that Sri Lanka is by no means a country with a democratic tradition. Despite universal franchise before many in the region, Donoughmore, Colebrooke-Cameron, the Constitutions of the 1st and 2nd Republics, and more, we still have not succeeded in laying the foundations of what could even remotely be termed a modern democracy.
The International Front
Internationally, this entire saga points at the absolute disaster that the Rajapaksa rule has wrecked on Sri Lanka’s standing on the world stage. As of day one [or perhaps from the day on which Mangala Samaraweera left office as Foreign Affairs minister during Mahinda Rajapaksa’s first term of office as president], the Rajapaksas have monumentally failed in foreign policy management. The Port City, for its part, was an ‘unsolicited proposal’ imposed upon Sri Lanka by China. By that time, the Rajapaksas had taken Sri Lanka well into the direction of the Chinese debt trap. The present issue over the legal status of Port City points at the fact that at its inception, the geopolitics of such a highly sensitive initiative had not been adequately analysed. It points at the fact that the Rajapaksas had considerably weakened Colombo’s ‘negotiating acumen’. Good diplomacy could have led to a clear-cut, nuanced negotiation with Beijing on the clauses of the legal status of Port City, in such a way that they do not involve major infringements on Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.
Unfortunately for Sri Lanka, the Rajapaksa cabal is back in power. The all too familiar salient feature of their rule – a weakened foreign policy [or rather the lack of one] – is once again the status quo. To negotiate the legal status of Port City, it may well be way too late.
Principal Opposition in Slumber: Wasting Talent and Time
In the midst of such a volatile situation, the principal opposition led by Mr. Premadasa is even more pathetic than the Nandasena government. Soon after the 2020 general election, this writer wrote an article making a case for the leadership of the parliamentary opposition to be given to someone who combines high-level academic credentials, a proven electoral base, an internationally respected profile, proven skills as a strong negotiator, strong language skills to deal with the world, and a track record of outstanding performance while in ministerial office. It is this kind of leader that Sri Lanka needs today, in terms of setting an alternative a) to the fascist nightmare of the Nandasena regime and b) to set a new precedent in Sri Lankan politics, markedly different from its long-standing caste-based, dynastic, ethnonationalist, sexist, ageist, racist, doltishly conservative, head-in-the-sand, political ‘buffoon-creating’ nature. Point b) would have helped inject a much-needed new lease of life to Lankan politics. This, in turn, could have helped increase the younger generation’s interest in politics. It could have facilitated the task of projecting a ‘genuinely positive’ image of the principal opposition as a place of opportunity to educated Sri Lankans across the ethnonational divide home and abroad. Most importantly, such a strategic decision would have helped guard the opposition from drifting towards a stance verging on ethnonationalist majoritarian inanities. Most importantly, it would have enabled the international community to clearly see someone in a leadership position who they can speak to, ‘connect’ with and productively work with.
Instead, we have a man of the people, or rather the progeny of the man of the people, who does not correspond to the aforementioned ‘profile’ that Sri Lanka so badly needs right now. This, however, is not in any way a critique of Mr. Premadasa as a public figure. He may be a loved leader among the masses, just as his late political mammoth of a paterfamilias. He may be a kindly gentleman, an entertaining pianist, and a gentleman who is great for a conversation. This writer reiterates what she said in August 2020: if the principal opposition were to emerge as a viable opposition to the Rajapaksa regime, it needs a multi-pronged strategy. This involves a model of co-leadership, with one leader holding the mast in the legislature as the leader of the parliamentary opposition, and as the international face of the principal opposition. The other leader is the one who needs to rally the masses, work with the maha sangha and all other elements in local politics, to break the Rajapaksa stronghold over the sub/semi-urban and rural [especially Sinhala] vote base. If the principal opposition were to avoid such meticulous strategizing and continue to articulate its domestic and foreign policy on the advice of opportunistic Premadasa hagiographers, those who owe their stints of office in high politics and diplomacy to Mahinda Rajapaksa, and to advocates of continuing the sexist, homophobic, inherently casteist, and absolutely out-of-date mode of governance we have, the [Sino-]Rajapaksa status quo will continue to thrive.
