12 February, 2025


Police Brutality & Racism: Parallels Between Black Floyd In US & Muslim Tariq In Sri Lanka!

By Lakmal Harischandra –

Lakmal Harischandra

As the protests against the racist killing of black George Floyd are taking momentum in the US, the subject of police brutality is coming to the public fore, casting doubt on the role of the Police as peace officers and their impartiality. In Sri Lanka too, the unacceptable conduct of some rogue sections of the Police forces are being highlighted in the social media in the form of corruption as well as brutality. A Young autistic Muslim boy of 14 years Tariq Ahamed was recently seen to be tortured inhumanely in broad day light by Police officers in Aluthgama, which has earned public wrath. An inquiry into this has been ordered. Judging by the past conduct of some sections of the Police in Sri Lanka, in dealing with racially sensitive issues, this could be reflecting systemic racism in the Police force. 

Recently, Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, when asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, whether he thinks “systemic racism” is a problem in law enforcement agencies in the US; he responded: “I don’t think there is systemic racism. I think 99.9 percent of our law enforcement officers are great Americans. But … there’s a few bad apples.”. It is like an Airline authority being asked about the capability of pilots and the he answers,’99.9% of them land safely in the runaway; there are of course ‘few bad apples’ who land in mountains! Is it acceptable?  

Apart from the punch here, in the US, this response ignores the well-documented bias in favour of alt-right extremist ideology and secondly, the institutions in place produce racially disparate effects on minority populations – in his discussion of individual officers, which is  the nature of systemic racism in the US. The history of racism and white supremacist membership in law enforcement agencies is long and well-documented. In 2015 and 2016, the San Francisco police department attempted to fire at least 17 officers after investigations revealed they were sending racist text messages. The Ku Klux Klan historically – and even in recent years – has had ties to local law enforcement.

Further, the failure of US police units to discipline police officers over allegations of excessive use of force and/or for racist behaviour or actions is part and parcel of the systemic issues protesters have demonstrated over for many years and in recent days. The white officer charged with George Floyd’s murder, Derek Chauvin, was the subject of at least 17 misconduct complaints prior to Floyd’s death, almost all of which resulted in no discipline and the rest of which concluded with only a letter placed in his file. Disciplinary systems that struggle to hold officers to account for other offenses will similarly fail to remove racist police officers, undermining public trust in entire departments.

But the term “systemic racism” does not mean that individuals who operate within the system are generally racists. Instead, it means the institutions we have in place produce racially disparate effects on minority populations. The evidence of links to explicit white supremacist groups is surely only the tip of a racist iceberg. Other forms of racism that affect all our institutions – without sparing law enforcement agencies – include explicit and implicit racial bias. O’Brien’s comments in the above CNN interview leave no assurance that he has a command of the facts or if he does that he is willing to acknowledge or seriously grapple with them.

For decades, anti-government and white-supremacist groups in US have been attempting to recruit police officers into their ranks. Vida B Johnson, an assistant professor of law at Georgetown University says “Police forces are becoming more interested in talking about implicit bias – the unconscious, racial biases we carry with us as Americans. But people aren’t really addressing the explicit biases that are present on police forces.” According to Johnson’s research, there have been at least 100 different scandals, in more than 40 different states, involving police officers who have sent racist emails and text messages, or made racist comments on social media, since the 1990s. As Brian Levin, a former NYPD officer who directs the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism in California says, ‘while not every police officer who is tied to a white supremacist group will necessarily act out their beliefs violently, the presence of even a single radicalised officer can terrorise a community. Even if the number of officers is numerically small, because of the intense risks posed of having a ticking time bomb like that in a department, that’s a big deal’. 

In UK too, black people in Britain are still being dehumanised by the media, disproportionately imprisoned, harassed by the Police and dying in police custody, and now also dying disproportionately of Covid-19. The Lammy Review (2017), a probe into the outcomes for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people in the justice system, laid bare some truths that Black people have known for decades: the system is rigged.Black people are more likely to be arrested and sent to prison than their white counterparts in Britain – and twice as likely to die in police custody.Thus, Police brutality and bias against the blacks and minorities are blatant and carried out with impunity, not just in US but elsewhere too.  

In Sri Lanka, what happened to Tariq also reflected Police brutality with the added racist attitude of the JMO being deplorable. The racist incident was highlighted on FB, with pictures of injuries on his back , then tweeted initially by Ali Zahir Moulana and then condemned by many including Sangakkara, Namal Rajapaksa, De Harsha De Silva and Dr Nalin Jayatissa. A Police investigation is underway due to public pressure, after being sidelined by the Police putting he blame on the father of this disabled child.  The news of the brutal assault by police on Thariq Ahamed, a 14 year old autistic boy of Dharga Town, Aluthgama is shocking and the prejudice that ensued after by the Police and the JMO needs to be exposed.

According to the tweet, Thariq was diagnosed with autism since he was 4 and his development has been hindered by it since. Today, he has the capacity of a 6 year old child. On the 25th of May, while curfew was imposed, Thariq had wandered out of his house on his bicycle and had ventured by the Ambagaha Junction in Dharga Town where there was a police checkpoint manned by 6-7 policemen. He was first stopped and accosted by a policeman in civvies, and pushed violently off his bicycle. As he was pulled to his feet, another 5 policemen walked up and started brutally assaulting him, including slapping him across the face and blows to his head and torso. He was then dragged across the road towards the checkpoint and a nearby petrol station where another 2 civilians who stopped in a three-wheeler also joined the police in assaulting him. All the while he was sobbing unintelligibly, given his circumstances which further infuriated the police. His hands were. then tied behind his back as he was trying to struggle free, and then tied against a post under a tree, by the checkpoint. Father who later arrived at the scene was verbally abused and out of fear of reprisal from the police, was apprehensive to take Thariq to hospital that day as he was threatened by the police.

