9 February, 2025


President Sirisena Addresses UN General Assembly – Full Speech

Address by Maithripala Sirisena, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

General Debate of the Seventy-Second Session
of the United Nations General Assembly

19 September 2017
United Nations, New York

A very good evening to all of you!

His Excellency the President of the General Assembly
His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me great pleasure to be able to commence my address to the 72nd Session of the General Assembly while congratulating the newly appointed President and Secretary-General of the Organisation. In fact, it gives me great pleasure to address this august Assembly for the third time as the Head of State of Sri Lanka.

The theme of this 72nd Session of the General Assembly is ‘Focusing on people: striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet’.

Today, when we take into consideration the prevailing conditions in the world, this theme is extremely timely.

I was elected President in January 2015. Before being elected, there were a number of promises and pledges that I gave to the beloved people of my country. What I particularly mentioned at the time was that, since the Executive Presidency in Sri Lanka had been vested with more power than that which has been vested in any leader in any other democratic system in the world, once I am elected, I would remove those excessive powers from the Presidency and entrust those powers to the Parliament.

Once I was elected to the Presidency, I have taken steps, while holding office and while enjoying the right to exercise those powers, to in fact shed those powers and transfer those powers to the Parliament. I have thus set an example both to national politics in my country and to international politics, as a leader who has shed power while holding office.

As countries that promote, protect and nurture democracy, it is very important that leaders who are elected to office in democracies take steps to strengthen and protect democracy, exercise power with great responsibility, and use one’s authority to build a righteous society.

However, when one observes recent history in the past few decades, one witnesses situations where the reluctance of leaders to leave office has led to the breakdown of peace within those countries, even resulting in the breakdown of peace and the creation of division, disunity and discord between countries in the international arena as well. We have the benefit of several such examples from history.

I must inform this Assembly, that, in my country, we have succeeded in consolidating democracy, and removing from office political groups that wielded extreme, excessive power and autocratic governance. During the last two-and-a-half years, we have succeeded in our journey of re-establishing and restoring the freedom of the people, protecting human rights and nurturing fundamental rights.
In the development journey of our nation, this year, 2017, was named as the ‘Year for Alleviation of Poverty’. Just like my country, the entire global community is today engaged in efforts to eradicate poverty. Having named 2017 as the year for freedom from poverty, we initiated and launched development projects in Sri Lanka this year to strengthen the domestic economy. As all of you in the international community are well aware, the conflict that prevailed in Sri Lanka for 30 years affected our economy adversely and resulted in the weakening of our economy. We succeeded in defeating the separatist terrorist movement within our country and in initiating peace, establishing democracy and taking our country forward as a peaceful and free nation. For this purpose, drawing from lessons learned from the conflict and economic disadvantages of conflict, we turned a new page, towards a forward looking journey to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and strengthening the domestic economy including local agriculture and industries.

In working towards realizing the Sustainable Development Goals, my government has accorded priority to conservation of the environment. I must make special mention of the fact that today, just as my own country, the entire world, including the United States of America, is facing difficulties and challenges as a result of climate change. In this context, it is essential that the international Agreement that we reached in Paris, and the unity that we achieved internationally by signing and ratifying the Agreement is carried forward through its implementation. This is an important goal that is before the world community today, that I must emphasise. It is vital that we bear in mind the importance of implementation of the Paris Agreement in the interest of humankind as well as the eco-systems and all living beings on this planet.

Under the national programme for alleviation of poverty, my government commenced a special programme named “Grama Shakthi” (“Strengthening the Villages”).

Similarly, we have launched a clear economic policy and plan up to the year 2025 named ‘Vision 2025’. Aimed at strengthening the local economy, local agriculture, and alleviation of poverty, it is our fervent hope that the economic development programme ‘Vision 2025’ will enrich our country, infusing it with new energy and prosperity.

Mr. President,
I must make special mention of the fact that both in my country and in countries all over the world, children are today faced with several problems and challenges. In my country, in order to protect children, we have initiated a broad national programme under the theme of “Protecting Children”. Protecting children from drugs and various forms of abuse is important, and must receive our special attention at national and international level. It is critical that such programmes are drawn up with clear targets for implementation at both national and international level.