Disclaimer: The writer writes in a strictly personal capacity. The views expressed in this article do NOT represent the views of any other individual, organisation, natural or juridical person.
old codger / April 19, 2021
Chamindra says:
“The other leader is the one who needs to rally the masses, work with the maha sangha and all other elements in local politics, to break the Rajapaksa stronghold over the sub/semi-urban and rural [especially Sinhala] vote base”
I don’t think it is a case of “working with the maha Sangha”. The Maha Sangha is the unelected group that has a strangle-hold over the Sinhala vote-base. Surely Chamindra doesn’t regard these regressive retards as any better than Wijedasa himself. Chamindra’s inability to openly criticize this clerical cabal is indicative of the ambiguous attitude of many Sinhala intellectuals. The monks ARE the problem. The monks should be confined to their temples, stay out of politics, and have their finances regulated by the government, as in Vietnam or China.
old codger / April 19, 2021
“This internal feud also brought in another dimension – that of caste politics. As some analysts have pointed out, the intervention of yet another failed politico pointed at some of the caste fault lines in the politics of southern Sri Lanka. “
Chamindra has been perceptive enough to see the ugly truth that lies behind Nandasena calling WR a “fake Rajapaksa” . The Sinhalayo have always been good at concealing their own sins while pointing fingers at the evil Demalu.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2021
old codger
“The Sinhalayo have always been good at concealing their own sins while pointing fingers at the evil Demalu.”
Or creating new ones before solving the previous ones accumulated past over 72 years.
Has Nandu banned cattle slaughter?
Will he send his step brother Mervyn Silva PhD to stop all such slaughter for food?
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
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Ari / April 19, 2021
Did not the Sangha lot sing hosanna to bring back this lot into power? Politicians worth their salt should point the finger at this lot as well for ruining the country, in the name of being the gate keepers of Buddhism!
nimal fernando / April 19, 2021
“these regressive retards”
The breed of dogs, American Pit Bulls …….. the name comes from ……. when they are born, a deep pit is dug in the ground and the pup is put in the pit …….. never allowed to see anything outside. They were bred for fighting …… one on the most ferocious breeds of dogs.
Children are captured at a very young age and brought up closeted in temples without much exposure to the outside world …….. and taught a toxic brand of hatred.
There is no difference between the closeted dogs and the closeted priests.
The best way to overcome this, is to educate the Buddhist priests in areas other than “Lankan Buddhism.” Give them wide knowledge in …… Science, Languages, Philosophy, World-History …………..
Good “international Schools” for Buddhist priest will be a start ………… and will get Lanka out of the deep hole it’s in because of the stranglehold of the ignorant Priests.
I’ll contribute half of whatever Native contributes ……… to establish the first school.
Lester / April 19, 2021
Nimal Fernando,
“The breed of dogs, American Pit Bulls…”
Beautiful to see the frustration of kotiyas in the first line itself.
“Children are captured at a very young age and brought up closeted in temples without much exposure to the outside world …….. and taught a toxic brand of hatred.”
Where were you when Aunty Adele (now a citizen of human rights champion UK) was handing out cyanide capsules to future “martyrs?”
The real irony is that Rajapakse freed thousands of children from the grip of LTTE terror. Rajapakse bro’s should be given Nobel Peace Prizes.
“I’ll contribute half of whatever Native contributes ……… to establish the first school.”
I’ll contribute double to put Native and others in a rehabilitation camp for LTTE ideologues.
nimal fernando / April 20, 2021
Oh! Lester, Lester,
Rajapakses did this Rajapakses did that ………. Rajapakses Rajapakses Rajapakses …..
Pull your head out of the Rajapakses’ and smell the Roses, buddy ……….. there’s a world outside of the Rajapakses’ ……. but like for the Pit Bulls, for you, your world is limited to Rajapakses’ posteriors! ….. Ha ha ha ha …….