With no action being taken by the Police against its errant officers, and with social media exposure, it was brought to the attention of the Deputy Inspector General of the Kalutara district, who then passed along instructions for the boy to be medically examined and then take action accordingly. The Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) at the Nagoda Hospital in Kalutara. upon examining the boy, reportedly has turned racist asking the Policeman who brought him “why did you bring him here? He should be sent to Angoda. His kind (Muslims) are the reason why we are all wearing masks today. He deserved this and they should all be punished. I will show them.” Fortunately when referred to the consultant psychiatrist who happened to be the doctor who Thariq has been seeing for years, this disabled boy was released. Thankfully, due to social media pressure and public exposure, Police inquiry has been instituted, the outcome of which is yet to be seen. 

Thariq is just one such incident, highlighted with racial profiling by the despicable JMO. Impunity for Police apathy and brutality has been a regular feature in Sri Lanka too. While voices are being raised against police brutality and racial profiling in the US, and for those persecuted in America, it is unto us to peacefully raise our voices against injustice, inequality and violence in our land too including the brutality and injustice of the law enforcement authorities too. If fence is eating the crops, to whom shall we complain? Says a local adage. 

There is a serious lack of accountability for Police abuses. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has documented an appalling variety of torture methods used by the police, including severe beatings; electric shocks; use of stress positions, including suspending detainees from ropes and iron bars in painful positions; the rubbing of chili paste over the body, including the genitals; and disorienting detainees by rotating them while they are suspended from a pole, a torture technique known as a dharmachakra. The problem of torture is not new and has been well documented for decades. But the common excuse offered in Sri Lanka was the general collapse of law and order stemming from the armed conflicts that wracked the nation for nearly 30 years. With the end of the war, that excuse no longer explains this scourge. Serious shortcomings in the enforcement of the law have meant that few of the victims harmed by police have received justice or meaningful redress. As of 2007, the UN special rapporteur on torture found only four convictions since the passage of the Convention Against Torture Act.

In a case of pot calling the kettle black, the US State Department’s human rights report for 2017 said Sri Lanka’s military and police harassed civilians with impunity although civilian authorities generally maintained control over the security forces. There is a clear breakdown of discipline at all layers of the police establishment. As this breakdown continues it is very likely that more such impunity and abuses will take place in the days ahead. There is nothing to indicate that this serious criminal behaviour of the police officers involved in these killings have been taken note of by the higher police authorities and that any preventive measures have been discussed or adopted. What is really demonstrated in the Sri Lankan situation is that ill-educated lower ranking police officers are being unleashed particularly on the poorer sections of the population to act in any barbaric manner they wished in carrying out arrests. Even in 1983 anti-Tamil communal violence, and anti-Muslim communal violence in Aluthgama, Digana and Minuwangoda, the impartiality of the Police was called into question. Some of them were reportedly seen to be conniving as well. There are also signs that Police officers too are getting indoctrinated with far right ideas like Islamophobia and ultra Sinhala nationalism.  

The impact of impunity has spread into all areas of life. The reason that impunity in Sri Lanka occurs to this extent is due to the virtual collapse of two institutions: the police and the prosecution branch, which functions under the Attorney General. The failure of the supervisory functions of high-ranking police officers is due to the influence exercised over the leadership of the police force by the political authorities. The perception of a lack of independence of the judiciary was in danger of becoming widespread and that it was extremely harmful to respect for the rule of law by ordinary citizens. 

Thus, Sri Lanka should not take the cases like Tariq’s lightly; as it is reflective of greater dimensions of impunity, non-accountability of the law enforcement authorities which will ultimately lead to public erosion of confidence in the law and order which will have an adverse impact on democracy. This includes the racism inherent in State officers as a whole for example JMO’s attitude in Tariq’s case. Systemic racism and Police abuses and brutality should thus be dealt with in accordance with the law. Otherwise, Sri Lanka’s descent to a failed state status cannot be prevented. 

Latest comments

  • 30

    Some member of the “compassionate’ majority, showing just how much they follow Lord Buddha’s teachings. The hatred is ingrained in them, and comes out at every opportunity. The results of anti Muslim propaganda, and the anti Muslim campaign waged by Sri Lankans who simply want to turn the majority against the Muslims.

    This filth has stained the country, and no amount of bleach can cleanse the ugly stain of racism that goes on under this regime, that the Rajapaksa supporters seem to take in their stride, accept, and justify it all. There are always reasons, and it is the fault of the Muslims.

    Good for those who spoke up against this, but not even Lord Buddha can change the minds of those who has made all Sri Lankan Muslims the enemy, for their own devious reasons. This is a poor young autistic boy for God’s sake! These were brutes who felt inadequate, and wanted to prove they are men, so why not pick on a Muslim kid who
    was not “normal” and vent their frustrations?

    • 2

      Srilanken Police should explain as to why the police men treated that young boy in that way. No matter sinhala, tamil or muslims or other nationatlities they may own, why on earth the kind of brutal police men should have the right to attack innocient people ?
      Victimized parties,@if you dont find any justice in Srilanka, pass it to asian and UNO human right bodies to allow you be served with justice.
      Just becasue brother DUO are the leaders, and they may know nothing but to harrass people this way, people should not let this be treated with indifference:::

    • 3

      Majoritarian supremacy should not be any longer in my home country. This is my wish for an inclusive society. If this wish would ONLY be a drea See blacks being persecuted in most powerful country in the world yet today, why is that ?Attacking anyone just because we are the sinhala should not be promoted if we want to live in peace in this country. Each and everyone of us born to srilanken soil should have the equal rights. Leaders of the day should make it clear this to the very same nation, on and on. Their men representing the provinces should not contradict the leadership. In Germany and Italy, there are terms that are still banned in the society and in public. Any derogatory terms on minorities should not be taken unseriously. Anyone who abuse their mouth attaking the others should be subjected to punishable acts. Then only the next generation would learn it better.
      We in Srilanka, know how very recent riots inflicted on muslim minority srilankens at the time, easter sunday disaster (former president’s failure) with the direction mediation of RAJAPAKSHE- extremist forces, with LOCAL media backing it fully. So called non-violence promoters – buddhagama followers aka sinhala-buuddhists never insist on the real values of buddha s true teachings but something else based on buddhagama.

