By Rajan Hoole –

Dr. Rajan Hoole
We have faced the tragic and unnecessary deaths of thousands great and small. All of them are important in their circle and a great loss. I submit that our queries are largely un-replied because we miss the questions that call for an answer.
If you go forward from 2006, a mere 18 years, serious issues were raised in the letters pages of journals. The vicious circle of violence during the conflict dehumanized whole communities and every killing was explained away or ignored with ideological bias, and society entrapped itself in the simple survival mode. How the ethnic conflict evolved and led to a destructive war has been documented by many. The overdetermination of ethnic identity was identified as the cause for the continuation of the war and the sheer destructiveness it unloosed on the population. The economic cost of the war and militarization of the state and ever-increasing corruption of our body politic were ignored by the elite whose sympathies were bent on justifying in some way the war effort. But finally, the reality struck us on the face and showed how bankrupt our country is on all fronts, economic, political and the social milieu.
But even in the face of these tragedies and the evident bankruptcy, did any serious soul-searching take place among our elites? The state’s cavalier approach in using various para military groupings and arms of the military to carry out targeted killings. This eventually led to new formations by the State in 1986, transporting Colombo hooligans to form a Mulsim group in Kalmunai, to set the lead against Tamils in Karaitivu. And these in turn developed their own dynamic independent of the State as seen in 2019. Once you fund a militant group, it finds its own money and forms its ways. This practice led to the root cause of the Easter bombing. The LTTE was destroyed in the battlefield as a military formation but its ideology continues to have its hold on Tamil political discourse. But to what extent is the state that transformed itself into a killing machine prepared to become accountable for its past? Here we have a glimpse of how the state carried out assassinations with the help of various para-military and state intelligence groups and its crass unwillingness to make them accountable.
We could see the slow deterioration of the nation’s polity from 1948, when it became acceptable to treat the disenfranchisement of a section of the working class – the labour from India – as non-persons, through the Citizenship Acts — more accurately robbery of citizenship from hill-country Tamils, who produced the most to keep us economically afloat.
Warnings were made when the citizenship Acts were debated soon after independence. We saw hell opening before us when L.H. Mettananda became an advocate of Sinhala Only by 1953. In what followed, although our eyes were closed, we edged nearer the abyss. Today the fact cannot be denied but those who brought us nearer the abyss remain our leaders and prospective leaders. Remember that NM Perera spoke eloquently against Sinhala Only in 1955. However, by 1966 he had joined the accursed bandwagon. And so, with the Communist Party, even though Sarath Muttetuwegama saw the writing on the wall and opposed Sinhala Only politically, until his untimely car crash in 1986.
That is the main reason why I would vote for the JVP for the presidency although it is tainted with the same stain that marks the UNP and SLFP. Having come out of the murk that marked Sinhala Only vandalism, the JVP may still carry the same message, but might see things through a cleaner glass. That is the risk open to us minorities.
The two Tamil National Alliance (TNA) candidates shot and killed in 2006 were persons who sought to be our representatives, namely Joseph Pararajasingam and Nadarajah Raviraj. Yet, for several reasons we could think of, we largely ignored their murders as an issue and it has retarded or almost wholly destroyed the way we make our political choices and lead our lives. Their deaths have been discussed in a not unfriendly vein, with those who wish us ill, namely our top political leaders, so much so that even those who think murder cowardly and dishonorable, tend to treat it as normal. It is a long story, but to cut it short, we will refer to the shocking manner in which the murders of the two named have been treated, not merely by the State that was responsible, but also by us Tamils reeling in fear.
At the hearings following 7th Sept. 2016 into the murder of the two Tamil MPs above, Liyanarachchige Abeyratne, an ex-constable, told the court that former Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa was aware of the murder of former MP Nadaraja Raviraj and arranged a payment of Rs. 50 million to the Karuna faction. Abeyratna’s testimony was refuted by Nilantha Jayawardane, who was then SIS director. Sumanthiran MP’s challenge to Nilantha Jayawardane was refused through deliberately misleading the court.
Vavunativu, where it begun
In the five years following the victory in war of 2009, the Government failed to better its chances at elections. The Government went on trying to show that the LTTE was alive and powerful through artificial instances of terror.
In the Vavunativu killing of two police constables on 29th November 2018, the information from the police under SIS Director Nilantha Jayawardane was that the killers were from the supposedly rejuvenated LTTE. While this was supported by nearly all police sources, it was decisively opposed by Director CID, Mr. Shani Abeysekera. The system, especially the police department connived to place Shani in a hopeless minority. Shani Abeysekera stated: “On several occasions, intelligence operatives misled criminal investigators chasing suspects and planted “evidence” in the run up to April 2019 Easter bombings.”
The Commission of Inquiry into the Easter bombings, under Justice Janak de Silva, of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, signed the verdict on 31st January 2021, while Gotabaya Rajapaksa was still president (from 18th November 2019 to 14th July 2022). Shani Abeysekera appears in this narrative mainly as a shadowy figure, whose conclusions are rejected by the commission. His name appears on p 216 of the commission report as Director CID (under Interdiction). Though an outstandingly honest officer, he was not given much credit thereafter in official communiques, precisely because he could not be browbeaten by those in power. His statements retain their value because of his un-faulted honesty in situations where many others would have thrown in the towel.
Shani Abeysekera’s petition to the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka of 19th February 2022, explained what he had been through. Gotabaya Rajapaksa who had him sacked was still in power. Shanie Abeysekara rather than blame Zahran alone, pointed to a political hand behind the terror that killed 269 people. His experience of grave human rights crimes such as the murder of Lasantha Wickrematunge and enforced disappearance of Prageeth Ekneligoda revealed President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s involvement in these and other crimes, as documented by Colombo Telegraph and other journals. SSP Abeysekera’s investigations have revealed the shadowy hand of state intelligence services (SIS) in the Easter terror attacks and exposed prominently, the Gotabhaya Rajapaksa regime’s failure to bring the perpetrators of wanton murder to justice.
In this connection, an investigation by Shani ties up with Hanzeer Azad Maulana‘s testimony in the attempted bombing incident at Hotel Taj Samudra on the fatal Easter Sunday, Apr. 21, 2019.
Hanzeer’s Testimony: On the morning at 7.00 AM on the fatal Sunday, Hanzeer reportedly received a telephone call from Major General Suresh Sally, Director of State Intelligence Service (head of intelligence), asking him to go immediately to the Taj Samudra Hotel in Colombo, to pick up a person who was waiting there and ‘take the person’s phone.’ Hanzeer replied that he was currently in Batticaloa and not in Colombo. About an hour later, there were simultaneous terrorist attacks across the country. It was much later, says Hanzeer, that he learnt through the President’s Investigation Commission and the inquiries of the CID that the person whom Suresh Sallay had wanted him to meet was Abdul Latif Jameel Mohamed, who had been tasked to carry out a suicide attack at the Taj Samudra Hotel but then, apparently in a last-minute change of plans by those who sent him, left the Taj and later exploded himself in a small hotel in Dehiwela. We have below, the testimony by Shani Abeysekara:
S.S.P. Abeysekera: What follows is the testimony of SSP Abeysekera, the chief investigating officer: “The man [the bomber] had received a telephone call, as seen on CCTV footage, and then left the Taj hotel without setting off his backpack of explosives. DMI operatives were [meanwhile] at Jamil’s house and speaking with his wife just before he carried out a bombing at Tropical Inn, Dehiwala, after leaving the Taj … The DMI man was at Jamil’s house and had been listening to the conversation between the mosque’s security officer and Jamil’s wife. Abeysekara raises questions about DMI links to Jamil and the others involved.