Your frustrations aside, I feel your pain buddy ………. like I said, I don’t wish it on my worst enemy …… let alone on a nice bloke like you :))
Now that’s what I call fun …… and love to visit the CT!
Lester / April 20, 2021
Nimal Fernando,
I feel your frustration. Can’t even get a *genuine* man or woman to speak out for your beloved homeland aka Eeelam, hak hak. I wonder if they can teach a robot to recognize “genocide?” If someone repeats it 1000 times, does that increase the likelihood.
nimal fernando / April 21, 2021
“beloved homeland aka Eeelam”
Both you and EE seem to think I’m Tamil. That’s the best complement you can pay a Sinhalese.
That means I’m smarter than the average Singhalese …………… the 6.9 million of your fellow brethren. :))
The type who get commercial flights to land after 5 minutes. :))
Here’s some thinking points ………. for you two’s Laurel and Hardy act.
Until now, I was baffled, why, after every stupid act imaginable, Lanka is not totally destroyed. I’ve come to the realization the reason for that is, the Sinhalese have rarely been led by a Sinhalese – Thank your lucky stars, as always, the minorities save us -…… the Bandaranaykes were Tamils, with a Sinhala-Buddhist makeover (unfortunately, who turned on their fellow Tamils) ……. Rajapakses are Malaysian Muslims with a Sinhala-Buddhist makeover (who turned on their fellow Muslims) ……. for Pete’s sake, the last king of Lanka was a guy picked up from some minor principality in South India and given a Sinhala-Buddhist makeover ….
nimal fernando / April 21, 2021
Mr. Mahindapala, Was the last king of Lanka a Valhalla (or whatever the crap you’re always on about?) ……. Have you checked your family-tree? You might be one of his decedents. A Valhalla Singhalese!
old codger / April 21, 2021
Are you trying to flatter EE by calling him Mahindapala?
Native Vedda / April 21, 2021
nimal fernando
According to Prof Gananath Obeyesekera those who express extreme racist views and act upon it are relatively recently arrived migrants converts to Sinhala/Buddhism.
They will have to be nasty to minorities in order to keep up with ordinary Sinhalese or Buddhists. Void of any ability they see they could only survive by keeping up with already established professional public racists, basically they could only thrive in Competitive Racism.
If you want load of unearned income, herd impunity from corruption, illegal activities, to get things done at the state level, kill people, lie to them, …………………. you got to prove yourself a first class public racist. You should have the potential to be a Nazi, Fascist, ……………a Baathist, Peronista, …
I doubt you can make it.
Therefore my advice to you is please never ever contemplate the idea of becoming a successful politician in this island.
old codger / April 21, 2021
“Both you and EE seem to think I’m Tamil.”
Same here. I’ve given up trying to convince them. You’re in good company.
Sinhala_Man / April 22, 2021
nimal & oc,
Not everyone will be able to adopt my solution. I’ve provided so many personal details that nobody now calls me “a Tamil”. They did to start with. Not that it bothered me in the least, but having to co-exist with so many unsatisfactorily educated Sri Lankans it matters when one comments. There just are two languages.
We are genetically one people, and not one Sri Lankan can accurately tell us what every one of his ancestors was categorised as about 300 years ago.
Those guys I’m not related to in any realistic sense, but this APPROACH is one that I’d commend. I’ve told the personable, erudite, and articulate Dr Zameer Careem that so far he’s been handling the easy (relatively small and wealthy) groups.
The challenge is to handle those who call themselves Sinhalese and Tamils. BTW, like oc, I don’t think that mediocre EE is Mahindapala.
Lester / April 21, 2021
Bandaranayake are descended from Pandarams in India. These Pandarams are Brahmins. They are not pure Dravidians. Therefore, they have no connection to the pretenders known as Vellalas. Your hero EV Ramaswamy Periyar once said: “If you see a snake and a Brahmin on the road, kill the Brahmin first.” Low-caste (karaiyar) Pirabakaran followed this advice when he gave CBK a glass eye. I read somewhere that Jews have a fundamental dislike of Germans. An innate hatred based on past history. Probably Dravidians feel the same way about Aryans. They chased the Brahmins out of TN, refuse to learn Hindi (national language), and in SL fought against Bengali-origin Sinhalese.
old codger / April 22, 2021
Lester the pest,
Since when have Bengalis been “Aryans”?
old codger / April 20, 2021
“Where were you when Aunty Adele (now a citizen of human rights champion UK) was handing out cyanide capsules “
So what you’re suggesting is that Aunty Adele did justifies what the monks do?