    • 3

      Dear Friends.
      Please check the video below


      I think giving a child in very little age to a TEMPLE should be a human rights violation of high grade.
      These families would never give their lovely ones to the MONKHOOD, if the parents would NOT be the destitute.

      My wish is, the kind of SAMANERA be saved in TEMPLEs of the day with growing SEX crimes being reported from temples across the country.

  • 24

    In a country, the community in the majority has the majority number of officers in the police and defense force. A typical example is Sri Lanka. Even in Judiciary, it is the same story. The recent panel of Five Singhala judges who heard the HR violation cases is an example. Being from the majority community hoe much do they know about HR violations aginst Minority community The human tendency of the Police in a multi-ethnic community is the supremacy of the majority community. Racism is embedded in the US and it was the black slave who came from West Africa contributed to the economic growth and in winning gold medals in the Olympics. KKK exists in all police forces. Te hated exists in them Comparing this with Sri lank you could see similar hatred by Singhal Buddhist community cultivated by politicians to win votes. Even president GOTABAYA after living in the US for 12 years has not changed his communal attitude. He goes one step further to use the military to keep the minorities under control in a democratic society.

    • 15

      Police in every country is racist probably except Singapore where the government strictly adheres to equality in word and deed. I have worked and lived in an African country and a Muslim country and found that police in both are racists. There is institutional racism in the entire judicial apparatus of Sri Lanka, consisting of police, bar (both official and unofficial) and the bench, where Tamils can never get justice in conflicts with Sinhalese. There are widespread complaints in eastern province against atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils, and police is doing nothing about it. Muslims who are complaining of Sinhalese atrocities on them are woefully silent on their atrocity on Tamils.

      • 8

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
        “There are widespread complaints in eastern province against atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils,”

        Atrocities committed by Muslims on Sinhalayo are also increasing in Eastern province. ‘Jadapalana’ Government turned a blind eye to atrocities committed by Muslims on Sinhalayo because Muslim MPs saved Raa nil’s Government. Even the Police did not take action, probably on instructions from the top.

        • 7

          Mahindapla, Muslim atrocities took place even under “Chinthanapalana” government of MR, which also turned a blind eye to it, even the police did not take action, probably on instruction from the top. It is known that Muslim extremists in east were funded by defence ministry under MR regime to harass Tamils, which continued under UNP regime. Even GR regime will act only to curb Muslim atrocities on Sinhalese and not Muslim atrocities on Tamils. It is six months since GR came to power, but all Muslim kingpins of Easter Massacre are still to be apprehended.

        • 8

          “Atrocities committed by Muslims on Sinhalayo are also increasing in Eastern province.”

          If Nothing else. you have a Very FERTILE Imagination for sure.

  • 9

    Best is yet to come. Hakeem who went with Sinhala Supporting Cinema actresses and told in Geneva that he was having his happiest life during the Old Royal government, is now complaining about the boy treated cruelly. When Mosque was about to be demolished, Mano Ganeson protested in Parliament. Asher asked if he had done his Sunnuth to talk for Muslims. But all Muslims Ministers, under command of Hakeem, got together and resigned when Rishard and Hezbollah was about to be investigated for 4/21. So in their turn, Sinhalese got together and have brought King. It may be unfair tit for tat, but Muslim Ministers started it.

    • 21

      Oh, so your “reasoning” is that because of Hakeem and Muslim Ministers, this autistic child was mistreated? It is all their fault eh?
      Something is seriously wrong with your logic. Unfortunately, you don’t realize that.

  • 22

    being impartial is a word totally not practised by the 100% racist personnel in uniforms and a high % of the population of sad sorry shit oozing Sri Lanka.
    these policeman who stopped this atustic young gentlemen was not a normal teenager and took out their sadistic pleasure in assaulting this child with a mentality of a 6 year old.
    luckily for Tariq his dad came looking for him and if he had not he might have been sexually gang raped by these frustrated depraved biased morons and may have been produced in a court of law before another nincompoop of a racist magistrate who would have ordered him to be remanded at a notorious to the core adult prison where he would have been sodomized till the cows came home.?
    the American police is no better they love to take their wrath on the dark skinned and other communities.
    hopefully they would have learnt their lesson the hard way now that 4 policemen in Minnestota by their own seeking and doing will receive long jail sentences for murdering a black citizen of the country who had no qualms with the lawful authorities of the concerned state.

    • 9

      Has your fecal addiction anything to do with your fantasies?

      • 10

        Sj –
        what on earth do you mean by?
        Has your fecal addiction anything to do with your fantasies?
        I cannot find a word such as fecal.?
        is it facial.?
        My addiction is to give the rajapuka’s the thrashing of their putrid lives in a decent and legal manner
        from time immemorial I along with my immediate family have been card-carrying die-hard loyal supporters of the grand old pioneer democratic to the core party in good old Ceylon.

        I do not know what your political preferences are but mine are first for the UNP and secondly if needed to the TNA.
        I have no facial fanatical addictions but am aware that with my type of writing I am and have ruffled a ton or more of feathers.?
        are you one.?

