8 September, 2024


Pyromaniacs On The March 

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“On this earth there are pestilences and there are victims – and as far as possible one must refuse to be on the side of the pestilence.” ~ Camus (The Plague)

“Patriotism,” wrote Ambrose Bierce in The Devil’s Dictionary is “The combustible rubbish ready to the torch of anyone ambitious to illuminate his name.” Patriotism is not the last refuge of the scoundrel, as Samuel Johnson famously said, Bierce added, it is the first. 


In Sri Lanka, a group of politicians and political monks are making a concerted effort to inflame Sinhala-Buddhist ‘patriotism’ to regain relevance. A chilling case in point for this pyromaniac-politics is what didn’t happen in Kurundi on August 18th.

On August 16th, parliamentarian Udaya Gammanpila (who once upheld Gotabaya Rajapaksa as a composite of Vladimir Putin, Jawaharlal Nehru, Fidel Castro, Mahathir Mohammad, and Lee Quan Yew) called a media conference and proclaimed that Tamil politicians were planning to build a kovil in Kurundi on August 18th. Posters went up exhorting Sinhalese to Wake Up and Save Kurundi in bald red letters. The goal was obvious- rile up enough Sinhalese and make them congregate in Kurundi on August 18th to save this essential piece of Motherland from the modern day descendents of Kalinga Maga.

Mr. Gammanpila’s story about a plan to build a kovil on August 18th was a barefaced lie. A group of Tamil residents had been permitted by the Mullativu magistrate court to hold a Hindu religious ceremony in Kurundi, under conditions imposed by the Archaeological Department. That was all. But facts would have been irrelevant if the plan to enrage Sinhala-Buddhists had succeeded. 

Had thousands of Sinhala-Buddhists descended on Kurundi, had they tried to prevent Tamil residents from holding their court-sanctioned and Archaeological Department permitted religious ceremony, an outbreak of violence might have ensued. In this age of social media, a tsunami of rumours would have followed, blood-curdling tales of how venerable monks and pious devotees were attacked by marauding Tamils. Monks led mobs would have appeared in the East and the South, willing to kill and burn for the Motherland.  

Fortunately that plan failed. Some Sinhalese did turn up, but not enough for the situation to get out of hand. The police played a constructive role, restraining the ‘chief incumbent’ of the Kurundi temple, Galgamuwe Shanthabodi thero and preventing him from inciting an incident. One policeman was heard advising the monk to make a complaint to the police and to seek judicial assistance. 

So a disaster was prevented. This time. 

Kurundi was not an isolated incident but the most prominent link in a chain spanning North and East. For example, last week a group of monks blocked the Nilaveli road at Periyakulam, protesting against an order by the Governor of Eastern province to temporarily halt new construction at the site of the ancient Boralukanda temple. As in Kurundi, the monks didn’t lodge a police complaint, seek judicial assistance or even inform the Buddha Sasana Ministry. They took to and took over the street, literally, impeding traffic and chanting slogans. Since this event took place in a Tamil-majority area (538 Tamil families and 2 Sinhala families) an ‘incident’ was an imminently possible outcome. Fortunately the Tamil residents did not react, while the police did, politely but firmly.

Sixty years ago, the Universities Commission of 1962 (consisting of three Sinhala Buddhist members) in its report stated that political monks were “responsible in large measure for inflaming the racial and religious passions that erupted in such sickening fashion in the early part of 1958.” 1958 came from 1956; SWRD Bandaranaike, having lost badly to Dudley Senanayake in 1952 and rendered irrelevant by the Hartal of 1953, decided – cold-bloodedly and knowingly – to incite Sinhala-Buddhist racism as a fast track to power. His bargain with Mapitagama Buddharakkitha thero ended in murder and mayhem.

Sixty years on, with a new wave of weaponising Buddhism and archaeology in the make, is 1956 about to return?

From Ruin to Ruin

 When President Gotabaya Rajapaksa set up his Task Force for Archaeological Heritage Management (honouring a promise to his Buddhist Advisory Council) he set the stage for the organised weaponisation of archaeology in the country’s most ethno-religiously diverse province. The Task Force went around identifying ‘ancient Buddhist monuments’ in the East. Each new discovery was hailed as proof of Sinhala-ownership of the province. In many places, once an ancient ruin was identified, monks moved in and began new construction in the guise of restoration. Since these ruins were located mostly in areas with non-Sinhala-Buddhists majorities, door to acrimony and conflict was further opened. 

While Gotabaya Rajapaksa remained president, monks and their politician backers had a free hand, protected by officials and the military. Lawlessness was the norm, power everything. For instance, in 2018, the Mullativu magistrate had issued an order preventing further construction at Kurundi by a group of monks. Under Gotabaya presidency, this order was violated in plain sight with the military becoming involved in the construction work. The new religious edifice was inaugurated in February 2022, with several ministers in attendance including Channa Jayasumana. Even as the regime was prioritising its divisive majoritarian-supremacist agenda in the East, ordinary lives everywhere were turning unliveable. Power cuts had begun and more than 2000 containers with essential food items were held up in the Colombo Port due to lack of dollars to pay for them. 

