By Dayan Jayatilleka –
After Hyde Park, March 17th 2016, politics cannot go on as before. Not for much longer anyway.
For a few months now, Prof. Kumar David, a literate leftist and an ideologue of the Yahapalana bloc, has strenuously urged in his columns that the UNF (and its cosmopolitan left allies) “smash the Rajapaksas on the streets”. Luckily for the UNF, it chose to ignore that advice or else it would have been a case of “Bambi meets Godzilla”, with the UNF playing Bambi.
Just how ludicrous the Prime Minister’s exuberant threats to take to the streets in March was, became evident with the modest display the UNF put up in Colombo, a hub of UNP strength, on March 15th, when the numbers were insufficient to hold a public meeting at Hyde Park and settled for a few speeches at the Lipton Circus which is the usual venue for trade union picketing.
The footage of Ranil Wickremesinghe viewing his troops while standing in the crowd, arms folded and tight lipped, was in complete contrast to the ebullience of Mahinda Rajapaksa and the view from his vantage point at Hyde Park the next day.
The crowd at Hyde Park was bigger than Nugegoda and Nugegoda was big. I know, not only because I was seated on both platforms, but also because I was a boyhood veteran of Hyde Park rallies in the 1960s and ’70s, after which my father would repair to the bar on the top floor of the building opposite (now the APIIT) and discuss the rally with the Left orators such as Vajira Pelpita. I recall Wijeweera’s famous Hyde Park meeting of early 1971, where he wore a red polo-neck and demonstrated karate moves. That large meeting was a mere fraction of the crowd that packed the place and its environs on March 17th. As overhead shots showed, the Hyde Park crowd stretched up to the ODEL roundabout and down most of Union Place. The crowd was so densely packed that ex-President Rajapaksa and those on the stage were tossing their bottles of water to those in difficulty just in front of them.
The huge audience was strongly determined. It was multiclass, ranging from the underprivileged to white collar workers, professionals and managers. If this isn’t a mass movement, I don’t know what is.
This is a popular political movement whose leadership clearly showed that it will not be intimidated. It dared the government to do its worst, be it in the form of sackings or incarceration.
This is also a movement that is on the offensive (or as the Americans say “on the offense”). Its discourse revealed its intention and goal: the removal of the UNP government of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. This did not necessarily mean overthrow and left room for its replacement by an SLFP dominated government of a coalitional character.
How on earth does the UNP leadership hope to implement painful IMF cutbacks, push through devolution beyond the 13th amendment, cooperate in a Hanuman bridge connecting Tamil Nadu with northern Sri Lanka, sign ECTA which opens our IT sector to the neighboring behemoth, and set up special laws and special courts with foreign participation to try those who fought and won the war, when standing against it is a strong, motivated opposition movement with a formidable political leadership?
Any single one of those measures could trigger a storm of protest within and outside parliament. The only way out is a consensual process based on roundtable discussion and collective deliberation, with buy-in by all major stakeholders including the Joint Opposition.
Hyde Park showed that the Joint Opposition has arrived, entrenched itself. It is the real Opposition and politics is polarized between the UNP government of Prime Minister Wickremesinghe and the Joint Opposition. There was repeated reference to the respected Dinesh Gunawardena as the leader of the Joint Opposition, while Mahinda Rajapaksa is clearly the magnetic national leader of the movement as a whole.
Never has an elected Government in this country evoked as much opposition so soon—with a single significant exception. A year after it was elected in 1952, the UNP government faced the mass uprising—the ‘Hartal’ –of August 1953. That peaceful upheaval caused the UNP Cabinet to be evacuated on board a US warship. It was a double whammy, in which the body blow of a popular protest was followed in three years by a gale force electoral defeat. That UNP administration blundered on three fronts: socioeconomic (food prices), nationalism and culture (language issues, the ‘purple brigade’) and foreign policy (Bandung). A key ideologue and strategist of that disastrous UNP government was the present Prime Minister’s father. Today’s UNP administration is a throwback to that earlier anomalous experiment.
If anything is likelier than any other, it is that the present UNP government will be defeated at the next national-level election unless it changes its profile by changing its leadership. However, unlike in 1988 it has no front-ranking organically UNP nationalist figure within its ranks. This lends itself to an outcome similar to 1956 and 1970, rather than to a last minute comeback under a new leadership as in 1988.
To my mind the more crucial question is whether or not such an electoral outcome will be preceded by the kind of upheaval that UNP governments other than DS Senanayake’s always faced: August 1953, 1966-68, and 1987-88. Of the three episodes, the UNP survived at the nearest election only in ’88, but that was a radically populist-patriotic UNP candidacy. The social, economic, ethnic and external profile of today’s UNP administration puts it on a collision course with the strong, dynamic, highly motivated populist-patriotic Opposition movement that was visible at Hyde Park on March 17th. This UNP looks headed straight for a Hartal ’53, to be followed by an electoral 1956 a few short years down the road. Ironically, the UNP and its patrons were boasting of an Arab Spring in South Asia. Now, it may be about to get one right in the face.