        • 3

          Why? Did Rajapuka abuse your poo kaa.

          “My addiction is to give the rajapuka’s the thrashing of their putrid lives in a decent and legal manner’

          • 4

            Eagle Eye,
            Mr, is that appropriate to your age to come with such counters ? You are in your early 80ties right ? My gosh… what went wrong with your aging ? I thought older you become wiser you would be. But yours is other way around. Not even my pet pug would not behave the way you ve been up to .. what is wrong with you Mr ?

  • 9

    How stupid this writer is comparing Pilots (high risk, Zero Tolerance) to a human behaviour tolerance of a law enforcement officer? No need to write volumes. Attacking anyone by Police is wrong. The IGP must take actions on people involved. You can not blame Government or superiors straightaway when a public sector employee behaves bad. If the Government or superiors do not take action, of course, we can blame them. If a government openly encourage a public sector employee to behave bad, yes, you can blame the government. Highlighting such events is good and encouraged, but the writers should not use this as a weapon to attack the entire government or the rulers. This kind of things happened in the past and will happen in the future also because humans have traces of animal instincts. The effort should be to minimise it by training officers. You can not achieve Zero incidents.

  • 7

    Parents of this autistic boy should be jailed.

    • 14

      Ms Senali, you are smarter than I thought!

      Why on earth you jail them? Who will look after Tariq if you jail them?
      Let me guess, you must be a Buddhist extremist and a supporter of the dictator? No one else can stoop so low. Not even terrorists.

    • 3

      Ms SCP,
      So tell us please, what should have been done with your parents or the ones that behave so indifferent even if their lovely ones would have been raped or aducted by Rajakshe monsters ?
      Yours is an another example, that your parents have taught you only those who loot the nation… why is that.. were they insane people all along ?

    • 2

      If the law should work in that nature – then Mahinda Rajakashes should have been jailed for having abused SRILANKEN police for THONDA’s funeral.
      If the child s parents should be jailed, Mahinda and his family should long have been put in jail for all the high crimes that family to have commmitted … basta.

  • 5

    I quote.
    So, why are we seeing this rise in criminal offenders with autism? For one, what may appear to be an increase may simply be attributed to an improvement in identifying them. Secondly, police officers do not recognize the tell-tale signs of autism and innocently mistake characteristic behaviors as suspicious activity. And lastly, these so-called offenders do not understand that what they are doing may be wrong, let alone criminal.
    End of quote.
    Carol Weinman
    Esq., CAS.
    She is an autism legal consultant, autism expert, international speaker, broadcast legal analyst, behaviorist and parent of a son with autism.

  • 18

    US African American community is roughly similar to SL’s Hindu community (13%).
    US Latino community is roughly similar to SL’s Muslim community though percentage-wise they are higher.

    Racism in USA is the same in SL. But Sri Lankans don’t stand up to police and military thugs. Another sign of a fractured nation.

    • 13

      Do they always stand up to police and military thugs in the US?
      If not for the mass demonstrations (whose purpose was deliberately distracted by mischievous violence), thanks to the efficient media, many may have not heard of any part of the long and painful record of racist police brutality in the US.

  • 26

    Is this behaviour strange in a country that elects a war criminal as a President. Doctors behavior reflects that of the President. I am ashamed to call myself a Sri Lankan especially a Sinha Buddhist.
    White police force went on their knees to apo6to the protesters in US. The police force and government keeps on confining racial acts of the Majority Police, professional especially the Doctors, Public officials, armed forces,parliamentarians, Ministers, War criminal President. All have.blood in their hands from 1956.
    The so called intellectuals in the country why can you not get into the streets and protest.
    You are damn disgrace to the country.
    It is really shameful even in CT some boot lockers justify.the racist acts of the War criminals

    • 7

      I think your comments prove you are a slave of the GR haters. This is the main problem of Sri Lanka. Policies are not the subject in discussion. It is always about people. If you don’t your job, why are you asking the professionals only to do their jobs. Changing the culture is everybody’s job. Have you ever tried to be calm and suggest a solution rather than abusing GR. People like you make him stronger and that way you are serving the nation. Don’t worry. GR is more open and transparent than many politicians. He will do what he says no matter what. When LTTE was targeting cities and killing innocent people, where were you hiding? At least you can talk now freely and if you are in Sri Lanka, you can walk freely anywhere in the Country, because of people like GR. This is called ungratefulness. That is a good enough reason for you to be ashamed to be called a Sri Lanka. That is the truth. I have many Tamil friends. They understand this bitter truth. They know they are better of without LTTE. Their problems have no ethnic boundaries.

      • 7

        Even Adolf H was supposed to be open and transparent.

      • 2

        Atu ,

        I think you contradict your own statements in order to support
        the view you are holding about GR ! No sensible person can
        deny the fact that GR was elected to the top post on racist card !
        I found GR was open and transparent on one thing . He said
        as soon as he won the race that he won with Sinhalese votes
        while the truth was nearly 350,000 Muslims and Southern
        Tamils had voted for him and that saved him with more than
        50% . So , let us talk politics and not individual worship
        whoever it will be Srilanka is not listed anywhere as a clean
        and transparent democracy which is a mammoth task to plan
        and achieve . Until such time , corruption and all other non-
        democratic elements will continue with the blessings of those
        who thrive on those evils . In the case of Tariq , his identity as
        a Muslim , played the key role in the abuse of all rights ! And
        I would say Sajith Premadasa is not responsible for this! Anura
        Kumara Dissanayake is not responsible for this ! I leave it to you .