Ranga Jayasooriya: “Maulana says during the day of the Easter Sunday attack, Sallay called him and wanted him to transport an attacker [i.e. Jameel] from the Taj Samudra Hotel to an undisclosed location.” Ranga continued that his bomb is believed to have malfunctioned; and proceeds, “he was seen in the CCTV cameras trying to reset the switch before he left the hotel and took a three-wheeler to Tropical Inn guest house in Dehiwala.”
To be more accurate, what Hanzeer said is, “About an hour after this conversation, simultaneous terrorist attacks took place across the country. Immediately after the attacks Pillaiyan sent a message through a prison guard and asked me to meet him urgently. When I saw him in [Batticaloa] Prison at about 11 a.m. on Easter Sunday he told me that the mastermind behind the Easter attack was Suresh Sallay and that he had assumed that an attack like this would happen.”
Abeysekera who would have been careful, given his experience and position, has not been disputed and gives credit to Hanzeer’s testimony. If you take the long list of state crimes, even starting with the murder of Five Students in 2005, and the systematic naval killings for money during 2007 to 2009, Shani Abeyseeara comes out brave and clean.
The one attempt to implant honesty into the system by appointing Travis Sinniah as navy commander barely lasted 2 months, from August – October 2017. His address to his men in the first few days of his promotion must have set off alarms:
The Vice Admiral told reporters at his first press conference at navy headquarters on 23 August 2017 that “even the biggest war hero” could not escape the full face of the law if a crime had been committed during or after the war. “Even if you are a hero, it does not give you the sanction to do acts that are crimes…If you have done something wrong, there is no forgiveness for that act.” “Whatever you have done during the war, if you are the biggest hero, wearing this uniform does not give you the sanction to murder, or commit torture.” He was removed after a mere two months of service.
Today we are in the midst of economic ruin without hope. Whether we would be better off with the country divided into 3 states with significant autonomy, as in the early days of the 18th Century, is something we should seriously consider; given the scale of our enwrapment in crime and murder, the only features that have burgeoned since the early 1950s and accelerated in the 2000s.
Nathan / May 18, 2024
… The LTTE was destroyed in the battlefield as a military formation but its ideology continues to have its hold on Tamil political discourse.
This assessment is inaccurate.
LTTE did not have an ideology disparate from that of the Tamil people.
The youth brought it out and to the fore for want of an alternate path.
… those who brought us nearer the abyss remain our leaders and prospective leaders.
I pluck the above as a form of justification of the above view of mine.
… NM Perera spoke eloquently against Sinhala Only in 1955. However, by 1966 he had joined the accursed bandwagon.
This illustrates that even those Sinhalese leaders in whom Tamils had some faith were fickle minded, and hence are not to be trusted.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
Dear Nathan,
Is any human being going to be better than Dr N.M. Perera? I don’t know. It is only recently that I have begun to appreciate the man.
He tried for so long. Yes, then settled for being something like the guy in charge of cricket.
At a certain point, the best humans are apt to give up. Let us keep striving, until the Presidential Election actually comes. I take heart from the fact that Rajan is now inclined to vote for the NPP.
Everybody is now interested in politics. Some who have never been interested in kn wing what is really happening, may be puzzled as to what Nathan (still anonymous, but never mind), Rajan, Dr Ameer Ali and I are saying.
We often don’t realise many things ourselves. I’m in Bandarawela (6.844501,80.975258) on Planet Earth, which is moving in relation to the smallish star called “our Sun”, or Apollo, or Phoebus, or whatever.
So, let me tell you that “very close” (as the crow flies – Rajan may not realise that) there is a “Muslim Village” called Gurutalawa. In it there are two schools: S. Thomas’ and the “Muslim National Central College” – on either side of the road.
old codger / May 18, 2024
“We often don’t realise many things ourselves. I’m in Bandarawela (6.844501,80.975258) on Planet Earth, which is moving in relation to the smallish star called “our Sun”, or Apollo, or Phoebus, or whatever.”
Are you trying to get Nathan and Rajan to share Mr. Kuruvila’s tragic fate?
leelagemalli / May 18, 2024
this wll be of your interest.
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
PART TWO – Continuing
What we submit to Colombo Telegraph is scrutinised by a human being. YouTube comments are assessed by algorithms. No human looks at them.
I’m in Bandarawela, typing all this out in English, because it is the language that I’m most confident of. I’m quite competent in Sinhala, but I don’t attempt to write it. Authentic as all this sounds, why isn’t this diminutive monk brought back to Sri Lanka by the giant Harindra Jayalal to help the millions of Sri Lankans who desire to learn English?
We have been linked to this by a guy who won’t even reveal his true name to anybody here but calls himself leelagemalli on Colombo Telegraph.
I shall now request Google Translate to translate this message into Sinhala, so as to convey it to Sinhalese people. What about Tamil people? It looks as though they don’t matter, although such sentiments are not actually expressed. However, I don’t approve of such an attitude.
Panini Edirisinhe of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
leelagemalli / May 20, 2024
“why isn’t this diminutive monk brought back to Sri Lanka by the giant Harindra Jayalal to help the millions of Sri Lankans who desire to learn English?”
I’d like to know why you call the monk “diminutive” in this context – but SM will avoid our question as usual.
And, even if he or she succeeds, if the whole country is full of criminals and ignorants of your type, and can’t see beyond that, how can one single youtuber bring a monk who is well settled in the US ?
Sinhala_Man / May 22, 2024
What a silly question! Lankans are not exactly giants; perhaps Harindra Jayalal is an exception. See how he towers over this midget of a monk. Question not avoided!
Please see times of submission both here,
and here:
You will then realise how people like me are getting fed up responding to queries by guys like you. We have better things to do!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
leelagemalli / May 22, 2024
Really ?
“You will then realise how people like me are getting fed up responding to queries by guys like you. We have better things to do!”
Please come down. I really dont know whether to laugh or cry … ?
I hope you can learn more from LANKA SCOT. I really like him and his experiences around the world and his healthy conscience.
I’m afraid, you are nothing compared to good experienced scholars. In fact, I didn’t even watch the video until the end, but spent a few minutes looking at the monk who was said to be from a remote village in Sri Lanka.
– I don’t think his accent is good, but never mind, even Nelson Mandela had his own accent.
Tell us what you’ve been up to since retirement besides gossiping and bowing to so-called alumni.
leelagemalli / May 18, 2024
Dear OC,
This is how some people think about the current situation.
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
Dear CT Readers,
Amazing! Why are we being given all this rubbish? Please, please view not only this comment,
but also the YouTube comments on it. And look at the comments on those comments. Bluff of this sort can go on ad infinitum.
I have there given my views on it using the Sinhala Language. To do so, I had to use Google Translate. I don’t write in Sinhala; Period. But Google Translate has got quite amazing. I don’t know Tamil, but I affirm once more that all our citizens matter.