Once Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled, impunity receded and the rule of law made a kind of comeback. The Mullativu magistrate issued another order in 2022 banning further construction in Kurundi. In other parts of North and East, faced with public protests, the military was compelled to walk back their many attempts to claim land for Sinhala-Buddhism by planting bo saplings and placing Buddha statues. Examples include Feb 2023 attempt in Aachchuveli, Jaffna, where the army placed a new Buddha statue under an old bo tree; March 2023 attempt in Kachchativu where the navy planted a bo sapling and built a Buddha statue; and June 2023 attempt in Ulliyamkulam in Mannar where the army planted a bo tree and tried to build a temple. (The ultimate irony is that had a casteless sasana preached Buddha’s teachings to depressed caste Tamils, a Tamil-Buddhist community could have been created peacefully. But many of the temples in this area belong to the Siyam nikaya, which does not permit ordination to even Sinhalese outside of the Goigama caste).  

There is a pattern in the conduct of these political monks and their politician backers. They seem to eschew legal channels, preferring lawless protests and gatherings, and, where possible, political pressure. When courts give orders unpleasing to them, they use racist slurs against the judiciary. What retired admiral Sarath Weerasekara said explicitly, safe behind his parliamentary privileges rampart, others do using innuendos. Incitement is their game, combustion their goal, incendiary words their torch, power their end. 

In their playbook, retaking North and East for Sinhala-Buddhism (which is the antithesis of what the Buddha taught) is axiomatically tied with visceral opposition to even minimum devolution. Parallel to this runs a refusal to acknowledge the very existence of the ethnic problem and denial/downplaying of past wrongs done to the minorities. In this parallel universe, Sinhala-Buddhists are eternally persecuted, if any community deserves consideration it is them, and whatever Governor Brownrigg did or didn’t do to defeat the 1818 rebellion has a bearing on how we relate to Tamils today. 

Retired admiral Sarath Weerasekara’s attempt to downplay the horror of Black July is a case in point, especially for the ludicrous ignorance/malicious denial of facts characterising this mindset. In his piece he tries to efface the horrors of Black July by erroneously stating that the “International Commission of Jurists declared that 50 out of 350 deaths were Sinhalese.” No, the ICJ did not. This is what it said in its only report on the subject, on page 25 of the ICJ Review No. 31 of December 1983: “Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, acts of murder intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such are considered as acts of genocide. The evidence points clearly to the conclusion that the violence of the Sinhala rioters on the Tamils amounted to acts of genocide”

Without Black July, the armed Tamil insurgency might not have grown into a full scale war. 40 years later, political monks and their politician backers are willing to risk another conflagration. Ruins from the past must be saved even at the cost of turning the future into ruins.

Patriotic Fires and National Ashes

Gotabaya supporters inhabited the more extreme end of the Rajapaksa alternate universe, a dark place where Hitler was a patriot and his enemies the real bad guys of the Second World War. Prominent examples were Wendaruwe Upali thero who asked Gotabaya Rajapaksa to be a ‘little like Hitler’ and Theshara Jayasinghe (chairman of Litro Gas when gas canisters exploded and the crippling gas shortage began) who was a proud fan-boy of Mein Kampf. Blinded by their own extremism, they didn’t see what Hitler’s ‘patriotism’ did to Germany (let alone the rest of the world): destruction, defeat, occupation, and partition. Little wonder that Gotabaya presidency ended in an unprecedented popular uprising, forcing the hero-leader to hide briefly in an underground bunker and then to flee via a secret tunnel.

Most Gotabaya-fans still retain their warped vision of the world, going by retired admiral Weerasekara’s remarks. “In the Second World War we know how the British and US armies treated the Germans who surrendered. Most of them were tortured to death and starved to death.” He had to have got this information from a Holocaust-denying, neo-Nazi source for any ordinary history book would have told him that torturing and starving – and shooting and gassing – subject people to death was what the Nazis did as policy, especially and specifically in the Eastern Front. Before launching Operation Barbarossa, the German OKW issued three secret – and criminal – orders. The Barbarossa Decree permitted every officer in the occupied east “to perform execution(s) without trial without any formalities on any person suspected of having a hostile attitude towards the Germans” and to take “collective measures again residents in the areas” if “perpetrators of anti-German acts could not be found.” German soldiers who committed crimes against humanity in this theatre were exempted from criminal responsibility. The second order, Guidelines for the Conduct of the Troops in Russia identified the operation as “the old battle of the Germanic against the Slavic people, of the defence of European culture against Muscovite-Asian inundation, and the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism.” In other words a racial war of annihilation. Finally The Commissar Order mandated the murder of political commissars attached to the Soviet Army and any Bolshevised soldier taken prisoner. In the end, Hitler’s extremism would blind him not only to Germany’s real national interests but also his own political interests. Transporting ordinary Jews to extermination camps were given greater priority than transporting soldiers to the besieged Russian front. Extremism helped Hitler to gain power; it also destroyed him.

Had SWRD Bandaranaike not succumbed to the pressure of political monks and abrogated the Banda-Chelva Pact, we could have avoided a 30-year war. Similarly, failure to implement the 13th Amendment in full coupled with attempts to destabilise the North and the East on ethno-religious grounds could sow the seeds of a new conflict. But the political monks who try to propel themselves back to relevance via total opposition to the 13th Amendment are as blind as Herr Hitler to the consequences of their ideological obscurantism. 

