By Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka –
The latest despicable threat by the GMOA to reportedly launch the “biggest strike ever in the country’s history” represents a crude piece of trade union megalomania. It is tantamount to a kind of “medical thuggary” that is a disgrace to the medical profession. In our day and age doctors (prosperous members of a once noble profession) and University students (unashamed young dependents on public charity ) have become strange bedfellows in launching disruptive “strikes” that cause enormous suffering and inconvenience to the public. The fact that doctors (by virtue of professional obligation) owe a debt of service to the millions who are sick and dying, and students (by virtue of their neediness) a debt of gratitude to the millions who pay for their education – only underline the absurdity of such strikes.
Unfortunately Sri Lankans seem to have an amazing capacity to bow their heads and humbly endure such abuses however wicked and irrational by such groups who in pursuance of their selfish vested interests, particular ideological hang up, or political agenda don’t give a damn for the public interest. One wonders whether deeply embedded in the psyche of the Sri Lankan masses is a primeval fatalism brought on by belief in Karma that makes them resigned to exploitation, on the basis that since bad things happen because they were destined to happen anyway there is nothing anyone can do about it. Otherwise one would expect that by now millions of people in this country fed to the teeth by their striking tormentors, would be crying “enough is enough” and calling for government action to in one way or another prohibit the scandal of strikes by doctors and students.
Indeed from the perspective of governance It is now clear that strikes by predatory doctors and university students have become a serious impediment to good governance, desirable reforms and the enforcement of order and discipline in the health and higher education sectors.
Doctors have repeatedly shown a diabolical tendency to use draconian trade union power in pursuance of a selfish agenda demanding unrealistic perks and privileges, while intimidating the government and interfering in matters of state policy that are completely outside their remit. Their protests over SAITM, ETCA, budget proposals etc. are recent examples of such arrogant abuse of power. The extraordinary power wielded by doctors enabling them to force the hand of governments to act against the public interest, derives from their freedom to strike at will and hold the public to ransom. The terrible hardships inflicted on the sick and suffering by striking doctors (with the possibility of patients dying due to direct or indirect medical neglect) inevitably puts intolerable pressure on governments to compromise principle and concede to doctors on any terms so as not to prolong public agony. That puts doctors in a winning position against the rest of society every time, however unjustified their cause.
For the GMOA to cynically claim that their strikes are for the ultimate good of the public whom they consciously penalize is sheer arrogance and adds insult to injury. For anyone to imply that the sick and dying might willingly accept the denial of treatment because they too support the doctor’s cause – is the height of lunacy. Most people (especially the sick) in this country don’t care a hoot about SAITM. Indeed they would’nt even know what those letters stand for ! Patients are neither masochists nor martyrs that they should be happy to endure yet more pain and suffering in support of the selfish agenda of doctors. Such fantasies reflect the self righteous blindness of the medical establishment and how out of touch with reality many doctors have become in our society !
Nor should anyone be deluded by the glib reassurance of doctors that their strikes will not imperil the lives of patients because as a generous concession to the great Hippocrates and out of lofty compassion for the toiling masses they have condescended to maintain essential services in ICU, emergency, and paediatric units. The truth is that the actual number of people who die, suffer some complication, or whose health is in some way compromised directly or indirectly as a result of a doctor’s strike is an imponderable that is incapable of statistical documentation. For example we will never know the number of people who having developed some sinister symptom at home died, suffered some complication, or whose eventual recovery was compromised because they were put off from promptly going to hospital by the knowledge that doctors were on strikes and fear that services might be restricted.
In the case of university students their ability to strike and boycott classes with impunity makes it impossible to effect necessary policy changes in higher education and maintain campus discipline. The punishment of students for grave offenses like the torture of new entrants (ragging), invariably provokes disruptive strikes instigated by aggressive militant student unions. Such strikes bring academic programs to a standstill intimidating university authorities into backing down so as to restore normalcy whatever the sacrifice of principle. Furthermore the power of students instigated by politically oriented student unions to retaliate with strikes paralyzing academic programmes across the universities, seriously limits the ability of governments to institute enlightened reforms in the higher education sector.
Alongside the above considerations there is the abomination of ugly posters and placards that pollute hospital premises when doctors are on strike in contempt of the rights of worried patients to a tranquil non confrontational hospital environment. Nor must we forget the chaos and disruption resulting from rowdy street demonstrations and public meetings that accompany strikes by doctors and university students, with rioting mayhem and traffic blocks on public roads causing severe inconvenience to the general public
For the foregoing reasons there is a strong case for action to prohibit strikes by doctors (and possibly other hospital workers) as well as university students. Apart from pragmatic considerations there is a strong intellectual and philosophical justification for such an initiative based on some important principles.
