14 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Alliance Secures Two-Third Majority In Parliament

The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and the alliance led by Rajapaksa brothers have secured two-third majority in the parliament.

Update: 2020 General Election of Sri Lanka – All-Island Final Result – Votes, Seats and National List


Manthri.lk prediction:

Graphic via Mantri.lk

Graphic via Manthri.lk


Latest comments

  • 39

    No doubt, Rajapakshes will loot the nation from where stopped it in 2015.

    People are made blind and eternally servile by their biased media. This nation deserves better leaders. Pingutharayas should be made accountable for this mess in this country apart from UNP leadership and their deviions during the last few months. Sajith and Ranil should equally be accountable for the mess. They never thought of people’s dangers before them, but splited out. That paved way bitch s sons to score more.

    Wait and see how they promote the racism and extremism for their politics of survival.

    This can be the only nation with higher literary rates behave like donkey on this planet. Those leaders fought for people’s education – high literacy rates will rise up from their burials and will do whatever they can to protect this nation from Rajapkashes criminals and they have to.

    • 28

      Please CT, let the below lines be published in 3 languages on this tragic day !.
      Thank you. I did not have my dinner – because I am totally unhappy/angered as nothing can help me. It can take days, weeks months me to make my mind up.
      we are made helpless buduhamuduruwane… this songs reminds me today thousand times…. where there is stupidity which is dominating, there you cant expect good leaders to be elected. අපව අසරණ බුදුහාමුදුරුවනේ බවට පත් කර ඇත … මෙම ගීත අද දහස් වාරයක් මට මතක් කර දෙයි …. මෝඩකම ආධිපත්‍යය පවතින තැන, හොඳ නායකයින් තෝරා පත් කර ගනු ඇතැයි අපේක්ෂා කළ නොහැක.நாங்கள் உதவியற்ற புதுஹமுதுருவனே … இந்த பாடல்கள் இன்று ஆயிரம் முறை எனக்கு நினைவூட்டுகின்றன …. அங்கு முட்டாள்தனம் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்துகிறது, அங்கு நல்ல தலைவர்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்படுவார்கள் என்று எதிர்பார்க்க முடியாது.

      • 12

        Israel remains with their ethinic problems forever. So is the case with Sinhala-Tamil ethinic issue in our hell. People are injected with racism for the surivival of Rajapakshe politics. People proved that they would not care even if their lovely ones would have been raped and murdered on broad day light.
        This election results proved to the world so long people are made enternal fools, nothing can help changing them. Now those who looted the state to the core and made the country ” number one debt trap of China” succeeded it again. Their criminal cases for murder, money laundering and various other high crimes would never be investigated by local courts.

        • 15

          Mr leela ge …..
          No more the craps rolls out your mouth again
          Haven’t changed, your brain is still gelatin
          Little whispers circle around your head
          Why don’t you worry about yourself instead
          Who are you where ya been where ya from?
          Gossip is burning on the tip of your tongue
          You lie so much you believe yourself
          Judge not lest ye be judged yourself
          Holier than thou
          You are
          Holier than thou
          You are
          You know not
          Before you judge me take a look at you
          Can’t you find something better to do
          Point the finger, slow to understand
          Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand
          It’s not who you are it’s who you know
          Others lives…

        • 10

          Hay, Leelagepunde,
          Shouldn’t you shut your stinking hole at least now, that the people have showed where their hearts are?
          Get your friend Kumar David and go in to hiding and enjoy your union over a kahata at the nearest thosai kade..

          • 4

            My dear Comrade ‘M’,
            Please don’t be harsh to them.
            Those idiots couldn’t fit in to the society.
            So they wants us to live in a cage suitable for them.
            They are sick beyond treatment.
            We have to tolerate them till their expiration.

