2 May, 2024


Presidency & Sangha: Virtuous Or Villainous Duo?

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

“The task of Buddhist monks is to uplift the minds of their followers and not to change governments” ~ Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thera 

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa should be ever indebted to the Sangha, because without its tireless canvassing he would not have achieved what he did on 16th November. Given the volatile ethno-religious cleavages and unpredictably shifting alliances in the country, it was the sheer commitment of the Sangha to establish a political regime solely on the strength of Sinhalese voters that made GR the President. In a sense, GR’s victory was even more remarkable than the victory of SWRD in 1956. 

Throughout history, except during the colonial era, Sangha played a moralising role in the governance of the country. While monarchs took care of the welfare of the people and clergy, members of the Sangha in turn instructed and advised rulers, not specifically on day to day administration or who to be appointed and who to be punished, but on the ways and means of establishing virtuous governmentality and a just society within the bounds of Buddhism. Sri Lanka’s glorious past is silent testimony to this righteous combination. 

This historic and noble congruence between administration of rulers and advice of clergy unfortunately received a setback with the rise of religionised politics after independence, all in the name of democracy.  Buddhism in the hands of politicians was turned into an instrument of power grabbing and thought control, while Buddhist clergy, with obvious exceptions, abandoned their historic task of moralising governance and instead tried becoming king makers and political propagandists. This has tarnished the noble image of the sangha and trapped political leaders into the hidden snares of villainous prelates. SWRD was the first victim of this “New Buddhism”.

President GR has now openly asked SLPP to go for a two-third majority in the coming General Elections. The same clergy that worked for his own victory will no doubt work to achieve that goal also. With opposition parties in total disarray, civil society leaders remaining cautiously quietist, and opinion makers treading a non-committal path, the probability of SLPP winning two-third majority, unless something unexpected happens, appears quite high. What will be the consequence of that eventuality? 

A two-third majority will pave the way for a presidency with absolute power and a prime minister with abject powerlessness. The 19th Amendment will be repealed and the 13th Amendment will remain a dead letter. Regarding the latter, President GR has already said that the majority community vis-a-vis the clergy will not agree for its implementation. Whether the Indian and other international pressure would change the president’s stance is another matter. 

One problem that may arise out of the predicted scenario is the painful coexistence of two brothers of whom the younger will have all the powers under the constitution while the elder will be reduced to a virtual ceremonial head. Will GR-MR relations be as tenuous as MS-RW relations? It need not be because it is all in the same family. Also, if the 19th amendment is removed, there is always the possibility for MR to recapture the presidency after five years if not sooner, which would keep him quiet for the moment. 

Power as well as powerlessness, both corrupt. If absolute power corrupts absolutely, so will absolute powerlessness. In what form would that corruption emerge is difficult to predict. Violent oppression from the powerful and violent resistance from the powerless are equal forms of corruption. That can be very costly. In the meantime, some members of the clergy who worked for GR are already demanding that their agenda needs be implemented, and for certain items in that agenda they are even setting a time line. Will the president remain a prisoner in their hands and say YES to all their demands or will he have the strength to say NO? Only time will tell. It was SWRD’s resistance against a priestly cabal that cost his life. 

Currently, the economy remains President GR’s worst enemy. Populist measures enforced in ad hoc manner can only worsen the situation. True, there is a time lag between announcing, executing and the actual impact felt by the people of any measure. Even then, such measures should be part of a carefully designed basket of proposals in which positives from some must far exceed the negatives from others so that the net effect remains positive. Whether that basket of measures can work within the parameters of an open economy or should the parameters themselves be reset is another issue. 

Recent floods and earth slips have created food shortages, transport difficulties and homelessness. Although natural disasters are unpredictable they could be minimised if development projects such as road construction and land clearance pay heed to environmental sensibilities. It was the neglect of such concerns in the past that is punishing the nation now.    