In the case of doctors the prevention and treatment of disease is a life and death issue. As a vocation the practice of medicine is dominantly a life and death concern. In this respect the medical profession stands alongside those in the police, armed services, and fire services who traditionally do not resort to strike action in a civilized society, because to do so would jeopardize the lives of people. If at all doctors have a greater and more immediate impact on life and death in the community.
In the case of university students, they are the recipients of free education at the expense of tax payers. University students are not workers. Consequently they are not entitled to trade union rights including the right to strike. Therefore so called “student strikes” are a monstrous absurdity tantamount to the gratuitous abuse of public charity.
Accordingly there is an incontrovertible logical argument and a strong basis in principle for firmly prohibiting strikes by doctors (and possibly other hospital workers) as well as strikes involving the boycott of classes by students in state Universities. Such prohibition might be instituted in different ways. However one mechanism that may have considerable clout would be appropriate legislation through an Act of Parliament. Such legislation would have enormous public support, indeed overwhelming endorsement if it ever came to a referendum ! It remains for the government to put the public interest first, and take firm action to prohibit the curse of cruel and disruptive strikes by those who thereby make themselves the enemies of the people.
*Prof. A.N.I. Ekanayaka, Emeritus Professor & former Dean Faculty of Dental Science, Peradeniya
Citizen / March 29, 2017
The only way to break this mafia is for the government to restrict appointment of post interns to government medical service. Government can take limited number of post interns on merit basis. The rest should be asked to start their own medical practice with even some government assistance for start up.The problem in this country is the medicos have been given excessive privileges at public expense. They think they are the only people needed for a country. To speak the truth they do not respect any other professionals. Medical field has grown to today’s level with the substantial contribution of computer professionals. Today what ever gadgets used in hospitals there is a computer/software behind it. Even many surgeries are computer/computer software aided.
Amarasiri / March 29, 2017
Dear Prof. Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka
RE: Prohibiting Inhuman Strikes By Doctors & Ungrateful Students
“The latest despicable threat by the GMOA to reportedly launch the “biggest strike ever in the country’s history” represents a crude piece of trade union megalomania. It is tantamount to a kind of “medical thuggary” that is a disgrace to the medical profession. In our day and age doctors (prosperous members of a once noble profession) and University students (unashamed young dependents on public charity ) have become strange bedfellows in launching disruptive “strikes” that cause enormous suffering and inconvenience to the public. The fact that doctors (by virtue of professional obligation) owe a debt of service to the millions who are sick and dying, and students (by virtue of their neediness) a debt of gratitude to the millions who pay for their education – only underline the absurdity of such strikes.”
“Unfortunately Sri Lankans seem to have an amazing capacity to bow their heads and humbly endure such abuses however wicked and irrational by such groups who in pursuance of their selfish vested interests, particular ideological hang up, or political agenda don’t give a damn for the public interest.”
Thank you for the concise write up.
So, this is what the public and the tax payers get tor paying for their education, so that they can maintain their hegemony?
Amarasiri generally do not approve the tactics of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his white vans and disappearances of the innocent.
However, Gotabaya Rajapaksa is the man of the hour, or a similar character, who has the guts to deal with the GMOA , SLMC Mafia and any other Mafia for going against a court order after appeal.
What we now have are two vegetables.The GMOA. SLMC Mafia and the other Mafia know that.
Jagath Fernando / March 29, 2017
This country has been ruined by two professional trade unions.
1 GMOA office bearers are a group of medical thugs who will hold the poor patients to ransom. They are not bothered about the suffering or the hardships but will want to achieve their agenda. Only way to marginalise the body is to prevent govt doctors from doing private practice. But pay govt doctors better.
2 CEB electrical Engineers Union has messed up power supply and we pay highest rates in the region. Need to break up the CEB into generation, transmission and distribution and introduce competition.
Unfortunately MARA and Ranil both have failed and the people are suffering.
vas / March 30, 2017
You have forgotten the lawyers.
eldorado / March 30, 2017
NO, there is another way…. just let the Dogs out !!
citizen / March 29, 2017
Excellent. Every word written is true. There is a lethargy in society to accept this karmic ‘destiny has to be this way’ attitude so detrimental to the well being of all citizens. Who cares what SAITM stands for when you are in a state of ill health. Ordinary exorcism will not work on this ‘devil possessed GMOA’ These leaders must be immediately arrested for planning man slaughter, and imprisoned for life and the TU banned. Students illegally in trade unions must be sacked and their places given to those who want to study medicine and there are plenty of them in this country who are willing to study and if taught well, will be decent doctors. They must sign bonds to get in But the biggest tragedy is that a strong leader committed to the task is necessary to move this nation into top gear, not a karmic tadpole.