At a recent seminar, Omare Kassapa thero warned all 225 parliamentarians against ‘coming back to the village’ if they don’t oppose the 13th Amendment (such thuggery is not Buddhism but anti-Buddhism). Professor Induragare Dhammarathana thero said that implementing the 13th Amendment fully is tantamount to dividing the country. Since the Amendment is a part of the constitution, does it mean that the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a separatist document? Does he know that in 2017, the Supreme Court ruled that even federalism (which is a power-sharing model far ahead of the 13th Amendment) is not tantamount to separatism? Is he aware that by stating that the implementation of the 13th Amendment should not be permitted, he is taking a stance that is effectively anti-constitutional?

This year, Colombo high court acquitted Sivalingam Arruran from the charge of conspiring to assassinate Gotabaya Rajapaksa and released him after 17 years in jail. Justice Navaratne Marasinghe said he would give his judgements regardless of the status of the people and the accused would be acquitted due to lack of evidence. The only ‘evidence’ against him was a confession made under duress which the judge refused to accept. 

This was justice at its best. But as retired admiral Weerasekara’s dangerous remarks about the ethnicity of the Mullativu magistrate demonstrates, what the lay and saffron Sinhala-Buddhists supremacists want from judges is not even handedness but bias. A judiciary that will always rule for Sinhala-Buddhists is their idea of an ideal judiciary.

Where this sort of thinking can lead is best demonstrated by what is happening in Israel currently. 

Bibi Netanyahu’s new government has introduced a new law to undermine the Israeli judiciary – an override clause that will enable 61 parliamentarians to annual any Supreme Court decision that rules a new law unconstitutional. This will open the door not just to greater discrimination and displacement of Palestinians but also to the disembowelment of democracy and secularism in Israel. As Daniel Kaheneman, Nobel laureate and Jew, said, “This is the worst threat to Israel since 1948.” Supreme Court president Esther Hayut condemned the clause as “an unbridled attack on the judicial system, as if it were an enemy that must be attacked and subdued” dealing a ‘mortal wound’ to democracy.

This is where Mahinda Rajapaksa would have led us had he won in 2015 and Gotabaya Rajapaksa would have led us had the Aragalaya not disposed of him. Now their lesser followers want to lead us down the same disastrous path, to ensure for themselves a slice of future power. The question is, are we going to allow these pyromaniacs to lay waste to whatever is left of Sri Lanka, again? 


Retired Admiral Weerasekara begins his CT piece with a quote from Ursula Le Guin. The line is from her celebrated novel, The Dispossessed. Shevek, the hero, is a semi-anarchist who, at the beginning of the novel, flees his home-world pursued by a mob of patriots who deems him a traitor and wants to kill him. Retired Admiral Weerasekara should read the novel sometimes.  

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Latest comments

  • 30

    It looks like a few Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists headed by Maha Sangha Monks and Gotabaya Rajapaksa with the armory of Sarath Weerasekara, Weerawanse, Gammanvila etc. determined to destory this island and divide the island as early as possible. Their aim and objective is primarily to put all Sinhalese in poverty while they rob this island. The 2018 Easter Bomb followed by the bankgruptcy brought specifically to put Sinhalese in poverty, malnorished and then sell this country. If the Sinhalese continue to fall in their plan, finally they will run away from this land and Sinhalese may left out of the world humanity. The decision is upto the Sinhalese whether they need a blood bath of Tamils or a peaceful country.

    • 9

      “The decision is upto the Sinhalese whether they need a blood bath of Tamils or a peaceful country.”
      Yes, but is there no matching responsibility on the part of Tamils?

      • 13

        “Yes, but is there no matching responsibility on the part of Tamils?”
        Of course, not only Tamils but all the citizens of this island have a responsibility but there is a difference between Sinhalese and Tamils at present because Sinhalese have hold the power to decide who governs this country, not others.

        • 4

          Why are you dodging the issue?
          There is plenty that is going on in their name that is unhelpful.

        • 8

          Indian intelligence agency has warned Srilanka government of anti-Tamil riots in the near future. Ranil cannot allow it to happen and say that he is helpless. This time the mobs will be led by Buddhist priests supported by armed forces and police, who will not only refuse to cooperate to put down the rioters, but also take part in it like in 1983. As a precautionary measure, Ranil must summon Indian troops into the country.
          Regarding Kurunthur malai problem, Police and archaeology department behaved in despicable manner. They tried to prevent it in the courts, but the brave Tamil judge allowed the Hindu function to go ahead. Despite the court order, Police allowed the Sinhala mob to enter into the site. Tamils complain on their way to the temple, they were stopped at several point and their names and vehicle numbers were recorded. Police acted partially by not checking or registering the Buddhist mobs. Buddhist priest had the audacity to disobey court order and intimidate Tamil devotees.