The economic problems facing the country at the moment are enormous and radical members of the clergy seem to be more interested in seeking revenge on one group and rewarding others. At a time when the nation needs the collective effort of all in developing the country, the clergy should not deepen the existing divisions and damage even the little peace prevailing at the moment. The words of Ven. Galkande Dhammananda cited at the beginning are too precious to be ignored by members of the clergy. Even the best government in a democracy needs an effective opposition.         

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  • 15

    Ameer Ali,
    Thank you for your lessons on Buddhism. Thanks but no thanks.
    You better wash your hands off the blood of the 277 victims of Easter Sunday massacre before preaching virtue to others.

    • 36

      Titu, Who do you think funded the animals of Easter attacks?

      • 8

        Tamil from the North – Elementary, elementary my friend, elementary, it is none other than His Excellunacy President Gotler and his mafia gang.

    • 14


      There was advanced information from india, a minister why there was no action

    • 1

      Mr.Ali without the safron robed rascals even, Gotabaya would have won. The people were disgusted of the rascal Ranil who had no sense of faithfulness re Harin Fdo, Re Oct 2018.They call him a paraballe.

    • 8

      Rodrigo De Triano

      *** Your hands are soalked in more Blood stretching over 71 years of Brutlity . You are the Architects of Race Riots and killing. But Gotha has been Checkmated by Modi. THey have all gone quiet. No more rhetoric about reclaiming Sovereignty which has been lost for ever. But Gotha can prove whether he is a man or a mouse by sending Mahintha to Beiging ( if he darse) to tell Cheenavedi that he wont be bullied by Modi and their ships and subs can dock any time

    • 3

      Being a member of Muslim, AA has no right to criticize Buddhists b’cos Muslim is one of the most dogmatic faith based religion in the whole world while most Buddhists are distancing from the direct influence from their clergies. Take a survey among most independent thinkers including atheist, and I guarantee that majority is from Catholics & Buddhists.

  • 20

    I believe that the Talibanisation of sections of the Buddhist clergy was in response to the radical Islam propagated by Islamic scholars returning from Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, unlike their more discretionary Muslim counterparts, the Sinhala masses behaved a little like the masses in turbulent Muslim-majority countries when confronted with minority issues. The extremist fringe Buddhist clerical leadership had, and continue to have aspirations for major political power parallel to elected politicians. This would seem a dangerous development that could very well result some day in anarchy and lawlessness unless they are put in their proper place, to follow the rules as taught by the Buddha.

    • 13

      Funny! the “Talibanisation” of the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka happened long before, stop blaming other religions for radicalisation of ones own religion.

    • 12

      Pethiyagoda, go back to your history books. it was Henpitgedara Gnanaseeha and Konnar Mudiyanselage P.Rajaratne who started this nonesense. This was a peaceful country in my youth.Even at Ananda we had Tamil boys as our classmates.Zahira had many Sinhala students.Number of prominent Sinhalese came out of schools in Jaffna SWRD anf JRJ kept to the dirty tradition that man henpitagedara.. Do not blame the Tamils or the Muslims.

    • 5

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda,

      “I believe that the Talibanisation of sections of the Buddhist clergy was in response to the radical Islam propagated by Islamic scholars returning from Saudi Arabia.”

      The Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” and the Para- Sinhala “Buddhist” monks were Talibanized for a long , long time., all the way to the so-called Anagarika Dharmapala. Several monks participated in attacking the Tamils during the 1958 riots.

      Of course , the Para-Wahhabi-Salafi Saudi alienation, was a catalyst that helped, to bring this up further to the surface. The first victims were Sufi Muslims, and the women, who had to discard the sari and wear the Abaya ( Goni Billa dress).

      Question: Did any Buddhist, Hindu Christian, Muslim or other got to Nibbana, Nirvana, Heaven or Hell, despite years of preaching? Any confirmed and credible evidence? Not yet!