This UNP government cannot count on the military (with or without the penny packets of SF loyalists) to counter the social power of the people, not least because of the Jagath Dias and Chagi Gallege moves, the impending special courts on war crimes, the de facto No Fly Zone in the north, the installation of the TNA as the opposition, the backstroke in relation to Tamil Nadu fishing piracy and the prospect of a constitutional federalization process.
Ranil Wickremesinghe is the Prime Minister but Mahinda Rajapaksa is the President of the Streets. The UNP leads the government but the Joint Opposition holds ‘peoples power’. The UNP proposes from above; the Joint Opposition disposes from below. It is a classic situation of ‘dual power’.
In this situation of ‘essential equivalence’ in the balance of forces, President Sirisena must decide. Does he pivot towards or away from the anti-Ranil/anti-UNP forces? If he doesn’t halt the present course of the Wickremesinghe Government and recompose it in a manner that the SLFP is the dominant or at least the equal partner of the coalition, drawing the forces of the Joint Opposition with it, then there will be gridlock at best and collision at worst. If the present Wickremesinghe administration is not changed from above by the President, then it will be changed from below by the people. It cannot proceed on its present course.
Shiv / March 19, 2016
Mahinda Rajapakse is not the President of the streets but a President in the streets
Japwatch / March 19, 2016
somebody make the chuckle emoticon available.
Freddie / March 20, 2016
In 2010 SF attracted the bigger crowds but perhaps not the votes
2015 MR bought the bigger crowds but not the votes
This was due when RW & MS failed to nail the coffin and instead made deals with the devilish hawk (MR’s own words)
nimal fernando / March 20, 2016
If one peels off your usual pseudo intellectual claptrap and get to the nitty gritty, the simple truths are,
Mahinda is not doing anything good for the country but trying to avoid jail time for his family for crimes committed. The most serious of them is murder. Get it, MURDER.
All of those in the front seats on the stage are parasites who want to avoid a honest day’s work and live off the blood, sweat and tears of honest hard working citizens. Pray tell me what would Wimal Weerawansa do if he was not a politician? Any redeemable skill?
The greatest act of patriotism (smart or otherwise) you can do the country is go and get a real job.
See, in three lines I got to the crux of the whole shindig. No fancy language, no fancy quotes, no display of fancy education. Truth is like clear water, anyone can see through if they are not in the business of trying to deceive themselves or foolish enough to think that they are deceiving others.
No Rajapakse has ever told the truth; not on a single occasion. But they are uneducated, uncultured, unsophisticated common petty thieves.
In memory of your father, can you write one honest piece in your life? Just one single honest piece?
Mallaiyuran / March 19, 2016
“Bambi meets Godzilla”
What is it?
In the CT’s photo there is communist color shirt man shaking his hand with the Old King. Is that what Dyan meant? So the Bambi was on the stage all the way?
So, So, So, let us come to the subject. Dayan was there but he did not have any chance to read something? Is that right this time? Anyway don’t worry Dayan, Buffoon de Silva had the chance. It equal any way.
“The huge audience was strongly determined. It was multiclass, ranging from the underprivileged to white collar workers, professionals and managers. If this isn’t a mass movement, I don’t know what is.”
The theory is Nugegoda #1 did not make the message get out of South. It draw crowd. So, there is no guarantee the Nugegoda #2 had did anything better than #1 on this. Last time only 43% percent voted in the Presidential Election. It was one brought the change. Crowd is not enough. With the crowd, there is need for Math too. So far Neither Muslims nor Tamil will vote for these goons. So these goons are not going to become Presidents any sooner.
Never has an elected Government in this country evoked as much opposition so soon—with a single significant exception. That could be the 2006 budget dilemma.
Here it goes:
By The Sunday Leader Political Editor
President Mahinda Rajapakse informed UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday that he will not accept the four demands made by the JVP but invite Wickremesinghe to form a Government if the budget is defeated.
The President said he has no intention of dissolving Parliament and going for a general election even if the Government loses the budget.
The President explained the course of action he intends to take when he met Wickremesinghe at the funeral house of former First Lady Eleanor Jayawardene last night.
The President who arrived at the funeral house after Wickremesinghe had gone and occupied a seat next to the UNP leader and asked what he intended to do on the budget.
Wickremesinghe told the President the accepted convention in all democracies is for Parliament to be dissolved upon losing a budget and for a general election to be held.