Shrikharan / March 29, 2017
Many of these doctors do not have a class as they are products of district quota system of admission who managed to creep into the University on sympathy grounds as they are from so called ‘underprivileged areas’ displacing many capable students from good schools who had obtained good results very much better than these people selected sympathy.
The good standards of the University once Sri Lankan University boasted have drastically deteriorated due to these poor quality students being admitted at the expenses those who have good results and the only reason being educated from good schools so have to obtain a punitively high aggregate to enter state a medical faculty.
We now can no longer claim the cream of the Sri Lankan students enter the university. Since most the students are from rural areas and they have a sympathy admission scheme, University is filled with poor quality students with poor results but managed to enter on this sympathy scheme displacing the more capable students with much better results, most of the good students are outside university languishing.
These doctors who are holding the country for a ransom are a typical ‘gamaralas’ who do not have the class and polish behave like pavement hawkers and three wheel drivers as it is from there they came by mere luck managed to creep into the state medical faculty.
Eagle Eye / March 30, 2017
“Many of these doctors do not have a class as they are products of district quota system of admission who managed to creep into the University on sympathy grounds as they are from so called ‘underprivileged areas’ displacing many capable students from good schools who had obtained good results very much better than these people selected sympathy.”
What is important is not how they entered, but how they performed in the Medical College. In the Medical College, there are no separate examinations for those who entered from ‘underprivileged areas’. They all study in English and sit for the same examination. Those who cannot perform well get kicked out. Only a handful get classes in the final examination. Except them, all the others are at the same level. So it is unfair to say that the quality is not good because of the quota system. If there is a deterioration in quality, that is the fault of the Professors who have failed to maintain the standards.
The quota system was introduce to do justice to those who live in areas where education facilities are poor. At the time of independence, out of the Grade 1 schools, nearly half were in Jaffna because American Cristian Missionaries were very active in Jaffna running schools with the aim of converting Tamils to Christianity. At the time of independence, 70% of the students in the Medical College were Tamils.
soma / March 29, 2017
This is clarity beyond clarity. I wish I could write like this.
Medical workers have NO RIGHT TO STRIKE. Full stop.
My question to my personal doctor friends and relatives has always been if a patient assaults you while on strike where would you turn for justice? Police?
Absurdity of absurdities beyond any stretch of imagination is the leader of nurses’ trade union is a Buddhist priest! Are the nurses mad or we are mad? A Buddhist priest organizing denial tending to the sick? Which planet is this?
Native Vedda / March 29, 2017
“Medical workers have NO RIGHT TO STRIKE. Full stop.”
In case if you want to break the student’s strike do send in the navy’s top thug Vice Admiral Ravindra C. Wijegunaratne, WV, RWP & Bar, RSP, USP, ndc, psc, MNI, ……
He will have no problem dealing with the unarmed media first and the strikers later. The next day he would have a photo opportunity with Ranil.
Students are the future leaders of commerce, education, economy, ….. legal fraternity, ….. administrators, managers, … politicians, state functionaries, …. They will need to learn how to express their opinion. Organizing and participating in strikes are part of the on the job training if the causes are just.
You wouldn’t understand these concepts do you. Fascists cannot bear/stand people protests, let alone students’s ones.
Long live student protests. Down with somasss’s fascism.
soma / March 30, 2017
If you read my comment again you see I haven’t mentioned a word about students.
You seem have a collection of ready made answers for Soma whatever he says?
Trying to expose unashamed hypocrisy of Tamil racist donkeys here is being a fascist?
maalumiris / March 30, 2017
You too should try to avail yourself of the NHS, MediCare, MedicAid or other non-SL medical service.
Then you too, will be able to champion the GMOA strikes and University abuses in the name of “Democracy” and “Freedom” from afar and feel happy about it because it is not your doctor who has gone on strike and not your health that is at stake and not your tax Rupees being flushed away to no useful purpose by a bunch of arrogant wastrels at a SL University who wont study and wont let anyone else study either
Students may be “future leaders” but if our present leaders are any measure of past students, it is high time that they be discplined NOW.
Just a little medical advice :)
Native Vedda / March 30, 2017
“Students may be “future leaders” but if our present leaders are any measure of past students, it is high time that they be discplined NOW.”
So you believe the current leaders were once students. May I ask which school the current leaders attended in their early days?