The world is seized of the need for protection and promotion of Women’s Rights. Achieving gender parity is still a challenge in most countries and in most societies. Discrimination against women still remains a problem in most societies, that must be addressed. In my country, over 52% of the population are women. Women’s Rights are guaranteed through amendments to our Constitution. Similarly, my Government has included in the new Constitutional amendments, provision to ensure that 25% of the list of candidates at elections should comprise of women.

Protection of children, protection of women’s rights, and steps to combat drug abuse are programmes that we have started at national level. Similarly, it is important that the United Nations too pays attention to the need for an international, world-wide programme to eradicate illegal drugs and deal with the challenges of drug abuse. This is important in the interest of the entirety of humankind. Accordingly, all countries and all societies, from school children onwards should be made conscious of the need to combat and eradicate the scourge of drug abuse that poses a significant challenge to all of humanity. It is necessary to explore the possibility of reaching an international Plan of Action through consensus, towards this end.

When I was elected to office in 2015 after the end of a nearly three-decade long conflict, there were two main problems or challenges that we had to face. One of the main problems was the severe debt burden. The other problem was the issue that the previous government had faced in dealing with the implementation of Human Rights Council resolutions pertaining to allegations of violations of human rights during the conflict.

Through the programme that we have launched to strengthen the domestic economy, we have taken steps to establish target oriented measures for reducing the debt burden, including through attracting foreign investment. Similarly, my Government is committed to taking steps, as a priority, to find solutions to the matters of concern that have received the attention of the Human Rights Council. While we have taken steps towards consolidating democracy and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms during the last two-and-a-half years and successfully established a democratic society, we will continue to work in the future towards the further strengthening of these important attributes.

I must especially emphasise that my Government is firmly committed to strengthen national reconciliation, and ensure that all the people living in my country, speaking different languages, and of different religions are able to live in unity, without fear, suspicion, hatred and anger. We are determined to build a society where everyone is able to live with freedom and dignity as equal citizens. My Government is committed to achieve these ends in a holistic manner through the strengthening of the domestic economy and the creation of prosperity and taking steps to create a disciplined and righteous society. Consolidating the Rule of Law and righteousness are priorities to which my Government remains firmly committed.

Mr. President,
I must emphasise that, at this important time in my country’s journey, when we are taking progressive measures to strengthen democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and we are moving forward forging friendships and closer engagement with the international community, we look forward to receive greater support from the United Nations Organisation for my Government to be able to succeed in our nation-building endeavour.

Sri Lanka has been a member of the United Nations for almost 62 years. I must stress that Sri Lanka, as a member of the UN, is firmly committed to abiding by its Charter, and the Conventions and Rules and Regulations and decisions of the United Nations at all times.

Accordingly, we seek the respectful support of all, as we take steps in a progressive manner, to address allegations and implement resolutions, while protecting the independence and sovereignty of my country. Some expect quick action and short-sighted, short-term solutions. As a country which has suffered an almost 30-year-long conflict, I urge the respectful support of all, in ensuring the success of the journey we have embarked upon to unite the people who were torn by division in my country, to build feelings of unity and compassion, to dispel fear, suspicion, anger and hatred and take forward the beloved people of my country and strengthen and rebuild my beloved motherland as a strong and prosperous democracy. Our path forward must be stable and progressive and not one of haste that may be destabilizing, considering the complex and sensitive nature of issues that we face.

I once again urge the United Nations and the international community to support and assist the journey that we have undertaken to ensure non-recurrence of conflict in my country, to forge unity and friendship among all communities in my country, to take my country forward as a nation that is reconciled and all citizens of all communities, speaking different languages, of different religions, are united and bound by feelings of humanity. I seek your support for the development efforts we have undertaken that are essential for the reconciliation efforts to succeed and ensure non-recurrence of conflict and our vision of a nation that is righteous, prosperous and democratic, to succeed, as an example to other countries that are also recovering from conflict.

Mr. President,
Mr. Secretary General,
I conclude my remarks, wishing you the very best and assuring you of Sri Lanka’s cooperation.

Thank you.
May the Triple Gem Bless You.

Latest comments

  • 16

    Yes it’s true.
    He alleviated poverty of all Government politicians and his family.

