9 February, 2025


Praising The Lord & Passing The Ammunition To Prabhakaran

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Tamil Theology Upgraded Prabhakaran & Downgraded Jesus: Part II

The mainstream Churches of all denominations aligned themselves with the LTTE in varying degrees of connectivity. In particular, the clergy in the Tamil-dominated Churches threw their full weight behind the Velupillai Prabhakaran’s one-man regime. At the grass root level as well as the international level Prabhakaran could not have dominated the Tamil constituency and got away with his brutalities without the blessings of the Churches. The Churchmen, some of them drawn from the Churches in the Western world, including Australia, became the most formidable shield that gave him cover – not to mention a legendary status — even after he was banned as a ruthless terrorist. Some of the Churchmen, in fact, were falling over each other to propitiate Velupillai Prabhakaran – the mass killer of his political rivals and Tamil dissidents. Lending an ecclesiastical, if not a theological, hand to maintain his fascist regime was the accepted norm of the time.

In Sri Lanka the Catholic Church played a leading role in protecting Prabhakaran. Other denominations too joined Prabhakaran’s political bandwagon, either overtly or covertly, but the critical role was played by the Catholic Church. Of the non-Catholics, Bishop Kenneth Fernando of the Anglican Church stands out as a leading example of Churchmen who was bending over backward to appease Prabhakaran’s fascist regime. One day he returned from a brief visit to Velupillai Prabhakaran in the Vanni and, flanked by the pro-LTTE Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda, and Charlie Abeyesekera, the shadowy NGO figure, he announced, at a press conference, that the Tamil terrorist leader, who had decimated the entire Tamil leadership, was “humane”. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read his paean published in the Daily News.

Prabakaran17 colombotelegraphI sought an interview with him and he was a cock-a-hoop when I met him in his office. With the presumptuous air of a man who had seen the light at the end of the tunnel, he confirmed that Prabhakaran was “humane”. There was no point in arguing with him because he had already made up his mind to exonerate him of any guilt. It was not a Christian mission of forgiveness but a political act to ingratiate himself with the Tamil tyrant. Gaining access to him – a rare opportunity — was seen by the Bishop as an act of political grace. His over-enthusiastic reaction to his meeting with Prabhakaran made me feel that the Church had gone over the top.

Bishop Fernando was aware of the notoriety earned by Prabhakaran as the most prolific and efficient grave digger ever produced by the Tamils to bury the Tamils. Prabhakaran felt justified each time his suicide missions succeeded in hitting the target. His triumphalism and that of his followers reached a pinnacle when the Tamil suicide bomber assassinated Rajiv Gandhi : it convinced them of his invincibility and his power to kill at will, a power that elevated him to the status of “Surya Devan”. Each death did not diminish him. Instead it increased his own confidence and his belief that he has been chosen for a divine mission. It also increased his stature among his followers. His war chest increased with each death he scored to impress his power to kill. His power was measured essentially by his power to kill. The blood-thirsty Tamil Diasporans were falling over each other to finance the massacres. They were vicariously sharing his power to destroy human lives. They felt that Prabhakaran has empowered them as an indomitable political force. They invested their faith in him because he was seen as the force that would bring to them their elusive kingdom.

The bigger the massacres the bigger the collection. And, O, how the money rolled in to the coffers of Prabhakaran, rising to match the rising pile of corpses! He had also imposed a reign of terror. The Tamil academics, intellectuals, priests and their fellow-travellers justified it as a necessary evil to achieve their goal. But they were the first to cry foul if any act of the government affected their interests. The Jaffna Tamil “tendency to get worked up only when its own rights are at stake” was exposed by Prof. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole when he wrote : “When Muslims from Jaffna were asked to leave simply on the basis of the ethnicity, Tamil nationalism said they were being ejected for giving information to the army. The most we could bring ourselves to say was that it was a “mistake”. On the other hand, when Tamils are rounded up in Colombo as informants on the basis of ethnicity, Tamil nationalism discovered human rights.” (p. 29, C. W. Thamotherampillai, Tamil Revivalist, Nethra, Vol 2. No 1, Oct –Dec 1997, edited by Regi Siriwardena, ICES publication).