The President however had said he had no intention of doing so and would invite Wickremesinghe to form the next Government in such a situation.
The Sunday Leader learns Wickremesinghe had told the President he will not lose the budget vote if he concedes the four demands made by the JVP. The JVP has demanded the abolition of the ceasefire agreement, abolition of the All Party Representative Committee, rejection of UN human rights representations on Sri Lanka and protection of national security.
The President had told Wickremesinghe he was not ready to give into the JVP demands.
It is learned the UNP leader had said he will not accept an invitation to form a Government out of the present parliament if the budget is defeated but ask the people for a fresh mandate.
Wickremesinghe had also said the President could otherwise invite the JVP to form the Government as a constituent party of the UPFA if the budget is defeated.
The President it is learned had said he had no intention of doing so.
Is Dayan saying running around like a headless chicken to save the power is the style of a strong leader? I do not think so.
“How on earth does the UNP leadership hope to implement painful IMF cutbacks, push through devolution beyond the 13th amendment, cooperate in a Hanuman bridge connecting Tamil Nadu with northern Sri Lanka, sign ECTA which opens our IT sector to the neighboring behemoth, and set up special laws and special courts with foreign participation to try those who fought and won the war, when standing against it is a strong, motivated opposition movement with a formidable political leadership?”
These some of the false promises given by New Royal Government. There is not doubt that. They simply walked back from their Port city promise. If they that for all these, there is nothing to surprise. We have the same questions too. After Mangala refused to accept the American help third time on his recent visit, Tamils have put these questions to Mangala. But Magala has to respond to any one of them.
Unfortunately these are not the questions of the people in the park. They are people who had stolen the power from Nuraicholai and seek to Hyde in the Park
Getafix / March 19, 2016
Are you related to Jim Hacker?
Sad but True. / March 19, 2016
When ever Ranil Wickremasinghe came into a govt or power the country turned into a turmoil. When ever voters voted in a UNP govt with RW in it the country headed directly into turmoil. RW was never and never will be a man or politician with genuine Godly blessings. The man has something in him that is always bad luck. That bad luck can be seen in him physically in his features. The causes for this may be the following.
1. He is not openly straight forward in his dealings.
2. He always had that uppish ( radala ) attitude in him.
3. He can never debate or confront any person with higher intellect than him.
4. Like all politicians he relies very heavily on occult activities to see where he stands.
5. His personal life ( not others concern ) is also a dark blot in his career and social life.
6. He emits negative vibrations in all that he does.
7. He surrounds himself with colleagues of the same mentality.
8. He is a disgrace to his Alma Mater.
9. He has nothing called a Charisma in him. His voice shows that.
10. As a person from a distinguished family he is a walking disaster.
To end it all he can never ever steer sri lanka onto the road of progress and prosperity, Why ??????????????? , because he is also a political opportunist.
Its sad, very sad but true.
—————–DISCE-AUT DISCEDE————————————-
Sensible / March 19, 2016
It sounds as if you are writing about MR.
Percygun / March 19, 2016
To : Sensible,
The writer is not writing about MR. The writer is stating facts about the present PM and those statements point to all that is happening at present.
The PM does not care about the country as a whole. What he cares about is his standing in the eyes of the world. He does not care if the country goes down to beggary or from where you and your family get your next meal. He is comfortable, very comfortable in his 5th Lane home in Colombo 3. All he cares about is himself, his close court of friends and thats all.
RW is no better than MR. Both are self centered, selfish, petty minded, power hungry persons who will stoop to any length of violence or ugly activity to get what they want.
Mahatma Gandhi said ” violence is the weapon of the weak, the strategy of the morally defeated. “
Both men are physically and mentally weak and morally defeated.
I will not explain that to you but leave it to your intellectuality to find out further.
Please use your sensibleness to see where your country is heading to as time goes by and God help people like you. Take care.
Vibhushana / March 19, 2016
Well, the universe seems to have re-aligned with the Rajapaske since his speech in Parliament about the economy.
Ranil administration has burrowed over USD 6 Billion. What was the money used for? It certainly does not seem have been invested in infrastructure and job creation!
The economy is going backwards in seemingly every significant indicator. The GDB growth has halved, exports are down and trending further downwards, tax revenue is down presumably because the economy has slowed. Two notable credit rating agencies have downgraded Sri Lanka.
There is a global balance of payments crisis. Although Mahinda Rajapaske developed the economy amidst of a war, global financial crisis and even without GSP+ etc.
All in all there is no question Mahinda Rajapaske is a better manager of the economy. It wasn’t pretty but things worked for the top most priority for Sri Lanka which remains to be poverty alleviation.