Some of what is said is undoubtedly true. I have looked at this website:
It is not linguists, but forensic experts, like Shani Abeysekera! who must now scrutinise all this!
Panini Edirisinhe of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
The time, dear old codger, is 19:08 as I recommenc typing, hampered somewhat by my not having my two week old bifocals balanced on my nose.
I’m sure that you must know that Voltaire said that God gave people notes so as to balance spectacles.
Still no electricity to my house. A truck belonging to CEB turned up here. I was told that one guy there was an electrical engineer. They are still looking for the fault.
They are doing the best that they know.
Panini Edirisinhe from my mobile, which currently has an 82% charge.
Nathan / May 18, 2024
Sinhala_Man, I have met and spoken to Dr N.M. Perera, as a school boy. His ideal was good; Philosophy flawed. He proved that he was just another human.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
By 1983, NM was dead, but about December 1983, I met Colvin in Bandarawela.
The old man was meeting his LSSP cadre, asking them to do all that they could to stop the then prevailing madness.
The 1983 violence was the work of Cyril Mathew, a man I never met. He was said to be honest and sincere in his own way, but rabid.
I met the son, Nanda, who may still be alive. Would be in his mid-eighties.
What should we now conclude? I don’t know.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
Rajan has praise for Travis Sinniah. I’ve never met him.
But I knew his wife, Thiruni well. A mst decent egg, would be in her early fifties Fsther, Charle Ramanathan. A planter, classified as a Tamil. Mother, Lilani was Sinhalese. They divorced quite amicably in the 1980s. That story you can get completed by others. Not my business.
All nice people.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
Native Vedda / May 18, 2024
“LTTE did not have an ideology disparate from that of the Tamil people.”
Alright, had Thiruvengadam Vellupillai Prabaharan stopped working for Hindians, Premadasa (armed forces), the West, Rajapaksa clan (armed forces) ….. worked for Tamil Speaking People allowed them to independently continue their struggle (to restore their democratic rights), do you thing Tamil Speaking people would have succeeded in winning their reasonable rights including their right to life, dignity, safety, security, …… ?
Tamil Speakig People were forced to carry Thiruvengadam Vellupillai Prabaharan and LTTE on their shoulders in addition to state imposed burden.
By the way a section of the praise the lord (Prabaharan) is opposing those who want to remember his demise on (or before) 18 May 2009.
Our friend Nimal won’t like it either.
Nathan / May 19, 2024
Native Vedda,
Yes, Prabhakaran ruined it for Tamils.
Native Vedda / May 22, 2024
“Yes, Prabhakaran ruined it for Tamils.”
Yes true, Prabaharan worked for Hindia, Premadasa armed forces, the west/USA, Rajapaksa clan, …. he won the war for Rajapaksas, ….
I had always wanted to ask Prabaharan when was he going to work for Tamils?
davidthegood / May 18, 2024
Dr. Rajan Hoole, All the time people want to divide this little island into 2 and now into 3. Why not unite it into one as your God has warned division is not acceptable but only unity. Whatever MARAs do with their false SB nikayas, they will all be judged one day. But if you join with the rest of the nation into a unity, the tamils can live very peacefully with the sinhalese as they do in the southern part of SL and follow the national rules. Many tamils have married sinhalese and still want to divide. How irrational. Think again about division.
Nathan / May 18, 2024
Rajan is not inventing anything. The island was divided into 3 separate units at the time the Europeans set foot.
davidthegood / May 18, 2024
Nathan, That was Ruhunu, Pihiti and Maya. What is being planned now has Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. Surely Rajan knew all this.
Fairmindedone / May 19, 2024
SWRD proposed the Federal Structure for the independent Ceylon in 1926 in Jaffna and later in the ‘Ceylon Morning Leader’ on 17 July 1926: “The three main divisions in the island were the Kandyan Sinhalese, the Low Country Sinhalese and the Tamils.’
He never expected the upcountry and low country will be united! But he did it in 1956. The language was a powerful tool for it. Strangely, he forgot that same will apply to Tamil language people also.
Linguistic federalism is the only way to go forwards for the peoples of Ceylon. Nothing will be lost and everything to be gained.
Both Sinhalese and Tamils had links to India, and it shall only remain a friendly nation. We must strengthen our nation.
SJ / May 20, 2024
The Up Country–Low Country divide was not ethnic, religious or linguistic, not even caste based. It was bound to fade out faster than the caste divide.
The political divide was among the elite about the share of power they could extract from the colonial rulers, and had links to the Kandyan Kingdom being a separate entity from the rest of the island for some centuries.
SWRDB was not in the least concerned about the nationalities of the country.
The North–East divide and the Hill Country NE Tamils divides among Tamils were as serious. He had no clue about the status of Muslims.
The only serious proposal for devolution at the time was by Leonard Woolf. He suggested five units based on ethnicity.
Indian hegemony is what worries the rest of South Asia
Pandi Kutti / May 18, 2024
Thamizh living in harmony with the Chingkallams down south. Who says so. They are forced to live in amity whether they like it or not, why are you a Thamizh to comment about Thamizh bible bashing racist Chingkallam? Many Thamizh are married to Chingkallams so what I can many Chingkallams are married to Thamizh and the vast majority of the present day Chingkallams are descended from Thamizh. Just because many Thamizh are forced to live in the south to earn a livelihood and some marry Chingkallams for various reasons, does not give the Chingkallms license to use their majority to commit war crimes, genocide and marginalize the island’s Thamizh. This is why the cry of division to divide the island into its Chingkalla and Thamizh parts, just like the way the British found it before they merged it to create a new colony called Ceylon in 1833 for their own convenience.
Pandi Kutti / May 18, 2024
By this act the British made the Chingkallams who were confined to the southern parts of the island the majority on the whole island and the Thamizh who were an almost 100% majority in the north and east and the northwest coast, their own homeland a minority. At that time the island’s Muslims never identified or called themselves Moors or anything else but claimed to be Thamizh. This does not give the right to the Chingkallams now to claim the entire island as theirs only and to discriminate and marginalize the Thamizh. Read the bible properly. Lord Jesus said love thy Neighbour as thyself and treat others the same way you want to be treated and stop misquoting the bible to support your racist agendas.
Captain Morgan / May 19, 2024
Pandi Kutti,
For a 19-year-old girl, you are very aggressive. Actually, we need more like you!
Pandi Kutti / May 19, 2024
Morgan Maama, if 80-year-old grandmas and can be very nasty, spiteful on this forum and people like Jester, Svenson can be so ignorant racist and idiotic, why can’t I be aggressive for the right causes and fight for the plight of my own people? Sod them if they do not like this. They should be happy, that some young person is also now taking part in the discussions and giving their views instead of old grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunties, instead of trying to chase me out. A generation ago, a 19-year-old female, especially growing up in the east may have been coy and submissive but I do not think, they are that way now, even in Sri Lanka, it was the youth who started the Aragalaya and chased away Gota and not the older generation. How many young women were in the forefront. Even in the LTTE it was not the older generation but the youth who fought and gave up their lives, young girls and boys.
