By Hilmy Ahamed –
Wasim Thajudeen’s death and lackluster investigations took center stage during the run up to the August 2015 general elections. His body was exhumed, and after further examination was reburied a few days ago. I was a witness to the exhumation at the Dehiwela Mohiyadeen Jummah masjid. The media and civil society who were very vocal about Wasim’s death inquiry have now joined the political vultures and are forgetting Wasim. Was this part of the election agenda of a vested few. Muslim families usually are reluctant to agree to an autopsy, and exhuming a buried person is a whole lot worse. Islam lays down strict directives on the treatment of a dead person. Extreme care needs to be exercised even when the dead body is washed prior to burial. Yet the entire Muslim community was supportive of the exhumation of Wasim Thajudeen because they wanted to see justice.
Rumors and social media implicate many (wheeler-dealers) who were attempting, prior to the general elections to get Wasim’s family to issue statements implying that they did not suspect foul play. Whether this was for political advantage at the elections or an attempt of a cover-up is difficult to judge. Further, various stories have been leaked to imply that Thajudeen was drunk and his drunken state caused the motor accident. This is the worst form of intimidation that one could cause the family, as Islam forbids the consumption of alcohol and the family would not want any discussion leading to this stigma. Whether, Thajudeen consumed alcohol or not is between him and his creator. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is the greatest forgiver and the family should not worry about the embarrassment that is attached to this accusation.
Whatever the cause of Wasim’s death, his family, friends and the general public in Sri Lanka need to know what happened to this lovable father of an infant and rugger-rite of repute. Even though I did not know Wasim Thajudeen personally, I was a great fan of him in the field of rugby at St. Thomas’s Collage and Havelocks sports club. People who know him well enough swear by his kindness and sincerity.
President Sirisena, in his speech at the United Nations sessions assured that every Sri Lankan citizen’s rights would be protected. I call upon President Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Inspector General of Police to ensure that the rights of Wasim’s infant child, wife, mother and siblings are protected. The perpetrators of the murder of Wasim Thajudeen, if proven will have to be brought to justice, whether they are former political VIPs, the police, service personnel or any other. Sri Lankan’s should not go to sleep until justice is delivered to this once adored rugger-rite.
One of President Sirisena’s strongest campaign slogans during his presidential bid was the Rajapaksa nepotism. He wowed that he would keep his family out of politics. Yet, today, we see his “Chatu” doing a Namal in Polannaruwa and Daham behaving like the crown prince at the United Nations. These excesses probably come when the fruits of power make leaders immune to social conscience. These are fundamentals that need to be checked under YAHAPALANAYA.
Environmental Disasters
The multi national Coco Cola Company is the prime suspect in the “coke spill” into the Kelani River, now claimed to contain cancer-causing waste. The drinking water for the residents of Colombo comes from the Kelani River. The first move the nation expected from our environmentalist President was an immediate order for a credible inquiry. No one, not even the wealthy multi-national corporates, should be allowed to kill our citizens by poisoning our drinking waters. Regretfully, our president as minister of Environment revoked even the temporary suspension of the Coco Cola bottler’s environmental license. Our president seems to have joined the local print and electronic media that refrained from naming or reporting this dastardly act, fearing the wrath of the multi-national’s advertising budget. Are we waiting for a Bhopal style disaster to happen before the government considers appropriate action?
Undesirables in Parliament
The president has also betrayed the nation by bringing in to parliament, some of the most notorious suspected criminals of the former regime through the national list of the UPFA even though the people, using their franchise chose to reject them. In the guise of a national government, he has provided ministerial portfolios to these suspected criminals, merely to save his SLFP fragmenting. He is accused of allowing an exit opportunity for big time rogues who plundered the country through massive fraud and scandals. It was the UPFA government (the current president was a prominent member of the cabinet) that claimed to have taken in to custody KP in an Israeli style capture of the notorious arms procurer and head of fund raising of the LTTE. Rumors abound that a self-proclaimed terrorism expert negotiated the deal for Sri Lankan political VIPs to share the LTTE loot in exchange for KP’s safety and security. How can our Attorney General, now say that KP cannot be charged for criminal liability. How come the notorious war criminal whose bomb purchases killed hundreds in the Dehiwela train, Central Bank and other numerous civilian massacres of the LTTE has suddenly become a darling angel. Was it not KP’s arms purchase that was responsible for the death of thousands of our gallant servicemen?
Diplomatic Success:
Mr. President, you have received a right royal welcome from members of your Sri Lanka Freedom Party on your return from the United Nations with cutouts and posters plastered all over the city highlighting your diplomatic achievements in New York. Will we witness the repeat of the eye sore cutouts that your predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa plastered all over the city during his hey days.
The new found SLFP friends of President Sirisena have started singing hosannas as they did of King Mahinda, and will certainly make our president believe that it was the Sri Lanka Freedom Party that could strengthen his presidency. The President seems to enjoy the attention bestowed on him from the diplomatic coup that Sri Lanka achieved with the international community after the January Presidential elections. I am yet to hear our President crediting Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe for the diplomatic maneuvering that crowned the President’s visit to the United Nations. All that would be left now would be for the Wimal Weerawansa’s and Dinesh Gunawardena’s to join the fray and our President could consider a second and third term as executive President. There is so much truth in the old adage that “POWER CORRUPTS”.
colin / October 5, 2015
Hilmy just hold your horses as far as the Thajudeen case is concerned. Its best to give the authorities a little more time and for them to prove that his ehxumation was not politically motivated. Its good on your part to keep the pressure on but coming to conclusion should be given a little more time in my humble opinion
Hamlet / January 14, 2016
Colin; It looks more like the current upgraded Anti Muslim propaganda is based on getting Public Opinion against Wasim, and onto the side of the Rajapakses!!