      The only conclusive evidence is that they All are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethhio with 46 chromosomes, while the closest Primates have 48.

      Do the Primates end up in Nibbana, Nirvana, Heaven or Hell?

    • 2

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda,

      “Unfortunately, unlike their more discretionary Muslim counterparts, the Sinhala masses behaved a little like the masses in turbulent Muslim-majority countries when confronted with minority issues. “

      Really? There is some truth, but not the whole truth. Remember, the primary targets of the Satan following Wahhabi Salafis are The Sufis, the Shia and Ahmedia Muslims. Christians were added by their clones ISIS.

      This is poor general knowledge.

      Regarding Para-Sinhala Para- Buddhism, that raised its ugly head when Para-Ansgarika Dharmapala raised its head a century ago ( he died in his Ancestral Para-Homeland, Bharat, India), Sinhala Buddhism was closer to Buddhism. Now it is closer to MaRa-ism.

      Please read Buddhism Betrayed by Dr. StanleyThambiah, Chicago University Press,1992, with a forward by Lal Jayawardana.

  • 6

    Go and read Buddhist history in this country . Sri Lanka being home to the oldest Buddhist civilisation had a tradition where Buddhist monks advise leaders of this country . [edited out]

    • 12

      “Buddhist civilisation had a tradition where Buddhist monks advise leaders of this country
      For what they have been advising? to kill, father, brother, mother, wife, husband and ascend to throne? What else Mahavamsa is saying had happened?

      Do Amir Ali have a copy of Arabic Mahavamsa? Where did he found his information that you are copy cating, not knowing Pali to read real Mahavamsa, instead of Anagarigam’s Sinhala Mahawansa

    • 24

      Sachoooooo, Buddhist monks are to preach the teachings of Buddha. When did the monks become politicians? A bald uneducated bugger who grew up in a monastery is giving political advise? No wonder this country is a joke. Also the so called Buddhists in this country don’t know a damn thing about Buddhism. Why did Buddha become a Buddha from being a Prince? All you racists want to have everything what Buddha was when he was a Prince, not what he became eventually as Budha!!!

    • 8

      The Oldest Buddhist Civilisation is no more!
      What is left is a conglomeration of Misunderstood Dhamma and Popular Sinhala Cultural Activities!

    • 1

      Sach: Advice is not the term,it was perversion of the system. They wanted villagers to, leave their wives and daughter at the adobe of the safron robed and pay the safron robed to get them released. ( Ref Cultural Traingle) These guys fawn on themselves.

      • 3

        If anyone here wants to advise monks on how to advise, you can try. Go and talk to them. The traditions will exist . [edited out]

      • 1

        It seems the losers are shell shocked of the people’s mandate. Learn.to.stand by the country and then you don’t have to worry about the influence of the venerable priests. The majority of the Sri Lankans who love the nation are unanimous and those who chose to be alienated could do so, or even spew venom, hatred or simply roll on the ground and bang their heads on walls, but life will go on nevertheless. The frustration and pain of mind of losing the clout could be a bitter pill to swallow isn’t it?

    • 2

      Such is the oldest Buddhist civilisation as you would like to call it, has monks the majority of whom look and behave like worst criminal thugs the civilised world has ever known!

    • 5


      The tradition was the imbecile populace to prostrate to the saffron clad Para Monks from India, and Paras converted to monks,

      The first 6 kings did not prostrate to the monks. That was the tradition,

    • 3


      ” had a tradition where Buddhist monks advise leaders of this country . “

      Before the Buddhist monks appeared, the first 6 Kings did fine, without monks and Buddhism.

      There was no need for the populace to prostrate to monks, and the leaders to pay homage to these monks, like the Kings were paying homage popes in Old Europe.

      So, the data shows that Sri Lanka could have done fine, even better without the Buddhist Monks, who were recruited as child monks at age 7, abused by the senior monks. Why did Singapore succeed and Sri Lanka fail? Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “Monks?