Ravi Karunanayake pleads to IMF to come and audit the Treasury to find out where the “stolen money” is gone! Why does this donkey need external expertise when he runs a ministry full of experts? It embarrassing and petty.
dawood / March 22, 2016
“has burrowed over USD 6 Billion.”
Against the wishes of RBI January 2015 Modi did a swap of $1.5 billion for SLR- this is to balance the over printing of local currency by MR.
“”Mahinda Rajapaske is a better manager of the economy. “
He was just mafia art copying the western economic collapse model with totalitarian gest.
Gaddafi style but no resources to wag tail.
Park / March 19, 2016
[Edited out] Dayan has woken up again. If one looks at the stage, the stage was full of Rajapakses – rouges of the first order, surrounded by other rouges including Dayan, ex-Cheap Justice, Foul Mouth Apavithra, Wendesiyata yana Wimal, wadakata watina nathi Gamanpilla etc… Do we want these rouges back in power? No never.
Agnos / March 19, 2016
“If the present Wickremesinghe administration is not changed from above by the President, then it will be changed from below by the people. It cannot proceed on its present course.”
In other words, you will change the results of the last election by sabotage well before the next election is around. Is that the definition of your ‘smart’ patriotism?
Nimal / March 19, 2016
Dayan knows nothing but he thinks he knows everything. Most of the joint opposition politicians are nothing but thieves and MR is the leader (MR and the 40 thieves). Too bad, last time Dayan could not get a part of the loot. He got kicked out in a short period.
Dayan has forgotten that Ranil got over five hundred thousand preferential votes from Colombo district alone. If what Dayan said after Nugegoda was a burp, what he is saying now after Hyde Park is a fart.
Pyal / March 19, 2016
If Dayan and his master are up to bad tricks to topple a democratically elected government by underhand means, the world wouldn’t let them off the hooks. It would be worst than the white flag saga for them. They have to face a terrible consequence in the future. Period.
ravi / March 19, 2016
Its high time we put the rouges behind bars
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 19, 2016
This proves only one thing. The supporters of MR are either buffaloes eating rice or people eating grass.
It also shows what a dirty fellow MR is. He has no respect for democracy. He wants to take over in coup style by force. ‘Give it to me’ he says. The people did not give it to him. Do you think MS + RW would?
He plays for the street and shall remain in the street as a guttersnipe.
Look at the crowd. All the close ups show people in a drunken state. If this charisma Sri Lankan style, I am ashamed to be a Sri Lankan.
One feels sympathy for MR too. He knows that this is the end game. If you loose you loose all. If you win at least you can enjoy th ebillions.
If RW + MS loose they can go home and rest. Can MR do the same?
kumaran / March 19, 2016
Dayan, you are to MR what Kumar David is to MS/RW !!! It is that obvious. The greatest misfortune is for the people of this land, whilst MR, MS, RW, and ALL live a high-life. Just reserve your comments. both you and Kumar David. Is sickening.
Adrian / March 19, 2016
“5. His personal life ( not others concern ) is also a dark blot in his career and social life.”
His personal life becomes the concern of the country when he is influenced by the inclinations of his personal life and rewards the various “spices” from his well-stocked kitchen by giving them important ministerial positions and keeps down far more capable people like Eran and Harsha in deputy positions!!
Percygun / March 19, 2016
Eran Wickramaratne and Dr Harsha De silva have tainted themselves by putting their hands into the stinking cesspit of politics.
Both individuals come from good family backgrounds and both are well educated but both have brought their self respect down to naught by joining RW & Co. If these two persons have any remaining self respect they should immediately without hesitation resign from the cabinet and disown RW without further adure.
But repeat but ! sri lankans dont know what self respect is. !!!!!!!!
If a man is well educated and from a good family background there is no reason why he can’t earn his living the respectful and honest way other than to join the morally corrupt and defeated.
If he loves his family then he will not dare place his feet in places where angels fear to thread. Eran and Harsha have placed their feet in such a place and trampled dog shit on a hot humid afternoon and the smell trails behind them where ever they go.
Its going to take a lot of powerfull thick bleach for both men to get rid of the awful smell. God help them both.
Spring Koha / March 19, 2016
Many, many long years ago, on a visit to a film studio in the City of Angels, I watched a re-enactment of a wild west gunfight. The cowboys rode on, pistols blazed, bang-bang, rode off, and on came a small group of swarthy men with shovels and bins scooping up the freshly smoking horse-poo. En-passant, I said to one “Sir that does not look like an nice job, no?” and the man shot back “Senor, this may look like horse-shit to you, but this is my bread and butter, huh”. So, why did that memory come to mind when I saw DJ beaming in an oh-so-obvious red shirt on the stage, trying to stand out in the midst of yesterday’s men?