    • 7


      Could you remind Maithripala Sirisena that the war was brought to an end by Hindians and VP on 19th May 2009, some 8 years ago. –

      Why is he still dwelling on it now?

      He should be reminded of his election pledges including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he sort of promised.

    • 5

      Unlike former Meeharaka – incumbent president focused on the all valuable point in his speech. I am proud 62 lacks of thugs dominated lanka voted for him to be the president of the country.
      Also proud him to have chosen SINHALA the majoratarian langauage of the country, so that he could express what he finds is right. Even Dr. Angela Merkel of Germany would do the same- when addressing the folks outside.

      I think he articulated it as no others, that we need more time, when considering the complex of the society after 30 years of brutalities within the nation.
      මා හිතන විදියට ජනපති හැම වැදගත් පැත්තක්ම සිතල මේ සභාව ආමන්ත්රනය කිරීම ගැන අපි බලවත් ලෙස, ආඩම්බර වෙන්නට පුලුවන්.
      தற்போதைய ஜனாதிபதியாக இருப்பதாக நான் நம்புகிறேன், தற்போதைய பேச்சுவார்த்தையை நடத்தையில் அவர் எல்லா அம்சங்களையும் உரையாற்றினார். இந்த உரையில் நாங்கள் பெருமிதம் கொள்கிறோம்.

      • 3

        You may be right.
        We dont want to imitate others, if we can explain things as we find is right by using the own language. What matters is the message. I too, think he has sent a great message to all folks as to why the reforms would take longer than ever guessed at before.
        We the ones being out of abusive politics in developing world, can just add our thoughts, but longer people stay harboured to their abusive cultures, ntohing will be easy to change in those countries.
        It just take longer than we just guess at. Had the people been that knolwedgable being able to pulse the need of the hour, they should have given more mandate to JVP or the like parties in the last election.
        Sadly, that was not what we got to see.
        We just thought considering changes woudl have been much easier once the thugs have been driven away. But people seem tob e proxy thugs than the rulers.
        And in the same time, what is being done and achieved is not sent to the people by the media. Latter is the key problem in this country.
        Debts and the mountains of debts left by Rajapakshes have been not knowin to the general public.
        Rulers dont go to argue on that either.
        I think BOND ISSUE would end up not charging them, since the business had been in the same pace also in the high days of Jarapakshe. It was just that did not came to know.
        Just hte name of Bond issue, to forget and forgive brutal men, should be defeated in the days to come.
        Else, this nation would REMAIN as so stupid to the world.

      • 2

        I agree whole-heartedly with all that you say on the score of Maithri acquitting himself with dignity. I’ve listened to the speech twice.


        Thanks for the message you are sending through your Tri-lingual comment. Yes, he may have covered all the topics he had to, and he can most certainly speak with authority on the needs of the Economy of the country. During the last six months or so, he has acted more firmly on that score than we could have expected.


        But how long is this “semin gamana” of his going to take? We don’t seem to be moving at all in certain vitally important areas.

        • 0

          Sinhala Man@
          thanks for coming back to my comment. I really appreciate.
          At the time, the current rulers took over the power, there had been so many grave issues, whose nature would no thave been made clear by the media yet today.
          May well be, Mr Sirisena led party would not want to open them consdiering the conflicts held within that party.
          They dont want party to be apart. Even exposing truths by Sirisena led groups have been blocked by them, considering the mentioned facts.
          Secondly, media could also play a realistic role in clearing the issues, but latter has been blocked by the pvt media yet today.
          So slow moves of the current govt in terms of economy can only be understandble if you would please study the issues closely. I know it perfect, how SRILANKEN airlines is damaged by the former men just not having proper fund management skills.
          All in all, SRILANKEN issue is just one of the hundreds of high profile cases.
          Besides, the current govt came to power not to improve the economy but to save the country form a tyranny. TOday, they have been successful having gotten the support from international community. Had the former leader been reelected, sure, we would have been blacklisted today and even trade sanctions should have been imposed against us: Latter is not being discussed in lanken media since media men are biased. They dont want people to see the facts. Supertiousness have been fed in them for their political survival. Basta.