            • 4

              Ms SCP, he should rather be your sodomite… so what cant he know more than that of yours SCP. Birds of a feather flock together… that is what we see, but from the begining on I thought, srilanken situation is even worst than that garbage dumps in Wanathamulla. Now with ballige puthas got empowered, … poor folks will have no other choice but to face it all in the next few months alone. Europe will never support Rajapakshes. That I am well aware of. With rich countries being fallen by their economies how can hungery states of srilanken nature would ever be recovered.

          • 6

            Comrade ‘M’

            “…………………… that the people have showed where their hearts are?”

            Of course they did while they were sitting on their head.
            You could have seen it if you pulled your head out of wherever it is now.

          • 5

            Bitches sons would not see it right. My heart is melting on the poor of poor. Rajaakshes sucked their blood to the core by 2015. But abusive media adulated them and misled the nation again.
            We thank you Prof. Kumar David, Mr SM and others that did their part to the end. My granny told me, then – where donkeys are the majority, you cant expect lion acts out of them. Our people are easily deceivable. They are made vulnerable forever. Now until Rajapa,she ballige puthas end up being punished by Karma, they can further suck the blood of the poor in this country. NOthing will change in the system towards the betterment in a forseeble times so long these men and their criminal gangs are in power. Basta. If people voted them, let them be sunken even deeper. Basta.

        • 9


          “Nothing is as good as it seems, and nothing is as bad as it seems. Somewhere in between lies realty.”

          Leelagemalli, This is a famous saying from Lou Holtz,

          Please be calm and be peaceful, time is the best healer and after a time if there is a need, then and only then act…

        • 8

          Dumbo, There is no such thing as Sinhala-Tamil ethnic issue. Sinhalayo have an issue with racist Malabar Vellala Demalu who are the descendants of slaves brought by Portuguese with their demand for separate State/Federal System/Devolution of power.
          A large majority of Tamils live in Sinhala areas without any problem. In fact low caste Dalits like to live with Sinhalayo because Sinhalayo do not look down upon them and discriminate like the way Vellala Demalu do.
          “So is the case with Sinhala-Tamil ethinic issue in our hell.”

        • 0

          How do you say “Israel remains with their ethnic problems forever” when its creation itself was the source of the problem?
          Israel is expansionist and fully backed by the biggest military and (for now) economic power. It will be there to destroy Arabs as a people and nations as long as their is oil for US to grab cheaply.
          There is no matching comparison here, yet. But national oppression has worsened with time. Hopes for a solution were short lived. Also, externally imposed solutions are resented and thus worsen fears.
          Let us hope that something different emerges for at least the Tamils, initially, from outside this parliamentary gambling den.
          This country is more indebted to Japan, that is excluding the Japan dominated ADB. China phobia is a decoy put forward by those who have been trying to to control this country for decades.
          Avoid any dodgy Chinese debt by all means, but be alert about big traps like MCC.

          • 0

            Let me add you. I have been working with Palastians and Israelis too, for the last few decades in several research projects. Dont ask me the areas, but I know very well what their thoughts and minds. Why I added as their problems remains as it was, meaning, not having been able to come to a common consensus. I am not sure, if any of the recent elections held in that country were blessed with 2/3 as is the case in our country. Sure, I am aware it can not be comparable fully.
            Háving lived(living ) in europe, I am not against to Federalism to the manner Switzerland and Germany are upto. Butu srilankens would not interepret it the way it is written in books becuase they their mind set is fully controlled by hear says and religious fantasies droped down by country s Sangarathnaaya who may be not aware of the little about the definitions of federalism. If not federalism but giving some more rights through Palath Sabha should be made so that people in those areas could focus well on their development projects. There are areas in Switzzerland, where FRENCH is spoken and other ares where Italians live – what they have done in that small country with 7 millions as population is giving more rights to them considering their ground realities.

      • 7

        Better take a Cyanide Capsule. This country Heladiva (Sinhalese Aryans country) elected 2/3 MPs. PEE-LAM terrorists Oriented and Extremists barkers mouths closed by Sinhalese Aryans in this Election.