The double standards adopted to exonerate the Tamils and accuse only “the Sinhala-led government” distorted the discourse on the North-South conflict. The Churches, NGOs, academics and the pro-separatist lobby used the double standards to cover up the Tamil crimes against the Tamils too. Prabhakaran was relying on the moral support given by these elite groups to pursue his violent politics. And the atrocities committed by Prabhakaran were well known to Bishop Kenneth Fernando. So why was he projecting Prabhakaran as “humane” when the “Surya Devan” had no such qualities? Clearly, the Bishop was not only lying but he was ready to tuck his cassock up and play dirty politics. It was so dirty that I felt like having a bath after the interview. But it was Saturday morning. I had a deadline to keep. So I sat down in my office and gave him the just deserts he deserved in my political column in the Sunday Observer.

In defending Prabhakaran I knew he was not doing anything that other Christian leaders hadn’t done before. The post-Constantine history has been soaked in the blood of those who were persecuted and executed by the ruthless forces of politicised Christianity. Genocidal massacres in the Christian West reached its peak in the 20th century. The left-wing historian Eric Hobsbawm labelled the 20th Century as “the most murderous century” (“…..187 million ‘megadeaths’”) in his book, The Age of Extremes, (p.12 – 13, Abacus, 1994). From the time of the Crusades the Church had played an insidious role that led to the “megadeaths”, most of which occurred in the Christianised regions. The Catholic church was hand in glove with dictator Franco when he massacred thousands of Communists who lost in the Spanish Civil War. The Pope blessed Mussolini’s forces marching into Abyssinia. The Church was also behind the Portuguese dictator Salazar. When Pope Pius XII turned a blind eye to Catholic Hitler’s ethnic cleansing he became a silent partner in the Holocaust. In S. Africa the Church used the Bible to defend apartheid. In the most horrific of massacres which took place in Rwanda it is the Churches – particularly the Catholic Church – that faced severe criticisms for the role they played in divisive ethnic politics. Nuns and priests were slaughtering civilians in the wells of the Rwandan Churches. The oppression and the persecution of the Afro-Americans were done with the blessings of the Churches quoting the Bible. And the Churchmen always followed the imperial flag that colonized Afro-Asian nations, justifying the need to civilize the natives. When the Portuguese set out to destroy the Hindu kovils in Jaffna it was led by Catholic priests carrying Christian flags.

Prabhakaran, aided and abetted by the Churchmen, belongs to the long line of fascist tyrants in “the most murderous century” who had no qualms in causing “megadeaths” of his own people. And for a Bishop to anoint him as “humane”, knowing his record, was unacceptable. I wasn’t surprised that Bishop Fernando, like the others in his confraternity, had joined the mendacious Christian bandwagon that was never backward in coming forward to give their blessings to political evils of the day. He said he had shared some biscuits and sipped Orange Barley (a local fizzy drink) with “humane” Prabhakaran. Along with his political side-kicks Charlie Abeyesekera and Uyangoda he was making a pathetic attempt to give a shine to the bloody image of Prabhakaran. Uyangoda, – the JVP fascist who set out to capture Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike dead or alive — was pleased as punch at the press conference, imagining that he too had made a great contribution to the nation by sipping Orange Barley with “humane” Prabhakaran in the Vanni. Uyangoda failed to install the Sinhala fascist Wijeweera as the dictator of the nation. His next best bet was to install a Tamil fascist as a substitute for the Sinhala tyrant.

All three posed as holier-than-thou intellectuals preaching divine solutions to the earthly problems. But their moral perversions and blatant lies helped only to boost and perpetuate the subhuman force of the day by distorting the political realities faced by the nation. The Churches stand condemned for refusing to recognise evil staring in their faces. That was not all. They went further to bless Tamil evil as the source of salvation. It was pretty obvious that Churchianity had taken over Christianity. Their hypocrisy makes you understand comprehensively and empathetically why angry Jesus took the whip and lashed the priests who were using the sacred premises of God as a market place for greed and venality. All what I could think of was lines 23: 33 of Mathew : “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Jesus stood for the power and glory of the Supreme Force in Creation. But the Tamil and pro-Tamil preachers stood for the power and glory of a tin pot Pol Pot. Tragically, the Tamil Churches in particular fell into the hands of a bunch of racist extremists dressed in white cassocks. Rev. S. J. Emmanuel has proclaimed that he is a Tamil first and the Christian second. He and his gang were exploiting the Christian pulpits / platforms to concoct a theology for Tamils ONLY. Christianity was reduced to absurdity with some clerics daring to concoct a theology exclusively for the Tamils. Christianity lost its universality and credibility when Tamil Churchmen defined God as a Deity existing exclusively to serve the separatist politics of the Jaffna Tamils. The Churches descended into the depths of moral depravity when they sided with the politics of Prabhakaran.