        • 1

          Mr Sinhala Man@Slow move would be more favourable since majority of our people are deaf and blind in terms of facts but facts.
          They have no idea about the need of everyone s support if at all reconciliation to become a reality in this war torn country. War is no longer there, but people have been divided even within each communities on the GRAVE issues.
          Federalism is a term for them, if it isOnly to separate garbage. In other areas, they just mix it up with partionism.
          It is like the terms of psychitrie and psychology.
          Even on the west, some become so sick just hearing the word Psychology. The social stagmatization has made people that backword or free from facts over the years.
          No matter any relatively clean politicians would bring their explanations, people seem not changing their harboured thoughts on what they believe is right.
          They also connect it to the religion – where by not many are followers of buddhas teachings but their own stuff calling themselves as buddha.
          Budhaa never promoted idiots asking them to beg for getting criminals free from their dens. But latter has been practised by some donkely politicians in the country even today. Can you imagine, This is no where else, but srilanka.

    • 4

      If his family would have financed the tickets and the accomadation, I really dont think this can be an issue.

      CT please you have been against Current President whenever you publish the kind of public statements.
      I would rethink before doing so.
      In the high days of RAJAPAKSHE POLBURUWAS, flights loads of 200 people covering kith and kin of parliament were given chances by cold bloodedly abusing the state funds; There you too, had no bravery to publish that.
      I truly believe, Mr Sirisena is sensible human being, alone this speech proved that.
      I simply dont want you too, to belong to DERANA, HIRU or SIRASA by the common culture of lanken media nature.
      (that is just for their survival, they attack every bits of the current govt while not briging enough coverage about the real criminals that looted and rooted the nation s funds as no others in the region).

  • 13

    He the president only talks about thirty years of war !! How about the atrocities done by the state,it’s leaders, supporters,forces and thugs !! That lead to the civil war !! No justice !! No apology !! No compensation !!

  • 4

    I will listen to UN Speech. But that can wait.

    Mr. President, you talk about reconciliation among Tamils and Sinhalese. But look at your Ministers. They verbally abuse Buddhist priests in public. Venerable Elle Gunawansa Thero was under verbal attack by your Ministers. Sarath Fonseka and Ranjan owe an apology to Venerable Thero. Your’s and PM’s silence on the matter encouraged them to go further in Kiribathgoda.

    Mr. President, some hooligans have harassed and bullied Buddhist Priests in Kiribathgoda who were engaged in alms begging (never mind the purpose). Adult men openly abused a number of Samanera priests – minors – by verbal aggression. They were humiliated in public.

    Buddhist priests have a right to refuse meat or any other food items, although alms begging means accepting whatever laymen gives. Nobody has a right to force rotten meat or any food on Buddhist priests. Coercion is unacceptable.

    This is serious. Bullying/harassment/mobbing Buddhists priests who were on alms begging should be vehemently condemned.

    All the hooligans who harassed Buddhist Priests SHOULD BE ARRESTED FORTHWITH and severely punished in accordance with the law.

    IGP can’t keep a blind eye on the matter. Where is the PM and the Minister/Law&Order? Why didn’t Police arrest those hooligans on the spot? Enforce the law!!! Samanera Priests who were minors, even under 10 were subjected to severe verbal aggression, coercion, and intimidation.

    What peace and freedom are we talking about when there is no freedom for exercising religion, no freedom for thoughts, no freedom for beliefs, no freedom for peaceful assembly, no freedom for opinion????

    Nobody has a right to block/harass/coerce/oppress/intimidate Buddhist Priests who were engaged in alms begging.

    Harassing and intimidating underage Buddhist Samanera Priests by a group of hooligans is appalling.


    • 1

      Malaka baba, watchout they are coming for you NOW!

    • 5

      Go and ask yourself why they’re treated with hate and anger by the Public now?? Why it’s different from the past??

      People used to jump and give them the front seats on the buses.
      If these yellow robed Mafias can take up Politics, greedy of Lands, Wealth, Unworldly Possessions of Luxury cars , Food, living conditions not equals to any normal citizens , then why the Public shouldn’t DISRESPECT them.

      Lord Buddhas life was Simple , but not of these drama queens in the name of Lord Buddha.
      Hell with them , Baffoons like you needs the brain tested before the real God gives you some peace and wisdom.