          • 6

            The Southern English and Sinhalese newspapers deliberately gave a one-sided story, and instead of showing the full video clip as to what really happened in Kurunthoor Malai, as the Tamil news media did, deliberately selected a clip only showing the small section where the Tamil Hindu worshippers were trying get rid of the Sinhalese Buddhist monk who deliberately, entered the Hindu place of worship, disobeying court orders to stop the Hindu Pongal Puja that had taken place here for centuries. This was a deliberate calculated ploy in my opinion to misinform the Southern English and Sinhalese newsreaders that it was the Tamils who were the aggressors when they were not but were the victims of out-of-area Sinhalese Buddhist mobs and monks who were bused in from far south from places like Colombo and even further south.

            • 6

              This is another news clip video from the Sinhalese Buddhist Monks and the Sanganayake Theras. They stated during the LTTE time there was no hindrance to Buddhist worship or place of worship, in fact, the LTTE respected and protected Buddhist places of worship and Buddhist monks. They also further stated that these places of worship are in Tamil areas and the Kurunthoor or Kurundi Vihara is an ancient Tamil Buddhist site Sinhalese Buddhists never lived here but only ancient Tamil Buddhists, then who can Sinhalese Buddhists now come there and claim all these as theirs in a Tamil area? How will Sinhalese Buddhists feel about Christians and Hindus coming to their areas and doing the same and claiming their places of worship?


              • 4

                This video clip and news conference should be shown to the southern Sinhalese and English new readers, instead of lies and racist/religious bigotry.

        • 5

          Do not forget that there is an agenda on BJP’s policy about the retrieval of Kachchaitivu. Modi is a person who, in his view thinks that Kachchaitivu is vital to strength India, he will retrieve it. He has already criticized both the Congress & the DMK over Kachchativu being gifted to Sri Lanka. If Kachchativu retrieved, next move is North-East Province which will pave way for AKHAND BHARAT because of China’s move to threat India.

      • 3

        “Yes, but is there no matching responsibility on the part of Tamils? “
        Assumption like the above ones, but not willing to discuss the relevant occasions honestly & openly those convinced you that the Tamils didn’t take responsibility for the massive crimes like genocide committed on Sinhalese, half-baked class of your category blames publicly, has no space in management theories. Responsibility tightly envelopes authority in the scientific school of management thoughts. Authority, by nature, vested only with one side, to act. In approved circumstances a policeman may use his firearm against the suspect but suspects under no situation are authorized to use his weapon on a security officer. I never saw a suspect using a gun interpreted as self-defense. That is why a security officer is required by law to use his weapon responsibly. It is today, in your writing, that I read that you suggest the suspect should learn to use his weapon responsibly, where his authority is zero. You misread the already misguided Mechanical school Marxism. Matching responsibility is associated only with authority granted. Not for an assumed authority vested with Tamils. Tamils have no authority in Langkang. They carry no responsibility. Their actions are always in the line of self-defense.

        • 2

          In a crime and the retaliatory defense crime associated with it, it is the starter who takes the responsibility. When a chain of events has taken place, one does not jump in, cut in the middle to vest the “Starter responsibility” on the undesirable person for you. The original start must be located by evidence and sincere analysis. It was the SinkaLE Vijeya raped, chased Ravana’s daughter, Queen Quveni to jungle, and eventually murdered her in the jungle. Then he brought Tamils princes from Pandinadu. That is the true start of the hate mongering history of Langkang, the wildlife sanctuary. If you want a different start, you must reveal it to us to consider if that would be good for us. There is an alternate start available too; there was a daughter of Vesi Caste woman, named Manimekalai was preaching Buddhism & ethics for Ceylonese in Tamil. It was her nun disciples wrote the Divu Vamsa and it was used as the reference point in the Mahavamsa, which gave the original start, I mentioned. A woman wearing a Thalikodi is not a starter to or inducer to an army soldier to snatch the Thalikodi. On the opposite side, a woman not wearing Abaya is not a sexual predator of men, thus she can’t be taken to mosque and whipped or thrown with stones to death.

        • 2

          In joint crimes like “one enters the houses and breaks and throws the house things on the road, and another shows up to clean the road with the looting”, then it was a joint crime; they both are individually responsible for their parts. The excuse that “it was on the road” will not exclude the road cleaner from opportunistically participating in communal violence. You must understand that Commentator Ajith is only pointing out the authority to make decisions on bloodbath is vested only with Sinhala Buddhists. The “matching responsibility” is circumvented on the authority of Sinhala Buddhists (not on Tamils), who broke the houses. The matching responsibility for calling bloodbath is the ability the Tamils possess to seek justice if a blood bath is left open. If Tamils can do nothing, then there is no authority needed to call bloodbath on the side of Sinhala Buddhists; they just do it without authority. There won’t be any accountability or responsibility for them to have launched blood baths on Tamils.
          Please don’t just baffle; this is not a closed door UOJ classroom! Your baffling will attract a lot of challenging responses. Now come forward and start to mention the true incidences where there was a need to have responsibility imposed on Tamils and Tamils be sued at court of law, for the matching crimes like Genocide being committed on Sinhalese!

    • 7

      Tisaranee Gunasekara

      Are you encouraging Nimal Fernando to bring back, his only admirable sri lankan leader Veupillai Prabaharan, his Intelligence boss Pottu, and his surviving daughter and his wife back to lead another war?

      Stupid Tamil sources vouch for the existence of VP family and speculate that VP’s daughter Duvaraga is capable leader who should take over LTTE.

