11 September, 2024


Photographic Evidence Shows Throat-Slitting Gesture By “Patriot” Mimics Gruesome Habit

In the wake of a “slit-throat” gesture at a protest by Brigadier Priyanka Fernando, the Defence Attaché of the Sri Lankan High Commission in London, on Sunday 4 February outside photographic evidence has surfaced indicating that Sri Lankan security forces did just that to captured and therefore unarmed LTTE suspects.

Killing prisoners of war is considered a war crime according to Human Rights Law.

The photographs indicate that an LTTE combatant was killed by throat-slitting after being questioned. This extra-judicial killing was most likely to have been perpetrated during the last stages of the battle.

The said officer Brigadier Priyanka Fernando was suspended after protesters demanded his removal.

Issuing a Press release Sri Lankan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday: “Authorities in Sri Lanka have taken serious note of videos being circulated on social and web-based media of an alleged incident involving the Minister Counsellor (Defence) attached to the Sri Lanka High Commission in London behaving in an offensive manner.

In this connection, instructions have been sent to Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in London today, 6 February 2018, to suspend the Minister Counsellor (Defence) from work, with immediate effect. Authorities in Sri Lanka including the Sri Lanka Army will initiate inquiries on the incident immediately.”


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  • 16

    So called Democracy and Democratic Regimes are allowing their people to Protest against Democratically elected Governments!!!?
    What does the meaning of displaying the “Ruthless & Baberous Tiger Flag”?
    In the namesake of democracy almost all the European countries are allowing their land to harbour such double faced sympathizers for gaining many benefits out of them.
    1. Votes; if they are eligible.
    2. NGOs who find their livelihood on the cost of these renegades.
    3. Respective Regimes/Governments to show that they are Highly Democratic (until they Legalize Father-Daughter; Mother-son and Sister-Brother marriages?? .

    No facet of the Officer Involved since there are all the Soldiers throughout the world having a pride of their Uniform. I respect the Soldier though the Gesture was inappropriate.

    • 19

      Kamal D Ranasinghe

      “So called Democracy and Democratic Regimes are allowing their people to Protest against Democratically elected Governments!!!?”

      What is wrong with protests? In Sri Lanka almost everyday we have to accept protest as part of our daily life. protest is the only way to make people’s demand heard. Where did you get the idea protests are not welcome or unnecessary in Democracy. Are you confused between a dictatorship and a democracy? –

      “What does the meaning of displaying the “Ruthless & Baberous Tiger Flag”?”

      It means Gota’s Tamil boys have been ordered to portray the Tigers are still alive and kicking, and active. Therefore Sri Lankan armed forces need/right to finish off Diaspora Tamils lock stock and barrel.

      Regarding incest, historically you would have had 2500 years of experience. In Sri Lanka it has become part of your culture.

    • 5

      You have a problem with flag-waving protestors in London but no issue with the likes of KP, Karuna (butcher of Batticaloa) and Pillayan occupying plum positions and roaming free under the patronage of politicians in Sri Lanka.

      Your brain functions in a most bizarre fashion, much like that of our resident sycophant, Dr. DJ.

    • 1


      Perhaps this comes as news to you – dissent is a fundamental necessity for a viable democracy!

      Self-imposed blinders ultimately do more harm to you than you realize.

  • 22

    War is always destructive, once a US president remarked “terrorism must be dealt with terrorism”

    Same meaning.

    Though cruel I feel that’s the nature of terrorism, they terrorize & they’re terrorized.

    Forgive this military man.

    • 21

      Then you become the “terrorist” yourself. What then is the difference between both ?????

      • 12

        Ex-president claims that this Diplomatic Officer in UK was only scratching his neck! MR
        speaks this way to simplify any serious issue – remember his version of zero casualties
        in a humanitarian move? Even HE involved in a call of nature has been timed by him for
        a public statement!

      • 1


        How can moderate people be in favor of terrorists against legitimate forces.