Most of them are murderers, crooks, drug dealers, liars, thugs, ….. and didn’t need schooling for their chosen profession/vocation.
maalumiris / March 30, 2017
You have a skill with words. Don’t waste it by writing stuff with no focus, with no point and with the sole purpose of being a smart-aleck
Of course our current leaders were once students!
Native Vedda / April 1, 2017
” with the sole purpose of being a smart-aleck”
I have always said I was bit thick and indeed I am. You will have to review your typing for factual errors.
old codger / March 30, 2017
“Absurdity of absurdities beyond any stretch of imagination is the leader of nurses’ trade union is a Buddhist priest! Are the nurses mad or we are mad? A Buddhist priest organizing denial tending to the sick? Which planet is this?”
Once upon a time, nursing services were provided by Catholic nuns. There were no strikes. Guess who got rid of them?
Native Vedda / March 30, 2017
old codger
“Once upon a time, nursing services were provided by Catholic nuns. There were no strikes. Guess who got rid of them?”
Was it somass? Or war it Ravi Perera the Sinhala speaking Demela?
old codger / March 31, 2017
They tied themselves to trees on the instigation of some Mahanayakes.
maalumiris / March 30, 2017
Many countries have anti-strike legislation, Sri Lanka does not. In that sense, we are very much more Democratic than the UK, Canada and Australia.
Perhaps it’s time that we also followed the lead of the “Facist” countries above.
Native Vedda / March 31, 2017
Benito maalumiris Mussolini
“Perhaps it’s time that we also followed the lead of the “Facist” countries above.”
You have fallen for the Fascist propaganda, as you know Mussolini didn’t make the trains run on time.
You always do, well you have had almost 10 years of fascistic rule from 2005 to 2015.
maalumiris / April 2, 2017
Bleeding Heart Native
Why do those you much admire and want us to emulate have those policies and enforce them ?
Are you being hypocritical ? Easy to be smug and idealistic when your health is not on the line, eh ?
You can advocate for as many strikes as you like, in a far off land.
Eusense / March 31, 2017
you say “Medical workers have NO RIGHT TO STRIKE. Full stop.”
Sounds good, but is that your decision or the current law of the land? Why not get the politicians to pass a law to make this happen.
observer / April 2, 2017
Government has “Essential Services” like Police, Military, Health etc in law, but they don’t invoke. Imagine if the police went on strike like the doctors, or even Parliament. Mrs. B declared medical as essential services and got the doctors back to work before any kind of discussions were possible with the govt. Mr.B threatened to confiscate private property. JR sacked the lot in July 1980 who were not at their place of work. Nobody dared do any private practice. Country needs to be governed not wind blown and headless. Last fascist failed. Our fasting democracy gutless.
Hemantha Jayawardena / March 29, 2017
Right on the money!
jehan / March 29, 2017
Lets fire the doctors on strike, ban them from private practice. employ indians and satim doctors. lets see what these bafoons who study from peoples taxes for free do.
let them be delisted for 5-10 periods as doctors.
university students – ask them to come or leave. discade. Royal motto.
concerned / March 29, 2017
GMOA so far gone will only obey the devil. Money is what the devil has promised and they have no other authority. Not health or higher education minister, not the President, not their religious leaders. They are a law unto themselves and will do practice. But money comes from ERPM mafia, job agencies, drug companies, and other side shows, which is why they are so arrogant. Military solution and imprisonment is what will work, for which we need fearless leaders.
Had Enough / March 29, 2017
Are all Dath Dostarayas good only for robbing people and speaking useless nonsense?
Was this man Rajitha’s mate at the Uni?
The more you show your teeth, more stupidity is seen professor.
Mohamed / March 29, 2017
“Of all those arts in which the wise excel, Natures’s chief masterpiece is writing well” – Andre Breton
Brief, Bright and not Gone!
K.Pillai / March 29, 2017
Lankan politicians lull us into dream Singapore as the model. Why not use their model on medical registration for a start?
Singapore decides which foreign university medical graduate may practice. Only a couple of British universities are recognized. Is this why wealthy Lankans fly to Singapore to treat a flu? Wimal will be on his way to Singapore to recover from the “fast”.
Canada does not recognize foreign medical graduates and like US insist on the graduates passing a local exam. So does Australia.
GoSL must front up with a firm statement. This must not be influenced by vested interests like for example daughter-in-law’s future etc.
The avarice of Lankan doctors is no different from those elsewhere. This is market driven and so is SAITM.
Lankan politicians are there to make money. Businessmen do it. Drug dealers do it. Ethanol importers do it. Lankan armed services are into hospitality industry in a big way. On )8 January 2015 Lankans thought that corruption will end but now accept that this is impossible.
So Prof Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka please look at the Lankan scene in full – not at SAITM alone.
