By Jehan Perera –
The government has withdrawn its draft Anti Terrorist law (ATA), but only temporarily. The Minister of Justice has said that he has decided to provide more time for proposals for reform to be submitted to it. There have been a very large number of statements and protests made against the draft law from a wide swathe of society including the Bar Association, civil society organisations, trade unions and highest ranking religious clergy. The main cause of opposition to it has been its sweeping over-breadth which will enable the government to suppress public protests that are recognized as being democratic and legitimate the world over. When the reality of economic restructuring caused by the economic collapse strikes its likely targets who are the middle and working classes the agitation against the government is bound to grow. It appears that the government is preparing its security arsenal to meet the exigencies of public protests. The ATA will be one of its chief weapons.
The problem of governments that seek to use the law or break it to protect their power and positions is not peculiar to Sri Lanka. It can be seen in other countries as dissimilar culturally and politically from Sri Lanka as Pakistan and Israel. They are at different levels of development with Israel being at the higher end. Increasingly it seems that for the preservation of democracy people have to play a direct role. Citizens are taking to the streets non-violently to protect their fundamental right to speak, to be heard and also to be heeded in circumstances of great upheaval where the larger public feel that their wellbeing is of little consequence and is easily compromised.
Pakistan is going through an economic crisis with inflation exceeding 45 percent and over a million Pakistanis emigrating in a year. Prof. Moonis Ahmar has written that in Pakistan, “There are growing concerns about the outbreak of a civil war due to deep rooted political polarization as well as a tug of war between the parliament and judiciary. The PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s warning that the government’s failure to hold elections to the Punjab Assembly on May 14 would compel him to hit the streets means all is not well.” Just as in Sri Lanka the government is saying it has no money to hold the elections.
In a manner that suggests further parallels to Sri Lanka, Prof Moonis states, “For the first time in the history of Pakistan, there is a sharp erosion of ethics and values at the national level which is reflected in the deterioration of state institutions and indifference of those who matter. When the Prime Minister of a country is defiant against the Supreme Court Chief Justice and other judges and when the election commission is unable to comply with the orders of superior court in sheer violation of the constitution, the die is cast. When the parliament disobeys Supreme Court orders and elected representatives are not bothered about their unprincipled stance, the country’s survival is certainly at stake.”
Israeli Protests
In Israel there is a people’s movement that reminded me of the Aragalaya. I visited that country last month at the invitation of the American Jewish Committee. Outside the hotel I was staying were young university students and their professors distributing leaflets urging those passing by to join in the protest that was going to take place that day. Israel has a government that is seeking to use its parliamentary majority to change the laws to its advantage. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is charismatic and much experienced. But he has now become a divisive figure. He has been indicted for corruption in the Israeli courts. So he has used his parliamentary majority to change the laws under which he may be found guilty. He is also trying to change the law in order to do away with the current independent process for appointing judges and instead give the government the power to appoint the judges.
The judicial reform plan would give Netanyahu, who is on trial on corruption charges, and his partners in Israel’s most hardline coalition in its history the final say in appointing judges. It would also give parliament, which is controlled by Netanyahu’s allies, the authority to overturn Supreme Court decisions and limit the court’s ability to review laws. In a manner that evokes memories of Sri Lanka last year, broad swathes of Israeli society, including leaders in business, have criticized the proposed changes. Military reservists threatened not to show up for duty if the plan is approved. They have said they do not wish to fight for a government that is not mindful of democratic principles such as checks and balances.
Over the past eighteen weeks, Israel has been witnessing mass protests like we once experienced and joined in Sri Lanka to protest against our sudden impoverishment and lack of accountability of our government that had wrecked the economy but continued to stay in power. Tens of thousands of people, largely secular, middle-class Israelis, have regularly joined mass protests against the plan. It is a sign of a democracy that its people feel they can come out on the streets to protest against their government.
Like we once had in Sri Lanka, tens of thousands of people have been protesting on the streets of Israeli cities. The Netanyahu government has the majority in parliament and has the power to pass laws that the protestors believe would undermine their democracy. The right to protest, even against the decisions of a majority, is a fundamental human right that is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which Pakistan, Israel and Sri Lanka have all signed up to. So far the Israeli government has not infringed on that right to public protest.