Pandi Kutti / May 19, 2024
. It because it us who are being affected by everything that is happening, thanks to the older generation, the climate change, the wars Etc. I have grown up in the west and my parents, from small encouraged me to think and express freely, so did my teachers and I am now typical of my age and generation now. It is here I am now being told by a witch and her racist supporters to shut up and be coy and get out as I am a 19-year-old female. Will they say the same to a 19-year-old male? They were very quiet when they were not aware of my true identity and now jumping up and down as soon as they realized, who I was. This was the reason I never revealed this before because I suspected something like this will happen.
Pandi Kutti / May 19, 2024
These grandpas’ grandmas, uncles and aunties are still thinking of how 19-year-olds behaved during their youth, their knowledge and level of education at that time, most probably most of them by that age had meekly married men chosen by their parents, whether liked them or not and had had a child or children tied to the home and kitchen. These fuddy daddies and grandma Witch are judging me by these standards. You post like a man, what an awful sexist thing to say. How does a man post and how does a woman comment? They do not like what i state so attack. That is fine. So many young Eezham Thamizh women in the west are fighting for their people’s cause, whilst many others do not care. Lo0t os 19 years old care and still many more do not care, just like in all age groups.
SJ / May 20, 2024
Do you understand the mind of an earlier generation at all?
Knowledge is only as worth as its relevance, and formal education is no measure of understanding of the world.
Prophet Mohamad is widely considered an illiterate.
LankaScot / May 22, 2024
Hello SJ,
Don’t tell DTG, but the Koran was recited by the angel Gabriel (Jibril) to the Prophet (PBUH) and was written down much later (around 650 AD)
Best regards
Native Vedda / May 18, 2024
davidthegood, bad and ugly,
“Whatever MARAs do with their false SB nikayas, they will all be judged one day.”
When exactly?
“But if you join with the rest of the nation into a unity, the tamils can live very peacefully with the sinhalese as they do in the southern part of SL and follow the national rules.”
Please watch this clip:
I will let you have a link to the atrocities committed in the South by police and armed forces, politicians, party death squads, and professional rent a mob ……. Then tell us how they treat the people of this island irrespective of the differences.
Ajith / May 18, 2024
“Why not unite it into one as your God has warned division is not acceptable but only unity. “
I know which God you are referring in your statement, Sri Lanka was brought under a unitary government by British rulers in around 1800 not before. Yes, it was good under British rule but become worse under Sinhalese rule. It is 100% evident unity was finally resulted bad not only for the Sinhalese but also for all the communities. Is also evident there is National rules in Sri Lanka it is a family rule in Sri Lanka. If you can rearrange your wording like several Sinhalese have still married why Cant they become Tamils under a Tamil government? One one wants division but it is Sinhalese who wants division. It is Sinhalese who killed Tamil speaking people. If you look back the history from Independence. You will see this fact. It is Tamils who lead the independence from British, not the coward Bandaranaiyake or Senanayake or Rajapakse or Ranil Family.
Pandi Kutti / May 19, 2024
Ajith he is a bible thumping Chingkalla Christian racist, who is selectively quoting the bible to justify the Chingkalla racism against the island’s Thamizh and the Israeli Jewish racism against the Palestinian Arab and there is another one here too, with the family name of racist anti Thamizh former president, maybe even a close relative, who known, using the bible and the Christian religion to justify the Chingkalla state marginalizing the island’s Thamizh, the war crimes and structural genocide committed on them.
Svenson / May 22, 2024
Ah Panti Kutti you are still here. You’ve been posting for four or five years, that means you started aged 14 or 15. Now how many young teenagers use a term like ‘structural genocide’? Only those who have transitioned from a 40+ male bigot. I hope it wasn’t too painful. Were the scissors blunt?
leelagemalli / May 20, 2024
The veracity of the claims made by some CT reviewers is highly questionable and misleading to unbiased reviewers on the forum. Historians, sociologists, ethnographers and other experts in and out of the forum, this is over for you, please try to guide us with facts?
Of course, Lester’s idiosyncratic but silly statements regularly mislead commentators.
He may have been a university-educated engineer, but he clearly did not retain much of the basic level of information about the history of Sri Lanka and its ethnic and colonial past.
Just as a joint smoker slips into his or her fantasy for a while, Lester or similar pranksters waste valuable time and provide us with jokes while honing their egos. How stupid do these people have to be? The impact of Lester’s antics can only hurt minority commenters while others make every effort to shame on sinhala_race.
leelagemalli / May 20, 2024
Lester’s comments are clearly silly arguments back and forth about OC s min and others. Deepthi Silva is another funny commenter who is not real about anything comes out of her lips but being born as fake character, she is obviously helpless. If one digs through the archives of the Colombo Telegraph, one can easily see how blind this woman was to Rajapakse-politics. She defended then her political self-indulgence to Mahinda Doctrine, but today she is publicly opposs to Rajapaksa. All these were predicted by me in recent past.
Either she’s lost her memories or is presumably ill with her mental asylum in Queen’s Country, caught in between with some pathological cause. Poor Sri Lankan jokers don’t belong in the West or Sri Lanka…but their false ego levels are forever hindering us – inferiority complex levels seem not allow them getting the truths, also in their later day life…. aiyoooooooooooooooooooooo… ?
Apart from this, controversial commentators such as Ajith clearly stick to their historical accounts of Sri Lanka’s independence struggle, suggesting that Tamil leaders took the lead over their Sinhalese counterparts in that struggle…. which is according is not accordance with the prevaling facts in literiture… either literiture is incorrect or these people are polishing their egos back and forth.
leelagemalli / May 20, 2024
I don’t want to mislead future generations by spreading lies. Sinhala Buddhists, for example, are completely misled by the Jataka illusion and end up being easy prey for political thugs, becoming regular fools even after 75 years of independence from the colonial master. Rajpakashe lived up their hidden propensities by fooling the southerners and notherners for their FAKE politics…. today they are caught in the ACT.
Youngsters like Pundi Kutti (Piglet) who belong to Generation Z/alpha are constantly misled by various misinformation.
I recently spoke with some young Sri Lankan immigrants (some of them junior doctors, others still undergraduates at German and Swiss universities), and most of them seemed to have only a vague knowledge of their war history in Sri Lanka.
They seem honored to share their patents. That is their culture though. Many of their parents were not from middle-class families and they did not have the knowledge to explain the background to their children who grew up in western cultures. There is a real big gap between the young srilanken expatriate and their parents in their families, mostly because the parents are not educated enough to face some of the realities before their children.
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
Dear “leelagemalli”,
You may not wish to mislead or to tell lies. But you do, albeit unwittingly.
Until the day comes when you willingly, spontaneously, voluntarily, extempore, unforcedly (I confess that I was looking at Sajith Premadasa’s favourite book – Roget’s Thesaurus – searching for synonyms), reveal your true identity, you will not be believed.
All readers, including you, know my identity well enough. And, having exchanged thousands of emails with you, and video-communicated with you, I’m sure of your identity. It is true that we have not met. You are on record now, as having said that you’re glad you didn’t meet me because I would have “slit your throat whilst [you were] asleep“.
I do not really question that you’re sincere in a weird, unearthly, sort of way, driven by hatreds of all sorts.
I genuinely feel sorry for you.
Panini Edirisinhe of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
SJ / May 20, 2024
“All readers, including you, know my identity well enough.”