      This prince of Darkness Admiral without a fleet should go home, relax, …. have that this and other, ….

      SJ also should join him …..

      • 4

        “only admirable sri lankan leader Veupillai Prabaharan”


        You should move to Denmark …….. intolerance is done better over there ….. you’ll even get police protection to denigrate exemplary leaders that do not belong to your ethnic group …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sM8p7hnprM

      • 5

        All along I had the gut feeling that this character is a secret admirer of VP.

        • 5

          nimal fernando

          SJ types:
          “All along I had the gut feeling that this character is a secret admirer of VP.”

          It is about you, would you like to respond to SJ?

          • 4

            A pathetic “Not I sir”

          • 6


            There was never anything secret about my admiration.

            Be man enough to fight your own battles. :)))

            • 1

              “Be man enough to fight your own battles.”
              Is he?

  • 24

    Thank you Thisaranie, as always you are the best among the few good writers on CT.

    Self-proclaimed political joker, aka Dayan Jayathilaka may be the worst writer on CT.
    what else can we expect from a man, Udaya Gonmanpila who is alleged to have robbed out australian land propeties, later became POHOTTUWA powerful candidates and came to continue support RAJAPAKISM ?
    how can anyone with some sanity would ever support Rajapakshes ? But over 6.9 mio voted for them.
    There is no any progressive thoughts, but to hang on our ethnic issue, laying obstacles to the future of the youth should be a curse in this country.
    Udaya Gonthadipila or the like could expand sinhala-radicalism not allowing any solutions to long standing ethnic issues. I really dont know how can university educated candidates become like uneducated ones in order to let criminals be promoted in this country which was torn off for many decades by an unncessary war.

    • 6

      Thanks for that link, though saw it during Yahapalana period, it rekindled thoughts, which need Comments!!
      Discern the vast number of Patriotic sons of this resplendent Isle!
      Think that they from diverse sections, past presidents, politicians, who are very serious on this matter!!!??
      We need to let these guys do their part well peacefully and take back seat, watch the unending fun unfolding!!! These silly dogs along with the Puppy, who wants to Climb up the success ladder to self-destruct themselves!!! It isn’t FUNNY or Comedy act, which I mistook to!!!???
      If it isn’t FUNNY, THEN WAHT IS FUNNY!!!??? Charlatans and Comedians at their best, calling themselves leaders!!!??? DUMBFOUNDED
      That in essence DEFINES, Sinhala Buddhists (SB) the new CLAN without exaggeration!? They aren’t Buddhists Nay Sinhalese as I had KNOWN, many a long-time friend!

      • 6

        Dear Bro Mahila,
        Udaya Gontadipila or people like his cunning nature that are real beasts who wear white and cheat the helpless people. Before the BO-TREE they fall to deceive the vulnerable.

        These people wear “pirith strings” in the form of ropes around their bodies. I wonder why so many are fooled for power over the stupid majority. They are greedy for fame and power. That is their opium.
        They do any other fraudulent business to maintain their standard of living. They do whatever it takes to try wholeheartedly to bring about their own pocket filling businesses, but legislative reforms .
        A white Australian family shared a YouTube video revealing the true face of this highly immoral beast in Buddhist guise. However it is now no longer in YOUTUBE available.
        . In those days, after Bugger et al returned from a press conference, a video of him was leaked. Everything he added to the press he opposed to his own colleagues. Such people do not die even at 180 Celsius. I really don’t know what goes through the heads of these beasts. Why on earth can’t moderate people like us think of people’s best interests?

    • 10

      “going by retired admiral Weerasekara’s remarks. “In the Second World War we know how the British and US armies treated the Germans who surrendered. Most of them were tortured to death and starved to death.” He had to have got this information from a Holocaust-denying, neo-Nazi source”
      I don’t think there is any point in trying to teach self- opinionated thugs proper history. Having scraped through his O level English, this “Admiral Dr.” imagines that everything he sees on YouTube is true. The solution is to make sure such cretins never get into positions of power. But this one was elected, from Colombo at that. So , are the voters cretins?

  • 19

    Wonder if Dr Weerasekera has a response to Ms TG.

    Thinking of the rise of political monks ‘inspiring’ Sinhala Buddhist ‘patriots’ gives me the creeps. If the politicians & their cronies continue to pander to these militant monks, SL will be another Iran or Afghanistan with Buddhist ‘mullahs’ enforcing a Buddhist version of sharia law. Iranians, at least have oil but like Afghanistan, SL will be a similar pariah state with a destitute population. German’s realised their folly after the country was devastated in 1945 & so would we, unless we put the genii back in the bottle now, even in this late stage. Unfortunately, Buddhism is totally distorted, the average Buddhist in SL, has no real knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, nor the role of monks as stipulated by Buddha.

    • 7

      “Wonder if Dr Weerasekera has a response to Ms TG.”
      What makes you think, that would contribute to enable the Imbecilic, to improve his thinking, providing better outcome to the issue!!!

    • 10


      “Wonder if Dr Weerasekera has a response to Ms TG.”

      The Prince of Darkness, Admiral without a fleet might consider suing the author for defamation, …. for a hefty sum, …..