But then, DJ has always been chameleon-like, blending and passing-off. In the diplomatic salons he presented himself as a suave liberal, always mindful of the way the wind was blowing. He got lucky, the then naive diplomats gave him (and Sri Lanka) the benefit of the doubt. Just until they found out more. But, DJ had smartly moved on. DJ came home and was promoted ‘paddikam bearer’ to El President. El President, guided by his brother Baby Prez) was a smarter cookie, and knew how to put people in their places; generals, professors, or diplomats.
DJ invokes the memory of Daddy. Now Daddy WAS suave and elegant, could move with kings and commoners, but always, always, knew his place.
DJ lives on in hope that his brand of leftist-horseshit will come back into fashion. DJ will still look so out of place amongst the half-educated, half-brain dead, no-hopers who tag along looking for bread crumbs that fall from the main table.
How I wish for a road to Damascus moment for DJ; alas, that road has been bombed to extinction in recent days.
rocky / March 19, 2016
Power? Park? This imbecile Dayan is in the Dark as usual!
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 19, 2016
So, let us get rid of expensive elections. We can have street demonstrations, rallies etc. and the one who manages to attract the biggest crowd gets to be elected. The candidates will pay the cost of bringing in the crowds liquor, bath packets, kudu etc.
Another Sri Lankan innovation!
Ajith / March 19, 2016
Underworld criminal Mahinda is trying to create a bloodbath in the soil. As usual Dayan is one of the group that is advising an mastermindings the Cue through underword gang.
Even the recent blasting of power transformers are definitely the work of this group.
People are well aware of this plan and will unite to get rid of these evils fropm this Buddha’s land.
Tungsan Yu / March 19, 2016
One can only LOL! at this ridiculous fool (a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment.)
Have to specify which type of fool for the readers benefit.
Mallaiyuran / March 19, 2016
The Hyde Park meeting was not the gathering of Colombo people. It is reported a substantial number was brought out side. Presidential Election doesn’t work that way. Further there are two countries involved in the Presidential Election known as Tamil Eelam Sri Lanka. Any dramatics shows put in Colombo doesn’t get transferred to Tamil Eelam. Virtually it is cut off from South’s soap operas by Nature. Dayan can write anything. But the Presidential Election cannot be won without Tamil Eelam.
For the question of “if these shows do work or not”, yes they certainly work well in South. After seeing this gathering, New King has once more denied that there will be foreign Judges or lawyers in the internal inquiry. It is again leaving the promise the Lankawe’s government made. This is not the first time they are cheating the IC. This was the story on International Eminent persons’ investigation and the SLMM. The Old King’s team has extracted the promises which got on the morning of the night after Election Day in January 2015, where UNP leader Ranil there to witness and or organize the coup. It is all the purpose of the Hyde Park meeting. In fact, other than the highlighted part down below, where true Dayan has shown up suddenly, below is the only political question Dayan has put out, with all his chameleon’s color changing talks.
“How on earth does the UNP leadership hope to implement painful IMF cutbacks, push through devolution beyond the 13th amendment,cooperate in a Hanuman bridge connecting Tamil Nadu with northern Sri Lanka, sign ECTA which opens our IT sector to the neighboring behemoth, and set up special laws and special courts with foreign participation to try those who fought and won the war, when standing against it is a strong, motivated opposition movement with a formidable political leadership?”
I guess Dayan got the answer for the part “and set up special laws and special courts with foreign participation to try those who fought and won the war” already from the New King.
Whether the Old King is formidable political leader or an opportunistic crook and an UNHRC accused war criminal struggling by the fear of UN Electric chair, but the New Royals are, not just in war Crime, even in the fraud, bribe, nepotism like soft and white area crimes, do not have the guts and the hearts to investigate.
Ranil is threatening if the Tamil Nadu fishermen stray he will shoot them down to kill. The fishing right with India remains not settled by neither Old Royals or by New Royals. It is the poor fishermen of both sides are caught in between the Lankawe politicians starving for votes and the Indian trawler boat crocodiles playing their game. Fonseka is saying if the Sri Lanka flies its planes over Colombo Port City, China has the right to shoot it down. But the Old Royal created this mess and New Royal rubber stamped it to go ahead. The Port is only for Colombo elite to enjoy their life with the robbed Mullivaikkal Thali Kodi money. This is the development co-approved and implemented by the New Royals and Old Royals.
It is a comedy UNP blaming SLFP and SLFP blaming UNP. But in the Old Royal and New Royals governments they both were there. When the master and mistress are fighting with throwing the cake on each other’s faces, the pet dogs, communists are enjoying the fallen crumbs. That is how Dinish, Wimal, Dayan….Somavansa passing thier life.