  • 3

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  • 1

    Currently, the economy remains President GR’s worst enemy.

    “Chettikku Velanmai Chenmaththu Pakai” (Cultivation is lifelong enemy of Chetty).
    When King was leaving PM Modi’s office, he gave interviews to Indian Media that he didn’t need loans but India, China and Japan should come forward and invest in Lankawe. Interestingly, then he had negotiated $450M loan from India in order to abandon the MCC donation $480M MCC and avoiding signing ACFA & SOSA. He was making India to feel that if he signs SOSA or ACFA, he would let down India and go with US. He was preaching that Indian Ocean is Asian Countries’ property, so Japan, China and India need to protect it by blocking US from Lankawe and saving it. King (Basically all politico of Lankawe) wants to put together a brand new USSR to crush US coming from Indian Ocean. It was the theme in the speech of Ranil, which he delivered at Oxford, after 2018 Coup. That is negotiated and agreed between UNP and Slap Party, during the long interactions took place between Ranil, Old King and King, just before election. So he is calling the Asian giants to invest in Lankawe, based only on group forming but not minding any economic considerations or reliability of Lankawe. The Current form of capital investments in foreign countries stared mainly through European Colonial History, rather than from competition. But when West faced competition, latest Globalization started. Japan joined it when its steel and Electronic industries were facing bankruptcy. This is how the advanced nations tried to keep their inventions and capital intact, while drawing a reasonable income out of it. That is why the major economic schools of theorist are for globalization. India so far no deep experience in FDI out flow. China mainly produces all in its land or takes its labor to work site. Many Chinese loan contracts in Lankawe were performed with Chinese labor and material. Kings talk is not about attracting FDI, but wedging between US and Asia.

    • 2

      Mally.. Brilliant.

      I hope Modi won’t ask even 12000Acres.
      Because our inhabitants , specially those 7 million who would be crammed in to Seven Provinces if Modi pushes Nandasean to do the 13A with the Land Banks going to the TNA and the Wahabi Parties in return for this 450 Mil….

      BTW, Did you read Dr Ranil’s speech yesterday to the UNP Youth League.

      Dr Ranil is aiming for not just 104 but minimum 113 Seats in the next Parliament.
      So your mates as well all the Wahabi parties will be on a good wicket to score now with Modi having both Nandasena and Dr Ranil in his bag…

      • 4

        KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

        “I hope Modi won’t ask even 12000Acres.”

        You are being silly now.
        The Hindians believe the entire island is part of their Akhand Bharat, hence it is their Sinhala state of Hindia.

        Modi’s latest project is to convert the entire South India into Hindi/Hindutva Fascism, which will be extended to this island as well. In that process he will build a Hindu Pakistan in Hindia.

  • 4

    We all know major part of the Lankawe’s loans are with China and sovereign bonds debts are in capital markets like New York, London, Tokyo et al. Japan is trying to work with America to protects its sea routes in South China and Indian Ocean, from China. Though there was a question mark that Mr. Modi brought President Xi Jinping to Tamil Nadu while Lankawe election was going on, yet the general perception is India doesn’t like China footing in Indian Ocean. This is the main enmity and friendship within the Asian Giants. It is in that condition Lankawe trying to create a split in global scale, on geographical dimensions as “Asian Countries Vs West”. Lankawe hopes even Western Russia too will join the Asia’s team. Ranil, in his speech, did not separate Middle East Islamic countries. But at this time, King had not asked Middle East to come into the clique by investing in Lankawe, though they all, we understand, have offered for that. So far Middle East Investment in Pakistan, India, Lankawe and Bangladesh all are only building Islamic universities. That could be the reason King didn’t give membership for Middle East in Asian team’s roster. It is in that environment King is engineering his new scale to take care of America. Though one may want to challenge or reject the effectiveness of that plan, but one cannot underestimate the power of Aappa Diplomacy. Lankawe was able to put together 32 countries like India-Pakistan, America – Russia, Israel-Iran, China-Japan, EU-UK to extract benefits and destroy LTTE. It can put together entire atomic countries against any country, which doesn’t matter whether it is India or America or China or Russia…. , and reduce them & Lankawe to ashes. Further Lankawe wouldn’t mind to wait Modi to leave and Sonia to come back so it can use the destructive Malayalees like Nambiar, Narayan, Shiv Shankar Menon and Nirupama Rao to block the entire world to protect Lankawe.