    • 17

      Dear Leelagemalli, perhaps looting is the least of what is worrisome of the Rajapaksa brothers. Let’s hope that their crimes don’t go beyond that this time around… but seems already beyond and moving ahead.
      For the most part, I think we have to hold Ranil Wickremasinghe and Sajith Premadasa for the outcome of this GE. Besides the numbers (i.e. vote splitting), Sajith as a leader could not gain the confidence of all the progressives and the moderates.
      The utter failure of state intelligence and police under Maithri’s purview to prevent the Easter Sunday terrorist attack was the point of no return for a chunk of the voters who were already being influenced and inspired by Buddhist nationalist movements like BBS. Maithripala Sirisena must also take responsibility for so much of the other failures of Yahapalana governance.

      • 12

        Dear Sugandh,

        The election results proved it well that people are made eternal slaves. The election vitory is expected and they harvested it. Basta. I dont think that our people would ever learn to do the right thing also in the years to come. My fight was against family ruling… but our fight ended up being defeated. Meaning it was talking to the walls.
        I dont live in that country, for a long time no… But I fought for the grievances of the people who are really in need. Mr SM had the sensitivity to get it but I have no clue about the others LIKE Ms SCP and the like men that have worked for the rascals from the day one.

        • 8

          “I dont live in that country, for a long time no”

          If you do not live in Sri lanka, why don’t you mind your fking business and stay where ever you live. Sinhalayo who live in Sinhale are capable of managing their affairs. We do not need advise from toy let cleaners of white people.

          • 4

            Eagle BP, who the hell you are asking me to live where ?. I can live anywhere in the world. But now on, i DONT help anyone down there good reasons. We pumped millions annually, now times is up to make our mind and focus on African countries. But this means not that we woul dnot stand against Medamulana palhoru., but we further work more against Rajakshe criminals also by going to Geneva in the days to come. No tourism would come back to the country so long these tribal men are the leaders. With lacks of ME workers becoming unemployed, Rajakashes will have to rely only on the chinese. The chinese would do it with them, to the manner they did it until 2015. Nothing will be cheaper in srilanka, but the poverty will grow as notimes sofar. This year alone, bitches sons have to pay off 4 billions of US dollars as huge loans. So, the dark cloud above srilanka will never move out of the sky in the next 5 years. God help our motherland.

          • 1

            Do you live here either?

            • 0

              I have a hunch that EE lives in Canada.

            • 1

              Dear SJ,
              EE is demented and he does not know what he is talking about. That I know very well because we ve been dealing with geriatic patients sometimes.
              EE’ s ultra racism is not explainable.

    • 8

      leelagemalli ,

      Calm down dear , calm down ! What you want is what you get !
      From Ratnapura district , the man sentenced to death has been
      voted in with a huge number of votes ! And in Batticaloe district
      Pillayan , the man in prison is elected with good numbers ! In
      Colombo , the thieves Ranil and Ravi nailed to the wall bcoz thieves
      must come in TRADITIONAL colour to suit the culture ! Look , Sri
      Lankans are strictly following President Franklin Roosevelt policy !
      What is the policy ? ” Somoza is a son of a bitch , BUT HE IS OUR
      SON OF A BITCH ” ! Don’t disturb those who went to rest in peace
      and instead push more of those who are refusing to find their rest
      even after reaching the border of of the destination ? And believe me
      there are hundreds of diseases , common diseases that have not
      found any medicine ! Cataract is one of them !