Is it a guarantee of truthfulness or any other virtue?
leelagemalli / May 21, 2024
I really don’t know why Panini is so strict about commenter IDs. Perhaps he may be given the order to find out more about anti-JVPrs for abductions and killing agendas. Germany’s stasi services are said to have acted like that.
Besides, I’m not the only person in CT who is anonymous.
We are used to reading some publications where the authors are not known individually. So what’s the difference? As always, if the content matches the facts, why should we follow the commenter? I think this habit is unique to our Bandarawela English teacher.
leelagemalli / May 20, 2024
Why should my identity be an issue while a dozen or more remain further anonymous 🤔? CT website owner knows well why many of us deny to so, while a mentally ill person of ur nature would take few more years. Besides, what matters should be the comment content. Please grow up with or without professional assistance, good luck🤔🙃
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2
leelagemalli / May 21, 2024
Surely, it was not the word limit caused CT to remove this comment..
old codger / May 20, 2024
“Until the day comes when you willingly, spontaneously, voluntarily, extempore, unforcedly (I confess that I was looking at Sajith Premadasa’s favourite book – Roget’s Thesaurus – searching for synonyms), reveal your true identity, “
Didn’t you take shameful delight in revealing his identity a few months ago? So what difference does it make?
“I do not really question that you’re sincere in a weird, unearthly, sort of way, driven by hatreds of all sorts.” So too is the guy at Golf Links Road.
leelagemalli / May 21, 2024
“I do not really question that you’re sincere in a weird, unearthly, sort of way, driven by hatreds of all sorts.” So too is the guy at Golf Links Road.
I don’t think it is fair for you to compare me with SM.
while I stand against majority of the stupid voters of Sri Lanka, I will forever hate the Rajapaksas, and I will not act like heroworshipper to the manner Sinhala_man is used to.
I have been against Rajapaksa since 2005. I am one of the few, remain consistent on CT from the begining on regarding Rajaakshe curse to the nation. Mara played it with the psyche of innocent people of our motherland. This is unpardonable.
In terms of SM, What I can’t digest is that SINHALA_Man seems angry with me for not being able to convert me to his NPP brutality. So long to my shock of JVP 89 atrocities, I will never be able to agree with SINHALA_Man. I watched a video today where UNP MP, Lakshman Wijemanna, clearly told how the people of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna who killed innocient ones in 1989.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
Thank you, Rajan.
The time now is 04:53 as I start typing this, submission time will not be stated. The reason is this. What you have written forces us to call into question what “Truth” is. It seems to be ever shifting, and we find it difficult to understand one another. This article came on about an hour ago. One moment it wasn’t there; the Top Story was this:
The next moment I saw your article.
I haven’t commented there, but two comments here:
The first of them has just managed to appear (currently listed at the top of “Latest Comments”.)
That article is by Dr Ameer Ali. Do you know him? Simple answer: “yes”. You have met in Peradeniya, when he was a young lecturer; you an undergraduate trying to learn electricity. Well, you did, but now you’re not interested in it.
I’ve exceeded word limit. Will divide comment.
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
Let nobody charge you for being a separatist because of the last paragraph above. I have not met Ameer, but in some senses I “know” him. I will try to “talk” to you both in a few hours, but using technology. I will even see his picture on the screen of my phone.
I’ve spent a few days experimenting with Google Translate. Has YouTube tolerated me, or has it not? It is possible for those controlling the system to show me one thing because I submitted it, and not show it on your computer. I can “know” only by “speaking” to you.
I will ask both Ameer and you about this YouTube:
In this case, not for the content there, but to see how many of my comments remain for “any other reader”.
Will we be punished for trying to overcome the curse of the “Tower of Babel?”
I will email this to you both a minute after submission. WhatsApp will get me to Ameer; but you hate it. So Alexander Graham Bell’s phone (somewhat improved) to you!
Yes, Immanuel Kant is still relevant!
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
By the way, Rajan, you are trying to understand the NPP.
This may be useful:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdxCYmBt6MM – Vijitha Herath – 20 minutes. Excellent quality. Posted on Seen by me on 17/05/2024 @5.30 am.
In a sense, this is for others.
I can talk to you on the phone. Although it is true that you’re forever trying to end conversations (I feel it applies to all interlocutors), you don’t seem to mind if there really is a purpose.
You’re one man who will never be rude! But on the other, you don’t want to talk and joke unnecessarily – except when you showed me a P.G. Wodehouse novel which you were going to read in bed – and you have persuaded Kirupa to read him.
You are unique, like Shani Abeysekera! Two humans whom all humanity must treasure!
Now let me read what Nathan has said; I just didn’t have the time to read this comment of his, although I did read and respond here:
My earlier comments here have got in, I notice: the time: 06:55. See how much delay creeps in!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela
Leonard Jayawardena / May 18, 2024
Rajan Hoole:
“Shanie Abeysekara rather than blame Zahran alone, pointed to a political hand behind the terror that killed 269 people.”
I would like to know what Shani’s evidence for his view is. As the author himself writes, Shani’s “conclusions [were] rejected by the [Presidential] commission [of Inquiry into the Easter Sunday attack]” and, I think, quite rightly.
We had the former Attorney General Dappula de Livera making a similar conspiracy allegation in May 2021 (just before he retired) but when he was summoned to make a statement to the TID in 2023, he dodged it, citing certain technical objections. During his tenure as the AG, Livera had announced that he was unable to present charges in regard to the Easter Sunday attack as CID investigations were incomplete.
LankaScot / May 18, 2024
Hello Leonard,
There is a remarkable concurrence between the Philippines and Sri Lanka regarding International Justice. Both countries have rejected ICC investigations into their State Killings, claiming that their own Institutions will investigate thoroughly.
Both have failed to do so and have used coercion against witnesses to discredit (or change) their testimonies.
Both countries have murderous Politicians still in positions of power. They use this power and veiled threats (some not so veiled) against individuals to resist investigations. Here is a Sri Lankan example https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/01/sri-lanka-collapse-of-joseph-pararajasingham-murder-case-a-failure-of-justice/
“Those aligned with the state must not continue to enjoy impunity for historic abuses. Without accountability, Sri Lanka will never be able to turn the page on this dark chapter”.
For the Philippines (Duterte is a self-confessed murderer that threw people out of Helicopters) https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/18/icc-rejects-manilas-attempt-to-block-investigation-on-drug-war
There are criminals in the Sri Lanka Government just as dirty as the backers of the M23 in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan.
The involvement of Parliamentary MPs and above in these Sri Lankan atrocities and their influence on the Judiciary makes it clear why they do NOT want an Independent International Investigation.
My question is why don’t you?
Best regards
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
Before I respond to your comments, I ask you the same question that I have asked from others in CT comments but have only met with deafening silence so for: If you believe there was a political “mastermind” behind the Easter Sunday attack (the Rajapakasas), please present your evidence for it. If you don’t, don’t expect another reply from me under this thread.
You: “Both countries [Sri Lanka and the Philippines] have rejected ICC investigations into their State Killings, claiming that their own Institutions will investigate thoroughly.”
I don’t have a deep knowledge of the political situation in the Philippines so I won’t comment but with Sri Lanka you are comparing apples and pears.