  • 4

    Everyone knows the 19A is a very controversial subject. When Ranil was bringing 19A, he aimed mainly two targets. 1). Protecting him being dismissed by a SLFP president during his time as PM. 2) Legally blocking the Royals, whom will not be able to compete in EP election so he can win the election. New King didn’t have a party in 2015(Independent). Further his promise was only one time EP. So Ranil did not expect his challenge in the election. Old King, as he had prematurely participated in the 2018 coup, illegally, and had burned his hand, he didn’t get the courage and stand in the election illegally. But King did it. The outstanding first question in 19A is what to do with the dual citizenship so that America will not be able to blackmail the King when it wants the SOFA and ACFA are signed and second is whether King has to vacate after two terms so the Son Prince too can compete and win next time (if there will be an election). For both question the 19A has to go out, in King’s need. But for Old King, on the second one, 19A has to remain. If 19A goes 18A will come into operation automatically. That means, Chandrika, Old King and New King can oppose King in the next election. If that happen, then there the chance of UNP coming back will be ensured. This time they successfully stopped New King either supporting UNP, which brought him to power opposing Royals or stand as SLFP candidate. When one touches on 19A, it will need a complex overhaul to protect, first the King and then Royals. So, Royals may not be willing to do that immediately, irrelevant of their assured 2/3 in the parliamentary election.
    For the time being, there is no need for King to be concerned of America; so the 19A may remain. Like in the 13A, only the desirable parts will be implemented by King for his advantages, ignoring others.

    • 2


      Where did you learn all this. I can’t believe the amount of good ,valuable and logical info which you have crammed in here.

      This Mid East FDI must be a worry for Modi for sure..

      Looking at the damage done even before the Batticolao Sharia University owned by Hesbolla and Son was started , Modi and Trumpy won’t be encouraging Nandasena to go for FDI from the Middle East which are only to build Mosques , Madrasas and Universities..

      I am surprised that your clan Bosses haven’t raised any objections to have a Sharia University in the East, which they are fighting like hell to annex to your Northern Federal Tamil State of Srilnaka.as indicated in the Tory Election Manifesto..

  • 12

    What an attacking hard-hitting truthful article.
    The so-called mainly homosexual prone yellow scantily attired so Buddhist monks are a man-made curse to my ex country and they are behaving in the same manner in Myanmar [ Burma ].
    The current shark fin soup eating American citizen of a president is the same-sex performing of these illiterate never behaving in dignity a disgrace to the human race so-called the great Buddha’s diplomatic envoys behave in a daily manner as street ruffians. Even the hapless poor street urchins conduct themselves with more dignity.
    The lord Buddha walked around with his begging bowl
    barefooted seeking arms whilst these jokers commute in luxury European motor vehicles and live a luxurious life surrounded by the latest top of the latest branded appliances and their harem of ever-obliging always ready to please sexual apprentice novice teen members of the corrupt team monks. Their so-called harem.
    A few days a leading Buddhist monk, a sensible decent educated to the core. Realizing the error of their way publicly cried and stated that no monk should be allowed to enter into the field of politics and should practice the ways of the good lord Buddha whose dignified conduct was an asset to the world.
    The SLPP ruffians should conduct themselves on their own steam and magnanimously allow the monks to practice the precepts of the Dhamma as requested by their mighty leader.
    Cheers, R. J.