    • 1

      This is the nature of average mentality in my home country today. Sad to see but that is the reality. So if you guys expect them to vote using their little brains ? That is like looking at the sky expecting pigs would fly.
      People born to srilanka in general are born idiots Even if some earn degrees but they go after their family traditions.If families would agere them to do anything pleasing them, they would not be backward not to do so. If they would be told, that relics would be brought by water snakes, they just line up to worship them. If they would be told that outer skeletons of sea creatures would bring fortunes for a better life, they would sell their own belongings to buy them them and hang them on their houses and pray for them. Alone praying the bo tree, to the manner they have been doing has become the national image of their kind of buddhism. Those gaping crowds looking at those worshipers, immitate them. This they interpret as their own culture and tradition. I travelled to Bali island two years ago, there I saw how blind people have been made. From dawn to dusk, those poor folks sit and work for their unknown invisible gods by making efforts to earn their living going after tourists. But bali is a small island.

    • 1


      This gentleman says the truth.

      People dont care about anything. Who would love family politics, but our people did. These people are mlechcha by every means. Who would move from Democracy to dictatorships…

  • 10

    The vital issue is the implementation of the 13th Amendment. If Rajapaksa abolishes it, how is he going to answer the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord. Rajapaksa cannot unilaterally abrogate it. Second, will Rajapakse allow China to utilize the Hambantota harbour in a manner that will pose a threat to India. China is also keen to plant a firm foot in Sri Lanka. When JR got a thumping majority, he tried unwanted tactics which resulted in resulted in sending the IPKF to Sri Lanka. Likewise, if Rajapakse tries to be mischief with India, what is the guarantee that India will not send its forces to Sri Lanka. Recently when China demanded money from Maldives, India intervened is a case in point. Finally will Rajapakse arrest the growing inflation of the Sri Lankan Rupee. Will Rajapakse hand over a section of Colombo Port city to India & Japan. Now China’s economy has become questionable which India’s and Japan’s economy are becoming stronger after the corona virus pandemic. Will he lean towards China, when India has become powerful Military wise.

    • 6

      We don’t want 13A,19th amendments, and Vaddukkodai Resolution they all are Bullshits. Sinhalese country, Sinhalese Power by ballot papers. Our President’s slogans, “do what as I say, not as I do”. He used this slogan “never say die” and completely wiped out LTTE and LTTE leadership. PEELAM Separate State, Federal, etc no needs now. Live and let live.

      • 6

        N. Perera

        “We don’t want 13A, …………………………………. they all are Bullshits.”

        You have no choice as it was not home grown for your own consumption. It is underpinned by Hindo Lanka bilateral agreement. Just accept it, you are stuck with it until Hindians unilaterally withdraw it from Gota’s amude.
        Here is the Hindo Lanka agreement.
        Read, learn, think(?) then state your fantasy.

    • 4

      We saw how Hindians ran away putting their tails in between hind legs during the recent border conflict with China. They did not even bother to pick the dead bodies of fellow soldiers.

      “Rajapaksa cannot unilaterally abrogate it.”
      Rajapakses will not abrogate it, they will put it under the carpet.
      Please mind your business. Rajapakses know how to manage the Foreign Policy. That is why they managed to screw Tamil terrorists that others failed to do.

    • 0

      I think that this astrology is a little wrong and inconsistent.
      “with India’s and Japan’s economy are becoming stronger after the corona virus pandemic”
      From which planet is this observation?
      “…if Rajapakse tries to be mischief with India, what is the guarantee that India will not send its forces to Sri Lanka.”
      Not the same mistake again I am fairly sure.
      The Indians will play ball with the Rajapaksas as they did from 2009 to 2015 and there will be no trouble.

  • 8

    Dear leelagemalli,
    I started putting in what would have been a substantiated promise to expand a post-mortem tomorrow, but it got erased.
    I’m too exhausted and tired now. I hope to tell you tomorrow about some mistakes we, ourselves, may have made. Be that as it may, the Rajapaksas would have won handsomely; if we look at the scenario objectively, we’d have to recognise that the forces against us were too strong for us to overcome.
    The SJB and the JVP had a few capable people, but the task was too much even for them – and they were cleverer people than the two of us unpretentious guys!
    And there were the villains:
    study this:

    This, on the other hand is an honest man:

    Good night to you – it’s 5.30 a.m.!