Theologically, it went to the dogs when the Northern wing of the Church pronounced that God belonged ONLY to the Tamils and not to the Sinhalese Christians. Not satisfied with claiming the exclusive ownership of God another branch of the Church claimed that the Mother of God, Holy Mary, also belong to the Tamils exclusively. When the misguided acolytes of Bishop Rayappu Joseph, the Bishop of Mannar, grabbed the Holy image at Madhu and ran into Prabhakaran’s territory, the Church made a mockery of all the sacred images, rituals and tenets of Christianity.

When Bishop Rayappu gave his silent nod to hijack the image of Holy Mary he was openly declaring his hand for Prabhakaran. His nominal excuse for running away with the Holy image to Prabhakaran’s territory was to protect it from being damaged by the firing of the advancing Security Forces. That’s another unholy lie. Pictures of the Madhu Church taken after the war revealed that it was hardly affected by the war. The hidden agenda of Bishop Rayappu was to show his commitment to Prabhakaran and not to Holy Mary or the Catholic Church. It was his way of showering Christian blessings on the Tamil Pol Pot. But it backfired. As one Tamil journalist (I think it’s D. B. S. Jeyaraj) said the decline of Prabhakaran began with this sacrilegious act of Bishop Rayappu. The advancing Security Forces, moving up along the Western coast, going past Madhu, never stopped until they trapped Prabhakaran in Nandikdal.

Apart from their futile attempts to hijack God and Holy Mary the Catholic Churchmen committed the heinous crimes of handing over school-going girls, placed in their care by the Tamil parents, to the LTTE. Tamil parents who were agonising over their children being abducted by the Tamil Boko Harams handed over some to the Vallayar Madam Church believing that they would be protected under the roof of the Church. In the morning when they went to collect their children they found that the priests had rung the LTTE and asked them to come and collect the girls. Except for Fr. James Pathinathar, who tried to prevent the abduction of the girls by the LTTE, the others were happy to make their contribution to the LTTE. And the Church was silent like the way the Pope was silent when Hitler was slaughtering the Jews.

The Catholic Church in particular has a history of aligning itself with fascist regimes. So it was not surprising to find Catholic Emmanuel and Bishop Rayappu jumping with both feet into the fascist bandwagon of Prabhakaran. The Jaffna Vicar, Rev. Emmanuel and later Bishop Jebanesan struggled to concoct theories to make-believe that was God on the side of Prabhakaran. And the Bishop of Mannar, quite arrogantly, tried to drag Holy Mary physically into Prabhakaran’s camp. Both failed. Despite the strenuous attempts of the Churchmen neither God nor Holy Mary showed any signs of intervening on behalf of Prabhakaran.

Politicising Christianity has only brought disrepute to the Church. Besides, the attempt of the Tamil Churchmen to hijack both God and Holy Mary to serve Prabhakaran reflects the arrogance of Tamil clerics who assume that they have a direct line to God to make things happen their way. It is symptomatic of the vanity and the bogus sense of superiority of the Sri Lankan Tamils. But history has proved that both God and Holy Mary have been on the side of democratic forces that restored freedom liberty and dignity to the Tamils which they never had either under the caste fascism of the Vellahlas or under the political fascism of Prabhakaran.

(To be continued)

Latest comments

  • 4

    H. L. D. Mahindapala

    RE: Praising The Lord & Passing The Ammunition To Prabhakaran

    Thanks. A god write up.

    1. “The mainstream Churches of all denominations aligned themselves with the LTTE in varying degrees of connectivity.”

    Because they all follow Satan, to Various degree just like the Wahhabis and their Clones.

    2. “In particular, the clergy in the Tamil-dominated Churches threw their full weight behind the Velupillai Prabhakaran’s one-man regime. “

    The “Second Coming of Christ”?

    The New War Criminal? The New Ethinic Cleanser?