        Behave like innocent people & attack, after being shot he isn’t a terrorist & soldier becomes responsible for killing innocent man, that’s the background story.

        What’s the basis of justifying agitators who are doing it on behalf of once cruelest set of terrorists.
        However, taking the said officer for reasoning his body language is the best thing to do without depending on other’s interpretations.

    • 12

      RR, remember he is not there to be an exemplary ambassador of SL army to prove US president, “yes, we did it the same way”.

      Sri Lanka as a nation recovering from much tarnished name, would have expected better from a diplomat?

      • 3

        That’s why I think it’s a must to take the said officer to reason his body language.

        Tamil diaspora are behaving with hatred.

        So don’t make big fuss over a small matter.

        • 4

          RR, If a father slaps his son, it is a small matter. What if the son slaps his father?
          Seriousness and consequence depend on who the person does it, and his status/position/influence etc play a role.

          • 1


            Mmm.. you seems to have been brought up in very strict family/school background. that’s why you give undue seriousness to this matter.

            To my philosophy; If a father slaps his son most probably it’s a serious matter & if the son slaps his father it’s a small matter.

            But I’m in difficulty to make it relevant to the subject.

            You have a belief that SL is recovering from much tarnished image, I disagree with it but it’s understandable that some organized groups want to make that happen.

            I don’t want to say our forces are/were perfect but after defeating a strong & inhuman terrorists set like the LTTE, those who funded it, those who wanted to see their victory are frustrated now, the charges being levelled against SL are based on hatred because of that.

            Again I’d say the said officer be taken to the task of reasoning his body language & after that we can decide the matter; I accept that such behavior of a person of that capacity must be questioned.

            • 4

              RR, how can you just imagine my family and school background for sharing my opinion just like anyone else? Okay, imagine the opinion comes from someone called “F. Ema”, would you still get that same mental image of my family and school? See, how you insult the word “Revolutionist” while being a typical backward SL racialist who has a very long way to go?

              Probably, you’re not from a very strict family and school background, you did not notice how tarnished the SL image was?

              First, get real mate, and then if you’re still alive think of being a revolutionist as I see you have a very long way to get there.

              • 1


                “How can you ……….”

                @ first not through your name.

                Your example, father slapping son & son slapping father story.
                Later just wondered whether Fathimas grow up in such backgrounds, sorry if it hurts.

                Fathima, some have to go a long way & some have to come back a long way, to the reality.
                I propose the latter for you.

                • 2

                  RR, nothing hurts me when you have a point. Probably it is you who would have to go through the long way to realities because you still did not know or accept the fact that SL is having a tarnished name in the international arena. And probably if you have a son, he might have to slap you to realize what I have said.

                  Grow up.

  • 8

    Vote for anyone other than SLFP.
    Bunch of scoundrels

  • 4

    What the President did was the correct thing! Ranaviruvos cannot be prosecuted at any cost.
    Well done Mr. President

    • 7

      Bandula Jayasekera

      “Ranaviruvos cannot be prosecuted at any cost.”

      Even if they gang rape your under age daughters, granddaughters, wife, mothers, sisters, grandmas, aunts, nieces, …… your father, grandfather, uncles, sons, nephews, brothers, …………… and you, massacre all and set fire to your property, ……………. .

      Very well said Bandula.

      • 0

        The answer is Yes to your dumb hypothetical you stupid Tamil Vedda

  • 20

    Lord Buddha was not here to see how love and compassion is being preached by followers of Buddhism.

    • 10


      Hindu and Christian religions also preach love and compassion. But do they practice that. Christians in this world have committed the most heinous crimes against humanity. See the crimes they have committed in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Record of Hindus is no better. Recollect what Hindus did to Muslims at the time of partition. Hindus burnt a train load of Muslims alive few years back. Hindu/Christian Prabhakaran massacred thousands of innocent Demala, Muslim and Sinhala civilians.