While there is plausible evidence for the commission of war crimes by the Sri Lankan forces during the war with the LTTE, there is no political will to bring the culprits to book and there is no demand for it from the populace except the Tamil minority community and a few others. Indeed forces are still very popular and any attempt to have international agencies involved in investigations would be suicidal to the political parties in the South, so that’s not going to happen.
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Leonard,
“Indeed forces are still very popular and any attempt to have international agencies involved in investigations would be suicidal to the political parties in the South, so that’s not going to happen”.
By the statement above you have answered my question and revealed that you know more than you are saying. Is Pillayan giving you a good commission?
Best regards
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
Continued from last post.
“Both countries have murderous Politicians still in positions of power. They use this power and veiled threats (some not so veiled) against individuals to resist investigations.”
The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Easter attack was appointed by the then President Sirisena shortly after in 2019, when the Rajapapaksas, the alleged “masterminds,” were not yet in power.
The commission was headed by a headed by a serving judge of the Supreme Court, a retired Inspector-General of Police and a retired Secretary to the Ministry of Law and Order.
In a fundamental rights case, the Supreme Court awarded compensation against the above two and Sirisena, as you may be aware. I can give other examples where the Judiciary have given judgements against politicians.
While the police and even the AG may sometimes do the bidding of politicians I have never heard this charge being made seriously against the Sri Lankan judiciary.
The generalisations you make are, I think, due to your lack of deep knowledge of Sri Lankan affairs.
old codger / May 19, 2024
“While the police and even the AG may sometimes do the bidding of politicians I have never heard this charge being made seriously against the Sri Lankan judiciary.”
Surely you have heard of two Chief Justices named Sarath Silva and Mohan Pieris?
From the horse’s mouth, so to speak:
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
Yes, Sarath Silva and Mohan Pieris were two bad apples but, based on the actual decisions of the courts in the past, I would say that the Sri Lankan judiciary, especially at the higher level, have conducted themselves in a professional way with no evidence of being affected by political interference–with some exceptions of course and there are always exceptions.
Any way, with regard to the Easter Sunday bombing, we are talking about an independent presidential commission, not the judiciary, and I have not come across any well-informed and responsible person impugning the integrity of the members of the commission or questioning their impartiality.
By the way, as for asking you to produce your evidence for you know what, I might as well ask for feathers from a tortoise.
soma / May 20, 2024
Leonard Jayawardena
I am 100% with you .
All these theories over a “mastermind”could have some credibility worth listening to if the bombs were triggered by remote control and Zaharan clique were later caught.
Commiting wholesale suicide with own families for the benefit some f*****g Sinhala politician??? Tell this to Angoda inmates.
This theory that some power hungry Sinhala politician had direct contacts with Allah is worth a double Nobel.
Most enthusiastic promotors of a human “mastermind” behind Zahran are Muslim politicians – for obvious reasons.
Now beginning with Gota everyone has been making full political capital out of this unfathomable misery . They continue to do so – SJB, NPP all are promising to find the “mastermind”. This is where I feel infinitely sorry for the innocent victims.
Indoctrination by Islamic fanatism in ISIS heydays who were getting butchered left and right by Christian West was the root cause of this horrendous episode. There is only Allah above Zahran and let us give a rest to this unending fooling of our innocent Christian community.
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
Sorry, I just saw that this comment is from you. I was in a bit of a rush and automatically assumed that since this thread was between me and LS, he was the writer. My apologies again.
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
Many thanks, old codger.
I’ve just looked at the link that you’ve given us regarding Sarath Silva’s disgraceful conduct.
You’re now at last living up to your potential.
Good boy!
Panini Edirisinhe of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
This post is actually a continuation of my first post in reply to your comment.
Even if any “genocide” took place during the last stages of the war, the vast majority think that it was necessary to bring the war to an end–somewhat similar to what’s going in Gaza right now.
On the other hand, there is nothing but condemnation for what happened on that Easter Sunday by all, so no one’s against finding out any “mastermind” outside of Zahran’s group. If there’s any resistance to international investigations, it’s not motivated mainly by a desire to protect the accused, as in the case of alleged war crimes against the Sri Lankan forces, but by other reasons. In fact, the SJB recently said in Parliament that, while they would do their utmost to find the “mastermind” under a government headed by them, they were not for international involvement.
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
As for J. Pararajasingham’s case, the suspects were Pillayan and his group and the charges are said to have been dropped for unstated reasons in early 2021.
Interestingly, the AG in office at the time was Dappu de Livera, the same bloke who made a conspiracy allegation with regard to the Easter Sunday attack shortly before he retired in May 2021.
The Catholic Church was persistently asking the Government to record a statement from Dappu but what must they have thought when their “star witness” dodged giving a statement to the TID when asked to by giving technical excuses!
Whatever his motives for making such a rash allegation in the first place were, Dappu was at least smart enough to realize at least later that he had no leg to stand on with his unsubstantiated allegation.
Lester / May 19, 2024
Hello LankaScot,
“The involvement of Parliamentary MPs and above in these Sri Lankan atrocities and their influence on the Judiciary makes it clear why they do NOT want an Independent International Investigation.”
Firstly, we can safely assume war is an ugly business. Secondly, countries that win wars do not ask some paid foreign lobby to investigate their dirty laundry. Are you aware that after the war, Gothabaya chose to rehabilitate about 10K LTTE cadres, rather than jail them? Some of them are posting on CT, I dare say….
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Lester,
Having spent time in West Africa, I am well aware of how ugly a business War (especially Civil War) is. Unless one of the opposing sides is wiped out completely it is wise for the winning side to engage in some form of reconciliation.
The Israeli obliteration of Gazza will only lead to deeper problems in the future. As an outsider I can see that the bitterness and even hatred expressed by the Tamil contributors to CT will not be solved by ignoring it.
War Criminals do not ask to be prosecuted, but they can be (and have been). Even the USA has done this e.g. Robert Bales (born 1973), United States Army soldier, sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for perpetrating the Kandahar massacre during the War in Afghanistan. This is a huge list –
If Israel is found guilty of Genocide or some lesser offence by the ICJ, then Sri Lanka could easily find itself in the Dock in the near future.
Best regards
Ajith / May 18, 2024
There is nothing surprise about presidential commission rejecting regarding the Shani’s conclusions because he is telling the truth. Even the Sri Lanka state denied the UNHRC regulations because the genocide of Tamils happened by the Rajapaksa family. It is not Sri Lanka government but it was Rajapaksa family government. This was finally proved by Supreme Court of Sri Lanka that they are responsible for the economic crisis and bankruptcy.
Mallaiyuran / May 18, 2024
“Here we have a glimpse of how the state carried out assassinations with the help of various para-military and state intelligence groups and its crass unwillingness to make them accountable.“
Hey Leonard Jayawardena,
“Easter Sunday attack as CID investigations were incomplete”
Have you read the news in the past? it was not “ CID investigations on Easter Sunday attack were incomplete “. I was incompleted even by now and forever by Appe Aanduwa. You remember the Evil Emperor signed a pact with UNHRC to investigate War crimes and Genocide of Tamils? (Sorry man Evil is no Longer in the UNHRC pact because he is now fully engaged in a pact with the IMF to bring a loan reduction for Rowdy King Robbed money. It is taking him time because it almost looks like JVP will win the election so when JVP comes, they would be obligated and hard pressed to nullify the IMF sponsored loan reduction plan; that’s why! See what stupid the NPP idiots are; they are telling me that they will cancel the IMF programs if EVIL negotiates an honest Loan reduction plan. So, the IMF is planning to give the loan, without a loan reduction condition!) Now you understand why there are one million court cases pending in the Langkang Court System? That is Why!