    3. “Politicising Christianity has only brought disrepute to the Church. Besides, the attempt of the Tamil Churchmen to hijack both God and Holy Mary to serve Prabhakaran reflects the arrogance of Tamil clerics who assume that they have a direct line to God to make things happen their way”

    Reminds me of Wahhabism and their Clones, who follow Satan, the World , including “Normal” Muslims who are battling wow.

    • 1

      H. L. D. Mahindapala

      So we have the case of a Duality.

      Terrorist on one hand, and a deity on the other. They have Velu.

      The Catholic church understands that well.

      They have Satan and Jesus.

      It is like the Quantum Theory. Duality. Sometimes, a particle, sometimes a wave.

    • 1

      “Because they all follow Satan, to Various degree just like the Wahhabis and their Clones.”

      LOL!!!!!! Try stand up comedy! you might make more money than yr normal job.

  • 6

    What is your view of the roles played by people like Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela in the freedom struggle they had in South Africa?
    Why Desmond Tutu sympathised with the plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka ?

  • 5

    We have people like JAYADEVA UYANGODA (http://www.india-seminar.com/2007/576/576_jayadeva_uyangoda.htm )and then we have people like you, dayan jayatileke (Dr Zero).

    The problem is you kind of people and the majority of the THEROS

  • 8

    HDM you are trying to throw stones at somebody to make your presence known but unfortunately they all fall on your head. No harm done though because there is nothing inside isn’t it.
    Cant somebody give him something. It is very unfair to abandon him in this way, after all he used to make some noise however foolish and irrelevant they may be.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 5

    ” he confirmed that Prabhakaran was “humane”. Humane? I am tempted to say that he was not even human.

    Only a zombie like society can produce such a blood thirsty monster and as we know The Tamil society is very much zombie like. Their culture and religion are the catalysts that produced this monster. Very few of them have different ideas or even tell different stories. You hear the same ideas, the same complaints, the same logic and the same horror stories day in day out.

    On the other hand if you take 10 Sinhalese you will get 12 opinions, 14 objections, 15 stories and so on without anyone holding to his own idea for long. It is a rainbow society but not without shades of darkness, however.

    The Sinhalese are a ferocious nation, intolerant and quick to anger, breaking rules with impunity. It is said they have Ravana blood. But they are also very forgiving and generous. Treat them well and they will do anything for you and vice versa.

    How can these two societies, living side by side in one country, be so different? According to my thinking the answer is Buddhism. The number of Tamil Buddhists are only a handful. If Buddhism was wide spread among the Tamils things would have been different.

    Buddhism is an atheistic religion that promotes free thinking without any fear from an Almighty God. In fact a creator God was considered as such a useless and even a destructive idea that Buddha, on many occasions, remained completely silent (Thushnim Bhutha) on being asked questions about it. On being questioned about this attitude by his followers, he said that even to say no to the idea would be a form of acceptance of it.

    Every material and mental manifestation in the universe, however minute or however large are subjected to Jathi, Jara, Marana (Birth, decay and death). There is no permanency or certainty in anything. That is why the Buddhists are more tolerable to different ideas.

    On the other hand, both Hinduism and Christianity are theistic religions and believe in a creator who knows, sees and judges everything. Questioning that would be blasphemy with hell as punishment.

    We are trying to spread Buddhism in Europe and USA. but there has been almost no effort to extend the same favour to our Tamil brethren.

    I have heard some Buddhists priests lamenting that very few of them know Tamil. If we had been serious about this, there would not be
    any need for Tamil speaking Sinhala priests because then, there would have been Tamil speaking Tamil priests.

    Our leaders would not have been able to use religion as a political weapon for suppression and our religious extremists would have been denied of stones to throw at their perceived enemies.

    Even now Buddhism could be the answer to the conflict.

    • 8


      “It is a rainbow society but not without shades of darkness, however.”

      It’s of course a rainbow society of thieves, crooks, rapists, child abusers, drug dealers, terrorists, war criminals, liars, fascists, saffron-clad thugs, pedophiles, wife batterers, political pimps, murderers, brother–sister sexual abusers, father–daughter sexual abusers, ……………. Sinhala/Buddhists, …

      Sinhalese and Buddhists aren’t part of your rainbow society, therefore, please leave them alone.