Aren’t you even aware that the monks have been doing it for centuries before Adele? And destroying Hindu temples too? What infantile reasoning!
Native Vedda / April 20, 2021
old codger
There is a possibility that future Sinhala/Buddhist generations could boast their engineering expertise on reclaiming land from sea as they often tend to claim their expertise in Hydraulic Engineering, building skyscrapers dagoba, treating pandemic with pirith noola, …..
nimal fernando / April 20, 2021
Has your SUV got a winch (hydraulic or electric?)
We’ll have to help pull out some people.
Native Vedda / April 21, 2021
nimal fernando
“We’ll have to help pull out some people.”
Good, however they will have to stop digging if they want our help.
Raj-UK / April 20, 2021
Rajapakses for the Nobel Peace prize? Now that’s a novelty.
Considering that MR was shunned even during his tenure as Head of Commonwealth & not even the Foreign Secretary of UK visiting him when he was in London in a private capacity during the Yahapalanaya time, & the British Police refusing to provide special security, which is not the usual protocol even for former Head of State, I doubt very much there would have been any wide support for his nomination. Of course, we can always contend ourselves that it was jealousy & discrimination, & be happy that our ardent international representatives have stood up courageously in support & shown 2 fingers to the world.
SJ / April 22, 2021
Would not being shunned by the British establishment be a qualification for a peace prize?
old codger / April 20, 2021
“Give them wide knowledge in …… Science, Languages, Philosophy, World-History …”
Hey, you’re asking them to commit suicide?
leelagemalli / April 20, 2021
Please also check my SINHALA comments. we need to add more in SINHALA,
Please be informed, the message should be gone to the masses not to a tiny portion.
old codger / April 20, 2021
My Sinhala typing skills don’t exist, and it’s too late to learn.
I don’t think my one-finger English typing would get me even a typists job.
You can compensate.
Sugandh / April 21, 2021
Dear old codger,
May I suggest that you give an online transliteration tool a try for generating text in SINHALA without having to type in SINHALA!
You can use your one finger English typing skills to type in SinGlish; the tool will convert it to Sinhala text, right away. Then you can copy the Sinhala text and paste elsewhere.
Here’s the link to the transliteration tool run by the University of Colombo;
old codger / April 21, 2021
Thanks, that’s interesting.
old codger / April 21, 2021
This is what I got for “apey gamey kavun natha”
“ඇපෙය් ගමෙය් කවුන් නත”
A Chinese accent?
Sinhala_Man / April 22, 2021
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Sinhala_Man / April 20, 2021
There’s nobody to beat you for commitment, dear LM.
Yes, there can be no doubt that we must all respect our two Swabashas. That many people who use English don’t do so is the reason for much that is wrong with our society, many of the tensions that prevail. Analysing it all is very difficult.
Comments here by both Champa and you:
Great! I wouldn’t ask for anything more from you.
However, the fact is that the Sinhalese people whom we want to influence, don’t visit this website. What you’re doing has great value as a gesture, and I hope that many will look at those comments.
nimal fernando / April 20, 2021
“Hey, you’re asking them to commit suicide”
The thought did occur ……… it’ll solve the problem one way or the other! :))
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
nimal fernando,
Ranting from a guy suffering from ‘Defeat-Syndrome’ due to humiliating defeat faced after bragging that they can never be defeated militarily.
old codger / April 20, 2021
Why is the Maharajano of the Sinhala Buddhists begging from evil Bangladeshi Muslims now?
nimal fernando / April 21, 2021
Gee Mr. Mahindapala,
Finally you noticed me! Now I know I exist!!