      • 11

        I do not hate GR. I hate the Genocide and ethinic Cleansing sinhala Buddhist has been performing since 1956.
        Who created LTTE.
        For one person killed in US the whole country protested. When Tamils were killed in hundreds in 1956 and 1958 not single man was brought to books.same in 1977 while it repeated in thousands what did we do. I have protected several Tamils. Tamil professionals made paupers overnight. Was anyone brought to book.They went abroad. They funded LTTE.
        As I understand the LTTE killing of civilians were collateral except when they had shooting spree in Anuradhapura.
        But we both policearmedforces and thugs attacked innocent civilians in the south.
        We should have gone in knees and seek apology from them.
        Killing and rape by armed forces in the North are evidenced by the phone videos taken by members of the armed forces as souvenirs and later sold to western journalists.
        Still the land grab and rape goes unchecked goes in the North and East. Some.of the Tamil girls.are treated as sex slaves in the North. I have seen them in untampered videos in London.
        To Tamils rightfully LTTE is a freedom movement that is why the.Tamil professional and business leaders supported LTTE.

    • 12

      The tone is set at the top. The signs that the Rajapaksa’s were racist, encouraged Sri Lankan racist and haters to keep attacking Muslims and destroying their property, and opened the offices of the BBS at the height of the communal problems, showing his allegiance to them, and saying nothing when a fat saffron robed terrorist attacked Muslims, showed just how much this anti Muslim campaign they are involved in.
      No honest leader who wants unity and peace in his country, would have tolerated this disgusting behavior.
      For any human being to justify this, and not see the larger picture, the consistent attacks on the Muslims, the discriminatory policies, and doing nothing to safeguard them, is unacceptable. IT IS BECAUSE THESE RACIST COPS KNOW THAT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH RACIST CRIMES, LIKE SO MANY OTHERS IN THIS COUNTRY, AND THAT THE LEADERSHIP HAS CONDONED THOSE CRIMES, LIKE TRUMP DOES, THAT THIS WILL CONTINUE TO GO ON.

    • 2

      Are you a real SINHALA Buddhist or a SINHA Buddhist?
      Real Sinhala Buddhists never call the President a ‘War Criminal’. Only traitors call President Gotabhaya Rajapakshe who risked his life to liberate all Sri Lankans from megalomaniac Piripakaran and his Tamil terrorist barbarians a ‘War Criminal’.
      It was ‘Para’ Demalu who started killing Sinhalayo after 1956.
      “I am ashamed to call myself a Sri Lankan especially a Sinha Buddhist.”

      • 2

        Eagle Eye, If you want me to take you seriously, argue seriously. Why do you want to call Dilshan a traitor. Did GR go to the battlefield. How did he risk his life more than you or Dilshan.
        ‘Megalomaniac’ is the description of a person obsessed with power. Who is truly a megalomaniac, GR or Prabakaran.
        Who did the killings before you and I even heard of LTTE.
        The country is going downwards since 1956. Open up your mind. It will be you who will be blessed.

      • 0

        Mrs Eagle, then how about Gotta and Siri killing Christians on 21 April 2019 using some fanatics as cannon fodder? They are worse terrorists.

    • 2

      Exactly Mr D, I agree with you more.

      They let attack mentally retarded citizens and their kids

      They waste 1000 mio of tax payers funds putting them into the sea, (look at what happened in ML beach)just because ballige puthas could earn and fill their pockets by huge discounts

      I think Rajakashes will have to face it sooner than later. Those who voted for them, have u-turned today…. COMING colour is no good for them… we will see a nemesis – akin to a glass wall collapses into its pieces.. sooner than later. .

  • 20

    “What is really demonstrated in the Sri Lankan situation is that ill-educated lower ranking police officers are being unleashed particularly on the poorer sections of the population to act in any barbaric manner they wished in carrying out arrests.”
    That means compared to the US, the minority communities in Sri Lanka are hit with a double whammy. Here the police officers are both racists and morons.
    And what kind of doctor is the JMO at the Nagoda Hospital in Kalutara? To me he sounds more like an escapee from Angoda.

  • 14

    Eagle PLEASE read this article before you comment else where . A well balanced article with a message. Unfortunately we have only few like Lakmal and not as many , we see right now in U.S , where right minded people of all color, race, religion, occupation (including law makers, police) are protesting, demanding such actions should be stopped.

  • 12

    I am sure when facts being told, there will be another group of people who will come out with their usual excuses “pro this and anti that” comments, which in turn are enablers of such acts. U.S too has its own share of such people but fortunately they do not outnumber the right minded as in Lanka.

    • 10

      What happened to George Floyd is not new or uncommon.
      The USA has perhaps some of the most brutally racist police in the world.
      The statistics of racist police violence is stunning and I will not repeat any of it here.
      Many things coincided this time, including the recording of the incident reaching far and wide, the economic crisis, mishandling of COVID-18, and the slump in popularity of Trump.
      Not often have people protested across racial borders against police brutality. Thanks partly to the mighty media.
      It is, however, a welcome development that went beyond US borders.

  • 7

    Publication of this kind of nonsense theories (that there is something similar to the US police ‘racism’ is also in Sri Lanka) is not going to raise CT’s profile as a critic unafraid, or increase its readership on the net. This is an absurd theory because the US issue goes back to the history of invasion of native lands and the origin of police as a section of invaders dedicated to their protection by killing natives who never gave up their battle until annihilation. There is simply no parallel between this situation and whatever issues the SL Police may have. The author should learn to think.

    [edited out]

  • 10

    There is no economic growth on the island so long as ethnic hatred exits. Foreign investments from the Exapraite population will not come The Tourist industry is in decline. The communal trend is being promoted by the present government with the blessing of the Judiciary . The international community is watching. China is ready to give any amount of loan and garb projects. It is an economic invasion into poor countries

    • 10

      How will you explain the economic success of the US?
      You seem more worried about China than about Sri Lanka.