      • 0


        Your comment shows your knowledge, so I have no objection. Learn to read and understand first.

        My issue is with the government which boasts day and night of “restoring” freedom of expression, freedom of religion and democracy.

        I am talking about having no freedom in the country for Buddhist Priests to even go on alms begging. They are harassed and verbally abused by organized goons sponsored by government ministers.

        Before they were dragged from temples by government goons to file cases against elephants gifted to them by devotees. I think that has stopped.

        Then the government tried to rob temples.

        Now the Police issues orders demarcating areas where Buddhist Priests are allowed go rounds of alms begging.

        The freedom which Buddhist Priests enjoy for over 2300 years have completely restricted as never before.

        Let’s see how UNP government will win a single election in this country hereafter.

        • 1

          What’s bothering more are the goons or the state of the religion and how they’re treated
          by the government goons as you say.

          Ask a simple question yourself . Why it’s happening ? Is it the government which bites you more than the state of the country.
          State of the country had eroded for decades. Whose fault?? The government? The Religiousness??
          What’s going on.?
          There’s no leadership to RULE OR TO ADVISE RELIGIOUSLY.
          ALL ARE GREEDY.
          SAME with the Rulers of our country.
          Not only the ones in the Government , so too the ones we Elected to constituencies , the Educators ,scientists , lawyers and others in responsible positions as well.
          I am not a Seculist , I speak for Righteousness, dead against wrong doers!!
          That’s my Mantra.
          I do not wish to upset Champa for personal reasons , but think Right ! You’ll be OK and I’ll be OK with you.

    • 5

      Chump the Chump

      The truth of the matter for the down ward trend of our country is right in front of your palm.
      You just don’t see it or just do not want to see it.
      The rogues will continue to preach you Racism and Relgious intolerance.
      Scorning at other religions and languages is a sin.
      Every human being has a right to live their life in this world, that does not give permission to these yellow Ayatollahs to DESTROY THEIR LIVES AND RELIGIONS .

      • 0


        I deny your utterances in both comments.

        As a Buddhist I am immune to hatred of Seculars like you against Buddhist Priests and Buddhism. Your words show what type of a man you are. I pity you.

        • 1

          You have raised a question why there are cases of hate towards the Haamudhruwes in the country and accusing the rulers for instigating the climate!!
          I have just analysed the cause with my simple Analytical book.
          That’s all I have nothing against any Religions , I pray all kinds of gods or gurus in the world , to suit my simple way of life.
          I can call myself that I am a multi religious worshipper.
          I know Religious belief is a Discipline brought on by the ancient men and women for us to live in an orderly manner.
          There’s only one Temple to pray that is your OWN MIND & SOUL AND BODY.

          You call others seculists? Every one fully understands your narrow mindedness , you hide behind a religion , this had been happening in this multicultural land since aSWRD came out with Racism, seculism, hate and burn the minority.
          Yes 2500 year old Religion has been Hijacked with racial talks . That’s the sad state of a Religion.
          A Religion is sacred , in any society, we need to nurture and follow the scripts written by the sacred ELDERS of the ancient past.
          Lord Buddhas teachings includes the 10 precepts one to follow.
          If one follows all 10 Precepts our country will not be in a dire state as we are now.
          Blind Faith with no understanding is most dangerous to ones self , to others , their own country and the whole world.
          Blind faith in the name of a Religion is dangerous.
          Following the noble Faith is honourable in spreading peace and harmony within ourselves and to others.
          The word Saadhu , Saadhu spreads a kind of calmness .
          That’s what we need , not hate talk.

          • 0


            The verbal attack and harassment on Buddhist priests and Samaneras were organized two by non-Buddhist Ministers Sarath Fonseka and Ranajan.

            When there were pre-organized attacks on Muslim establishments, Prime Minister said he will punish those who defame other religions. The existing law is more than enough to punish Sarath Fonseka and Ranjan who denigrated Buddhist priests. So far no action has been taken against them. If it was the other way, if a Buddhist said something against Catholics, the police will take statements and arrest the person even a Buddhist priest.

            In both these cases, the Government didn’t do anything. I don’t forget things like this easily . We are just waiting till our time comes which will be sooner than they think.

    • 6

      Champa you would never see it right.