International Pressure
The main problem with the draft Anti Terrorist Act in Sri Lanka is that it widens the range of offences to include the people’s democratic right to protest and even criminalise it. Power to the police, military and coast guards had been increased extensively in the process. The draft law is intended to give the government additional power to quell public protests including trade union action by claiming that such acts of protest threaten the stability of the government and economy and are the equivalent of terrorism. This was the position that the government took in suppressing the Aragayala last year. The Prevention of Terrorism Act (which the ATA is intended to replace) was used to arrest the protestors who demanded “system change” and that all the leaders responsible for the country’s economic bankruptcy should resign. However, the most recent analysis done by the World Bank indicates that the crisis continues this year as well and will persist into the next year and beyond.
According to the World Bank, Sri Lanka’s ongoing economic crisis is estimated to have doubled the poverty rate from 13.1 percent to 25 percent and it is projected to remain above 25 percent for the next few years due to the multiple risks to households’ livelihoods. “The crisis reversed years of gains in poverty reduction and human capital development,” the update said, noting that the crisis had added an additional 2.5 million poor people. Vulnerability to income shocks has also increased with many non-poor households living close to the poverty line with 5.7 percent of the population living less than 10 percent above the poverty line and a further 5.6 percent living between 10 and 20 percent above it. All these households are highly vulnerable to falling into poverty in the event of a negative income shock, according to the report.
In these circumstances, there are bound to be public protests and trade union action in the coming months for which the government is preparing the Anti Terrorism Act. The government that destroyed the Aragalaya in a matter of days by utilizing the security forces and the Prevention of Terrorism Act, despite protests by the Bar Association, civil society organizations, trade unions and religious clergy, is unlikely to pay heed to their proposals for reform of the draft Anti Terrorism Act.
Although Justice Minister Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe has invited interested parties to make submissions pertaining to the proposed Anti-Terrorism Bill till May 31, it is unlikely that the government will be serious in listening to domestic parties, such as the Bar Association, civil society organizations, trade unions and religious clergy. Unlike in Israel’s democratic polity where people’s peaceful opposition is holding the government at bay, in Sri Lanka it will be international pressure such as the risk of losing the EU’s GSP Plus economic concession that will make the difference.
SJ / May 9, 2023
“Unlike in Israel’s democratic polity where people’s peaceful opposition is holding the government at bay,”
Are those peaceful protesters also party to the endless encroachments in Palestine?
Israeli government has been cheating for decades and our HR campaigners have no time to notice.
davidthegood / May 10, 2023
SJ, At creation, there was only Eden in area today called Jerusalem in 1st book of bible called Genesis. Created man rebelled, there was Noah’s flood and tower of Babel built when God scattered men over whole earth with different languages. Noah’s son Shem had Terah whose son Abram was called from idol worship back to Salem with oath to bless him with land to live as a nation. His grandson is Israel. God’s priest gave him communion. Long after release from Egypt’s captivity, God’s Jewish temple was built on temple mount in Jerusalem. Roman Titus destroyed it after Jesus died in AD 70, scattered the Jews and called land Palestine, as a mockery of the name of their enemies, the philistines from Gaza area. God regathered Jews in 1948 as promised, never to be chased again, until final armageddon and Jesus returns to Jerusalem jews waiting for Messiah from their Jehovah God.
SJ / May 10, 2023
Who was there at the time of creation?
The narratives of the OT is all too challenging to a person of fair intelligence like me.
Any way what has all of it to do with what the Israeli government is up to?
old codger / May 11, 2023
“SJ, At creation, there was only Eden in area today called Jerusalem in 1st book of bible called Genesis.”
That will teach you not to argue with your betters. Especially those who live in alternate realities. Now go away and discuss calculus with your cat. It’s less aggravating.
SJ / May 11, 2023
I have no cat, and the other person in the house is even more difficult to convince on matters of belief.
That is why I am here.