Cogito, ergo sum
Native Vedda / April 20, 2021
old codger
Given the certainty of Port city being integrated into mainland China do you think we will have to patch up our relation with SJ in case if he is appointed as the top Chinese Representative cum Enforcer?
old codger / April 20, 2021
I’m all for Port City. At least there’ll be a place in the country where we can enjoy ourselves on Poya days. They’ll have bars, chicken, no giant Buddha statues, no monks (except in disguise). Sadly, it’s coming too late for me. I can only look at bars and young ladies from afar.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
old codger,
Take Viagra. That will help.
“I can only look at young ladies from afar.”
Native Vedda / April 20, 2021
Eagle Eye
“Take Viagra. That will help.”
If it is good for you it is good for old codger.
old codger / April 20, 2021
Ah, so you have experience with Chinese ladies? I gave you a green thumb.
nimal fernando / April 20, 2021
What is the world coming to?
At 85, Mr. H. L. D. Mahindapala is asking you to take Viagra!
Always suspected ol’ Mr. Mahindapala was up to no good. :))
Rajash / April 21, 2021
Poya Day?
what is Poya day. Poya day every month is holiday in Sri Lanka some one please explain why?
old codger / April 21, 2021
In case you don’t know, on Poya days, there is no chicken/ beef , no liquor, only holy programs on TV……. not really a holiday. And some people criticize Saudi Arabia!
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2021
Agreed, Old; more on the controversial advice of having selected a leader, popular within Sinhala Buddhists, especially after having the regime change employed in 2015 with New King, who spearheaded the 4/21. But that is not the important issue here, but independent opinion is; honest opinion; the commentators willing to honestly explain her/his reason for coming to that conclusion to the mass. The fundamental idea of democracy is, it absorbs individual’s perception mistakes (, but only when it is functioning). The important is just the opinion itself, as long as it is not a paid out spinning job. Chamindra was not any time questioned of selling others’ thought. None in the essay reads like she is re-reporting the Colombo media, but mainly expressing her opinion. Your other point is, you suspects that she fears to tell her opinion. That is not my feeling. Nevertheless, as the opinion is not a secret voting, so, many try to withhold some part, at least for not being seen as a nerd talker.The only solution for that is more and more are starting to comment, openly, plainly, without too many adjectives. That is where one will not self-edit her/his genuine opinion, but would leave it to the public to criticize & reject or accept and support.
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2021
Educated Sinhalese to express what they think about the past 75 years history; o they have feeling having achieved freedom from foreign rulers, how do they feel where they are now. This is the discussion will give them courage, if they feel, they need to put the hand on the ruder and change course of the ship: “Where are they now?; is that to where they started their journey in 1948?” This talk, like Monte Carlo simulation, should be repeated with in educated Buddhist Sinhalese, as many times as possible, before they conclude what is next. The problem here is Chamindra’s, one opinion, is unlikely to create a flood. So Lankawe needs rain to create a flood. The flood has to be channeled through rivers to reservoirs. That means the 2 tier or the middle class (the teachers, government employee, company staffs who can get messages independent, instead of from Aanduwa controlled TV Media ) Buddhist Sinhalese has to receive it and assimilate. Within the group diversification should be encouraged by themselves; as gentlemen deal they all should stay from nail it on others, but defend their points by well supported talks to make sure their points to be heard. Sincerity is important to accommodate everybody, instead of lean on cunning to advance their course.
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2021
Then the 2tier have to water the plants. It is they remodel the messages in the way it can be consumed by the lower end. If this technique is employed, all three classes, the Learned high people, the middle class educated crowd and worker class, all will be acting unitedly, for the betterment of one society. Then they look for and find out a leader for themselves to carry out their thoughts. It is too early that somebody recommends a leader, because it can end up in the same place where selecting New King ended. They need a leader, but first they need to group themselves brainstorm sincerely about the rights and wrongs of the past 75 years. Fascist Buddhist monks who demand elevated position to their opinion is not fitting into this. Then they select the type of leaders they all need. The start is educated Buddhists Sinhalese need to group into one and set the ball rolling. The group should be buffered enough to take all criticism and punches but stand up and continue until the time to elected the leader and hand over the responsibility to that person. It is too early to have selected a leader who is liked by Sinhala Buddhists. Those leaders are surely, at this time, are available only within the Royal family.
sitrep24 / April 20, 2021
We should put sugar in your mouth.