      How come a man of lanken nature behaves as you do ?
      I really become sad when reading your rubbish biased to former men.

      Ballige putha looted as no others, but you guys to back his condom supporters further is beyond all bearing.

      • 0


        I thought only monkeys have a habit of reading things upside down and I can give an example above. Otherwise, my comment has nothing to do with your above comments.

    • 2

      Dear Champa,

      I’ve told you already that I consider you an honest man, although your perspectives are different from mine. Now I find your voice getting distinctly and disturbingly shriller.

      The purpose for which they were begging for alms is terribly significant. I feel sorry for Lalith Weeratunga personally, but why should all these bikkhus do what Mahinda R. ought to do. He ought to own up in such a way as will enable him to serve the prison sentence and pay the fine out of the billions he misappropriated. It may be that he’s squandered it all, and cannot now find the funds to pay up – that is a result of the evil in him.


      Meanwhile, it is true that we can travel without fear of parcel bombs exploding thanks to his “eliminating” Prabhakaran. But that achievement cannot justify the impunity with which he acted in other contexts.


      We are discussing Maithri’s Speech. The content worries me. How long can we keep making vague, pious statements, while doing nothing? When he speaks it is a delight to hear him, owing to his disciplined oratorical skills, but we can’t fool the world all the time.


      We can regard as dubious the concern that “the world” feels for our outrages. However, there is such a thing as moral standards which all human beings have a sense of. Clergy will be respected only when they prove themselves worthy of such respect.

      • 0

        By large you (Sinhala man)can one among the few I consider as sensitive as no other: I thank you for that.
        You re raising a valid point.
        But if you are squeezed by debts as never before, how can any leader focus on economy ?
        Catch 22 is the one the current govt is facing for. Or not?
        If they would expose the gravity of the debts

        a) Idiotic JO would be very unhappy and make every effort to stand on the way by spreading but blatant lies against rulers

        b) And the media men have been abused by former men as nothing can help them.
        So in today s context, media has been winning their sums but people have not yet been improving their knowledge on what is going on in the country.

    • 4

      Lanka is filled with perpetrators. So if you would ask him to arrest them, almsot everyone would have been needeed to take to the custody. How would you finance it then ?

      Just talk to your family circles, Champo, there you woudl find all various kind of criminals. People in the country, I mean average have no idea about good and bad.
      They would follow easily the other.
      That is how these Pindapatha had been carried out.
      They dont have shame.
      They are just born buddhists, but they dont know what buddhas teachings about.
      Most of those Sanga business men have no seela at all.
      They do everything be hidden in robes.
      May what they have not have is the courage to stand by their own, leaving those temples for the real buddhists.
      People should be grass eaters to give them alms.

      • 1

        I still believe for every bad monk there are 100 good ones.This is the same with most other religions.

    • 3

      The main reason can be, your both ends have been cross planted for some reasons.

      Got it babe ? Else, I really dont know why you have been uttering the kind of statements.
      At the time, WW supportive UPFA men abused funds for 200 lanken loaded in SL aircrafts holding for a week on ground, you guys never uttered a single word. It was the money changes your thoughts.
      But for us for a better lanken future.
      Champo, before long you would need to see it right else, leave us from this and other forums forever. CAN give us a healthy relief.
      God is the greatest. No body ELSE:
      All wrong doings woudl persecute you for sure.
      Be aware of that. NOthing but wrong deeds can tame of your profile for rest of the time.

      • 0

        Simon de Silva

        I have no intention to give anyone any relief who elected bloody cowards who lick the boots of foreigners until they are chased from power forever. 2017 is almost over. We have to wait only two more years. 2019 is crucial for a special reason. Wait and see what people will demand.

        Don’t underestimate us. You will repent.

    • 1

      While Buddhism is key to Sri Lanka, it important that all religions are given the same level of importance, respect and place in society. Also the religious leaders should not take advantage of this status and should act for the well being of all everyone. Thats the only way we could build a strong and respectful society. Everyone should understand that no religion is greater than another and also no country can advance using religion ( most of advance and developed countries gives very little importance to religion). As a Buddhist country if our society is declining in values, we have to accept that BUDDHIST are failing as a religious group.