Will the Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking at the door be a fair option?
davidthegood / May 13, 2023
oc, Truly appreciate your humor, with my due respect to SJ and not purely a personal challenge of a physical nature. Even quantum reality is that observation of unseen spiritual leads to manifestation in physical. Israel Palestinian issue is complex as it is not purely physical. Simply put, it is an original plan and intention which will finally happen, no matter what we humans say. From the beginning, there are many covenant pledges for this land to have a people through which revelation is released for saving of all humanity. When Israel returned in 1948, many wars through Gaza Hamas and present PIJ, Palestinian Islamic Jihad supported by Iran, Lebanon, Syria did not give peace. A lawless deceiver will arrive. North armies Rosh and 2 million kings from east lead all into armageddon. Then the ruling king Jesus returns to Jerusalem in his perfect kingdom.
old codger / May 11, 2023
“God regathered Jews in 1948 as promised, never to be chased again, until final armageddon and Jesus returns to Jerusalem jews waiting for Messiah from their Jehovah God.”
That was pretty good of Jehovah God, considering that the Jews killed his son.
davidthegood / May 13, 2023
oc, Jehovah God is unbelievably good.. One of his names is Jehovah the good. 2Chr.30,18… That Jesus as last Adam was to die as substitute for sins committed in Eden after the 1st Adam, was God’s original intention and it happened. Jews killed him. Pray according to relevant name to get saved, healed or delivered. God resurrected sinless Jesus as he was from his own DNA, but energised in mother Mary. Most jews are still unbelievers in Jesus, but will soon know. Jehovah’s Witness group too will soon know full truth. Jesus will reign with his believing family in his kingdom in Zion, city of God, New Jerusalem, on his return .
Manel Fonseka / May 13, 2023
Do you think the Messiah approves of Israel’s arms industry? Not only does it produce for its own use but a huge part of its production goes to many other countries — many of which perpetrate repression on their own people.
I think Elbit’s HQ is in Haifa. I wonder what Netanyahu wd do if Israeli youth demonstrated against it.
I wonder if Stop-the-Wall or Stop-Elbit movements function in democratic Israel.
davidthegood / May 14, 2023
MF, Messiah does not conform to any political system men have made in this world. He is the Prince of Peace, Isa.9,6 and of his government, there shall be no end to justice and judgement which the Lord of hosts will perform in his kingdom established on earth.
Ajith / May 9, 2023
There is no difference between PTA and ATA. The objective is to proect the ruling regimes from the crimes they committ such as murder, robbery, abduction, torture, bribe, rape and to protect their money and assets. Almost all the leaders whether it is UNP JRJ, Premadasa, Ranil or SLFP Chandrika, Mahinda and Gota. It will go through parliament with two third majority as majority of the Parliament members benefitted a lot financially and assets. They are going to appoint a commission against Aragalaya about May 9th violence, burning properties etc to get millions as compensation.
Manel Fonseka / May 9, 2023
“It is a sign of a democracy that its people feel they can come out on the streets to protest against their government.”
Is it possible to speak in favour of BDS on the streets of Israel?
Is it safe to be a journalist reporting Israel’s multi-anti “democratic” transgressions?
Can Palestinians protest against expropriation of their homes and lands?
It is sickening to hear Israel being called the only democracy in the Middle East.
Native Vedda / May 10, 2023
Manel Fonseka
“It is sickening to hear Israel being called the only democracy in the Middle East.”
True, however you may have to prepare yourself for a costly legal battle if you are planning to travel to Israeli friendly countries in Europe, Americas, some parts of Asia.
Make sure you build a bunker in your back garden . When you hear or see a drone circling over your house just pretend you are not there.
Manel Fonseka / May 11, 2023
Thanks for the warning. U may well b right. Just see what’s happening in the land of my birth these days. Need Israel bother about demos at home when it’s protected & doing so well elsewhere?
See this article by Craig Murray on Policing of the current protest outside the Israel weapons factory in Leicester:
And if you dont know about Elbit, see this:
Terrifying! IZ surely knows where to invest its money! Why on earth does she need $3 billion+ a year from the US?
Incidentally, I survived a bombing which blew out all the windows in our street, shattering glass all over my cot where I was asleep. Miracle that I survived.
Crazy that I later chose to settle down in a country driven by conflict, insurgency & civil war.
Sinhala_Man / May 14, 2023
Thanks, Manel for the excellent link.
If Manel Akka is able to induce “leelagemalli” to rethink his attitude to what is happening in Lanka it could make an even greater difference. You see, LM’s antics for the past nine months have done a lot of damage to Sri Lankans.