      • 3

        “You seem more worried about China than about Sri Lanka “

        You shameless, when you don’t have answer you turn it on others. What is the big deal for you if somebody only worrying about China? Your Chinese communist mind struggling to dictate others only to follow what you tell. You lick the foot of the Slap Party, SLFP gurus’ feet. We don’t want ; leave us alone. We like China.
        You like a original Chameleon, a time with a new color, nothing consistent to talk. Now what is your point on picking on those talk about China? Still you think you own the whole Colombo Media and the free media should be under your rule?

        • 1


          • 2


            Is it EKA , DEKA and so on up to DAHAYA. Nice one thambi.

  • 7


    ” There are widespread complaints in eastern province against atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils, and police is doing nothing about it.”

    Very Strange. Unlike the Muslims, who rarely voice their suffering in any organised manner, the Tamils are well organised to articulate their suffering and any injustice committed to them. Internationally, even the Sri Lankan govt. is hard pressed to face the activities of the Tamil Diaspora.

    To be frank, I am yet to come across any report/s in the eastern province of “atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils”. Of course, I have read some wild and baseless comments by some Tamil racists against Muslims in the CT.

    Can you please list at least some of these “atrocities” with credible sources?

    • 7


      “Unlike the Muslims, who rarely voice their suffering in any organised manner, the Tamils are well organised to articulate their suffering and any injustice committed to them. “

      Even the Sinhala/Buddhist saffron brigade is up in arms for encroaching lands of Sinhala inhabitants. Well you have completely forgotten the numerous MPs and Ministers who were looking after their own bank balances and interest of some Muslims. Would you like to tell us about the activities of Muslim Home Guards and the close relation between STF/Army/Intelligence and some Muslims in the East?
      Crisis Group has recorded some of Muslim activities in their regular reports.

      Neither Sinhalese, Tamils, nor Muslims ever been the practitioners of non-violence.
      Please stop being reverent.

      Please refer to
      The War And Its Consequences in the Amparai District

    • 6

      Muhandiram, you are typical apologist for crimes committed by Muslims on others. Either you are unaware of what is happening in eastern province or deliberately feigning ignorance. I will not make wild and baseless allegations. For support Tamils only have diaspora, but Muslims have several countries, which internationally even the Sri Lankan govt. is hard pressed to face their interference.
      1. On 04/06 – Eravur PS has been filling paddy fields belonging to Tamils and drainage channels which bring water for irrigation and remove flood water, with soil and waste materials in the border between Eravur Muslim division and Eravur-5 Tamil division. Complaints to Muslim Eravur PS Chairman was ignored and filling continued. Tamils then complained to Irrigation Engineer, PS Secretary and Environment agency. When the team of officers were inspecting the area to sort out the matter, Muslim Eravur PS Chairman appeared on the scene started abusing the officers prevented them from carrying out their duty. He issued death threats saying, “If I want I can do anything and you will not return home”. Officers have complained to Eravur police. (CONTD)

      • 7

        (CONTD) 2. On 29/05 – Muslims from Ottamavadi had been mining sand illegally in Vahaneri Kulam despite protests by Tamils in the area. No action was taken by authorities. On that day when Muslim illicit miners were stopped by Tamils of the area, Tamils were attacked. Outnumbered, Muslims left, but later Muslim crowd arrived in a tractor and assaulted Tamil residents. Injured were admitted to hospital. As local police had not taken action previously, they complained to DIG Batticaloa who sent special police squad and arrested several Muslims.
        3 . There had been several incidents before where Muslims have dumped garbage and animal offal from their village into Tamil villages. Muslim objection to Hindu temple in Kalmunai PS premises, has been dismissed by court.
        You can check all these with police for credibility. Even Buddhist priests in Kalmunai and Batticaloa are sympathetic with Tamils suffering from such Muslim atrocities.
        Just as much as government is promoting Sinhalese to harass Muslims in the south, they are promoting Muslims to harass Tamils in the south. Worse racism in Sri Lanka is Muslim claim to eastern province as theirs over the heads of Tamils, when they went there as refugees fleeing persecution by Portuguese 400 years ago.

        • 1

          Dr. Gnana

          So, Eravur PS, filling Tamil owned Paddy fields and drainage channels with soil and waste materials is “atrocities” by Muslims on Tamils. So is, Muslims from Ottamawadi mining sand illegally in Vahaneri Kulam an “atrocity” against Tamils when illegal sand mining is widespread in the country. And then again, the generality of Muslims dumping garbage and animal offal in Tamil villages is a further “atrocity”.

          While I do NOT support or condone any harmful act by one human on another whether individually or collectively or racially, I am surprised that you should choose to call the incidents you listed above as “atrocities” by Muslims on Tamils.

          As for “Hindu temple in Kalmunai PS premises”, please note Kalmunai is a Municipal Council and NOT a PS. Is there any Temple in any Municipal Council premises any where in Sri Lanka? Wonder how the objection to the Temple , if in Kalmunai MC premises, “has been dismissed by court.”

          If the foregoing are “atrocities” by Muslims on Tamils, what would you call the Brutal Murder and maiming of hundreds of worshippers inside Mosques in Kattankudy and Eravur in 1990 and the Massacre of 190 Haj Pilgrims returning to Kattankudy in a Tamil village off Kalmunai by the so-called Tamil “freedom Fighters”?