    • 4

      “Buddhism is an atheistic religion that promotes free thinking without any fear from an Almighty God.”….
      To me, strong concept of “Sansara” and laws of Karma (prolong version of causality extended to rebirth) create real fear among devoted Buddhists, more than Almighty God concepts.. How could fear of Sansara and unknown Karama-fate coming after Buddhist believers make them free thinking people??? I bet, middle aged SBs talking/thinking about Sanasara and Karma much more than average Hindu or Christians talking about effects of almighty Gods on them..
      Answer should be to get masses (90%) to be secular and lightly attached to religions only through their parents if they wish.. Two good examples are Buddhist Japan and Muslim Malaysia, as I know both nations are secular. I believe India is on the same path, constitution is secular and trying to push religions out of schools.. Religions and people becoming more religious are the biggest problem in South East Asia and Middle East…

      • 3

        AVB, the central theme of Buddhism is the delusion of something called self that all of us have. The much worse form of this is the ‘soul’ as preached by theistic religions, that Buddhism totally rejects.

        If the concept of a ‘self is a delusion then there is no need to fear to anything including Samsara. It is this idea I, me, my, mine that causes the anxieties. I am a Buddhist but I don’t go about being terrified by Samasara all the time and neither do other Buddhists. Sometimes, I wonder what will happen when I die. Would I be reborn or would that be like extinguishing a flame. Of late I tend to think that the 2nd possibility is correct.

        For those who fear samsara, karma etc. there is the consolation that you can always come out of even ‘Apaya’ and there is nothing called eternal damnation to hell as in slam and Christianity. Once inside you never come out.

        If you are a follower of such religions, then of course you have to live with the fear of a God who is watching you and recording your every deed and every thought 24/7. Naturally, such people may be thinking the way you do and assume that the Buddhists do the same with the difference that God is substituted by Samsara and Karma.

        I think you have misunderstood the meaning of the word ‘secularism’ which, in my opinion means separation of state from religion. Whether to be lightly attached or strongly attached to a religion is a personal choice that a secular state should respect as long as it does not adversely affect others.

        • 0

          All people of Sri Lanka except the aboriginal Veddas are immigrants from outside. All the major religions practiced in Sri Lanka are also from outside. Irrespective of whether they are Tamils or Sinhalese, historically (as per Mahavamsa) they both are believed to be the immigrants of India. The well-known fact is throughout history from before the arrival of Vijay to almost until the independence in 1948, immigrants from India came to Sri Lanka in many different forms. The two major religions in Sri Lanka (Buddhism and Hinduism) practiced by Sinhalese and Tamils also originated from India. The two major languages, Tamil (Dravidian) and Sinhala (Indo-Aryan) also originated or partly originated from India, and from very early times the culture of Sri Lanka has been one imposed by successive waves of Indian cultural contacts. It is naïve to argue that the Sinhalese are natives because they have a unique language (no Sinhala Nadu in India) whereas the Sri Lankan Tamils are immigrants because their language still exists in India (Tamil Nadu). It is also foolish to believe that the majority race in a country (Sinhalese) is the sole owner of the country and all others (minorities) are aliens.

        • 1

          According to the Mahavamsa, brutishness, bestiality, incest, patricide and profligacy, were the stuff of Sinhalese genesis. On the other hand, the colonials identified the Sinhala race was very lazy, violent, racist, hateful, jealous and mean spirited.

          Has 2500 years of Buddhism in Sri Lanka influenced any major changes in the Sinhala society in terms of attitude, character, behaviour, morality and so on?

          NO, it failed miserably.
          Buddhism is a total failure in Sri Lanka.

          • 0

            Starting with Hinduism, with its millions of Gods outnumbering the devotees, the monotheistic Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) were great improvements. Let us move further and remove that single God delusion too and we have Buddhism, the perfect religion without any creator God.

          • 2

            If your intention is to hurt Buddhists and Sinhalese you fail miserably because it just displays your pathetic, low, mindset with some of your comments. The same to others who keep insulting race and religion with childish comments.(Would you like the label all Tamils are terrorists or all Catholic priests are paedophiles) You think you are doing a great job debating but quite ill educated/misinformed and petty.
            I am sure some idiots will pick at single words or sentences in this comment to argue in their usual primitive way.

    • 3

      Brilliant analysis, Edwin.

      • 2


  • 3

    …and the sub humans, orang utans, kala veddahs, gam veddahs, gal veddahs and native veddahs in that order depending on decreasing size of brain.