We targetted the Rajapaksas until Gota fled. Now we must target Ranil until he allows Local Government Elections to be held.
leelagemalli / May 11, 2023
MF and all,
Isn’t it the same in Sri Lanka?
They call themselves Asia’s oldest democracy but to limit it to holding elections?
I think looking back what is boomeranging the economy and society today is what the majority has foisted on its minorities. How soon, our populist leaders violated the sin rights of Muslim Sri Lankans who died of covid 19?
Pakistan’s leader Khan himself was the only leader who raised his voice strongly against it and then only Gota took time to think and allowed as before. We had stupid university professors of microbiology (Jayawardanapura University) who put aside all scientific priorities and openly supported those racist politicians. What racist nation do we belong to? Now it has become mountainous in size. So what we are experiencing today is a compromise of all setbacks. .
Buddhist1 / May 10, 2023
Should Wijedasa Rajapakshe and the present Attorney General continue in their present positions they hold in the Justice Ministry? My answer would be NO!
When the Supreme Court finds not one or two, but numerous clauses in the draft Central Bank and the Terrorism Draft Bills violating the constitution. This clearly shows that these two are incapable of drafting a proper bill. The time they have spent up to now and other staff resources that they have to spend correcting the errors clearly shows that at a time when the country is running around the world with a begging bowl they have spent a lot of money on wasteful exercises.
Is the President such a person who cannot kick the Justice Minister and the AG out?
Simon / May 10, 2023
Buddhist1: The Minister of Justice, Wijedasa Rajapakse attending a Media show “Face The Nation” on News 1st, stated that the proposed ATA was drafted by a Panel of Experts including an Executive Member of the BAR. He also stated that, after receiving that report he, (Wijedasa) went through it and submitted it to AG. Having said that, he also stated that: ” I am not the architect of the ATA”. Who is he trying to hoodwink? Does he still think this country is populated by that same “6.9 million” who voted for Gota? These “Gangs” have not yet learned the lessons. Well, the time will come soon for all of them to learn what they could not learn in earning their “Professorial” status.
Sinhala_Man / May 11, 2023
Dear Simon,
Please allow me to join Budhist1 and you in condemning these two legal skunks. You are to be admired for speaking out.
Even more to the point is the praise that Lasantha and Manel deserve for consistently speaking out against the injustices perpetrated by the State of Israel against the Arabs. I myself have had Palestinian English teachers as colleagues in Oman, so I’m aware of how strong our condemnation of Israel has to be on that score.
However, I feel that we must now focus on how much our Sri Lankan people suffer Also, the plight of the Palestinians makes me more aware of how badly the Minorities have been treated in Sri Lanka.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / May 10, 2023
I wonder in what capacity this man who wrote this article visited a convention of the American Jewish Committe in Israel last month. No self-respecting and people-minded person in sri lanka or elsewhere should be attending such a meeting. Is it for the free trip, nice hotels and food and the prospect of rubbing shoulders with big businessmen? As usual, he conveniently glosses over the colossal crimes against humanity that Israel commits daily. As for sri lanka, beating about the bush is long past its relevance. A full scale Aragalaya of the people must dislodge these parasites so that the ordinary people can claim back their country.
Manel Fonseka / May 10, 2023
Dear Lasantha
In fact, I meant to pose that very same question to Jehan….why was he in Israel in the first place? Why did he received an invitation from the American Jewish Committee? What was the occasion about?
Is he a whole-hearted supporter of the Zionist, colonial entity?
Imagine choosing Israel, of all places, to cite as an example of democratic practice. That can only mean — to me, at least — that you do not see or close your eyes to to the reality of Israel, the huge crime of its presence.
Would you care to tell us why you accepted that invitation?
SJ / May 10, 2023
They do bait people, and the susceptible bite.
leelagemalli / May 13, 2023
Dear Manel,
While reading the article, I also had the same question.: He must have thought about his own (financial) gains. That is the general nature of many Sinhalese, despite public protest against injustice. They must first agree with their conscience.
Remember the time when we, a country full of stupid parliamentarians, strangled Rizana to death for no justifiable reason, a minor underage maid who was enjoying Dubai rides? They deceive themselves again and again as no one else does.