  • 0

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  • 8

    So he needs another five hundred years to meet the commitments that he signed unto. Unlike Trump he politely said nothing is going to happen, war criminals will be the countries ambassadors around the world.
    BTW when he spoke of improving the economy he meant that of his family, party and cronies. Others should learn to manage on Rs.2500.00 a month.

  • 6

    This speech is a joke. So was that of MR at the 69th.


  • 4

    Mala Perathaya he could have sent Ranil instead of him coz Dr Ranil has a better International standing.

    • 0

      Leave almost everythign aside, if you would call country s prez, as Mala Perethaya, there should have been something in your bring up.
      Mudson@Please ask your elders where they went wrong.
      You the kind of bastard charactors want to see on the surface only.

      Curse on you. I hate MR or any other low grade men, that created all harm to own folks but I would never hate, My3, Ranil, Wijetunga and CBK for one reason, they are more sensible leaders than MR.

      But none of above to be called Mala Perethaya your education should have been that low.
      God bless SRILANKEN FOLKS

  • 4

    One meaningful way to alleviate poverty would be to reduce taxes on all food items and beverages, including locally manufactured alcoholic beverages. Simply talking does not achieve anything except generate hot air!

  • 3

    What can the international communities do if Rajapakse clan and cronies come back to power with the support of the majority of the Maha Sangha and the majority of the majority ?

    Last 70 years SL leaders or the UN or the international community could not seperate the SL politics and the religion .
    If the law and order can not deal with the narcotics problem within an ISLAND country, how can the International Community help to eradicate that menace.

    When some politicians and some of their supporters, some in the armed forces, some from the business community are involved in narcotics businees , the GOSL should take the initiative and take action then the IC can help. Neighbouring and regional countries can be asked to help.

    Charity begins at home.

    Biwa neda vathakka suthiya

  • 1

    Eradication of Drug Menace in Globally very impotent highly appreciated
    Sri Lanka will lead the team
    Presidential task force on Drug Prevention

    • 1

      Does this sound like Sri Lanka has a good grip on this menace?

      “June 26 is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking—as good an occasion as any to point out that Sri Lanka needs a multipronged approach to eradicate its growing narcotics problem. Flinging people in jail, where they continue to traffic and consume drugs, is no longer adequate or sustainable.

      Department of Prisons’ statistics show that in 2015, nearly half, or 46.4 percent, of prisoners convicted were drug offenders. This means that, of the 24,086 who were sentenced, a massive 11,171 went to jail for narcotics crimes. That is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The previous year, the percentage of total convicts that were drug offenders was 43.5 percent but it was 34 percent in 2013. The data show an upward trend in the number of those getting sentenced for trafficking and taking narcotics. The Government maintains these high conviction figures are a result of improved law enforcement.

      Data do indicate a rise in seizures. The National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) has recorded 82,482 arrests in 2015—an increase of 23 percent over the previous year. But experts also believe the larger numbers can be explained, in part, by more people pushing and taking drugs. There are certainly bigger quantities of narcotics in circulation now than in the past.”

      Honestly it is frightening to see the situation in the west even with all the resources its getting out of control. Sri Lanka as a country will not have enough resources to fight addictions if it gets out of hand. It is high time it uses as much resources into education as it is using on law enforcement.

    • 1

      Dr Samantha – What exactly are you trying to say???

      • 0

        You ask this EVEN AFTER reading his comment. If he was capable of doing that wouldn’t he have done that in the first place! If you him the opportunity to say what he was trying to say, in Sinhala, I am sure he’d floor you!

      • 0

        Sri Lanka’s emphasis is more centered towards law enforcement (which is essential) but very little is done towards education. That is proactively taking prevention programs through schools.

  • 1

    The most Powerful President of the World vowed to eliminate North Korea and Iran from the planet…..That was before President Gamaralage Sirisena vowed to eliminate Poverty from Srilanka…………Luckily Mr Trump had finished his speech and left the Assembly by then……….. Otherwise Trumpy would have asked his aide, who that Joker in a funny Dress is ?……. And whether he is a Magician from India……………………………..

    • 1

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Otherwise Trumpy would have asked his aide, who that Joker in a funny Dress is ?”