  • 7

    They did uplift the minds of their followers and the followers changed the government. Is it so difficult for you to understand?

  • 3

    This dude seems to be a very kind , caring man to warn our inhabitants , about all the dangers 0ur Inhabitants are going to face after 7 Million of them mostly Sinhala People and their Religious Leaders gave Nandsena the president Gig.
    And the likelihood of the same 7 Million giving Prez Nandasena a Two Third Majority as well in a couple of months.

    How wrong are those 7 Million inhabitants to make such a bad decision to their own detriment …

    No wonder the ex PM Ranil Aiyyaa made a magnificent speech to his youth leaders yesterday to , motivate them to go for not just 104 but 113 minimum at the next Election.

    And Ranil Aiyya is going on his own to back them to achieve their Goal by personally taking charge of the UNP at the next Election.

    While assigning the UNP Deputy, Keselwatta Kid to sit in his chair in the Old Parliament and keep the UNP flag flying in the Chambers in Kotte.

    How Cool is it?.

    These Amir Ali Clans must have given their 100 % commitment, together with the Sampathar, Abraham , Sivajilingam Block for Ranil Aiiyaa to be so cock sure of his TEAM getting minimum 104 seats.

    When I did my maths UNP Candidate the Kid got only less than 3 Million Votes i if you deduct the Wahabi and the TNA votes.

    Can less than 3 Million give Ranil Aiiya 104?.

    Are all SLMC, Bathudeen ,Assath Sally , Hesbolla, TNA going to contest under the Green Elephant this time ?.
    These are the issues our Sanga , Catholic Clergy and the 7 Million got to worry about , not the Rajpakasas..

  • 5

    Amir Ali is trying his best to ‘Whitewash’ Muslims who are responsible for breeding terrorists by putting the blame on Sinhala Buddhists and Monks.

    Native Sinhalayo are paying a hefty price for the blunder committed by King Senerath and our ancestors who rescued ‘Kallathoni’ Muslims from Portuguese slaughterers, allowed them to marry Sinhala women and convert them to Islam.

    • 3

      Eagle Eye:

      “We may all have come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

    • 3

      Eagle Eye
      Thinking style ,

      America you can come from deprived circumstances and do great things.
      America is strengthened by the contributions made by immigrants

  • 3

    Gota (SLPP) received 80% of Sinhalese votes.

    Sajith (UNP) received 80% of Tamil and Muslim votes.

    The reason of above result because behaviour the UNP govt . The way they handled issues in North and Easter bomb blast. UNP did take any action against wrong doings by some Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamil politicians.
    That is why more than 80% Sinhalese voted for GOTA. It does not matter whether Monks supported Gota or not.

    • 5

      Charles you are a Maths Genius man. Gotha polled 52 %. Even Eientein would have struggled to translate 52% into 80% of the Sinkalams.

    • 6


      Have you worked out how you converted 52% to 80% Sinkalams. By your own admission Gotha the CRIMINAL got 20% of the minority vote

      So Gotha got 52 % of the National Vote .

      He 52/100 x 20 = 10.4 of the Minority Vote

      So you idiot Gotha got only 52 – 10.4 = 41.6 % of the Hard Core Racist ( Sinkalam) vote which is something to cherish and hope for the future

      Go back and learn some Mathematics

    • 1


      Know your math. Do not follow Wimal Buriwansa math, 2/2 =0.

      74.9 percent Sinhala. Votes -74.9×0.8 (fraction) = 59.92 percent

      74.9 percent Sinhala. Votes -74.9×0.66 (fraction) = 49.43 percent

      Minority Votes 25.1×0.11 ( fraction) =2.5 percent

      Total , Gotabaya = 52.19 percent

      So, Gotabaya got 66 percent Sinhala Votes and 11 percent minority votes, approximately, courtesy of the the two traitors Sirisensa and Ranil, who did not do what they were elected to do.