Douglas / March 19, 2016
“POWER IN THE PARK” – Dear DJ: You are correct. This time the “The Big Power” on whom all the ROGUES hang on to for “Freedom” were in the Park, you included. Did you take a good look at the ROGUES who were seated by their BOSS? Of course, you could not, because you were on HALF BEND KNEES and that was not a good posture to see around. This time the BIG BOSS decided to MOUNT the stage, because the noose is slowly getting tightened around his family and he thought it is better now not later. He NOW KNOWS his responsibility for (1) Accountability to the Country and the Nation (2) Accountability for failure as a PARENT and a HUSBAND. It is no WONDER all those ROGUES have one common GOAL; to get out of the TROUBLES in the OFFING. How strange you DON’T SEE IT?
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 20, 2016
It is more appropriate to say that DJ’s knees were doing a Baila.
We can understand Andares like WW doing the talk to satisfy the boss because it is the only thing he knows well next to playing the drums.
But when ‘intellectuals’ like DJ and a CJ starts to dance the same tune it is pathetic to watch.
Adrian / March 19, 2016
When the popularity wanes, one likes a mug shot with somebody popularly known. How come your hair is grey and his hair is dark? Who is the fool?
Sriyani Fernando / March 19, 2016
Do we have to remind you how you ran away without pants? I am sure Shiral will remind you about this history.
Nice to see two war criminals shaking hands. Hey mister if we have a say will beat the shit out of you and all the leaders sitting their for selling the country to the west,US and China. We are in this debacle because of this Ali Baba and 40 thieves. RW and MS will not be able to stop us if we freedom lovers get on to the streets. You want a fight ha! ha! scare UNPers. Too much mister. Who laundered money in Europe for MR? Afraid you will get caught?
Anil / March 19, 2016
[Edited out]
B S Perera / March 19, 2016
Up to the Pres Elections in 2015, I took this Dayan fellow as an intelligent man. How can he take the side of a person who is known to be bad in many ways. One can be anti MS, anti RW, anti ……………..
But how can someone be on MR’s side with all these allegations against him, family and stooges? Even if we need a pure SLFP government, MR should not be there!
Thurai / March 19, 2016
Disappoint to see that Dayan has joined the most racist individuals in Sri Lanka. This why people say that, ‘leftist have no policy’.
Dayan do tell us what is your policy?
Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Moavist / leftist / Capitalitist.
You must be Stalinist.
Ravi Vararo / March 22, 2016
he is an opportunist.
jim softy / March 19, 2016
Mahinda rajapakse boasted that he had 50 years of political experience. Everybody knows How Mahinda Rajapakse became President and how he governed when he was the president.
Everybody How Mahinda Rajapakse has to choose war over giving the federal solution and how Mahnda Rajapakse fought the war.
Dayan Jayathilake as a Political expert, as a mature person with experience as a UN diplomat, seems to be very selfish when he cheers for Mahinda Rajapakse again.
Because, Mahinda Rajapakse could not do it in ten years with all the powers he had and with all the experience in the parliament he had means what is the gurantee that he will not ruin this time too.
Maithripala Sirisena would do a better job if he is allowed to settle and work.
Right now, Maithri is preoccupied with Mahinda Rajapakse, CBK and Mangala ruining every thing for him.
Bandula Idamegama / March 19, 2016
I would call DJ a political opportunist. In his youth, as a left-wing radical, he stood for a devolution-based political solution to the national question, and went so far as to become a minister in the first merged northern and eastern provincial council. Then, he ideologically aligned himself with majoritarian chauvinism, tactically ignoring the geopolitical realities of the region. Now he is totally submerged in that ideology. In fact, politically speaking, he belongs to the same category of guys such as Weerawansa, Elle Gunawansa, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara and Uduwe Dhammananda etc, the only difference being he speaks and writes perfect English.
Park / March 19, 2016
How come this “Puss”Pundit Dayan support Rajapakse. “Jara” Rajapakse threatened the leaders of the country and the Judges openly. Its time to take legal action against “Jara” Rajapakse for disrespecting the Judiciary and threatening the Judges.
Chief Justice Please take immediate action.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 19, 2016
The Hyde Park crowd all seem to believe that MR is the one and only politician who can solve all economic, social, political and racial problems of SL. What a shame that is on all of us!
This man who decided everything based on astrology, superstitions, mystical gadgets, good luck charms etc. finally screwed himself, well and truly. I do not care if he decides all his personal things in any way he trusts. That is his privilege. But if he takes decisions concerning the state, which affect us all, based on such things, it would be a certain disaster. We got rid of him once and he should not be allowed to return back to power even for one more day if we love this country.
sekara / March 20, 2016
Do not count your chicken until they are hatched.
Do not underestimate MR’s mass support base, although public meetings do distort reality.