      The Aide would have told him

      “Sir you know KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera who is not only the bag man but also the official b***s carrier to Dr Mahinda on whom our Department of the Treasury has some files. You should have learned a few tricks from Dr Mahinda on making money out of state and stashing it somewhere outside the country.

      KASmaalam is his loyal b***s carrier. He had invested crumbs in overseas blue chip companies, so he claims. With due respect I am not sure you are aware of the tinny island under your new mate Modi’s bum which is called Sri Lanka. The man with whom you just took photograph is the president of Sri Lanka. He wears Aryan Amude and his wife wears Osari, both borrowed from India, however claimed to be part of Sinhala/Buddhist heritage.

      By the way we have no intention of arresting anyone connected to Dr Mahinda’s money laundering activities, as you know the Hindians won’t tolerate it.

      • 0

        Dear Native…………..I am gad you got the gist of it………. Sad to see an Okay guy wasting himself by pandering to Dr Ranil and his LGBTQ buddies……….Hey Native Did you know about Keselwatta Kid and Ruwan?……………..I was flabbergasted, listening to your mate, our Sinhale Wimale’s speech in Parliament on the postponement of PC/ LG Elections…………

  • 3

    I listened to the Presidents speech with my smart faithful Alsatian Dash, gnawing on a juicy bone, by my side. Listening to an UN speech is a bit like watching paint dry, except when the speaker is a demented demagogue breathing hell fire and brimstone and issuing threats to send Rocket Man up in one of his own rockets.

    Our President did us proud; he spoke clearly and eloquently, and said nothing to frighten the horses. We should all be proud of him. As an aside, I thought it quite disrespectful that many in the sparse audience did not bother to put on their translation earphones. Unless, of course, Sinhalese is now more widely understood that we think.

    • 3

      Spring Koha

      “Unless, of course, Sinhalese is now more widely understood that we think.”

      Do you think so? Sinhala has become one of the international languages. Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka believes Sinhala is the oldest language. Weerasangilige Wimal Weerawansa believes Hindi should be replaced by Sinhala. The loud mouth Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara wants ban Tamil. The Hindian Consulate General of India in Jaffna wants Tamils and Sinhalese to learn Hindi.

      What is going on?

      • 1

        Native Vedda

        Have you taken up a new profession on CT to be the house Clown or Comic??
        You made me chuckle violently. Good Luck with your new billet.

        • 3


          “Have you taken up a new profession on CT to be the house Clown or Comic??”

          I have no intention nor have the qualification to replace Jim Softy, KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere, somassji, HLD M, sach, Champa the patriotic sex worker, ……………….. above all our Weerasangilige Karuppan Wimal Weerawansa.

    • 2

      “he spoke clearly and eloquently, and said nothing to frighten the horses.”

      Did your Alsatian Dash tell you that?

  • 4

    Ranil Would have done a good job if he was sent to UN and he has a overseas exposure comparing to Singhala only speaking president (nothing wrong with that).
    Or send Mahinda Rajapakse the joker if the world leaders need some entertainment!!!!

  • 2

    He is doing a RajPakse taking the entire family to the UN

    • 4

      He was well trained by the Rajapaksa. Compare his speech to that of Rajapaksa you will find a lot of similarities.

      A leopard does not change its spots just because it is caged. MY3 until 2015 was with the SLFP was in every SLFP governments, was involved in every form of corruption by association. In politicians standard Ranil has more integrity than My3.

  • 0

    The president can lie to his people and the international community. Mothers who have lost their children, husbands and loved ones are fasting and asking for answers for more than 200 days. Here he is with him family enjoying in Geneva. When will he respond to the poor mothers. Does he have a heart?

    • 0

      “Does he have a heart?”

      He is a true Buddhist. What did you expect. They take Sil on Sunday and Kill on Monday.

      • 1

        Here ! Here! Burt ! Sil on Sunday , Kill on Monday.

        • 1


          Kill the Veddah, Rob the Buddha and Blame the Suddah.

  • 1

    Excellent speech..glad he address the needs of children. Unless and until we invest in our children we are never going to come out of this mes. Children are the future of any nation its so important that all children irrespective of race, class or wealth gets the same education for a successful of nation. This how countries like Japan, Singapore and south Korea are where they are today.

  • 0

    I do not see any truth in the speech.

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