I agree 100%. The monks (at any level, even the chief monks) are the problem.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
Old Codger,
“The monks ARE the problem.”
Yes, they are the problem to:
• Racist separatist Malabar Vellala Tamil politicians who want to grab North East of the country and create a separate State for the Dravida coolies brought by Portuguese to Yapanaya using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’.
• Muslim extremists who want to spread Wahhabism and convert this country to a Caliphate.
• Hindians who want to control this country.
• Neo-colonialist who want to control this country.
• NGOs who want to implement the agenda of their pay masters.
• Unpatriotic Sinhala politicians and civil society activists who dance according to the tune of neo-colonialists.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
old codger,
A descendant of a Dravidian brought to Sinhale by colonial rulers who does not know the role played by Buddhist monks to protect Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo from ‘Paradeshi’ Dravida and European invaders and Tamil terrorists who massacred Sinhalayo to grab a part of their country say “The monks should be confined to their temples, stay out of politics, and have their finances regulated by the government, as in Vietnam or China.”
Unlike Vietnam and China that are Communist countries, Sri Lanka is a Democratic country. These dumbos who hate communism and want to protect democracy expect Sri Lanka to behave like a Communist country.
old codger / April 20, 2021
The reason why Vietnam and China are far ahead of us is that the idiot monks are under control.
Lester / April 24, 2021
“The reason why Vietnam and China are far ahead of us is that the idiot monks are under control.”
Vietnam, incorrect. The reason China is ahead of anyone is because Western foreign companies found a cheap labor source (from a pool of more than 1 billion people) for manufacturing. JR Jayawardene had a similar plan in the 70’s, e.g. to create an open-market economy for Western investors. Chinese themselves did not do much in the way of innovation. If China were to lose its manufacturing edge, the “Dragon” would turn into a rabbit. Also, China does not have any significant proportion of ethnic minorities. During COVID-19, Chinese authorities were rounding up Black Africans who they mistakenly thought were a health risk. Uighyurs are put in camps for re-education. East Asian countries in general are homogeneous at the level of 90% or more.
old codger / April 24, 2021
Can you produce one country that has progressed while controlled by parasitic clergy?
Saudi Arabia has, but it isn’t Buddhist.
Karikalan S. Navaratnam / April 19, 2021
Thank you Chamindra. An excellent piece. Down-to-earth, EXCEPT for the reference to the monks. Let politics be out of bounds to them. Also, let’s protect our innocent young kids of tender age from the priestly predators.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
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Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2021
Then the 2tier have to water the plants. It is they remodel the messages in the way it can be consumed by the lower end. If this technique is employed, all three classes, the Learned high people, the middle class educated crowd and worker class, all will be acting unitedly, for the betterment of one society. Then they look for and find out a leader for themselves to carry out their thoughts. It is too early that somebody recommends a leader, because it can end up in the same place where selecting New King ended. They need a leader, but first they need to group themselves brainstorm sincerely about the rights and wrongs of the past 75 years. Fascist Buddhist monks who demand elevated position to their opinion is not fitting into this. Then they select the type of leaders they all need. The start is educated Buddhists Sinhalese need to group into one and set the ball rolling. The group should be buffered enough to take all criticism and punches but stand up and continue until the time to elected the leader and hand over the responsibility to that person. It is too early to have selected a leader who is liked by Sinhala Buddhists. Those leaders are surely, at this time, are available only within the Royal family.
Nathan / April 20, 2021
I am not at all bewildered by the criticism that WR as Justice Minister obstructed the course of justice, during his stint in the Yahapalana government. He was instrumental in letting MR, GR slip through the net of justice. But, not solely. The roles played by RW and by MS played are more grievous. In SL, at the elite level, the justice system is a farce.