Despite deep-seated doubts about much of the anti-MR alliance, I wanted MR to go and do not crave his return.
But the way this government and its minions are doing business, I wonder if this is the option that people longed for.
MR knows that Tamils and Muslims are still bitter towards him. So he is now wooing Hill Country Tamils.
If the government fails the minorities, MR could capture much lost ground there if only he keeps the SB extremists at arms length.
Future is not about having or not having MR, but about putting wrongs right on every front.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 20, 2016
“Do not underestimate MR’s mass support base, although public meetings do distort reality”
That is right. The major reason why the new Govt finds it so difficult to do things is the ‘Niladgari Pelanthiya’, (Govt officials’ who have been corrupted by the MR policies. The only way they can escape justice (if that is rightly implemented) is by bringing back MR.
Because of the slow progress made by the new Govt, do you think it is right for a coup like take over or one by mobilizing people in huge numbers? Is that what MR + his supporters want?
Any Govt change should be through elections. Not an insurrection. If the Govt finds it impossible to do what it wants, perhaps they can be persuaded to resign and hold new elections.
In MS and RW we have relatively better politicians who are less after power than the will to do something good.
sekara / March 20, 2016
Kindly avoid putting words into my mouth.
I said what I said and you read imagined meanings.
Do not spite the wall because the writing on the wall is not to your liking.
It was not corrupted officials who are misbehaving in public.
The way the government is setting about business has more to do with lack of a plan or policy to resolve issues.
One cannot explain failures with conspiracy theories alone.
A coup is always possible, but may bring worse than Rajapaksa.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 20, 2016
So what you are saying is that MR was a better planner?
I think MR success was an accident of history. China was flooded with money and gave out loans freely to many countries including SL. Now that bonanza is over. China is in financial difficulties.
MR used the money on flashy white elephant projects. There has not been any new manufacturing.
US developed by first developing its highway and railway infrastructure. The money for these came from taxation. Whenever you drive long distances you cannot miss the boards saying ‘Your Tax Money at Work’ at highway construction sites.
Once the infrastructure is in place in any country, people will start ventures and these capitalists as well as the workers can be taxed for further development. It is a positive feedback cycle giving good end results.
What did MR do? He pocketed the commissions and the Chinese leaders too. It was a lucrative game for them.
A proper taxation policy is the way forward.
However, the problem with plans is that MS is changing everything that RW proposes. That has to stop.
SJ / March 20, 2016
You do not give up, do you?
I said: “Kindly avoid putting words into my mouth.”
In my comment I said what I meant and meant what I said. No more, no less.
There is a medical term to describe the tendency to imagine things other than what is before one.
SJ/Sekera / March 20, 2016
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan
You do not give up, do you?
I said: “Kindly avoid putting words into my mouth.”
In my comment I said what I meant and meant what I said. No more, no less.
There is a medical term to describe the tendency to imagine things other than what is before one.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 21, 2016
I give up. Happy now?
sekara / March 21, 2016
So it is a promise.
Thank you ever so much.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 21, 2016
sekara / March 21, 2016
An independent comment should desirably not impute unintended meaning to what is commented on.
I only pleaded to you not to overly extrapolate what I said. But for that, who am I Your Lordship to instruct you?
ps. You promised that you give up.
But like the “Good Grievance” regime and the “Mindless Chinthanaya” regime before it you have already gone back on it.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 22, 2016
Promises are to be broken. I usually do not keep promises.
The way you were reprimanding me just as my English teacher did those days, I thought you were entertaining dark thoughts of controlling me in everything I write. If I want to I will extrapolate, distort, misunderstand and generally do whatever I like before commenting on your comments. Try and stop me if you think you can! Ha! Ha!
sekara / March 22, 2016
Where Your Lordship’s English teacher failed, how can I dare succeed.
Your Lordship, I was not reprimanding, but only pleading that words be not put into my mouth.
May I humbly suggest that the best way to keep promises is not to make any.
Stop you— who will dare attempt such folly?
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 22, 2016
I like the title ‘Your Lordship’.
“Your Lordship, I was not reprimanding, but only pleading that words be not put into my mouth”. The problem is with you. You don’t have to swallow everything (words included) that are being put in to your mouth. Try spitting it out with a powerful blast of saliva.
“May I humbly suggest that the best way to keep promises is not to make any.” May I suggest that you stop the habit of using your own high standards to judge others. A pig is a pig and they make promises only on the basis that certain T & C apply, like the freedom to break it sooner than later.
SJ / March 22, 2016
Sorry, ‘Your Lordship’ is no tile, only a form of address. But beween us let us keep it that way as long as Your Lordship is happy.
Did not the good old English teacher teach Your Lordship English idiom— the one about ‘putting words int into one’s mouth’.