      • 5


        Just a thought, considering the fact that he seem to go to great lengths to prove Ms TG a traitor by her own people.

        • 4

          So, is he going to call all Viharadipathis and the Sanga Nayake theros from the North and East, who held a joint news conference and stated the truth? That there was no persecution or destruction of Buddhists or Buddhist sites and places of worship in the north and east during the LTTE era, in fact, the opposite, the LTTE freely allowed Buddhist worship in the regions they controlled, venerated and respected Buddhist monks and protected Buddhist places of worship. They also stated that the Kurindi Vihara in Kurunthoor is situated in an ancient historical Tamil area, and it belonged to the ancient Tamil Buddhists, who once lived and thrived in this area, and not to Sinhalese Buddhists as now being falsely claimed. Most probably the descendants of these once Tamil Buddhists are the Tamil Hindus now living around this area. They further stated that no one religious group has a special or exclusive right to this area, or to worship but should be treated as an archaeological site. Sinhalese Buddhists have no right to go around claiming this ancient site as theirs when it is not and in a Tamil Hindu area. How will they feel if Tamil Hindus or Christians come to a Sinhalese Buddhist area and start doing the same?

      • 5

        Native Vedda

        Probably Dr W knows it would be a waste of time because journalists are not known for their wealth. More like Ms TG would disappear if she steps foot in SL or at least banged up like the poor comedian who disrespected Buddha by calling him in a colloquial language

        • 5


          ” …. at least banged up like the poor comedian who disrespected Buddha by calling him in a colloquial language”

          I listened to her entire routine.
          Nowhere in her routine she ever insulted Buddha.
          She was telling stories about her school days and how her school prepared them to remain virgins, …..for those who arrive in haven after blasting …. bombs …

          Brilliant performance.

          I think you have better future if you either become a …… or a …. pleasing patriotic politicians or militant saffronistas, because you know how to listen and interpret unsaid words.
          Take it easy.

          • 6

            Native Vedda
            I saw the clip too & I thought it was hilarious. In fact, I would rate Natasha as one of the best, at par with great international stand up comedians. The only reason I could think of for her being banged up, was insulting Buddhism with her reference to Buddha as Suddodhana’s kid, or to that effect. As for her school upbringing as pious ladies a source for hilarity, therefore, considered as insulting, then all those allegations & even convictions of podophile & womanising monks must be false, a conspiracy to discredit Buddhism. The irony is, there are so many yob monks who disrespect & shame Buddhism with hate speech, violence & even distorting Buddhist principals but an off the cuff remark by a comedian was considered an offence without bail.

            Obviously, any reference to Buddhism that annoys these ‘guardians’ of Buddhism & their cronies like Dr W, would be walking on thin ice. So, bring on a Buddhist Sharia Law to be enforced by thugs like Gnanasara & Dr W.

            • 5


              “… insulting Buddhism with her reference to Buddha as Suddodhana’s kid, or to that effect.”

              Buddha was indeed Suddodhana’s kid, definitely not the son of Duttagamani, nor Sinhabahu.

              Excerpts from Sri Lanka Brief

              ” 56 religious priests are in prison on charges of murder, rape, serious sexual abuse, money fraud, and treasure digging in Sri Lanka according to the State Minister for Judicial Prisons and Constitutional Reforms.”

              “19 Buddhist priests have been convicted of child abuse. 4 more Buddhist monks are in remand for the crime. The number of Hindu priests is one.

              “Meanwhile, three Buddhist priests are serving sentences in prisons for rape. “


              Don’t you think these Saffron clad thugs deserved to be insulted?

    • 6

      I don’t think SW can stand before anyone today, because his own CT article, exposed him to the whole nation.


      I think it’s a single article where you can find 131 or so comments, most of which are against his thoughts. That should be more than enough, TG to defend that she was right about what she added

      • 4

        leelagemalli, Dr. Sankaralingam

        Mz TG must have certainly touched a nerve for Dr W to come out fighting but unless in a strong position to win, it is better to back down. Nothing more humiliating than to start a fight & get beaten. Dr W maybe a strongman & popular among his crowd but not everybody is gullible & his doctorate doesn’t cut the mustard

    • 9

      “Wonder if Dr. Weerasekera has a response to Ms. TG.”
      He is a swabasha clown, not knowing English.
      His agent HLD Mahindapala will come to his rescue.
      Few years ago Indian High Commissioner cured him.
      He has now relapsed and needs the same treatment.

      • 1

        “He is a swabasha clown, not knowing English.”
        It is safe to clown in one’s own language than be a clown in another’s– like you for instance.

  • 16

    Can we not deport Backside (Rear) Admiral Weerasekera to Africa. He seems to have strayed here from Africa and is pretending to be Sinhalese by outdoing his Sinhala Buddhist rhetoric. Now that Sinhala doctors are deserting in droves, the Buddhist priests will have to do a lot more pirith to cure disease as they did during Covid. Due to their efforts, Covid has been controlled. They should get to work fast as otherwise, the race will diminish in numbers. Hope the Sinhalayas can crawl out of their Mahavamsa mud-hole soon. If they do not, the rest of us have to save them from hunger and poverty. Unlikely that they will do so. Poor fellows have been brainwashed too much to believe that they are the masters of the universe even when their children starve.