      • 1

        Eagle Eye,
        Before partition of India, just go through the invasion of Muslims in India. They robbed all the treasures and murdered a number of Hindus. Do you know what happened at Hindu Kush. That is history. Today the Muslim countries have become failed States, except Malaysiya and a few countries. Not only Prabakaran massacred Tamils, even Muslims are massacring Muslims by way of bombing in public places and places of worship.

      • 0

        What about Jayawardena?

      • 3

        Prabhakaran and the LTTE are responsible for around 5% most of the civiilan deaths during the civil war, and most of these were not Sinhalese or Muslims but Tamils who betrayed them , 95% of the deaths and massacres were at the hands of the Sri Lankan armed forces/Police, Sinhalese thugs. criminals Muslims home guards and criminals and 99% of their victims were innocent Tamil civilians. Do not try to distort history and lie to hide the genocide that all Sinhalese led governments from independence and their backstabbing Muslim allies did to the island’s Tamils. You talk about Kattankudi mosque but a very quiet about what the Muslims and their home guards did to the ancient Sivan temple in Kattankudi. They destroyed it and then to add insult to injury built a beef stall on where this ancient Hindu temple was, to deliberately insult and provoke the Tamils whose ancestors gave refuge to the ancestors of these ungrateful fake Arab , Tamil Muslim refugees from India, who were fleeing persecution.

  • 8

    If the President has suspended this Army Officers punishment, I do not think its wrong. I say this because there was no inquiry on his action. Having said this I also would like to say, if his action were against the standard expected by the Sri Lankan Army and/or Sri Lankan Government from a diplomat passport holder, then he should be punished. If at that time the President, the same way he interfered with Gotabaya’s arrest interferes in this case as well, then we all know what President’s YAHAPALANAYA means.

    • 3

      Bdhhist ….apparently his actions were above the standard set by the Sri Lankan defence ministry….

  • 3

    CT should not publish this ..
    It is not good at all .
    History is gone now.
    Now forgive and forget all what happened in the last.
    Now give peace .
    Now help Tamils as much possible .

    • 8

      why dont you to tell this to this fellows like the brigadier. The SL army also needs rehabilitation

  • 15

    Colombo Telegraph enough is enough. Let the wounds of the past heal without adding salt to it.
    Yes ! the man ( Brigadier ) did what he should not have done and deserves to be reprimanded and let justice take its course.
    You tamil journalists live in a comfortable country and use that as a base to fan the flames of communal hatred. What about all the throat slitting the damned cursed LTTE did to all its people who refused to follow their path. Come on man ! talk about it. Talk about it you buggers.
    The sinhala people have their failures to and many at that, but that does not say they are bad.
    If the war did not end only God knows how many innocent people from all sides would have died.
    Thank God it ended and all thanks to MR & govt at that time.
    Go back to Jaffna and develop the lovely land and tell your tamil politicians to stop poking their fingers up their rear and do some bloody hard work.
    All over the world the SL tamil people are a troublesome damn lot without forgetting the past and building a better future and you journalists can do a lot to help.
    We all wish to live in harmony Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, etc etc and so be it.

    Publish this if you have guts in your stomachs.

  • 3

    Who will vote for whom and Why ?
    Hand -All Those who have had the taste of peace after many years and just want nothing but peace …

    The Lotus .

    Who will vote ? And why ??
    There are Three Groups .
    1.. Those who want to make money at any cost and no matter which people or even the Country is sacrificed .
    2) Political and personal revenge to be settled .
    3) A group who want the minority suppressed at any cost .
    But why did Mahinda Choose The Lotus Symbol ?
    Is it to fool the majority ? Or is he sincerely trying to aim at Redemption?
    You never know, even the worse of men can change .

    The Elephant
    Who will vote and why ?
    The answer is obvious ,money ,money that makes the Elephant green , only a small number of members are reliable in the party ,The Leadership has ruined the final opportunity the party ever had to prove itself ,so the vote base is going to be very small and I doubt they will get a single victory .