    • 9

      Dear Mr SM,

      Thanks very much for the two links.

      Can we compare the situation with that of Pakistan whose litaracy rate is not even 40% ?
      I respect the thoughts of Sepal in some videos but I really dont think lankens can be compared with pakistanies. People s attitudes about the life and politics in general in Srilanka are unique to them. Be it in UVA or other provinces filled with the destitute people, or with Western Province whose literacy rate is the highest – they have much in common when it goes to vote for their candidates. I wonder why people cant see it yet let alone today, … in a world INTERNET has revolutionized the world. Meaning just through a mouse click, u could clear your doubts about anything – I THINK EVEN IF OURGENERAL LITERACY RATES are the highest in the region, people s attitudes are highly controlled by the religion, racism and extremism. They dont care about anything else, but if you guys would place SINHALA race above anything else, be the villagers or urban dwellers would go after such leaders.

      • 2

        Don’t respect Sepal at all. Remember I visited his home which is about a kilometer (behind) the Bellanwila, Dehiwela RajaMaha Viharaya. I met only his daughter, who has some job with the Air Force.
        In his first few videos, he won the confidence of young anti-Rajapaksa videos, and then with about five days to go before elections, he launched his “NOTA” campaign to discourage vloating voters to vote for the JVP. Rajapaksa supporters were no longer viewing what he was putting out.
        You must now spend some time studying his videos, from early to later to see how his strategy was put into practice.
        Thanks for providing the links to his videos; without them, I wouldn’t now be in a position to expose the villain.

        • 2

          Dear Mr SM, you re dead right.

          Please take good care of you. I have greater respect on you and few on this platform. I think, it was inevitable. Looters became even more powerful. Now I have no more desire to pay a visit to that country. Whenever I was there, I went on helping elderly people. They would miss me, but else, I dont have any sympathy to wards the rajpakahse voters.
          But I definitely, come and see you in the near future. Please be safe. One of my good friends, he is now at George Town University, repeated me, ” Mr there are so many things on this world, that you would never be able to achieve” – this cruel day put me together with my friend’s thoughts.

    • 9

      Dear Mr SM,
      I wonder why JVPrs were kicked back again ? Anyone would think twice would see how much they fought for the grievances of the people but when it goes to elections, they dont get enough votes. Can this be comparable to the political stories of Imran Khan in Pakistan ?

      And Mr DJ from SL compares it going by two categories of intellgencia. I simply think it is the brainwashed mentality of the people, over the years through HIRU TV and DERANA TV made the criminals and high criminals Weerayas of the society – the consequence is FAKE PERCEPTION in the society for them. This they have acheived through TELE dramas and other cult programs they thought would be a match every time. Derana TV is totally a partial media company that came into being through black money earned by Rajakahe FAMILY.

      • 3

        This cannot be responded to briefly; so, I’m just thanking you for your comment.

        • 1

          Mr SM, You live in SL, but I dont think you too could realize the average mentality/mindset of our para sinhalayas.

          I guess. Alone high literacy would not bring that much so long people are made to mislead by fake propaganda. I truly know that last 9 months did not bring much to the people, – if they are honest, they could do lot more regarding own people work as labourers in middle east countries. But that was not their focus. There are whole lot of people littering on the roads of middle east and Italian cities as I heard from some of my friends that travel a lot for their jobs. Most of the guest workers coming from south asia, are thrown to the bins during the covid crisis. These are really untold stories to locals since the leading media institutions would not let them becoming the news of the commoners.
          I did not find good governance that bad, until easter sundy disaster. It should also be an act of Rajaakshe kalliya in order to grab the power by hook and crook.
          Now future Parliamentarians will be
          Chain robers – Rohitha Abegunawardhana
          Passport stealers- Wimal Buruwanse and Gonthadipila
          Drug kin pins
          Mahinda Rajaakshe and Nimal Lanza
          Namal Baby Rajapakshe/Yoshitha Rajaakshe (Thadjudeen killers)

          KUDU Duminda, Rathatharan from Galle ( paedophiles) – these will come to the political displays sooner than later. The place given to WOMEN and CHILDREN would never be the same, even would sink in to the levels of middle east countries.