    • 6

      The poor admiral has already been REAR-ED!!!??? No doubt as to that!!!???
      Please, Please implore you, to save him from the EFFECT of a FRONTAL – that to say the least would devastate him and may ANNIHILATE the most NOBLE PATRIOT of this Nation!!!???

  • 10

    How far that little candle throws its beam, so shines a good deed in a naughty world……..
    Tisaranee,as always has been the voice of reason on these pages.

    The line……
    ……..Ruins from the past must be saved even at the cost of turning the future into ruins…….
    This sums up the thinking of the political monks and their politician backers…..

  • 12

    Weerasekaram and Gammanpillai are really Tamils. Just like Hitler, who had Jewish blood, these two guys are like many Sinhalese really Tamils. Weerasekaram is not like us Aryan Sinhalese who are fair and unlike the dark skinned Tamil Dravidians. Tons of Fair and Lovely won’t make Weerasekeram look like us fair skinned Sinhalese. So, Weerasekeram must shout a lot of anti-Tamil slogans and make himself obnoxious so that he can show the Sinhalayas he is one of them when he is really not. He must prove that he is truly brave by going to Jaffna and mouthing his Sinhala Buddhist rhetoric. Maybe, Gammanpillai will go with him.

    • 5

      That’s the one and only reason The most reverend Wendaruwe Upali Thero, inspired GR to become a “little like The Hitler”, The renown Jew of all!!!

    • 7

      Name of invisible forces, I would nt insult tamils..
      In fact, Weerasekere and Gonmanpila are clearly human beasts. 🙄 do we need further examples to recognise them?

    • 7


      “Weerasekaram and Gammanpillai are really Tamils.”

      You got one of the names wrong, it is not Gammanpillai, but Kanapathippillai
      ( කනපතිප්පිල්ලෛ , கணபதிப்பிள்ளை, .. )

      • 3

        Or he may be Komana( Foreigner who wonders with a cow in Tamil) Pillai.

    • 8

      “Weerasekaram and Gammanpillai are really Tamils. “
      Come on don’t insult Tamils. Saying anything else will be wasting my time on two retards that even decent Sinhalese don’t give a shit.

  • 5

    This archaeology dept not start from north should start all the way from Buddha Gaya and start build vihares.

  • 15

    The people must awaken to the tragedies in the making, and rid themselves of these lowly scum that have made Sri Lanka a nation of malnourished and starving people. Otherwise the vermin like the fellow in the photograph will ensure that thousands upon thousands of ignorant fools will die defending myths while the vermin procreate and thrive. There is no time to lose. Waiting for elections could become a futile exercise as has been proven over and over again. The oppressors must be ousted by whatever means available to the people. It is their right, and is completely legitimate under the UN conventions on human rights.

    • 5

      Dear Readers,
      Can our people wake up by their own ? is it an easy task to wake them up? Around the clock people are forced to listen to Jataka stories and the sound exposure of road corners is unbearable as people’s hearing can be damaged on the spot.
      Whether people are educated or not, they don’t think twice before doing anything. College educated graduates and 8th grade men and women make the same mistake on the street, on public buses or in a supermarket or anywhere. It is being repeated day after day.

      Knowing all this, is not the biggest and most confusing issue of all to wake up our people?

      And can they maintain a law-abiding nation? Look at the skyrocketing number of traffic violations!

      Lord Buddha never asked them to follow balck magic and astrology, however, most of sinhala buddhist, 99% follow them not thinking twice. They love to stay bound to myth more than anything else.


  • 5

    We are all like-minded people who like the excellent Tissaranee and Lasantha can see the problem. 6.5 million people are waiting to be triggered so that the opium of Sinhala Buddhism will deaden them to the hunger of their children and support the wise men who led them to this fate. They have been brainwashed to such an extent that they cannot see that the problem. The wise are leaving the island in droves. We will be left with the Modayas who cannot go anywhere but live in the island and feed on the passions that politicians like Weerasekere and Gammanpila raise. This has been going on since or before independence. We simply cannot get rid of the Mahasanha and the corrupt politicians from our system. So, we are condemned to this plight for a long time.

    • 3

      If we’re honest with ourselves, isn’t it all about the region and its rotten old culture? Karma Vipaka is a common myth among the various myths that hover in the skies of South Asia. These dark clouds will not go away unless people’s awareness is improved to live their lives as citizens of civilized countries. Those clouds can only be removed by improving awareness.
      Coming home from another long day, I sat in front of the screen to watch some music shows on Indian TV channels. There, I couldn’t believe my eyes but real, common Indians (poor ones) consider any artist and elders as gods. They bend down like rubber to show some respect. That is all because such customs weaken one’s personality. Everyone should have the courage to stand up and question when things go wrong, whether in private or in public.
      1/4 of the global population is found in South Asia. Most of them are mired in poverty. Without economic miracles, it is difficult for them to find time to achieve the facts and figures of life enjoyed by about 20% of the South Asian population today. The remaining 80% do not even have their daily essentials.xx