Medalankara de Choppe / March 29, 2017
If the doctors strike, withdraw the motor car allowance and charge them for providing houses.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 29, 2017
Prof.Ekanayake, you have missed the critical point. The GMOA wants the govt to increase the number of state controlled he medical colleges – Agreed. They and the other university students want the govt to increase the allocation for education to 6% – Agreed.
The problem is where to find the funds.
There are only two solutions.
1.Consider the free education provided provided by the Govt as a loan and get the students to pay back to the govt the money spent on them, from Kinder-garten to the degree.If they had to repeat the degree exam, add that too to the cost of education.This can be paid back on finding employment.Finding employment is the students responsibility. If they are unable to pay, let them undertake to perform services to the society viz sweeping roads etc.
2.From the day they enter the University, all lectures, exams should be conducted in English.With that kind of education, they will be able to seek employment not only in the private sector but also outside Sri Lanka, as is happening in India.
When the exams are conducted in English, for purposes of standardization of the degree, the universities or the UGC can obtain the services of Academics from Universities outside Sri Lanka.That will also provide dignity to those holding a degree from a Sri Lanka University.With that the accusations that first classes were provided because he or she performed fellatio on the Professor ( that was a snide remark made in the early 1960s) or allow Professors to fill the department with members of his family can be avoided.
Over to you Prof
Malhinda / March 30, 2017
“Consider the free education provided provided by the Govt as a loan and get the students to pay back to the govt the money spent on them, from Kinder-garten to the degree.”
Good idea!
But what can charlatans like me, who now pose as a Harvard graduate (but never completed any fricking degrees there, or at Cornell, my other bogus alma mater, do?
Come on, Senevi, think of imposters like us too.
Eusense / March 29, 2017
Asoka Ekanayake,
I don’t fully agree with you. The only part I would agree with you is GMOA going on strike for car permits, pay hikes, good schools for their children etc. These perks should be for all gov. workers or nobody else should have them. I would encourage them to go on strike for lack of medications, medical equipment, certain medical services in Gov. hospitals though.
However, when it comes to SATIM issue they should resort to trade union action if the gov. is not interested in settling it. Why? To safeguard the quality of the profession. I bet you are registered as a dentist with the SLMC. Would you approve graduates from an unaccredited dental School to be issued registration by the SLMC? Aren’t you aware of the accreditation processes followed by medical/dental schools of other countries? SAITM should have followed the proper procedure from day one in harmony with the SLMC. I oppose registration of these SAITM students by court order. What is next, the Maha Sanga is going to decide who should practice medicine/dentistry? It is time that the medical/dental profession get together and strengthen the accreditation criteria to maintain quality of these professions not the gov. or the judicial system. These are the only two professions where the politicians have been unsuccessful in poking their fingers to its internal affairs. The problem with SAITM is, they bet on bulldozing them selves into registration with political backing into SLMC.
watcher / March 30, 2017
You missed the bus. SLMC/ERPM mafia give lectures to foreigns for money and that becomes conformity and standard and accreditation after fleecing them over a few years and still fail them so they cant practice. SAITM CEO was failed 8 times. There is no reason for passing an MBBS and failing an ERPM except money extraction issue. NOW SLMC has to produce official certificates for these and they cant do it. You cant give true and false at the same time. So they strike to “wipe SAITM” That is why SAITM has to come though the system of justice, and not through approval of ‘Standards’ and ‘Conformity’ from dishonest SLMC. Remember the verdict was that SLMC violated the Medical Ordinace? HOW?
Eusense / March 30, 2017
What bus you are talking about???
Giving lectures by the doctors is a different issue than SAITM debacle. But keep in mind, NOBODY is FORCED to take these lectures. Why do you think these candidates take classes before they sit for the exam? Can it be due to lack of confidence that they can pass? Can they be low quality students?
I see you have no idea of medical exams when you say “There is no reason for passing an MBBS and failing an ERPM…..”
SLMC has all the right to decide who should be registered and who’s not. No judge can force them to issue registration and licences.
Upali Wickramasinghe / March 31, 2017
The problem is that the SLMC is involved in politics.How come the MBBS’s who provide false certificates to the courts are not penalized.Disciplining the medical profession is also SLMCs function.