  • 4

    Oh Tuan Bagoos Mahindapala must at least respect his dear Tamil wife, Meenachi, and desist from writing crap like this. But been the racist that he is ,despite a well established half Malay bloodline, he continues to show himself as a full blooded Sinhala Buddhist. The miserable man is trying to hoodwink none but himself.

  • 3

    Mahindapala should remeber how Father Dulip Chikera wanted to include wine from Killinochchi in its sacramental practice as an act of reconciliation with Prabhakaran. So Kenneth Fdo and Chikera all think alike – it is a part of othe alienation associated with westernisation!

    Here was Prabakaran blowing up civilians, abducting Tamil children to make child soldiers, making public beheadings of other Tamils (like ISIS is doing to other Arabs), hanging Tamil people who opposed him on lamp posts, sending out assassins on bicycles to gun down dissenting Tamils, chopping up the hands of Tamil people who dared to votes when the LTTE had ordered a no vote etc etc. Duleep Chikera’s public declaration shows how insensitive the church fathers had become to public pain and public opinion. For may Anglicized Christians, the “war” was an “affair” between the “sinhala-buddhists” and the enraged urbanized Tamils, where the “sinhala-buddhists” deserved it well. The “sinhala-buddhists” are more vile the the Tamils leader who may well be a terrorist who illegally hijacked the legitimate Tamil Nationalist movement by assassinations. But in the end, it was the (poor) Tamils who lost most.

    Chikera’s statement was like that of the English writer and Fascist P. G. Wodehouse who attempt to popularize Hitler by asking people to buy German wine and drink wine to Hitler’s health, and make peace with him instead of going against him. When public opinion expressed its revulsion, Duleep Chikera tried to back-track saying that he only wanted to use wine grown by Christians in Killinochchi.

    The Christian church when it first entered Jaffna was medieval and barbaric, and we know how it treated the Hindus. Just as the Spanish conquistadores destroyed the Native American civilizations, the Jesuit-powered Catholics destroyed the Hindus, crushed its temples and erected churches. However, they started off by breaking up the exploitation of Tamils by the upper class Tamils in the name of Caste. But this was not for long. Once the “white” skinned fathers left, the Catholic church and other churches became one of the main bastions and mainstays of the caste system. Only the “-pillai class” people could aspire to reach even the medium levels of the church.
    Among the sinhalese, the Buddhist monks are also divided into three “Nikaayas” loosely on three castes, with each Nikaaya holding its own head. Even here it was the Nayakkara (dravidian) kings of Kandy who introduced this caste discrimination as they did not want to show respect to the lower-caste monks or even see them (as Hindu’s believe that even seeing low caste people is a cause of ‘pollution’). So the Nikaaya of the Temples of Kandy became restricted to the upper castes by the King’s wish, even though the Buddha rejected caste.

    So what has all this to do with Prabhakaran and the Church? The church did not mould Tamil society, but Tamil society moulded the Church, showing how strong Tamil orthodoxy is ingrained in us (I was lucky to have a non-Tamil mother although she was totally dominated by my orthodox Tamil father). The Rayuppu Josephs and other types are Tamil-Nationalist Ealamists first, and servants of the Prince of Peace last.
    Tamil society is quite used to being dictated. Its is a part of Manu Dharma where the men of its hierarchic society dictate to each level below, and take orders from above. All women below and at par are subjugate. Is this not exactly the structure of the Christian Church?

    In contrast, the Hindu Kovils and Buddhist temples are independent organizations. They are basically commercial private businesses that exploit the fear of the next world, or the wrath of gods. When Wigenswaran was chosen to lead the Northern Tamils of the 21st century, he soon showed that he is no more modern than the ultra-orthodox Turbaned Ramanathana-Ponnambalam types who lived like kings and only threw a few pennies at the people glorify, founding a few institutions to their name, but ever-ready to uphold the worst in old Tamil society.

    Wigneswaran turned up in the Nallur temple making a public show exactly like any other cheap politician, rather than observing one’s faith in humility and dignity. He is concerned more about the next world than the pain and suffering of our people living in this world. As Sebastian Rasalingama has said, the church was an invader who had a civilizing force only because it brought English and opened up the closed society of Jaffna and Batti to the rest of the world. More intermingling of people, and not ethnic enclosure, is what is needed in the North. Then the church too will get civilized and brought to its proper level, as has happened in Western countries.