  • 8

    Jangy moron RARE Weerasekara and Come-on-Pulle are contracted to create another racial riots. It is a political agenda by the losers. I am sure Raja and co are behind this. These half based clowns do not know what real SL history is. They are utterly ignorant or brain washed to misunderstand. Now along with them joins the other joker Dr.Mervin the Menace. What a combination. But I am sure no sinhalese will take these jokers seriously. Dont know where Mr Weeramonkey? They are trying Buddhism, racism and many more to create a chaos. They confront all the people, including even the sane sinhalese. Already some learned monks have explained about Buddhism, Tamil Buddhists, then Sri Lankan Buddhism, then the so-called Sinhala buddhism. Once Buddhsim was a religion all over India and Lanka. At that time there was no such thing as sinhalas but a group of Veddas, Nagas and Yaksas of dravidian stock. Any I wont waste my time to explain to these Rare Unadmirable and hois gang of clowns. Buddhism (not sinhala buddhsim) is an entity that has to be protected. But there are a group of Lankan clowns who have already ruined buddhisms for their own prosperity and at this point salvaging Buddhsim or Sri lanka is a big question.

  • 6

    The latest incident in Batticaloa in extremist Sinhalese Buddhist racists led by extremist Buddhist monks are trying to take over the grazing grounds of the local Tamil and Muslim Tamil dairy farmers/herders and settle outside Sinhalese. These are in the border areas and they are receiving a lot of support as usual from the Sinhalese police and armed forces, Sinhalese thugs and hooligans have also been brought in to intmidated these Tamil dairy farmers. Yesterday Tamil Christian, Hindu and Muslim clergy and leaders went to this border area to talk and settle the matter amicably with this recalcitrant Buddhist monk and his goons, however, he has now captured them after calling them for a discussion with the help of his goons, but the most interesting and disturbing part is the behaviour of the Sinhalese Police who had been sent there to rescue these Christian, Hindu and Muslim clergymen or priests as well as the other Tamils who accompanied them. Instead of arresting or recalcitrant extremist Buddhist monk and his bunch of Sinhalese goons, they all fell at his feet and worshipped him. Is this a joke? So far no action taken against this extremist racist Buddhist monk and the armed out of area Sinhalese racists and thughs.

  • 4

    We have laws in our books, especially the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Under this act, in the past, there have been numerous arrests made claiming that those individuals were instigating racial tension. So why not lock up Sarath Weerasekera, the monks, and the other Tamil politicians who are not crying over an archeological site that has not been a live religious site for centuries?

    No archeological site should be rebuilt, if someone wants an archeological site to be rebuilt then they should first rebuild on top of Sigiriya which is a live site that people visit all the time.

    • 4

      No Tamil politician is inciting racism, insulting Sinhalese or violence against the Sinhalese, it is the Sinhalese politicians who are largely doing all this, inciting racism, violence against the Tamils, spreading fake history and myths that, even many educated Buddhist monks from the north and east have condemned. The Tamil politicians are demanding justice and safeguards for the Tamils, especially in their ancient historic homeland in the north and east, from further state and other sponsored Sinhalese Buddhist aggression, even these Buddhist monks who have been in the north and east for a long time have openly acknowledged these are the traditional and historic homeland of the Tamils. There is a vast difference between fighting for your rights and inciting racism, discrimination and marginalisation of others. If you cannot differentiate this then it is your problem and not the problem of the Tamils or their politicians. Most probably you equate fighting for just Tamil rights with racism, again your problem.

      • 1

        “No Tamil politician is inciting racism, insulting Sinhalese or violence against the Sinhalese”
        Are you sure of the first two items?
        The third does not happen because of a lack of means.

        • 2

          Yes definitely. You inciting racism and constantly insulting your fellow Thamizh, inorder to find favour with your Chingkalla masters.

  • 2

    How sad and pathetic, now Thamizh people have now been reduced to fighting for their right and freedom to worship in their own areas, where they had been worshiping without hindrance for centuries. All this is now being done by racist Chingkalla extremists, the armed forces, Chingkalla police and state departments with overt and covert support given to them by the Sri Lankan state. The irony is ancient Thamizh Buddhist ruins and other archaeological monuments built by the Thamizh are now being used by the Sri Lankan state and Chingkalla Buddhist extremists, led by rabid Buddhist monks, to deny the Thamizh people this right, their history and their lands, by falsely claiming all this as Chingkalla Buddhist, when it definitely is not. They think they can get away with this lie, concocted history and falsehoods and they have the power of the Chingkalla state, the armed forces and the police backing them. There is no history of Chingkallams living in these areas and many of these Buddhist monuments were built long before a people called Chingkallam evolved. They were built by Thamizh Dravidian Buddhist Naga, whose descendants like the rest of India later reconverted back to Hinduism.

  • 1

    Nathan, thank you !
    If heated politicians or citizens of European countries make racial statements, the leaders of the respective countries will not enjoy their silence. They act immediately. I remember how Dr. Merkel spoke out against those who stood up against the refugees in Ukraine and Syria.
    How the responsible leaders of the English Parliament raised their voices.
    Does our hell EVER behave like that or come close to it? Never, they are real hypocrites.
    We have religious and racist ministers, we have high priests (so called MAHANAYAKAS) who we respect a lot, have you seen them wake up when a rascal like Marvin Silva makes public statements based on racism? Pigs can fly.

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