Mallaiyuran / May 18, 2024
When Gothapayal was elevated as Hitler King, he immediately fired, demoted, punished, deported, murdered, or arrested 700 CID policies. What a great deed; all Tamils broke a coconut for Ganapathi to Thank the Hitler!
Sweden gave refugee status to selected policemen from Appe Aanduwa’s rapists regime. (It would not have given if it was Tamil policeman,) For Shani they might have given with 1,000 welcomes. That Modaya, who a dedicated rubbish or so-called sincere patriot of Ceylon, refused to run away from a wildlife sanctuary and missed the opportunity to suffer in Langkang prison. This fool called Shani, I guess, is not any better than you in logically thinking, is he? I don’t have to tell but you know how much respect the Muslim Jihad Partner of Yahapalanaya, Azad Maulana has now gained, at least by reading Rajan, who once was another Paramilitary fame, like Deva, when Deva had had the sole agency to distribute the UOJ VC-ships within Tamils. Do you remember that incident, Rajan was carrying out one man revolution in Jaffna to have filmed an anti-Tamil film which was produced by same producers of “Lies Agreed upon” but directed by an Up-Country Demulo Pariah to gain a state minister post in Chitanta Government?
Sinhala_Man / May 22, 2024
Dear Leonard Jayawardena,
I’m putting all this on in real time now. It is 01:50. I got the computer on about two hours ago. I had read this article carefully about two days ago. Rajan Hoole had all this praise for Shani Abeysekera. I came across this video, almost as soon as it had come on:
I listened to it all.
[edited out]
Sinhala_Man / May 18, 2024
We have come close to the limits of human understanding. I’ve been trying to explore possibilities opened up by technology.
Now I’m being limited by something quite mundane. A power failure. This comment is being made with my mobile phone, many hours after the power failed, with my phone dying. 2 minutes after 2 pm, dear old codger is the time NOW.
How did I get my phone charged Simple answer. I have a “normal” power supply. But the line comes from a 3 phase line, so the next house has power. Gave the phone for charging.
The desk top computer cannot be used until power returns. The last thing I did on it was to send an incomplete email to myself, with lots of BCCs. If any reader has got that email, and is puzzled, explanations will follow, if I’m still alive when power returns.
Panini (NIC 483111444V)
Leonard Jayawardena / May 18, 2024
“In this connection, an investigation by Shani ties up with Hanzeer Azad Maulana‘s testimony [in the Channel 4 film] in the attempted bombing incident at Hotel Taj Samudra on the fatal Easter Sunday, Apr. 21, 2019.”
I am saddened by the gullibility and naivety of the author Rajan Hoole.
Shani’s views were in the public domain long before Azad Maulana’s “revelations” in the Channel 4 film, which was released last year (2023), so that the bogus asylum seeker Maulana’s false testimony “tying up” with Shani’s publicly stated and known views with some embellishments and additions of his own is no big deal.
Leonard Jayawardena / May 18, 2024
Continued from last post.
As I wrote in my CT article titled “Was There A Conspiracy Behind The Easter Sunday Bomb Attacks?” (CT, Sep 19., 2023), “Maulana concocted this story to buttress his bogus asylum claim and by appearing on the Channel 4 film he has ensured that he cannot return to Sri Lanka. Now his being granted asylum in some western country is almost guaranteed and that is exactly what he wanted. As for Channel 4, I can only say that they have swallowed Maulana’s lies hook, line and sinker.”
Here’s a link to my article, in which I have commented and picked holes in Maulana’s false “testimony”:
Adiwasiya / May 18, 2024
Under British imperialist’s divided & rule policy sakkiliyar Hindu Minority in Jaffna peninsula got most of the Job’s opportunities existed in Government sector. . Specially Jaffna catholic church took that advantage of British Policy to spread catholicm among Jaffna citizens. Catholic schools were started Education opportunities enhaced That way they dominated government sector That is what happened in the past to correct that Sinhalese leaders adapted Sinhala only policy
old codger / May 19, 2024
Please don’t waste your precious time here if you don’t know the difference between Catholics, Anglicans, Malwatte, Amarapura, etc.
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Adiwasiya,
Why would the UK where the English are Church of England and the Scots are Church of Scotland, both Protestant faiths, enable the spread of Roman Catholicism? I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain?
Best regards
old codger / May 19, 2024
There are those who don’t know their arse from their elbow, but…..
Adivasiya / May 21, 2024
In India when British Imperialist come it was already divided under Afgen imperialist command of Maha Akbar.. They have shown citizens of Indians as rescuer but here in Lanka imperialists Portuguese and Dutch planted seed were growing. British had to water it and put some fertilizer
Mallaiyuran / May 18, 2024
Now Rajan has taken a clean bath out of that revolution, after it has become almost certain no more Solomon West Ridgeway Dias and Siri Ma O’ party, which was giving free professorship and VCs for any volunteer anti-Tamil paramilitaries. In this election Deva is washing Evil. because he has got his reward in Evil’s new Cabinet. So many who dropped out of the Deva trade are locking spy jobs in Scotland Yard. Those are much worse karmas than you are though they all are dedicated Buddhist Atheists. I don’t know about their luck for a spy job in Scotland Yard, but what do you think- are they good enough for a state minister post in the NPP government for them to start chanting “Me Too” in the JVP election campaign?
One time the rabbits and foxes went together for a party. This was what in the party Music. Foxes started it.
The fox Drummers: Thanthenukku Thanthenukku (What you get is yours to eat)
The rabbit Drummers: Thaan Thappa Thaan Thappa (Anyone run fast, that one escape it)
That is how the British Transplant surgery of Ceylon into unitary Sri Lanka ended.
Long Live the Wildlife Sanctuary!
Jayawewa for Jayawardene’s Aanduwa!
Plato / May 18, 2024
Sinhala Man.
You have got me to jump out of bed with your comment above…….
P.G. Wodehouse you said!
My memories went back, backwards to the 60s. Bertram Wooster, Butler no;1. PSmith later on Jeeves who ran the show for BW,. I did have a good collection.of PGW books
presented to me by the first Lady Lawyer of old Ceylon.
As you may know, PGW was a bit of a commie and through his character BW he was taking a dig at the British Leisured class.
Frankly, it looks as if though Rajan reads humour only when he goes to bed!
But,I am sure you are thrilled like Honoria Glossop that Rajan would cast his vote to JVP. …………..
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Plato and SM,
Are you sure that you two were born in the 20th Century, my Grandfather talked about Wodehouse and he was born in 1893😎.
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
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For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
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leelagemalli / May 22, 2024
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Plato / May 18, 2024
As an afterthought, what an inappropriate comment by me on a serious topic penned by Young Rajan Hoole………….