Providing false medical certificates has become a style at the Prison hospital.
observer / April 1, 2017
SLMC not interested in moral/ethical/academic standards in the profession. The deans want to hang on, not practical teaching. You ask them the solution to any problem and their answer will be to close SAITM. GMOA infiltrators of SLMC do not care about false certificates, baith kades or any violations. They have to close SAITM before Supreme Court verdict. Tricky as they have to teach Dr. Neville a vindictive lesson and stop exposure of murderers. They are drunk with power and money and want to totally govern.
parent / March 30, 2017
Did you think like now on day 1. Certainly not. SAITM had to grope its way through obstruction after obstruction from GMOA mafia. Gradually SLMC too turned and joined it, being mesmerized by its muscle power, and learnt too late that there is justice in this world. ERPM mafia collecting money from foreigns in their lucrative business, now stands in the way and truth has hidden. That’s why the judgment/verdict. Whether you oppose their registration or not, you do not understand that there is no other path except the promise of failure. SAITM doctors are not fools and are not lured by money. They want to move on unlike the state frees. So they will wait for justice from a judge.
watcher / March 31, 2017
You are dumb to talk of accreditation criteria. SLMC was found fault with re SAITM and the court verdict said that SAITM was legal with regard to course content and exams. and eligible to complete internship. It was judicial, not political. In fact politics is fast asleep. Other countries have trustworthy and rational medical councils. But we have a bunch of rogues, infiltrated by mafia. SLMC has no procedure, no accreditation, no standards or compliance certificates except rogue approvals from ERPM mafia. SLMC is dead. So how can they do accreditation. A simple inspection team report was altered. They cant deal with even that properly
Eusense / March 31, 2017
Are you saying that judicial system (a bunch of lawyers) went through the SAITM’s medical course contents and agreed that those students were good enough to be given license to practice medicine? What matters is what is in the curriculum! Judiciary or politics should not play any part in medical education only academics should be involved. Why don’t you go to a lawyer next time when you get sick because according to you they should know how you should be treated!! What stupid people live in Sri Lanka! What is next? Maha Sanga will say who should be given licences to practice medicine by going through curriculum of SL’s medical schools?? What a joke is this!
Whether you like it or not SLMC is the final authority on registration. Nobody was saying SLMC are rouges, untrustworthy, has no standards, no accreditation etc. etc. until the SAITM came into the scene. Nothing is going to change until as I suggested in my post the medical/dental professionals work hard to get new high caliber accreditation requirements for the future.
watcher / April 1, 2017
Agree with you re high caliber accreditation for all medical schools including Rajarata and Eastern. For KDU, courts decided that there were double standards. NCMC and KDU being under local UGC and could be registered. Why not SAITM? Where I disagree is this. Courts did not have to go through SAITM course content as that is not their job. They look at evidence set before them. UGC as an arm of government had already approved entry criteria of every single student, had approved the course content and examinations. When that evidence was placed before the judiciary arm of government by an attorney, they accepted it. SLMC arm of government could have said it was fraudulent, but they didn’t. So it is accepted as factual and justiciable and so a verdict was given based on it. Judges are not fools to pronounce outside their boundaries. Attorneys are not fools to present false and get unlicensed. We are the fools who accept hype media reports and false accusations. Good will
Eusense / April 1, 2017
You haven’t still grasped the core issue. UGC can approve university courses but they are not the one to register and issue licenses.
In fact the lawsuit should have been against the UGC. Not SLMC. Also, the court order to register SAITM students is illegal because the SLMC is not the body which interviewed or approved entry criteria to SAITM. In fact the court should hold UGC responsible for their activities to promote admission while knowing they do not have any power to register these graduates as physicians.
The court should know that SLMC is the sole body which register physicians based on their criteria and the court can’t override those criteria and force registration.
watcher / April 1, 2017
I do grasp what you call core issue. ie SLMC dictates as it pleases, as it is the sole body to register. But the medical ordinance as at present has been violated as the SLMC is accountable, responsible, and is under authority of cabinet of ministers who are the executive branch of government to carry this out. Unless the present law is altered, the minister is above SLMC in authority. If minister thinks there is malice, he can act. I did not write the law, but SAITM has been found within the law as eligible to register for internship. SLMC has inspected SAITM at least twice (other teams too have inspected) and SLMC should have told court their reasons. Probably did so. But court did consider mala fides of SLMC as malicious intent though it did not give it as a reason. So SLMC became suspicious of its malicious intent not to register SAITM and therefore court is there to undo injustice to SAITM to complete training. Why is SLMC not registering SAITM . They have no documents or certificates to give SAITM or any other.
eusense / April 2, 2017
I don’t need to argue with you. The SLMC should be an independent professional body and it should be the only authority to issue registration as with any country. Politics and judicial sector should have no authority to force them to issue registration. If as you say, the minister is above SLMC in authority why do you think he does not dissolve the SLMC? Who found SAITM is within the law as eligible to register for internship? And on what basis?