      • 1

        Dear Bro Amarasiri,

        we are a so called abusive folk. ‘ Just few people cant do lot good to the country. We surely fall behind Ethiopians in the days to come. Those Rajaakshes criminals will end up as was the case in Gadafi s land few years ago. Then only we can see a better start, as evolution drove away some animals through natural selection.

        Majority of our people are highly abusive. This is common my big family down there in SL and yours as well. They ve been struggling not being able to differentiate the good from the bad. Wrongs from the rights. Dignified life from the rascal life styles. We can only be away and concentrate ourlives now. ‘
        They just wanted ONLY cirminals be their leaders

        So there is a saying in vernacular… yakagehaetiyata wimanaya goda naegiya yuthuyi… palace should be built going by the nature of devils.

  • 2

    Buddhist clergy should preach Dhamma and not politics. Buddha requested monks to traverse the villages and take his message each monk going in different direction. Our clergy has forgotten Nahiverena verani etc and goes on welcoming Hitler like rulers and asking our women to produce more children against Buddha’s teachings of Ahimsa and our goal not to be born again.As Buddhists our endeavour should be to extinguish life and not to propagate. Therefore any Sinhala Buddhist saying that we must produce more children to protect the Sinhala race is not a true Buddhist.

    • 4

      Without doubt Buddhist clergy are preaching Dhamma, it is up to the people to put that teaching into right perspective and to understand its essence. As for traversing the villages, Ven. Ellae Gunawansa already emphasized on this point saying, we will go village to village & house to house to drive the core message, what more can the Clergy do, 6.9m people knew who they’re voting for and we have a new Leader who will prove his worth. There is no harm in asking people to produce more kids Lord Buddha never said do not produce, as reproductive health is one of WHO’s priority as well. Demographics need change as well, otherwise who do the Cleric preach.

      • 0


        Akusal, forget the Clerics. Buddha wanted us to give up everything and endeavor to attain Nibbana not to be born again. If we follow Dhamma Ven Gunawansa preaches we will go to hell. But if we follow Buddha we will not be born again and there won’t be any more Sinhala Buddhists on earth.

  • 4

    Colombo Port City is now having a fresh start and it is already placed under “China’s Belt & Road Initiative”, no more apprehension as China will keep all threats at bay. Modi should pay more attention to loads of his domestic issues, most of which are of his own making. As I write China is quietly annexing Indian territory from the Tibetan side, India is very much aware of what is going on but turns a blind eye because India knows the consequences of confronting China. Why Modi hosted Chinese President Xi in Mahabalipuram recently, it is to be in the good books of China. So we in Lanka have no worries.

  • 2

    Professor Ali has narrated effectively What would be the future for Sri lankans , if they do not pull together as a nation and we should appreciate his point of view.

  • 3

    GR should mark time until the general elections and then throw out all the religious nutters once and for all. He should bring in legislation to ban all clergy from politics. Next ban all names of political parties with racial or religious identity. Parties that have ethno religious names should be asked to rename their parties like the UNP which has no racial or religious identity. That way any citizen from any racial or political background would be able to join any party without being racially vilified. Our present system is toxic and bad for democracy.

    • 3

      Well said Roh!
      Party Politics has become the Hotbed for Racial and Religious Disharmony!

    • 0

      Bu the so called national parties like the UNP , SLFP and SLPP are only national in name but espouse and support Chingkalla Poutha racism and Fascism. They are the root cause all the present problems. They should all be banned too together with the Poutha Pikkus. Real national parties should espouse , promote racial , ethnic and religious equality in a multi ethnic, multi religious nations ( this not racial as the so called Chingkallams , Thamizh and Thullukans( Thamizh Muslims) are all Dravidian Thamizh by race) not promote Chingkalla Poutha racism and superiority. If they do they are not national but Chingkalla Poutha racist parties , that are masquerading as national and should be banned too

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