  • 2

    M Pala is trying his best to become a Sinhalese. Wait for the next article by Pala “How VP created the tsunami and killed many people”

  • 1


    “(To be continued)”

    Oh God!

  • 4

    Mahindhapala, you are great.Whether you are Tamil or Sinhalese truth is truth. I admire your courage.

  • 1

    A good and timely reminder to all peace loving people of all religious denominations.Do not involve your clergy or listen to their advise when it concerns politics.But do listen to them (provided they do have a good reputation and command such attention by example set by previous conduct like the Ven Sobhita Thero) when it concerns democratic and human rights freedoms concerning all communities not simply their own members.The religious organisations the world over have proven what misery they are capable of bringing upon unsuspecting and innocent people who who for no fault of theirs have followed these philosophies by virtue of birth or proselytizaion. We recall even Bishop Tutu most unfortunately was involved in issuing biased and unfounded statements obviously through the influence of these so called men of the church who call themselves, most undeservingly in my view, “Christian clergy”. Mahindapala’s article is a timely reminder to people of all communities to leave their clergy where they belong i.e in their temples,kovils,churches and mosques.The teachings of the great masters of Rama,Krishna.BuddhasZoroaster,Mohammed ,Mahavira and Guru Nanak,Sri Sathya Sai and all other teachers who appeared on this planet had no agenda nor instructions to destroy others to gain prominence to oneself or their philosophies.Their message was one i.e to love all and serve all;help ever and hurt never.The Germ of Mahindapalas story is “Avoid clergy and churches who get involved in other peoples conflicts assuming this will help to increase their fold.The same goes for churches who are involved in human rights as a means of using their political clout, to adding numbers to their churches by preying on innocent refugees.Thank you HLD;keep reminding the people”Lest they forget” mistakes of the past and repeat them with the disastrous consequences we witnessed through the heart rending misery of the people of both the North,South, East and West of Sri Lanka over nearly 30+ wretched blood soaked years. Probably the so called clergy did not notice it whilst they were engrossed so profoundly playing church politics?

  • 3

    Can anybody state, as to why there are no Tamil Buddhist in this country. If there were a tamil buddhist segmenent with tamil monks, this problem would not have got aggravated.
    further, MOST of the Buddhist in SL call themselves “Sinhala Buddhist”. to my knowledge Buddhism is cannot be ethnically divided and labled.
    this is the secon reason for the aggravation of the problem.

    • 0

      “Why there are no Tamil Buddhist”, the answer is “paccattam veti tabbo ninnuhithi”. (Dhamma can be understood by the intelligent only).

      • 1


        It did not take much time for the Colonial rulers to identify the Sinhalese as foolish and lazy people. The Portuguese said, ‘Sinhalaya Modaya kavum kanna yodaya’ meaning the foolish Sinhalese are only good for eating kavum and what the British said about the lion flag, ‘Modayage ratae murugayage kodiya’ meaning a beast flag in the country of fools.

        They did not say the same to Tamils or Muslims.

    • 1

      shiran Yatagama

      History says there were Tamil Buddhists not only in Sri Lanka but also in Tamil Nadu (you can google for Tamil Buddhists) but they all went back to Hinduism because Buddhism was a failed religion. Buddha has never mentioned about any God worship but if you go to any Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka, you will also find a Hindu Devale within the Buddhist temple and the Sinhalese worship those Hindu Gods. Even the Sinhalese do not total faith in Buddha even though they call themselves Buddhist.

  • 1

    praise the Lord, offer holy sht to Mahinda (also HLD)

  • 1

    why is this bigot allowed to write.what does he has to say about the sanga”s role in our politics which has braught so much of trouble to our country

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    Christmas CRAP from a Winger, Looser, and a Persistent Liar.

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    Thank you very much Mahindapala for informing us about the gospel truth.It was a very well known fact all over Sri Lanka that the Catholic Church was up to there neck in there dealing with the murderous Ltte gang led by Supremo Prabakaran. when suicide bombs were exploding villagers in borders villages being masacarred
    babies were smashed to death not a word were uttered by so called god loving people.

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    borders villages being masacarred

    RaviP border villages of which countries??

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