          • 2

            Muhandiram, is Muslim chairman hurling racist abuse and issuing death threat on Tamil officers who came to investigate a complain not racism. Instead of mining sand in Muslim villages and dumping waste material in their villages, Muslims doing this to Tamil villages not racism. If Sinhalese or Tamils start doing these to Muslim villages, you will see what would Muslims say. If Sinhala police assaulting Muslim boy is racism, how can Muslims assaulting Tamils arriving in a mob be not racism. This is the problem with Muslims worldwide when they cry foul at others committing crime on Muslims and deny crimes committed by Muslims on others. It does not matter whether the Hindu temple is in Kalmunal Municipal area or in the proposed Kalmunai north PS, the fact that Muslims filed action to remove it demonstrates racism, when there are several illegally constructed mosques in the province. Read the link provided by native Veddha about atrocities committed by Muslims where more Tamils have been murdered by Muslims. Please remember murder of 260 Catholics by the so called Muslim Jihadists last Easter surpasses all other massacres in Sri Lanka. While several Tamils have condemned atrocities by LTTE, so far not a single Muslim has condemned atrocities committed by Muslims on Tamils.

  • 5

    For the Black man’s death, In North America, Europe and Lankawe, there are protests. All protest includes Black and Whites, alike. Rather mostly Whites.

    Can somebody talk about the 11 years old child Balachandran death, King’s rapist Army gave him cookie and soda before shoot him point blank? Can somebody talk about how the TV anchorage Isaipirya shamed, mutilated, tortured and murdered?

    Is CT becoming “Friday Falsedom” like fake advocates cultivation ground?

  • 5

    Yesterday a father from the group who are protesting for 1200 days about their missing relatives, died without knowing how and where the Rapist army killed their child. Now it is for the mother to continue the protest if she thinks the missing one is her child, she wants justice for that child.

    • 1

      Tamil terrorists killed more Demala people than the number of Demalu who got killed during the military operation to eliminate LTTE barbarians.
      So, tell the missing person’s mother to send a SMS to Velupillai Prabhakaran who is rotting in hell for crimes committed against Sinhalayo asking what happened to her son.

      • 1

        So Eagle Blind, your point is Leader Pirapharan is in worse hell than the North North & Upcountry Tamils are now? That is a new Knowledge for me.
        What rotten case you are Blind Eagle! Too Sad Man!

      • 1

        You answer for the mother is the usual, i.e , Because American are doing Genocide in Middle Muslims so you have to do it to Lankawe Tamils. So how is the wording going to go when if the Muslims start to die in large numbers.” If American can kill Muslims in Middle East why can’t we kill Muslims in Lankawe”? We don’t have to worry to explain the 60,000 + 120,000 Sinhala Youth killed by Siri Mao and Vallaththodam Sr (Richard.P). That is too much waste of your time.

  • 3

    SJ, right now you should be more concerned of Lanka than U.S.A , dont you think so. As for statistics why dont you give those numbers so that readers can make that judgement,whether ” U.S has most brutally racist police in the world”. Ask any Lankan who is living right there of their opinion ???? If you have heard of dash cam , many states have made it mandatory for police to have live recordings of all engagement. When first arrived I witnessed Rodney King,s abuse and the riots which took place in LA in 1982. Though initial legal avenues failed, eventually he received 4 million in compensation from state. I lived there many years and have reasonable knowledge of such cases There has been cases where states have paid heavily for racial profiling. There are stringent laws against racial discrimination and abuse. There are equal number of good cops who were murdered while on duty. I really do not see a reason for such stereotyped sweeping comments from a person who should be more concerned about his country and law officers.

    • 2

      Making stereotyped sweeping comments about US Police is not ok but making stereotyped sweeping comments/statements about Sri Lankan Police is ok.
      “I really do not see a reason for such stereotyped sweeping comments from a person who should be more concerned about his country and law officers.”

      • 0

        Chiv objected to my not adding a sermon on SL police brutality, and I have responded to it.
        But police brutality has a long history here, reaching its peaks during the two JVP insurrections. (The army was the most feared by Tamils in N&E.)
        There have been more Sinhalese victims of police brutality than Tamils or Muslims. But, more worryingly, the police have deliberately failed to intervene when racist crimes were committed in front of them.
        Even thew pure SB Sri Lanka that some desire will need a police that protects the law.

    • 0

      I have written on ‘the subject about which I should be concerned’ in CT and elsewhere.
      However, if it hurts your tender heart to hear words on the racist reality in the US, I am sorry for you.
      Ask the victims of white racism in the US. (I do not think that this is the place for me to go futher into it.)
      It has a much longer and more painful history than what we have here.
      It took the unprecedented publicity that Floyd’s brutal killing attracted and the mood of anger and frustration about the Trump regime for the matter to become a national (and even global issue).
      Under other circumstances, this would have been one among many such in the US.

  • 2

    Sorry, Rodney King incident took place in 1992 and not 1982 as mentioned above.

  • 2

    A Presidential Task Force has been recruited/appointed to keep Tamils under subjugation.


    This gives official status to the new racist government. Incidents will escalate and climax just before the presidential election.

  • 2

    From the comments what I see here, the obvious conclusions are 1) An incident of police abuse/violence in two different setting is discussed by this writer. 2) many “feel good “in discussing how bad it is in U.S.A , by that avoid, excuse or justify what is taking place in their own country. 3) some feeling frustrated seeing no progress in Lanka where similar or even worse problems have existed for years, where as in U.S.A people are protesting en masse to see some progress 4) some feel good by putting the blame on each others community, without realizing that it is a system failure. 5) some feel good by giving their own statistics as though that alone will solve the problem.6) people fail to see when such incidents happen elsewhere , there are measures taken to not just investigate (having commissions) but try rectifying where as in Lanka it just got from bad ,worse to ugly.7) some take things for granted elsewhere as they see it in their own country 8) Yet we Lankans wonder how we came to this state ?????