          Money launderers
          -Rajapakshe family and their friends.
          And various other form of high criminals

    • 3

      There is something interesting in the fine print. The curiously named “Our power Of People Party has managed one National List seat. So are we to see a battle between Glyphosate Ratana and Gandasara sadhu for it ?

      • 2

        Mr Old Codger,
        take good care of you… now the situation would not remain as being before. Anyone that would stand against the criminals would have no chance to express themselves. With few days ahead of us, that Kudu DUMINDA will be released to provoke us. That young lady Hirunika P will have difficult period ahead of her.

    • 4


      Do you see any difference between Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and Samagi Jana Balawegaya?

  • 7

    So, Nagananda’s Group 7 in Colombo has got 1921 votes. Poor man! Let’s hope he recovers.
    All the figures are there for the curious.

    • 6

      Nagananda needs lot more time to learn the pulse of slaves.
      I worked for anyone fought against RAJAPKSHES – but that ended up us being defeated. Now we need to realize that it is no easy to convince brainwashed people in that part of the world easily.

      I wish Pasqual would shut his ugly mouth, not teasing us any more, but his EDUCATION background should not be far from Rajapkshes that have abused the innocence of the people for their political gains over the years. Not Bandaranayaks but Rajakashe family politics mad ethier country a WANATHA MULLA kunu kanda so that they could live up on the garbage on the cost of the poor people.

      • 3

        Nagananda is too old to learn. However, he could still do a lot of useful work, but I don’t think that he will.
        He’s too self-centred – well, which of us isn’t!

        • 2

          Not too old, he is just 64 or so. His thoughts are pure, but that alone cant help much to a nation filled with slaves. People in sl dont know the power of ” universal franchise” because cultural beliefs in that hell are more powerful than any other truths and facts.
          I think he lost almost everything by kicking his CITIZENSHIP and almost everything in UK. He thought BUDDHISM could help him getting elected. The kind of mentality is not curable. Religions are just beliefs. As of today, I dont trust anyone who is bound to religions so blindly.

      • 4

        Calm down Leela. It’s only an election . As a Buddhist, you should know everything is subject to change . Even the Rajapaksas will go. Who knows, even Pasqual may turn against them soon enough.

        • 3

          old codger

          “As a Buddhist, you should know everything is subject to change .”

          Even this will pass

        • 0

          I agree.
          But the Buddha very correctly did not say that change will be for the better.
          I fear fascist rule with or without the clan

          • 0

            Yes, but wasn’t Mussolini hanged upside down eventually? But it takes a long time for people to wake up.

      • 4

        “Nagananda needs lot more time to learn the pulse of slaves.”
        Do you mean the pulse of the descendants of slaves live in Yapanaya and tea plantations?

  • 8

    WELCOME to splendour,prosperous but disciplined and virtuous country. Folks enjoy the rewards.It looke exactly as where we left. I hear Pillayan, Karuna,Duminda and Nawalapitiys guy are back in business (some as Ministers ).

  • 9

    2/3 “I said so”. What you ask is what you get. Lanka will reach its end, and this will definitely help in hastening the course. Modi tried to beat China by calling and wishing late night but China had started celebrating the election results from the time, the first result was announced. It seems they are so HAPPY for us

  • 10

    The single positive outcome is, “The Pimp of Politics” RW GONE. Hope he stays retired for ever.

    • 6

      Dear CHIV,

      You predicted it as no other. I think srilankens would never change their nature easily. They are easily caught by any low tricks being played on them. That is very unique to them. In 60 ties or so, Dr Kovur from India had predicted, that people s beliefs in SL would not be away from them, even if they would have higher degrees. Culture and the bonds they have inherited to superstitious forces are entwined to them so as nothign can help them. Their knowledge would not grow towards the facts and figures. The consequences are the levels stay unchanged.