If you, citizens of SL, politicians and the judicial system does not agree with what I say the Minister should dissolve the SLMC and he should start registering physicians. SLMC will never register individuals it deemed unsuitable. I will guarantee that. Also, registered physicians will never allow if such persons are registered, to practice by trade union action to safeguard their profession.
Do you know what happened to the candidates who got the registration forms from the SLMC. Last I heard none have completed those forms and returned.
watcher / April 2, 2017
As far as I know, SLMC has refused saying ‘appealing against verdict’ So things are at a standstill till Supreme court gives its verdict if any. The ministers unlike SLMC will not be open to contempt of court in a proceeding case as sub judice. So they dont act. Whether minister should dissolve SLMC is up to him. Registered physicians may do TU action, but they have no legal authority to decide whether SAITM should be registered or not. Court has already decided that it is unjust and malicious not to let SAITM go into internship. This is not a question of safeguarding physicians, or safeguarding patients as said by GMOA. It is now a question of not doing injustice to approved SAITM already obstructed in every way. The double standards of approval of SAITM and KDU by SLMC was noted by the judges. Medical Ordinance is to upgrade SAITM by SLMC and not be given a blank cheque of “Not approved” which is malice, specially when comparing Rajarata and Eastern. I am only trying to answer.
Upali Wickramasinghe / April 6, 2017
SLMC had got involved in politics.They have been biased. They have not explained how they granted recognition to the Teaching Unit at Kothelawala defense academy. There are allegations that at least two if not three govt controlled Medical faculties too are not upto standard.The SLMC should explain their stand on all these complaints without playing politics with the lives of SAITM students.Another problem is the Academic staff at SATIM. If they were good at State controlled Universities how come they became bad when they joined SAITM.
Why is the results of the GCE(AL) so important. Cannot the students at SAITM or any other institution even if they had not followed a Bio Science course at GCE(AL) learn the basics of bio science later in life.
As an independent observer, I get the feeling that the problem is the fear of the members of the GMOA loosing their monopolistic position.
They objected to the NCMC, they objected to the four year course at Peradeniya University, they object to non medical staff getting salary increases their members forced the lady who revealed the murder at the Negambo hospital from continuing to work at Negambo hospital.They object to Indian Doctors working here.
I think the Govt should broad base the SLMC if they want to keep the SLMC functioning, or dissolve it.
This is all, sickening.
jimsofty / March 30, 2017
Multinational pharmaceuticals are running the country. Probably US embassy wants Sri lankan medical services to be privatized, so they can buy the companies and earn profits.GMOA is part of that. Is that the way it is happening ?
What Health minister doing is complete manipulation. He has reduced the prices of medications that are not used frequenstly.
Some one thinks, that russia can not producr vaccines only the Western multinationals can send their vaccines.
Some vaccines they imnport can be manufactures in other countries very cheap.
SJ / March 30, 2017
One may or may not agree wit the stand and strategy of the GMOA.
But let us not forget that the worst of thuggery has always been exercised by the state.
We have even seen fundamental rights being used to break strikes.
A strike is the last weapon a trade union resorts to when all reasoning fails.
It is of little use to discuss the GMOA while the central issue is the abuse of the educational system for profit.
Private universities provide ready access to the very rich without even the minimum qualification. Do we like the idea? I for one do not.
I think that the government can do much to increase the number of doctors in service in the country without profiteers moving in.
Free education as a whole can be expanded in scope without denying access to eligible students using a variety of support schemes, and be planned to produce better employable graduates.
vas / March 30, 2017
What we are seeing today is the complete failure of the Sri Lankan Society. The Police and Police commission are well known bunch of rogues whose function is to carry out the unjust orders from a bunch of ill educated politicians almost half of them have not passed the O Levels, Lawyers are there not to solve legal issues but to create new problems, Public service is there to do nothing except take orders fro illiterate politicians, Medical service has been brought down by a set of arrogant doctors who have brought the medical profession to disrepute.
At the bottom of this pile is the poor Sri Lankan citizen completely harassed , disenfranchised and suffering. What we need today is a new breed of honest rulers who should discipline the country. The present lot must be dumped in the bin of history.
Eagle Eye / March 30, 2017
Doctors should not be allowed to strike. If they have a problem with the Government related to the service they provide to patients, they can protest. I guess, in case of 99% of the doctors, the tax payers in the country paid for their education. After they completed their studies, the tax payers have given them a job. So, they are duty bound to serve the people in the country. The medical service should be made an essential service and if someone stay away from work without a valid reason, that person should be considered as vacated the post. If doctors strike, give them a dead line and if they do not respond kick them out and tell them they can join the service if they agree to a certain condition. The condition should be ‘No Strikes’.