    The Bell ,
    1.. The whateverrrrrr ,group small in number ,just vote for a change .
    2) The lower middle class will vote quite heavily ,because they still believe exclusive Socialism is the answer ,not really , not for Asia ,Sweden its a different story ,they will vote not thinking of the international repercussion ,esp Tourism .it will go dead except the Chinese ,but already The Chinese Tourists owe our local travel agents in millions ,they should have got some advice ,from Singapore ,Malaysia or mostly from Japan but they didn’t, , ,They will never get their dues, . Mainland Chinese don’t pay upfront ,so if they are not satisfied ,no payments .

    Then The day worker class ,for them The rich ,the private companies ,all the educated are the conspirers and to be blamed for everything ,so they think Communism is the answer make everyone poor . so the bulk of The votes will come to the bell from these two.

    Let’s see the outcome . very interesting election.


  • 3

    Some commenters explained the throat slitting gesticulation as nothing more than Brigadier Pryankara Fernando scratching his neck.
    The first photo shows a man who came for a hair-cut.
    “Hair-cut and shave?”
    “No thanks. I do not need a shave”
    “A shave it will be”
    The shave took too long – the man has gone to sleep.
    Why do they use red-soap?

  • 0

    If the govt suspends the rmy officer, People should talk about which minister did that. Because horapalanaya has ministers – Mangla aSamAeraweera, Ranil wicramsinghe, RAVI THE LIAR etc., who got humongous politicl donations. So, president may follow them or president may be countering them.

  • 4

    What is the the difference between terorist and a government terrorists both the same

  • 5

    Gruesome, my foot. I have seen photos of real gruesome crimes committed by barbarian Prabhakaran and his savages to Sinhalese villagers.
    Let’s think this is not a doctored photograph but true. It clearly proves that this is a LTTE brand crime. This man doesn’t look like a combatant. He is more like a Tamil who spied on LTTE for our Army who were caught by LTTE. This is how LTTE treated Tamil spies. The LTTE flag on him is sure way to convey a brutal message to all other Tamils who spied on LTTE.
    This is not the first time LTTE diaspora who are fluent in lies and bulls… tried to put their horrible crimes on our Army. They used photographs of their own bomb blasts, people who were killed by them and grisly crimes on men, women and children published on newspapers to seek sympathy from the West.

  • 4

    War crimes have been a common occurrence in the history of war. But today we live in a rather civilized world. People have rights. No one can challenge their rights including the rights to protest. If the Sri Lankan Army man cannot tolerate such rights in a democratic country he should return to Sri Lanka where the jungle law prevails with or without the knowledge of the people. In this context, the British government should act according to the Vienna convention on Diplomatic relations and expel the rude army man.

    • 4

      Actually this photo is an enactment and not a real event. Red stuff, splashed over him, is the red dye that we often see at kovil when they sacrifice chicken for their gods. First time I have seen a person with a cut throat appears to be conversing, instead of holding his throat and screaming. If the alleged captors are SLDF, they would not leave a LTTE rag in the foreground; it is there for publicity purposes an obvious give away clue that what is portrayed is not a real event but a simulation to discredit the defence forces.
      Incidentally SLK President has reinstated the valiant officer that made himself a good reputation during the war, and much loved and decorated by peace-loving and law abiding tamil civilians in the North.

  • 2

    Thanks to UNP SL is not accused of war crimes yet. However, with the reinstatement of the Brigadier, British Parliament is going to boil over. President could have quietly recalled the Brigadier back to SL and given him another post, but he did not do so. Foolishly he reinstated the Brigadier. Tamil votes in Britain are block votes and the influence these Tamils have with their MPs are strong. These MPs who represent Tamils are going to rise up in the British Parliament and that would make another scene in the International Diplomatic circles. At this juncture as no proper investigation has been held one cannot say if the Brigadier was right or wrong. But by reinstating him, rather than calling him for an inquiry to SL, the President has stirred a hornets nest.