This is another good example to prove that our so-called independent journalists are no different from the opportunistic nature of Rajapaksa and his henchmen who have taken this country to the precipice of danger.
leelagemalli / May 13, 2023
There were times when I had to think that if journalists had done their duty properly, Sri Lanka would not have fallen. I believe today it is a combination of different high crimes.
. This trait is retroactively present in Sinhala genes. As an old democracy in ASIA, that may be the reason why we have not achieved anything significant till date.
In addition to this, why the writer did not decline the AJC’s invitation may be connected with the irrational thinking of the Sinhalese. They do things and they don’t even regret it. Apathy overflows in their genes.
What we know is already confirmed that the protracted Israeli-Palestinian crisis will not be prolonged if the powerful nations act impartially.
My Palestinian colleagues who work with me in Europe (physicians and health care researchers) constantly share with me their experiences of how unjust they have been in the past decades.
Unlike the Tamil-Sinhalese conflicts, their issues are hopeless in this era. At least today our people should take it serious and let every citizen feel equal as Sri Lankan citizens and get more brains to support sustainable peace in this country.
Sinhala_Man / May 14, 2023
LM, this is a great comment, but for one problem.
No, i don’t mean to query who strangled/beheaded Rizana.
You’ve said, “That is the general nature of many Sinhalese.” No it is a malady which infects many humans. Most Israeli Jews are whites, genetically Caucasians, even if they deny it. They had taken on the religion of “Judaism” – and there’s nothing wrong with that. Genetics we are not sure of. I can produce my NIC, based on my Birth Certificate; but do you remember what Telemachus, said when asked if Odysseus? Only Penelope, mother of Telemachus would know!
No, the problem for you is that Ranil Wickremasinghe who spent so much to meet Charles III for 13 seconds is also a Sinhalese!
I hate what Ranil is doing! And your flattery of Manel was expected!!
leelagemalli / May 14, 2023
Dear PE,
This is your stupid thinking again. It’s not mocking but giving her some respect because she sees things more logically than you.
Additionally, I know that she is passionate about the Palestinian cause and has fought for their rights forever. I have more respect there. I once shared with her that I am in contact with Palestinians living in Europe. That being said, I am not someone who expects an advantage from anyone.
By the way, I loved Prof. Gananath Obeysekera’s talk. Thanks for adding it somewhere. I really appreciate such valuable links like this are given to us rather than JVP stuff.
nimal fernando / May 10, 2023
I’m no fan of Israel.
Dunno about democracy.
Israel looks after Israelites ……… well, the Jews.
America looks after the Americans: especially the Whites. England looks after the English: especially the Whites. …………. Some times that also extends to the minorities.
Does Lanka look after the Sinhalese …… more specifically the “Sinhalese Buddhists” ……… the chosen-kind?
Who got taxed to the gills? Who are standing in queues? Who are going hungry? Who have no medicines? Who are protesting in the streets?
Looks like the “Sinhalese Buddhists” are screwing “Sinhalese Buddhists.”
Whooping with joy! …….. To rub it in to Native.
davidthegood / May 11, 2023
nf and Native, The web gives history of Israel and Temple of Solomon destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar and the 2nd Jewish Temple post Jesus in AD 70 burnt by Roman Titus to be emperor and to have as his own
chiv / May 11, 2023
Nimal howmany countries in the whole world had 75 years of racist politics leading to two major revolts and 30 years of civil war ending up bankrupt, dysfunctional and failed. Lankan SB governments continue to seek anything and everything from Israel including arms. Why bother???
SJ / May 11, 2023
Will you like a list of countries that had it for a few centuries and and still have much worse?
RBH59 / May 10, 2023
People Called On To Play Direct Role To Sustain Democracy.
Peoples call is for election which is democracy to play the role of sustain.
Fraud by some and taxed public how to play role democracy The government suppresing public protests recognized as being democratic and legitimate the world over.
Ajay Sundara Devan / May 10, 2023
People’s right to protest is the essence of democracy, not Ranil’s unconscionable attempt to outlaw it.
Simon / May 10, 2023
This Government is now preparing to make its application for asking the “GSP Plus” from the EU for another period of five years. It is in that background the Minister of Justice, Wijedasa Rajapakse has said: ” I will invite those who are against the present ATA to submit their counter-proposals and till then the Bill will be delayed”. It is most likely ATA will not be tabled until the decision is made on the “GSP Plus” by the EU.