As regards to Monks, I don’t know whom to blame, – the Monks or the Politicians themselves. Monks play the role assigned to them by politicians. The day the Leader of the country decides to put Monks in place is the day democracy will begin its forward march in SL.
Sinhala_Man / April 21, 2021
Not only monks, dear Nathan.
We have to stamp out cheating and corruption everywhere.
sitrep24 / April 20, 2021
You try to differentiate between them but the reality is that the current extremist sinhala buddhist terrorists came to power with the blessing of the chief monks.
Any level of clergy and by extension buddhism should be far removednfrom politics.
If the sinhalese do not wake up to this reality even when they’re in such a dire situation, then there is no hope for this country. If not the rajapakshas then you are prone to bring to power another extremist sinhala buddhist.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
Yes, Monks are a problem to ‘Paradeshi’ refugees who settled down in Sinhale thanks to kindheartedness of Sinhala Buddhists and Buddhist monks and behave as if they own this country.
old codger / April 20, 2021
“who does not know the role played by Buddhist monks to protect Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo from ‘Paradeshi’ “
What role? The Sinhala kings kept these parasites well under control. They even executed many who got too big for their boots. Buddhist monks are mostly children abandoned by their parents. They cannot be expected, with their limited education, to know how to run a modern country. Why don’t you come and live here if you like them so much?
Svenson / April 20, 2021
Eagle Eye take no notice of Mohammed sitrep24, he cannot write anything without referring to ‘extremist sinhala buddhist terrorists’. At college he was bitten by a mosquito and got a swollen sac, he was called jambola lebbe, and has never recovered from the embarrassment.
Ari / April 20, 2021
Dumb Eagle, don’t be so harsh on your boat refugee ancestors from Kalinga!
Paul / April 21, 2021
‘Any level of clergy and by extension buddhism should be far removednfrom politics.’
Do you propose removing Islam from politics too? Shouting THE MONKS ARE THE PROBLEM !!! is a foolish generalisation. Its like shouting THE MUSLIMS/TAMILS/JEWS ARE THE PROBLEM !!! We all know what that leads to.
Simon / April 20, 2021
The writer has brought to light some naked truths that dominate the body politics of the country. (1) The veneration of the “Prabu” (Elite) class. (2) The “Caste” based politics. (3) The “Religious” faction. These “Charastricts” are embedded in “Political Culture” since the days of “Kingdom” and “Dynastical” stages and still live well nurtured by the people of all walks of life. The trouble that we face today is nobody wants to denounce and deviate from these “Principles” in “PUBLIC”. To that extent, most of our “Gurus” have failed to correct the course. In the recent exchange of words between MP Sarath Fonseka and MP Chamal Rajapakse, in Parliament, it was heard CR mentioning “I am a “Hamu” (Elite of High Caste). Why did he say it? MP Sarath Fonseka id from Ambalangoda and that name “Fonseka” denotes to what “Caste” (low in the eye of Govigama caste) he belongs to. So goes with the “Buddhagama Priests”, e.g. the “Nikaya System”. I even suspect this recent “Telephone Conversation” of GR with WR is mainly because of the “Verbal Denouncement” of the “Family” (referring to wives and sons of BR & GR). Though, Wijedasa carries “Rajapakse” name he is not of that “Clan” of CR, MR, GR….” Immediately after this “GR” and “WR” clash, who held a “Media” briefing?
Sinhala_Man / April 21, 2021
CR, MR, GR, . . . , et al. spell the name: “Rajapaksa“
Wijedasa is also from the South: . . . “Rajapakshe“.
I don’t like any of them, but in this matter, I sympathise with, even admire, Wijedasa. He could easily plump for the commoner spelling.
However, those who know Wijedasa, confirm that he’s a skunk.
GATAM / April 20, 2021
SL will always be controlled by Buddhist monks. It is a fact.
If you don’t like, go to Tamil Elam.