    • 2

      Will he come in via National List – sure he has to until death!

    • 3

      Chive: YES. You are spot on. “The single positive outcome” – “RW GONE”. This is the biggest WIN for the country. In one of my comments on this page, I said: “Ranil is not the CAUSE but the CURSE”. I hope that “CURSE” will not invade this country through the “Gilmart” of “National List Nomination” of ONE seat allotted to the UNP in the Legislature. A BIG Thank You for the voters of Colombo District.

  • 10

    The lessons you guys learnt was not to insult general public with your pundit talks and hair splitting arguments. You guys don’t know how general people think. I said that SLPP will be closer and closer, if general public read CT articles and Diaspora backed commentators here. I can not even see some of them here. So, now people decided twice. At least now stop BS talking and criticise only actions not the people with good intention to show the rulers correct path rather than hating the personnel. What we want is a disciplined society and a developed country. Support the elected leaders by educating them. Now you guys can take well earned break and come back after 4 years.

    • 4

      Atu, no thank you.
      You needn’t “discipline” me. I believe in self-discipline.

    • 3

      You wrote “Now you guys can take well earned break and come back after 4 years.”
      What is going to happen in 4 years?
      As I wrote 2 weeks back the next presidential election will be in 10 rears time, so relax and enjoy what you have sown. Keep in line with the government or be ready to be white vanned.

  • 2

    Well Done people of Sri Lankan for elating your choice peacefully, respectfully and democratically. One of the most Free and Fair elections I know of since the 1977 blunder that elected the TULF/UNP disaster that had spill the blood of Mother Lankan Children. TULF war footing and GOSL response that created the Presidency post to deal with this treachery and treason……hopefully we will reach stability over this term and loose this position altogether eventually.

    Sadddened ITAK still managed to get 9 seats be it reduced…not opportunity to ask the kids to go around kill their opponents perhaps?? That is something we need to evaluate/investigate on behalf of all those who lost their loved ones and their Nation/Regugees??? Atleast the voters were not terrorised to vote for them this time around as the security was tight……thank you also to the election commission for doing their best to deliver this election during pandemic as the First Nation to conduct elections in the world. Well done Sri Lankans we are very proud of you.

    We need to ban comments from non Sri Lankans in the SL forums is very important to protect media freedom for Nation building.

    • 0

      The conduct of the election has been remarkably clean in the past two decades, and getting better.
      Control of election expenditure and outrageously large propaganda poster displays etc. are matters where progress is slow. Bribery is now part of electoral culture as in India as well.

  • 5

    with the help of the minority Fringe parties 13th & 19th Amendment will be kicked out
    with the help of the minority Fringe parties minorities will be made second class
    with the help of the minority Fringe parties Sinhala Buddhism will march in to minority traditional homeland

    • 4

      Dear Rajesh

      You elected the TULF in 1977 and you allowed the “youth” meaning the Tamil children to be stolen from Jaffna to India??? why should someone else should take responsibility except us?? but we all lost our blood irrespective of language/religion etc??

      Then opportunities missed even after the war ended..you said wounds are raw to stand with Hon MR to Nation Build. Then you politically killed him without knowing other mans wounds meaning all others who died in the war??

      Then you brought the world and ridicule the folks even more? lost all the trust…the consequences are like this……..there are lots of Tamils who have nothing to do with you could help you then again by the number of Tamil parties reflect something be it more of less everyone is standing up as a candidate having formed something for themselves??

      Because as long as a Tamil, name attached to the parties they are not traitors but the number of votes not voted for this parties and the voters not voted at all tells you something else too??