Reading through this essay, it is clear who the mastermind carried out the church bombings. Murder in the Cathedral [?]. T.S.Eliot…………
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Plato,
The first exhortation in Eliot’s poem could have come straight from Leonard –
“Take a friend’s advice. Leave well alone,
Or your goose may be cooked and eaten to the bone”.
As many Historians believe that Henry II was misinterpreted, are you suggesting that the Easter Bombing Mastermind was akin to Henry and his instructions were misconstrued?
And the knight’s excuses for Becketts murder – “They assert that while they understand their actions will be seen as murder, it was necessary and justified, so that the power of the church should not undermine the stability of the state”.
The Church and State were deeply intertwined back then (1170). Even later when King Robert the Bruce killed the Red Comyn in the Greyfriar’s Church, Dumfries (1306) – Bruce was Excommunicated by the Pope as a consequence.
So who will Excommunicate the Easter Bombing Mastermind?
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / May 20, 2024
Dear Plato,
I know the play very well, but I don’t think that Eliot was the master-mind!
I was looking for a film of the entire play; it may be that I will recommence my search when I’m less tired. For now here’s 30 minutes, still to be seen in its entirety by me.
and here’s the Wikipedia entry:
The full text is here, but not in a very readable format:
I can recite Becket’s “dying speech”:
“Unbar the doors! Throw open the doors!“
I recited it when doing the only “Elocution Exam” in my life – the ATCL in 1982. I was helped by Wendy Whatmore. I can’t find a suitable link for Wendy herself.
Panini Edirisinhe
Plato / May 21, 2024
Thanks SM.
The cathedral is in Canterbury situated at Kent UK.
There is a smallish space within where the Archibishop of Canterbury and the Pope [head of the Catholic Church ] held joint Prayers.in 1989..
I was then in the UK and visited the place.The walls have names of those who perished in The World Wars. A good many from the Indian Sikh community.
I saw the film Beckett starring Richard Burton and Peter O Toole at the Regal cinema during my salad days at Peradeniya. 9.30 pm of course………..
Sinhala_Man / May 22, 2024
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Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
“The involvement of Parliamentary MPs and above in these Sri Lankan atrocities and their influence on the Judiciary makes it clear why they do NOT want an Independent International Investigation.
My question is why don’t you?”
Your write on the premise that I do not want an “independent International Investigation.” Where did you get that impression?
I am for a thousand local investigations and ten thousand “independent International Investigations” to establish the truth. My only objection to them would that they would be a complete waste of the taxpayers’ money. For me, as one who knows the truth, it would be as wasteful an exercise as the Government appointing a team, say, to determine if the earth is round or flat. I already know which it is.
In fact international agencies, including the Scotland Yard, have assisted the state agencies in a number of investigations and none of them has concluded that a political “mastermind” (viz., the Rajapaksas) was behind the Easter Sunday attack. If I remember correct, they have concluded that Naufer of Zahran’s group was the master mind. If they had detected a political mastermind, don’t you think we would know that by now?
LankaScot / May 19, 2024
Hello Leonard,
Neither Scotland Yard or the FBI, have produced a Report into any investigations of the Easter Bombings. The FBI did conduct investigations as US Citizens were killed.
On the 12th Dec 2023 in the Daily Mirror SJB MP Kavinda Jayawardana said –
“The government must ensure that the investigation into the Easter Sunday attacks maintains its credibility. Therefore, it is imperative that President Wickremesinghe fulfills his promise to enlist the expertise of Scotland Yard,” MP Jayawardana insisted, emphasizing that neither retired judges nor the legislative body possess the authority to levy penalties in connection with the Easter Sunday attacks”.
Here is your friend Ranil losing the plot when asked about the Bombings – https://www.newswire.lk/2023/10/03/president-says-fbi-said-no-outside-involvement-in-sri-lankas-easter-attacks/
Best regards
Leonard Jayawardena / May 19, 2024
I have already gone against my word by continuing to engage with you in spite of you still failing to produce your evidence in support of your conspiracy theory, though asked to do so. Do you realize that the more you write the more you tacitly admit that you have absolutely no evidence? Don’t you have a sense of shame to persist like this with your false, insane and stupid conspiracy theory though being fully aware yourself that you don’t have the evidence to back it up.
Who the hell takes what an ignorant, mediocre, biased opposition politico like Kavinda says seriously? As I mentioned, these foreign agencies only assisted the local agencies, so there wouldn’t be separate reports. But you would expect them in their verbal and written communications to share their findings and conclusions with the local agencies with whom they collaborated.
Kavinda thinks his party will form the next Government and then they will have their opportunity to do all the investigations they want. Would you reject the conclusions of even those reports and still insist on an international investigation?
The bet I offered in a past comment is still on.
LankaScot / May 20, 2024
Hello Leonard,
Way back in in 2020, I came to the conclusion that the Covid-19 epidemic was probably as a result of a lab leak from the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology). I spent quite a bit of time arguing with supporters of the Natural Origin Theory. Some changed their minds, others didn’t. I then read Alina Chan’s book Virus which confirmed what I thought and explained much of the Virology. She explained the GOF (Gain of Function) reasons for the presence of the Furin Cleavage Site and why the Virus was almost tailored to infect Humans.
My sister back in the UK spent more than a week in an Aberdeen ICU (Intensive Care Unit) unconscious and intubated due to a Covid-19 infection. She also suffered 2 subsequent infections with the disease and will likely have long term effects.
During the recent US Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic much of the behind the scenes machinations were uncovered.
“Editor-in-Chief of Science Magazine, Dr. Holden Thorp, agrees with the Select Subcommittee that EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak may have misled the U.S. government about his highly controversial DEFUSE proposal — which some believe created the blueprint for COVID-19”.
LankaScot / May 20, 2024
The Chinese Government blatantly lied, denying in December 2019 that there was Human to Human transmission. Genetic sequence of coronavirus was submitted to US database two weeks before China’s official disclosure.
They removed the Virus database on 12th Sep 2019. Sri Lanka had its first case of Covid-19 in January 2020. No evidence of Covid-19 has yet been found in any animal.
The US DOE (Department of Energy) and other US Government Departments now believe that a Lab Leak is the most likely. Unless the Chinese comply with requests to have the Scientific Data published we will probably never know for certain.
The reason I have explained the Covid-19 history is for a number of reasons –
• To show how Governments try to cover up their misdeeds
• To show that sometimes Conspiracies prove to be well founded
• To show how circumstantial evidence can become overwhelming resulting in action being taken by authorities.
I have never claimed to know the identity of the “Mastermind”. We have gone over the circumstantial evidence many times which you continue to ignore. You never answer direct questions. But when the truth comes out, will your answer be “I told you so”?
Best regards
Leonard Jayawardena / May 21, 2024
“I have never claimed to know the identity of the “Mastermind”.
Then nothing more needs to be said.
Plato / May 21, 2024
Having come out of the murk that marked Sinhala Only vandalism the JVP MAY still carry the same message,BUT might see things through a cleaner glass. That is the risk open to us minorities.
A strange line from a Mathematical Gold Medalist from STC. Mt.L.
With absolutely no malice to Rajan,a sensitive soul ,this reminds me of banners in the old days of Parliamentary elections,down south of the country………
Muuth Buruthaya
OOTH Buruthaya. Habai appe gama Buruthayata Chantha Deepang………