SarathP / April 20, 2021
According to the writer, “the leadership of the parliamentary opposition [should be} be given to someone who combines high-level academic credentials, a proven electoral base, an internationally respected profile, proven skills as a strong negotiator, strong language skills to deal with the world, and a track record of outstanding performance while in ministerial office. It is this kind of leader that Sri Lanka needs today,”
Pray, does this person exist? Or, is the article a veiled criticism of Sajith Premadasa?
Fr. S.J. Peiris has a fine Opinion piece in today’s Island newspaper. Fully worth a read.
Wijesdasa (aka “Dealdasa”) is a conniving rascal. If given a cabinet portfolio, he will beg Gobbasena’s forgiveness and withdraw his criticism.
Easton Scott / April 20, 2021
Here’s the link to the Opinion piece you refer to, Sarath, for the convenience of those who wish to save time searching:
And here’s a telling paragraph which cuts direct to the heart of the so far very successful strategy executed by our political locusts:
“Cannot our people see the cunning deceitful trickery they are perpetrating on us? When the A20 was mooted, before genuine opposition could come up, their lackeys, political, religious and lay, vociferously stood against it. The genuine Opposition was silenced. At the last moment, the bootlicking slaves supported the Bill in the Parliament. The same trick was repeated at giving away of the West Container Terminal of the Colombo harbour to the Adani Group of India. The trick is being repeated for the third time with the Port City. The same bootlicking pack of lackeys is vehemently attacking the draft of the Port City Management. The genuine Opposition has no time even to get organised. The draft is deliberately made worse than what the Chinese imperialists demand. Eventually, they will remove the unnecessary excess and the lackeys will say a compromise is won by them”.
Eagle Eye / April 20, 2021
“Unfortunately for Sri Lanka, the Rajapaksa cabal is back in power.”
Why unfortunately? May be some sort of a problem in your brain.
It is fortunately for Sri Lanka because ‘Jadapalana’ Government run by two dong keys ruined the security and economy of this country.
old codger / April 20, 2021
“Jadapalana’ Government run by two dong keys “
Why don’t you come back and live in this country , which is run by a clueless buffalo now?
Easton Scott / April 20, 2021
Lots of home truths here…. this is a commonsensical and very well articulated piece. We must all wish that Lanka can even dream of having persons of this writer’s calibre to help drive desperately needed change.
Chamindra writes (abbreviated and highlighted by this commentator): “Soon after the 2020 general election, this writer …… made a case for the leadership of the parliamentary opposition to be given to someone who combines HIGH-LEVEL ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS, a PROVEN ELECTORAL BASE, an INTERNATIONALLY RESPECTED PROFILE, PROVEN SKILLS AS A STRONG NEGOTIATOR, STRONG LANGUAGE SKILLS TO DEAL WITH THE WORLD, AND A TRACK RECORD OF OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE WHILE IN MINISTERIAL OFFICE. It is this kind of leader that Sri Lanka needs today….”
Sadly, one has to ask, is there anyone who can fit this ‘job spec’ in our country? Anyone? Can some of our more respected people with experience in political office try to mould some younger folk towards acquiring profiles such as this? Might this be the beginning that we desperately need?
Rajash / April 21, 2021
“work with the maha sangha and all other elements in local politics, to break the Rajapaksa stronghold over the sub/semi-urban and rural [especially Sinhala] vote base. “
Maha Sanga is one of the problems.
In Hong Kong there is the umbrella movement people are risking their life and getting arrested even millionaires
in Myanmar people are taking to the streets defying the army and getting killed
these are two examples … all over the world people are taking upon themselves Black Life Matter is another case the police officer was found guilty on all three counts
in Sri Lanka people don’t have the guts as long as there is cricket big matches and rugby club matches and cheap seaside resorts to get drunk and dance to bail they are happy
unless the people of Sri Lanka unite and take on the Rajapaksas the country is doomed
there will be LTTE bombs and Muslims bombs that the Rajapaksa’s can explode any time to suit their family agenda and the Rajapksas know that Sri Lankans particularly their Sinhala vote base can be fooled all of the time and bought all of the time
SJ / April 21, 2021
“unless the people of Sri Lanka unite and take on the Rajapaksas the country is doomed”
R, I thought that they did. What happened next?