“May I suggest that you stop the habit of using your own high standards to judge others. A pig is a pig and they make promises only on the basis that certain T & C apply, like the freedom to break it sooner than later.”
Why should Your Lordship call yourself a pig? Your Lordship must be truly upset.
Take rest.
Good night.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 23, 2016
The pigs love to be called pigs. I know you humans are the worst animals so far produced by evolution and are ashamed to be humans but pigs are not. We are proud to be pigs.
Genetically the pig and the humans are so close to each other that our hearts, kidneys and many other vital organs fit inside you humans. But if similarities end there then that is OK, we can tolerate that.
SJ / March 23, 2016
I thank Your Lordship with all my heart for the lesson on pig psychology and ethics.
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 23, 2016
You seem to consider yourself as an intellectual above all others with a perfect knowledge of para English. But don’t think that the ability to speak English is such a big deal. Why man, even the small children in England speak perfect English with a perfect accent.
Also, never forget that you are a human and we consider you with the same respect that you would grant to a pig. You are a human. Don’t get offended because it is true. And don’t start calling us humans OK?
clooney / March 20, 2016
Dayan [Edited out]
Bruno Umbato / March 20, 2016
One thing is clear from the comments …
Almost all commenters criticised DJ are scared to death and know from their heart that many facts are true … I have never seen this kind genuine, enthusiastic uprising grass-root movement against a very young government in anywhere in the world …. It’s no wonder yamapalana supporters have lost their bearing as indicated by their comments …
Jomo / March 20, 2016
Bruno, you idiot, that “movement” you refer to were given a few bucks and bussed in by the Rajapakses to create the impression that idiots and supporters like DJ and you use for propaganda purposes.
The rest of us were not fooled!
SS / March 20, 2016
Grass roots my ass !!
Gobba / March 20, 2016
Its only a Bath parcel/Arrack bottle movement bud, unless you just arrived from Mars.
jansee / March 20, 2016
There is a parallel streaming through both Dayan and Mahinda Rajapakse. Dayan boasted that he had the UNHRC dancing to his tune. That joy was short-lived, simply because like his master he thought he could continue to bluff everyone. He thought he had won because of his intellect but that was shredded when it eventually dawned that he had bluffed his way through. He and MR lost their respective crowns.
If MR could lose when people were worshiping him for winning the war, that shows how stupid and ignorant that person can be. What ought to be a position of strength was screwed that he was dumped and even had to resort to an astrologer for hope. Both are losers of the worse kind. What was in their lap they could not save and now you are singing rhymes about his lost cause.
Guys like you get upset when I use the word donkey, but look at you. Hw many countries in this world have you analysed on rallies that you compare with this rally? The next time India has an election, take a flight and see the size of the rallies there. What a frog you are?
Bruno Umbato / March 21, 2016
Dear Jansee
Donkey and frog? Get angry?
No… I do not get angry, Jansee … Actually I like you …
What can I expect from a guy who has no comparison in his mind suggesting to compare a rally with a 50 times more populous country? By the way read my comment to see I have not written about the size of the rally? Donkey! Who?
Please remember that your beloved country needs at least half a billion toilets to save the highways from the smelly pit.
World is very interesting and it is a fun to watch ….. It is full of Jansees …
Chandarika, former president who had nothing to the country compared to any president in SL . Now she is boasting that she is the one who designed and executed Hambatota port, coal power plant, all highways and Mahinda just had to sit and wait for the finish …. She had even got all the material and management in place to finish the war.. Just M had to sit and wait … Had she gone mad after the rally or trying to use our countrymen’s short time memory … Interesting, isn’t it? … She had even sketched ‘nelumpokuna’ in a paper! Yes! Not in a toilet paper but proper drawing paper … Of course NOT while sitting in the toilet…
Always talking about Robbers but she may be the only former president who had to return a illegally acquired land from government … But, she is the darling queen of donkeys …
This is how Sunday Times reported it …
“….Kumaratunga was fined Rs. 3 million while the fifth respondent and Kumaratunga family friend Ronnie Peiris, who is said to have made a Rs. 57 million profit in the corrupt deal, was ordered to pay Rs. 2 million rupees. The court also ordered that the flood retention area at the controversial site be restored and recommended that the Water’s Edge complex be utilized to house government offices…..”
If you need more information about our Chandarika, pleas read Sunday Times …
“Waters Edge transaction Chandrika’s presidential robbery
Supreme Court rules that former president abused her executive powers to facilitate a corrupt deal”
Thiruvathavoorar Lakshminarayan / March 21, 2016
You are right. I cannot help feeling that my life is in danger as of others in my community.
T / March 20, 2016
Hey Dayan, [Edited out]