That is the TRUTH of the matter.
Mahila / May 11, 2023
“It is most likely ATA will not be tabled until the decision is made on the “GSP Plus” by the EU.
That is the TRUTH of the matter.”
Agreed, the point is with PTA EU decision would be denying SL GSP Plus!!? Repeat of 2009/10
“GSP Plus”, concession, directly linked – HR, Rule Based Governance!!??
Expect another VORTEX in economy, depriving Garment Jobs, and export earnings to EU, unless Wijedasa gets his act right!!??
SL exhibits brinkmanship – thinking they are SMARTER OR CLEVER!!
Remember, this is only concessional grant!!!??
Once the market grip is lost by exporters, in any specified territory and VACUUM created for supplies, competitors from countries “creep-in an flood” probably turns out better quality!!!
Bangladesh, Vietnam were before 2009 and what markets segment they control NOW??
Lackadaisical attitude, we are in this state – being “Driftwood” and ‘Beggars’!?
SL NEVER LEARNS BECAUSE THEY MAKE NO MISTAKES OR MISCALCULATIONS OF ANY KIND!? Learn the hard way!!?? Deprivation/Starvation – amazed at very primitive outlook and attitude by 2600+ years of Civilisation and Culture!??
PTA, been contentious with EU since 2007, UNHEEDED, including SUSPENSION!!!
How does contend with this situation!!!
Claim of brilliance and intellect MISPLACED?? Hope not, except HANDFUL NUTHEADS!?
Mahila / May 11, 2023
It’s question of “Chicken or the Egg” which came first!!!?? Both indispensable granted!??
No abolition in total or replacement by new act, conforming to International standards – NO EU CONCESSIONARY GSP PLUS!!!
Yes. It’s so, because EU is foregoing their revenue earnings, make SL Products competitive in EU Market to aid our export $/Euro earnings!! Please don’t KID YOURSELVES!!??
Not arm twisting tactics as claimed by uninitiated fools!
Likened to the unrealistic ‘PEGGING’ of the USD in 2020 until March 2022!!!??
The government mistakenly tried robbing the hard-earned USD/Dinars/Euros form the overseas workers arbitrarily and learnt a good lesson!!?
All know the consequences after partially starving oneself!! GREAT ENLIGHTENED FEAT!?
SJ / May 11, 2023
With cloning and things happening for some time, the egg seems to be losing the game.
Paul / May 11, 2023
‘People Called On To Play Direct Role To Sustain Democracy’
People cannot sustain democracy if they haven’t got it in the first place.
leelagemalli / May 11, 2023
like it is the case that sentenelese would not allow foreign and external contacts to their tribes,
sinhalese dominated srilanka would not open proper channels as south easter asian do. However, they talk about becoming a singapore…. ????
The beast-dominated island nation has completely forgotten what the nation went through this time of last year.
This nation will never be grateful to anyone. It’s in their blood. They are more violators than peacemakers. Across the country, even the less fortunate will admire racists over opponents. It is capitalized by monks wearing red robes. Courage, those monks are very ignorant. Their place in society is above law and order.
If Westerners donated billions, not millions in the aftermath of tsunmi in december 2004 but they misinterpreted it as “Western forces wanted to invade the island nation again.” These became political slogans for racists and nationalists that always misled the nation.
They economists and other experts believe that investments must flow into the country to revive the economy. However, corresponding national laws have not yet been developed to facilitate the formal migration of any business investment through bilateral and multilateral agreements. Such facilities are also not visible in any forseeable times.
Ajay Sundara Devan / May 12, 2023
Under Ranil democracy is a crime in Sri Lanka.
Plato / May 12, 2023
Good old Jehan has penned the lines in this essay after his visit to Israel on invitation.
His next essay could also be after a visit to Palestine on invitation.
Jehan has forgotten that Israel trained the LTTE how to attack the Srilanka Army..
Simultaneously they were training the Srilanka Army how to tame the LTTE.!
At different locations though. But both sides entered Israel through the same airport.
Israel, like Shylock wants their pound of flesh, and nothing but the pound of flesh that is Palestine…………
Sinhala_Man / May 14, 2023
This is a great comment that needs no qualification from me.
Jehan will soon rehabilitate himself, but his acceptability will never be the same with some readers.