  • 7

    Here are some interesting observation. One of the oldest party SLFP is done. It is the power of MS who Lankans has had as President.(talk about intelligentsia). The guy who after having hoppers left with two digits of members have now returned back, on his all fours , with single representing the party. Even if Chandrika wished it cannot be resurrected any more. This is what ” a monkey is capable,given a razor blade”, what ever MS touched, just got destroyed, just like the country (even after receiving hundreds of warning he let Easter happen). Coming to GOP , the credit of destroying goes to one any only “political Pimp” who has been politicking since 1977 (can you believe???another intelligentsia choice). This guy is better than MS in that he took years in destroying the GOP which is now represented by a single person. (Do you actually need Sri Kotta for one person???) If anyone is thinking of them coming back get this, SLPP is the new SLFP and SJB is the new UNP. I wrote this almost a a year ago.

    • 1

      “SLPP is the new SLFP and SJB is the new UNP. I wrote this almost a a year ago.”
      C, you really are a star of an astrologer to have forecast “almost a a year ago” about a party that was founded only in February 2020 becoming the new UNP.

  • 6

    Coming to regional parties given the current political environment , it will be difficult for any regional party to survive based on religion/race alone (just admit) and given the fact no government is going to give any autonomy to progress , the days are numbered for such parties. Most Muslim parties are done. ITAK/TNA too seems to be going in that direction. Even Thondaman Sr party is done. The only option left is to consolidate under UNP and JJB and present as one single (third party ) entity , presenting as a progressive party, with fresh faces/younger generation leading all the way, which is just day dreaming and will never materialize. So when Rajapaksas are done (if at all) there is not going be any opposition to present.

    • 1

      “The only option left is to consolidate under UNP and JJB and present as one single (third party ) entity , presenting as a progressive party,”
      C, I have to reconsider my earlier comment doubting your sense of humor.
      You have a wicked sense of humor, I now suspect.

  • 6

    In life, one does not get everything one wants. Some of the comments show emotion on account that the vast majority has chosen what the respective commentator does not want. I, for one, through the comments of CT requested to pay heed to the warning signs given by the local government elections. But it fell on deaf ears. So. this is the final result of all that. We have to accept the verdict in the spirit of democracy. The more important thing is a strong opposition. Numbers may be small but the matters presented can be formidable and forceful. Super majorities can drive governments crazy and do a lot of harm. It does take a lot of courage for that small number to fight back a huge majority. I hope the newly elected opposition will have the grits and the guts to do that.

  • 1

    Where are those washed up CT faux intellectuals who were saying SLPP will lose votes because of this and that. What a bunch of fools.

    • 2

      Most intellectuals do not write to CT.
      They do not make wishful forecasts.
      Do you say that those who predicted an SLPP victory are not intellectuals?
      Human thinking is subjective and the brain filters out what one resents hearing. If the brain does not, the media they follow does it.
      Also, there is the tendency to make claims to encourage one’s camp.
      Do not be hard on people. It will not take long for us to be struck by the same words of insult we throw at others.

      • 1

        Agree, but why is it that nothing seems to work for the betterment of the people in srilanka according to you Mr SJ ?
        Why dont the majority in our country realize that Rajapakshes and their men are overcorrupted and numerous investigations are ongoing ? Why do people behave as if they are blind folded ? when would they see it right ?

        YOu Mr are older than me and should have a better clue as to why our people behave against the facts ? I only collect my info through web and over the decades, but you and others live in slanka may have proper reasoning behind the people’s slave mind set.

        • 1

          Dear SJ,
          please listen to the video below

          • 2

            Please listen to the video below

          • 0

            I am not very fluent in Sinhala. But what does the narrative go to prove?
            China has reason to be happy to have a party in power that did not indulge in anti-China venom as the UNP did in 2015.
            The Chinese seek influence here, but not yet domination. They have not done it anywhere else either, unlike the US, France and UK with occupied alien territories all over the world.

        • 1

          Unless the people decide to better themselves through collective effort nobody can make them any better.
          Revolutions are effective when people are inspired to act, not when led by their nose.

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