    • 1

      White MPs are boot lickers of tamil terrorists supporting diaspora. They have no dignity or reason as long as they get their votes to creep into the parliament and get their snout into the pigs trough of allowances.

  • 3

    CT should have reported with some responsibility. Is that really necessary to post those disturbing images to prove what Brigadier Priyanka Fernando did was wrong while the Youtube video clip itself can do the same?

  • 0

    Lots of comment about the wounded man in the photos.
    He has an abrasion on right forehead, and a wound on his left upper arm, plastered.
    The red stuff is out of proportion to what may have dripped from these injuries.
    He does not appear to be alarmed or in pain/anguish.
    The people around him appear to be wearing boots and slippers.
    Could this be a photo of a JVP man being punished/exterminated during one of the two JVP insurrections in 1971 & 1988/89 – when tens of thousands of unarmed/lightly armed JVP ‘cadres’ were ‘put down’ with ferocious barbarity, by the same police and armed forces who later fought the LTTE cadres?

  • 2

    The gesticulation by Brigadier Priyankara Fernando was careless but often one shows ones weakness in such unguarded moments.
    Ceylon brand and now SL brand is being to the cleaners regularly but were these avoidable?
    Our reputation took the first nosedive after the 1958 pogrom. Politics evolved to the absurd level when anyone addressing the grievances of minorities were termed traitors. Several pogroms later, a civil war happened and dragged on for some 26 years. The winners were corrupt politicians.
    The photographs here are gruesome. Wrongs and rights apart will drag down our reputation further.
    The time has come to look for a political solution. Instead of scaremongering, we must try a federal form of governance.

  • 1

    Tamils expressed fued. Brigadier reacted (the word ‘provoked’ better?). Both are bad, but what is worse?

    • 2


      “Tamils expressed fued. Brigadier reacted (the word ‘provoked’ better?). Both are bad, but what is worse?”

      Well Tamils don’t officially represent a country and none of them are diplomats.
      What was the purpose of him parading in front of the protesters with smugness on his face. Wouldn’t you say he went there to provoke the protesters which could have created a diplomatic incident, might well have planned to use it to his advantage?

      Just accept it that this trained and experienced killer wanted to show off his bravado.

  • 1

    This is a Drama . They Cheating tamil people for their political survival

  • 0

    Diaspora propaganda.Look at the picture posted I this article.Victum smiling ! No distress look on his face.People around him wearing Bermuda shorts and slippers and not proper army boots.Thiscould be a Victum of LTTE punishment for sure.Trade mark of LTTE ruthlessness.
    British govt.should take responsibility for not keeping demonstrates away from Embassy area. Giving into economic migrants.Dont waste time on this stupid propaganda

    • 1

      Ashok Thangavelu

      “People around him wearing Bermuda shorts and slippers and not proper army boots.”

      I suggest before you hurt yourself you visit your local optician.

      “British govt.should take responsibility for not keeping demonstrates away from Embassy area.”

      I am told this is not the first protest in front of the High Commission. First protest started in 1970s. I don’t think you should dictate British Traffic management.

      “Giving into economic migrants.Dont waste time on this stupid propaganda”

      Of course remind me again, what was the “stupid Propaganda”?

  • 0

    You don’t seem to know the difference between smiling and Pleading. You can wake up a man if he is really sleeping but not a man pretend to be as sleep.

  • 0

    Let the lies pervsils

  • 0

    After all it is the throat cutting season. The Brigadier suggested to the TAmil goons that instead of wasting their time on the road they should go home and put an end to their misery by cutting their throats. Sirisena has taken the hint and committed hara kiri.Many more to follow like the Ministers who want to jump on to the Mahinda camp but on whom The SLPP has shut the door. They are left between the devil and the deep blue sea, and would prefer the throat slitting option. Not a hum from Ranil. Strongrumours that he is doing some serious sleep walking saying “Mama Nevai “ Whats going on. .??

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