  • 0

    Native Vedda

    The source you quoted to support your wild claim, Uthr.org, is too long for me to read. Is that the Only source you have. If so, stop wasting time.

  • 1


    The brutal attacks on Muslims in the East, too numerous to mention, began in the 1980s and continued through the 1990s till the liberation of the East from Terror in 2007. Agricultural Lands belonging to the Muslims were also confiscated during this period, the largest being in the Batticaloa district totalling around 45,000 Acres most of which are yet to be returned.

    Be Fair Dr. Gnana. The Tamils have a lot to answer to the Muslims Not only from the East, but in a Big Way to the Muslims of the North.

    • 0

      There is blame to share in the East.
      But what happened in the North was unforgivable ethnic cleansing.

  • 0


    How would you rate the blame and why?

    • 0

      There were violent attacks and killings on both sides. There was also government mischief. What is also bad is our justifying a bad act because it is by our own folk.
      One’s mistakes lead to another’s and it goes on endlessly. The vicious circle should be broken. Trading blame helps none. The kind of debates here only add fuel to fire.
      The communities should learn to appreciate each other.
      If members of each community do a bit of soul searching rather than blame the other, we will be able to rectify the evils of the past.
      Let us seek ways to compensate the damage. It is good when it comes from within rather than imposed from outside.
      I was pleased to learn several years ago that the Tamil and Muslim communities around Eravur settled their differences by keeping politicians out. They realized that they need each other.

  • 0

    Eagle and SJ, just see how you guys paraphrase a comment the way you will like to hear it. Answer is in my last comment. SJ, this will be the last on this topic. It is you who keep bringing anti USA or pro China for what ever we discuss on Lanka.There is not one single comment I have praised U.S as you say other than giving true facts like Rodney King issue . If there are such facts pertaining to Lanka you should make us aware instead of going in tangential about how bad is USA. If at all I have pointed out wrong things such as Trump,s antics and many others in my comments.It is you who make such generalizing and stereotype comments as an excuse.The history you are talking about (KKK and white supremacy), from which time the country has progressed miles ahead You can ask any one including Lankans who lived in U.S , say in past 50 years of their personal opinion. Where as you perseverate on such issues which took place before many of us here were born. The reason is Lanka never progressed from the time of independence and you like the rest,take US for granted, as you see things in your own country.

    • 0

      I wrote in the context George Floyd, and did not address it at you.
      You said “SJ, right now you should be more concerned of Lanka than U.S.A , dont you think so.” That was not quite called for in the context of my comment.
      I responded appropriately.
      I also told EE: “Chiv objected to my not adding a sermon on SL police brutality, and I have responded to it.”
      That was to say that the issue was something between you and me.
      History goes back a wee bit longer than 50 years. People talk about events several centuries and millennia before. The 500+ year history of the continent is relevant to understand White racism in the Americas (a phenomenon distinct from European racism).
      Did you not complain that I was criticizing the US when I should criticize things at home.
      Kindly tell me how else I should have paraphrased you?
      You said “…this will be the last on this topic”.
      I need not add either as I adequately said what I intended to in my initial comment.
      Thank you.

  • 2

    PART 1

    Police Brutality & Racism: Parallels Between Black Floyd In US & Muslim Tariq In Sri Lanka!
    Lakmal Harischandra
    1) As the protests against the racist killing of black George Floyd are taking momentum in the US, the subject of police brutality is coming to the public fore, casting doubt on the role of the Police as peace officers and their impartiality.
    *** In the US this is a problem confined to a minority who are born racists and I don’t think it is institutionalised .racism as there are many black officers who hold high positions. Don’t forget US elected a BlackPresident and that will never happen in a million years in Sri Lanka.
    2) In Sri Lanka too, the unacceptable conduct of some rogue sections of the Police forces are being highlighted in the social media in the form of corruption as well as brutality. A Young autistic Muslim boy of 14 years Tariq Ahamed was recently seen to be tortured inhumanely in broad day light by Police officers in Aluthgama, which has earned public wrath.

    *** Here police officers are encouraged by the elected leaders who undermine RULE OF LAW by defying Supreme Court by PARDONING Convicted murderers. Promoting Racist Army officers.

  • 2

    PART 2

    An inquiry into this has been ordered. Judging by the past conduct of some sections of the Police in Sri Lanka, in dealing with racially sensitive issues, this could be reflecting systemic racism in the Police force.

    *** You encourage these rogue elements by defying RULE OF LAW giving the signal you can get away with murder as long as you kill a minority.
    4) Recently, Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, when asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, whether he thinks “systemic racism” is a problem in law enforcement agencies in the US; he responded: “I don’t think there is systemic racism. I think 99.9 percent of our law enforcement officers are great Americans. But … there’s a few bad apples.
    *** I reluctantly agree although Trump incites violence against blacks.

  • 2

    An inquiry into this has been ordered. Judging by the past conduct of some sections of the Police in Sri Lanka, in dealing with racially sensitive issues, this could be reflecting systemic racism in the Police force.

    *** You encourage these rogue elements by defying RULE OF LAW giving the signal you can get away with murder as long as you kill a minority.
    4) Recently, Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien, when asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, whether he thinks “systemic racism” is a problem in law enforcement agencies in the US; he responded: “I don’t think there is systemic racism. I think 99.9 percent of our law enforcement officers are great Americans. But … there’s a few bad apples.
    *** I reluctantly agree although Trump incites violence against blacks.

  • 0

    Statues of slave traders and imperial racist are being brought down in and around the cities in the UK. They even considering the street named after slave trader and imperial racist.

    The statue of SWRD Bandaranaike the father of Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist racism is still standing opposite the old parliament. Is it time to take this statue down

    …and who else

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