Kumar Sandirasegaram / October 5, 2015
I suspect that Ranil and Sirisena have a deal with MR not to prosecute him and his extended family for any wrong doings for his silence. If this turns up to be true people who voted in large numbers to clean up the past and punish those who plundered the nations wealth and conducted abuses of power will never be forgiven. It seems to the ordinary ‘Jo’ that there is rather a long silence and a reluctance to properly investigate and sort out the perpetrators. No wonder the international community did not trust the government and the Judiciary to conduct the investigations in to war crimes. We all remember the innocent British guy who was holidaying in the South of Sri Lanka with his girl friend was brutally murdered and his girl friend was raped by politico’s. It took the British government years to bring the perpetrators to justice because of his connection to the last dictatorial King of Sri Lanka and his family. It seems that we are rolling back on these issues and must keep up the pressure up for justice.
Ibn Yusuf / October 5, 2015
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When you are in the opposition it is easy to speak righteously but when you come to power – you have to deliver that righteousness. On should never believe in politicians – the whole system of democracy it self is flawed and corrupt. Look at India are what are the credentials of the Prime Minister of that country – the world’s largest democracy. What is happening in Tamil Nadu? The corruption and human rights violations will never be brought to book. As a intellectual said – Democracy is a system in which a dumb stupid majority elects dumb stupid leaders. The masses themselves are crooked so they spawn crooked leaders. From the laborer to the highest echelons of our society – professionals,academicians and the business community at large are fundamentally leading a life of self interest (of there are the few exceptions)so they spawn leaders and politicians who themselves have come to power to feather their nest. If the people do not reform themselves then the leaders and politicians will never reform
Sylvia Haik / October 5, 2015
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mevan / October 6, 2015
Kumar Sandirasegaram
These guys Ranil, Mahinda and Maithripala have been doing deals with each other for the last 30 years or more. So what is new?
Sirisena Cooray / October 7, 2015
Why the hell are everyone beating around the bush. The vehicle in which the murderers travelled belonged to the NGO of Shiranthi Rajapaksa, The Son had an affair with Yassara, the tartish girlfriend of one of the first sons. Thajudeen reminded the first son of the particular birthmark in Yassara which could be seen only when fully undressed. The jealous boy couldn’t take the insult even though he was friends with Thajudeen. Wasim probably said things that were unnecessary in his drunken stupor. The senior DIG was asked to take care of Wasim and he was tortured prior to killing so that Yassa could hear the agony of wasim. So, what is there to investigate. The CID can start off by arresting the infamous former singing DIG and he is sure to sing for his life this time. He just had to carry out orders from the first family. Yassa was shipped out on a diplomatic posting because of the fear that she would blurt out due to the death of her former stud. There is no mystry. The CID has all the evidence. They need the Presidents and Prime Ministers permission to send the pseudo naval officer to the gallows. The AG will stake his life to save him, but the people can go to halfsdorf to take care of it..
soma / October 7, 2015
You have cracked it. Walk into CID and record your statement. Why investigations are not progressing is because people like you who know about the murder are not extending your cooperation to law enforcement authorities.
Sirisena Cooray / October 7, 2015
Soma, this is the information leaked by the CID. They have the facts, but your former king and his merry men are every where. The regime change did not change the administrative structure. That is why everyone including our Sira are scared to touch the war criminal. It is you and I who will have to get on to the street and demand justice. I am ready, are you??
Sirisena Cooray / October 7, 2015
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Barus / December 30, 2015
These politicians make deals behind CLOSED doors. The average citizen of Sri Lanka stays at home watches the entire drama like a TV Serial and still pass judgements on these jokers.
They have got the case all sorted out and the verdict is also known to these jokers (Politicians).
The poor family of Thajudeen has to suffer the ignominy of all the comments made about their son. Was he a drunkard as SIRISENA COORAY stated above? Only God knows the truth.
Was he having an affair with Yasara or had he seen Yasara nude for some reason? Only God knows the truth.
All evidences point to one thing for sure, that is, the Vehicle belonged to the former Royal Family. And their trusted HELPER/DRIVER was caught on CCTV doing an act of crime.
The Coroner’s report states the cause of death is not a Motorcar accident. The victim as alive prior to the vehicle engulfed in fire.
So the objective way to look at this case is to consider these OBVIOUS facts and not look at a dead person’s character. May Thajudeen rest in peace. In case, he was a bad person, it is in the will of God to either punish him or forgive him.
Now these political jokers should not make deals among themselves to save one of their own.
Surely, God’s justice is UNLIKE what prevails at Hultsdorf and i am sure it will catch up to them.
Our president talks about women throwing their bras or knickers at a singer. Here a human life has been snuffed out in its prime. Do something and be fair to the family of the victim.
Horse-trading is not ETHICAL politics. Hope these jokers realize that.
Sinhala_Man / January 6, 2016
I agree with most of what you say, except that too much of it revolves upon “God”. Even if there is a “God”, what is your concept of him? For most people, it is anthropomorphic.
I don’t expect anything of me to survive in a living form after I die.
All that is academic! There must be justice here and now!
The Rajapaksas ended the War. Great! How did they end it, and what other crimes did they commit? I don’t think that it’ll be possible to punish them, but we’ve got to do our best to find out the truth. If not there will be repetition (not of the same, but) of similar events.