Don / March 30, 2017
Dear Prof.Ekanayake.In SriLanka, GMOA is not a very responsible Trade Union.They should be accountable for the free education they received using public money and Mahapola scholarships.In U.K.General Medical Council is a Professional,Educationa as well as a Trade Union doing many programs to further educate junior doctors by publishing journals in every two weeks,they are in the panels of interview boards selecting the best as medical students and organise and conduct teaching programs to doctors who are sitting for post graduate exams,but GMOA is only famous in the world as a striking Association.
My best wishes are with you
citizen / April 2, 2017
GMOA not only a nasty TU, but it is a terrorist organization using poor patients as human shields to kill if they don’t get their dictator demands and the hidden desires of political affiliations. They also pull down the profession by failing ERPM queue except a handful at a time, as they wish. They were also the product of an earlier generation which selected, trained, examined and failed all to keep them off private practice and so are bereft of social consciousness also. There has to be a panels/boards/committees which are more wide based than SLMC to include outsiders who will teach. Until then, it is dangerous to let mafia examine SAITM. Results sure as this Medical Council is not trustworthy seen in court verdict too
lal / March 30, 2017
remember to
do the needful
at ward 45….
just get on with the strike
and send him on his journey.
observer / March 30, 2017
Drank milk after theras granted forgiveness. The joker was on a drip. So how can you call it a fast. It is called “nothing by mouth” generally prior to surgery. So expunged the corruption, but funny that the case will go on as usual. SL is a unique spot on earth
Goraka / March 30, 2017
It is time to privatise all universities and provide free tuition only for the needy.
Socialism encourages entitlement without contributing to the society.
Medical profession has become an UGLY PROFESSION.
watcher / March 31, 2017
Agree whole heartedly. Give scholarships to the needy who are willing to study. Scrap the rest on quotas simply because they live in a quota area. Big racket for undesirables to cheat themselves into the quota. They MUST PAY something as they paid for private tuition. Real beggars don’t get A/L and come to uni. Business beggars too wont come to uni and lose their lucrative practice. Absolute poverty and brilliance rare
SJ / April 2, 2017
But capitalism is all abouts theft without contributing to society.
srinath gunaratne / March 31, 2017
Cajoling and reasoning out does not work most of the time in our banana land, Very unfortunate, albeit sometimes a kick in the balls is the only way you can make an educated dick listen to common sense! Premadsa knew this very well!
Medical profession and Legal profession in SL has the scum of the humanity! People go to them when they helpless and in dire need of assistance. Yet they manipulate their customers without iota of guilt and get rich. It is not only them they then teach their kids to follow the same immoral path! Gods must curse this scumbags who thrive at the mercy of the down trodden!
Native Vedda / April 2, 2017
srinathan gunaratnam
“albeit sometimes a kick in the balls is the only way you can make an educated dick listen to common sense!”
Would that work for a public racist dishonest pseudo intellectual?
citizen / April 4, 2017
Dr. Ekanayake
Reading all these conversations, my conclusion is this
1.It is illegal for SLMC to allow MBBS doctors of SAITM to sit for ERPM by it’s own criteria of ‘SL citizens with foreign degrees’. Medical Ordinance to safeguard national health applied to the very 1st medical school in Jaffna which was fee paying. (MO to improve schools)
2. The only legal option for SLMC is to register SAITM to receive internship training. The Council is a high government body above board and not a rebel terrorist organization with twisted personal views.
Loyal Citicen / April 5, 2017
GMOA is to launch an island wide strike on Friday to protect what they call “patients’ tight to life” from SAITM. DO NOT THE PATIENTS HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO LIFE WHEN THEY STRIKE. What a joke.
sathsidu ganasara / April 6, 2017
The problem in this country every joker thinks that he can dictate what the average citizen should enjoy.Leaving aside the politicians, there are the Safron robed jokers calling themselves Priests who act as thugs.
Who the hell is going to pay for the dual; carriage way at Kandy, the priests, Kiriella? What joke is this? Open that road for everybody. I have used that road over 1000 times.
There had been reports that the original tooth relic that was here was sold to the Portugese by the priests of that time mainly to cause the death of King Dharmapala..No body had denied that story.If the story is false, the Priests at Kandy, should deny the story.
France found a solution to this problem during the French Revolution. We need a similar one here.
Medalankara de Choppe / April 7, 2017
sathsidu ganasara – “France found a solution to this problem during the French Revolution. We need a similar one here. “
Well said Sathsidu.Let us get our knives and blades ready ….
amuser / April 7, 2017
No need of knives and blades. No fasting. Take bread, plantains and water and occupy empty hospital beds. Deal with the tooth later